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लोक सेवा आयोग कायाालय र अन्य निकायले नलिे कम्प्युटर सीप परीक्षण (Computer Practical)

सम्पबन्धी सचनिा बोोिमो ुुिे कम्प्युटर सीप परीक्षण र अन्तररवातरााका लानग खररदार, िायब सुब्बा, र
शाखा अनधकृतरको प्रथो नरण र द्वितरीय नरणको परीक्षाोा छिौट भएका उम्पोेदवारुरुले सम्पबिन्धतर
लोक सेवा आयोग कायाालयोा ुुिे कम्प्युटर सीप पररक्षण (Computer Practical Exam) को तरयारी
गिाका लानग निम्पिािुसार प्रयोगात्ोक पाठक्रोको ुरे क ईकाइबाट प्रश्िुरु युा प्र्तरुतर गरे को छु

प्रयोगात्ोक परीक्षा कायाक्रो पा्यकक्रो

खररदार, िायब सुब्बा र शाखा अनधकृतरका लानग प्रयोगात्ोक परीक्षाको पा्यकक्रो निम्पिािुसार उल्ले ख
गरे को छु प्राय: परीक्षाोा आउिे प्रश्िुरुको अं कभारको बारे ोा मािकारी िनलई प्रयोगात्ोक परीक्षा
सोेतर द्वदिे गरे को दे िखन्छ पा्यकक्रोको प्रत्येक ईकाइबाट वव्तरृतर प्रश्िुरु राखेको छु उक्त
प्रश्िुरुको सोाधाि सोेतर आवश्यक भएोा Comment ोा “आवश्यक छ/Must Need” ले ख्िुुोला

१०० भन्दा बढी Comment ले िखएोा सबै प्रश्िुरुको सोाधाि सवुतर तरल द्वदएको Telegram Group
ोा राख्िे छु यी प्रश्िुरु खररदार, िायब सुब्बा र शाखा अनधकृतरका लानग िभई उक्त पा्यकक्रो
सोेवटएका अन्य निकायका लानग सोेतर उपयोग ुुि सक्छ


ववषय पचणााङ्क ववषयव्तरु अङ्क सोय

कम्प्युटर सीप परीक्षण १० Devanagari Typing २.५ ५ नोिेट
(IT Skill Test) English Typing २.५ ५ नोिेट
Windows Basic and Ms Word ५ ५ नोिेट

मम्पोा १० अङ्क १५ नोिेट

िायब सुब्बा

ववषय पचणााङ्क ववषयव्तरु अङ्क सोय

कम्प्युटर सीप परीक्षण १० Devanagari Typing २.५ ५ नोिेट
(IT Skill Test) English Typing २.५ ५ नोिेट
Windows Basic and Ms Word ५ ५ नोिेट

मम्पोा १० अङ्क १५ नोिेट

शाखा अनधकृतर

प्रयोगात्ोक परीक्षा योमिा तरानलका (Practical Examination Scheme)

ववषय पचणााङ्क ववषयव्तरु अङ्क सोय

सचनिा प्रववनध सीप परीक्षण १० Devanagari Typing २.५ ५ नोिेट
(IT Skill Test) English Typing २.५ ५ नोिेट
Word Processing २
Presentation System १
१० नोिेट
Electronic Spreadsheet १
Windows Basic, Email and १
मम्पोा १० अङ्क २० नोिेट

िोुिा प्रश्िप्

तरपाईुरुले अभ्यास गररएका प्रश्िुरुलाई परीक्षा ुल नभ् सोयोा गिा सक्िे बािी, क्षोतराको ववकास
ा दाछ सोय नभ् गिा सक्िु भएि भिे तरपाईुरुको अभ्यासोा कोी भएको ोान्ि सवकन्छ
तरर ोलाई लाग्दछ तरपाईले अभ्यास निरन्तरर दै निक रुपोा गिुा भयो तरर पररक्षाोा के भयो? वकि
परीक्षाोा गिा सवकएि? त्यसको कारण ुो तरपाईले घरोा गरे को अध्ययि अभ्यासलाई घरोै परीक्षा
वा परीक्षण िगरे को कारणले त्यसो भएको ोान्ि सवकन्छ त्यसै ले तरपाईुरुका लानग परीक्षाोा
सोनधएका प्रश्िुरु ोध्येबाट निम्पिािुसारका ५ वटा प्रश्िप्को िोुिा तरयार गरे को छु कम्प्युटरको
प्रयोग गरी सोय नभ् गिे प्रयास गिुु
ा ोस्

Tips: परीक्षाोा िगिा सवकिे प्रश्िको भागको पछाडी लागी सोय खेर िफाल्िुुोला प्रश्िको अन्य
भागले सोेतर अं कभार बोकेको ुुन्छ िआएोा अको भागोा मािुुोस् वा सोाधाि गिुु
ा ोस्
प्रश्िप्ोा रुे का प्रश्िुरुलाई ध्याि द्वदई पढी बुीी ोा् सोाधाि गिुु
ा ोला

िायब सुब्बा, खररदार तरथा ्थािीय नौथो र पानौ तरुको प्रयोगात्ोक परीक्षाका िोचि
प्रश्िप् सेट ५
िोुिा सेट १
लोक सेवा आयोग
्थािीय तरु अन्तरगातरका अप्राववनधक तरफा पानौं तरुका सुायक (प्रशासि सेवा, साोान्य प्रशासि
सोचु), लेखापाल/आन्तरररक लेखापरीक्षक/लेखा सुायक (प्रशासि सेवा, लेखा सोचु) तरथा सुायक
(न्याय सेवा, कािचि सोचु) पदुरुको प्रनतरयोनगतरात्ोक परीक्षा
(िायब सुब्बा, खररदार तरथा ्थािीय तरुका नौथो र पानौ तरुका अप्राववनधक पदुरुका लानग सोेतर)
सोय: १० नोिेट पचणााङ्क: १०
ववषय: कम्प्युटर सीप परीक्षण (Computer Skill Test)
Attempt all of the following questions
Create a folder on desktop and name it your symbol number. Save all files inside that
1. तरलको अिुच्छे द टाईप गिुु
ा ोस् अिुच्छे द सवकएपनछ पिु: टाइप गिुु
ा ोला (२.५)

