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Part of Me

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel,
The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Bucky - Fandom, Bucky
Barnes - Fandom, James Buchanan Barnes - Fandom, Winter Soldier -
Fandom, James Buchanan Bucky Barnes - Fandom
Relationship: bucky x reader - Relationship, Bucky Barnes x Reader, Winter Soldier x
Reader, James Barnes x Reader - Relationship, James Buchanan
Barnes x Reader, James Buchanan Bucky Barnes x Reader
Character: Bucky Barnes, Bucky, James Barnes, James Bucky Barnes, James
Buchanan Barnes, Winter Soldier, James Buchanan Bucky Barnes
Additional Tags: Marvel - Freeform, marvel fluff, marvel one shot, marvel imagine, marvel
fan fiction, Marvel fanfiction, Bucky - Freeform, bucky fluff, bucky one
shot, Bucky Imagine, Bucky fan fiction, Bucky FanFiction, Bucky Barnes
- Freeform, Bucky Barnes Fluff, bucky barnes imagine, bucky Barnes
fan fiction, bucky barnes fanfiction, James Barnes Fluff, James barnes
one shot
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2019-01-15 Words: 1374

Part of Me
by Barenzo


Bucky and The reader Exchange gifts to each other on Christmas eve, showing the love and
affection they have for one another.

There were not many things during the year that could make you as excited as Christmas time.
Everything about this time of year brought you such joy, The snow on the ground (Unless you
were driving), the lights and trinkets that decorated various houses on streets and open roads, and
the smells that distinguished December from the rest of the months on the calendar.

A bonus that added to your excitement was the fact you got to spend another year with the love of
your life during the time you enjoyed the most. To be able to spend time doing the things you
loved, with the person you loved, filled your soul with such happiness and you owed it all to one
man. You and your best friend, Bucky Barnes have been dating for five years now, and each year
was always better than the last.

When you met Bucky he was understandably very closed off, after such a horrific experience
during his time with Hydra you were surprised he made any efforts to connect with anyone other
than Steve. Working as one of the medical officers had the esteemed team of heroes very familiar
with you. You cleaned their wounds, prescribed their medicines, and patched up their scars. It was
only natural that many of them talked to you during their many visits, they were on the battlefield
at least six out of the seven days of the week after all.

The first time Bucky came for a patch job it was very awkward. He was not exactly happy with the
physical contact, so Steve would always accompany him as his comfort to ensure that you, along
with the base was not a place he needed to be afraid of.

After a few months off sealing wounds and cleaning blood off his person, he finally began to open
up to you. Your touch was more welcomed, he would smile when sharing stories about his past life
with Steve in Brooklyn, and eventually, he would be the one to ask you out on a proper date.

Since then you two were practically inseparable. Though the sex was fantastic, and you do
mean fantastic, that mans strokes put your mind into such a haze you swore you now suffered from
slight memory loss, the thing you treasured the most about your relationship with him was the
endless amounts of love you had for each other.

You shared everything with each other, you both were there for each other in times of sadness,
anguish, or even just to reassure each other that neither of you would ever be alone. You created
such a vast amount of memories in such a short time, it was often difficult to remember when some
of them happened. You even created new traditions with each other, one of them would be taking
place on this very night, Christmas eve.

You both were always so eager to see what you bought each other for Christmas, so Bucky came
up with the idea that each year on Christmas eve you both could pick a present for each other to
open, the rest would wait until Christmas no matter how excited either of you were. The agreement
was sealed with a kiss, and for three years you have held true to the tradition, and it was finally that
time of year again.

“You’re going first doll.” Bucky spoke with a smile. You were both kneeling beside your
Christmas tree, overlooking the plethora of presents flooding out onto your apartment floor. They
were of course not all for the both of you, many the them were for everyone on the team, who
would be joining you early tomorrow morning for the family party and gift exchange.

“Okay okay.” You exclaimed happily with a bounce. You reached directly under the Christmas
tree to grab a square shaped item that was wrapped in light blue wrapping paper. You handed it to
him, bouncing up and down on your legs you clapped your hands together as you smiled brightly
at him.

“I know Navy blue is your favorite shade, but this one reminded me so much of your eyes I just
had to wrap all your gifts in them.”

He held the present in both hands and met your eyes. The smile he gave you made you shiver in
happiness, to see him so happy even before he opened your gift was better than any preset you
could ever receive.

“You are so cute, you know that right?” He asked you while shaking the present up and down,
trying to determine its contents.

“Yes I know, you remind me everyday.” You teased with a playful wink. “Come on slow poke stop
shaking it and open it, my heart is gonna explode from anticipation!″

He flipped the present over, gently ripping the tape from the perfectly wrapped gift. He discarded
the paper in the garbage bag beside you and flipped the gift back over to the correct side. His
mouth widened in shock, and you gave a warm smile as he looked between you and his surprise.

“Speechless was definitely the reaction I was going for, i’m so proud of myself.”

“I-…How-, How did you-”

“I know the owner of the museum, It took a few months but he was able to get the necessary forms
to have them signed over to me, all I had to do was pay the fee.” You shrugged.

The smile never left your face as his metal hand grazed over the glass that contained his old dog
tags. They were encased in the same glass container from the museum, while the metal pillar that
held them had his full name embroidered in cursive along the base. You had this gift planned for a
while, you spent months setting money aside, and when your bonus came in you had just enough to
buy it in time for Christmas, you were even able to get a discount because of who they were going

“I remember you telling me about when you went to the museum and saw them on display, the
way you talked about them was a clear indication of how much they meant to you. I know you
can’t get back everything you lost, but I wanted to get you at least a piece of what made you, you.”

You could see he was fighting to hold back the tears that threatened to spill from his beautiful blue
eyes, it warmed your heart to know that you could help him feel more complete in any aspect of his
life. You watched as he placed the gift down beside him. He leaned forward, grabbing your cheeks
in his hands as he pressed his lips gently against yours. It may have been short, but through the
simple contact you could feel the passion, and the infinite gratitude.

“Y/N..” He started, pressing his forehead against yours. “Thank you, really, thank you.”

“No problem at all baby.” You responded in a whisper, pressing your lips to his once more, before
he pulled away.

“I only hope you like your gift as much as I love mine.” He smiled.

“I’m sure I will.” You nodded with a smile.

“Well I already picked it out while you were in the bathroom, it’s behind you on top of the
fireplace.” He gestured behind you and you turned your head. You forced yourself up and took a
couple steps forward, searching for the wrapped gift on the beam above your fireplace.

“Babe, I don’t see anything.” You said to him, looking behind the pictures along the wooden

“Oh right, my mistake. I have it right here. I hope you don’t mind, I didn’t wrap it.”

“Oh that fine, it’s no problem at -”

You froze in an instant, your heat began to quicken and it took only seconds for the tears to freely
spill from your eyes. Bucky smiled a warm smile at your reaction as he knelled before you with his
arms extended in your direction, a velvet box in hand.

“The dog-tags will always have a special place in my heart, and my heart will always belong to
you. Doll, Y/N, will you marry me?”
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