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Hybrid Learning to Full Face-to-Face Classes in the Philippines

Determine the level of receptivity of students in shifting from hybrid learning to full face-to-face
classes in the Philippines. Pre-pandemic education system was in full face-to-face. However, Corona
Virus or most known as COVID affected the entire nation. Places were put in lockdowns, whereas the
learning method shifted into e-learning method. Post-pandemic educational status in the Philippines is
the implementation of full face-to-face classes Receptivity is the ability to consider or adopt alternative
ideas and proposals. Hybrid learning or also known as blended learning is a method of education where
students receive instruction through both traditional face-to-face lecture and electronic and internet-
based media. Full face-to-face is the traditional way of lecturing student in person, this enables direct
discussion between a learner and a teacher.

The shifting of educational method of learning is caused by the unforeseen contagious virus that
has placed everything in a hard lockdown. Students are held receptive in having more effective way of
learning. The Department of Education (DepEd) released a guidelines regarding the full five-day face-to-
face classes for school year 2022-2023. However, according to Vice President and Education Secretary
Sara Duterte directed that all basic education institution to transition to full in-person classes to address
learning losses brought by the pandemic. Hence, private institutions or schools are allowed to continue
the implementation of hybrid( blended) or full distance learning.

Galvez, D. (2022, July 26). DepEd: Full face-to-face classes guidelines out after August 15.


Just a moment. . . (n.d.).


Receptivity - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms. (n.d.). In

Top Hat. (2019, September 27). Face-to-Face Learning Definition and Meaning.

Western Governors University. (2021, September 20). What is Blended Learning?

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