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Direct Academic Vocabulary Instruction | Grades K–12 | RTI

1 & 10

Lesson t
Word Lis
1 e word
s. Then do
the exer
cis es that

Study th

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leg betw
calf rt of the
e back pa . ed it.
n. 1. Th e an kle ivy touch Lesson

knee an
d th e po niso
where th
left ca lf itches Word List
g cow or to its moth
2. A youn ys close
calf sta make.
The baby lf might
Study the words. Then do
the exercises that follow.
ink a ca
d you th
the soun
yo ur partner astronomy
n. The study of planets, stars,
and space.
toe of a Many people who take up astron
il on the omy first became
claw curved na interested when they were children
e sharp ped its
n. 1. Th al. rrot wrap
or an im th e pa astronomer n. A person who
bird nd, and studies
out his ha astronomy.
Karl held nd his finger. ing.
ou for gripp An astronomer uses a telescop
claws ar ster used and e to study space.
ab or lob big claw
rt of a cr m with its
2. The pa d th e cla
r grabbe Discuss with your partner what
The lobste astronomy.
you could learn using
held it. p nails.
with shar uld
tch or dig so she co
v. To scra ck door
at the ba besides
Our dog us e.
m e int o the ho prep. In addition to or also.
Besides being on the soccer
team, Sean loves
playing basketball.
me kind. you
couple of the sa elf. Will
o things on the sh
n. 1. Tw of cups crater
e ar e a couple
Ther e? n. A hole in the shape of a bowl
e on r.
bring m s togethe found in the
o do thing rink, mov
ing ground or at the mouth of a volcano
© SSI • DO

ople wh ound the .

2. Two pe slowly ar The hikers walked to the top
le skated of the volcano to look
The coup down into the large crater.

with the your
and tell
near you

of things degree
a couple
Point to em .
about th n. 1. A unit for measuring how
partner 1 warm
• Book 2 something is.
ise 3000
Wordly W Cindy heated the oven to 350
degrees before she
put the bread in to bake.
2. A stage or step in a series.
By degrees, Malcolm slowly
got better at doing his
math problems.

Move toward your partner by

small degrees.

Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 2 97

800.225.5750 fax 888.440.2665


1 Word List

Study the words. Then do the exercises that follow.

n. 1. The back part of the leg between the
knee and the ankle.
My left calf itches where the poison ivy touched it.
2. A young cow or bull.
The baby calf stays close to its mother.

Show your partner the sound you think a calf might make.

n. 1. The sharp curved nail on the toe of a
bird or animal.
Karl held out his hand, and the parrot wrapped its
claws around his finger.
2. The part of a crab or lobster used for gripping.
The lobster grabbed the clam with its big claw and
held it.
v. To scratch or dig with sharp nails.
Our dog clawed at the back door so she could
come into the house.

n. 1. Two things of the same kind.
There are a couple of cups on the shelf. Will you
bring me one?
2. Two people who do things together.
The couple skated slowly around the rink, moving
with the music.

Point to a couple of things near you and tell your

partner about them.

Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 2 1

n. A pillow or a pad with a soft filling.
Tammy rested her head on the cushion and soon
fell asleep.

Tell your partner about a cushion you have at home.

n. Something attached on only one side so
that it can move freely.
Colin licked the flap of the envelope and then
pressed it down.
v. To move up and down.
We heard the geese flap their wings as they flew
over the pond.

Show your partner how to act like a bird flapping

its wings.

n. 1. A person who takes care of horses.
The groom led the horse out of the stall to brush it.
2. A man who is getting married.
The groom slipped the wedding ring on the bride’s
v. To clean or make neat.
The mother cat groomed the kitten’s fur by licking
it until it was smooth.

2 Lesson 1
n. A part that each person gets of a whole.
Your share of the pizza will be two slices.
v. To use or enjoy with others.
My sister and I share a bedroom.

Tell your partner about something you shared with

a friend.

n. Anything that covers or protects.
Our dog looks for shelter under the bed when
he hears thunder.
v. To give protection or safety to someone
or something.
The small porch sheltered us from the rain.

n. 1. The land around a building.
We lived in a house with a large yard.
2. A length equal to three feet, or thirty-six
You need three yards of cloth to make your
costume for the play.

n. The word name for 0. It stands for nothing.
Three plus zero equals three.

Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 2 3

1A Words and Their Meanings
Look at the group of words next to the number. Then circle
the letter next to the word that has the same meaning.

1 to move up and down

(a) claw (b) shelter (c) flap (d) groom

2 to use with others

(a) groom (b) claw (c) shelter (d) share

3 the word name for 0

(a) couple (b) zero (c) yard (d) calf

4 the land around a building

(a) yard (b) groom (c) claw (d) cushion

5 something that protects

(a) calf (b) shelter (c) zero (d) couple

Look at the word next to the number. Then circle the letter
next to the group of words that has the same meaning.

6 claw
calf (a) a person who takes care (b) the curved nail of a bird
claw of horses
couple (c) a length of three feet (d) the curved horn of a cow
flap 7 calf
groom (a) a baby sheep (b) the arm between the hand
and the elbow

(c) a baby horse (d) the back of the leg between
the knee and the ankle

4 Lesson 1
8 couple
(a) a large number of things (b) a man getting married
(c) two things of the same kind (d) a woman getting married

9 groom
(a) to make clean and neat (b) to use with others
(c) to move up and down (d) to swing from side to side

10 cushion
(a) food for horses (b) a pad with a soft filling
(c) a feeling of happiness (d) a young cow

1B Seeing Connections
Look at each group of words. Three are related in some way.
Find the one word that does not belong and circle it.

1 stool wall chair cushion

2 seven two too zero

3 pony calf elbow knee

4 bride groom apple ring

5 pair two couple crowd © SSI • DO NOT DUPLICATE

Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 2 5

1C Applying Meanings
Circle the letter next to the correct answer.

1 Which of the following is equal to a yard?

(a) twelve inches (b) a couple (c) three feet (d) zero

2 Which of the following could provide shelter?

(a) a calf (b) a cushion (c) a claw (d) a cave

3 Which of the following has claws?

(a) a groom (b) a crab (c) a calf (d) a shark

4 Which of the following might have a flap?

(a) a tent (b) a couple (c) a bird (d) a swing

5 Which of the following cannot be shared?

(a) money (b) shelter (c) toys (d) zero


6 Lesson 1
1D Vocabulary in Context
Read the passage.

Bailey Finds a New Home

Sandra Adams and Ken Hodkinson live at Sugar Wood
Farm in New Hampshire. They have a cat named Bailey. He
did not always live with them. If Bailey could talk, he might
tell you how he came to live with Sandra and Ken. Let’s
imagine he can.

At first, Ken and Sandra didn’t want me. Many times I

waited outside their door for them to return home. I knew I
had only a couple of seconds to make my move. So I would
rub against Sandra’s calf, purring loudly and looking up at
her face. But Ken always said, “Don’t let him in. Don’t let him
in.” And they shut the door in my face.
It’s true that I already had a home. But I had to share it
with two other cats who liked to bully me. That was no fun. I
wanted something better. Sugar Wood Farm was just around
the corner, and I checked it out carefully. I counted the cats
that lived there. The number I came up with was zero. As we
cats say, “Purr-fect!”
Weeks went by, and it was the same every time. I hung
around the door for hours, and Ken and Sandra always
closed it in my face. But I never gave up. Then, one dark and
stormy night, my chance came. I was waiting for them to
come home, as usual, when it started to rain. Now, cats know
enough to get out of the rain. I could have taken shelter
in their woodshed. But I wanted to be right there on the
doorstep when they came home.
Before long, the rain turned to snow. This was even better.

I was sure that no one would turn a cat away on such a night.
I heard their car pull into the yard. Then I watched them
hurry toward the house. As soon as they saw me, I started to
meow like a little lost kitten.

Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 2 7

In no time, I was inside the house. Sandra dried me with
a warm, fluffy towel. Ken kept saying, “Don’t feed him. Don’t
feed him.” But I wasn’t looking for food just then. I was
looking for a new home. At last, I thought I had found it. I
was right. Before long, they were feeding me. Sandra talked to
my old owners about me. They missed me, but they had two
other cats. I didn’t feel bad.
Cats spend a lot of time sleeping, so Sandra made a soft
cushion for me to use. To be honest, I prefer their bed. They
also made a cat door for me with a little flap. I just push it
open with my nose, and it closes behind me. Sandra likes to
groom me. I think I do it better myself, but it gives her a lot
of pleasure. I try not to sharpen my claws on their furniture.
I think they are happy to have me around.

Answer each of the questions with a sentence.

1 How did Bailey know there were zero cats at Sugar Wood Farm?


2 How do you know that Ken didn’t want to share his home with

3 Why do you think Bailey rubbed against Sandra’s calf and
not Ken’s?
flap _____________________________________________________________________
4 Why didn’t Bailey look for shelter when it started to rain and
then snow?
zero _____________________________________________________________________

8 Lesson 1
5 What happened to Bailey a couple of days after he was let into
the house?


6 How do you know that Bailey can come in and go out to the
yard easily?


7 Why didn’t Bailey need to have Sandra groom him?


8 How often do you think Bailey sleeps on the cushion Sandra
made for him? Explain your answer.


9 Do you think Bailey likes having the cat door with the flap?
Explain your answer.


10 What are some ways Bailey might use his claws?




• The plural of calf is not calfs, as you might expect. The

plural of calf is calves.

Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 2 9

1 Vocabulary Extension
verb To use or enjoy with others.
noun A part that each person gets of a whole.

Academic Context
In school, sharing is telling others something. You can
share stories or ideas or read something aloud that
you wrote.

Discussion & Writing Prompt

Tell about a time you or someone else shared a story in class.

2 min. 3 min.

1. Turn and talk to your partner or group. 2. Write 1–3 sentences.

Use this space to take notes or draw Be ready to share what you have
your ideas. written.

10 Lesson 1

1 Review
Hidden Message Write the word that is missing from
each sentence in the boxes next to it. The number after
each sentence is the lesson the word is from. The shaded
boxes will answer this riddle:

Joanne bet Joe that her dog could jump higher

than a house. How did she win the bet?

1. The cloth was one ______ wide. (1) 1

2. Sue forgot her lunch, so I offered to ______ mine 2

with her. (1)


3. ______ is the opposite of bad.

4. Ramon needs a ______ of stamps for his letter. (1)
5. Ellen put the ______ back on the sofa, after it fell. (1)
6. Three, two, one, ______ (1)

7. The kitten scratched my arm with its ______. (1) 7

8. The baby ______ followed its mother to 8

the barn. (1)
9. The children ran for ______ as soon N’
as the rain started. (1)

10. The opposite of in is ______. J

11 . The ______ leads the horse to the 10

stable. (1)

12. Large birds must ______ their wings

to get into the air. (1)

Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 2 11


10 Word List

Study the words. Then do the exercises that follow.

n. The study of planets, stars, and space.
Many people who take up astronomy first became
interested when they were children.
astronomer n. A person who studies
An astronomer uses a telescope to study space.

Discuss with your partner what you could learn using


prep. In addition to or also.
Besides being on the soccer team, Sean loves
playing basketball.

n. A hole in the shape of a bowl found in the
ground or at the mouth of a volcano.
The hikers walked to the top of the volcano to look
down into the large crater.

n. 1. A unit for measuring how warm
something is.
Cindy heated the oven to 350 degrees before she
put the bread in to bake.
2. A stage or step in a series.
By degrees, Malcolm slowly got better at doing his

math problems.

Move toward your partner by small degrees.

Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 2 97

n. The distance from side to side and through
the center of a circle or a round object.
The diameter of the trunk of our old oak tree was
at least thirty inches.

Draw a circle on a piece of scrap paper and then show

your partner where the diameter is.

v. To look steadily at something for a long time.
Sam and Julie gazed at the polar bears swimming
in a large pool at the zoo.

n. 1. The force that pulls things toward the
center of Earth.
Gravity causes an apple to fall to the ground.
2. The condition of being serious.
Celia understood later the gravity of what she had
done by playing too close to the large waves.

Show your partner how your face looks when you

think about something of gravity.

v. 1. To turn or throw back, such as light or
The mirror reflected Tyler’s face when he looked
into it.
2. To think carefully about something.
Paul reflected on the next chess piece he
would move.

Tell your partner what you might reflect on when you

write a poem.

98 Lesson 10
n. An object that makes distant things seem
closer and larger. It does this by using mirrors
and lenses.
On a cool October night, Dad and Molly set up the
telescope in the backyard to view the stars.

n. All of space and all the objects in space.
The Milky Way is just one of many large groups of
stars in our universe.

10A Completing Sentences

Circle each answer choice that correctly completes the
sentence. Each question has three correct answers.

1 There was no one in the room besides

(a) the Fourth of July.
(b) the teacher.
(c) Darryl and his silly cat.
(d) my grandfather, who was asleep.

2 Craters
(a) are formed when large objects from space hit Earth.
(b) on the surface of Mars can be seen with a telescope.
(c) are Milo’s favorite food, and he says they are healthy.
(d) soon fill with water if they are not filled in with dirt.

Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 2 99

3 The universe
(a) is full of millions of stars.
(b) is so big, I don’t know where it might end.
(c) is all around our planet.
(d) is the smallest animal in the world.

4 Degrees measure
(a) how warm something is.
(b) the temperature of the oven.
(c) the diameter of an apple.
(d) the different steps in a series.

5 Astronomers teach us that

(a) none of the planets are real.
(b) our sun is just another star.
(c) Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system.
(d) the Milky Way contains billions of stars.


100 Lesson 10
10B Making Connections
Circle the letter next to the correct answer.

1 Which word goes with stars?

(a) machine (b) telescope (c) antenna (d) crater

2 Which word goes with circle?

(a) dozen (b) reflect (c) gravity (d) diameter

3 Which word goes with serious?

(a) gravity (b) invent (c) degree (d) girder

4 Which word goes with stare?

(a) invent (b) design (c) gaze (d) reflect

5 Which word goes with think?

(a) gaze (b) rotate (c) imitate (d) reflect

10C Using Context Clues

Circle the letter next to the word that correctly completes
the sentence.

1 The water ______ the full moon.

(a) absorbed (b) reversed (c) reflected (d) flapped

2 Kendall’s interest in ______ led her to become an astronaut.

(a) astronomy (b) degrees (c) lizards (d) factories

3 ______ French, Carlos is also studying Spanish.


(a) Reflecting (b) Besides (c) Imitating (d) Inventing

Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 2 101

4 Marco could see the moon’s craters clearly through the ______.
(a) universe (b) cavern (c) scoop (d) telescope

5 The temperature fell to zero ______.

(a) strands (b) degrees (c) diameters (d) centers

10D Vocabulary in Context

Read the passage.

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

How far up does the sky go? It seems to go on forever. No
one knows where space ends. No one even knows if it has an
end. So let us explore a small piece of it, our system of planets.

People have always gazed at the night sky. Long ago, they
saw the moon and the stars just as we do today. But some people
noticed something more. They saw that some stars moved slowly
across the night sky. Now we know that the moving objects
are not stars at all. They are planets circling the sun.
About five billion years ago, the sun and planets were
formed. They were made from clouds of gas and dust.
Gravity pulled the chunks and pieces together to make
lumps of matter. More and more dust was added to them. This
made the lumps get bigger. The largest lump became the sun.
It is a giant star. It shines brightly because it is an enormous
degree ball of fire. Eight smaller lumps circle the sun. These are the
diameter planets. They reflect light from the sun.
gaze The four planets farthest from the sun are Neptune,
gravity Uranus, Saturn, and Jupiter. No astronaut will ever land on
reflect any of these four. That is because they are made of gas. Each
telescope of these planets has rings around it. Each planet also has
universe several moons. Jupiter is the largest planet. Its diameter is
eleven times that of the Earth.

102 Lesson 10
Four smaller planets are closer to the sun. They are Mars,
Earth, Venus, and Mercury. All of them are made of solid
rock. Mercury is the closest to the sun. It is very hot. The
temperature there can rise to 840 degrees. That’s almost
twice as high as the top setting on an oven!
About four hundred years ago, the telescope was invented.
People were able to look closely at the planets for the first
time. The early astronomers were surprised. Saturn’s rings
were beautiful. Mars had huge craters. Jupiter had several
moons. One of the moons was even bigger than Mercury.
Our planet Earth travels around the sun. It is on a path
between those of Mars and Venus. We think that Earth is one
of the few planets in the universe that has liquid water. Our
distance from the sun gives us just the right amount of heat.
If we were much closer, the oceans would boil away. If we
were much farther away, the oceans would turn to ice. But the
temperature is just right. So life in all of its forms is possible
on Earth.
Scientists now know that there are other suns besides
our own. These suns also have planets circling them. They are
very, very far away. Is there life on any of them? We do not
know. They might have creatures that are smarter than we can
imagine. Or Earth may be the only planet anywhere that has
life. As more of space is explored, we may someday find out.

