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PDF -> WORD TRANSFER (to revise QWP’s)

Use this manual step-by-step to revise QWP’s

1. Transfer the document information to the header and footer ...................................................... 2
2. Copy the source information........................................................................................................... 3
3. Text to columns ............................................................................................................................... 4
4. Format in Excel ................................................................................................................................ 6
5. Copy to Word-template .................................................................................................................. 6
6. Check ............................................................................................................................................... 8
7. Save ................................................................................................................................................. 9

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1. Transfer the document information to the header and footer

Use the actual ITP/QWP as source

And fill it into header and footer of the template

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2. Copy the source information

Mark the first page’s content

Pay attention to copy all the strikes

Open a new Excel sheet

Paste (recommendation: don’t use the cell A1 – take B2 instead)

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3. Text to columns

Mark the column with the new content

Use the function «text to columns»

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Step 1 use «delimited»

Step 2 use «other» and input a “|” by using the key combo “Alt Gr + 7”

Repeat “copy-paste” page-by-page for the following pages of the ITP/QWP – the format should apply

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4. Format in Excel

Mark all and change font size to 8 points

Format every header (1; 2; 3; …) to bold font

5. Copy to Word-template

Copy exactly the filled cells

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Delete the content of the template

Mark the area to be filled


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6. Check

Check the input and correct any transfer mistakes (doubled information, format, page layout, ...)

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7. Save

“Save as” by using the correct number format for enovia – Number_Revision_Language Code

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