ुुवावेिारा फोल्ड गिा नोल्िे तरेस्रो ोोबाइल फोि सावामनिक

अोेररकी प्रनतरबन्धसग मुिीरुे को िननिया प्रववनध कम्पपिी ुुवावेले फोल्ड गिा नोल्िे ोोबाइल फोि
सोोबार सावामनिक गरे को छ आठ इन्न (२० सेोी) फरावकलो ि्क्रि भएको यो फोि ुाल
िननिया बमारोा ोा् नबक्री गररिे कम्पपिीले मिाएको छ

ोेट एक्स२ शृंखलाको ोोबाइल फोि सावामनिक गरे को ुुवावे टे क्िोलोिमम ुाल अोेररकी प्रोसेसर
िन्स र गचगल सेवाबाट बिन्नतर छ गतर वषा, ुुवावे ववश्व ोोबाइल बमारोा नबक्रीका दृविबाट पवुलो
्थािबाट छै टौं ्थािोा ीरे को नथयो

ुुवावेको ोेट एक्स२ ोोबाइल फोि फोल्ड गिा नोल्िे तरे स्रो ोोबाइल फोि ुो यस ोोबाइल
नडभाइसोा राम्रो दृश्य र नभनडयो तरथा गेोका लानग राम्रो आवाम छ यस फोिोा ुुवावे आफैंले
ववकास गरे को निकै उन्नतर वकनसोको वकररि ९००० िन्सको प्रयोग गररएको छ

ुुवावेका उपभोक्ता इकाईका अध्यक्ष ररनाडा यच ले एक ववज्ञनि प्रकाशि गरी पनछल्लो शृंखलाको ोोबाइल
फोिले प्रयोगकतराालाई ववशेष अिुभनच तर द्वदलाउि सफल ुुिे ववश्वास व्यक्त गिुा भएको छ

यचका अिुसार, ोेट एक्सरे को ोचल्य िननिया बमारोा दुई ुमार ७८५ अोेररकी डलर छ

2. Type the following text. If you finish the text earlier, repeat typing. (2.5)

It is rightly said, “Miracles start to happen when you give as much energy to your dreams
as you do to your fears”. Dreams are essential. It is only when you dream big with all your
heart you will be able to achieve big. As students our dream is to achieve good marks,
have good friends, get support from the family and make it big in life.
Just like others, I have also nurtured a career dream from an early age. I aspire to become
a famous writer and wish to write and publish a novel one day. I have never been very
good when it came to verbal communication. It is embedded in my nature. I do not like to
be blunt or impolite even when someone says something to me. I choose to remain quite
during such situations. It is not that I cannot reply back, as mentioned “I choose” to do so
as I am a peace loving person. I am also a bit of an introvert and do not like opening up
with everyone. However, it is not good to pent up feelings and emotions as it can lead to
stress and drain you emotionally.

I always felt an urge to shout out loud and get rid of these feelings when I was alone and
soon figured out that a good way to vent these is through writing. I began writing and
found out that I am actually good at it. It is hard for me to communicate my feelings
verbally however it is quite easy for me to pen them down. Writing for me has now
become a way of life I keep journaling all my feelings and this keeps me sorted. It has
become more of a passion for me and I now aspire to turn it into my profession.
Apart from writing bits and pieces about the happenings in my life, I also love writing
stories and will soon come up with my own novel. My family is completely supportive
about my career dream.

3. Perform the following tasks in window basic and word processing software Ms-
word. (5)
a) Copy and Paste the question number 2 in new blank word document and save with
name “Ms word formatting”.
b) Set Margin on Top and Bottom 1" and left and right margin 0.5".
c) Setup Footer on Centre align, Times New Roman, Size 10pt.
d) Setup the line spacing 1.5 and paragraph spacing 2pt.
e) Display IP address of your computer in CMD, screenshot and save it.

िोुिा सेट २
लोक सेवा आयोग
्थािीय तरु अन्तरगातरका अप्राववनधक तरफा पानौं तरुका सुायक (प्रशासि सेवा, साोान्य प्रशासि
सोचु), लेखापाल/आन्तरररक लेखापरीक्षक/लेखा सुायक (प्रशासि सेवा, लेखा सोचु) तरथा सुायक
(न्याय सेवा, कािचि सोचु) पदुरुको प्रनतरयोनगतरात्ोक परीक्षा
(िायब सुब्बा, खररदार तरथा ्थािीय तरुकानौथो र पानौतरुका अप्राववनधक पदुरुका लानग सोेतर)
सोय: १५ नोिेट पचणााङ्क: १०
ववषय: कम्प्युटर सीप परीक्षण (Computer Skill Test)
Attempt all of the following questions
Create a folder on desktop and name it your symbol number. Save all files inside that
1. तरलको अिुच्छे द टाईप गिुु
ा ोस् अिुच्छे द सवकएपनछ पिु: टाइप गिुु
ा ोला (२.५)

