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Author’s Name.




Nazhrotur Rofidah; Arik Susanti

Universitas Negeri Surabaya; Universitas Negeri Surabaya;

Abstract: In the global era, EFL learners must master writing

skill in order to communicate and covey their message. To
motivate them to be independent, it is used project based
learning. It is expected that students will engage in writing
process. The purpose is to investigate whether project based
learning can improve the students’ writing ability. It was
experimental research to compare between experimental and
control group. The samples were 60 students of junior high
school. The instrument is writing test. The data was analyzed
using SPSS. The result show that the mean score of control class
in post-test is 64.60 (SD = 10.87420) and the mean score of
experimental class is 84.83 (SD = 10.19494). It means the p value
is .00 or less than 0.05. It indicates that there is significant
difference on students’ writing skill between experimental
group and control group. The results of post-test in experimental
class is higher than the control class. It also supported by Eta
Squared value 0.48 or classified as large effect. It means that the
use of project based learning gave positive effect towards
students’ writing skill. It is recommended to use project based
learning to improve the English skills.

Keywords: Writing, Project Based Learning, Descriptive

Text, and Mini Magazine

Author’s Name. Title

One of the important English skills that should be mastered is
writing. Writing is a process to express the ideas in the form of
written in order to communicate with the readers (Meyers, 2005).
Writing is an important skill that students have to be learned. Nunan
(2003) said that writing is the process to discover the ideas through
statements and paragraphs in order to communicate clearly to the
reader. Harmer (2007) stated that writing is a process to produce and
convey the language through ideas, feeling, and opinion. The writer
should write their ideas by paying attention to the correct
grammatical rules in order to make their message easier to be
understood. Moreover, it can be understood that writing is an English
skill to express writers’ thought on a piece of paper to share the ideas.
Furthermore, people can communicate and convey their massage to
other people by writing something about their opinions, critics and
suggestions, etc. According to Byrne (1980), there are five components
in writing skill which are content, organization, grammar,
vocabulary, and mechanic. The students have to master those
following components in order to make a good writing text. For those
reason, writing skill is needed to be taught to the students in order to
help them communicate and develop their ideas easily in the form of
written sentences. Thus, the teacher should help the students to
master writing skill.
Moreover, when it comes to writing activities, students are
expected to write their ideas easily. It means that students have to
master writing components. Based on the criteria of learning on 21st
century, students expected to have some skills that are needed in
order to support their successful life. They are expected to be creative
and have critical thinking skill to make their own writing during
teaching and learning process. Moreover, based on the 2013
government curriculum, students nowadays have to be active,
creative and innovative person. In this case, students are expected to
explore and actively share their knowledge during teaching and
learning process. They are also expected to be independent learner

Author’s Name. Title

who can solve the problem in real situations. It is supported by

Trilling and Fadel (2009) who said that students should be able to
solve the problem and communicate well with others during the
However, EFL students may have some problems during writing
activities. There are some factors that make the students feel difficult
when it comes to writing activities. The first factor is come from the
students themselves. They are lack of motivation to start their writing.
Moreover, having no motivation means having no ideas and it make
the students take a long time to finish their work. The second is that
students cannot find the right words or vocabulary to describe what
is on their mind so that they are difficult to develop good sentences
and paragraphs. From those problems, students finally have a
perception that writing is a difficult skill.
Furthermore, the other factor came from the teacher. Based on my
observation during my teaching program in one of junior high school
in Surabaya, the teacher preferred to make the students talk rather
than focused on students’ writing skill. It made students’ writing did
not have much improvement. Some of the students also had
difficulties to write correct sentences. They also often had difficulties
to spell the correct words in the form of written. Moreover, the
teacher only used the topic and materials on the textbook to deliver
writing material without combining the material into interesting and
interactive activities. In the end, it makes the learning process seemed
to be monotonous.
To overcome that problem, teacher should apply project based
learning to teach writing to make the students more active, interested
and challenged in doing their task. Project based learning experiences
the students to design, plan, and make a project that produces an
output which can be showed or presented (Patton, 2012). In this case
students will make a project which can be shown and presented.
Moreover, Project Based Learning is a method that provides the
students to do the task based on the real situation. Students are
allowed to work together in a group in order to reach the same goal.

