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From problems that have been identified in the section above, will be
analyzed to find the solution of such problems. In this section, the problems that
has been identified is analyze and we found solvers of the problem.

4.1. Analysis on Binding Section

The section below is analysist about problems that has been found on
binding section, and then the solution which has been recomended based on
ergonomics factor that has been think to solve the problems.

When operators did they works on that section, they often harder to find
the stuffs, like paper, cutter and other. So, the solutions for that problems is each
stuufs on workstation area should be arrange in their place, bcause, sometimes
operator forgot to take them in their place and then confused to find where the
stuff are.

The next problem is the are of binding section become narrow if other
operator enetering that area. Solutions for this problem is the owner of photocopy
station should arrange the layout of the photocopy. So people can move easier.
While the next problem is lighting on day time only from sunlight, so sometimes
operator can cut the paper carefully because lighting is onubstructed form

4.2 Analisyst on Photocopy and Laminating Section

The section below is analysist about problems that has been found on
photocopy and laminating section, and then the solution which has been
recomended based on ergonomics factor that has been think to solve the problems.
The first case on these section is the place of electric socket is strechted in
photocopy and laminating section, it is so distrubed if people want to passed
trough and should carefully watch their steps if they pass trought there. So, the
solution for this problem is, the owner of photocopy should placing the electric
shocket on the wall, it might be safety and people would not feel worry f they pass
The next problem is, operator should move around if they wanna take
papers its due to there are some distance from photocopy machine to papers’s
rack. The solution for this case is, the operator just take the rack of paper near by
photocopy machine, so they don’t need to move around if they need papers.

The other problems came from photocopy section is sometimes operator

harder to find papers on papers rack. Its due to there are no special place for
current paper (paper in same size) so operators should found and found the paper
they need. The solution is operator should make a rack for paper in same size, so
they do not harder and confused to found the paper as they want.

The last problem is, on doing a laminating, operators should move in some
distance if they want to take the laminating’s papers. The reason is same as the
second problem, there are some distance between laminating’s machine and
laminating’s paper. The solution is the operator should placing the laminating;s
machine and laminating’s paper place is a small distance. So operator do not take
more force on doing laminating process.

4.3 Analysist on Placing Electric Socket

The section below is analysist about problems that has been found on
placing the lectric socket, and the solution which has been recomended based on
ergonomics factor that has been think to solve the problems.
The first is operator often slumble on their steps because the lectric socket
is strechted on their way. The solution for this problem is operators should placing
the socket on the wall to avoid people from slumble which is often bappened to

Next problem is, operators should carefully when they wannn move from
photocopy section to laminating section because of some cabels strechted
between them. For this problem the solution same with problem before, operators
should placing the socket on the wall to avoid people from slumble which is often
bappened to them.

Then the next problem is, using a primary electric shocket is pile up, these
problem can trigger a short ircuit between them. So the solution is operator or
owner should make an additional shocket to make a space on primary electric
shocket, so the other shocket would not only pile up on one shocket spot.

The last problem is the cabels is not in a good arrange and so tangled can
maximize the probability short circuit happens. The solution is operator should
use a cable clamp to clamp and arrange the tangled cabel so they would not go
outfrom they sequence and look bad.

5.1 Summary

From the observation that is have benn done, there are some problems.
The problems that has been found is related with workstation, operator, machine,
until work safety should be solve by ergonomic methods. Some of problem has
been found on bonding section, whivh the problem came from a bad layout, so we
need to set it up, then the bad lighting, which is cause un neat result on bonding
work. The other problem is came from setting from cables, and we need to
arrange it the use a clamp to bond it together.

5.2 Recommendation

The recommendation for owner and operators in Digital photocopy is we

hope they can apply the solutions which writers offers before in order to make an
ergonomic workstation. Beside that thanks for Digital photocopy who offer us a
place to apply the knowledge about ergonomic methods as we are industrial
engineering students.

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