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Trian Gianina Mihaela – group 3


Freedom Writers

I believe that the film ‘’Freedom Writers’’ sends us an extremely important

message, related to the involvement of a teacher in her teaching career. She
wants to be seen more than just an English teacher in the eyes of the students,
to make them feel understood, and to awaken their desire to evolve in a
different manner than society puts them to, who tends to observe them only if
they fall into a certain pattern, perfectionist, confusing, but also exhausting,
which would make them feel no longer themselves.

In a special way, the teacher decides to give each of them a diary, in order to
better understand the problems they face every day, because of the way they
are treated, most of them being black. All the efforts that are made are not in
vain, for by all this one wishes to form a family, a welcoming collective, where
there is mutual understanding and every difference is eliminated, for each one
faces an inner fear, with significant and painful losses.

All this includes a book, where all the painful experiences experienced by
these young people are found, who deserve a much better future, free of
violence and permanent fear.

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