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What is cybercrime?

Cybercrime is defined as a crime where a computer is the object of the crime or is

used as a tool to commit an offense. A cybercriminal may use a device to access a
user’s personal information, confidential business information, government
information, or disable a device.
What are the types of cybercrime?
The types of cybercrime are DDOs attack, Botnets, Identity Theft, Cyberstalking,
Social Engineering, PUPs, Phishing, Illegal Content and Online Scams. Illegal
content of the cybercrime is not limited to sexual activity between adults, videos
with intense violent and videos of criminal activity. Offensive content includes
materials advocating terrorism-related acts and child exploitation material.
Besides, online scam include enticing offers that are “too good to be true” and
when clicked on can cause malware to interfere and compromise information. This
online scams in Malaysia is also known as parcel scams.

Statistics of cybercrime from 2019 to 2021

In 2019 year, the number of cybercrimes reported was 11,875 cases, with RM498
million in terms of losses. However, in 2020 year, the number of cases increased to
14,229, with total losses of RM413 million and the first quarters of this year have
been reported 4327 cybercrime cases with the losses amounted to RM77 million.
Based on the data provided, it showed that the cybercrime cases in Malaysia is
increased yearly as more Malaysians are involved in the e-commerce and e-
learning. Thus, these are the floodgate threats opened to the criminals.

Examples of advancement of technology increased the crime rate

One of the most popular technology that used to involve in deepfake technology.
Deepfake technology is introduced and widely used in many sectors. One of the
most popular sectors is the film industry. The directors of the movie have applied
this deepfake technology in certain parts of the movie, especially some scenes in
the movie that are largely indistinguishable from reality. Many amazing scenes in
the movie are produced and enjoyed by the people. Recently there was a deepfake
sex video crime have been reported in Taiwan on October 2021. A famous
Taiwanese Youtuber, ‘Xiao Yu’ have been reported in selling the deepfake
pornographic videos of various individuals, ranging from influencer to celebrity,
and even the government officials.
Besides, the 3D printing technology are dangerous if used by the criminals. Based
on the investigation, the 3D printers can print in a variety of materials including
ceramics, plastics, and metals. Developments in 3D printing technology have seen
many consumer 3D printers hit the markets making it easier for criminals to
acquire the technology they need to make the custom components required for any
illicit purpose. For an instance, a weapon such as pistol can be printed out by the
3D printer.

The drone technology is also contributed to the drugs trafficking as the drones can
travel a greater distance controlled by the criminals and have the ability of carrying
the heavy loads. Based on the demonstration, a drone can be mounted with
firearms such as automatic weapons. The criminals are willing to invest on this
technology as they can avoid the check at the border crossing points.

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