Author’s Name. Title

It is supported by Simpson (2011) project based learning focuses on

the learning activity based on real situations and challenges that
provides team work in making a final project. In this case, students
are also trained to work in real situation to make the product.
Moreover, project based learning also in line with the Indonesian
Government and English Curriculum which suggested the
implementation project based learning, problem based learning, and
discovery learning in teaching learning process. Moreover, Project
based learning does not use teacher centered during the learning
process. It also in line with the curriculum which focuses on students
centered during the lesson while teacher is as facilitator to help the
students when they have difficulties to do the project. These activities
are more challenging and build cooperative learning which makes the
students more active during the learning process.
Based on those previous researches above, the use of project based
learning shows positive effect on the students writing improvement.
Moreover it also develops students’ social skill such as collaborative
skill, critical thinking, and problem solving. However, the previous
research use project based learning to teach recount and hortatory
exposition text, meanwhile descriptive text is not. Besides, those
previous researches used classroom action research just only to focus
on the improvement of students writing skill. The researcher thinks
that it is not enough if the study just focus on the improvement of
students’ writing.
From those reasons above, the purpose of this study is to examine
the effectiveness of project based learning to improve writing skill.

1. Writing
Writing is a process to express the ideas in the form of
written in order to communicate with the readers (Meyers,
2005). In the process of writing, students should put their ideas
and organize it in order to make the readers understand about
the message. It is also supported with Syarif (2004) who said
that writing is indirect communication to convey the writer

Author’s Name. Title

thought in the form of grammatical and vocabulary which are

written. It can be said that the process of writing contains of
grammatical rules and vocabulary aspect.
According to Brown (2001), writing is including of
thinking, drafting, and revising the written text which also
concerns on the grammatical rules. It also supported by
Harmer (2004) states that there are four process of writing
including of planning, drafting, editing, and final version. In
the planning stage or thinking, writers start to plan what they
want to write. They must decide the goal of their writing
because it will affect the type of the text, language use, and the
information that will be shared.
Drafting is putting the ideas in the form of sentences
and paragraphs on the paper. The writers can write a lot of
ideas so that it is possible if the writers will have more than
one draft to get a good writing.
Editing is a stage when writers read their drafts again
and do reflection on their writing. They try to conclude
whether the writing is good or not. Moreover, the other reader
may give suggestions and comments to help the writers get a
good writing. After doing reflection and get the comments
from the readers, the writer can revise the writing into a better
final result. This final stage comes when the writer has already
edited their writing into a good one. This may be different
with the first draft because it got changed many times in
editing process. Moreover, the writing is ready to be read.
According to Byrne (1980), there are five components in
writing skill. First, organizing the idea is the important
component that should be had when starting to write. In this
case, the writing should organized well starting with the
opening/introduction, body, and closing. It will make the
readers easily to capture what’s on writers mind. Second,
grammar is the language rules to combine the words that can
be used to make the writing more readable and meaningful. In
order to make the readers understand about the message of the
writing, the writer should produce a good readable and
meaningful sentences to avoid miss understanding.
The next is vocabulary that can be used to help the
readers picture the description better. It is also enrich the

Author’s Name. Title

literary and cultural values of the text. Moreover, the writer

should choose the proper diction to express their writing. The
better and unique the diction is, the better the score that will be
There are two aspects in mechanic which mentioned as
follow: punctuation and capitalization. The last is content that
takes important role which contains of writer’s idea of related
topic that will be written. A good content will make the
readers more interested to the writing.

