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Rizka Rahmadona Mukhtar1), Suharni, M.Pd2), Yendra, S.S., M.Hum3)
)English Department, STKIP PGRI Padang , Jalan Gajah Mada Gunung Pangilun
)English Department, STKIP PGRI Padang, Jalan Gajah Mada Gunung Pangilun
)English Department, STKIP PGRI Padang, Jalan Gajah Mada Gunung Pangilun

This research had background knowledge that there were students who had low ability in writing
discussion text in SMA N 2 Pariaman. Purpuse of the research was to know the students’ problem in writing
generic structures of discussion text. In this research, the researcher analyzed students’ problem in writing
generic structures of discussion text. There are three generic structures of discussion text, such as: general issue,
arguments for, arguments againts, and recommendation. This was qualitative research. Source of data in this
research was students’ written about discussion text in second grade students at SMA N 2 Pariaman. Document
of the research is students’ written. In collecting the data, the number of the documents that had collected were
27. Based on the data that had analyzed, it was known that there were 21 students’ had problem in writing
general statement. The students did not explain about the issue clearly and did not persuade the readers.
Furthermore, there were 20 students had problem in writing argument for. The students did not use reference in
giving responses toward the issue. Then, there were 22 students also did the same thing in argument againts.
Finally, there were 20 students had problem in writing recommendation. The students did not give statement or
next step that has explained in argument for and argument againts. Based on the data that have gotten, most of
students had problem in writing generic structures of discussion text.
Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh lemahnya kemampuan siswa dalam menulis teks diskusi di
SMA Negeri 2 Pariaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui masalah siswa dalam menulis generic
structure teks diskusi. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti manganalisa masalah siswa dalam menulis generic structure
teks diskusi. Ada tiga generic structure teks diskusi yaitu:general statement, argument for, argument againt and
recommendation. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Sumber data penelitian adalah hasil tulisan siswa
mengenai teks diskusi yang ditulis oleh siswa kelas dua belas di SMA Negeri 2 Pariaman. Hasil tulisan siswa
berupa latihan. Dalam pengambilan data, jumlah dokumen yang dikumpulkan sebanyak 27 siswa. Dari data yang
diperoleh pada saat setelah peneliti melakukan analisa, diketahui bahwa masalah siswa dalam menulis generic
structure teks diskusi pada siswa kelas dua belas di SMA Negeri 2 Pariaman adalah pada generic structure
general statement 21 siswa dari 27 siswa memiliki masalah, siswa tidak menjelaskan dengan jelas tentang
masalah yang akan dibahas, teks nya juga kurang menarik tidak bisa memprovokasi pembaca untuk membaca,
dan siswa tidak memberikan sudut pandang yang seimbang tentang teks yang akan dibahas. Pada argument for
20 siswa dari 27 siswa memiliki masalah, tanggapan yang dibuat tidak berdasarkan sumber acuan atau rujukan.
Pada argument for 22 siswa dari 27 siswa memiliki masalah, tanggapan yang dibuat tidak berdasarkan sumber
acuan atau rujukan. Dari segi recommendation 20 siswa dari 27 siswa memiliki masalah, siswa tidak
memberikan paparan atau tindak lanjut sebagaiman telah dijelaskan pada argument for dan argument againts.
Bardasarkan data yang didapat oleh peneliti selama penelitian, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa lebih dari setengah
dari siswa kelas tiga di SMAN 2 pariaman mempunyai masalah di generic structure teks diskusi.

