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Fast Food vs Home Cooking

Nowadays it is well known that eating with friends and family is a tradition that people
have followed for a long time, whether they want to have a family dinner at home or simply
waste time on the streets eating fast food. But have you ever wondered what would be the best
option for your health? Fast food is a type of food that is produced in large quantities and is
designed for commercial sale, where frozen, preheated or precooked ingredients are used and
served in take-out containers that make it easy for people to eat it anywhere. On the other hand,
home cooking is those dishes prepared with love and care in the comfort of home, which will
always be characterized by its comforting flavor, fresh ingredients and attention to details.
However, nowadays there is a greater preference among people to eat fast food, according to
Stewart et al. (2004)

The composition of the away-from-home market is dynamic. The full-service and fast-
food segments now command a similar share of the market, but it is unclear which
segment is poised to expand relative to the other. Until the middle of the 1990s, sales of
fast food were increasing faster, and briefly surpassed those at full-service restaurants.
This upsurge was buoyed by the strategic location of new fast-food outlets. Convenience
is a major sales point for fast food operators. If driving to an outlet takes longer than
cooking at home, then fast food is not truly convenient. Thus, as fast-food companies
open more outlets per square mile in appropriate locations, consumers have to travel less
for fast food, on average. In turn, these new store openings have stimulated the demand
for fast food. (p. 1)

Improving access to these sources causes people to want to consume more fast food due
to the ease of access. Even so, it is important to know the differences that exist between fast food
and home cooking food in aspects such as price, nutritional value and environmental aspects.

Firstly, it is undeniable that the price is one of the biggest differences that exist between
the two, since in the case of fast food they have a wide range of prices and are very expensive
because they cost little, mainly if what you are looking for is a quick and easy meal, the Fast
food is a great option. On the one hand, it is usually much cheaper than eating in a restaurant or
buying ingredients in a supermarket. In addition, fast food is usually more convenient, since it is
usually quicker to obtain and eat. Finally, fast food can be as delicious as any other type of
cuisine, if not more so, and can always be obtained at a low price since its preparation is
massive. While a homemade meal can bring notable disadvantages in terms of price, since
purchasing raw foods that will be part of the pantry to later cook and enjoy does not compare
with the amount of money spent purchasing prepared foods. . . Homemade food generates a cost
of money not only by paying for the ingredients, but also by the extra expense generated when
cooking them. On the other hand, it is not difficult to realize that the time spent is much greater
when having to go to a supermarket, carefully choose the ingredients and return home to start
cooking. So, in this aspect there is no doubt that fast food stands out because it is economical and
quick to cook and according to Stewart et al. (2004) “Both fast food and full-service restaurants
can provide leisure for a household manager who is freed from cooking, cleaning, and
shopping.” (p.3).

Showing that these advantages in price and service will always favor fast food and even
more so if they are people who hardly have the time to prepare their own food.

Secondly, the nutritional value that these types of foods provide is also an important point
to consider because the nutritional value of a food provides information about the nutrients that it
provides to the body, information that is increasingly demanded by consumers, since Awareness
about the importance of having a healthy and balanced diet is increasing and in this aspect,
homemade food makes a difference compared to fast food, since homemade food is
characterized by using natural ingredients for its preparation, The portions are according to the
standard measurement per diner and quantities are highly valued so it will always be balanced
and the drinks are generally natural. In addition, when preparing a homemade meal, you can
control the calories and fatty ingredients by using healthy ingredients in the dishes, so it does not
cause diseases; on the contrary, it does not have chemicals or preservatives and helps in a
balanced diet and gives more strength to the body. While with fast foods one of the biggest
problems is that they usually have many calories, fats and few nutrients. This can lead to weight
gain and other health problems over time in people who consume them excessively. In addition,
fast food is also often fried, which can increase the level of unhealthy saturated fats in the diet,
and since it is usually made with processed ingredients, it can also be high in sodium. Lastly, fast
food can be addictive. The combination of fat, salt and sugar in many popular fast-food products
makes these foods perceived as very tasty and therefore people want to continue eating them.
And as mentioned Stewart et al. (2004)

Developments in the demand for foodservice meals and snacks could also reflect
important changes in the diet and health of the American population. fast food tends to
have different quantities of fat and calories than meals prepared at full-service
restaurants. Thus, to the extent that any shift in expenditures reflect changes in
consumption, it is likely that changes are also occurring in the healthfulness of what
consumers are eating away from home. (p.2).

Clearly evidencing that in terms of nutritional value, a homemade meal will undoubtedly
always be the best option if you want to maintain a healthy diet and body.

Last but not least, speeches should be mentioned the environmental aspect. In the case of
home cooking, it does not harm the environment since when it is prepared at home and served on
reusable plates there is no direct impact on the environment. However, if we talk about fast food,
it is a different story, most of the products that are sold pre-cooked and previously packaged use
different packaging that involves the use of all types of plastics in large quantities that, once the
product is finished, are discarded and they produce a high degree of environmental pollution
both in cities and in rivers and seas, which are the most affected by products such as plastic.......

In conclusion………

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