Answer each of the questions with a sentence.

1 According to the passage, which planet besides Earth has living

creatures on it?



2 What did some of the very first astronomers see in the night sky?



Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 2 103

3 What would you see if you were gazing at Saturn?


4 What did gravity pull together to make the sun and planets?


5 Why will we probably not find any craters on the four giant


6 Do you think there might be other life in the universe? Explain
your answer.


7 Which details in the passage tell you that the planets formed by


8 How does the diameter of Jupiter compare with that of Earth?
crater _____________________________________________________________________
degree 9 Why is it incorrect to say that the sun reflects light?

reflect 10 How did the invention of the telescope help science?

telescope _____________________________________________________________________

104 Lesson 10
• Besides and beside look almost the same but have
very different meanings. As you just learned, besides
means “in addition to, or also.” Beside means “next to.”
Be careful to use these words correctly, or you may say
something you do not mean. For example:
Melanie ate two scoops of ice cream beside the table.
Melanie ate two scoops of ice cream besides the table.
(She must have had a bad stomachache after that meal!)


Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 2 105

10 Vocabulary Extension
verb To think carefully about something.
verb To turn or throw back, such as light or sound.

Academic Context
When you reflect on something you have learned, you
think carefully about it.
Word Family
reflection (noun)
reflecting (adjective)
reflector (noun)

Discussion & Writing Prompt

Reflect on one thing you learned today and tell about it.

2 min. 3 min.

1. Turn and talk to your partner or group. 2. Write 1–3 sentences.

Use this space to take notes or draw Be ready to share what you have
your ideas. written.

106 Lesson 10

10 Review
Hidden Message Write the word that is missing from
each sentence in the boxes next to it. All the words are
from Lesson 10. The shaded boxes will answer this riddle:

Darryl has two coins that equal thirty cents.

One of them is not a nickel. How can that be?

1. That photo clearly shows a ______ 1

on the moon.
2. A circle is divided into two equal H
parts by its ______. 2

3. The ______ discovered 3

a new star.
4. People on a spaceship do
not feel any ______. H
5. The water will ______ the 5
sunlight into your eyes.
6. The temperature dropped to
thirty ______ last night.

7. Earth is only a very tiny part of the ______. 7

8. We wanted to ______ at the stars

all night.

9. ______ Jill, I have two other sisters. 9

10. Through the ______ , we could 10

see Venus.

Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 2 107

Direct Academic Vocabulary Instruction | Grades K–12 | RTI

1 & 10
Lesson t
Word Lis
1 e word
s. Then do
the exer
cis es that

Study th
pipe. It
r a tube or
cylinde shape of
ject in the
n. An ob llo w. ss vase Lesson

or ho s a tal l gla
be solid table wa with
nter of the was filled Word List
In the ce r, which
ape of a
in the sh .
tul ips
yellow Study the words. Then do
the exercises that follow.

e cable
examin ly. desk, the
k at close ined the n. 1. A thick steel rope made
v. To loo un exam were looking for of strands of wire twisted
ra and Ch y together.
When Co that the letter the
discovere A cable with a large hook on
the end dangled from the
was gone m to your
top of the crane.
scribe the
s and de 2. A bundle of wires covered
am ine your shoe by rubber or plastic along
Ex which an electric current can
er. pass.
partn The electric company will run
an underground cable
from this station to Quincy to
provide extra power when
it is needed.
fatal . tal.
ing death can be fa
adj. Caus white mu
s pretty cathedral
Eating thi
n. A large and important church.
of some The National Cathedral in Washing
feature ial part stairway ton, D.C., is the
nt or spec a secret sixth largest in the world.
importa s room is
n. 1. An e of thi
ual feat
An unus d this wall.
be hin convey
hidden .
face. rm smile
rt of the is his wa v. 1. To carry or move from one
2. Any pa Claude’s place to another.
ature of
asing fe
© SSI • DO

A wagon with high sides convey

One ple u lik e be st to ed the cut sugarcane
shoes yo to the mill.
e of your
the featur

Describe 2. To make an idea or feeling

your pa As the curtain closed, the crowd
clapped loudly to

convey how much they had

enjoyed the play.
• Book 3 Convey to your partner your
ise 3000 thoughts about some
Wordly W music you like.

106 Lesson 10

800.225.5750 fax 888.440.2665


1 Word List

Study the words. Then do the exercises that follow.

n. An object in the shape of a tube or pipe. It may
be solid or hollow.
In the center of the table was a tall glass vase
in the shape of a cylinder, which was filled with
yellow tulips.

v. To look at closely.
When Cora and Chun examined the desk, they
discovered that the letter they were looking for
was gone.

Examine your shoes and describe them to your


adj. Causing death.
Eating this pretty white mushroom can be fatal.

n. 1. An important or special part of something.
An unusual feature of this room is a secret stairway
hidden behind this wall.
2. Any part of the face.
One pleasing feature of Claude’s is his warm smile.

Describe the feature of your shoes you like best to

your partner.

Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 3 1

v. 1. To take hold of something tightly with the hands.
Tina grasped the bars on the gym set and pulled
herself up.
2. To understand something.
After we grasped the directions, it was easy to do
the puzzle.

Tell your partner something you have learned that was

easy for you to grasp.

n. 1. A stream of liquid or gas that is forced at high
speed through a small opening.
The firefighters directed jets of water from the
pump truck to the burning house.
2. An airplane that is powered by a jet engine.
The pilot told us what kind of jet would be carrying
us to the West Coast.

adj. Having to do with the ocean or with ships
and boats.
The largest marine creature is the blue whale.

Tell your partner about your favorite marine animal.

n. A mark on the skin that is left after a cut or other
wound has healed.
The scar on Helen’s knee is from the cut she got when
she fell off her bicycle.

2 Lesson 1
n. A long, thin part that grows out from the head of
some sea animals. They use it to hold things or to
move from place to place.
The cuttlefish wiggled its tentacles to bring the small
fish closer.

n. 1. A ship or large boat.
All the passengers aboard the vessel hoped to see a
whale or dolphin during the trip.
2. Anything hollow that can be used to hold liquids.
A clay vessel filled with lemonade rested on the picnic
table in the backyard.

Discuss with your partner what you could pour from

a vessel.

1A Words and Their Meanings

Look at the group of words next to the number. Then circle
the letter next to the word that has the same meaning.

1 a stream of liquid under pressure

(a) tentacle (b) feature (c) jet (d) scar

2 a tube-shaped object
(a) cylinder (b) vessel (c) scar (d) tentacle

3 a mark left after a wound heals


(a) feature (b) scar (c) tentacle (d) grasp

Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 3 3

4 a special part that stands out
(a) tentacle (b) vessel (c) feature (d) marine

5 a large boat or ship

(a) fatal (b) marine (c) tentacle (d) vessel

Look at the word next to the number. Then circle the letter
next to the group of words that has the same meaning.

6 examine
(a) look at carefully (b) return to
(c) stay away from (d) put away

7 marine
(a) having to do with sports (b) having to do with being sick
(c) having to do with horses (d) having to do with the ocean

8 tentacle
(a) a baby octopus (b) a hairy spider
(c) a long, thin part growing (d) a figure with eight sides
from some sea animals

9 grasp
(a) let go of (b) understand
(c) move in circles (d) cry out

feature 10 fatal
grasp (a) helpless (b) hard to understand
jet (c) causing death (d) being careful




4 Lesson 1
1B Just the Right Word
Replace each phrase in bold with a single word (or form of the
word) from the word list.

1 He has a mark on the skin left by a fall when he was a child.

2 The machinist looked at each object in the shape of a pipe.

3 Kelly always reads the having to do with the ocean report

before she sets sail.

4 New to crutches, Lin took hold tightly of each one firmly.

5 His mistake, not causing death but serious, made him upset.

1C Applying Meanings
Circle the letter next to the correct answer.

1 Which of the following can be fatal?

(a) a smile (b) a car accident
(c) a number (d) an award

2 Where would you not expect to find marine animals?

(a) in an ocean (b) in a sea
(c) in a forest (d) in an aquarium

3 Which would be the best way to examine a planet?

(a) build an arch (b) climb a tower
(c) turn on a channel (d) look through a telescope

Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 3 5

4 Which of the following might leave a scar?
(a) a ghost (b) a lesson
(c) a fall (d) a song

5 Which of the following can a person grasp?

(a) ideas (b) wind
(c) smells (d) smoke

1D Word Study: Nouns and Verbs

A noun names a person, place, or thing. Underline the nouns
in the sentences.

1 Squid have eight arms and two tentacles.

2 They can shoot out jets of ink if they are in danger.

A verb tells what action is happening or what someone or

something is doing. Underline the verbs in the sentences.

3 We launched our new canoe today.

4 We steered the canoe with paddles.











6 Lesson 1
1E Vocabulary in Context
Read the passage.

Monsters of the Deep

The Pacific Ocean is huge. But we see only its surface.
Underneath, over half a mile down, is another world. This world is
very dark. It is the watery home of the giant squid. These unusual
creatures spend their whole lives there. Let us explore deep in the
Pacific Ocean. We will go near the northeast coast of New Zealand.
There we will learn something of these strange animals.

Many scientists come to this area. They know it is a good spot

to find giant squid. They also find sperm whales there. Sperm
whales feed on the squid in this area. From one of their vessels,
the scientists can see the great whales coming up to breathe. Sperm
whales are huge marine creatures. They are eighty feet in length.
They weigh up to sixty tons. Sperm whales can go without breathing
for up to an hour. This lets them dive deep underwater. There they
hunt for giant squid.
The giant squid is an enormous creature. Yet very few have been
seen alive. Scientists instead examine dead squid that wash up on
shore. The giant squid may grow to be sixty feet long when it is an
adult. Its body is shaped like a cylinder. It has two fins at the tail
end. It uses them for swimming. When it needs to, the squid can put
on an extra burst of speed. First it swallows water. Then it shoots the
water out through an opening in its tail. A jet of water rushes out.
This pushes the giant squid forward.
The squid has two long, waving tentacles. Both are on its head.
Each one has rows of hooks that can dig in deep. The squid uses
them to grab food. It catches fish, crabs, and turtles. It also grabs
smaller squid. It can capture anything else that swims within its

reach. The squid also has eight arms. It uses them to stuff whatever it
catches into its mouth. Then its powerful jaws go to work. Their jaws
are shaped like a parrot’s beak. Anything a giant squid grasps has
little chance of getting away.

Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 3 7

The most unusual feature of a squid is its eyes. They are the
size of dinner plates. The squid lives far down in the ocean. There is
only a small amount of light that deep. In the darkness, the squid’s
large eyes give it good eyesight. It can probably see a sperm whale
before the whale comes close enough to attack. This helps the squid
escape. Scientists have looked at scars on sperm whales. They
believe the beaks of giant squid caused them. This tells them that a
sperm whale’s attack may not always be fatal for the giant squid.
The scientists use a small submarine to look for the squid. It is
called a Deep Rover. This boat can dive to around 3,000 feet. It has
powerful lights and four cameras. Scientists aboard a Deep Rover
took the first pictures of a living giant squid. Scientists would love
to one day film a fight between a whale and a giant squid. This is
not very likely, however. Instead, what we may see on our television
screens soon is the first close look at a giant squid. Its huge eyes will
be staring at us out of the darkness.

Answer each of the questions with a sentence.

1 Is it correct to call this a marine story? Explain your answer.


2 What do the scientists aboard the submarine want to examine?

fatal _____________________________________________________________________
feature 3 How far down can the scientists’ vessel travel?

grasp _____________________________________________________________________
4 Why is it hard for sea creatures to escape the grasp of the giant squid?

tentacle _____________________________________________________________________

8 Lesson 1
5 How does the cylinder shape of its body help a squid swim?


6 Why might a meeting with a sperm whale be fatal for a giant squid?


7 How do its tentacles help the giant squid?


8 Where does the jet of water come from that helps the giant squid
move forward?


9 What do the scars on sperm whales tell scientists?


10 Which feature of the giant squid seems most unusual to you?



• You know jet as a fast stream of water and as an airplane.

But there is also jet black, meaning a dark black color.

That jet comes from the name of an ancient Greek town
where a black stone, also called jet, was found. The two
jets have no connection and are really two different words!

Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 3 9

1 Vocabulary Extension
verb To study or look at something closely.

Academic Context
In a science lesson, you might use a magnifying glass to
examine an insect.
Word Family
exam (noun)
examination (noun)

Discussion & Writing Prompt

You could use a magnifying glass to examine a feather. What else could you
examine using a magnifying glass?

2 min. 3 min.

1. Turn and talk to your partner or group. 2. Write 1–3 sentences.

Use this space to take notes or draw Be ready to share what you
your ideas. have written.

10 Lesson 1

10 Word List

Study the words. Then do the exercises that follow.

n. 1. A thick steel rope made of strands of wire twisted
A cable with a large hook on the end dangled from the
top of the crane.
2. A bundle of wires covered by rubber or plastic along
which an electric current can pass.
The electric company will run an underground cable
from this station to Quincy to provide extra power when
it is needed.

n. A large and important church.
The National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., is the
sixth largest in the world.

v. 1. To carry or move from one place to another.
A wagon with high sides conveyed the cut sugarcane
to the mill.
2. To make an idea or feeling known.
As the curtain closed, the crowd clapped loudly to
convey how much they had enjoyed the play.

Convey to your partner your thoughts about some

music you like.

106 Lesson 10
n. Something made or invented for a particular use.
When you need a device for lifting heavy weights
without a great deal of effort, a lever will work best.

Talk with your partner about a helpful device in your


n. Goods carried from place to place, as by plane,
boat, truck, or train.
The trains passing through this station carry freight
from the middle of the country to the East Coast.

n. 1. A building or natural feature that is easy to see
and can be used as a guide.
The Gateway Arch is a well-known landmark in
St. Louis.
2. An important event.
The discovery that certain bacteria can cause
disease was a landmark in the history of medicine.

Tell your partner about a famous landmark in your


n. A way of doing something.
Tara’s method for bringing her cat inside is to shake
the container with treats.

Tell your partner about your method for washing your hands.

n. A thin, straight piece of wood, metal, or other
The shower curtain hung from a metal rod.

Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 3 107

n. 1. A long open tunnel that runs straight up and
The coal miners traveled for five minutes to reach
the bottom of the mine shaft.
2. A bar that connects with other moving parts of a
The drive shaft sends power from the car engine to
the wheels.
3. The long, narrow part of an arrow or other object.
Felix made sure the shafts of his arrows were in a
straight line.

n. Something that is built, as a building or bridge.
From the road, it was easy to see that the largest
structure in town was the hundred-foot water tower.

Discuss with your partner a structure near your school.

10A Using Words in Context

Read the sentences. If the word in bold is used correctly, write
C on the line. If the word is used incorrectly, write I on the line.

1 (a) Each device is tested before it leaves the factory. _____

(b) The device hatched after ten days. _____
(c) He wrote the device beautifully. _____
(d) The device is designed to help kids clean their rooms. _____

108 Lesson 10
2 (a) We rigged the sails on the forty-foot shaft and set off for
Hawaii. _____
(b) The mining crew went down the shaft in a metal cage. _____
(c) The shaft of the arrow was placed in the bow and then
aimed. _____
(d) Great shafts of fish were pushed toward land by the
dolphins. _____

3 (a) Please convey the message to your mom that I hope she gets
better soon. _____
(b) I could convey no meaning from the old letter. _____
(c) Moving belts convey the items to the next stage of the
process. _____
(d) The Statue of Liberty in New York harbor conveys the idea of
freedom. _____

4 (a) The cable is best eaten with honey and bread. _____
(b) Electric cables carry power to every home in the city. _____
(c) He arrived in a four-wheel cable pulled by two horses. _____
(d) The first cable to send messages through electricity was laid
in 1858. _____

5 (a) Electing the first woman president was a landmark event. _____
(b) The Statue of Liberty is a familiar New York landmark. _____
(c) A landmark was sealed inside the bag to be eaten later. _____
(d) I told my teacher I’d landmark my homework to make it
better. _____

6 (a) Oil is moved by freight train or by pipes. _____

(b) Boats are sometimes used to carry freight. _____
(c) I have never felt so much freight as when Keith jumped out and
scared me. _____

(d) Sending freight to the space station is very expensive. _____

Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 3 109

7 (a) Slugger told me to find my own method for swinging the
bat. _____

(b) Rubbing two sticks together is one method of starting a

fire. _____
(c) What method do you use for watering your plants? _____
(d) The method we followed was a twisting path that led to the
lighthouse. _____

8 (a) The sun is a large structure made up of mostly gas. _____

(b) The structure was only half complete when the hurricane
struck. _____
(c) Arlington’s sports dome is the largest structure of its kind in
the U.S. _____
(d) Milo wrote down the structure so that he wouldn’t forget it. _____

10B Making Connections

Circle the letter next to the correct answer.