2. Assessing Writing
Assessing is a process to collect the data in order to
measure students’ ability (Hylland, 2003). There are two ways
to get students’ writing score; holistic scoring and analytic
scoring. Hughes (2003) stated that holistic scoring is a scoring
type that uses single score for the entire writing. In this case,
the teacher just get one score from the whole writing.
Meanwhile, analytic scoring is type of scoring which asses
every component in detail. In other words, the score will be
more detail consisting in five components of writing,
In this study, it is used analytic scoring to assess
students’ writing because it gives the detail data of students
writing skill. It also gives reliable information about the score
for each component. In addition, writing rubric also used to
help in assessing students’ writing. There are some writing
rubric components; content, organization, grammar,
vocabulary, and mechanic. According to writing rubric
proposed by Brown (2007) each of writing components have
criteria and have four score scales; upper to lower score. The
students will get 4 score if the result of each components are
perfectly good. Meanwhile, 1 score will be given to the bad
writing. The researcher use and adapted the rubric based on
the needs. The rubric can be seen on the table below.

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Table 1. Writing Rubric

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2. Project Based Learning

Project based learning experiences the students to design,
plan, and make a project that produces an output that can be
showed and presented (Patton, 2012). Students are allowed to
work together in a group in order to reach the same goal. It is
supported by Simpson (2011) project based learning focuses on
the learning activity based on real situations and challenges that
provides team work in making a final project. Bell (2010) also
stated that project based learning make the students work
collaboratively in order to finish certain project.
According to Stoller (2006), project based learning make
the students comprehend the material that they have learned by
doing real activities collaboratively which is linked with their
knowledge. In this case, students are easier to understand the
lesson because they are involved in a long time learning process.
Furthermore, Markham (2011) proposed that project based
learning link students’ knowledge with students’ skill. Students
not only learn the knowledge theoretically, but also apply it in a
real task situation. Moreover, Project based learning not only
provides content and material to the students, but also provides
important skills. Students are trained to communicate and
present their project, learn how to manage time, learn how to
work as a team, and improve their critical thinking skill
(Thomas, 2000 and Tan, 2003). It also improves students’
language skills, content learning, and cognitive abilities
(Ponpoon, 2011).
There are some characteristic of project based learning
which is proposed by Thomas (2000) and Tan (2003):
1. Project based learning is an authentic learning.
Students can do the real world task and situation
while doing the project. It also helps the students to
link their previous knowledge to their new
2. Project based learning uses learner centered.
In project based learning, students are forced to be
active learner because they have to make a project
using their knowledge and skill. They have to plan,
complete, and present the project they have done
(Simpson, 2011). Meanwhile the teacher takes a role

Author’s Name. Title

as a facilitator who helps the students if they have

some difficulties.
3. Project based learning is cooperative learning.
Students work cooperatively as a team when the
teachers apply project based learning. Project based
learning gives a chance to share the ideas, opinion,
and another resource. Moreover, students can work
as a team and learn how to work collaboratively.
4. Project based learning leads to the integration of
5. Project based learning provides end product.
The product of project based learning can be a
presentation, magazine, book, poster, etc.

The George Lucas Educational Foundation (2005)

stated that there are six steps to implement project based
learning which mentioned as follow:
1. Start with the essential question
The first stages of project based learning is asking
essential question to the students. Teachers have to
asked questions which are related to the objectives
of the learning process. Teachers also can ask some
questions which is related with students’ daily life.
2. Design a plan for the project
When it comes to designing plan for the project,
teachers can ask the students to give their ideas and
opinion about the project that they will do. Teacher
can discuss the plan with the student in order to
find the appropriate project which is in line with
students’ interest and capability. In this stage, the
teacher also gives explanation about the rule of
developing the project, the materials that is used for
the project, the activities for doing the project, and
the tools which are used to do the project.
3. Create a schedule
Teacher and students discuss about the time
allocation and the deadline of doing the project. The
schedule is created based on both teacher and
students’ agreement.

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4. Monitor the students and the progress of the project

In this stage, teachers have to monitor the students’
progress in developing their project. Moreover, the
teacher is also as a facilitator who guides and gives
information which students need to develop their
5. Assess the outcome
After the students finish their work, the teacher can
assess the students’ work to measure their
achievement. Teacher can give some feedbacks to
the students’ work in order to help them get the
better result of the product.
6. Evaluate the experience
Teacher and students will do reflection about the
project that they have done. In this stage, students
can give their opinion about the strength and
weakness of the project, whether it need some
improvements or not. By discussing about the
project and sharing students’ opinion, it may help
the teachers as an evaluation when conducting the
next project.

