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The misuse of digital media by members of CNSLG related to the prevention and ADD
(Attention deficit disorder) treatment

Daniela Sofia Bautista Pedraza

Pre-project for graduation to obtain to the baccalaureate degree

Teacher in charge

Flor Vargas.

Colegio Nuevo San Luis Gonzaga

Humanities deepening with emphasis in English

Eleventh grade

Bogotá D.C.

Resumen ..........................................................................................................................................
5 Introduction
....................................................................................................................................6 Rationale
General Objective .......................................................................................................................8
Specific objectives.......................................................................................................................8
Problem statement..........................................................................................................................9
Institutional ...........................................................................................................................13
Problem Formulation...................................................................................................................13
Problem description .................................................................................................................13
Problem Tree.............................................................................................................................15
Conceptual Framework ...........................................................................................................42

The misuse of digital media by members of CNSLG related to the prevention and
treatment of ADD


La mala utilización de la media digital por parte de miembros del CNSLG con relación a la
prevención y tratamiento del TDA

According to David Merrill (sf), an education researcher specializing in instructional

design and technology, “with the growth of E-learning, I can think that the e must mean more
than something electronic. If we call it E-learning, it must be effective, efficient, and involved,
doesn’t it?”. Martinez (2017) Might it be true? Is e-learning as effective as he wonders in
students and teachers or scholars with ADD?

Currently, it is difficult to capture a perfect way to get students and scholars with ADD
a 100% attention in a virtual classroom or a 100% of willingness in students, while students
have a barrier, “behind the screen”, and it might hinder students’ progress in their learning or
communication between teachers and students. Consequently, that situation may be
uncomfortable and stressful or may generate posttraumatic stress 1in some teachers and
students, an academic underachievement in students and many distractions in students.
However, it is not a teachers’ fault; as UNESCO2(2020) reported “on March 31st of 2020, the
school’s closure has affected millions of children and youngsters in 185 countries.”

Back then, previously mentioned, most of institutions in Colombia weren’t prepared

for this situation, where students and teachers depend on electronic devices and digital
platforms to progress in this shared obstacle.

The situation presents stipulated advantages and disadvantages but, considering the
researcher in technology Merrill’s claim this situation might be turned into more advantages than
disadvantages. In fact, the author wants to deepen these topics to encourage CNSLG teachers in
their virtual teaching training route and communication between students and teacher with
resources of digital media and research of ADD.

The research look for the root of a possible headache for many people about video
telephony platforms and app; assuming basic and easy digital pages and apps like Google
Classroom and Zoom or external platforms and looking into a probable set of inconvenient and

Posttraumatic stress: It is a psychiatric disorder that may occur in people who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic
event. Torres (2020)
UNESCO: Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

supports that might affect teachers in a positive or negative way.

On the other hand, the author gets the research to support teachers in their
communication and involvement with students and facilitate or grow attention in virtual
classroom students; giving ideas and items to teachers in their virtual classroom with students’
attention who already have ADD or a deficit attention with the use of digital media and didactic

Furthermore, the purpose of the research is giving accessibility to all CNSLG institution
of the data collected in the project advance at itself completing from a simple resource and with
an accessible, didactic and nurturing vocabulary and information to be taken as a little space to
inform and develop more ways to improve virtual classroom motivation and might change that
little point of view in some students’ “obligation” and became it in their “progress” and a
“learning for myself”.

The author will consider students and teachers point of view in their benefit,
recovering a probable comfort in CNSLG teachers and possible ideas to get students and
scholars with ADD attention.


General Objective

Identify through research possible ADD students to promote didactic and easy tools
that allow teachers communicate and teach students at CNSLG in virtual school life.

Specific objectives

• Identify the disadvantages that present teachers in the communication and virtual teaching
of CNSLG students.

• Research digital platforms that would improve the comfort of teachers in communication
and virtual teaching of CNSLG students.

• Identify CNSLG students’ population with possible ADD and that might present
difficulties to pay attention in classes.
• Create a resource to organize and present recommendations of virtual classroom
communication, tools of digital media and ADD gotten in the research.

Problem statement

Around SARS-CoV-2 1Pandemic presented in 2020, Colombian educational institutions

had to adapt their infrastructure to change from face to face to virtual such as CNSLG case, it
had to redress to some technology tools that proposes communication between a student, a
teacher, and parents, letting receive material such as workshops, quizzes, exams, and speaking
involvement. (Abadía, 2020)

Despite the effort of most teachers that developed the goal of their students getting the
right learning, it hasn’t been easy for everyone. More in students with lack of attention in
classes, as in the case of scholars with ADD (Attention-deficit disorder). Ibid

On the other hand, ADHD attention deficit disorder is a chronic common disorder that
occurs when the person has difficulties paying attention, a symptom that can affect ADHD
students’ academic performance, in the case of being a schoolchild; it can affect their emotional
development, in the case of being a minor and can even affect their social relationship with
people, being avoided because of their behavioral behaviors. (Centro para el control y
prevención de enfermedades, sf)

Compared before the pandemic, these students had the opportunity to treat face to face
their symptoms by professionals, teachers, and parents; where professionals were able to respond
fast to treatments, medications, and guiding parents and institutions to ensure the student to
decrease ADHD symptoms and consequences. Furthermore, the parents and the institutions were
aware of the students’ behavior, concerning whether he or she could present low self-esteem or
continuous nervousness due to his or her symptoms or if it could become in a learning disorder.