1 Which word goes with church?

(a) device (b) vessel (c) nursery (d) cathedral

2 Which word goes with long and straight?

(a) rod (b) hinge (c) container (d) freight

convey 3 Which word goes with coal mine?

device (a) device (b) luxury (c) spine (d) shaft

landmark 4 Which word goes with bridge?

method (a) device (b) structure (c) gift (d) freight

shaft 5 Which word goes with carry?

structure (a) confess (b) defend (c) survey (d) convey

110 Lesson 10
6 Which word goes with toaster?
(a) cable (b) device (c) rod (d) shaft

7 Which word goes with the White House?

(a) landmark (b) cathedral (c) continent (d) milestone

8 Which word goes with truck?

(a) dome (b) club (c) shaft (d) freight

10 C Using Context Clues

Circle the letter next to the word that correctly completes
the sentence.

1 The ______ is made of many strands of steel and can hold two tons.
(a) freight (b) shaft (c) cable (d) cocoon

2 The enormous ______ took two hundred years to build and was
finished in 1345.
(a) chasm (b) atlas (c) freight (d) cathedral

3 The invention of the airplane gave people a new ______ of getting

(a) device (b) structure (c) attitude (d) method

4 The ______ was six feet long and had a diameter of half an inch.
(a) cathedral (b) rod (c) hinge (d) chimney

5 Marcus came up with a ______ to the puzzle.

(a) structure (b) device (c) solution (d) schedule

6 It took five minutes to reach the bottom of the ______.

(a) shaft (b) rod (c) attitude (d) solution

Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 3 111

7 The French castles were ______ built to last a long time.
(a) structures (b) devices (c) cathedrals (d) schedules

10 D Completing Sentences
Circle each answer choice that correctly completes the
sentence. Each question has three correct answers.

1 The wooden rod

(a) can have a flag attached to it.
(b) forms part of the kite.
(c) has six square sides with numbers on them.
(d) can be used as a fishing pole.

2 The method
(a) we were following was based on an old process.
(b) might have to be changed as we learn more.
(c) lay without being disturbed for a thousand years.
(d) can be done in just six easy steps.

3 Freight
(a) can be carried by plane, train, or ship.
(b) is usually in the form of air.
(c) prices can almost double during the summer months.
(d) is checked for explosives by dogs trained to sniff for them.

device 4 This device

freight (a) opens and closes the garage door.
landmark (b) made it possible to see the craters on the Moon.
method (c) was designed by a person who had trouble sleeping.
rod (d) can be grown almost anywhere and needs little watering.


112 Lesson 10
5 The cathedral
(a) holds over five hundred people.
(b) is a special day of the year.
(c) has some wonderful glass windows.
(d) is the tallest building in the town.

6 I offered to convey
(a) the air if it got too windy.
(b) the children to the circus in my car.
(c) the food to the event for half the price of what the others charge.
(d) the message of hope to the city mayor.

10 E Vocabulary in Context
Read the passage.

Life’s Ups and Downs

Skyscrapers are a common sight in the world’s big cities. They
have been with us, though, for only about 125 years. The first one
was built in Chicago in 1885. It had ten stories. Let’s discover what
led to this new kind of building, which changed the shape of cities.

There used to be only one way to make very tall buildings.

Stones were cut to the correct shape. Then the stones were placed
one on top of the other. This is the way the great cathedrals of
Europe were built hundreds of years ago. The enormous weight of
the walls was spread over a large area on the ground. The base of the
walls had to be many feet thick. This method of building used a
large amount of cut stone. And stone was not cheap. That was one
problem with tall buildings. Another was getting people from the

ground to the higher levels. Most people were not willing to climb
more than five flights of stairs.

Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 3 113

The first problem was solved in the late 1880s. That is when
steel came into wide use. A set of steel girders fastened together
supported the structure. That way, the outside walls no longer
carried the weight of the building. The walls could now be made of
lighter materials. There was no limit to how tall buildings could be,
except for all those stairs! Elisha Otis, a mechanic from Vermont,
solved the second problem. In the 1850s, Otis was working in a
factory that made beds. Elevators then were run by steam power.
They were just coming into use in America. Their main purpose was
to move freight from one factory floor to another. The place where
Otis worked had one. It was just a cage hanging from a rope. It was
raised or lowered inside a framework that kept it from swinging. If
the rope broke, there was nothing to stop the cage from crashing to
the ground.
Otis thought about this. He came up with a device that would
keep such accidents from happening. It was a kind of brake for the
cage. As soon as the rope or wire cable broke and the cage began
to fall, a spring caused two steel rods to shoot out of the sides of
the cage. These fitted into slots running the length of the elevator
shaft. That kept the cage from falling any farther. Otis’s invention
worked well. So in 1854, he took it to New York to a special business
fair for new inventions. He climbed into the elevator cage. Then
the cage was raised as high as it would go. After a signal was given,
a helper on the ground cut the rope holding up the cage. Instead
of falling, the cage remained in place. The crowd gasped. Then
they cheered. Otis began taking orders for the elevator company he
started. The company still carries his name.
Otis’s invention could be used to convey people safely to the
upper floors of very tall buildings. This helped make the skyscraper
possible. Elevators improved even more when they began running
on electricity instead of steam. Electric elevators were faster,
rod smoother, and quieter. They were also less likely to break down.
shaft The ten-story Chicago building, which was demolished in 1931,
structure was followed by Manhattan’s first skyscraper, the twenty-two-story

114 Lesson 10
Flatiron Building. It is still a New York landmark. Then there is
the 110-story Willis Tower in Chicago. It has over one hundred
elevators. The fastest ones make the quarter-mile ride to the top in
one minute with perfect safety.

Answer each of the following questions with a sentence. If a

question does not contain a vocabulary word from the lesson’s
word list, use one in your answer. Use each word only once.

1 Give the names of some devices that enable people to reach the
upper stories of buildings.


2 What kind of tall building was built before skyscrapers were invented?


3 What method was used to support the weight of tall buildings made
of stone?


4 Why is 1854 a landmark in the history of tall buildings?


5 Which structure was New York City’s first skyscraper?


6 Why were there no cables for electricity in the early elevators?



Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 3 115

7 What keeps an elevator from moving side to side?


8 Why would the rods that Otis used have to be very strong?


9 What are some different uses of elevators?


10 If you were riding an elevator to the top of the Willis Tower in Chicago,
how long would it take you?



• As you learned in Lesson 7, advice is a noun that means
“something that is given,” and its verb form is advise. The
same type of spelling change takes place in device and
devise. Device is a noun that means “something made or
invented,” and the verb form, devise, means “to make or
invent something.”







116 Lesson 10
10 Vocabulary Extension
noun A way of doing something.

Academic Context
In math, one method for measuring length is to use
a ruler.
Word Family
methodical (adjective)
methodically (adverb)

Discussion & Writing Prompt

You want to find out who is taller: you or your friend. What method would you use?

2 min. 3 min.

1. Turn and talk to your partner or group. 2. Write 1–3 sentences.

Use this space to take notes or draw Be ready to share what you
your ideas. have written.


Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 3 117

9 &10 Hidden Message Write the word that is missing from each
sentence in the boxes next to it. All the words are from Lessons X
and X. The shaded boxes will answer the following riddle:

A bus driver made her way along a one-way street

going toward the oncoming traffic. A police officer
saw this, yet did nothing. Why?

1. This half-built ______ will soon be our new school. 1

2. This recipe gives a new ______ for cooking chicken.
3. My decision to quit the team is a fair one, and I will ______ it.

4. That crane with a long ______ will lift the steel beam. 4

5. Boil the potatoes in a(n) ______ of salt and water. 5

6. The opposite of happiness is ______.

7. Each iron ______ was three feet long 7

8. This timing ______ will turn on the lamp at night.

9. A smile is a clear way to ______ that you are friendly. 8

10. The ______ in Washington, D.C., is open to all people.
11. From the ______, we learned that most students 11
like the school lunches.

12. The Space Needle is Seattle’s best known ______. W


13. The rescue workers entered the mine ______ carefully. 13

14. The slope here is so ______ you hardly notice it. W


15. Breaking the new bicycle on purpose was an act of ______. 15

16. A cheerful ______ helps when you have problems. K

17. If you can’t guess the answer, I’ll give you a(n) ______.
18. All of the trains on this line carry ______ only.

118 Review for Lessons 9 & 10

Direct Academic Vocabulary Instruction | Grades K–12 | RTI

1 & 10

Lesson t
Word Lis low.

1 Study the
de finitions of
the words
. Then do
the exerc
ises that fol

useful to.
ul to; to be ildren.
or be helpf s young ch
v. To help m benefit that does
benefit ool progra or helpful, ep better.
be´ nә fit
That presch is use ful is that I sle
So me thi ng that rci se program
n. 1. exe
be ne fits of my se. room. Lesson
cau children’s

One of the for a
se money for a new
t held to rai gh money Word List
2. An even raised enou
e lib rar y’s benefit
fit people.
shoes bene
rtner how Study the definitions of the words.
Tell your pa Then do the exercises that follow.
; whole. sale.
ssi ng pa rts ls at a yard ail v. To cause sickness, pain, or trouble.
ving no mi e set of painting too
adj. 1. Ha let āl “What ails you?” the doctor asked.
complete She bought a comp
kәm plēt´ mp let e. ailment n. An illness; a disease.
. now co
2. Finished r school is
tion of ou The flu is a common childhood ailment.
The new sec dinner. ailing adj. In poor health.
. rk before
v. To finish lete your homewo I have been ailing all winter.
Please co
ces s of growth.
through a
pro scles. Show your partner how you would look
ong leg mu
v. 1. To go velops str leg. if you had an ailment.
develop Running regularly de h develop
ed on my
di vel´ әp o being. n ivy, a ras banish v. 1. To force someone out of the country.
or come int the poiso
2. To bring I brushed against ba´ nish After the revolution, France banished
da y aft er the royal family.
The my
, or surpri
se. dismayed 2. To get rid of completely.
fear, worry wly painted kitchen
feelings of r ne Joe was such a cheerful person, he
v. To cause in the ceiling of ou banished gloom wherever he went.
dismay lar ge crack .
dis mā ´ A or wo rry heard the
parents. se of fear when we Talk with your partner about what you
urage becau filled with dismay
could do to banish a bad mood.
n loss of co re
n. A sudde began hiking, we we communicate v. To make known; to give or exchange
Just after e. kә myoˉo´ ni kāt information.
a rock slid may. Because I hate to write letters, we commun
rumble of you feel dis icate mostly by telephone.
like when
r face looks communication (kә myoˉo ni kā´ shәn
) n. The exchange of information
pa rtn er what you uble. between people.
Show you
ut wo rry, pain, or tro
witho The fight was caused by a lack of commun
mfortable— with ease.
© SSI • DO

ication between us.

A sta te of being co me to play a concert communicative adj. Willing to speak;
ease n. no lesson
s allow
or troubled
. When I asked her where she had been,
eager to talk.
ēz My pia d, pained, she was not very communicative,

less worrie re safe. replying only, “Out.”

v. To make ar you we
mind to he ease.
It eased my feel most at

where you Show your partner how you might act

t the place if you are not feeling communicative.
rtner abou
Tell your pa 1 console
3000 • Boo
k4 v. To make less sad; to comfort.
Wordly Wis kәn sōl´ My parents tried to console me when
my best friend moved away.
consolation (kän sә lā´ shәn) n. Comfort.
I knew I could always turn to my aunt
for consolation whenever I was upset.

Discuss with your partner how to give

consolation to someone who is sad.

cower v. To shrink from, as if from fear.

kou´ әr Our poor dog cowers every time Dad
turns the vacuum cleaner on.

Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 4 111

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1 Word List

Study the definitions of the words. Then do the exercises that follow.

benefit v. To help or be helpful to; to be useful to.

be´ nә fit That preschool program benefits young children.
n. 1. Something that is useful or helpful, that does good.
One of the benefits of my exercise program is that I sleep better.
2. An event held to raise money for a cause.
The library’s benefit raised enough money for a new children’s room.

Tell your partner how shoes benefit people.

complete adj. 1. Having no missing parts; whole.

kәm plēt´ She bought a complete set of painting tools at a yard sale.
2. Finished.
The new section of our school is now complete.
v. To finish.
Please complete your homework before dinner.

develop v. 1. To go through a process of growth.

di vel´ әp Running regularly develops strong leg muscles.
2. To bring or come into being.
The day after I brushed against the poison ivy, a rash developed on my leg.

dismay v. To cause feelings of fear, worry, or surprise.

dis mā´ A large crack in the ceiling of our newly painted kitchen dismayed my
n. A sudden loss of courage because of fear or worry.
Just after we began hiking, we were filled with dismay when we heard the
rumble of a rock slide.

Show your partner what your face looks like when you feel dismay.

ease n. A state of being comfortable—without worry, pain, or trouble.

ēz My piano lessons allow me to play a concert with ease.
v. To make less worried, pained, or troubled.

It eased my mind to hear you were safe.

Tell your partner about the place where you feel most at ease.

Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 4 1

hail n. Small lumps of frozen rain.
hāl The hail bouncing off the metal roof of the garage made a terrible noise.
v. 1. To fall as frozen rain.
My father’s corn plants suffered a lot of damage when it hailed yesterday.
2. To greet or welcome, usually with admiration.
The band played “Hail to the Chief” as the president came in.

lack v. To be without.
lak He never sees the funny side of things, because he lacks a sense of humor.
n. A shortage.
A lack of money forced our library to close on weekends.

master adj. 1. Chief; main.

mas´ tәr Flip the master switch to turn on the power.
2. Greatly skilled.
Rick is a master carpenter.
v. To become skilled at.
My mother mastered the new computer program in just a few weeks.

Tell your partner about something you like doing that you want to master.

patriot n. One who loves, supports, and is loyal to his or her country.
pā´ trē әt George Washington was a patriot who helped unite the United States.
patriotic (pā trē ä tik) adj. Having or showing love of one’s country.
“America the Beautiful” is a patriotic song with words written by Katharine
Lee Bates.
patriotism n. Love of one’s country.
Some people show their patriotism by proudly flying their country’s flag.

Tell your partner about something people do to show they are patriotic.

project n. A plan or idea for doing something.

prä´ jekt My science project is going to show what acid rain does to plants.
v. (prә jekt´) 1. To stick out.
Nails are still projecting out of the new floor, so be careful where you walk.
2. To cause an image to be shown on a screen.
This machine projects color slides but not movies.

2 Lesson 1
recommend v. 1. To make a statement of praise.
rә kә mend´ I loved The Secret Garden, and I highly recommend it.
2. To give advice; to suggest.
Dentists usually recommend that you have a checkup twice a year.

Tell your partner about a movie or book you like, and explain why you
recommend it.

remark v. To say; to make a comment.

ri märk My grandmother remarked on how well I looked.
n. Something said; a comment.
When no one else could think of anything to say, I made a remark about
how badly we needed rain.
remarkable adj. Deserving of being noticed; unusual.
For such a young child, he had remarkable strength.

represent v. 1. To stand for or in place of.

re pri zent´ Three dots represent the letter “S” in the Morse code.
2. To act in place of.
Each state in the U.S. elects two senators to represent it in Congress.

sufficient adj. Enough to fill a need.

sә fish´ әnt Ten lessons on the oboe were sufficient to earn me a place in the
school band.

Tell your partner how much water is sufficient to take away your thirst.

utter v. To make sounds with the voice; to speak.

u´ tәr Please don’t utter another word.


Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 4 3

1A Finding Meanings
Choose two phrases to form a sentence that correctly uses a word from
Word List 1. Then write the sentence.

1. (a) a useful aid. (c) Dismay is

(b) Hail is (d) frozen rain.
2. (a) A remarkable plan is (c) one that will probably fail.
(b) the main one. (d) A master plan is
3. (a) a place to relax. (c) A benefit is
(b) an event that raises money. (d) A patriot is
4. (a) A complete picture is one (c) very unusual.
that is
(b) A remarkable picture is one (d) not easy to see.
that is
complete _____________________________________________________________
develop _____________________________________________________________
dismay 5. (a) to bring it to an end. (c) to make it grow.
ease (b) To develop something is (d) To ease something is
master _____________________________________________________________
patriot 6. (a) to control it. (c) To utter something is
project (b) To complete something is (d) to say it.
recommend _____________________________________________________________
7. (a) stand in for him or her. (c) To represent someone is to
(b) invite him or her. (d) To recommend someone is to
4 Lesson 1
8. (a) To lack food (c) is to have more than enough.
(b) To have sufficient food (d) is to have enough.
9. (a) to show it on a screen. (c) To recommend a picture is
(b) to change it slightly. (d) To project a picture is

1B Just the Right Word

Replace each phrase in bold with a single word (or form of the word) from
the word list.

