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INSTRUCTIONS: Please reply only with your answers to this post. Each item is 5 points.

Please discuss
the following in YOUR OWN WORDS AND UNDERSTANDING of the lecture.

1. What is the importance of map scales in making maps?

It is a known fact that we can't draw a map in its entirety considering that an area would be too
massive to put into a map. That is why we use map scales that provide us with a number-to-number ratio.
This allows us to condense real-world features like roads and land characteristics into a format that can be
viewed in a handy and convenient manner. Map scales are also used to accurately navigate maps because
it provides us with a precise sense of distance. It enables us to comprehend the meaning of the distances
on the paper map in relation to the actual distances. To put it another way, scale refers to the distance
between a mapped feature and its actual counterpart on the ground.

2. What is the importance of coordinate systems and map projections in making maps?

Since maps have a map scale, all maps have locations, as well. This is where coordinate systems
come into play. Coordinate systems are frameworks that are used to define unique positions of a point,
line, or other geometric figures in relation to an established reference system. For instance, in geometry,
we use x (horizontal) and y (vertical) coordinates to define points on a two-dimensional plane.
Meanwhile, map projections can also supply readers with coordinates, but only in the context of
the reality that the Earth is not flat. Coordinate systems and map projections are important in the creation
of maps because they help the cartographer determine the precise location of an object. To specify a
specific location of a figure, a coordinate system might be utilized. At the same time, map projections are
required for the creation of maps in any region of the world since they aid in the resolution of various
scenarios and the preservation of a certain spatial attribute.

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