It can be determined that detecting and controlling scholars with ADD is teamwork
between teachers, professionals, and parents. Not giving matter to this topic will probably
generate other disorders or repercussions to the minor. Ibid

Even so, previously mentioned, it is comprehended that both for the educational
institution CNSLG and for other institutions, those students who can only attend in a virtual

classroom way, it could present as an obstacle for those students who have attention deficit
disorder, because, their performance and academic gaps are limited to the communication of
virtual class meetings, often without being able to manifest that, either by the introverted
personality of the student, the class time or the insecurity of the same symptoms. So, it is
assimilated, that it is necessary to explore the digital media, to expand these obstacles. (Herrera,


First, the author is going to present the national, local, and institutional contexts of
education and ADD in Colombia, Bogota D.C. and CLNSG institution.


The Colombian Education system is shaped by: The initial education, preschool
education, basic education (primary five grades and secondary four grades), middle education
(two grades and culminate with baccalaureate), and superior education. (Ministerio de Educación,

In Colombia, education is defined as a permanent formation process, cultural and

social that is substantiate in an integral conception of human person, his or her dignity, his or
her rights and duties. Ibid

Currently about education, “about 2.600 minors abandoned the schools this year due to the
economic framework of the pandemic, so it was pointed in El Tiempo interview to the Minister
of Education María Victoria Angulo.” Its fact shows the present-day situation and priority in
Colombia, where millions of children have problems with not having devices and WIFI to
connect to the classes, reiterating interview to the Minister of Education. mentioned that the
priority by the time was given to the connectivity and infrastructure improvements, the key

to reducing inequalities, as well as different strategies: printed guides, pedagogical material, the
Aprender Digital portal, the "Mi Señal" alliance, and more than 1,200 community radio stations,
focused on rural areas, were part of the home study. (Chacón, 2021).

For now, the situation of behind-grade learning in the Colombian state, local
administrations, and institutions might be caused due to teachers training is not giving matter
about virtual classroom, but, for those spaces and institutions have to be important, also a dean
says "If we do not train our teachers better, it is impossible to improve the teaching experience
in virtuality, it is not about training them in technologies but in the pedagogical use of them,"
says Ana Lucia Paz, dean of Educational Science in University ICESI. (Arciniegas and Loaiza,

Further, some web pages like El Paí assures that Colombian education must face some
challenges in 2021, at least 10 resuming the current situation. Some of them have details about
the struggle with classes, content, and the interaction between student-teacher that allows the
human connection, also generating spaces of dialogue and questions. Also, by this moment of
education in the country, it is inadequate to follow models that are replicated indiscriminately,
since the best educational process is the one led by a qualified teacher who understands that
pedagogy must be adjusted to the learning models of the students. Justified by classrooms have
been replaced by digital tools and in this new dynamic, it is necessary for the agents involved,
educators and students, to work together as active agents. (Quintero, 2021).

Apart from that, ADD generates worries about its consequences and changes in the
COVID-19 Pandemic. Although there are limited studies about the problem and little
information about the population with ADHD in Colombia, there approximates the figures for
ADHD in the country, which are 15-17%, where a panorama of high mental health risk for
schoolchildren can be appreciated. (León and Reyes, 2021).

In the study of mental health in Colombia in 2015 by the Ministry of Health and Social
Protection, ADHD is a disorder that mostly affects the population between 6 and 18 years of age
in the country. Affecting between 1.7% and 17.8.% of children and teenagers. (Velasquez, 2019)

Other inconvenient according to the article of Fuentes (2020) the confinement or

prolonged deprivation of experiences can interfere very negatively in this group, causing
anxiety and irritability symptoms to skyrocket and increasing unwanted behaviors in those

with ASD, ADD, and ADHD," says García Catungal.


The Secretariat of Education of Bogota has announced the measures adopted for the
return to face-to-face classes in 2021, according to the SARS-CoV-2 situation, in the
framework of a new strict quarantine in three localities of the capital. Considering the three
primary facts:

1) 695 Educational institutions in the capital are enabled by the district for the return to
face-to face classes, distributed as follows: 83 official schools, 66 Institutions of Higher
Education, 102 Institutions of Education for Work and Human Development, and 444 private
schools and kindergartens

2) Bogota has 444 private schools authorized for the gradual, progressive, and safe
reopening throughout the city, of which 65 are in Usaquen, 114 in Suba, and 61 in Engativá. 3)
As has been stated on several occasions, the start of academic activities with students planned
for January 25, 2021, will depend on the public health conditions in the city. In this process, the
epidemiological recommendations issued by the national and district public health authorities
will be considered. It is important to note that this also depends on the readiness conditions of
schools, educational communities, and public health conditions. Secretaria de Educación,
Bogotá (2021).

On the other hand, on November 6, 2021, a discussion will be held regarding suicide
prevention, with the concern of the government to reduce this situation, according to the
information collected in 2015 on mental health, where it is evident that a presence of anxiety and
depression could become the main antecedent or step to reach suicide. Where including other
disorders, one of the concerns would be ADHD, since:

In childhood, 12.4% are frightened or nervous for no reason, 9.7% have frequent
headaches, 2.3% have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. (Anonymous, 2020).