Key Words: Component of writing, Discussion Text, Generic structure of discussion text, Writing,

INTRODUCTION implied in the daily activity and also in the school. In

the daily activities, the writing skill will be implied as
The communication can be done by using indirect communication to transfer imformation so
writing. The communication by writing will be that the reader is interested and is excited about

paying attention to read. In the college, the writing students to write a discussion text. During the process
skill is a goal of learning english on non-orally writing of the text, the students get some difficulties
developing language where they know how to deliver in determining the generic structure. There are parts
and organize ideas orderly. Then, the students will of generic structure; general statement, argument for
imply this skill to convey their idea, opinion and and argument againts and recommendation. The
felling into a paper in a sentence or paragraph form. students write the generic structure incorrectly.
Furthermore, writing process is a challenge Based on students task, the students less
for the students in teaching-learning process because understand in generic structure, in generic structure
the students should know the parts of writing process of discussion text there are general statement,
itself. The parts of writing process are sharing ideas, argument for, argument againts, and
organizing ideas, and constructing the ideas into recommendation, In the students task about
written text. It is supported by Nation (2009, p.114), discussion text the students does not write general
“there are several writing processes are considering statetment with a statement or question and not
the goals of the writer, having a model of the reader, serves the purpose of introducing the reader to the
gathering ideas, organizing ideas, turning ideas into author’s points of view, and in the text does not
written text, reviewing what has been written, and giving equal weight to both sides to be discussed.
editing.” If the students do not understand about the The text should has statement or question and serves
part of writing processes, so their text will not be the purpose of introducing the reader to the author’s
structured. In this case, the students have to points of view, and in the text giving equal weight to
understand about the parts of writing process and both sides to be discussed. Like: you know comic?
how to organize their ideas to make their writing to Did you ever read comic before? Comic is an art
be unity and coherence. form that uses no moving pictures are arranged in
Moreover, in teaching Senior High School such a way so as to form the fabric of the story.
students, writing has the goals which are going to be Reading comic is intertaiment for children because
reached. These goals are conducted by the children at a young age is still effected by their
Department of Education and Culture in School imaginary world, comic can make reader creative
Based Curriculum KTSP 2006. Referring to the because with reading the comic can develop of
curriculum KTSP 2006, the goals of writing skill are reader imagine, story in the comic can be imaginary
the students are able to analyze the social function, for the children, imagine about their future will be
text structure and language feature of the text and like character in the comic which he/she read. But
write the text by the genre and the topic given in text read comic has some positive and negative impact,
narrative, report, analytical exposition text and such as: And in argument for and argument againts
discussion text. the student does not write details contains of the
Specially in discussion text, this a kind of response not based on several sources. The students
texts provide two contrastive arguments about the should write details contains of the response not
topic and allows reader to have two contrastive based on several sources, like: But based on some
viewpoints. Reader will not be persuaded to be at one quote in internet comic has so many negative impact
side before informed about another side. According for the reader such as comic can make the children
to Hyland (2009, p.4), “discussion text examines be lazy to study, because children’s time spend to
more than one stance of an issue.” Different view read the comic, the children has not time to study and
points are investigated before a decision or help their parents. comic like a neccesity life that
concluding statement is presented. The writer should must be met. So that the children willing if not to buy
pay attention with generic structure of discussion snack just for a comic.
text, like general statement introducing the issue to be In this research, before the researcher talks
discussed (orientation), points supporting and about discussion text, the researcher should talk
opposing the general statement and judgment or about writing first. Sokolik in Linse and Nunan (
decision. 2005 : 98) states that writing is a combination of the
Based on researcher’s pre observation at process and product. The process refers to the act of
SMAN 2 Pariaman the genre learned by third grade gathering idea and working with them until they are
students, the researcher found that the students able presented in a manner that is polished and
writing discussion text but the students can not comprehensible to reader. It means that writing
classify whichever general statement of discussion consist of two sequences: process and product.
text, it was observed from the teaching learning Process is a step to become a writing form that will
process. There is cause of the problem, such as the be present to the reader. Then, product signs a result
students are less understand about generic structure from writing process that can be read. Then, Leo
of discussion text. For example, the teacher asks the (2007, p.1) defines, “writing as a process of