निवाानि आयोगिारा साोािमक सञ्जाल उपयोगसम्पबन्धी िीनतर, २०७७ कायाान्वयि

निवाानि आयोगले निवाानि व्यव्थापिोा साोािमक सञ्जालको उपयोगसम्पबन्धी िीनतर, २०७७ ्वीकृतर
गरी कायाान्वयिोा ल्याएको छ निवाानिका सबै प्रवक्रया र नरणोा साोािमक सञ्जालको
उपयोगसम्पबन्धी एकीकृतर एवो् उपयुक्त िीनतरगतर व्यव्था कायो गिे उद्देश्यले आयोगले िया िीनतर
कायाान्वयिोा ल्याएको ुो निवाानि व्यव्थापिोा सचनिा प्रवाुको ववनध र प्रवक्रयालाई साोािमक
सञ्जालको ववशेषतराअिुरूप ुुिे गरी रूपान्तररण गिे , सचनिा प्रववनधको उपयोगोा साोािमक सञ्जालले
नसमािा गरे का अवसर र सम्पभाविाको उपयोग गदै निवाानिोा आउि सक्िे न ुिौतरीको व्यव्थापि गिा
योगदाि पुग्िे आयोगका प्रवक्ता रामकुुुोार श्रे ष्ठले मािकारी द्वदए

सचनिा प्रववनध एवो् साोािमक सञ्जालको क्षे्ोा कायारतर निवाानिका सरोकारवालासग सोन्वय र
सुकाया गदै आगाोी द्वदिोा निवाानिलाई ्वच्छ, ्वतरन््, निष्पक्ष, ववश्वसिीय र नोतरव्ययी बिाउि िीनतर
सुयोगी ुुिे आयोगले अपेक्षा गरे को छ िीनतर कायाान्वयिोा आएसगै आयोगका सबै गनतरववनध र
वक्रयाकलापुरू साोािमक सञ्जालका ोाध्योबाट लिक्षतर वगा तरथा अन्य सरोकारवालालाई सुम र
नछटोछररतरोरूपोा प्रवाु गरी पारदशी बिाउिे, साोािमक सञ्जालका ोाध्योबाट निवाानि तरथा ोतरदातरा
िशक्षाोा सरोकारवालाको पुुनलाई सुम र नोतरव्ययी बिाई सोन्वय र सुकाया वृवि गदै दोुोरो
सञ्चार ्थावपतर गिे, युवा, ोवुला, सोावेशी सोचु, अपाङ्गतरा भएका व्यिक्त लिक्षतर निवाानि तरथा ोतरदातरा
िशक्षा साोग्रीको उपलब्धतरा ुुिेछ

2. Type the following text. If you finish the text earlier, repeat typing. (2.5)
President of the United States

The president of the United States (POTUS) is the head of state and head of government
of the United States of America. The president directs the executive branch of the federal
government and is the commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces.

The power of the presidency has grown substantially since its formation, as has the
power of the federal government as a whole. While presidential power has ebbed and
flowed over time, the presidency has played an increasingly strong role in American
political life since the beginning of the 20th century, with a notable expansion during the
presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt. In contemporary times, the president is also looked
upon as one of the world's most powerful political figures as the leader of the only
remaining global superpower. As the leader of the nation with the largest economy by
nominal GDP, the president possesses significant domestic and international hard and
soft power.

Article II of the Constitution establishes the executive branch of the federal government
and vests the executive power in the president. The power includes the execution and
enforcement of federal law and the responsibility to appoint federal executive, diplomatic,
regulatory, and judicial officers. Based on constitutional provisions empowering the
president to appoint and receive ambassadors and conclude treaties with foreign powers,
and on subsequent laws enacted by Congress, the modern presidency has primary
responsibility for conducting U.S. foreign policy. The role includes responsibility for
directing the world's most expensive military, which has the second largest nuclear

3. Perform the following task in window operating system and word processing
software Ms-word. (5)
 Copy and Paste the question number 2 in new word document.
 Insert "President of the United States" as header at center position.
 Apply 16pt font size with bold and italic for heading and center align it.
 Apply line spacing 1.5 lines for third paragraph and justify it.
 Apply page size A4 and Page Orientation Portrait.
 Install a new printer in computer.

िोुिा सेट ३
लोक सेवा आयोग
्थािीय तरु अन्तरगातरका अप्राववनधक तरफा पानौं तरुका सुायक (प्रशासि सेवा, साोान्य प्रशासि
सोचु), लेखापाल/आन्तरररक लेखापरीक्षक/लेखा सुायक (प्रशासि सेवा, लेखा सोचु) तरथा सुायक
(न्याय सेवा, कािचि सोचु) पदुरुको प्रनतरयोनगतरात्ोक परीक्षा
(िायब सुब्बा, खररदार तरथा ्थािीय तरुकानौथो र पानौतरुका अप्राववनधक पदुरुका लानग सोेतर)
सोय: १५ नोिेट पचणााङ्क: १०
ववषय: कम्प्युटर सीप परीक्षण (Computer Skill Test
Attempt all of the following questions
Create a folder on desktop and name it your symbol number. Save all files inside that
1. तरलको अिुच्छे द टाईप गिुु
ा ोस् अिुच्छे द सवकएपनछ पिु: टाइप गिुु
ा ोला (२.५)