1. I sensed a total absence of enthusiasm when I suggested that we

climb Mount Monadnock.

2. Martha Graham brought into being a new style of dance in America.

3. The bookshelf sticks out too far into the room and has to be made

4. I took a hot bath to help take away the pain in my aching muscles.

5. Olga Ramirez expects her novel to be at a point where no further

work is necessary by the end of the week.

6. My uncle became very skilled at speaking French after spending a

year in France.

7. In English, the letter “c” stands for two different sounds.


8. Young children are helped a great deal from being read to every day.

9. The article ended with a reminder that there is more to showing love
of one’s country than flying your country’s flag.

Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 4 5

10. The news that the last train had just left worried and distressed us.

11. The track coach gave me the suggestion that I warm up before
starting my run.

1C Applying Meanings
Circle the letter or letters next to each correct answer. There may be more
than one correct answer.

1. Which of the following might fill someone with dismay?

(a) losing ten dollars (c) finding a staple in a tuna sandwich
(b) finding ten dollars (d) finding celery in a tuna sandwich

2. Which of the following might put someone at ease?

(a) a friendly smile (c) a warm welcome
(b) a “Keep Out” sign (d) a promise to help

3. Which of the following might be hailed by people?

(a) a train crash (c) a popular president
(b) a cure for a disease (d) rain after a long dry spell
4. Which of the following is a complete sentence and needs a period?
develop (a) I’m cold (c) The bus for Toledo
dismay (b) Let’s go (d) My hockey puck
hail 5. A rich person could lack which of the following?
lack (a) money (c) time
master (b) freedom (d) good health
project 6. Which of the following could mean a person is patriotic?
recommend (a) making money (c) voting in elections
remark (b) having a hobby (d) serving one’s country

6 Lesson 1
7. Which of the following is a remark?
(a) You look tired. (c) What on earth are you doing?
(b) 2 + 2 = 4 (d) A B C D

8. Which of the following represent other people?

(a) state senators (c) storekeepers
(b) taxi drivers (d) lawyers

1D Word Study: Synonyms

Circle the two synonyms in each group of four words.

Synonyms are words that have the same or similar meanings. Big and
large are synonyms. Both words have to do with great size.

1. harm hail benefit help

2. rush finish complete lack

3. dismay develop grow need

4. alarm joy hunger dismay

5. ease growth comfort project

6. remark hail forget greet

7. shortage lack promise return

8. suggest satisfy recommend promise

9. comment remark disturbance pause

10. repeat utter represent say


Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 4 7

1E Vocabulary in Context
Read the passage.

Sequoya’s Gift
Sequoya was a remarkable man in many ways. He was a skilled
silversmith and painter. He also served as a soldier. But he is remembered
today for inventing a written language.
Sequoya was a member of the Cherokee nation, the son of a Native
American mother and a British father. A patriotic person, he was dismayed
that white people were taking over more and more of the Cherokee lands.
There was no easy way for Cherokees to be in touch with each other
because they lacked a written language. Words spoken in Cherokee were
lost as soon as they were uttered. Sequoya believed that the Cherokee
people would benefit greatly if they had a written language and could read
and write. Newspapers could spread the word of what was happening to
people. Books could record their history. He made up his mind that he
would try to develop a written language for his people.
The project, which he began in 1809, took twelve years to complete.
He and his daughter worked together. She carefully sounded out each
syllable. Then Sequoya represented each one with a letter that he chose
from the English, Greek, and Hebrew alphabets. Eighty-six letters were
benefit sufficient to cover all the sounds of the Cherokee language.
complete Sequoya used this new written language in a message he sent to the
develop leaders of the Cherokee nation. The leaders were impressed with how
dismay simple the system was. They recommended that the new written language
ease be taught to everyone who wanted to learn to read and write. People liked
hail it because it could be learned quickly and with ease. Those who mastered
lack it went on to teach others. The Cherokees set up schools to teach Sequoya’s
master alphabet and began to publish books and newspapers in their new language.
patriot The first Native American newspaper, the Cherokee Phoenix, was published on
project February 21, 1828. It was followed by a flood of other newspapers and books.
recommend In his later years, Sequoya travelled throughout North America
remark studying other Native American languages. Everywhere he went he was
represent hailed for his invention, which played such an important part in uniting the
sufficient Cherokee people. He died in 1843. His memory is honored in California’s
utter giant sequoia trees, and its beautiful Sequoia National Park.

8 Lesson 1
Answer each of the following questions with a sentence. If a question
does not contain a vocabulary word from the lesson’s word list, use one
in your answer. Use each word only once.

1. How can we tell that Sequoya was patriotic?

2. What is the meaning of utter as it is used in the passage?
3. Why weren’t any books written in Cherokee before 1821?
4. How did Sequoya feel about what the white settlers were doing?
5. What is the meaning of develop as it is used in the passage?
6. How did Sequoya use the English, Greek, and Hebrew alphabets?
7. Why weren’t 26 letters sufficient for the Cherokee alphabet?
8. How long did Sequoya’s work take?

9. Did Sequoya work on his project alone, or did he have help?


Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 4 9

10. Why was the new language popular with the people?
11. How can we tell that the Cherokee leaders liked the new system?
12. What is the meaning of hailed as it is used in the passage?
13. How did the Cherokees help each other learn the new language?
14. What was remarkable about Sequoya?
15. How does a written language benefit friends living far apart?
benefit _____________________________________________________________
Fun & Fascinating FACTS
• The Latin bene means “good” and • In addition to its meaning as a
forms a root of the word benefit. verb, utter is also an adjective and
A benefit is something that is good means “total” or “absolute.” (When
patriot for a person. Other words formed the cellar door slammed shut
project from this root include benevolent, behind us, we were left in utter
recommend which means “having a wish to do darkness.); (I felt like an utter fool
good,” and beneficial, which means when the bike I reported stolen
“doing good.” was found just where I left it.)

10 Lesson 1
x Vocabulary
Word List Extension
verb 1. To go through a process of growth.
2. To bring or come into being.

Academic Context
When you develop an idea, you add details to help others understand
it. The more you explain or describe your idea, the more developed it

Discussion & Writing Prompt

If your teacher asked you to develop an idea in your writing further, what would you do?
2 min. 3 min.

1. Turn and talk to your partner or group. 2. Write 2–4 sentences.

Use this space to take notes or draw Be ready to share what you have written.
your ideas.


Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 4 11


10 Word List

Study the definitions of the words. Then do the exercises that follow.

ail v. To cause sickness, pain, or trouble.

āl “What ails you?” the doctor asked.
ailment n. An illness; a disease.
The flu is a common childhood ailment.
ailing adj. In poor health.
I have been ailing all winter.

Show your partner how you would look if you had an ailment.

banish v. 1. To force someone out of the country.

ba´ nish After the revolution, France banished the royal family.
2. To get rid of completely.
Joe was such a cheerful person, he banished gloom wherever he went.

Talk with your partner about what you could do to banish a bad mood.

communicate v. To make known; to give or exchange information.

kә myoˉo´ ni kāt Because I hate to write letters, we communicate mostly by telephone.
communication (kә myoˉo ni kā´ shәn) n. The exchange of information
between people.
The fight was caused by a lack of communication between us.
communicative adj. Willing to speak; eager to talk.
When I asked her where she had been, she was not very communicative,
replying only, “Out.”

Show your partner how you might act if you are not feeling communicative.

console v. To make less sad; to comfort.

kәn sōl´ My parents tried to console me when my best friend moved away.
consolation (kän sә lā´ shәn) n. Comfort.
I knew I could always turn to my aunt for consolation whenever I was upset.

Discuss with your partner how to give consolation to someone who is sad.

cower v. To shrink from, as if from fear.

kou´ әr Our poor dog cowers every time Dad turns the vacuum cleaner on.

Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 4 111

deliberate adj. Carefully thought out; not hasty.
di li´ bә rәt Although my mother was angry, she spoke in a calm and
deliberate manner.
v. (di li´ bә rāt) To think carefully in order to make up one’s mind.
We deliberated a long time before deciding to move to Arizona.

Deliberate with your partner about what kind of job you might like to have.

depth n. Distance from top to bottom or front to back; deepness.

depth The floodwaters reached a depth of several feet.
depths n. pl. The innermost part or the deepest part.
The treasure chest lay buried in the depths of the sea.

desire v. To wish for; to want very much.

di zīr´ A person who is famished desires just one thing—food!
n. A strong wish.
Pizarro’s desire for gold was so great he ordered the Inca king, Atahualpa, to
fill three rooms with it.
desirable adj. Pleasing, agreeable.
My new school is in a very desirable location.

Talk with your partner about something you have a desire for.

livelihood n. The means of supporting oneself.

līv´ lē hood The store owners in my neighborhood depend on shoppers for their

misfortune n. 1. Bad luck; trouble.

mis fôr´ chәn He had the misfortune to break his leg right before the big game.
2. An unlucky event.
Hurricane Sandy in 2012 was New Jersey’s worst misfortune in many years.

orphan n. A child whose parents are dead.

ôr´ fәn Tom Sawyer lived with his Aunt Polly because he was an orphan.

precipice n. A very high and steep cliff.

pre´ sә pәs We stood watchfully on the edge of the precipice and looked down.
precipitous (pri si´ pә tәs) adj. 1. Very steep.
The waterfall hiking trail has many precipitous slopes.
2. Hasty; abrupt; done without careful thought.
Getting a kitten so suddenly was a precipitous act.

112 Lesson 10
regain v. To get back.
ri gān´ By following the doctor’s orders, I slowly regained my health.

Tell your partner about something you lost and hope to regain.

slay v. To kill violently. (slain, past participle)

slā The scene where George slays the dragon comes right at the end of
the play.

symptom n. A sign of something.

simp´ tәm Headaches can be a symptom of not enough sleep.

10A Using Words in Context

Read the following sentences. If the word in bold is used correctly, write C
on the line. If the word is used incorrectly, write I on the line.

1. (a) I thought Jaclynn tripped by accident, but it was a deliberate prank to

make us laugh. ____
(b) France was deliberated in 1944 after the war. ____
(c) We deliberated for some time before deciding to stay. ____
(d) The quarry was deliberated by the hunters after it had been
caught. ____

2. (a) Her secret desire was to someday be an astronaut. ____

(b) Jason twisted his desires and hung them up to dry. ____
(c) A person who has everything usually desires nothing. ____
(d) Tell me your desires for your birthday this year. ____

3. (a) She made her first misfortune trying to win the game. ____
(b) Misfortune seemed to follow him everywhere he went. ____
(c) There’s a misfortune on page 5 that needs correcting. ____
(d) It was his misfortune to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. ____

4. (a) The bighorn sheep took a precipitous tumble down the

mountain. ____
(b) Our first climb was up a steep precipice. ____
(c) The drawings had been done in a very precipice manner. ____
(d) Su Nu has always been precipitous in the way she acts. ____

Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 4 113

5. (a) The prisoner was not allowed to communicate with others. ____
(b) Our school year was communicated to six months. ____
(c) The news caused great communication in the sports world. ____
(d) Communications with the outside world were cut off by the
hurricane. ____

6. (a) By the time he saw the doctor he had been ailing for weeks. ____
(b) My tooth was ailing so badly I had to see a dentist. ____
(c) The cat has been ailing ever since the big storm. ____
(d) You have to be able to ail before you become a doctor. ____

7. (a) “Tell me about your symptoms,” the nurse said. ____

(b) We followed the symptoms without worrying where they might
lead us. ____
(c) A sudden rash is a symptom that should not be ignored. ____
(d) I looked up the symptoms for malaria on the Internet. ____

8. (a) You need to console with a teacher before you leave the
classroom. ____
(b) Mrs. Angers did her best to console the crying child. ____
(c) You need a written consolation to go on the field trip. ____
(d) An “I’m sorry” was small consolation to Grandma after I broke her
precious vase. ____
banish 9. (a) The average depth of the lake is fourteen feet. ____
communicate (b) Whales need to come up from the depths to breathe at the
surface. ____
(c) The drawers are twelve inches wide and have a depth of six
inches. ____
(d) We collected six depths and put them with the others. ____
desire 10. (a) Syriah was happy to do extra credit to regain the points she lost. ____
livelihood (b) The Spurs regained their place at the top of the baseball league. ____
misfortune (c) Try to regain the flour before you add the salt. ____
orphan (d) Willie is sure he’ll regain his place as the best soccer player in
precipice the city. ____

114 Lesson 10
10B Making Connections
Circle the letter next to each correct answer. There may be more than
one correct answer.

1. Which word or words go with not by accident?

(a) intentional (b) shrewd (c) deliberate (d) ailing

2. Which word or words go with bad luck?

(a) symptom (b) misfortune (c) livelihood (d) advantage

3. Which word or words go with sickness?

(a) intrusive (b) infection (c) ailing (d) confusing

4. Which word or words go with not wanted?

(a) cower (b) regain (c) banish (d) reject

5. Which word or words go with ocean?

(a) depths (b) coast (c) orphan (d) marine

6. Which word or words go with take care of?

(a) blast (b) cower (c) regain (d) console

7. Which word or words go with pleasing?

(a) desirable (b) attractive (c) imitate (d) exquisite

8. Which word or words go with sleepy?

(a) doze (b) hibernate (c) drowsy (d) observation

9. Which word or words go with afraid?

(a) astonish (b) amaze (c) cower (d) astound

10. Which word or words go with murder?

(a) precipice (b) slay (c) depth (d) tackle

Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 4 115

10C Determining Meanings
Circle the letter next to each answer choice that correctly completes the
sentence. There may be more than one correct answer.

1. We were consoled
(a) when the class came to cheer us up.
(b) into giving money to the food drive.
(c) by the news that the children were safe.
(d) from joining the club because of our ages.

2. We communicated
(a) the news that our friend won the spelling bee.
(b) with the children by using sign language.
(c) the amount down to two thousand dollars.
(d) mostly by e-mail.

3. They were banished

(a) from the game after being caught cheating.
(b) so they ate until they were sick.
(c) to an island far from land.
(d) until they shone like mirrors.

4. They cower
(a) under umbrellas to stay dry.
(b) in groups so they can talk all night.
(c) because they are afraid of you.
(d) when you yell at them.
deliberate 5. It was my misfortune
depth (a) until I sold it to a friend.
desire (b) to have a scoundrel for a friend.
livelihood (c) to lose a portion of my tooth to decay.
misfortune (d) to lose my towel at the beach.
precipice 6. The orphans
regain (a) come in three different flavors.
slay (b) are helped by the people in town.
symptom (c) now have four wheels, although the earlier ones had two.
(d) lost their parents during the tornado.

116 Lesson 10
7. The symptoms
(a) include a runny nose and trouble breathing.
(b) come in three sizes: small, medium, and large.
(c) of spring include the first flowers.
(d) should decrease once you start the medicine.

8. The depth
(a) of the mine was five hundred feet.
(b) of the new jet was six hundred miles an hour.
(c) of the river changed with the seasons.
(d) of the cave must be a hundred feet at least.

10 D Completing Sentences
Complete the sentences to demonstrate your knowledge of the words
in bold.

1. To regain something means to

_____________________________________________________________ .
2. A farmer’s livelihood is
_____________________________________________________________ .
3. If you are a communicative person, that means you
_____________________________________________________________ .
4. I may want to deliberate if
_____________________________________________________________ .
5. The worst misfortune for me might be
_____________________________________________________________ .
6. A precipitous drop in temperature might make us
_____________________________________________________________ .
7. A symptom of hunger might be

_____________________________________________________________ .
8. My most desirable place to visit is
_____________________________________________________________ .

Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 4 117

9. I would cower from
_____________________________________________________________ .
10. I banish fear by
_____________________________________________________________ .

