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Business/ Behavioral/
Education Management Social Sciences Fine arts
62 72 42 80
81 49 52 57
75 63 31 87
58 68 80 64
67 39 22 28
48 79 71 29
26 40 68 62
36 15 76 45

Step 1
Ho: There is no significant different in history test scores between students from different
academic major.
Ha: There is a significant different in history test scores between students from different academic
Step 2
Use One Way ANOVA since there are more than two groups. A=0.05
Step 3
Source of
Variation SS df MS F P-value Decision
Between groups 63.25 3 21.08333
Within Groups 12298.25 28 439.2232 0.048001 0.98577 Accept Ho

Not Significant

Step 4
The p-value is higher than 0.05 thus the null hypothesis is accepted.
Step 5
Ho: There is no significant difference in history test scores between students with different
academic major.
Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Column 1 8 453 56.625 358.2679
Column 2 8 425 53.125 455.2679
Column 3 8 442 55.25 476.2143
Column 4 8 452 56.5 467.1429

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 63.25 3 21.08333 0.048001 0.985773 2.946685
Within Groups 12298.25 28 439.2232

Total 12361.5 31


Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Column 1 5 1290 258 1170
Column 2 5 1230 246 630
Column 3 5 1050 210 450

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 6240 2 3120 4.16 0.042418 3.885294
Within Groups 9000 12 750

Total 15240 14
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
210 210 180
240 240 210
270 240 210
270 270 210
300 270 240

Step 1
Ho: Dosage level have no significant effect on cholesterol.
Ha: Dosage level have significant effect on cholesterol.

Step 2
Use One Way ANOVA since there are more than two groups. A=0.05

Step 3
Source of SS df MS F P-value Decision Interpretation
Between groups 6240 2 3120 4.16 0.042418 Reject Ho Significant
Within Groups 9000 12 750

Step 4
The p-value is higher than 0.05 thus the null hypothesis is accepted.
Step 5
Dosage level have no significant effect on cholesterol

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