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Doyen Aluminum Castshop Filter Features

1. Low thermal expansion , low thermal stress , low possibility of

preheat cracking

At present, the commonly used filter is PBA filter which made from aluminum phosphate
bonded alumina, while the aggregate of Doyen filter is kyanite. As the thermal expansion
coefficient of alumina is higher than that of kyanite, the thermal expansion of the filter with
kyanite as aggregate is only about 60% of that of PBA filter when it is heated from room
temperature to 700 degrees (as shown in the figure below), and there is no expansion
caused by phase transformation in the whole process. However, PBA filter has
concentrated expansion caused by phase transformation at low temperature.

0.007 PBA

Expansion (dl/l)

0.004 1




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Temperature - °C

Because of the low Young's modulus of kyanite, the thermal stress of Doyen filter is
only 25% of PBA filter.

th = ET/(1 - )

 = thermal stress;E = Young’s modulus; = thermal expansion coefficient;T = temperature change;


 = poisson’s ratio

Filter Thermal expansion Young’s modulus Poisson’s Thermal stress

coefficient E, GPa ratio th
, /C 
PBA 8.87 X 10-6 354 0.25 0.0042
ACH 5.44 X 10-6 137 0.23 0.0010

Broken of the filter is not because of the mechanical strength that not enough to resist the
priming head of the aluminum liquid, maximum pressure is happened before priming, while
the priming head is less than 300mm so the mechanical pressure on filter is less than
7.9Kpa, which is not enough to break the filter. Actually, the cracking is caused by thermal
stress during heating and most of them are occurred in the preheating stage, in most cases,
cracking is ignored before priming and observed by aluminum fluid buoyancy after priming,
Low internal stress filter can effectively reduce the risk of cracking.

2. Bonding Agent
PBA filter is made from aluminum phosphate bonded alumina, Aluminum alloys
contain more or less a certain amount of magnesium. aluminum phosphate binder will react
with magnesium in aluminum alloy

2AlPO (s) + 8Mg (g)  Mg P (s) + 5MgO (s) + Al O (s)

4 3 2 2 3

The result of the reaction is that the adhesion of the filter is damaged. In serious cases,
alumina particles fall off the filter.
The following pictures show the comparison of the structure of the two kinds of filters
under the microscope after the filtration of 5052 alloy for 110 minutes. PBA (right figure)
filter is severely eroded. (the black part is aluminum channel, the white part is ceramic
structure of filter, and the yellow part is reaction product)

The picture below shows the more serious alumina particles falling off the filter:

Therefore, Doyen filter can resist the erosion of aluminum liquid more effectively and
ensure the filtration effect by using glass binder which does not react with aluminum liquid.

3. Expansible Gasket
Doyen filter used expansible gasket can ensure better seal during filtration and prevent
The reason why PBA filters used non expansible gasket is because of large thermal
expansion and stress, which will cause edge crushing during pre-heating, in serious cases,
it will cause the floating after priming.
Edge deformation and damage

crash area

Doyen filter does not have edge crushing during heating up because of the kyanite
with low thermal expansion and stress, the expansible gasket can effectively ensure the
sealing and prevent the filter from floating.

4. Dimensional Tolerance
Doyen filter has unique cutting process after dried, finished filter dimensional tolerance
is much better than the filter made from traditional foam cutting process. Dimensional
variation causes untight seal and floating, it is also an important reason for uneven
distribution of internal stress and increasing the possibility of breaking during preheating.
The high dimensional accuracy of Doyen filter plate effectively avoids these possible

5. Filter Strength
Room Temperature MOR(modules of rupture) of Doyen filter is a little lower than PBA
filters, as we mentioned above, maximum pressure is happened before priming, while the
priming head is less than 300mm so the mechanical pressure on filter is less than 7.9Kpa,
which is not enough to break the filter. Actually, the cracking is caused by thermal stress
during heating and most of them are occurred in the preheating stage. high room
temperature strength has certain significance for the transport and handling of filters.
However, all filters shall be placed vertically during transportation and handling, Doyen filter
will not break as long as in accordance with the transport and handling Regulations.

6. Consistent Quality
The automatic production line is adopted to reduce human factors for the whole
process, wet weight of each piece is monitored and recorded, finished filters are 100%
tested for permeability before packing, barcode on each box can trace the complete
production records.

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