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marriage in islam

Marriage is considered an important part of Islam and is highly valued. In Islamic law, marriage is
defined as a contract between a man and a woman to live together as husband and wife. The marriage
contract is called "nikah" and is performed in the presence of witnesses. The consent of both partners is
required for the marriage to be considered valid.

In Islam, the purpose of marriage is to establish a loving and harmonious relationship between a man
and a woman, and to provide for the upbringing of children in a supportive and healthy environment.
Marriage is also seen as a way to increase social stability and to strengthen the community.

Islamic teachings emphasize the importance of mutual respect, love and compassion in marriage.
Polygamy, or having multiple wives, is permitted in Islam but with restrictions and conditions, and is not
a common practice. Divorce is also allowed in Islam but it is discouraged and seen as a last resort.

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