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Write a dialogue in a Word document talking about the parts of your house
and the furniture you have. Use the studied grammar. There is /there are,
questions and short answers, etc. (Minimum 150 words), each participant
must intervene at least five times, send to the Microsoft team platform, until
February 03 th and stage the dialogue in the virtual classroom.

Good morning, teacher and classmates
In this opportunity I present my project where I will talk about the parts of my
house and the furniture it has, in this case with my team we will have a
Emerzon Aldair Rea Medina
Eiber Mario Rodriguez Vega
Aldana Reichell Ruiz Lopez
Rouse Ashly Sara Lopez Huallpa

Aldana: Hello Mario, thanks for inviting us to your house.

Emer: Hello, friend. Yes, thanks.
Rouse: Hello, Mario. Your house is beautiful
Mario: Come in, welcome to my house. The truth is that I love my house, this is
the house of my dreams.

Aldana: Tell us about your house, how many rooms does it have?
Mario: In my house there are three big rooms.
Rouse: In my house I also have three rooms, but there is a small one for
Emer: Is there an attic in your house Mario?
Mario: No, there isn’t
Rouse: what things does your kitchen have?
Mario: My kitchen is white, there are some drawers where I keep kitchen
utensils, I also have a refrigerator but it's broken.
Aldana: There aren't windows in my kitchen, but you have many windows in
your kitchen. And … Do you like to cook?
Rouse: No, I don't like it. I ask for delivery
Emer: In my case, yes, I do. because I cook so delicious
Rouse: In your living room you have a video game console, do you like to play?
Mario: yes, I do. I like to play videogames with my friends in the afternoons.
Aldana: what do you do in your spare time at home?
Mario: I like to sunbathe in my patio, I also like to play soccer in the morning,
but my patio is very small.
Emer: Good! I also like to play soccer in my backyard.
Mario: what does your backyard have?
Emer: It has games for my pets, there is a gym where I exercise at night after
finishing my homework at the university.
Guys! Do you have a garden?
Aldana: In my case, yes, I have a small garden full of beautiful flowers with a
view of the sea, because I like nature, I have a large pool that I use every
summer with my family. What about you Rouse?
Rouse: No, I don't have a garden but in my dream garden would also have a
pool because I like to swim, however I have a garage where I keep my white
Emer: wow you guys impress me; do you have time this weekend for them to
come to my house?
Mario: Yes, I do
Aldana: Yes, I have time to go
Rouse: count with me! See you next week

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