The Colegio Nuevo San Luis Gonzaga, by author´s opinion consider that at the present
time guarantees the implementation of alternation, where priority is given to the presential
modality with respect to the school's budget, listening to the information of the face-to-face use
given by the teachers and when the opportunity has been presented to the vice-rector and
observed properly, it is given first things such as soap, antibacterial, paper towels and toilet
paper to give the opportunity to its students to make use of the school's facilities and the school's
face to face service, without the need to run a high risk of infection by COVID-19, it should be
clarified that this fact is neutral, not an opinion and that due to part of ignorance about the virus,
it is not possible to be aware of whether those facts guarantee that any student or member of the
institution be infected.
On the one hand, it could prove beneficial to the mental health of the students, as the
Colombian Ministry of Health shows that it is necessary and would decrease the post-traumatic
stress of the pandemic.

However, for those students who attend and have to attend from the virtual modality, it
presents to be discriminate to the attention given to them, since, the teacher practically has to
divide the time to add to those face to face and virtual in an equal way, and that many of the
times those students are left with academic gaps, taking advantage of being a witness of the
situation with respect to my classmates in the institution.

On the other hand, the author has seen that the institution does not have programs or
activities, either face-to-face or virtual, where there is inclusion or reinforcement for those
students who have ADD or simply have difficulty paying attention in front of the screen,
highlighting that if they had or must stay in the virtual world, those students would be omitted.

Problem Formulation

Problem description

The problem that in reality is presented about the misuse of digital media, is evidenced from the
little information of the platforms, updating and innovation with its usefulness making it a
blockage for the progress of students with ADD and difficulty paying attention in the school

and emotional environment, where now the degree of attention in front of a screen is lower than
before the pandemic that used to be face-to-face. This situation generates a delay in the learning
of students, specifically with ADD and difficulties to pay attention in cycle 3 and 5 of the
Colegio Nuevo San Luis Gonzaga.

On the other hand, the psychology group so far has not shown importance with respect
to those students who present difficulties in virtual classes and ADD, a situation that
compromises the abandonment of students in the lack of follow-up and guidance so that they
can respond to those emotional and academic gaps in their virtual academic process. So those
teachers are also informed and identified students with ADD, looking for alternatives in
teamwork to solve or reduce possible low academic performance, dropouts, gaps in a subject
or loss of subjects.
Problem Tree

Figure 1. Made by own authority



1. ICT4 at school
Background 1

Title: Virtual dives into the archives: How classes transitioned mid-semester to teaching with
Special Collections online

Author: Emily Judd

Year: 2020

Considering the remote environment Princeton university had a transition as other

institutions around the world. Where faculty, library staff and students worked to keep calm and
continue special teaching collections that in a typical year, takes over 300 classes to Firestone
Library, Marquand Library of Art and Archaeology, and the Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library,
to show significant printed works. (Judd, 2020)

Through teachers could develop hosts from home to show their students the special prints
that introduced their classes and could give them a complete experience of something different
but with a methodology that will encourage practical ways to teach and show innovative things.

Even though the management of virtual classrooms is a remote or behind screen modality,
the idea is to make the students familiarized with the virtual environment and deepen in topics
incentivizing by practical resources or activities. Ibid


Regardless of the tools or number of resources specialized in certain historical topics, in

this case the sample of printed papers to which very few students have access, the activities

ICT: Information and communication technologies

involved highlight the development from home tools that are of visual aid and that determine a
support for the teacher's teaching.

It links to other methods or ways that involve teaching at home, but at the same time
striking and encouraging students to deepen or learn from a simple or complex topic from an
object or other tools.

Background 2

Title: Preparing for online classes at the University of Tokyo

Author: Tatsuya Okubo

Year: 2021
This article introduces a guideline for students from University of Tokyo, that provides
them an organization about the use in real time online classes, face-to-face and asynchronous
online type and a require procedure to use specific information system or other information
systems. (Tatsuya, 2021)

Mentioning classes modality among instructions and requirements the online classes met
as a media class (simultaneous and interactive) which involves students in mandatory guidelines
giving alternatives like using the system of conference for chatting and voice or video
distribution to accept comments. Highlighting this developed modality is used by video-audio
resources or apps. Ibid

According to Tatsuya (2021) discussing the types of classes implemented online, face-to
face, or asynchronous, it shows a guide to the platforms of use and those required for each

It unwraps the initial platform of the university user. It is added to other digital platforms,
although it is important not to limit the student regarding the use of virtual platforms so that it can
demonstrate its development in the best possible and methodological way, it is still important to
clarify the initial forums that are necessary for use in the same class. Ibid

In the case of video conferences, the university uses only one platform for the
development of the classes and provides an explanatory guide for the registration to the classes
and their due recognition in them. The fact that the university itself also has a zoom account
makes it easier for students to log in to their classes. Ibid

The development of these platforms is also given by a mail account that the students can
count on for the delivery of information and resources involved in things such as the delivery of
assignments and papers. Ibid

Finally, it gives a guide of the Microsoft folder, not less important since it is quite
necessary for the delivery of recreational and evaluative activities that facilitate the life of the
student in its virtual environment. Ibid


This article, being an informative and simple guide, provides ideas to fulfill the objective
set out in the project of developing an informative resource to help teachers and students in the
development of their virtual school life. It summarizes the tools and doctrines used by the
university itself and seeks to implement ease in the process.

Background 3

Title: The successful virtual classroom

Author: Darlene Christopher

Year: 2015

The author states in the article that he is a teacher who has been teaching online sessions for
14 years and that he affirms that success in the virtual classroom comes from:

- Mastering an expanding array of tools designed specifically to engage the online learner.

