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Nama : Ahmad Fadillah

Kelas : XII Bahasa

In this faraway land, both carnivorous fanged animals and grass-munching herbivores, all live
side by side.

Not only that, they also wear clothes, drive cars, and are free to be whatever they want. Like a
young rabbit named Judy Hopps (Ginnefer Goodwin), has high aspirations, to become a
police officer. Only, never before has a rabbit chosen this profession in the history of
Zootopia. Rabbits are considered too cute to quell criminals.

Even after successfully getting this job, Judy is belittled by the Chief of Police, Chief Bogo
(Idris Elba). To prove that she can, Judy takes on the case of a missing otter. The bet is, if he
is unable to solve this case within 48 hours, he will have to resign from the police force. To
solve this case, Judy is forced to work with a deceitful weasel, Nick Wilde (Jason Bateman).

Predictably, Zootopia is a family-friendly film. The story plot is made very lightly, you don't
need to think while watching it. You don't even have to worry about what carnivores eat
when all the prey is their neighbour. Leave all logic outside the cinema, and just enjoy what
is presented on the screen.
In terms of visuals, Zootopia is topnotch. The color palette presented in this film never fails
to please the eye. Likewise, the world of Zootopia is worked out in very rich detail.

Rich Moore, who previously directed the production of Wreck It Ralph and Byron Howard,
known through Tangled, co-directed this film. They present funny characters that easily steal
the audience's attention. One of the stars of the 'support player', is the slow loris or sloth,
which is shown with the original animal stereotype, that this animal is half dead.

Not only a visual sensation, the scenario of Zootopia is also crisp and easy to swallow. The
story of Judy and Nick playing 'detectives' looking for the criminal - whose cool language is
whodunit - is inserted with a number of twists so that it doesn't feel boring.

Even adult audiences don't have to worry about dying of boredom with jokes targeted at
young children. In Zootopia, there are a number of jokes that take references from shows that
adult audiences are familiar with. There is a mob boss reminiscent of the Godfather, Don
Vito Corleone. There is also a slight parody of the television series Breaking Bad.

Although thick with nuances of humor, Zootopia also portrays a serious reality that exists
today. About the prejudices and stereotypes imposed on certain groups of people. And that
fear of stereotypes is very toxic in social life. Finding a serious message in a family-friendly
animated film like this is a pleasant surprise.

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