This study was experimental study since it compared two
group, namely experimental and control group. It was also concerned
about the effect of one variable(s) on another variable (Ary et al,
2010). It is also known that experimental research focuses on
treatments. The design of study can be described in the table below.

Table 2. Research Design

Group Pretest Independent Posttest

E Y1 X X2

P Y1 - X2

Author’s Name. Title

E: Experimental Class
P: Control Class
X: Treatment
X2: Posttest result
(Ary et al.,2010)

Moreover, this study was categorized as true experimental

design or as known as randomized design which apply
randomization and give maximum control of extraneous variable.
Besides, the sample of the study is chosen randomly from the
population. The population were all the seventh graders of SMPN 13
Surabaya consisting of 451 students. The sample was chosen
randomly consisting of two classes; control and experimental class.
The two classes were VII I as control group and VII K as the
experimental class. The number of control group is 30 students
consisting of 18 female and 12 male students. However, the number
of experimental group is 30 students consisting of 19 female and 11
male students. So that the total number of the samples were 60
Instrument is a tool to collect the data of the research. The
instrument was writing test that asked EFL learner to write
composition and in their group, they can create mini magazine.
The procedures of the study could be described as a follow. First,
both of the groups were given pretest in order to measure students’
writing capability. Before, the subjects were given pretest, the essay
test must be check its validity and reliability. In this study, it was
used content validity. Content validity was gained by considering on
the judgment expert validation. In this case, the validity is checked by
having comparison between the test items and the objectives in the
curriculum (Sugiyono, 2011). In addition, the content validity of the
research instrument was measured by relating the content of the
instrument to the 2013 curriculum. This research used writing test as
the instrument to measure seventh graders students’ descriptive
writing skill. It was in line with the objectives in 2013 curriculum that

Author’s Name. Title

use descriptive text as one of the text that have to be learned by the
seventh graders students. It was also stated on the 2013 curriculum in
3.7 and 4.7 basic competence.
Moreover, to make sure that the test was valid, it was also used a
validator. The validator is someone who is expert and has
background knowledge in English and have been experiencing in
teaching English minimum 10 years. The validator is one of English
teacher in 13 junior high school of Surabaya. After showing the test
item that already constructed, the validator checked the test whether
it was valid or not. Based on the validator’s judgment, the test item
was valid.
After the test was valid, the researcher conducted try out on
different sample of the research to know the reliability of the test.
Reliability is how accurate and consistent the data of the instrument
that is measured (Ary et al, 2010). It was used to know whether the
score is consistent to be used in the study or not. In measuring
reliability, there are some criteria of reliability which is shown on the
table (Bartz, 1976) bellow;

Table 3. Reliability Level

Point Strength

0.81 – 0.99 Very high reliability

0.61 – 0.80 High reliability

0.41 – 0.60 Moderate reliability

0.21 – 0.40 Low reliability

0.01 – 0.20 Very low reliability

After the result of try out was gotten, the students’ writing skill
was measured by two raters and analyzed by SPSS 20. The researcher
evaluated whether there was any positive or negative correlation
between students’ writing scores which was measured by rater 1 and

Author’s Name. Title

rater 2. Moreover, try out result was analyzed by using Pearson

Correlation on SPSS 20.

Table 4. Inter rater Reliability


Rater_1 Rater_2

Pearson Correlation 1 .971**

Rater_1 Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 35 35

Pearson Correlation .971** 1

Rater_2 Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 35 35

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-


Based on the table above, there was very strong positive

correlation between two variables. The data showed that the r=.971,
n=35, and p> .000 which means that the try out test was high reliable.
It means that the test could be used as the instrument of the research.
After giving pretest for both groups, the experimental group was
taught how to learn writing using project based learning. The process
of treatment lasted for 4 meetings. Then, the experimental and control
group conducted posttest to know the final result of students’ writing
skill. Finally, all the data would be analyzed the quantitatively since
the data was in the form of number. It was also analyzed using SPSS
20 to investigate the significant different between control group and
experimental group.
After the data were collected, the normality and homogeneity of
the test were calculated in order to know whether the test was normal
and homogeny or not. Homogeneity data is one of the requirements
for statistical tests, especially if the researcher uses parametric test