- Scheduling support staff-procedure, instructional designer, and/or IT-to provide extra sets
of hands during your sessions. (Christopher, 2015, page 8)

Christopher (2015) explains what virtual classroom training all is about, where both
instructions and participants are in a virtual environment via the Internet. He also refers to video
conferencing, synchronous learning, or a webinar.

Through his experience as a teacher, the author goes through a path to demonstrate that the
virtual classroom is much more complex than recycling PowerPoint presentations or things that
would commonly be done in a classroom and that online teaching has been carried out with few
years there are not many industries dedicated to the subject, which makes it difficult because no
less important at this point the business solutions are given at the online level. Ibid

Cristopher (2015) mentions that virtual education still has a long way to go, since it still has
limitations and ups and downs.

The author emphasizes that the "magic" of the virtual classroom is not found in sophisticated
technology but in the way we use the tools we must facilitate the process. He talks about how
everyone can do something different from a PowerPoint and involving experiences through
technology helps to be an interactive and welcoming material. Ibid
Christopher (2015) mentions how the process includes basic tasks such as navigating slide
courses and facilitating student-teacher interaction through questions and dialogue.


This book manifests itself as a tool after finding little information about the identity of virtual
classrooms and their use as a daily occurrence. It relates the complexity that a virtual class can
have, since many times there are misunderstandings and little communication between teacher
students. That the work does not come from high technology but from the resources we have and
how to manage them. This book is a great tool for the project in relation to its development with
communicative and informative technology involved in virtual classes.

Background 4

Title: Impact of ICT on virtual learning


Author: Evelyn Carolina Macias, Marco Antonio Aquino-Rojas, Lucio Armando Rodríguez
Pillajo and Eduardo Heredia-Arboleda

Year: 2020

The term ICT "information and communication technology" has become an indispensable
tool for the improvement of the learning process. This article aims to evaluate the possibilities of
teaching in a virtual classroom via the Internet transforming teachers and students. Based on a
literature study, where research shows that ICT seeks to present quality education, home learning
and feedback. The author mentions how the review of different articles revealed that ICT focuses
on providing quality education, distance learning, low-cost learning, the option of feedback and
the option of recording the session. (Macias & Anino Et. Al, 2020)

Macias & Anino Et. Al (2020) talk about the problems that disrupted virtual classes such
as bad internet, poor participation of virtual students and poor evaluation of exams.

He adds that e the advent of smartphones, computers, laptops, and applications such as
Zoom, YouTube, Facebook and WhatsApp video are transforming conventional teaching
practices to another level. Ibid

The article raises the search for improvement in the quality of virtual education through
ICT and a deep development of teacher training.

As for the research project, it is related to the article in the search for informative and
collaborative platforms and tools that give the teaching staff an open field about ICT training, its
quality, and the implementation of innovations in the virtual season.

Background 5

Title: Effects of ICT assisted Real and Virtual learning on the performance of secondary
school students

Author: Monisha Deka and Ananta Kumar Jena


Year: 2017

The article opens the door to the study of the effect of ICT on online learning, where
certainly the relative independent effects of online learning on dependent variables present a
significant difference in having different platforms per group that differs a before and an after.
(Deka and Kumar, 2017)

The article highlights how the 21st century makes a global basis for scientific and
technological advancement (Almekhlafi, 2006). Where platforms such as YouTube, Wikipedia,
animation, Skype and other software or technologies are used for distance learning with
minimum time and low cost (Zhan & Mei, 2013). Virtual learning processes become meaningful
and high yielding, which apparently in question is whether virtual learning is applicable in India
or other developing countries. (Deka and Kumar, 2017)

ICT in virtuality becomes effective tools that provide information and knowledge to
learners who seek to use self-learning, competition through platforms that foster interactive
research. (Deka and Kumar, 2017)


In relation to the article, we seek to gradually implement the effects of different digital
platforms proposed as ICT and that are used daily by students to encourage the management of
platforms that are helpful and generate an impact on virtual learning. It is investigated in effect
that causes ICT in its use, to know which ones can be applied, if they can be applied, if they are
helpful or determine whether online learning is applicable in developing countries.

2. Pedagogy at virtual classroom

Background 1

Title: Making special education work for your child during COVID-19

Author: Catherine Ullman Shade and Janice Ware

Year: 2020

Because of pandemic SARS-CoV-2 students from kindergarten to superior education

were forced to develop their education at home, as a remote learning. The authors introduce a
broad point of view of advantages and disadvantages about in-person learning (face-to-face
school) and remote learning (virtual classroom) through parents' concerns to support children's
development and get appropriate learning to don’t generalize methods that don't fit in all
students. (Ulman and Ware, 2020)

Ulman & Ware (2020) mentioned when parents struggle with “concerns and choices are
even more difficult for parents of children with disabilities, who are among the most vulnerable
students and who are at increased risk of regression during school disruptions”.

It is worth mentioning how physical health and emotional health are affected by physical school
and virtual classrooms, where it could change respect for each child, depending on their physical,
mental, emotional, social, cognitive, and behavioral disabilities that would fit on select learning
environments. Therefore, the author mentioned “students with disabilities share a need for special
services, accommodations, or both, in order to fully access the school curriculum, and to make
meaningful progress appropriate to their ability”. Ibid

Remote learning, it helps in specific circumstances, and it is less likely to be disrupted or

changed over the year. But it doesn't help talking about the self-regulation and educators might
not be able to contribute certain services or accommodations. Also, it requires flexibility from
parent’s schedules and parental involvement and participation to look after the effectiveness and
children struggling through these spaces. Ibid
Ulman & Ware (2020) warn “students who struggle with attention, intellectual
functioning, language, self-regulation, or a combination of these challenges may have great
difficulty learning efficiently from a remote platform”.