10 E Vocabulary in Context
Read the passage.

Tokoyo and the Sea Monster

Folktales are legends of past events that are passed on from
adults to children without ever being written down. Every country
has its folktales, and this one from Japan comes to mind. It tells of the
adventures of a young pearl diver named Tokoyo who lived in Japan.
The people of Tokoyo’s village earned their livelihood by diving for
pearls. They searched for the one oyster in a thousand that contained
a precious pearl. Tokoyo was the youngest of the divers. She could stay
underwater for a longer period and collect more oysters than anyone. The
ocean was like a second home to her. She swam easily through its depths
ail and cut oysters from the rocks with her razor-sharp pearling knife.
banish The other pearl divers were all the family Tokoyo had. Her mother had
communicate died when Tokoyo was a baby. Then, while she was still a child, misfortune
console struck again. Her father had a sense of humor that sometimes got him
cower into difficulties. One day he made an ill-advised joke about the fact that
deliberate the emperor was an invalid. But making fun of the emperor was a crime.
depth Tokoyo’s father was banished to the island of Oki, far from the Japanese
desire mainland. To make matters worse, communication between Tokoyo and
livelihood her father was forbidden. Her friends tried to console the young girl, but
misfortune they could not raise her spirits. She felt like an orphan. The house that had
orphan once echoed with laughter was now filled with misery.
precipice Tokoyo’s one desire was to be reunited with her father. On her fifteenth
regain birthday she left her village and set off for Oki. Soon after landing on the
slay island, Tokoyo saw a group of people gathered at the edge of a cliff. With
symptom them was a girl about her own age dressed all in white. People explained to
Tokoyo that an evil sea god made its home in the waters off the island. This

118 Lesson 10
god demanded the life of a young girl once a year. They told Tokoyo that the
girl cowering before them had been selected as the sea god’s victim. She was
about to be cast into the sea. In addition to this, they told Tokoyo that the sea
god had cast a spell on the emperor, causing his many ailments. When she
heard this, Tokoyo saw a chance to help her father. She begged the people
to let her take the girl’s place. They began to deliberate among themselves
while Tokoyo waited anxiously. Finally, to her great relief, they agreed.
Tokoyo strode to the edge of the precipice. She took a deep breath and
leaped into the water. She swam deeper and deeper, and after what seemed
like an eternity, she found herself face to face with the evil sea god. Tokoyo
attacked the sea god with her pearling knife, slaying him. The spell he had
cast on the emperor was broken. In an instant, all the emperor’s symptoms
disappeared. He was delighted to discharge the doctors who had attended
him but who had not been able to cure him. When he was informed of
Tokoyo’s brave deed, he promised the young heroine whatever she wanted.
As a result of Tokoyo’s wish, her father regained his freedom and was
happily reunited with his daughter.

Answer each of the following questions with a sentence. If a question

does not contain a vocabulary word from the lesson’s word list, use one
in your answer. Use each word only once.

1. Explain why the story of Tokoyo and the evil sea god has a
happy ending.
2. Was Tokoyo an orphan? Explain your answer.
3. What does “misfortune struck” mean as it is used in the passage?

4. Why did the emperor need doctors?


Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 4 119

5. How does the passage make clear that Tokoyo’s friends were kind to her?
6. Where did the evil sea god live?
7. Explain why Tokoyo’s fight with the sea god was a deliberate act.
8. Why didn’t Tokoyo’s father write to her?
9. Why was Tokoyo’s father living on the island of Oki?
10. Why did Tokoyo go to the island of Oki?
ail _____________________________________________________________
banish 11. Why had the girl in white been taken to the precipice?
deliberate 12. How can you tell that the girl in white was afraid?
depth _____________________________________________________________
13. Why did Tokoyo want to take the girl’s place?
orphan _____________________________________________________________
precipice _____________________________________________________________

120 Lesson 10
14. How did the emperor know that the spell had been broken?
15. Why did the people of Tokoyo’s village dive for oysters?

Fun & Fascinating FACTS

• One of the world’s oldest lan- weak and helpless state. The word
guages is Sanskrit. It was spoken comes from the Sanskrit arbha,
in India thousands of years ago which means “weak; helpless.”
and is the special language of the
Hindu religion. Very few people • This lesson includes the word slay,
speak it today, but some words in which is a homophone of sleigh. A
European languages are connected sleigh is a carriage on runners that
to Sanskrit. Orphan is one of them. travels over snow. Sleigh and slay
An orphan is a child without par- are pronounced the same way.
ents who therefore can be in a


Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 4 121

10 Vocabulary Extension
verb To give and receive information.

Academic Context
In school, you communicate in different ways, including writing,
speaking, and raising your hand.
Word Family
communication (noun)
communicative (adjective)
communicator (noun)

Discussion & Writing Prompt

How could you communicate with someone if you were not allowed to speak?
2 min. 3 min.

1. Turn and talk to your partner or group. 2. Write 2–4 sentences.

Use this space to take notes or draw Be ready to share what you have written.
your ideas.

122 Lesson 10
Direct Academic Vocabulary Instruction | Grades K–12 | RTI

1 & 10
Lesson t
Word Lis low.

1 Study the
of the wo
rds. Then
do the exerc
ises that fol

to the new
familiar. themselves
v. To make students accustom
accustom Every fal l the
ә kus´ tәm Usual.
d adj. 1. .
accustome accustomed places
our Lesson
We sat in

d to the da
2. Used to. became accustome e Word List
My eyes soo had to becom
eth ing at school you
t som
you r pa rtner abou Study the definitions of the words.
Talk to Then do the exercises that follow.
ed to.
accustom available adj. Easy to get; present and ready
ake. ch. for use.
; wide-aw ssed the cat ә vāl´ ә bәl The salesperson said the jacket was
j. Watchful rt and mi available in black, brown, and white.
alert ad shortstop was not ale
ә lurt´ Th
e . ea d.
to be rea dy roa d ah Chat with your partner about the kinds
v. To warn d drivers to the flo your area.
of transportation that are available in
rte fire alert.
A sign ale l. ns have a
ng sig na arb y tow
n. A warni fires, the ne bondage n. The state of being enslaved.
the forest
Because of be done. ward. bän´ dij
what ha s to play as a for It is shocking that some people still
live in bondage in the twenty-first
sition or for ned me to century.
ect for a po coach assig
v. 1. To sel basketball team, the work.
assign r this ye ar’s to be do ne .
ek as ho me
ә sīn´ Fo ce of work apters a we donate v. To give to those in need, often through
out, as a pie ally assigns two ch an organization.
2. To give usu work to be
done. dō´ nāt People across the country donated
ce teacher en out as
food and clothing to the victims of
Our scien atever is giv orrow’s history cla
ss? the flood.
t n. Wh
assignmen assignment for tom donation n. Whatever is donated,
such as money or goods.
What was
the last year.
assigned to Donations to help rebuild the commun
r you were ity center now total sixty
t the teache thousand dollars.
rtner abou
Tell your pa
e it. establish
not budg v. 1. To set up or begin.
or shift. y we could
v. To move trunk was so heav
e stab´ lish Established in 1636, Harvard College,
budge old metal oldest college in the United States.
now part of Harvard University, is the
buj The
ilt. 2. To show to be true.
strongly bu .
j. Big and quite burly
© SSI • DO

Scientists have established beyond

burly ad st football players are er. any doubt that smoking causes cancer
bur´ le Mo s with anoth went to and other diseases.
wi th or does thing mpanion when we

co establishment n. Something that

o spends interesting has been established, especially a place
ion n. One wh ther was always an of business or a public building.
comp an nd mo
yәn My gra

the day. Many restaurants, stores, and other

kәm pan´ establishments are open all night.
the city for
1 Discuss with your partner whether it
k5 is established that good grades will mean
e 3000 • Boo success in life.
Wordly Wis

evade v. 1. To keep away from; to avoid being

ē vād´ caught.
The chipmunk evaded the cat by scramblin
g up a tree.
2. To avoid doing or answering.
People who evade their responsibilities
usually end up wishing they hadn’t.
evasive adj. Carefully avoiding saying
too much; not open or direct.
The teenagers were evasive when
asked where they had been all evening.

116 Lesson 10

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1 Word List

Study the definitions of the words. Then do the exercises that follow.

accustom v. To make familiar.

ә kus´ tәm Every fall the students accustom themselves to the new schedule.
accustomed adj. 1. Usual.
We sat in our accustomed places.
2. Used to.
My eyes soon became accustomed to the dark.

Talk to your partner about something at school you had to become

accustomed to.

alert adj. Watchful; wide-awake.

ә lurt´ The shortstop was not alert and missed the catch.
v. To warn to be ready.
A sign alerted drivers to the flooded road ahead.
n. A warning signal.
Because of the forest fires, the nearby towns have a fire alert.

assign v. 1. To select for a position or for what has to be done.

ә sīn´ For this year’s basketball team, the coach assigned me to play as a forward.
2. To give out, as a piece of work to be done.
Our science teacher usually assigns two chapters a week as homework.
assignment n. Whatever is given out as work to be done.
What was the assignment for tomorrow’s history class?

Tell your partner about the teacher you were assigned to last year.

budge v. To move or shift.

buj The old metal trunk was so heavy we could not budge it.

burly adj. Big and strongly built.

bur´ le Most football players are quite burly.

companion n. One who spends time with or does things with another.

kәm pan´ yәn My grandmother was always an interesting companion when we went to
the city for the day.

Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 5 1

compatible adj. Getting along well together.
kәm pat´ ә bәl Julie and I didn’t mind sharing a room, because we were so compatible.

concept n. A general idea or thought about something.

kän´ sept For our project, we started with the concept of helping our community.

Discuss with your partner your concept of the perfect day.

distract v. To draw one’s thoughts or attention away from the subject at hand.
di strakt´ The police sirens distracted me, so I didn’t hear what you said.
distraction n. Something that draws one’s thoughts or attention away.
I do my homework during study period when there are no distractions.

Talk to your partner about how to handle distractions when you need to do

jostle v. To push or shove.

jas´ әl I dropped my phone when someone in the crowd jostled me.

obedient adj. Doing what one is asked or told.

ō be´ dē әnt When giving orders, my mother expects all of us to be obedient.
obedience n. The state or condition of doing what one is told.
We are trying to teach obedience to our new puppy.

Tell your partner what might happen if you are not obedient in school.

obstacle n. Something that prevents one from moving forward.

äb´ stә kәl The obstacle holding up traffic was a tree blown over by last night’s storm.

patient adj. Willing to wait without complaining.

pā´ shәnt The audience was very patient even though the show started thirty
minutes late.
n. A person in a doctor’s care.
The patients in this part of the hospital are recovering from operations.
patience n. A willingness to wait for someone or something without
Having to stand in line for an hour to buy tickets really tested my patience.

Tell your partner why it’s important to have patience.

pedestrian n. A person who is walking; someone traveling on foot.

pә des´ trē әn Pedestrians should use the crosswalk to avoid accidents.

2 Lesson 1
retire v. 1. To stop working because one has reached a certain age.
rē tīr´ My grandfather wishes he could quit his job and retire, but he needs to
work a few more years.
2. To go to bed.
I was not feeling well, so I retired early.
retirement n. The state of no longer working.
Uncle Eli regularly saved money for his retirement.

Discuss with your partner what time you need to retire each night so you get
enough rest.

1A Finding Meanings
Choose two phrases to form a sentence that correctly uses a word from
Word List 1. Then write the sentence.

1. (a) become familiar with it. (c) To accustom oneself to

something is to
(b) do it carefully. (d) To distract oneself by doing
something is to
2. (a) is under a doctor’s care. (c) A companion is one who
(b) A patient is a person who (d) gives hope to others.
3. (a) An assignment is (c) a general idea about something.
(b) A concept is (d) something that stands in the way.
4. (a) has traveled a lot. (c) spends time with another person.

(b) A pedestrian is someone who (d) A companion is someone who


Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 5 3

5. (a) An alert is (c) work given out to be done.
(b) a meeting arranged (d) An assignment is
in advance.
6. (a) Patience is (c) help and support given to another.
(b) Obedience is (d) the willingness to wait without
7. (a) is big and strong. (c) An alert person is one who
(b) gets along with others. (d) A burly person is one who
8. (a) Obedience is (c) a drawing away of one’s attention.
(b) Retirement is (d) a time when one no longer works.
9. (a) To jostle someone is (c) To distract someone is
accustom (b) to warn the person of danger. (d) to bump up against that person.
budge _____________________________________________________________
burly 10. (a) go to bed. (c) To retire is to
companion (b) To budge is to (d) do as one is told.
compatible _____________________________________________________________

4 Lesson 1
1B Just the Right Word
Replace each phrase in bold with a single word (or form of the word) from
the word list.

1. They expected their children to be willing to do as they were told.

2. My grandparents plan to travel to other countries when they give up

working at their jobs.

3. They refused to make the slightest move even though we pleaded

with them to step aside.

4. If you and your roommate are not able to get along, you should
split up.

5. Elido sounded the signal that warned of danger when he

saw smoke.

6. We made our way around the objects that were blocking our way
and continued on our journey.

7. A buzzing mosquito can be a thing that draws your attention away

when you are trying to read.

8. The camp director gave out jobs and sent us to the kitchen crew.

9. You see very few people out walking this early in the morning.

10. My sister is more willing to accept delays without complaining


Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 5 5

1C Applying Meanings
Circle the letter or letters next to each correct answer. There may be more
than one correct answer.

1. Which of the following could be an obstacle?

(a) lack of money (c) poor eyesight
(b) a fallen tree (d) a pleasant voice

2. In which of the following places would a pedestrian be?

(a) on the sidewalk (c) in a favorite armchair
(b) inside a car (d) on a plane

3. Which of the following could distract someone?

(a) loud noises (c) dreams
(b) whispering (d) the radio

4. Which of the following usually learn obedience?

(a) dogs (c) raccoons
(b) soldiers (d) children

5. Which of the following must be alert?

(a) a watchman (c) a driver
accustom (b) a babysitter (d) a pilot
6. Which of the following would you expect to be compatible?
budge (a) friends (c) enemies
burly (b) partners (d) teammates
compatible 7. Which of the following could be assigned?
concept (a) jobs (c) seats
distract (b) rooms (d) birthdays
obedient 8. Which of the following might make a good companion?
obstacle (a) a dog (c) a friend
patient (b) a canoe (d) a meal

6 Lesson 1
1D Word Study: Synonyms and Antonyms
Circle the two synonyms in each group of four words.

Synonyms are words that have the same or similar meanings. Vanish
and disappear are synonyms. Both words have to do with passing out
of sight.

1. budge warn shift accustom

2. distract return retire quit

3. concept barrier venture obstacle

4. warning light sound alert

5. jostle shove assign choose

Circle the two antonyms in each group of four words.

Antonyms are words that have opposite or nearly opposite meanings.

Rise and fall are antonyms. Both words have to do with movement,
but in different directions.

6. alert drowsy compatible patient

7. familiar slight alert burly

8. precious dreary unfamiliar accustomed

9. unsteady obedient defiant watchful

10. assign retire jostle arise


Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 5 7

1E Vocabulary in Context
Read the passage.

Friends for Life

The concept that trained dogs could act as eyes for visually disabled
people developed at the beginning of the twentieth century in Germany
at a remarkable school. The pupils were not humans; they were dogs who
learned how to lead people who were blind. The notion caught on quickly.
Guide dogs, or Seeing Eye dogs as they are also known, began to be trained
in many countries. They are now a familiar sight. These patient and loyal
animals lead their companions everywhere they go. They enable their
owners to make their way in the world almost as well as sighted persons.
Not every breed of dog has the exceptional qualities that make a good
guide. Seeing Eye dogs must be alert at all times, so dogs that are easily
distracted are not suitable candidates for this exacting job. Labrador
retrievers, German shepherds, and boxers make excellent guides. They are
smart and easy to train, and they usually get along with people. During its
training, the dog is escorted to many kinds of busy places. This is to get it
accustomed to anything that might occur. A dog is trained in large stores,
noisy airports, and crowded restaurants. It rides on buses and in taxis. It
is pushed and poked. It learns to disregard anything that might cause its
accustom attention to wander.
alert The Seeing Eye dog is responsible for steering its owner with the
assign utmost care past any obstacles. On busy sidewalks, the dog must skillfully
budge weave its way around other pedestrians. This is to ensure that its owner
burly doesn’t get jostled. A guide dog is trained to come to a stop just before
companion it reaches a curb; this is the way it informs its owner to take a step up or
compatible down. A guide dog learns to be obedient, of course. But it is also taught
concept that there may be situations where it must disobey. For example, say its
distract owner tells it to cross a street when a car is coming. It won’t budge until it
jostle determines that it is safe to cross. While it is being trained, a guide dog is
obedient never punished for making a mistake; on the contrary, it is encouraged to do
obstacle better by being rewarded with praise.
patient When the training is complete, a guide dog is assigned to its new
pedestrian owner. The two of them need to be compatible; they will be together for a
retire long time. The size, weight, and nature of both are taken into consideration.
A burly person might be more comfortable with a large dog. A person who

8 Lesson 1
spends most of the day inside probably will not want to be matched with an
energetic dog that needs plenty of exercise. From the beginning, a strong
connection needs to form between the dog and the owner.
The Seeing Eye headquarters are located in Morristown, New Jersey.
The Seeing Eye is the oldest school for guide dogs in the United States.
Every year several hundred people who are blind spend a month there.
They learn how to communicate with the dogs they have been matched
with. Usually a guide dog stays with its owner for about ten years before it
retires. Then it may go live with friends of the owner. The dog may remain
with them as a traditional family pet for the remainder of its life.

