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Downtown Oakland Association/Lake Merritt-Uptown District Association Joint (D.I.S.I.

) District Identity and Streetscape Improvement Committee August 4th, 2009 3:00 pm 500 12th Street, Shorenstein City Center Conference Room Present: Andrea Kirkpatrick, Carmen Santisteban, Beverly RIvas, Ke Norman, Mike Brown, Chris Curtis, Laurie Cooperman Rosen Marco Li Mandri, Steve Snider, Tim Gallen, Andrew Neilly Minutes
Introductions Review of revised DISI budget Marco referred the version of the budget that was sent to the Board on page 8 of the agenda packet. Marco announced that the RFP was posted on the California Downtown Association web site on March 2nd, 2010. At least two more bids are needed, but as long as we have done our due diligence, we are in compliance. Marco asked that interested parties be referred to the office. On March 22nd, all proposals that have been received will be sent out to the DISI Committee for review. Andrew provided copies of the ULI article he authored. He also provided a list of pitch ideas for local, regional, and national publications. He informed the group that the videos have been going out in email blasts to media lists, VIP lists, Chamber of Commerce, No Action Taken


PR RFP , due date March 19th, sent to CDA

No Action Taken

Update from Gallen Nielly, ULI Article

388 19th Street Oakland, California 94612 DOA Phone 510.238.1122 LMUDA Phone 510.452.4530 Fax 510.452.4529

Visitors Bureau, etc. Tim clarified the purpose of Gallen Nielly, which is to promote the CBDs, and to differentiate the CBDs from Oakland. It was announced that City Center is beginning to lease space, Andrea is leasing, and Chris Curtis mentioned that a law firm from SF is setting upon 13th. Tim emphasized that these are the local stories that need to be told. Tim suggested the compilation of this data into a report that shows the real numbers. How much square footage has been leased since January of 2009 when the CBDs set up shop? (Please see Other for further discussion on this topic). Tim also emphasized he importance of populating the master calendars on the websites. Steve Snider indicated that they were being worked on and hopes to have a thorough update by early next week. Tim proposed other ides for future videos from Mark Curtis including; The Great Wall, Shuttle Bus, Pill Hill doctors moving down from Pill Hill, and the ambassadors. Task Force Update: a. 2010 Special Events Task Force b. First Friday Task Force c.13th Street Task Force d. Web Site Task Force e. Telegraph/Broadway Improvements and 17th Street BART Meetings f. Holiday Task Force Marco combined the 2010 Special Events Task Force and the First Friday Task Force into the Special Events Task Force. A list of possible events was discussed at the Special Events task force meeting, including the Holiday Tree Lighting and Art and Soul. Discussion included the possibility of a Downtown Unveiled akin to the Uptown Unveiled event to celebrate the Midtown Art Walk. Andrea and Carmen requested that a visual aid, inclusive of a calendar and a map be created of the .

proposed events. Marco requested that a summary of the proposed events and their associated costs be plugged into a spreadsheet similar to the one on page 8 of the handout. c. has gone live. Tim and Andrew requested that themes be set for the Great Wall events to assist with marketing. d. To date, no website task force meeting has taken place. Staff needs to coordinate a meeting, either in person or by phone. e. We need to follow up with Aliza as it is a City-led issue. f. Included in Special Events task force. Next Insert? No discussion

Video discussion and recommendations

Key questions were raised. Are they worth the investment? Who is seeing them? How do we know if anyone is seeing them? Andrea asked what the expectation of the videos actually is and how would success of the videos be gauged. If a viral buzz doesnt happen after 2 videos, do we do more? Include a request for feedback at the end of the video-if you want more information, contact. Tim stated that a viral buzz doesnt occur after 1 or 2 videos, citing the advertising frequency theory. It was suggested that the videos be spread out over the next few months to allow for the coverage of possible new stories.

Special Events requests

Please refer to the minutes of Special Events task force meeting. It was suggested that the DISI Committee organize a luncheon for the most productive brokers in Oakland. Hosting a broker event at the boathouse at 4pm on a Thursday to show videos and handout copies of the Registry was suggested. Andrea proposed handing out branded flash drives loaded with the CBD videos. Chris, Beverly, and Andrea will provide database of brokers for list of invitees. Beverly suggested the inclusion of property managers from the Uptown, The Grand, and Jack London condos on the list. 12 p.m. on Thursday, March 25th, 2010 at CBD Conference Room-388 19th St. 2 p.m. on Tuesday, April 27th, 2010 at CBD Conference Room-388 19th St.


Next Meeting

Minutes taken by Victoria Decker, Staff

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