In-person learning is a way to say that has more benefits than disadvantages, about the
services and accommodation being formed as normal environments. It is a way to be in physical
school if the scholar requires intensive support of specific skills or a vocational development.
However, it becomes a high risk referring to the increasing exposure of pandemic SARS-CoV 2.

Ulman & Ware incorporate parents' role, how they should meet this challenge as a team,
considering open minded talking about each goal and discuss multiple options for how a goal
could be met. Including students who have disabilities appropriate to their ability, parents and
educators must work in groups to support their children. (Ulman and Ware, 2020)


This article provides parents the matter of their role in this time of staying at home and a
hard virtual schoolwork day. It identifies how difficult it could be to develop a scholar's
performance at home, even further the child doesn’t have the right space or basic tools that might
supply a better learning environment.

Despite having some differences between the situation of mental health and physical
health in Colombia, it describes facts that parents and children must cope with. Regarding the
downsides and benefits that are presented on a worldwide level. Therefore, most of the
population show to be healthier and more advantageous going In-person learning than remote
learning and involves parents after hours.

In essence, this article approves how important attendance is from parents when teachers
pass it by a screen and helps to improve different solutions to the virtual school.

Background 2

Title: Tapping the Power of Intrinsic Motivation

Author: Usable knowledge

Year: 2020

This article introduces strategies to promote autonomy in an inclusive classroom setting.

According to research on the science of learning the author mentioned, proposes indications
about natural curiosity and providing students make their own choice and growing motivation in
learning. Adding, students likely have interest in the outside environment and activities that
provide them autonomy. (Usable knowledge, 2020)

The author brings up a point of view that might help, teachers shouldn't assume that some
students are unmotivated by nature. “The biggest misconception [about motivation] is that
students aren’t motivated,” says Rhonda Bondie, director of professional learning and lecturer at
Harvard Graduate School of Education. “The good news is that everyone is motivated. It’s not
that some people have it and some people don’t”. (Usable knowledge, 2020, párr. 3).

The author gives some pieces of advice:

Usable knowledge (2020) makes quality visible: An assignment requires more general
criteria in a highly visible part of the class, including expectations to exceed. The idea of this is to
make students start to observe qualities in their own work automatically.

Usable knowledge (2020) provides a starting point: Ask students to check 2 familiar
things and new things given on the assignment. It helps to make visible the objectives and the
starting point (Routine called routing check, circle, old and new).

Usable knowledge (2020) says find meaning routines: Engage students in a behavioral
task asking about what provokes them? What do they feel? How long did it take?

Usable knowledge (2020) advice to assign to reflection instead of completion: As a

support of motivation make them modify tasks and thinking routines.


This article is related to motivation with students, it guides interested teachers about
giving autonomy to students regardless of virtual or face-to-face classroom. Virtual classrooms
have been having inconveniences about motivation assignments proportional to the proportion of
the students to do different things from school and the article focus on advice that might help
teachers to cope with a workshop in class across a screen.

Background 3

Title: Secondary Students’ Identities in the Virtual Classroom

Author: Wajeeh Daher and Juhaina Awawdeh Shahbari


Year: 2020

Daher and Awawdeh (2020) mentions the little attention given to the identity of online
learning. What the author seeks to do is to study students' identities when learning mathematics at
a high level in the virtual classroom.

The problem arises from the research conducted with 14 high school students, by
collecting data from before and after participating in the virtual mathematics classroom. It is
obtained that the virtual identities of high-level mathematics students are affected by three
factors: the design of the virtual classroom, the teacher's interactions with the student and the
student's personal characteristics. In addition, it was collected that the effect was equal in the
before and after in some students but in others it was different characteristics and narrative.
Including that for the design of the virtual course should be considered the interaction in learning
fostered to substantive learning factors. Ibid

An issue related to learning in students and its social aspect is that it is one of the educational
identities, either for teachers or students influenced by teaching-learning practices in the
classroom or virtual. In addition, virtual education proliferates through the online classroom,
which allows different school levels or study different disciplines. It is also important to include
that despite the increasing popularity and presence of virtual classrooms, there is a relative
paucity of research related to teaching and learning, as little research has been done on the
concept of the virtual classroom. Ibid


The author manages the growth of the virtual classroom through strategies that can give
an in-depth understanding of the complexity of studying behind a screen and especially when
there is no experience in the area or in the identity of the area. Topic that provides research into
the reality of online learning and the deficit in the methodology itself as it has not been used
frequently before.

In addition, being an issue that not only involves the virtual classroom, it focuses on a
population of high school students causing the consequences, advantages and disadvantages to
impair their academic performance and learning trajectory to these students after a previous

to-face trajectory. The difficulty persists that after being only a virtual classroom behind a screen
not all students perform in the same way or speed, which limits the communication between
teacher and student.