Answer each of the following questions with a sentence. If a question

does not contain a vocabulary word from the lesson’s word list, use one
in your answer. Use each word only once.

1. What was the concept behind the Seeing Eye dog movement?
2. When does the relationship between guide dog and owner
officially begin?
3. What sort of dog might a burly person be matched up with?
4. Why do you think a powerful dog would not be matched with someone
who is not very strong?
5. Where are you most likely to see pedestrians?


Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 5 9

6. Obedience is important in dogs kept as pets. Why is this not always true
of guide dogs?
7. Why is pushing and poking a guide dog necessary during its training?
8. What is the meaning of alert as it is used in the passage?
9. How will a guide dog respond if it is ordered to cross a street with heavy
10. Why are guide dogs unlikely to get excited when another dog
accustom 11. What is the meaning of patient as it is used in the passage?
alert _____________________________________________________________
12. Name three obstacles that a guide dog might have to deal with on
the street.
compatible _____________________________________________________________
concept _____________________________________________________________
distract 13. Why do guide dogs need to keep a watchful eye on other people in
jostle crowded places?
patient _____________________________________________________________

10 Lesson 1
14. What is the meaning of retires as it is used in the passage?
15. Why would it be somewhat surprising to see a guide dog without
its owner?

Fun & Fascinating FACTS

• Alert comes from the Italian word comes from the Latin prefix
all’erta, which at one time meant com-, which means “with,” and
“acting as a lookout on a watch- the word panis, which is Latin for
tower.” The person in the watch- “bread.” To the Romans, a compan-
tower had to be alert (adjective, ion was a person with whom one
meaning “watchful”); the person shared a meal, of which bread was
would alert the others in the one of the main items.
event of danger (verb, meaning
“to warn”) by sounding the alert • A pedestrian is a person who gets
(noun, meaning “warning signal”). around on foot. A pedal is a lever
To be on the alert means “to be operated by the foot. A quadruped
watchful and ready.” is a creature with four feet, while a
centipede supposedly has 100 feet
• Ifyou live with or travel with a (it actually has about seventy). All
companion, you will probably eat these words come from the Latin
your meals together. This was the ped-, whose meaning you can
case with the Romans, too. The probably guess.


Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 5 11

1 Vocabulary Extension
noun An idea that shows how something is or how it should work.

Academic Context
In art, you will practice the concept of using different shades of color
to produce different effects.
Word Family
conception (noun)
conceptual (adjective)

Discussion & Writing Prompt

Think about your science class. Describe a concept you learned about recently.
2 min. 3 min.

1. Turn and talk to your partner or group. 2. Write 2–4 sentences.

Use this space to take notes or draw Be ready to share what you have written.
your ideas.

12 Lesson 1

10 Word List

Study the definitions of the words. Then do the exercises that follow.

available adj. Easy to get; present and ready for use.

ә vāl´ ә bәl The salesperson said the jacket was available in black, brown, and white.

Chat with your partner about the kinds of transportation that are available in
your area.

bondage n. The state of being enslaved.

bän´ dij It is shocking that some people still live in bondage in the twenty-first

donate v. To give to those in need, often through an organization.

dō´ nāt People across the country donated food and clothing to the victims of
the flood.
donation n. Whatever is donated, such as money or goods.
Donations to help rebuild the community center now total sixty
thousand dollars.

establish v. 1. To set up or begin.

e stab´ lish Established in 1636, Harvard College, now part of Harvard University, is the
oldest college in the United States.
2. To show to be true.
Scientists have established beyond any doubt that smoking causes cancer
and other diseases.
establishment n. Something that has been established, especially a place
of business or a public building.
Many restaurants, stores, and other establishments are open all night.

Discuss with your partner whether it is established that good grades will mean
success in life.

evade v. 1. To keep away from; to avoid being caught.

ē vād´ The chipmunk evaded the cat by scrambling up a tree.
2. To avoid doing or answering.
People who evade their responsibilities usually end up wishing they hadn’t.
evasive adj. Carefully avoiding saying too much; not open or direct.
The teenagers were evasive when asked where they had been all evening.

116 Lesson 10
liberate v. To free.
lib´ әr āt A group objecting to trapping animals opened the monkey cages and
liberated the animals inside them.

Talk to your partner about what would happen if all the animals at the zoo
were liberated.

numerous adj. A large number; very many.

noˉo´ mәr әs The bus makes numerous stops before it leaves us at school.

occasion n. 1. A particular time.

ō kā´ zhәn I recognized Ranesha at once because we had met on a previous occasion.
2. A special event.
My grandparents’ anniversary party was a fun occasion for the whole family.
occasional adj. Happening once in a while.
We make an occasional trip to town to pick up supplies.

oppose v. To be or act against.

ә pōz´ Moin, my best friend, will oppose me in the chess tournament.
opposition n. (äp ә zish´ әn) The act or condition of being against.
There was no opposition to the suggested plan, which passed by a vote of
16 to 0.

prohibit v. To forbid by law or order.

prō hib´ it The law now prohibits smoking in many public places.

Tell your partner an activity you think should be prohibited on the school

pursue v. 1. To follow in order to capture; to chase.

pәr soˉo´ Police pursued the stolen car in a high-speed chase across town.
2. To seek actively; to carry on with.
Do you intend to pursue a career in medicine?
pursuit n. 1. The act of following after.
In the early 1930s, people desperate for work poured into cities in
pursuit of jobs.
2. An activity, as a job or sport, that a person takes part in.
Jennie and Ahmed enjoy canoeing and other outdoor pursuits during

the summer.

Talk with your partner about your favorite indoor pursuit, such as video games
or reading.

Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 5 117

reassure v. To make less worried or fearful; to comfort.
rē ә shoor´ I was nervous before the recital, but my piano teacher reassured me.
reassurance n. The act of giving comfort or the state of receiving comfort.
Coach Ward’s reassurances made us more optimistic about our chances
of winning.

reluctant adj. Not wanting to do something; unwilling.

rē luk´ tәnt We were reluctant to leave our warm beds when we saw the ice on
the windows.
reluctance n. The state of not wanting to do something.
With great reluctance, I agreed to clean my room before my cousins
arrived on Saturday.

Tell your partner about an activity you are reluctant to try because you are
afraid you might fail, like learning to play an instrument or trying out for a team.

superior adj. 1. Excellent of its kind.

sә pir´ ē әr Margot made the team because she is a superior runner.
2. Higher in position or rank.
A general is superior to a sergeant in the army.
n. A person of higher rank.
I reported to my superior as soon as I returned to work.

Discuss with your partner what person is superior to your teacher at school.

yearn v. To want very badly; to be filled with longing.

yurn Dorothy told the Wizard of Oz that she yearned to be back in Kansas.
yearning n. A longing or strong desire.
As rain leaked slowly through the roof of our tent, I was filled with a
yearning for my warm, dry bed at home.

118 Lesson 10
10A Using Words in Context
Read the following sentences. If the word in bold is used correctly, write C
on the line. If the word is used incorrectly, write I on the line.

1. (a) The donation said I was hired and asked when I could start. ____
(b) I donated ten dollars to the Animal Welfare Fund. ____
(c) People can donate blood if they choose to. ____
(d) The man’s donations thumped in his chest. ____

2. (a) People who evade doing their homework may find themselves in
trouble. ____
(b) Tiger ants are evading the country through the south. ____
(c) The prey must stay alert at all times to evade the hunter. ____
(d) Wanda was evasive when her mother asked where she’d been. ____

3. (a) The trophy is prohibited on the shelf in his bedroom. ____

(b) Campfires are prohibited when the weather is very dry. ____
(c) The rainbow prohibited a rush of people to the window. ____
(d) Eating is prohibited in the classroom. ____

4. (a) I was reluctant to enter because I was afraid of what I’d find. ____
(b) I earn reluctance from my parents for doing the dishes every
night. ____
(c) Nadine showed some reluctance when she was asked to talk in front of
the crowd. ____
(d) The weather here is too reluctant for snow. ____

5. (a) Soldiers should salute their superior officers. ____

(b) Some believe cheddar cheese is superior to Swiss cheese. ____
(c) There are hidden chambers in the Great Pyramid’s superior. ____
(d) The earth’s superior is a core of molten iron. ____

6. (a) Eva grabbed her pursuit and took out some money. ____
(b) One of the pursuits Tasha enjoys is jogging. ____
(c) Purple is my favorite pursuit. ____

(d) We were in pursuit of the cute rabbit when it ducked under a fence and
disappeared. ____

Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 5 119

7. (a) I visit my aunt in Sacramento occasionally. ____
(b) Your birthday is an occasion to celebrate. ____
(c) We met three times, and on each occasion he ignored me. ____
(d) My favorite occasion is the baseball diamond. ____

8. (a) There was no opposition to the students’ request for a baseball

club. ____
(b) He said I owed him money, but actually the opposition was true. ____
(c) Judah will oppose Shakir in the tennis final. ____
(d) I oppose to stay in New York before leaving for Miami. ____

9. (a) There are numerous stars in the night sky. ____

(b) We started to feel numerous as the temperature dropped. ____
(c) See a doctor right away if the wound starts to get numerous. ____
(d) The orange leaves on the tree are starting to become more
numerous. ____

10. (a) My favorite old establishment in town is the drive-in movie

theater. ____
(b) The U.S. Marine Corp. was established in 1798. ____
(c) The study established that texting is the main cause of car
accidents. ____
(d) The girl established her best friend and then went into the
available house. ____

120 Lesson 10
10B Making Connections
Circle the letter next to each correct answer. There may be more than
one correct answer.

1. Which word or words go with slavery?

(a) bondage (b) liberate (c) victim (d) donation

2. Which word or words go with ready for something?

(a) occasional (b) reluctant (c) evasive (d) available

3. Which word or words go with once in a while?

(a) eventually (b) occasionally (c) numerously (d) desperately

4. Which word or words go with not serious?

(a) foolhardy (b) absurd (c) frivolous (d) occasional

5. Which word or words go with begin?

(a) evade (b) donation (c) launch (d) establish

6. Which word or words go with want a lot?

(a) establish (b) desire (c) occasion (d) yearn

7. Which word or words go with comfort?

(a) establish (b) embrace (c) prohibit (d) reassure

8. Which word or words go with better than most?

(a) superior (b) numerous (c) exceptional (d) reluctant

9. Which word or words go with give?

(a) evade (b) prohibit (c) donate (d) assemble

10. Which word or words go with not allowed?

(a) pursued (b) prohibited (c) banned (d) liberated

Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 5 121

10C Determining Meanings
Circle the letter next to each answer choice that correctly completes the
sentence. There may be more than one correct answer.

1. We evaded
(a) her parents and got inside quickly.
(b) our way through the maze in record time.
(c) ourselves into thinking we were safe.
(d) their questions by changing the subject.

2. The opposition
(a) to the new gym is growing every day.
(b) of the word up is the word down.
(c) of each bus is yellow with black stripes.
(d) wanted more homework and fewer quizzes, unlike the rest of us.

3. He pursued
(a) the opposing team’s player to the goal line with ten seconds left in
the game.
(b) every goal he thought he could achieve.
(c) gravity as it held Earth in the sun’s orbit.
(d) pasta topped with sauce and served with bread.

4. We liberated
(a) the caged bird by leaving the door open.
(b) ourselves a cold beverage from the refrigerator.
establish (c) ourselves by taking off our coats and running in the snow.
evade (d) the question very carefully before deciding.
numerous 5. The yearning
occasion (a) was sold to a farm when it was old enough to be ridden.
oppose (b) to escape was all Evangeline thought about.
prohibit (c) to learn more is what kept Albert Einstein working.
pursue (d) was part of the cargo being loaded at the dock.
reluctant 6. I reluctantly
superior (a) lent my catcher’s mitt to my friend who always loses things.
(b) stepped into the darkness, keeping my flashlight handy.
(c) always love swimming with the dolphins.
(d) get good grades because I like to study every night.
122 Lesson 10
7. The rules prohibited
(a) skateboarding in the park.
(b) fishing from the pier.
(c) what was allowed.
(d) spectators from going onto the track.

8. We were reassured
(a) when our friend kept his promise.
(b) down the hall.
(c) a glass of water.
(d) that everything was being done to make us comfortable.

10 D Completing Sentences
Complete the sentences to demonstrate your knowledge of the words
in bold.

1. A special occasion for me is

_____________________________________________________________ .
2. I yearn for
_____________________________________________________________ .
3. I would be reluctant to
_____________________________________________________________ .
4. When I have some extra money, I will make a donation to
_____________________________________________________________ .
5. I wish I could establish a national holiday to
_____________________________________________________________ .
6. I should respect my superiors because
_____________________________________________________________ .
7. One thing I would oppose is

_____________________________________________________________ .
8. One activity I’d like to pursue is
_____________________________________________________________ .

Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 5 123

9. An example of something that is numerous is
_____________________________________________________________ .
10. If someone is held in bondage, it means that person is
_____________________________________________________________ .

10 E Vocabulary in Context
Read the passage.

With Moses to the Promised Land

Harriet Tubman was born enslaved in Maryland in 1820. From
the time she was a young child, she yearned to be free. The hard physical
work that she was forced to do made her very strong. And though as an
enslaved person she received no education, she was also intelligent and
quick-thinking. She put these qualities to good use, first in making her own
escape and later in helping others to do the same.
When Harriet was in her late twenties, the slave owner she was forced
to work for died. She feared she would be sold and sent to the deep South.
There the work was harder and slave owners more cruel. She decided to
available escape instead. She urged her brothers to come with her on the journey
bondage north. They reluctantly joined her. Soon after they set out, though,
donate her brothers turned back. They were afraid of being caught. So Harriet
establish continued alone, traveling mostly at night. Eventually she made it safely
evade to Philadelphia. Although she had found freedom, she couldn’t enjoy it; so
liberate many others, including her family, were still living in bondage.
numerous In 1850, Congress passed a law making it a crime to help runaway
occasion enslaved people. But over the next eleven years, Harriet returned
oppose numerous times to the South to lead other enslaved people to Canada.
prohibit In Canada, slavery was prohibited and people who had escaped slavery
pursue were welcome. Altogether during this time she helped to liberate over
reassure three hundred people. That number included her parents and brothers and
reluctant sisters. Along the way she stayed with people who offered food and shelter
superior in their homes, often at great risk to themselves. These houses were called
yearn “stations” on what became known as the Underground Railroad.

124 Lesson 10
Between trips, Harriet took whatever jobs were available—cooking,
sewing, or cleaning. She used some of her money to help formerly enslaved
people start new lives. She always saved some of it for her next journey
south. She had many friends who opposed slavery; when she needed money
for her work, they would help her by making donations.
Slave owners were furious at having their “property” stolen. They
offered as much as forty thousand dollars for Harriet Tubman’s capture. She
was often pursued by people who wanted the reward. She had many narrow
escapes, but she always managed to evade being caught. The enslaved people
she helped called her Moses because she led them to freedom, just as Moses
had led the Jewish people out of slavery in Egypt thousands of years earlier.
During the Civil War, Harriet Tubman worked for the North as a nurse
in the Union army. Enslaved people had been taught by slave owners to
be afraid of the Union soldiers. But Harriet went behind enemy lines and
was able to reassure them. They believed her when she told them they
had nothing to fear from the Union army. On some occasions while there,
she acted as a spy, reporting to her superiors when she returned to the
Union side. After the war she worked energetically to start schools in the
South for freed people, even though she herself could not read or write. She
eventually settled in Auburn, New York, where she established a nursing
home for elderly African Americans. When she died in 1913, thousands
mourned this courageous woman who had helped so many people.

Answer each of the following questions with a sentence. If a question

does not contain a vocabulary word from the lesson’s word list, use one
in your answer. Use each word only once.

1. What did the law that Congress passed in 1850 prohibit?

2. What is the meaning of the word superiors as it is used in the passage?

3. How did Harriet Tubman feel about being enslaved?


Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 5 125

4. Why were her brothers reluctant to go with Tubman?
5. How did Harriet Tubman’s friends help her?
6. What is the meaning of evade as it is used in the passage?
7. Why was Harriet Tubman called Moses by those she helped?
8. How do you think Tubman might have reassured the enslaved people
she was helping?
9. In what way did the stations on the Underground Railroad help liberate
the enslaved people?
donate _____________________________________________________________
establish 10. Why do you think some people opened their homes to escaping
enslaved people?
liberate _____________________________________________________________
11. How did the reward for her capture affect Tubman’s later trips to
oppose the South?
reassure _____________________________________________________________
reluctant 12. What is the meaning of established as it is used in the passage?

