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Allaneil Adrei Solis 11-Aquarius Reading and Writing Skills

Lesson Topic: Mechanics: Using End Punctuation Quarter 3 Week 5 LAS 1

Activity 1.
1. There are three days left. 9. Wow!
2. Their cat is black. 10. How many pickled peppers did he pick?
3. Isn’t it Monday? 11. I am too tired.
4. Help, a clown is chasing me! 12. I wonder how far that bus goes.
5. Do you live in South Cotabato? 13. Are you sure that goes there?
6. Homework is boring. 14. I think this may be getting harder.
7. I wonder what time it is? 15. I wonder when this will end?
8. Did she do it?

Activity 2.
Have you ever wondered where your gas money goes ? The biggest portion goes to the manufacturers of
crude oil, the people who get the oil out of the ground . They take a whopping 72% ! The people who
refine the crude oil, turning it into gasoline, earn about 9% . The distributors, people who move the oil
around, make 7% . You may wonder who the rest goes . Well, taxes account for the other 12% . Do you
know how much the station owners make ? They make as little as a few cents a gallon ! Shocking, isn’t it ?

Lesson Topic: Mechanics:Using Comma Quarter 3 Week 5 LAS 2

1. Having been told of the test, Nelson wondered when he would study.
2. I ate breakfast, read the paper, and went to work.
3. Your handwriting is messy, but your punctuation is perfect.
4. Unfortunately, I have to stay up all night.
5. No, you could go to bed early.
6. Before the war and bloodshed in that country, the people were happy.
7. He ends each day telling himself that the day was miserable, that he should have stayed in bed that
tomorrow will be better.
8. Lino Brocka, who was a famous director, was given a National Artist of the Philippines award in 1991.
9. There were no clouds in the sky, so I went for a jog.
10. We went swimming, boating, and fishing.
Lesson Topic: Mechanics: Using Semicolon and Colon Quarter 3 Week 5 LAS 3

1. The defendant failed to check his rear-view mirror before changing lanes (;) therefore (,) he breached a duty owed
to the plaintiff.

2. There are two kinds of fruit on the table (:) oranges and apples.

3. I have a lot to do today (:) study for my test (,) do my laundry (,) both lights and darks(,) wash the car (,) and call
my mom.

4. Jerry came to class breathless and overwhelmed (;) he had just come from volleyball practice.

5. The Europe trip will include visits to (:) London (,) England (,) Rome (,) Italy (,) and Paris(,) France.

6. The book was written by (:) Nick Joaquin.

7. He was very tired (;) but he decided to go to class rather than take a nap.

8. He was very tired (;) however he decided his class was too important to miss.

9. The tables had wonderful decorations (:) flowers (,) balloons (,) confetti (,) and ribbons.

10. We discussed the Torah’s Behar (Leviticus 25(:) 1-26 (,) The Joy of Opportunity.

11. The colors of the banner are (:) blue, red, yellow, and black.

12. The lunchroom was decorated with (:) balloons (,) red (,) yellow (,) and black streamers.

13. The play was excellent (;) the actors were lively (,) and the set was phenomenal.

14. The first book he cited in his paper was Understanding Comics (:) The Invisible Art.

15. Her purse held many items (,) including (:) chopstick, money, a cell phone, cough drops, chopsticks, and some

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