Background 4

Title: Corporate Training of Yakutia Teachers to Apply Methods of E-Learning

Author: Maxim Anatolyevich Sorochinsky, Elizaveta Afanasevna Barakhsanova, Elena

Zotikovna Vlasova, Mikhail Semenovich Prokopyev, and Arkady Eduardovich

Year: 2020

The text shows how teacher training can help to initiate digital changes in education. But,
to achieve this, leaders in the field of digital education solutions and technologies must be used
so that teachers can use it for their work and create e-learning educational enterprises.
(Anatolyevich & Afanasevna Et Al, 2020)

Aiming to increase the professional competencies of teachers. It demonstrates the comprehensive

process involving the transformation of educational components influenced under modern
technologies. It associates the main problems with training to implement new types of
educational activities and combine technologies with traditional and new ones. Ibid

Nowadays part of the teachers frequently uses modern information technologies among
them multimedia contents, internet access and educational programs. Those contents are
considered as learning and effective tools of modern education. However, the elaboration and
projection of this type of materials requires a high qualification in terms of specific ways of
learning and preparation of teachers. Ibid

In the development of the project, we seek to implement the term of e-learning being
more than a pedagogical complement, developing with the aim of stabilizing the current
electronic and technological innovations specific to deepen the autonomy, novelty and progress
to the tools that offer us in combination with traditional methods.

In search of the improvement in the technological training in the use of platforms and
contents that support the own personnel as effective and competitive multimedia means, in it the
increase of e-learning.

Based on the article are determined facts searches that seek to be a support and help for
teachers with the help of a leader who induces and generates these spaces of solution through

Background 5

Title: Navigating SEL from the inside out

Author: Stephanie M. Jones, Katharine E. Brush, Thelma Ramirez, Zoe Xinyi Mao, Michele
Marenus, Samantha Wettje, Kristen Finney, Natasha Raisch, Nicole Podoloff, Jennifer Kahn,
Sophie Barnes, Laura Stickle, Gretchen BrionMeisels, Joseph McIntyre, Jorge Cuartas, Rebecca

Year: 2021

Social, emotional, and relational skills are important for many areas of development,
including learning, health, and well-being (Jones, Greenberg, & Crowley, 2015; Jones & Kahn,
2017; Moffitt et al., 2011; etc.).

High-quality evidence-based social and emotional learning (SEL) programs have been
shown through research to yield positive student outcomes in those aspects such as behavior and
academic performance go together. However, little is known about the skills and strategies that
lead to positive outcomes. Ibid

Consequently, social, and emotional learning programs are defined as those designed to
develop children's social and emotional skills and competencies through the explicit teaching of
specific skills. Ibid

Explicitly teaching specific skills through direct instruction, including introducing and
modeling SEL skills and supporting students to use and apply them across diverse settings

- Improving classroom and school climate, often by targeting teacher practices and school
norms and expectations.
- Influencing student mindsets such as their perceptions of themselves, others, and school


The article highlights the importance of the development of socioemotional education

involved from the younger generations as an influential environment that can help to improve
classroom spaces and manage in case it is an implication that affects the academic performance
of the minor and their cognitive activities.

It is included in the category of pedagogy to explore the emotional environment and how much it
can affect the life of a student in their academic and learning period. Where the review of this
aspect can be encouraged with different tools that teach students complementary activities
among basic subjects reading, games, role playing, music and among many other activities.

3. Apps to provide virtual teaching

Background 1

Title: Mobile App Design for Teaching and Learning: Educators’ Experiences in an Online
Graduate Course

Author: Yu-Chang Hsu and Yu-Hui Ching

Year: 2013

The article established a research about how educators with limited programming
experiences learned to design mobile apps with support and instructor guidance. The authors
mentioned in their investigation, they found teachers had considered App Inventor a great web
based visual programming tool, teachers had felt their own design work to solve different
problems. (Yu-Chang Hsu and Yu-Hui Ching, 2020)

The research revealed the educational value of mobile apps encouraging educators to
explore and experiment on the development of teaching through programming. Ibid

According to the authors, they mention how the innovation in mobile apps has raised
interests among educators because it facilitates teaching and learning (Johnson et al., 2012).
With preview quotes the authors try to explain how experiencing technology and apps can guide
teachers in a wide creation of diversity tools that complement teaching and potential activities in
learning. However, developing or managing mobile apps is not as easy as a review or an
anecdote would describe; there is a need of knowing the advantages that could empower
teachers in their pedagogy. Ibid


The article searches for the entrance from teachers to mobile apps, programming, and
mobile tools. But the investigator with this article addresses the theme in a way to select apps that
would be able to adjust teachers' needs and their pedagogy methodologies.

Besides, preview information contributes with methods and investigation approved by

teachers to use in the teaching of technology training and introducing interest to explore and
manage different actions different from traditional teaching and apply in distracting activities that
would drive students to learn.

Background 2

Title: Using Google Apps as Learning Strategy to Enhance ESL Writing

Author: Hasniza Basri, Harwati Hashim and Melor Md. Yunus

Year: 2019

The article encompasses effectiveness and involvement of ICT in education, that helps
teachers to approach, simplifie and prepare material and aids to engage students with their
learning process. Preceding the integration of Google Apps in the learning process would
enhance students’ writing skills. (Basri, Hashim, and Yunus, 2019)

The author is interested in students from Malaysia who have difficulties about the poor
development of ELS writing and how it has been having effects on the students, being English
one of the most important languages to face opportunities in globalization, work and academic
success. Nevertheless, the author inquired whether ICT could solve this problem. Ibid

