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Provide your answer on the following questions:

1. What makes a decision necessary?

Everything in life revolves around making decisions. We always make choices
and decisions from the moment we awake until the moment we fall asleep. The
decisions you make frequently shape your personal and professional identities. In a
professional situation, good selections can make all the difference, as they can
impact your growth and career advancement. Depending on your position within a
firm, your decisions may impact the perceptions of other employees and the general
public. Many individuals attempt to evade responsibility when faced with challenges
or crucial decisions. However, those who are committed and able to make well-
considered judgments at the appropriate time are automatically regarded as leaders.
By improving your decision-making skills, you can become closer to your coworkers
and create a more tranquil workplace. Making decisions is crucial because it allows
you to choose between several alternatives. Before making a decision, gathering all
relevant information and weighing the advantages and cons is essential. Pay
attention to methods that might assist you in making the best decisions
2. Cite a situation you experienced that your decisions resulted in consequences that
you did not want? What factors contributed to the decision you made?
I regretted pocketing the money that was reserved for my one-month food
expenses. I’m a worldly girl and tend to overspend my money to buy clothes and eat
out at restaurants; because of this, I tend to pocket the money my parents sent me.
3. For item #2, identify these consequences? How important are these consequences?
Because I spend that money the whole week I was living off instant noodles.
These consequences are important as it serves the cold reality of our decisions.

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