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Cherry May A.

GS169 EDUC615

Give your learning insights on the following topics:

1. The Nature and Significance of Human Relations

- On this topic, the human nature is relevant on how human interact to each
other or the human relations. This topic is very helpful and relatable in our
workplace every day as we encounter and interact with our co-workers,
employers and other staffs in the office. Our relations with our employers
and co-workers could greatly affect our performance in our workplace. This
would help us to be motivated, increase productivity and goal-oriented in our
work. The personnel administration plays a great role in creating a positive
approach towards other employees and creating a strong bond for a
successful work on the end of the day.

2. The Human Being: Personality

- The human personality may come from nature or nurture. When we say
nature, it is hereditary. According to studies, we can get 20%-50% of our
traits and personalities from our parents but could differ also from our
siblings. When we talk about nurture, it is about the environment.
Environment includes the culture, family, friends, social life and experiences
that we have. These factors could greatly affect our personality and could
weaken or strengthen our hereditary personality. On the other hand, humans
have different needs. According to Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs
our basic needs needed to be satisfied so we can go to the higher needs.
The human’s basic needs are water, air, shelter, food, sleep and sex, while
the highest need is the self-actualization which is the hardest need to
achieve. We need to study the human behaviour of the every human so we
can deeply understand human personality according to their needs.

3. Individual Society: Attitudes

- This topic is about the relationship of the group of people and their social
relation in which individuals associated to each other. People with strong
interpersonal traits tend to build good relationships and can work well with
others. Attitudes can be also positive and negative. Our attitudes are
affected by our emotions, behaviour and condition. The differences of the
individual’s attitude will depend on the relationship of the individuals in the
society. Children’s attitude is associated by their parent’s attitudes and
beliefs. Therefore, this attitude also will change overtime because of
children’s environment and their social interaction in the society.

5. Managing to Relate Communicate with People

- This discussion tackles about the how people communicate to each other.
Communication is sharing ideas and feelings to other people and
understanding one another. We need to communicate effectively to people
so we can avoid miscommunication. In our modern society nowadays, we
use emails, telephones, mobile phones, social networking sites, text
messaging and internet as the basic tools of communicating people. We
also need to remember that there are two kinds of communication. They are
verbal and non-verbal communication. Verbal communication can be done
through sending words or messages to people by mouth, piece of writing or
emails. Non-verbal communication is about our body language, eye contact
and signals. In conclusion, We need to be careful in giving our non-verbal
communication to other people as this may create miscommunication with
others. We are sometimes unconscious of our facial expressions that people
may perceive our personality as strong and strict.

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