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an Agromet station which is mainly used for remote data acquisition that measures wind speed

and direction, air temperature, humidity, rain amount, duration, and its intensity. These data are
vital for agricultural industries that require local forecasts in order to efficiently make use of the
changing weather conditions brought about by climate change. This equipment will also be
useful for agriculture students in University who would like to pursue research related to climate
forecasting and its impact on growing different kinds of agricultural crops.

In this activity, the individual will be able to Familiarize with the weather instruments found at the
Agromet Station and also to make a layout or plan of the VSU-PAGASA Agromet Station
showing the location of the existing instruments
According to the Department of Science and Technology, Agrometeorological station (Agro-Met)
is another derivative station using the advanced remote data- acquisition unit (arQ) geared with
multi-parameter weather sensors which can simultaneously measure wind speed and direction;
air temperature; air humidity; air pressure, rain amount, duration and intensity, soil moisture and
temperature, solar radiation, and sunshine duration.
Agromet Station are designed and customized to allow farmer, agronomists and researchers to
monitor most of the weather condition that affect on plant health. to monitor and analyze impact
of adverse weather on crops and utilize the data of Crop-weather relationships to enhance
Agriculture Production.

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