सुकारीुरूलाई ववभागले मे मसरी नियोि अथाातर ् नियन््णोा राख्नुपर्थ्यो त्यो अनलकनतर ुुि िसकेको
ुो ?
सुकारी ववभागोा ुाोी ३६ मिा मिशिक्त छौँ दे शभररका ३५ ुमार सुकारी सं ्थाको
व्यव्थापकीय र नियाोकीय िमम्पोेवारी कुिै ि कुिै रूपोा सुकारी ववभागोा िै रुे को छ प्रदे श
र ्थािीय तरुोा कािुि बिेको ुकोा उुाुरूले गिुु
ा न्ु छ तरर ुाोी सङ्घीयतरा अभ्यासको सुरुवातरी
नरणोा भएकाले कद्वठिाइुरू पनि थुप्रै छि् ववभागोा रुे का थोरै मिशिक्तबाट दे शभरी रुे का
३५ ुमार सुकारीुरूलाई ्थलगतर अिुगोि पनि गिुप
ा िे, त्युी नबनोा कोानारीको सरुवा बढु वा
पनि ुुि,े त्यसोा िया कोानारी आए भिे बुीाउिुपिे, नियोि गिा कद्वठिाइ ुुिे अव्था छ

ुाोीसग इिन््टच्युसिल ोेोोरीको पाटा पनि बनलयो छै ि कद्वठिाइ को गिा िेपाल राष्ट्र बैङ्कको
सुयोग नलएका छौँ नियोि प्रभावकारी बिाउिका लानग बनतर ऋणको कारोबार गिे सुकारी
ु अिुगोि निदे िशका बिाएका छौँ
सं ्थाुरूको सं यक्त नेकनलिका आधारोा अिुगोि गिे प्रणालीको
पनि ववकास गरे का छौँ नियोि अब नस्टोबाट ुुिपु छा भन्ने वुसाबले कोपोनोस सफ्टवेयर ववकास
गरे का छौँ सबै सुकारीुरूलाई यस प्रणालीोा आबि गराइरुे का छौँ सुकारीुरू यस प्रणालीोा
आइसकेपनछ उुाुरूले यसोा आफ्िो सुकारीको वववरण इिन्ि गिुु
ा न्ु छ र युी वववरणका आधारोा
सं ्था कसरी ननलरुे को छ भन्ने कुरा ुाोी पवुनाि गिा सक्छौँ ुाोीले मोिखोलाई अवसरका
रूपोा बदले र अवुले नस्टो ववकास गरे का छौँ मसले सुकारी सुशासिोा उल्ले ख्य योगदाि
पुर्याउिे छ धेरै काो सुरु भएको छ केुी सोयपनछ यसले उत्कृि िनतरमा दे खाउि सुरु गिे

2. Type the following text. If you finish the text earlier, repeat typing. (2.5)

Coronavirus disease 2019

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a contagious disease caused by severe acute

respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The first case was identified in Wuhan,
China, in December 2019. The disease has since spread worldwide, leading to an ongoing

Symptoms of COVID-19 are variable, but often include fever, cough, fatigue, breathing
difficulties, and loss of smell and taste. Symptoms begin one to fourteen days after
exposure to the virus. Of those people who develop noticeable symptoms, most (81%)
develop mild to moderate symptoms (up to mild pneumonia), while 14% develop severe
symptoms (dyspnea, hypoxia, or more than 50% lung involvement on imaging), and 5%
suffer critical symptoms (respiratory failure, shock, or multiorgan dysfunction).

At least a third of the people who are infected with the virus remain asymptomatic and
do not develop noticeable symptoms at any point in time, but they still can spread the
disease. Some people continue to experience a range of effects—known as long COVID—
for months after recovery, and damage to organs has been observed. Multi-year studies
are underway to further investigate the long-term effects of the disease.

The virus that causes COVID-19 spreads mainly when an infected person is in close
contact with another person.

4. Perform the following task in window operating system and word processing
software Ms-word. (5)
 Copy and Paste the question number 2 in new blank word document.
 Apply Font size: 18pt for heading with bold, Underline and italic.
 Set watermark "Coronavirus disease 2019".
 Save your document protecting with password.
 Change mouse pointer of your computer.

िोुिा सेट ४
लोक सेवा आयोग
्थािीय तरु अन्तरगातरका अप्राववनधक तरफा पानौं तरुका सुायक (प्रशासि सेवा, साोान्य प्रशासि
सोचु), लेखापाल/आन्तरररक लेखापरीक्षक/लेखा सुायक (प्रशासि सेवा, लेखा सोचु) तरथा सुायक
(न्याय सेवा, कािचि सोचु) पदुरुको प्रनतरयोनगतरात्ोक परीक्षा
(िायब सुब्बा, खररदार तरथा ्थािीय तरुका नौथो र पानौ तरुका अप्राववनधक पदुरुका लानग सोेतर)
सोय: १५ नोिेट पचणााङ्क: १०
ववषय: कम्प्युटर सीप परीक्षण (Computer Skill Test)
Attempt all of the following questions
Create a folder on desktop and name it your symbol number. Save all files inside that
1. तरलको अिुच्छे द टाईप गिुु
ा ोस् अिुच्छे द सवकएपनछ पिु: टाइप गिुु
ा ोला (२.५)

ु कै िोुिा बिाउदै छौँ”

