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Oral com reviewer

Types of communicative strategy


A speaker carries out nomination to

collaboratively and productively Establish a

You use this strategy to open a topic and start a

conversation. Nomination is usually employed
at the beginning of interaction to set the
purpose of Conversation.

Examples: You may start off with making

inquiries, giving compliment, asking for opinion,
or offering h
elp. This could efficiently signal the beginning of
a new topic in the conversation.


Restriction in communication refers to any

limitation you may have as a speaker.

It is a strategy used when responses need to be

within the set categories or instructions. These
instructions confine you as a speaker and limit
what you can say.


In your class, you might be asked by your

teacher to brainstorm on peer pressure or
deliver a speech on digital natives. In this case,
you cannot decide to talk about something
else. • You are invited to the police station to
answer some questions about what you know
about the accident. “Have you heard about
“the new normal”?

• “I saw your Tik Tok post on Facebook. It’s

really great.” “What can you say about our new
plan for the project? Do you think it Will work?”

⚫ You are the new student, right? Would you

like me to tour you around The campus?


By Which People Decide Who Takes The It
pertains to the conversational floor.
Turn-taking strategy allows all participants in
the conversation a chance to speak. You can
use this strategy to avoid taking over the whole


• You can employ this strategy by making your

response shorter yet informative enough to
express your ideas and feelings. ⚫ Spoken cues
such as “What do you think?” or "You wanted
to say something?" provide others a chance to
speak. Pausing is a nonverbal cue that will do as

4.Topic Control
Topic control covers how procedural formality
or informality affects the development of topic
in conversations.

This is a strategy used when there is a need to

control and prevent unnecessary interruptions
and topic shifts in a certain conversation. Using
this strategy makes the conversation to stay
focused on the topic throughout the discussion
and keeps the development of the topic going
by asking questions.


• During a board meeting, the director

manages the communication and directs who
may speak to collectively develop the topic of
conversation. ⚫ In the senate session, the
senate president presides the meeting.
Senators who wish to speak asks permission to
the senate president. ⚫ Expressions like “Okay,
so much for that... “Let’s go back to the topic.”
And “Going back to what we are talking
about...” can be used to keep the conversation
within the topic when there is a sudden shift.

5.Topic Shifting

Topic shifting involves moving from one topic

to another.

Is used to communication keep going.

This strategy Change The Topic To a New One

which helps 14 Examples:
You may use conversational transitions that
indicate a shift like “By the way...”, “Before I
forget...”, “Which reminds me of,” and the
like. . In a report presentation you may use
expressions like “Moving on to the next
topic...”, “Now, let’s talk about...”, “This time,
let me tell you

About...” Remember that Topic shifting

requires a good timing. So, make sure that topic
is adequately discussed before changing it to
another one. There may be a need to shift topic
when there’s a pause in conversation, minimal
response like nodding and smiling.


Repair refers to how speakers address the

problems in speaking, listening, and
comprehending that they encounter in a

Repair is the self-righting mechanism in any

social interaction (Schegloff et. Al, 1977). We
can employ this strategy whenever we
encounter problems in communication to
prevent a breakdown.


Speaker may use recasting or changing the

form of message to a more understandable one
using the following expressions:

“What I mean is....”

• What I am trying to say is that...”

The speaker may repeat his/her statements
using the following expressions:

“Let me repeat myself.”


I would like to reiterate that...”


Termination refers to the conversation

participants’ close-initiating expressions that
end a topic in a conversation.
This strategy is used to end an interaction or
close a topic. Most of the time, the topic
initiator or the person who opened the topic
takes responsibility to signal the end of the
discussion as well.


You may use the following expressions to end a


• “It’s nice catching up with you. I must be

going.” ⚫ Thanks for your time. See you

⚫ Regards to your wife. See you soon.”

5 parts to speech introduction

 Attention getter
 Credibility
 Audience relevance
 Thesis statement
 Previewed points

Body of Speech 3 main Points with sub

points and transitions


1.Step 1 with subpoint

2.In addition to .... (main point with Sub


3.The third step.....

3 components of conclusion
 Restate
 Review
 Lasting impression

Types of speeches according to purpose

 Informative
 Demonstrative
 Persuasive
 Entertaining

1.Informative Speech this speech serves to

provide interesting anduseful
information to your audience.

Main elements in writing an informative

 Knowledge
 Key points
 Interest

Structure and outline

 Opener
 Introduction
 Knowledge
 Confirmation
 Conclusion

Format of informative speech

 Hook
 Brief information about the topic
 Thesis statement
A Demonstrative speech is written to
explain and show people how to do
something. This might involve using various
types of visual aids, or handout to ensure
the effectiveness of the instructions.

Main elements
 Instructions
 Task breakdown
 Key points
Structure and outline
 Opener
 Introduction
 Benefits
 Task breakdown
 Key points
 Handout
 Conclusion
A Persuasive Speech persuasive speech is
written to persuade, or convince the listeners,
of the validity of the speaker’s argument. This
might involve persuading someone to change
their opinion or at the very least take into
account some elements that have not really
been considered before.

Main elements
 Credibility
 Passion
Structure and outline
 Opener
 Introduction
 Credibility
 Confirmation
 Alternatives
 Conclusion
Entertaining speech
An entertaining speech is one whose sole
purpose is to have the audience enjoy the
presentation. The purpose of an entertaining
speech is not to educate, inform or inspire … it
is to make the audience smile, relax, enjoy and
maybe even laugh their heads off.

How to make it entertaining

 Tell jokes
 Tell funny stories
 Dramatize an anecdote
 Tell a scary story

Guidelines in creating
 Choose an appropriate topic
 Enjoy yourself
 Keep it simple
 Make it visceral
 Say it like roller coster baby

Types of speech according delivery

 Manuscript
 Memorized
 Extemporaneous
 Impromptu

Production manager
Stage manager
Assistant stage manager
Lights and sounds
Camera man
Costume/make up
Location set up

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