ICT is a tool from 21st century that is implemented in learning and requires a change of mind by
teachers and students. It is a resource that has many apps and websites to get along with critical
thinking, new vocabulary and perform new knowledge. Also, ICT is determined by cloud
computing, a tendency that hand in accessing data, many online activities or managing a
program. Highlighting the scholar apps, the author refers to ICT all of them own Google. Ibid


The article fits in the search, talking about the way of looking at integrating ICT or
Google apps to give answers and solutions to the implicit problem. Rather than the teaching of
writing ESL or English subjects in Malaysia, the researcher requires how ICT and Google apps
have the possibility to solve a lack of education in a determined subject that comprehends a
diversity of information which with an appropriate use of technology have advantages and

Background 3

Title: Mobile Applications within Education

Author: Athanasios S. Drigas and Pantelis Angelidakis

Year: 2017

The article discusses the potential M-Learning must take education out of classroom
boundaries. A strategy based on the device can access the content, with different tools from
podcasts to videos, virtual lessons, or communicative media to talk directly with the teacher. It
has a macro concept perspective of education. (Drigas and Angelidakis, 2017)

The writing communicate how rethinking pedagogy is created by demand for

technological capabilities and could be introduced in school system education. Ibid

However, this methodology m-learning could be affected by lack of devices in students,

material in the classroom or the common paradigm of classroom. Also, it could be affected
positively by transformation in a maximum boost of lifelong learning, enabling authentic

interactions between learners of same or different cultures to provide diverse data and more
access to educational content. Ibid


The article shares the idea of progress in education through technology and gives other
perspectives for learning from mobile learning, where it could provide an easy material and an
entertaining idea to use in classrooms.

The idea of analyzing is a search that completes the development of looking for apps that
would be able to be used and implemented in a virtual classroom.

Background 4

Title: Starting Virtual School Due to Covid-19? Try These 5 Powerful EdTech

Tools Author: Sara Monteabaro

Year: 2020

The MIT5article introduces how the coronavirus pandemic generated a shutdown at

institutions and moved to virtual classrooms, generating a need for support from parents and
teachers to ensure a smooth transition in environments. Introducing highlighting solutions that
can help in this transition. (Monteabaro, 2020)

A coaching App for Parents: Finding the possibility of parents and children being at home
all day, an app called Kinedu provides personalized, research-based activities that support their
young children's development. Ibid

An Al-Based platform to personalize learning: The idea of engaging students with their
classes and learning new concepts, where teachers might find it difficult to personalize learning
for their students. With the help of a platform Century Tech. Ibid
MIT: Massachusetts Institute of technology

Monteabaro (2020) mention supporting special education students at home: With the
problem of many students facing the barrier to access customized learning plans, the team at
Education Modified has stepped up to provide free resources for parents to support their children.


Using the platforms that the article advises, it could guide the project to detail and prove
platforms that might help students in their development with the help from parents and teachers
who support children in their virtual performance.

Furthermore, those platforms might provide new methods that complete the continuing
education and help the students to grasp their learning.

Background 5

Title: The Development of an Educational Outdoor Adventure Mobile

App Author: Vyron Ignatios Michalakis, Michail Vaitis and Aikaterini

Klonari Year: 2020

The article details through many studies the development of an educational app. The app
called RouteQuizer complemented by web application and database, enabling teachers to create
educational treasure hunt activities dedicated to students and their performance, with the intention
of create a system that explore Outdoor Adventure Education (OAE) and benefits in the use of
the device instead of the disadvantages that a smartphone might generate. (Michalakis, Vaitis and
Klonari, 2020)

The authors concentrate on the participatory aspects of the process, paying special
attention to the teacher and a high academic performance. During the investigation they got its
benefit as an effective learning tool. Furthermore, the text provides information about the dates
when M-learning or E-learning took place in Greece. Ibid

The article set out a studied app that will provide students many tools to use in their
virtual adventure. In relation to the project, this article gives guidelines to form new
environments of learning and in practice to see the most effectuality apps, with the help of the
working process scrambling details in the management of digital media.

Also, the article announced how the app can manage various areas that imply in-person to
an independent and calm progress.


Background 1

Title: ADHD

Author: James J. Mcgough

Year: 2014

The book reveals the basic and clinical science of ADHD in different areas:
phenomenology, neurobiology, assessment, and approaches to treatment that support the
management of the patient. The book gives a long-term definition to ADHD, as a well-validated
and commonly brain-based disorder with significant consequences. Also, it mentions how
frequently it occurs as a brain-base, where most cases persist through adolescence and adulthood.
(Mcgough, 2014)

ADHD according to the book divides in three symptoms with different cases where it is
given by inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity and it is associated with significant added risk
for developing other mental health disorders. Persisting the disorder causes many disabilities
such as educational attainment, social skills, and occupation success. Ibid

The book mentions misinformation about ADHD resulting in a point view relating it as
not real. However, ADHD is among the post scientifically valid psychiatric disorders, and it is
well demonstrated. Ibid


The book encompasses a large investigation about ADHD contained in psychiatric

investigation around history and some updating from 2014. Moreover, it will help to locate the
deep information about ADHD, all the consequences and treatment.

It guides the investigation to take specialized details that come with the prevention and
treatment of possible students who might have ADHD. Centralizing the point of view of science
about ADHD and placing it in daily life.

Background 2

Title: Implementing the key action statements of the AAP ADHD clinical practice guidelines: an
algorithm and explanation for process of care for the evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, and
monitoring of ADHD in children and adolescents

Author: The American Academy of Pediatrics

Year: 2019

The American Academy of Pediatrics (2019) based on “Clinical Practice Guideline:

Diagnosis and Evaluation of the Child with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder” evidence
processes and supplements the guideline, which take over themes of children and adolescents
about their symptoms or diagnosis.

