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Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Preparatoria No. 22

Nombre: Ana Miroslava Sánchez Pérez.

Matricula: 2061430.

Grupo: 830.

Fecha: 10/04/2021.


Etapa 3 Celebrations
Maestra: M.E Artemis Vázquez Hernández.
Autoevaluación Etapa 3.
Pasado Simple

Forma afirmativa
Uso The present simple affirmative is formed with the infinitive of the verb without "to".
In the 3rd person singular (he, she, it) a final -s is added to the verb.
Reglas de conjugación To use the present simple in English correctly, it is not enough to
know its structure, but it is also necessary to know what the correct conjugation is.
Estructura gramatical (afirmativo) In affirmative sentences, the usual order of the
elements is subject + verb + complement. If the sentence includes a direct and indirect
object, the direct object must come before the indirect object. a relative sentence), the
indirect object is prepended to the direct object.

Forma negativa
Uso As a general rule, to construct negative sentences we need the auxiliary verb “to
do”. We conjugate the auxiliary verb ("to do") in negative sentences. With the verbs "to
be" (to be) and "have got" (to have) we do not need an additional helper to make
Reglas de conjugación Subject + auxiliary do / does not + verb + complement
Estructura gramatical (negativa) The structure of the 'simple present' of the verb 'to do' in
negative form is: Suj + auxiliary (do / does) + not + verb + ... When "to do" works as an
ordinary verb ("do"), use the auxiliary (don't / doesn't) in front of the verb.

Forma interrogativa
Uso To ask questions it is necessary to use the auxiliary did + the subject (I, you, he, she,
it, we, they) + the infinitive verb + the complement. Did you see the thief's face? (Did you
see the thief's face?) Did you visit your grandparents last week? (Did you visit your
grandparents last week?)
Reglas de conjugación Does, he, she, it / Estructura gramatical They have the following
structure: interrogative + verb + subject. Except, with the question who, which functions
as the subject of the sentence.
Past Simple Exercise 1.
Past Simple Excercise 2
Participación en el foro

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