expressing ideas or thoughts in words should be done statement of posistion, a discussion begin with a brief
at the writer’s leisure.” The good idea will be introduction discribing the situation, this introduction
elaborated in good sentences if the writer feels enjoy. has a statement or question and serves the purpose of
It means that the process of expressing ideas or introducing the reader of listener to the author’s point
thoughts to be a good writing should be done when of view or thesis. Often it is recognised that there are
he/she feels enjoyable and comfortable. Finally, the points of view. Second, the next view paragraph
researcher concludes that writing is combining of elaborate the arguments for and againts the issue, this
process and product, a process to express the idea of should be based on researching books, the internet,
a topic in paragraphs. surveying and interviewing people, the evidence and
Moreover, writing involves the encoding opinion should support the statements, the number of
of a message, the writer translates that their thoughts arguments varies according to the writer’s desire and
into language. This is a reason for the writer to be the content, the argument can be structured in
focused in writing by some components. Furhermore, different ways. Each paragraph should be clearly
Baker (2011, p.5) states three components of writing structured with a topic sentence supported by details.
that consist of: Third, recomendation or conclusion, the
a. Grammatical skill is the ability to construct discussion ends by presenting a personal points of
meaningful sentences. It is the ability to view before concluding, the recommendation or
arrange the sentence to be more meaningful. conclusion sometimes sum up both side the argument
b. Composional skill is the ability how the writer if they are fairly balanced, or can recommend one
compose their ideas in writing. argument over the other if the evidence is
c. Domain knowledge is a component of writing overwhelming. It means that, generic structure of
skill that allows the writer to appreciate the discussion text there are three part like general
perfective of the user. statement, which the text introduce the issue will be
From some quotatios have been remark, the discussed, in the general statement text serves to the
researcher assumes that there are some components reader authors’ point of view, either in the form of
consist of three points. First, Grammatical skill is questions or statements which the purpose is
ability to construct meaningful sentences. It is the introduce the issue. Second, argument for and
ability to arrange the sentence to be more meaningful. argument againts, which the text serves two different
Second, compositional skill as ability to organize point of view, this text based on several sources
words to produce ideas in writing. Third, domain which the purpose convincing to the reader the truth
knowledge as to suggest that ignorance of the subject of the statement of the text, the text support with
domain is an asset, that allows them to appreciate the supporting details so that it more clear to read, and
perspective of the user. two different ways in arrange. Third,
Now, the researcher talks about discussion recommendation which the conclution of the issue,
text. Discussion is a text which presents a the author give recommendation and judgment based
problematic discourse. This problem will on text which discussed before, the author give
be discussed from different points of view. It statement support to one side which overwhelming.
presents pro and contra opinion on certain issue. In
this text, the writer will give an argument about a RESEARCH METHOD
issue, the issue of the text which will discuss should
have pro and contra to be discussed. In this research, researcher used qualitative
As stated by Astuti (2006, p.81), research. In conducting research, the researcher
“discussion is a text which presents a problematic needed a research design. The research design in this
discourse.” The problem is discussed from different research was content or document analysis. Ary et
viewpoints. The discussion is commonly found in all (2010, p. 457) mention, “content analysis is
philosophical, historic, and social text. It means that applied to written or visual materials for the purpose
discussion text is a text that talks about a problem of identifying specified characteristics of the
that viewed from two different angles and usually material.” The data of document was the students’
found in philosophical, historic, and social text. In writing task that given by the teacher at third grade
addition, discussion text has generic structures. students of SMA Negeri 2 Pariaman. In third grade
According to Barwick (1999, p.93), had six classes: three IPA and three IPS.The
“srtucture of discussion text consist of three parts, researcher took 20% from total of the students
such as: an introductory statement of position amount. Thus, the total of participants was 27
supplying necessary background information, students. The researcher used simple random
argument for and argument againts and supporting sampling to choose the participant.
evidence, recommendation or conclusion.” First,

