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Activity 3.

Third singular person

Underline the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. Look at the example.
(Subraya la forma correcta de los verbos en paréntesis. Observa el ejemplo.)

Alejandro (gets/getes) up every day at 6:00 am.

1. Roberto (washs/washes) his hair.
2. She (drinkes/drinks) coffee with her breakfast.
3. He (brushes/brushs) his teeth.
4. She (begins/begines) work at 10:00
5. Pilar (watch/watches) TV
6. Daniel (sleeps/sleepes) seven hours.
7. Juanita (speaks/speakes) Nahuatl.
8. My mom (stays/stayes) at home.
9. Luis (playes/plays) soccer.
10. He (walks/walkes) home.

Activity 2 Write the correct form of the verb in third person of singular.
(Escribe la forma correcta de los verbos en tercera persona del singular)

1. Go ___goes___.
2. fly ___flies___.
3. run ___ran__.
4. watch ___watches___.
5. eat ___eats____.
6. write _ _writes___.
7. speak __speaks___.
8. read ___reads___.
9. sleep __sleeps___.
10. do ___does___.
Complete the following sentences with the right form of the verb.
(Completa las siguientes oraciones con la forma correcta del verbo)

1. Pedro and Luis ___play___ (play) soccer.

2. Maria ___reads__ (read) a novel.
3. We ___eat___ (eat) enchiladas with my mom.
4. I __run___ (run) very fast.
5. You ___watch___ (watch) TV at night.
6. He__ buys _ (buy) candies for the children.
7. Estela ___flies__ (fly) in an airplane
8. Raul __ cooks__ (cook) delicious!

Alan Huerta Robles 1° A :3

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