126 Lesson 10
13. Why do you think most enslaved people were unable to read or write?
14. What two activities did Tubman engage in during the Civil War?
15. Why do you think Tubman made numerous trips south even though it
was very dangerous for her?

Fun & Fascinating FACTS

• The Statue of Liberty is a symbol • The noun formed from the verb
of freedom to people all over the prohibit is prohibition, an order
world. To hand out money liber- to stop or the act of forbidding.
ally is to hand it out freely, without The word is associated with a fas-
exercising very much control. Both cinating period in United States
these words, together with liber- history. In 1919, the Eighteenth
ate, are formed from the Latin Amendment to the Constitution
liber, which means “free.” It’s inter- prohibited the sale of alcoholic
esting to note that the Latin word beverages. The result was that
for “book” is also liber. (A library is a many citizens ignored the law, and
place where books are kept.) There gangsters such as Al Capone grew
is a clear connection between rich by illegally selling alcoholic
books and freedom. A person who beverages. Within a few years it
cannot read a book is in a kind of was clear that the amendment
prison; learning to read sets the had failed. Prohibition, as this time
mind free to explore the world was known, ended in 1933 when
and everything in it. the Twenty-First Amendment was
added to the Constitution. This
one abolished the Eighteenth.

Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 5 127

10 Vocabulary Extension
verb 1. To set up or begin.
2. To find out facts that show something to be true.

Word Family
established (adjective)
establishment (noun)
Context Clues
These sentences give clues to the meaning of establish.
The principal wants to establish an after-school music program.
Space scientists are trying to establish if there is water on Mars.

Discussion & Writing Prompt

Imagine you are establishing a new club at school. What kind of club would you
establish, and why?
2 min. 3 min.

1. Turn and talk to your partner or group. 2. Write 2–4 sentences.

Use this space to take notes or draw Be ready to share what you have written.
your ideas.

128 Lesson 10
Direct Academic Vocabulary Instruction | Grades K–12 | RTI

1 & 10
Lesson t
Word Lis low.

1 Study the
of the wo
rds. Then
do the exerci
ses that fol

or tender affection
n. A fond y to show
affection Hugging
is one wa d loving. eeze.
n Gentle an ionate squ
ә fek´ shә ate ad j. it an affect
affection ha nd and gave
took my
My cousin Lesson

ә pēl´
v. 1. To ma
Three stu
st request;
ke an earne d for more time to
dents appe
to be
to ask.

finish the

all ag es.
10 Word List

interest to; children of

2. To be of l appeal to meless. Study the definitions of the words.
movie wil for the ho Then do the exercises that follow.
This funny lp. e shelters
uest for he y to provid
earnest req appeal for mone anticipate v. 1. To look forward to; to expect.
n. 1. An tai ne d an ap pe al. an tis´ ә pāt
con of interest. meatloaf had much We anticipated having a good time
The letter ract or be
at the party.
wer to att and onions nor the 2. To be aware of and to provide for
2. The po s beforehand.
asparagu or pen. The teacher anticipated their questions
Neither the her pencil by explaining the assignment
you his or thoroughly.
er to hand
your partn
Appeal to
Tell your partner what you are anticipati
y. ypole. ng doing this weekend.
hold tightl s and circled the ma
To grasp or nd
clasp v. dancers clasped ha bankrupt
The r’s clasp. adj. 1. Unable to pay one’s debts and
freed by law from doing so.
g gra sp or hold. doll from the toddle together. baŋk´ rupt The store owner was bankrupt after
n. 1. A str ntly removed the two parts the business failed.
that holds its tail.
The nurse
a ho ok or fastener, ke bit ing 2. Left without any worth or value.
as sna
So me thi ng, such in the shape of a Kylie was bankrupt of ideas for the
2. clasp
ace has a v. To leave without worth or value.
The neckl
His extravagances bankrupted him.
n. y crowd.
plainly see uous in an
ad j. Easily or t made him conspic ssroom.
great heigh ng in the cla brief
o әs His con spicuous thi adj. Short; not long-lasting.
is the most
kәn spik´ brēf The guests had time for just a brief
you think visit, so they did not linger when it
l you r pa rtner what time to leave. was
Tel .
o are giving
h others wh potluck supper. v. To give a short explanation or set
of instructions to.
e along wit the An assistant briefed the mayor before
v. 1. To giv a spinach salad to the debate.
contribute ot I contributed ing ab out. n. A statement giving the main points
´ ˉ
yo ng h. in a case, for use in a court of law.
kәn trib a part in bri atly to good healt The attorney glanced at her brief before
2. To have gre ich is given
addressing the judge.
ntributes n) That wh contributio
© SSI • DO

Exercise co —
tri byoo ´ shә fifty-dollar
n n. (kän note for the Think of a brief sentence and say it to
contributio sent a thank-you giv es. night. your partner.
m One who for opening

The museu ´ yә tәr)

fre e tic ket s
n. (kәn trib r received brisk adj. 1. Quick; active.
contributor s to the new theate be a contrib
utor to, brisk The runners kept up a brisk pace at
tor to

Contr ibu like

you would the start of the race.
or a charity 2. Stimulating; refreshing.
r pa rtn er a cause .
Share with
you tribute The brisk wind blowing off the ocean
could con 1 felt good.
s how you 3000 • Boo
and discus Wo rdly Wise
budget n. A plan for spending money during
buj´ әt a certain period.
The extravagant dinner caused the
family to overspend their weekly
food budget.
v. To plan the use of carefully.
A part-time job may affect your schoolwo
rk unless you budget your time.

Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 6 107

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1 Word List

Study the definitions of the words. Then do the exercises that follow.

affection n. A fond or tender feeling.

ә fek´ shәn Hugging is one way to show affection.
affectionate adj. Gentle and loving.
My cousin took my hand and gave it an affectionate squeeze.

appeal v. 1. To make an earnest request; to ask.

ә pēl´ Three students appealed for more time to finish the work.
2. To be of interest to; to be attractive to.
This funny movie will appeal to children of all ages.
n. 1. An earnest request for help.
The letter contained an appeal for money to provide shelters for the homeless.
2. The power to attract or be of interest.
Neither the asparagus and onions nor the meatloaf had much appeal.

Appeal to your partner to hand you his or her pencil or pen.

clasp v. To grasp or hold tightly.

klasp The dancers clasped hands and circled the maypole.
n. 1. A strong grasp or hold.
The nurse gently removed the doll from the toddler’s clasp.
2. Something, such as a hook or fastener, that holds two parts together.
The necklace has a clasp in the shape of a snake biting its tail.

conspicuous adj. Easily or plainly seen.

kәn spik´ yoˉo әs His great height made him conspicuous in any crowd.

Tell your partner what you think is the most conspicuous thing in the classroom.

contribute v. 1. To give along with others who are giving.

kәn trib´ yoˉot I contributed a spinach salad to the potluck supper.
2. To have a part in bringing about.
Exercise contributes greatly to good health.
contribution n. (kän tri byoo— ´ shәn) That which is given.
The museum sent a thank-you note for the fifty-dollar contribution.

contributor n. (kәn trib´ yә tәr) One who gives.

Contributors to the new theater received free tickets for opening night.

Share with your partner a cause or a charity you would like to be a contributor to,
and discuss how you could contribute.

Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 6 1

declare v. To make known; to state openly.
dē klâr´ “I will not share a room with my sister anymore,” she declared.
declaration n. (dek lә rā´ shәn) A public statement.
The declaration read by the mayor stated that November was bicycle
safety month.

Declare to your partner your feelings about your favorite movie.

eloquent adj. Skilled at speaking or writing; having the power to move people.
el´ ә kwәnt Anne Frank’s eloquent diary often moves readers to tears.
eloquence n. Skill at speaking or writing; the power to move people.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s eloquence made him a strong leader of the 1960s
Civil Rights Movement.

exhibit v. To show in public.

eg zib´ it Local artists exhibited their paintings at the library.
n. An item or collection of items in a public show.
The most interesting exhibit in the museum was the dinosaur skeleton.
exhibition n. (ek sә bish´ әn) A large-scale public show.
Tickets for the exhibition of early automobiles go on sale next week.

Tell your partner what you might like to exhibit on a bulletin board or in a
trophy case.

ferry n. A boat that carries people and goods back and forth across a stretch
fer´ ē of water.
The ferry will stop running when the new bridge opens.
v. To move people or goods by boat across a stretch of water.
The boat owner who ferried us across the lake would not accept any payment.

immigrant n. A person who comes into a country to live there.

im´ ә grәnt Many Polish immigrants settled in Chicago.

Discuss with your partner how immigrants make the United States special.

lofty adj. 1. Very tall or high.

lôf´ tē Lofty elm trees provided welcome shade along the streets.
2. Noble in feeling or ideals.
Ending world hunger in our lifetime is a lofty goal.
3. Showing a too-proud or superior attitude.
The lofty way the diner spoke to the waiter made me feel uncomfortable.

In a lofty way, describe for your partner how great your singing is.

2 Lesson 1
pedestal n. A base or support on which something stands.
ped´ әs tәl At the museum, I backed up to get a better view of the painting and almost
knocked the sculpture off its pedestal.

persecute v. To treat cruelly or harshly because of political, religious, or other differences.

pur´ sә kyoˉot The First Amendment to the United States Constitution does not allow anyone
to be persecuted based on religious beliefs.
persecution n. (pur sә kyoo — ´ shәn) The state or condition of being persecuted.
Hitler’s persecution of the Jewish people led to the murder of millions of
innocent people.

poverty n. The state of being poor.

päv´ әr tē The food stamp program was started to help feed families living in poverty.

unveil v. 1. To remove a covering from.

un vāl´ The American Red Cross held a ceremony to unveil the portrait of its founder,
Clara Barton.
2. To make known or reveal for the first time.
The police chief will unveil a plan to reduce street crime at today’s meeting.

1A Finding Meanings
Choose two phrases to form a sentence that correctly uses a word from
Word List 1. Then write the sentence.

1. (a) let that person go free. (c) treat that person badly.
(b) To clasp someone is to (d) To persecute someone is to
2. (a) If something is lofty, (c) it is hidden from view.
(b) If something has appeal, (d) it has the power to attract.

3. (a) To exhibit something is to (c) understand it fully.

(b) To unveil something is to (d) reveal it for the first time.

Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 6 3

4. (a) Poverty is (c) a condition of poor health.
(b) Eloquence is (d) the state of being poor.
5. (a) To speak in an (c) is to show a too-proud attitude.
affectionate manner
(b) To speak in a lofty manner (d) is to show extreme shyness.
6. (a) a lever operated by the foot. (c) a public showing.
(b) An exhibit is (d) A pedestal is
7. (a) entry into a country to live there. (c) skill at speaking or writing.
(b) Eloquence is (d) Affection is
8. (a) understand it. (c) To clasp something is to
(b) hold it tightly. (d) To contribute to something is to
9. (a) ask that person for help. (c) To appeal to someone is to
(b) To ferry someone is to (d) give comfort to that person.
clasp ___________________________________________________________________
conspicuous ___________________________________________________________________
contribute 10. (a) A pedestal is (c) a person traveling on foot.
declare (b) A contribution is (d) something that is given.
eloquent ___________________________________________________________________

4 Lesson 1
1B Just the Right Word
Replace each phrase in bold with a single word (or form of the word) from
the word list.

1. My parents were people who came to live in this country from Mexico.

2. The boat that carries people across the river leaves every hour on
the hour.

3. The sundial, together with the base on which it stands, costs two hundred

4. There was a burst of applause when the artist removed the covering from
her painting.

5. The president’s public statement that the factory would not be closing was
welcome news to the townspeople.

6. A heavy dessert would not be of interest to me after that big dinner.

7. The generosity of the teacher was one of the things that led to the success
of the students.

8. The powerful, moving words of Abraham Lincoln’s “Gettysburg Address”

made a deep impression on me.

9. Their unusual way of dressing makes them easy to notice in a crowd.

10. I have nothing but fond and tender feelings for you all.


Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 6 5

1C Applying Meanings
Circle the letter or letters next to each correct answer. There may be more
than one correct answer.

1. Which of the following could be unveiled?

(a) a statue (c) a painting
(b) a cloud (d) a plan

2. Which of the following can be declared?

(a) a winner (c) one’s love
(b) one’s friends (d) a holiday

3. Which of the following can be contributed?

(a) money (c) clothing
(b) time (d) space

4. Which of the following could be ferried?

(a) hopes (c) people
(b) fears (d) cars

5. For which of the following might someone be subjected to persecution?

(a) driving too fast (c) breaking into someone’s home
(b) having political views (d) practicing a religion

affection 6. Which of the following would be conspicuous?

appeal (a) a lighthouse on a cliff (c) a billboard by the roadside
clasp (b) a pebble on the beach (d) a purple house
contribute 7. Which of the following could be exhibited?
(a) pottery (c) uncertainty
(b) days (d) coins
8. Which of the following could you say to give someone a clue that you are an
(a) “Math is my favorite subject.” (c) “I plan to live in a new country.”
(b) “I have a dog.” (d) “I have left my home country.”

6 Lesson 1
1D Word Study: Synonyms
Circle the two synonyms in each group of four words.

Synonyms are words that have the same or similar meanings.

1. tall eloquent hidden lofty

2. understand contribute declare state

3. show return exhibition appeal

4. eloquent moving conspicuous tired

5. contribute request return appeal

6. fastener base poverty pedestal

7. affectionate fond conspicuous sad

8. persecution anger grasp clasp

9. ferry poverty poor unveil

10. clasp immigrant supply fastener


Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 6 7

1E Vocabulary in Context
Read the passage.

Lady Liberty
The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of freedom to people all over the
world. Since 1886 it has welcomed immigrants who sail into New York harbor
to begin a new life in the United States. Like many of them, Lady Liberty, as
the statue is affectionately known, had to overcome some difficulties before
reaching these shores.
The statue was a gift from the people of France to the people of the
United States. It was given in honor of the friendship between the two
countries and the one-hundredth anniversary of the American Revolution.
But before the statue could be put in place, the people of the United States
had to provide a pedestal for it at a cost of one hundred thousand dollars.
That turned out to be no easy task. A fund-raising drive was launched and ran
into immediate difficulties. Newspapers across the United States ridiculed the
effort. They argued that because the French were sending over the statue, they
should be the ones to pay the extra costs involved for the base.
Despite this opposition, the effort to raise the money continued. A forty-
foot-high section of the right arm, with the hand clasping the torch of liberty,
was sent to the United States. It was displayed at the 1876 Philadelphia
exhibition marking the one-hundredth birthday of the United States. Visitors
affection paid fifty cents to climb onto the balcony surrounding the torch. Many other
appeal fund-raising events were also held. But even after several years, contributions
clasp fell far short of the total needed. The future of the entire project seemed in
doubt. Not until a newspaper appeal promised to print donors’ names was the
necessary money raised.
With the success of the project assured, the rest of the statue was finally
shipped from France. It arrived in pieces packed in over two hundred wooden
crates. The work of assembling it proceeded without further delay. A public
holiday was declared on October 28, 1886, when the Statue of Liberty was
lofty at last unveiled. It was one of the largest gatherings ever in New York City.
pedestal The island where the statue stands is called Liberty Island. It is reached by a
persecute short ferry ride from lower Manhattan. At just over 305 feet, the statue was
poverty the tallest structure in New York City. Though it is now dwarfed by the lofty
unveil skyscrapers of Manhattan, at the time it was the most conspicuous landmark
in the city.

8 Lesson 1
In the 1880s, people seeking a better life were flooding into the United
States. They arrived at the rate of one million a year. Many of them came
from Russia and Eastern Europe; they had been cruelly persecuted by their
governments and were fleeing to safety. Others were escaping the poverty of
their native lands in search of a more prosperous life in America.
The museum at the base of the statue contains a bronze tablet placed there
in 1903. On it is a poem written twenty years earlier by Emma Lazarus, whose
own family had fled Russia. The poem has captured the imagination of the
American people and has become forever associated with the Statue of Liberty.
It ends with these eloquent lines:
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore;
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Answer each of the following questions with a sentence. If a question does

not contain a vocabulary word from the lesson’s word list, use one in your
answer. Use each word only once.

1. What is the meaning of lofty as it is used in the passage?

2. What finally caused Americans to contribute the necessary funds?
3. What was done with the statue’s arm in Philadelphia in 1876?
4. How can you tell that the author has a favorable opinion of Lazarus’s poem?