“सुकारी ववभागलाई ोुलक

िेपालोा वव.स. २०१३ साल िनतरविोा बखाि सुकारी सं ्था ्थापिा भएर सुकारीको इनतरुास
आरम्पभ भएको ुो ु को द्वदगो ववकासोा सुकारीले ठु लै योगदाि गिा सक्िे अपेक्षा गररन्छ
िेपालको सं ववधािले सोेतर “सावामनिक, निमी र सुकारी क्षे्को सुभानगतरा तरथा ववकास ोाफातर
उपलब्ध साधि र स्रोतरको अनधकतरो पररनालििारा अथातरन््लाई आत्ोनिभार, ्वतरन्् तरथा उन्नतरशील
बिाउिे आनथाक उद्देश्य राखेको छ सं ्थागतर रूपोा दे शभर ीन्डै ३५ ुमार सुकारी सं ्था
र सद्य सङ्खख्याका वुसाबले ६५ लाख ोानिस आबि भए पनि सुकारीले रावष्ट्रय कुल गृु्थ
उत्पादिोा कररब ४ प्रनतरशतर ोा्ै योगदाि गरे को अव्था छ राम्वोा यसले पुर्याएको योगदाि
तर िगण्य िै छ सङ्खख्यात्ोक रूपोा फड्को ोारे पनि सुकारीले गुणात्ोक रूपोा फड्को ोािा
सकेको दे िखदै ि यनतर ोा्ै ुै ि सुकारीसग पनछल्लो सोयोा सद्युरू नबिच्कएका छि्
सुकारीुरू ववकृतर बन्दै गइरुे का छि् मितराको ोि िमत्न सकेका छै िि् कुिै कुिै सुकारी
तर केुी सञ्चालकुरू र व्यव्थापकुरूका लानग कोाइखािे भाडो भएका छि्

द्वदिुु सञ्चालकले बनतरकतरााको बनतर वफतराा िगरे को गुिासो नलएर ववनभन्न ोानिसुरू िया वािेश्वरि्थतर
सुकारी ववभाग धाइरुे का छि् कोनभडको प्रकोपपनछ यो सङ्खख्या बढ्दो छ युी वकनसोको
अ्तरव्य्तर व्यव्थापिले आगाोी द्वदिोा सुकारीले अथातरन््ोा अपेिक्षतर योगदाि गिा सक्ला भन्ने
कल्पिा गिा सवकन्न सुकारीलाई सं ववधािले उल्ले ख गरे अिुसार अथातरन््को ोुख्य वपल्लका रूपोा
ववकास गिा गिुप
ा िे सुधारुरू लगायतरका ववषयोा प्रशासि डटकोका ववशेष प्रनतरनिनध एस राम
उपाध्यायले सुकारी ववभागका रिम्िार डा.टोकराम पाण्डे सग कुराकािी गरे का छि् प्र्तरुतर छ
कुराकािीको सम्पपाद्वदतर अंश

2. Type the following text. If you finish the text earlier, repeat typing. (2.5)

KP Sharma Oli

Early life

Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli was born on 22 February 1952 in Aathrai, Tehrathum, Nepal.
He is the eldest child of Mohan Prasad and Madhumaya Oli in a farming family. Oli was
raised by his grandmother, Rammaya, after his mother died of smallpox when he was
four. He completed his primary school education in Tehrathum and moved to Jhapa in

Early political career

Oli began his political career in 1966 in opposition to the partyless Panchayat system in
place at the time. He joined the Communist Party of Nepal in February 1970. He was
involved in subversive politics and was arrested for the first time in 1970. A year later he
became a district committee member of the party and soon the chief of the Jhapa
Movement Organizing Committee in 1972. Oli was imprisoned for 14 consecutive years
from 1973 to 1987 for being against autocratic Panchayat system. After his release from
prison in 1987, he became a central committee member of Communist Party of Nepal
(Unified Marxist–Leninist) and in-charge of the Lumbini zone until 1990.

Multi-party democracy (1991–2006)

After the 1990 People's Movement, he was elected as a member of parliament from
Jhapa–6 in 1991. He held the post of chief of the foreign department of the CPN (UML)
in 1992.

3. Perform the following task in window operating system and word processing
software Ms-word. (5)
 Copy and Paste the all text of the question number 2 in new blank word
 Insert Page Number as footer with center alignment.
 Keep 2/2 inches left and right indent.
 Insert "KP Sharma Oli" as header.
 Recover a deleted file of your computer.
िोुिा सेट ५
लोक सेवा आयोग
्थािीय तरु अन्तरगातरका अप्राववनधक तरफा पानौं तरुका सुायक (प्रशासि सेवा, साोान्य प्रशासि
सोचु), लेखापाल/आन्तरररक लेखापरीक्षक/लेखा सुायक (प्रशासि सेवा, लेखा सोचु) तरथा सुायक
(न्याय सेवा, कािचि सोचु) पदुरुको प्रनतरयोनगतरात्ोक परीक्षा
(िायब सुब्बा, खररदार तरथा ्थािीय तरुकानौथो र पानौतरुका अप्राववनधक पदुरुका लानग सोेतर)
सोय: १५ नोिेट पचणााङ्क: १०
ववषय: कम्प्युटर सीप परीक्षण (Computer Skill Test)
Attempt all of the following questions
Create a folder on desktop and name it your symbol number. Save all files inside that
1. तरलको अिुच्छे द टाईप गिुु
ा ोस् अिुच्छे द सवकएपनछ पिु: टाइप गिुु
ा ोला (२.५)

सेवा सञ्चालि गिे निकायले निवााु गिुप

ा िे भचनोका:

