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Computer Application for ME (Finals)

1. Create arc with a radius of 5 by clicking Main menu, Create, Arc, and input a
radius of 5 then press enter.
2. Create arc with a radius of 2.5 by clicking Main menu, Create, Arc, and input a
radius of 5 then press enter.
3. Create a vertical construction line with any length with a distance of 7.5 from
origin. Click Create, Line, Vertical, and input the coordinates of (-7.5,5)
4. Create a vertical line with a length of 19.8 with a distance of 7.5 from origin. Click
Create, Line, Vertical, and input the coordinates of (-7.5,-19.8)
5. From the vertical construction line, make a parallel construction line with a
distance of 12.5. Click Main Menu, Create, Line, Parallel, and Side/Dist. Click the
construction line to the right and input the distance of 12.5.
6. From the parallel construction line with a distance of 12.5 create another parallel
line with a distance of 3.75. Click Main Menu, Create, Line, Parallel, and
Side/Dist. Click the construction line to the right and input the distance of 3.75.
7. Create a line with an angle of 265 degrees with a length of 22 from the intersec
of circle with radius 5 and parallel line with a distance 12.5. Click Maine menu,
Create, Line, Polar, and input the angle of 265 degrees and length of 22.
8. To close the 2 lines, create a horizontal construction line with a length of 5.04.
Click Create, Line, Horizontal, and input the coordinates of (5.04,19.8).
9. Close it by clicking Main menu, Create, Arc, Tangent, 3 ents/pts and click the 3
10. Trim the lines that is not needed.
11. Create a vertical line with a length of 13 with a distance of 7.5 from origin. Click
Create, Line, Vertical, and input the coordinates of (-7.5, -13).
12. From the vertical construction line, make a parallel construction line with a
distance of 3.2. Click Main Menu, Create, Line, Parallel, and Side/Dist. Click the
construction line to the right and input the distance of 3.2.
13. Create a horizontal construction line with a length of 8 from the origin. Click
Create, Line, Horizontal, and input the coordinates of (-8, -11.2).
14. Trim the part of the line that in not needed.
15. Connect the 2 endpoints of lines by clicking Maine menu, Create, Line,
Endpoints, and click the two endpoints to connect.
16. From the vertical construction line 7.5 from origin, make a parallel construction
line with a distance of 5. Click Main Menu, Create, Line, Parallel, and Side/Dist.
Click the construction line to the right and input the distance of 5.
17. From the parallel construction line with a distance of 5, Make a circle with a
diameter of 10. Click the Main menu, Create, Arc, Circ pt+dia and input the
diameter of 10 and put it in the bottom point of the parallel construction line.
18. Trim and delete the parts that is not needed.
19. On the circle with diameter 10, make a tangent line on top of it. Click Maine
menu, Create, Line, Tangent, 2 Arcs, and click the 2 arcs to connect.
20. Trim and delete the parts that is not needed.
21. From the parallel construction line with a distance of 5, Make a circle with a
diameter of 5. Click the Main menu, Create, Arc, Circ pt+dia and input the
diameter of 5 and put it in the bottom point of the parallel construction line.
22. On the circle with diameter 5, make a tangent line on top of it. Click Maine menu,
Create, Line, Tangent, 2 Arcs, and click the 2 arcs to connect.
23. Trim and delete the parts that is not needed.
24 Make a parallel construction line with a distance of 11.25 from the tangent line on
2 circles above. Click Main Menu, Create, Line, Parallel, and Side/Dist. Click the
tangent line and input the distance of 11.35 below.
25. Make a vertical line at the midpoint of tangent line above the two circles. Click
Main menu, Create, Line, Vertical, Midpoint and drag in until it passes horizontal
parallel line 11.35 from it.
26. Make a circle with a radius of 5.15 in the intersection of 2 lines. Click Main menu,
Create, Arc, Circ pt+rad, and input the radius of 5.15 then click the intersec of 2
27. Make a circle with a radius of 2.65 in the intersection of 2 lines. Click Main menu,
Create, Arc, Circ pt+rad, and input the radius of 2.65 then click the intersec of 2
28. Trim and delete the parts that is not needed.
(Create a parallel line 2.5 distance)
29. Make a circle tangent to parallel line 2.5 and circle 2.65. Click Main menu,
Create, Arc, Tangent, 2 entities, and input the radius of 6.25 and click the 2
30. Make an arc with a radius of 10 at the point of circle with a radius of 2.65 and the
line tangent on it. Click Main menu, Create, Arc, Tangent, Point, and click the
points and input the radius of 10 then click the arc to keep.
31. Trim the parts that is not needed.
32. Put the fillets with a radius of 0.6.

-----------------------------------------------------E N D--------------------------------------------------------

John Kaiser F. Cecilio

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