5. What is the meaning of appeal as it is used in the passage?


Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 6 9

6. Why were so many people able to attend the first showing of the statue?
7. What was the hope of people who came to America to escape the poverty of
their homelands?
8. Why did the American people have to raise one hundred thousand dollars?
9. How is the torch of liberty supported by the statue?
10. How do visitors reach the Statue of Liberty?
11. What is the meaning of unveil as it is used in the passage?
12. Why do you think the United States has been called a nation of immigrants?
conspicuous ___________________________________________________________________
contribute 13. Why is the statue not such a conspicuous landmark as it once was?
exhibit ___________________________________________________________________
ferry 14. Why would persecuted people want to come to the United States?
immigrant ___________________________________________________________________
persecute 15. Do you think the people fleeing to the United States for safety in the 1880s felt
poverty affection for their governments? Why or why not?
unveil ___________________________________________________________________

10 Lesson 1
Fun & Fascinating FACTS
• The Latin word for foot is ped, and • An immigrant is a person who
several English words, such as enters a country intending to live
pedal (a lever worked by the foot) there. An emigrant is a person who
and pedestrian (a person going leaves one country to settle in
on foot), come from it. Because a another. In the late nineteenth and
pedestal is a base that stands at early twentieth centuries, many
the foot, or lowest part, of a statue, people emigrated from Europe and
column, or similar object, you might arrived in the United States as immi-
think that pedestal comes directly grants.
from ped. Actually it comes from
an Italian phrase, pie di stallo, which • Persecute and prosecute are
means “a foot (or lowest part) of a similar-sounding words that are
stall.” Because the Italian word for sometimes confused even though
foot comes from ped, it’s correct they have quite separate meanings.
to say that the English word ped- To persecute someone is to make
estal also comes from it, but in a that person suffer because of
roundabout manner. political, religious, or other beliefs
or characteristics.. To prosecute
someone is to bring that person to
trial for criminal acts.


Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 6 11

1 Vocabulary Extension
noun Something that is put in a public place where many people can see it.
verb To show something in a public place where many people can see it.

Academic Context
These sentences give clues to the meaning of exhibit.
An art teacher often puts students’ artwork on exhibit somewhere in
the school.
A teacher might exhibit several good examples of students’ writing each
week on the board.
Word Family
exhibition (noun)
exhibitor (noun)
exhibiting (verb)

Discussion & Writing Prompt

If you went to an exhibit about space at a museum, what would you see?
2 min. 3 min.

1. Turn and talk to your partner or group. 2. Write 2–4 sentences.

Use this space to take notes or draw Be ready to share what you have written.
your ideas.

12 Lesson 1

10 Word List

Study the definitions of the words. Then do the exercises that follow.

anticipate v. 1. To look forward to; to expect.

an tis´ ә pāt We anticipated having a good time at the party.
2. To be aware of and to provide for beforehand.
The teacher anticipated their questions by explaining the assignment

Tell your partner what you are anticipating doing this weekend.

bankrupt adj. 1. Unable to pay one’s debts and freed by law from doing so.
baŋk´ rupt The store owner was bankrupt after the business failed.
2. Left without any worth or value.
Kylie was bankrupt of ideas for the project.
v. To leave without worth or value.
His extravagances bankrupted him.

brief adj. Short; not long-lasting.

brēf The guests had time for just a brief visit, so they did not linger when it was
time to leave.
v. To give a short explanation or set of instructions to.
An assistant briefed the mayor before the debate.
n. A statement giving the main points in a case, for use in a court of law.
The attorney glanced at her brief before addressing the judge.

Think of a brief sentence and say it to your partner.

brisk adj. 1. Quick; active.

brisk The runners kept up a brisk pace at the start of the race.
2. Stimulating; refreshing.
The brisk wind blowing off the ocean felt good.

budget n. A plan for spending money during a certain period.

buj´ әt The extravagant dinner caused the family to overspend their weekly
food budget.
v. To plan the use of carefully.
A part-time job may affect your schoolwork unless you budget your time.

Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 6 107

compete v. To try to win against others.
kәm pēt´ Five students competed for first prize.
competition n. (käm pә tish´ әn) 1. The act of trying to win against others.
Competition to get into a good college can be fierce.
2. A contest.
The team entered the competition even though it had little chance of
competitor n. (käm pet´ i tәr) One who competes against others.
Six competitors entered the race.

complicate v. To make difficult.

käm´ pli kāt An extra guest may complicate the seating arrangements.
complicated adj. Not easy or simple; having many different parts.
The instructions are so complicated that no one could figure them out.

Chat with your partner about silly ways to complicate brushing your teeth.

effect v. To make happen.

ә fekt´ The new principal will effect many changes.
n. A result.
The medicine I took for my headache had no effect.
effective adj. (ә fek´ tiv) 1. Bringing about the desired result.
Gargling with salt water is an effective treatment for a minor sore throat.
2. In operation; active.
A new dress code was effective the day school opened.
3. Making a strong and favorable impression.
People are likely to remember what an effective speaker says.

Talk to your partner about actions you could take to effect a change in school rules.

err v. To be wrong or to do wrong.

er I erred when I accused you of lying.
error n. (er´ әr) A mistake.
Errors in punctuation are easily corrected.
erroneous adj. (әr rō´ nē әs) Mistaken; wrong.
The facts are correct, but the conclusion is erroneous.

factor n. Something that contributes to a result.

fak´ tәr Paying attention and studying diligently are two factors in getting
good grades.

Share with your partner what factors you keep in mind when you buy new shoes.

108 Lesson 10
fad n. Something that is very popular for a short time, then forgotten.
fad Ankle bracelets were the fad one summer.

gripe v. 1. To complain.
grīp The children always gripe about having to get up early.
2. To annoy or irritate.
Crowded streets gripe the traveling public.
n. A complaint.
Too much homework and too few lunch choices were two of the students’ gripes.

Gripe to your partner about one thing you dislike about your town.

knack n. A special talent or skill; ability to do something easily.

nak My mother has a knack for making friends wherever she goes.

leisure n. Free time not taken up with work.

lē´ zhәr My father’s sixty-hour work week allows little time for leisure.
leisurely adj. Slow; relaxed.
The friends strolled at a leisurely pace through the park.

unique adj. The only one of its kind.

yoˉo nēk´ The platypus, a mammal that lays eggs, is unique among animals.

Tell your partner something that makes you a unique person.

10A Using Words in Context

Read the following sentences. If the word in bold is used correctly, write C on
the line. If the word is used incorrectly, write I on the line.

1. (a) Dinner is at six, so please get effective for it. ___

(b) The new coach plans to effect some changes on the team. ___
(c) The rule was effective immediately. ___
(d) The tea I drank for the flu had the desired effect. ___

2. (a) For a brief moment, I thought I was dreaming. ___


(b) The mayor was briefed on the earthquake that night. ___
(c) The lawyer took her brief to the courthouse. ___
(d) We briefed a sigh of relief when we made it through the snow. ___

Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 6 109

3. (a) When my little brother starts to get erroneous, I tell him to be quiet. ___
(b) It is erroneous to say that a kitten is a baby dog. ___
(c) There is an error in the book. ___
(d) I erred to the top of the hill. ___

4. (a) The competition for the spelling bee is intense. ___

(b) Over two hundred nations compete in the Olympic Games. ___
(c) She was a competitor who hated to lose. ___
(d) I competed that we had only one slice of bread left. ___

5. (a) Four teams anticipated in the finals. ___

(b) We anticipated a few problems, but nothing serious happened. ___
(c) They anticipated that a lot of people would be at the carnival. ___
(d) I anticipated the cat down from the tree. ___

6. (a) Jana started her day with a brisk cold shower. ___
(b) His brisk personality did not make him very popular. ___
(c) Why brisk the floor if it’s already clean? ___
(d) You need plenty of brisk to win the game. ___

7. (a) The instructions were very complicated, so I wrote them down. ___
(b) Cheyenne complicates things more than they need to be. ___
(c) The teacher complicated that the students did a great job on the
homework. ___
(d) Josiah was complicated for having the highest grade on the test. ___
bankrupt 8. (a) The weather will be a factor in whether we play. ___
brief (b) Several factors led to the Great Depression. ___
brisk (c) The factors make the parts for the cars. ___
budget (d) You can’t factor if you want me to like you. ___
9. (a) My mom said my leisure was crooked. ___
(b) My leisure time is spent reading. ___
(c) We took a leisurely walk through the park. ___
(d) Crack open the leisure so we can see what’s inside. ___
10. (a) Tiana griped because she was in a bad mood. ___
gripe (b) My gripe is that we have too much schoolwork to do. ___
knack (c) The gripes are picked in October before it gets too cold. ___
leisure (d) The teacher listened to our gripes and promised to make some changes. ___

110 Lesson 10
10B Making Connections
Circle the letter next to each correct answer. There may be more than one
correct answer.

1. Which word or words go with money?

(a) bankrupt (b) motion (c) budget (d) fad

2. Which word or words go with short?

(a) brisk (b) brief (c) minute (d) elusive

3. Which word or words go with mistake?

(a) rouse (b) compete (c) err (d) bungle

4. Which word or words go with look forward to?

(a) effect (b) ancestor (c) anticipate (d) eventual

5. Which word or words go with successful?

(a) brief (b) complicated (c) effective (d) erroneous

6. Which word or words go with complain?

(a) restrict (b) gripe (c) fad (d) knack

7. Which word or words go with talent?

(a) ability (b) budget (c) knack (d) factor

8. Which word or words go with sports?

(a) linger (b) compete (c) challenge (d) complicate

9. Which word or words go with the only one?

(a) erroneous (b) solitary (c) effective (d) unique

10. Which word or words go with fashion?

(a) apparel (b) fad (c) attire (d) factor

Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 6 111

10C Determining Meanings
Circle the letter next to each answer choice that correctly completes the
sentence. There may be more than one correct answer.

1. His uniqueness
(a) makes him special.
(b) comes from his sense of humor.
(c) always hurts when he bends his arm.
(d) looks like he spent a lot of time on it.

2. A leisurely
(a) piece of paper is very light.
(b) girl tried to finish her book as fast as she could.
(c) meal can take an hour or more.
(d) afternoon may be spent resting.

3. Factors
(a) that might make you late are bad weather and traffic.
(b) get bigger the more you try to stop them.
(c) are formed at the end of rainbows.
(d) such as who can come to your birthday party are important for planning.

4. Fads
(a) in space are made of dust and gas.
(b) are things that are briefly popular.
anticipate (c) burrowed into the dirt to escape the predator.
bankrupt (d) that summer involved rolling up your pants.
brisk 5. A complicated
budget (a) design involving different shapes was chosen for the wall.
(b) plot makes it hard to follow what’s happening in the movie.
(c) glass of water sat on the table.
(d) person is very simple and easy to understand.
6. The budgets
(a) were let out of the cage to fly around the room.
fad (b) left me with ten extra dollars each week.
gripe (c) were set in August for the new school year.
knack (d) had a crack in it that was easy to repair.

112 Lesson 10
7. Bankruptcy
(a) left Mr. Simon unable to pay anyone back.
(b) frustrated the owner’s dreams of expanding her store.
(c) creates flowers that attract bees.
(d) in bones can make them break more easily.

8. I briskly
(a) ran a mile in gym class.
(b) poured the syrup slowly onto the waffle.
(c) tiptoed up the stairs so I wouldn’t wake anyone.
(d) chased my sister up and down the street during a game of tag.

10 D Completing Sentences
Complete the sentences to demonstrate your knowledge of the words in bold.

1. I would win a competition in

__________________________________________________________________ .
2. An effective way to get a good night’s sleep is to
__________________________________________________________________ .
3. An example of an error in punctuation might be
__________________________________________________________________ .
4. A company is bankrupted when
__________________________________________________________________ .
5. A factor that might make me run home after school is
__________________________________________________________________ .
6. Something I anticipate about tomorrow is
__________________________________________________________________ .
7. A fad I know about is
__________________________________________________________________ .
8. Something I gripe about is
__________________________________________________________________ .

9. Complicated math problems make me feel

__________________________________________________________________ .
10. A budget is
__________________________________________________________________ .
Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 6 113
10 E Vocabulary in Context
Read the passage.

Fun and Games

Have you ever invented a new game or toy? Lots of people have,
and most of them would tell you that it’s not all fun and games. In fact,
inventing and producing games is a very serious business.
Many of those who have tried to interest a company in their inventions
have a common gripe: Most companies will not consider an idea from
someone unknown to them. Companies prefer to deal only with established
inventors with whom they have developed a long-term relationship. These
veteran inventors have a knack for thinking up ideas—lots of them—for
new toys and games. Just as important, they are willing to spend the time
to develop their ideas. Only then do they take their new game or toy to a
company and try to sell it.
Toys and games are big business. People may complain that they have
less leisure time than they used to, but today they spend far more money
on ways to fill this time. Billions of dollars are spent this way in the United
States alone each year. Toy stores do a brisk business in the weeks between
Thanksgiving and the end of the year. They can anticipate selling more toys
and games in this one period than in the entire rest of the year! Companies
compete to meet the enormous demand by engaging in a perpetual search for
anticipate new products. These companies aren’t interested in warmed-over ideas from
bankrupt previous years; they are looking for something unique.
brief Originality may be the main consideration, but companies must also keep
other factors in mind when deciding which games or toys to produce. First,
the cost of producing a new product is very important; the less complicated
the toy or game is, the cheaper it will be to make. Companies also take into
account the age of the children for whom the toy or game is intended; if it is
easy to understand, then younger children will be able to play it. The result
is an increase in the number of likely buyers. Finally, the larger companies
fad with big advertising budgets must ask whether they can make an effective
gripe television commercial for the new product.
knack Producing a new toy or game is risky, but the rewards can be great. If
leisure a company errs by putting a lot of money into a new toy or game that fails
unique to sell, the company can go bankrupt. If it is successful, on the other hand,
everyone is ecstatic. Even success is not without risks. Should a game or toy

114 Lesson 10
catch on, the maker may not be in a position to meet the sudden demand. By
the time the factory is able to turn out the items, the fad may have died down.
Then the company is left with tens of thousands of items it cannot sell.
In fact, most toys and games do have brief lives, but there are always
exceptions. Monopoly has been a popular game for more than eighty years.
Over 250 million Monopoly games have been sold. Of course, only a handful
of lucky inventors create highly successful new toys or games and become
millionaires. But inventors are natural optimists. That is why there is no
shortage of newcomers eager to break into this high-stakes business.

Answer each of the following questions with a sentence. If a question does

not contain a vocabulary word from the lesson’s word list, use one in your
answer. Use each word only once.

1. Why are large companies able to advertise heavily on television?

2. How long do most toys and games remain popular?
3. Why might a toy-store owner gripe about a severe storm in December?
4. Is the belief that one can get rich by inventing games an erroneous one? Why or
why not?
5. What is the meaning of brisk as it is used in the passage?
6. What happens when more and more companies get into the games business?


Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 6 115

7. What are some ways you spend your leisure time?
8. Why would it be incorrect to call Monopoly a fad?
9. What is the meaning of anticipate as it is used in the passage?
10. What kind of toy or game usually appeals to very young children?
11. What is the meaning of effective as it is used in the passage?
12. Why is the decision to make a new toy not a quick and easy process for a
13. What does a person need in order to be a successful games inventor?
brisk ___________________________________________________________________
budget 14. What is the meaning of bankrupt as it is used in the passage?
effect ___________________________________________________________________
err 15. What is the most important thing that games companies look for when
factor considering a game?
fad ___________________________________________________________________

116 Lesson 10
Fun & Fascinating FACTS
• Effect is a verb and means “to make • In addition to meaning “something
happen.” It is also a noun and means that contributes to a result,” factor
“a result.” Affect is a verb and means is also a term used in mathemat-
“to cause a change in.” (The bus ics, where it has two separate but
strike will affect our travel plans.) related meanings.
It also means “to pretend to have.”
A factor is one of two or more
(He affected a British accent when in
numbers that divide a given num-
England because he didn’t want to
ber without a remainder: 2, 3, and
sound like a tourist.)
5 are factors of 30, as are 5 and 6, 3
and 10, and 2 and 15.
• Unique means “the only one of
its kind.” It is incorrect to say that A factor is also the number of
something is “very unique” or “most times a given number is increased
unique”; if something is the only one or decreased. A population that
of its kind, it cannot be compared to goes from 2 million to 6 million has
something else. increased by a factor of 3.


Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 6 117

10 Vocabulary Extension
noun A result.

Academic Context
Understanding cause and effect is an important reading skill.
Word Family
effective (adjective)
effectively (adverb)
effectiveness (noun)

Discussion & Writing Prompt

What are the effects of a thunderstorm?
2 min. 3 min.

1. Turn and talk to your partner or group. 2. Write 2–4 sentences.

Use this space to take notes or draw Be ready to share what you have written.
your ideas.

118 Lesson 10

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