 कोानारीको पद्थापिा गदाा right man in right place in right time गिे
 व्तरुगतर तरथा वैज्ञानिक काया सम्पपादि ोापिका सचनक सवुतरको ्पि काया वववरण बिाई
प्रभावकारी कायाान्वयि गिे तरथा त्यसको निष्पक्ष ोचल्याङ्कि गरी reward, reform and
punishment को िीनतर अवलम्पबि गिे
 ववनभन्न तरानलो प्रिशक्षणका अवसरुरू प्रदाि गिे
 ुरे क निकायको छु ट्टा छु ट्टै standard operation procedure (SOP) तरयार गरी कायाान्वयि गिे
 trade union rights लाई सुी वकनसोले व्यव्थापि गिे यसको रामिैनतरक दलवपच्छे का
trade union िभएर एकल पेसागतर सङ्घ खोल्िे व्यव्था गिे
 ु ाियोग्य, व्तरुगतर तरथा न्यायपचण ा
सरुवा, बढु वा, पद्थापिा लगायतरका वृिि ववकासलाई पचवाािो
 ोौद्विक तरथा गैर ोौद्विक उत्प्रेरणाका तरत्त्वुरूनबन सन्तरुलि नोलाउदै कोानारीुरूलाई highly
motivated, enthusiastic and moraled बिाउिे
 व्यव्थापिका िवीि tools म्तरो participative management, two way communication,
flatter structure, delegation of authority, PBIS आद्वदको प्रयोग गिे
 योग्यतरा प्रणालीलाई असर िपिे गरी सोावेशीकरणको अभ्यास गिे
 नालु बमेटको कम्पतरीोा ५ प्रनतरशतर ोािव सं साधि ववकासोा खना गिुप
ा िे कािुिी व्यव्था गिे
 कोानारीलाई सेवाबाट बखाा्तर गिे अव्थाोा बाुे क अन्य समायोा लोक सेवा आयोगको
नसफाररस आवश्यक िपिे व्यव्था गिे
 CD plan, succession plan को अवलम्पबि गिे
 Performance management contract ोा मोड द्वदिे
 Result oriented प्रशासिको अवलम्पबि गिे
 िनतरमाोुखी अिुगोि तरथा ोचल्याङ्कि पिनतरको अवलम्पबि गिे
 काया सम्पपादिोा आधाररतर प्रोत्साुि प्रणालीको अवलम्पबि गिे

2. Type the following text. If you finish the text earlier, repeat typing. (2.5)

Pashupatinath Temple

The Pashupatinath Temple is a famous and sacred Hindu temple complex that is located
on the banks of the Bagmati River, approximately 5 km north-east of Kathmandu in the
eastern part of Kathmandu Valley, the capital of Nepal. The temple serves as the seat of
Pashupatinath. This temple complex was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage
Sites's list in 1979. This "extensive Hindu temple precinct" is a "sprawling collection of
temples, ashrams, images and inscriptions raised over the centuries along the banks of
the sacred Bagmati river" and is included as one of the seven monument groups in
UNESCO's designation of Kathmandu Valley.

The temple is one of the 275 Tamil Paadal Petra Sthalams (Holy Abodes of Shiva) on the
continent. Kotirudra Samhita, Chapter 11 on the Shivalingas of the North, in Shiva Purana
mentions this Shivalinga as the bestower of all wishes.

The temple was created in the 5th century by Licchavi King Prachanda Dev after the
previous building was consumed by termites. Over time, many more temples have been
erected around this two-storied temple. These include the Vaishnava temple complex
with a Rama temple from the 14th century and the Guhyeshwari Temple mentioned in an
11th-century manuscript.

4. Perform the following task in window operating system and word processing
software Ms-word. (5)
 Copy and Paste the question number 2 in blank new word document.
 Apply page size: letter and Page orientation: Portrait.
 Insert Header as Types of Computers and Footer as page numberat center.
 Create a five numbering list in the document.
 Check the errors on hard disk install on your computer. Screen shot the work and
save it desktop as “errors”.
MS-Word ईकाइबाट

लोक सेवा आयोगको परीक्षोा सोनधएका Ms-Word का ववनभन्ि ठाउ Facebook, Website बाट सं कलि
गरी युा राखेको छु तरी प्रश्िुरुलाई पढी बुीी सोाधाि गिुु
ा ोला बु्ि वा सोाधाि गिा कद्वठि
भएोा Comment ोा ले ख्िुुोला य्तरै प्रश्िुरु प्रत्येक वषा लोक सेवा आयोग वा अन्य निकायोा
आउिे गरे को दे िखन्छ यी प्रश्िुरु खररदार, िायब सुब्बा र शाखा अनधकृतरका लानग िभई उक्त
पा्यकक्रो सोेवटएका अन्य निकायका लानग सोेतर उपयोग छ १०-१० वटा प्रश्िुरु ोा् युा
राख्िे छु अी आवश्यक भएोा Comment ोा “थप प्रश्िुरु रािखद्वदिुुोला/More Questions” भनि
लेख्िुुोला ो केुी द्वदिोा राख्िेछु