Author’s Name. Title

statistic to calculate the t-test. The rue of the homogeneity is the p

value has to reach more than 0.05 (Sugiyono, 2011). If the score is
homogeny, it means that the score can be used to calculate
independent sample t-test to answer the first research question.
After that, the p value was checked to see whether there was any
significant difference between control and experimental class. If the
score less than 0.05, it concluded that there was significant difference
between experimental and control class (Sugiyono, 2011). Then, the
researcher calculated the effect size how much the contribution of
Project based learning in students’ writing skill. Finally, the
researcher can take the conclusion whether project based learning
could help the students improve their writing skill or not.

There were two result gained after calculating independent
sample t-test. The first was the result of control and experimental
mean score, and the second was independent sample t-test result. The
mean score result calculation was shown on table

Table 4. Pre-test mean score of Control and Experimental

Group Statistics

Class N Mean Std. Std.

Deviation Error

Control 30 67.4333 9.15643 1.67173

Pretest Score
Experimental 30 72.1333 10.20052 1.86235

Based on table 4, the control class mean score was 67.43 (SD =
9.15643) and the mean score of experimental class was 71.96 (SD =
10.00511). It indicated that the pre-test score of experimental class was

Author’s Name. Title

higher than the control class. Moreover, the independent sample t-test
result was shown on table 5.

Table 5. The Result of Independent Sample T-test on Pre-test

The Independent sample t-test table showed that there was no

significant difference on students’ descriptive pre-test writing. It
could be seen on the Sig. (2-tailed) value which was .065 or more than
.05. It means that there was no significant difference between two
After the post test score was gotten, the independent sample t-test
was measured to know the significant difference on students’ writing
skill between control and experimental class.

Author’s Name. Title

Table 6. Post-test mean score of Control and Experimental

Group Statistics
Class N Mean Std. Std.
Deviation Error

Control 30 64.6000 10.87420 1.98535

Experimental 30 84.8333 10.19494 1.86133

According to the table 4.3 above, the mean score of control class
was 64.60 (SD = 10.87420) and the mean score of experimental class
was 84.83 (SD = 10.19494). It indicated that the post-test score of
experimental class was higher than the control class.
After the mean score was gotten, the result of independent sample
t test on SPSS 20 was added by the researcher to make sure that the
score was significant or not.

Table 7. The Result of Independent Sample T-test on Post-test

Author’s Name. Title

On the table 7 above, the significance (2-tailed) value was .00 or

less than .05. According to Pallant (2013), if the significance (2-tailed)
value was .05 or less than .05, it indicates that there was significant
difference in the mean scores between two classes. Meanwhile, if the
Sig. (2-tailed) value was more than .05, means that there was no
significant difference between two classes. As the result, it could be
said that the post-test mean score of control and experimental class
was significantly different. So, the alternative hypothesis is achieved.
Furthermore, the researcher also calculated the effect size of the
treatments in order to know the effect of project based learning in
experimental class. The researcher used Eta Square Calculation. There
are three scales of Eta Square (Cohen, 1988) as shown on table below;

Table 8. The Criteria of Eta Square

The Criteria The Description

Large Effect .14

Moderate Effect .06

Low Effect .01

The eta squared calculation of effect size of independent sample t-

Eta squared = 𝑡²+(𝑁1+𝑁2−2)

= −7.434²+(30+30−2)

= 55.279225+58

= 113.279225

= 0.48 (Large effect

Author’s Name. Title

Since eta squared value was 0.48, it indicated that the treatment
gave large effect to the result of experimental class. Moreover, there
was significant difference between control and experimental class. In
other words, it had been answered the first research question which
has been mentioned on the first chapter that there is significant
difference in students’ writing skill between who are taught by
project based learning and those who are not.
Moreover, it can be said that the use of project based learning gave
positive effect towards students’ writing skill. In other words, project
based learning is effective to be implemented in teaching writing.

