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Name: Lariosa, Cherry May A.

Course: Current Issues and

Problems in Education

Course: MAED – Admin & Supervision Date: December 04, 2022


According to Cambridge Dictionary, motivation means your enthusiasm for doing

something or reason for doing something. One of the earliest theories of motivation was

proposed by the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle. Aristotle postulated that motivation was

the result of an "appetitive" function, which always operated relative to some outcome or end.

According to Aristotle, this "end" was provided or created by the thought processes of ongoing

perception, memory or imagination. One of the most famous philosophers in history who

proposed the theory of motivation or the well-known “Hierarchy of Needs.” According to

Abraham Maslow that there are 5 stages of motivation: Physiological needs, Security needs,

Social needs, Esteem needs, and Self-Actualization needs. In organizational examples of these

stages of motivation, teachers or workers need competitive salary, pension plan, good

relationship to your colleagues and a more challenging job for professional and personal

development to be more motivated and dedicated to their work.

The chronically overworked state of public school teachers in the Philippines is well-known

(Esguerra 2018). Every public school teacher has a regular full-time teaching load and is mandated to

devote a maximum of six hours of actual classroom instruction a day under the Magna Carta for Public

School Teachers. In reality, however, several additional administrative or student support roles are

assigned to each teacher. These include paperwork on seminars and trainings they are tasked to attend

and additional designations in line with student guidance, budget, disaster response, and health. For

instance, teachers are pressured and loaded to work because aside from teaching kids, preparing

instructional materials, making a lesson plan, doing remedial classes to slow learners, they are also

loaded with reports, paper works, activities, and different roles and supervisory. This resulted to some

teachers feel less motivated in work and some of them decided to resign to work.

Ms. Niña Jumao-as is the reporter of the topic “Motivation.” She discussed about the different

theories related to motivation. In her discussion, there are lots of reactions of the experiences of the

DepEd teachers. Honestly, I am not teaching in DepEd right now but I had only my one month

substitution class in DepEd. Though it was really short, but the experience is really strenuous. On my

own experience, I was handling Grade 5 students. Aside from preparing activities to my learners

everyday, I also need to give time to my slow learners. I need to allocate one hour of my time to give

remedial classes to my slow learners students. Aside from dedicating my passion to teaching my

students, I also have to make other reports and other activities in the school. Consolacion Teachers’

Night was fast approaching that time so teachers were also busy practicing the dance steps for that said

night. I was so busy and I feel pressured, unmotivated, and hopeless sometimes but my students made
me devoted to my passion to teaching. Whenever I see the innocent souls of my students who need me,

I feel like I should not give up for them because they need my service. Though teaching in DepEd is really

draining but it is also fun and full of memories to remember. I am still grateful of the opportunity given

to me. If I were given a chance to teach in DepEd again with item or plantilla, I will still accept it because

this is what I love to do as always. I hope that all the teachers will still find the courage and motivation

everyday to work as they say “Teaching is not a job but a vocation and a mission.” Our vocation is to

serve the Filipino children who are the future of our country. Our mission is to touch every souls inside

the four walls of the classroom to create globally competitive individuals in


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