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Exercises in Inferential Statistics


EXERCISE NO. 6 : Drawing Inferences (Multiple Samples)

Problem 1:  
The head CI in one of the University Hospital in the city of Cebu was assigning her student –
nurses in the emergency room. Hospital policy calls for assigning equal number of student nurses
to all the three shifts. Her long experience in the service negates such policy since the number of
emergency cases may not be the same on each shift. To support such action, a study was
conducted. Set alpha level to 0.05
Number of Emergency Case
Handled per Shift
1st 2nd 3rd
44 31 39
55 44 29
42 15 30
49 37 28
34 45 33
Mean 44.8 34.4 31.8

Based on the results of the test, it is alright to assign equal number of student nurses to all the
three shifts.

Groups Count Sum Average

1 5 224 61.7
2 5 172 149.8
3 5 159 19.7

Variation SS σf MS F P-value Fcritical
groups 473.2 2 236.6 3.070069 0.0838 3.885294
groups 924.8 12 77.06667      
Total 1398 14        

 Ho: There are no differences in the mean number of emergency cases in all the three shifts.
 Ha: There is at least one different mean number of emergency cases in all the three shifts.
 Decision rule: Reject Ho if p-value < alpha
 P-value: 0.0838
 Decision: Fail to reject Ho

Exercises in Inferential Statistics Drawing Inferences (Multiple Sample) Page 1

Exercises in Inferential Statistics

 Conclusion: alpha = 0.05, since the pvalue (0.0838) is greater than alpha, we fail to reject the
null hypothesis. Therefore, there are no differences in the mean number of emergency cases
in all the three shifts. Moreover, it is alright to assign equal number of student nurses to all
the three shifts.

Problem 2:
Applicants for school – bus driver were given a psychological test to determine their ability to
stay calm facing difficult situations on the road. Can we say that based on the following scores,
there exist a difference in the means of the three groups? Set alpha level to 0.05

Age of Applicant
24 -34 35 - 44 45 - 54
48 59 78
56 59 80
58 61 81
67 69 82
72 75 84
Mean 63.33 68.62 73.7
There exists a difference in the means of the three age groups.

Groups Count Sum Average Variance

24-34 12 760 63.333 61.69697
35-44 13 892 68.615 58.75641
45-54 10 737 73.7 100.0111

Variation SS σf MS F P-value Fcritical
groups 588.8421 2 294.4211 4.125271 0.025471 3.294537
groups 2283.844 32 71.37011      
Total 1398 14        

 Ho: There are no differences in the mean scores in all the three age groups.
 Ha: There is at least one different mean score in all the three age groups.
 Decision rule: Reject Ho if p-value < alpha.
 P-value: 0.0255
 Decision: Reject Ho
 Conclusion: At alpha = 0.05, since the obtained p-value (0.0255) is less than alpha, we
reject the null hypothesis. Therefore, there is at least one different mean scores in all the
three age groups.

Exercises in Inferential Statistics Drawing Inferences (Multiple Sample) Page 2

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