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Welcome everyone, my name is Andrei and for today’s presentation I will show you Plans / Deals in


As an overview, this presentation will be divided into three sections, the first one will cover what a Plan
is, why do we need it, the plan statuses and a general overview about the main tabs of a plan.

After that we will move on to the Hands-On part, where our goal is to create a new plan, request an
approval for it and finally approve the plan.

The ending part of my presentation will be focused around answering to your questions, but also if at
any point do you have any questions or something is unclear, please feel free to interrupt me.


I would like to start by answering the displayed question : “What is a Plan?”

So, a plan is an order or a contract between the broadcaster and the buyer which combines different
operations carried out by an agency or an advertiser in order to have the right criteria for broadcasting a
TV campaign/program for example.


Ok, so, we have the plan, but why? Why do we need plans for?

Let’s say that the plans provide a framework in which you have all the detailed informations about any
costs your television has.

And a very important thing is that plans are helping you to reach the right audience.

At this moment, do you have any questions?


Moving on to the next slide is good to know that every plan has a life-cycle.

Speculative status indicates that the initial draft of the plan is accepted for changes, and it’s like a
default status.
Working is doing what it says, you can do some changes in the plan.

Hold indicates that the plan has been approved by the account executive and the booked spots are
approved for placement in the schedule.

Order means that the plan has been confirmed by the buyer and both parts agreed on terms.

But, there are some special situations, where a plan can have 3 more statuses.

Lost indicates that the plan was cancelled before any spots were placed ( in the Schedule ).

Cancelled indicate that the plan was cancelled after spots were placed .

Past plan means that the plan’s date is partially or fully in the past, once in this plan, the plan cannot be
changed to any other status.


Going to the MAIN TABS OF A PLAN we have :

General is the plan header, where we find informations about plan dates, agency, advertiser, channel,
ratecard, and so on.

Conditions tab will show us guidelines of the plan, constraints which are defining plan level.

Chart is where we can find spots for the plan and summary informations.

EDI is for generating an Electronic Data Interchange, a file that contains both summary and details that
can be sent electronically to the buyer.

Accounting for specifying billing informations like billing cycles, payment terms and more.

Notes for adding comments or attaching documents related to the plan.

Digital Chart is a feature for FoxUS only where we can find informations about digital billing.

Optional: Linear works with spots and digital with NAT (non-airtime).

Linear works with chart.

Digital works with digital chart.

Legacy Codes is if we want to apply a code inherited from someone else or from an older version of the


Having this informations presented I think we can move to the Hands-On part.

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