1. Start Ms-Word App. Create a blank new word document. Save it with
"PSC"and perform the following tasks in word document file.
a. Type “PSC” in header.
b. Type text “Hello Everybody” with font “Calibri” and font size “20”.
c. Insert any picture in the document.
d. Insert Page Number in the footer of the page as 1 of 1.
2. Open Ms-Word software and solve the following problems.
a. Copy and paste the text from the English typing content of question 1 in New Blank
Document named “Format”.
b. Bold and Underline first paragraph.
c. Change the Page Margin as follows:
Left page margin = 1.5”,
Right page margin = 0.75”
Top margin = 2”
Bottom margin = 1”
d. Highlight first paragraph with blue color.
3. Create a new word document using Ms-Word software and complete the
following tasks in word document file "Format".
Copy and paste the text from the English typing content of question 1 in New Blank
Document named “Format”.
a. Change Font Heading size to 18.
b. Change Heading Font color to red.
c. Set Line Spacing to 2 lines.
d. Insert Page Number as i, ii, iii, in bottom middle of the page.
4. Execute Ms-word software. Solve the following problems in word
document file named as "Setting".
a. Copy all paragraph from English typing that you typed before from question 1 and
paste in new word document.
b. Insert a table having 2 Rows and 3 Columns.
c. Insert any Picture on top-middle corner of the page.
d. Insert Header as”Public Service Commission”, and Insert Footer as Page
5. Create a new blank word document. Complete the following operations
in Ms-Word software.
a. Copy the English typed text from question 1 and paste the typed text in new Blank
document file named as “Documents”.
b. Insert “Introduction” as a Header and Page Number as Footer.
c. Insert a Text Box below the paragraph and type “PSC Online Registration” inside
the text box.
6. Open Word Processing (Ms-Word app) Software. Solve the below
questions in Ms Word.
a. Copy the English typed text from question 1 and paste the typed text in new Blank
document and set the file name as “msword”.
b. Set the Paper Size A4 and Paper Orientation Landscape.
c. Insert any picture from Pictures Folders.
d. Insert the Page Number at bottom middle of the page.
7. Create a new word blank document. Complete the following settings in
Word Processing Software Ms-word.
a. Copy the English typed text from question 1 and paste the typed text in new Blank
document and set the file name as “msword”.
b. Change the before Paragraph Spacing to 12ptand Line Spacing to 1.5.
c. Insert the text “Hello World” at Header of the document.
d. Insert a table of 3 rows and 3 columns.
8. Open Microsoft Word Software. Complete the following settings in word
document file.
a. Copy the typed text and Paste in new Blank word document which you have typed
in question no. 1, save it by applying file name “wordformat”and do as follows
b. Select the all the Paragraph break into two Equal Columns and Line Between.
c. Insert Picture anywhere in the document and place Caption as “Figure 1”.
d. Insert Header as “Header” at the top of the page and apply Heading Styles as
“Heading 1” to header.
9. Create a new blank document in the desktop file name as “wordfile” and
complete the following questions.
a. Type the following text in the document.
(a+b)2= (a+b)(a-b)
b. Set Page Margin: Left: 1.5” &Right: 1.5”
c. Protect the document with the Password Moh@123.
10. Open Microsoft Word from start. Complete the following questions in
word document file.
a. Open Microsoft Word document that you have typed, copy all text of paragraphand
paste in new blank word document file name as “wordformat”.
b. Apply “Times New Roman” font to all text.
c. Bold and Underline the Headingand Subheading.
d. Insert current File Path as Header.

Ms-Excel ईकाइबाट

लोक सेवा आयोग र अन्य निकायको कम्प्युटर सीप परीक्षणोा सोनधएका Ms-Excel का प्रश्िुरुलाई
युा राखेको छु यी प्रश्िुरुलाई ववनभन्ि Website, Facebook, पररक्षाथीबाट सं कलि गरी राखेको
छु कम्प्युटर सीप परीक्षणोा सोावेश ुुिे परीक्षाथीुरुलाई धेरै िै ोुत्वपचण ा छ यी प्रश्िुरु
१०/१० ोा् राख्िे छु थप आवश्यक भएोा Comment ोा (थप प्रश्िुरु राख्िुुोला) ले ख्िुुोला
अभ्यास गिुु
ा ोला सोाधाि गिा िमािेोा Comment ोा सोध्िुुोला ोेरो Telegram Group सोेतर
रुेको छ उक्त Telegram Group ोा सोेतर तरपाईले सोाधाि गिा िसवकएका प्रश्िुरुलाई राख्ि
सक्िुुन्ु छ तरुरुन्तरै मवाफ द्वदि िकनसए पनि ो सोय पाउिा साथ सोाधाि गरर राख्िे छु राम्ररी
अभ्यास भएपश्नातर तरी प्रश्िुरुलाई सोयोै सोाधाि गिे प्रयास गिुु
ा ोला त्य्तरै खाले अन्य
प्रश्िुरुलाई सोेतर सोाधाि गिुु
ा ोला

1. Create the given table in Ms-Excel and calculate the Total Amount and Grand
S.N. Particular Quantity Rate Rs. Amount
1 Apple 2 kg 120
2 Mango 1.5 kg 60
3 Guava 2.5 kg 40
Grand Total
2. Enter the following table in Microsoft Excel. Calculate the following
questions data in sheet 1 of Ms-Excel.
a. Calculate the Total marks and Percentage of the following student of class 10.
S.N. Student Name Math Science Total Percentate
1 Santosh Bhatt 89 92
2 Thaneshwar Bhatt 76 88
3. Open Microsoft Excel spread sheet, enter the following table data. Calculate
the following task and Save it as “Salary sheet”.
a. Calculate the Yearly Salary of the following staff of an office.
b. Calculate the 1% tax.
Basic Yearly Tax
S.N. Name Address Post
Salary Salary 1%
1 Yadav Pant Mahendranagar Officer 31000
2 Anamika Bist Dadeldhura Na su 28800
3 Rina Bhatt Darchula Kharidar 27500
4. Start Microsoft Excel Program. Create the following table in Sheet 1. Solve
the following Electronic Spreadsheet question and Save it with name “Book
a. Create a sheet with the following data.
b. Calculate the Amount, Discount Amount (2%) and Total Amount.
S.N. Name of Books Qty Price Rs. Amount Discount Total Amount
1 English 10 class 1 450
2 Math 8 class 2 250
3 Science 9 class 1 360
5. Open Ms-excel sheet. Complete the following task and Save it name as
“Commission sheet”.
a. Create the following table for calculate the Commission for sales, 5%, if sales
greater than 10000, otherwise 3%.
S.N. Sales Commission % Commission Amount
1 5600
2 8600
6. Open Ms-Excel program from your computer. Calculate the following data in
Sheet 1 of Ms-excel. Save it.
a. Create the following table in Ms-Excel.
S.N. Student Name Marks Remarks (Pass or Fail)
1 Rohan Bhatt 30
2 Ram Joshi 45
b. Find the remark “Pass”, if marks are 35 or above, otherwise fail.
7. Perform the following tasks in Ms excel 2007. Save it.
a. Input the following table for salary sheet.
S.N. Name Desination Monthly Yearly Tax Tax
Income % amount
1 Lalita Pant Officer 35000
2 Raju Na su 28800

