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- The prophets cousin

- Abdulla abu talib
- His father was very poor (4 sons) had a hard time to take care of the kids
- The prophet took ali to raise him (before he became a prophet)
- Lived with the prophet since a very young age
- Became prophet when ali was just 8yrs old
- The first kid to embrace islam
- Got the prophets personalities
- Was very smart and very wise
- Good memory strength
- The prophet belived strongly towards ali
- He was literate (able to read and write)
- One of the writer of the prophet and quran wahi
- The quraishies believed the prophet personally but the only thing they rejected was “to only
pray to Allah”
- They trusted the prophet very much
- Was known as Al Ameen “trustworthy”
- Prophet was going to madina but he still had the stuff which was trusted to him by the
makah people so he told ali to stay in makah and give it to the respective people
- Ali khalifa
- There should always be a leadership according to Islam (without a leader everyone will go
into their own directions)
- Right after usman was killed, Ali was made the next khalifa by the swahabis
- Ali married Fathima
- Their sons where hasan husain and muhsain Zainab and ummu kulsoom
- Once Fathima said our house is poor we have many difficulty we need help so keep someone
for us he aid here there are many poor people he said many other people are their and they
suffer so even when he was prophet he still didn’t give for his daughter
- Ali had justice even though he appointed judge he still said cases to court it was with a
crhistian the Christian saw him and became muslim
- In ali time there was 2 hours between muslim because usman radhiallah said people can
only be khlaifa so other said no it was jamal battle aysha radihallahu sat on a camel and
battle so she was sad cause battle from muslims
- Next battle is siffeen because of ali muawiah and umr bin khas because they were revert and
they said they have to kill them
- Tho other people escaped but ali got killed by Abdullahhi bin mulgim
- Ammer al mumeneen was made in umars time

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