Then to help the researcher in doing said the students did not understand in writing the
analyzed the document, the researcher used form or generic structure of discussion text. In this research
document checklist as an instrument. The form used the researcher got the data from document of
to guide researcher in ordering to keep the data would students’ exercise about writing discussion text
be collected relevant to the topic investigated. In written by third grade students in SMAN 2 Pariaman.
collecting the data, the researcher used analysis of The document which consists of 27 students’
document analysis with document checklist. exercises were taken to find out what were the
In getting the data in the field, the students’ problems in writing generic structure of
researcher done some steps. First, the researcher gone discussion text.
to SMA Negeri 2 Pariaman to give the letter of the In general, the third year students’ SMA
research recommendation from STKIP and Negeri 2 Pariaman had problems in writing generic
educational department Pariaman and then met with structure of discussion text. For more details, it
English teacher that taught in third grade SMA would be shown in the table below:
Negeri 2 Pariaman. Second, the researcher asked
students’ writing document to the teacher. The last Table.1. The Frequencies of Students’Problems
researcher analyzed the data.
After collecting the data, the researcher Classificati Frequency
analyzed all the data. The data analysis in this on
research was conduct based on the technique of
General Argum Argument Recom
analyzing qualitative data by Gay and Airasian Stateme ent for againts menda
(2000, p.239) state “in analyzing the data of nt tion
descriptive had to follow these phase reading/ Had 21 20 22 20
memoing, describing, classifying and interpreting.” Problems
Had No 6 7 5 7

From the data analysis above, the researcher CONCLUSION

had interpretation about all of the data from the Based on students’ writing discussion text,
finding of Students’ Problems in Writing Generic the researcher finds that the students has problem in
Structure of Discussion Text. The researcher found writing generic structure of discussion text. In
many students did not write general statement as general statement, the students’ writing did not write
clearly and interested, has not a statement or purpose general statement as clearly and interested. It has not
the introducing the reader to read the details and it a statement or purpose the introducing the reader to
was not gave equal weight to both sides to be read the details, and it do not give equal weight to
discussed. It meant that the students had problems in both sides to be discussed. In argument for and
writing general statement of discussion text. They did argument againts, the student did not write details
not know about general statement. In argument for contais of the response based on sources and public
and argument against of discussion text, the students response support. The evidence and opinion are not
did not write details contais of the response based on support the statement, and each paragraph is not be
sources and public response support. The evidence clearly structured with a topic sentence supported by
and opinion were not supported the statement. Each details. In recommendation, the students can not
paragraph was not be clearly structured with a topic recommend one argument over the other if the
sentence supported by details. It meant that the evidence is overwhelming. Conclude section of
students had problems in writing argument for discussion not be either a judgment, not support to
discussion text. And in recommendation the students one sides of the discussion, and not be based on the
did not write how to the conclude the text. The points raise in the discussion.
students could not recommend one argument over the Briefly, the student do not understand about
other if the evidence was overwhelming. Concluding generic structure of discussion text. Thus, the student
section of discussion was not be eithr a judgment. It shall be more noticed in writing generic structure of
was not supported to one sides of the discussion. It discussion text. The students learn more about
was not be based on the points raised in the general statement, argument for and argument
discussion. It means that the students had problems in againts, and recommendation. The researcher
writing recommendation of discussion text. concludes that the students at third grade in SMA
Thus, more than a half students’ did not Negeri 2 Pariaman had problems in writing generic
write the general statement, argument for, argument structure of discussion text.
againts and recommendation correctly. It could be


Consider of the result of the research, first, the

problem in writing generic structure , the researcher
suggest that the teachers give more exercises to the
student in writing generic structure of discussion text.
Second, for the students, they shall more learn about
generic structure of discussion. All of the problems
elaborate above can not be solve without the
cooperation between teachers and students. The
willingness from the students and the help and
support from teachers will help to solve student’s
problems in writing, especially writing discussion

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