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Part 1: Skittles Project

Color Total

Red 12

Orange 12

Yellow 13

Green 11

Purple 11

Total 59
B. We created a bar plot using categorical data. We assigned a number to each color
(red=1, orange-=2, yellow=3, green=4, purple=5)
Skittle Color and Frequency

C. 1. Most common color: yellow; least common color: green and purple
2. The relative frequency of the red skittle is 0.2
3. If the bag had 5,000 total skittles I would expect there to be 1017 yellow skittles
D. Yes, the skittles were a random sample. We watched a video on how skittles are made
and saw that they are sorted and packaged at random, by a machine.
Decision: My P-value is 0.2034 and my level of significance is given as 0.05. I will fail to
reject the null.
Conclusion: There is insufficient evidence to conclude that the true proportion of red
skittles is different from the null hypothesis.

Part 2: Skittles Project

Color Frequency

Red 0.2097 (20.97%)

Orange 0.1886 (18.86%)

Yellow 0.2124 (21.24%)

Green 0.1919 (19.19%)

Purple 0.1973 (19.73%)

Total 1.0 (100%)

1. Random; each color is randomly mixed in with other colors and I was given a
random bag.
2. Independent; 1850<0.05N; 37000>N; it is independent.
3. Large enough sample size; (387.945=)1850(0.2097)>10;
(1462.055=)1850(1-0.2097)>10; population is greater than 10.
i. It does hit all the conditions so the results in step B will be valid.
i. We are 95% confident that the interval between 0.1912 and 0.2283
captures the true proportion of all red Skittles.
C. My proportion of red Skittles from Part 1 was 0.2. This does fall within the given interval,
meaning that they are a likely value for the true proportion of red Skittles.
1. Random; each color is randomly mixed in with other colors and I was given a
random bag.
2. Independent; my sample size is less than 5% of the total population, so it can be
assumed it is independent.
3. Estimated Success and Failures
i. Null: 0.2, n=59
ii. Successes: n(null value)= 11.8; greater than 10
iii. Failures: n(1-null value)= 47.2; greater than 10
All the conditions are met, so the results should be valid.
1. Null Hypothesis: p=0.2
Alternative Hypothesis: p≠0.2

3. I fail to reject the null hypothesis because the p-value is greater than alpha. So,
there is insufficient evidence to reject the claim that the true proportion of red
skittles in the bag will be 0.2.


2. I came to the same conclusion in part 1 and part 2. However, the second
hypothesis is more valid because there were more samples and calculations
based on multiple data points. The second test was more valid because of the

Part 3: Skittles Project

B. The graph appears to be mainly symmetric while also being bimodal. The mean of this
data set is 57.7188, and the standard deviation is 2.0515.
C. There appears to be no outliers in this sample. This is because the lower fence is 50 and
the lowest value we have is 54. Similarly, the upper fence is 66 while the highest value
we have is only 61. So, there are no outliers.
D. Condition Check:
a. Random Sample: this data is random because the bags of Skittles were
randomly distributed to the students. This sample was random.
b. Independence: this data is independent because the 32 bags of Skittles is very
likely to be smaller than 5% of the population. Furthermore, 64 is much smaller
than the total population of all the bags of Skittles that are the same size.
c. Normal Population: the sample would be approximately normal because our
sample size was 32 which is greater than 30, which determines if the distribution
is normal.
d. Because all the conditions have been met, I believe that the results in E and F
will be valid.
We are 95% confident that the true mean candies per bag for all 2.17 ounce bags of
Skittles would fall within the interval of [56.9792, 58.4584].
F. Ho = 59; Ha ≠ 59

Reject Ho. There is sufficient evidence to conclude that the average number of Skittles
per bag is not equal to 59.

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