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Henderson’s Need Theory

2. Pender's Health Promotion Model
3. Leininger Theory of Culture Care and Universality
4. Newman's Theory of Health as an expanding consciousness
5. Parse's Theory of Human Becoming
6. Watson's Theory of Human Caring
7. Orlando’s Nursing Process
8. Weidenbach’s Helping Art of Clinical Nursing theory
9. Maslow’s human needs
10. Sullivan’s Transactional Analysis
11. Von Bertalanffy’s General System theory
12. Lewin’s change Theory
13. Erikson’s Psychosocial Development
14. Kohlberg’s Moral Development
15. Locsin’s Technological Nursing as CaringModel
16. Agravante’s CASAGRA transfornative leadership Model
17. Divinagracia COMPOSURE model
18. Kuan’s Retirement and Role discontinuity model
19. Abaquin’s PREPARE ME Holistic Nursing Interventions
20. Laurente’s Theory of Nursing Practice and Career
21. Synchronicity in Human Space-time:A theory of Nursing engagement in a global community

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