The result showed that the implementation of project based
learning improves students’ writing skill. It is proven by the data
which shows that students who were taught by project based learning
have higher posttest mean score which was 84.83 than students who
were not taught by project based learning who only got 64.60.
Moreover, the independent sample t test showed that the significance
(2-tailed) value was .00 or less than .05. It means that there was
significant difference on post-test score between two classes. In
addition, it is also supported with the calculation of Eta Squared
which the value is 0.48 or can be classified as the large effect size. It
can be stated that project based learning has positive effect in
improving students’ descriptive writing.
It is in line with Ponpoon, (2011) that states project learning
makes some improvement on students’ language skills, content
learning, and cognitive abilities. Project based learning makes the
process of teaching learning writing more enjoyable since the
students could put their idea clearly on the text. They also added
several detail information about the person that they described.
Besides, the students could organize their idea in the form of
descriptive text easily starting from identification and giving specific
information on description text.
As proposed by Markham (2011), project based learning also link

Author’s Name. Title

students’ knowledge with students’ skill. It is because during making

the project, students were not only learned the knowledge
theoretically, but also apply it in a real task situation. It is also
supported by Stoller (2006) that claimes project based learning make
the students understand the material that they have learned by doing
real activities collaboratively which is linked with their knowledge.
Project based learning helps the students got deeper understanding
about descriptive text that has been taught. Besides, students also
could implement their theoretical knowledge about descriptive text to
make a project.
Furthermore, based on 2013 government curriculum, students
expected to be active and creative during teaching and learning
process nowadays. In the process of learning writing text, students
had to create magazine. It should be started by composing their
descriptive text. They were did some stages of writing process. First,
they discussed and classified about the information that would be
written. Then, they had to arrange the descriptive text on a piece of
paper. They also discussed with their friends and asked the teacher
whether their work still need improvement or not. If everything can
do well, the students continued by making the project, magazine.
From those activities, students work collaboratively with their friends
to discuss their difficulties and to solve them. Here, they are active
learners in the process of making project so that they get deeper
understanding to make descriptive text.
For those reasons, project based learning is suitable to be applied
during teaching and learning process. Since project based learning
was applied, students were allowed to work as a team when making
their project. It is supported by Simpson (2011) who said that project
based learning make the students more active because they have to
plan, complete, and present the project they have done. When
students work collaboratively to make their magazine, they were
actively share and discuss about the lesson with their friends. They
also could fix the difficulty cooperatively with their group. In this
case, the teacher was just as a facilitator who could monitor the

Author’s Name. Title

students’ progress and helped them if they had difficulties. It is also

in line with 2013 curriculum that use student centered during
teaching and learning process.
In addition, by implementing project based learning, students are
not only can make a good descriptive text, but also can express their
creativity to make a good project. They also design their project
creatively by putting colors, pictures, and stickers. It means that the
objectives of 2013 curriculum are achieved.

To sum up, project based learning can improve the students’
writing ability. It is proven by the means of experimental post-test
score which was higher than the pre-test score. The control class
post-test mean score was 64.60 (SD = 10.87420) and the mean score of
experimental class was 84.83 (SD = 10.19494). It indicated that the
post-test score of experimental class was higher than the control class.
It means the null hypothesis is rejected. Meanwhile the alternative
hypothesis is accepted. It indicated that the use of project based
learning gave positive effect towards students’ writing skill.
Meanwhile, there was significant difference on students’ writing skill
between two classes. In addition, the Eta Squared value is 0.48 or can
be categorized as large effect. It means that project based learning
gives large effect because the mean score between two classes is very
It is recommended that EFL teachers should be a facilitator in the
process of teaching learning English. They should be ready to help
students if they have difficulties in finishing the project. It means that
the teacher should monitor and focus on the students’ work until they
can finish it.
For other researcher who will conduct the same research, it will be
better if she prepares the material which is easy to be learned, so that
it will not waste the time. She should be able to manage their time
well to apply project based learning during the lesson and make sure
that the students already understand and know how to make the

Author’s Name. Title

project. To make students easily to finish their project, teacher should

use the example of final project as media so that students can imagine
how to arrange and finally can finish their project well.

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