b. Calculate Yearly Income:- =D2 x 12

c. Calculate Tax% =1% if yearly income is below 350000, otherwise 5%
8. Start Microsoft Excel Spreedsheet. Create the following table in Sheet1. Do
the following tasks in Ms-Excel Application Software. Save it
a. Calculate the Discount Amount and Total Amount of Vegitable shop.
b. If anyone buys potatos more than 10 kg, then discount 2%.
If anyone buys tomatos more than 10 kg, then discount 5%.
S.N. Vegitables Rate Kg Amount Discount Discount Total
Name (Rs.) % Amount Amount
1 Potato 40 20
2 Tomato 100 9
9. Perform the following operations in Ms-Excel app.Save it with name
a. Make the following excel table in sheet 1.
S.N. Student name Marks Division
(Distinction, First, Second, Third, Fail)
1 Santosh Bhatt 55
2 Thaneshwar Bhatt 88

b. Calculate Division of students as follows:

 If marks is above 80, Distinction,
 If marks is greater than or equal 60 andbelow 80 as First Division,
 If marks is greater than or equal 45 andbelow 60 as Second Division,
 If marks is greater than or equal 32 and below 45 as Third Division, otherwise
10. Perform the following questions in Microsoft excel. Save it with name
“Salary Sheet”.
a. Open ms excel document. Type the following employee table.
S.N. Name Designation Salary Allowance
1 Priya Joshi Manager 40000
2 Rita Bohara Officer 50000

b. Calculate the allowance of an employee as follows

For Manager = 5%
Officer = 3%,
Otherwise = 1%

Ms-Powerpoint ईकाइबाट

Ms-Powerpoint का लानग प्रश्िुरु सं कलि गरी राखेको छु अभ्यास गिुु

ा ोला राम्ररी अभ्य्तर
भएसं गै तरी प्रश्िुरुलाई सोय नभ् गिे प्रयास गिुु
ा ोला त्य्तरै प्रकृनतरका अन्य प्रश्िुरुलाई सोेतर
आवश्यक भएोा तरलको Comment Box ोा ले ख्िुुोला तरपाईको तरयारीका लानग Website ोा
Upload गिेछु सोाधाि गिाोा कुिै सो्या भएोा सोेतर Comment Box ोा लेख्िुुोला ोेरो
Telegram Group सोेतर रुेको छ र उक्त Telegram Group ोा छलफल सोेतर गिा सवकिे र अन्य
अध्ययि अभ्यास साोाग्री सोेतर राखेको मािकारी गिा नाुन्छु यी इकाईबाट सोेतर १०/१०
प्रश्िुरु राखेको छु अभ्यास गिुु
ा ोला

Q.No. 1. Create a presentation for a teacher to present in his class about

Computer Generations. The presentation should contain 1 slide. The
text should appear flying in when slide show. [1 marks]
Q.No. 2. Create a presentation at least 1 slides about Public Service Commission
and its objectives. Use automatic slide advancement.
Q.No. 3. Make a presentation with in 1 slide to describe about yourself. Use
automatic slide advancement effect by 5 seconds.
Q.No. 4. Prepare a presentation about sales details of a company.
Item Sales Qty
Hard Disk 1500
CPU 2250
Mouse 3000
Keyboard 1250

- Show the sales details in bar diagram.

Q.No. 5. Perform following tasks in PowerPoint.
a. Create a slide with following
Computer Generations
 First Generation
 Second Generation
 Third Generation
 Fourth Generation
 Fifth Generation
b. Apply custom animation so that those five generations will appear
flying in.
Q.No. 6. Create a presentation file with 1 slide about computer generations.
Apply transaction effect andslide advances in every two seconds
automatically. [1 marks]
Q.No. 7. Create a presentation with 3 slides to give introduction to where you
live. Set the auto timing to show for 1 second, 3 seconds and 1 second
for first, second and third slide respectively. Show the slide numbers at
the bottom right of each slide. [1]
Q.No. 8. Create 2 slides, when slideshow starts after first slide second slide will
display after 50 seconds without clicking mouse and using keyboard.
Q.No. 9. Make a presentation describing "Public Service Commission" in 1 slide
with suitable animation. (Hetauda)
Q.No. 10. Create a presentation with 1 slide. The first slide should contain title
and a chart. Apply 'Textured' slide design to the presentation.
Window Basic Email and Internet
1. Complete the following task related with Window basic.
a. Create a shortcut of any file at desktop.
b. Create folder on desktop and make it read only.
2. Create a folder named as "Format" on desktop and change the icon of folder.
3. Insert the file path of current word file.
4. Copy your all files of your current test folder. Make a new folder named “Important
Document”on any drive except c: drive and paste it on that folder.
5. Find the IP address of your computer, screen shoot the image and save it an image
on desktop.
6. Show the window from where you uninstall or change a program. Screenshot the
image and save it as an image on desktop name as “uninstall”.
7. Create a folder named “Shared Documents” on drive D: and share that folder in local
network. Take snapshot, save it as an image on Desktop.
8. Create a shortcut of any file, folder that is stored on hard drive of computer:
9. Find screen resolution of your computer, take snapshot and put into your test folder.
10. Check your window is activated. Screenshot the image, paste it in the word file and
save it.

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