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Arduino- Based Microclimate Monitoring System for Tropical Greenhouse

Food shortage is one of the greatest problems confronting mankind in the 21st century.
Global warming and other weather elements have claimed substantial land mass that was
available for crops cultivation. In order to address the problem, greenhouse practice which has
been in existence for a very long time is now modernized and deployed in many parts of the
world. This technology is yet to be embraced by many developing countries.
The world climate change has brought about unpredictable weather conditions that have
resulted in the global food shortage being experienced. A possible solution to this problem will
likely involve households growing a reasonable percentage of the vegetables and crops they need
in a greenhouse which does not require too much land space. A greenhouse will normally
produce more crops per square meter when compared to open field cultivation since the
microclimatic parameters that determine crop yield are continuously monitored and controlled to
ensure that an optimum environment is created. Agricultural activities, which are mostly carried
out by the small and middle level communities, are still not using technology that can assist them
in agricultural land and products management. The problem faced by farmers is dependence on
season and climate so that yield productivity does not always match expectations and needs
adaptation when climate change occurs. Resource management such as changes in policies,
technology application in agricultural methods and tools, agricultural information management,
and risk management is needed to increase agricultural productivity because of the shrinkage of
agricultural land.
A greenhouse is a structure that allows people to regulate climatic conditions, such as
temperature and humidity. There are many different designs of greenhouses; however, in general
these buildings include large areas of transparent material to capture the light and heat of the sun.
The three most common transparent materials used in the roof and walls of modern greenhouses
are rigid plastics made of polycarbonate, plastic films made of polyethylene or glass panes.
When the interior of a greenhouse is exposed to sunlight, the internal temperature rises and
shelters the plants from cold weather. Greenhouses can range in size from small sheds to
industrial-sized buildings and enormous glasshouses. The smallest example is a miniature
greenhouse known as a cold frame, typically used at home, whereas large commercial
greenhouses are high tech production facilities for vegetables, flowers or fruits. The glass
greenhouses are filled with equipment including screening installations, heating, cooling, and
lighting, and may be controlled by a computer to optimize conditions for plant growth. Different
techniques are then used to manage growing conditions, including air temperature, relative
humidity and vapour-pressure deficit, in order to provide the optimum environment for
cultivation of a specific crop.
Greenhouses are widely used in agricultural activities starting from nurseries,
maintenance and harvesting, but many of these greenhouses still use manual methods for their
management, starting from irrigation without paying attention to soil and plant moisture,
fertilization that is not suitable for plant needs and microclimate regulation and opening windows
at inopportune times so that pests and plant diseases can penetrate [9]. Besides that, time
management and the lack of tools are also a problem in greenhouse management, especially in
several types of plants that require supervision to improve the quality and quantity of their
harvest. With proper management of greenhouse data and information, farmers can have a firm
foundation in the selection and treatment of crops. This management may not be carried out on
agricultural land because of its enormous size requires a lot of equipment and availability of
electricity supply at the farm site.
An Arduino-based microclimate monitoring system for tropical greenhouses is a system
that utilizes Arduino microcontrollers to monitor and analyze various environmental parameters
within a greenhouse, specifically designed for tropical climates. This system is of great
importance as it allows greenhouse operators to closely monitor and control the microclimate
conditions, ensuring optimal growth and productivity of plants.
The tropical greenhouse environment can be challenging due to high temperatures,
humidity, and varying light conditions. By implementing an Arduino-based microclimate
monitoring system, operators can gather real-time data on temperature, humidity, light intensity,
soil moisture, and other relevant parameters. This data can then be analyzed to make informed
decisions regarding irrigation, ventilation, shading, and other necessary adjustments to create an
ideal growing environment
This research is focused on studying the application of Arduino based- monitoring system
for tropical greenhouse capable of recording microclimate data and sending it to the cloud so it
can be accessed by users via a web application. The proposed system must be reliable, cost-
effective, and minimize human intervention. Device development is carried out using Arduino
UNO which acts as a monitoring unit. The system allows farmers to monitor crucial parameters
such as temperature, humidity, soil moisture, light intensity, and pH levels in real-time. This
information helps farmers make timely decisions regarding irrigation, fertilization, and pest
control, ensuring optimal growing conditions for the crops. The basis for choosing Arduino Uno
is a versatile microcontroller board that offers a wide range of input and output pins, making it
suitable for connecting and controlling various sensors and actuators required for monitoring the
greenhouse environment. It provides flexibility in terms of hardware expansion and
Arduino Uno is known for its user-friendly interface and beginner-friendly programming
environment. It utilizes the Arduino programming language, which is based on C/C++, making it
accessible to both experienced programmers and beginners and the Arduino UNO as a
monitoring device is the accessibility of the General Purpose Input Output (GPIO) pin, it can be
expanded with an abundance of components, sensors, modules, and shields. The drawback is that
the more you add, the thicker the size. Arduino UNO is an embedded system that can only
perform a single task, meaning that it is only suitable for use as a monitoring device.


The importance of such a system lies in its ability to optimize plant growth and yield. By
closely monitoring and controlling the microclimate conditions, greenhouse operators can create
an environment that promotes healthy plant growth, minimizes disease and pest infestations, and
maximizes crop productivity. This system can help in conserving resources such as water and
energy by enabling precise irrigation and ventilation control based on the collected data.
An Arduino-based microclimate monitoring system provides valuable insights into the
greenhouse environment over time. By analyzing historical data, operators can identify patterns,
trends, and correlations between different environmental factors and plant growth. This
information can be used to refine cultivation techniques, improve crop management strategies,
and enhance overall greenhouse efficiency and Arduino-based microclimate monitoring system
for tropical greenhouses is a valuable tool for greenhouse operators. It allows for real-time
monitoring and control of environmental parameters, optimizing plant growth, and maximizing
crop productivity. Additionally, it provides valuable data for analysis and improvement of
cultivation practices.
The significance of this study lies in its potential to address the specific challenges faced
in tropical greenhouse environments and improve the overall efficiency and productivity of
greenhouse operations. By developing an Arduino-based microclimate monitoring system
tailored for tropical greenhouses, this study aims to:
1. Improved understanding of tropical greenhouse conditions. This study provides valuable
insights into the unique microclimate conditions found in tropical greenhouses. By
monitoring and analyzing parameters such as temperature, humidity, light intensity, and
soil moisture, operators can gain a deeper understanding of how these factors impact
plant growth and make informed decisions to optimize the growing environment.
2. Improved crop management and resource utilization: Can assist greenhouse operators in
optimizing their crop management practices. Operators may employ precise watering,
ventilation, and shade strategies by carefully monitoring and adjusting the microclimate
conditions, resulting in enhanced water and energy efficiency. This can lead to economic
savings and a less environmental effect.
3. Improved crop productivity and quality: The capacity to monitor and manage
microclimate conditions in tropical greenhouses can have a substantial influence on crop
output and quality. Operators can encourage healthy plant development, reduce disease and
insect infestations, and eventually boost crop yields and improve the quality of harvested
products by establishing an ideal growing environment.
4. Data-driven decision-making: An Arduino-based microclimate monitoring system allows
for the gathering and analysis of real-time and historical data. This information may be
utilized to uncover patterns, trends, and relationships between environmental conditions and
plant development. Such findings can help operators enhance growing procedures and make
data-driven tweaks to maximize greenhouse efficiency.

Wikipedia. 2014. Greenhouse. Accessed from:
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