The article abroad details processes and procedures for treatment, evaluation and
monitoring of children and adolescents with ADHD; address practical issues of the provision of
ADHD. The algorithm of the guidelines is based on the practical experience and expert advice of
clinicians who are experienced with the management of ADHD. Ibid

According to the article items like evolution. treatment, and monitoring are ongoing
processes to be addressed throughout the child’s and adolescent’s care in their age transitions.
Highlighting many factors will influence the pace of the process, experience, family and the
specialist, school academic performance and the severity of concerns. Ibid


Regarding the article and the invention, both search for scientific and approved
information about the right treatment and diagnostic of the ADHD to use it in common people
who might have misinformation about the disorder and are affected in their personal and working
area of daily life. Clarifying parents about the symptoms and possible disorder due to remote
learning that is affecting children and adolescents’ life not having in-person support from a
specialist and another pair.

Background 3

Title: Clinical Practice Guideline for the Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Treatment of Attention
Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Adolescents

Autor: The American Academy of Pediatrics

Year: 2019

The text addresses ADHD as one of the most common neurobehavioral disorders of
childhood, ADHD can profoundly affect children’s academic achievement and social
interactions. Those are some aspects the text mentions according to the American Academy of
Pediatrics in 2000 to follow the guideline and manage recommendations. (The American
Academy of Pediatrics, 2019)

Therefore, only incremental updates have been made with the key action statement related to
diagnosis and treatment of comorbid conditions in children and adolescents with ADHD. The
text also has updates about the accompanying process of care, where various systemic barriers
were identified that restrict pediatric clinicians’ ability to adopt their recommendation. Ibid


According to the preview precedent 2 of ADHD and the present article they provide the
information about all updates until 2019 and precise recommendations that experts could give to
ADHD patients. However, rather than taking all clinic points, the idea is taking basic information
that could be given to the parents of possible students with ADHD and identifying easy methods
to diagnose possible students with ADHD.

Background 4

Title: Attention deficit disorders and comorbidities in children, adolescents, and adults.

Autor: Thomas E. Brown

Year: 2000

(Originally in Spanish, traduced by Daniela Bautista)

The book provides updates based on psychiatric history and interest in ADHD. North America
in 1990 got an interest in ADD. The young population at that time was most given to women,
adolescents, and adults. With the passage of time, it was increasing in children, men, women,
driving difficulties with their school activity, work, and family. But there was progress with the
treatment and effectiveness with the medicate and drugs managed in ADD. However, it was
demonstrated that medicine affected patients in multiple functions. (Brown, 2000)

The author mentioned his worrying of ADD increasing with the course of time and many
effects that have taken their toll with the patients with the long-term treatment like slow, lazy,
immature or motives. Among them show their abilities for some items in their life or disabilities
of doing others. Ibid

Brown (2000) says closely, with the renown of medical treatment patients tend to think it
will be the only significant solution, but also it beneficially takes into renown practice of
evaluations and right treatments.


Brown as a psychology expert of ADD give’s introduction about importance’s that could
be taken to the patient and developed in certain aspects. In relation to the project the book
provides something deeper than general information of ADD. The book is linked with the
patient’s life’s and encompasses common difficulties that might be presented in children and
adolescents with ADD, with medical, clinical, and psychological support.

Background 5

Title: Attention Deficit Disorder, the unfocused mind in children and

adults Autor: Thomas E. Brown, Ph.D.

Year: 2005

The book handle general update aspects about ADD; misconceptions about focus; aspects
of the syndrome; the working brain of ADD syndrome; struggling and self-management in
childhood; adolescents management and new challenges; adulthood with responsibilities;
difference between inattention and ADD; medication and treatments and fear, prejudices, and
realistic hope. (Brown, 2005)

The author highlights that ADD/ADHD is not only affecting United States, it also affects
people from other countries and other cultures, it has no borders. Despite tremendous amounts of
scientific evidence supporting the validity of ADHD diagnosis, a large segment of people stay
skeptical about the disorder and it is considered as a trivial problem overtreated. Where, most of
the skepticism is caused by ignorance. Ibid

The author bases on his experience around 20 years providing treatment to people with
attention deficit disorders, consulting with professionals and laypersons about ADHD who offer
educational workshops to clarify what ADD/ADHD is, what it is not, and how effectively it can
be recognized and treated. Ibid


The book completes, develops and up-dates investigations that have helped patients in
conditions of ADHD/ADD and shares their thousands of conversations and becomes an open
view of the disorder. In the same way, the author details the treatment work, learning from
people's experiences, it is necessary to clarify not all the patients have the same treatment,
symptoms of experiences, but from that public increase their interest on the disorder. So, it leads
the project to become familiar with parents, childhood, and adolescents.

5. ADHD in virtual school

Background 1

Title: Effects of Adversities during Childhood on Anxiety Symptoms in Children and

Adolescents: Comparison of Typically Developing Children and Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity
Disorder Group

Autor: You Bin Lim, Kukju Kweon, and Bung-Nyun Kim.

Year: 2021
The article introduces adversity as a risk factor for anxiety symptoms in childhood with
ADHD. A study that aimed to examine the association between anxiety symptoms and ADHD.
The author mentioned anxiety shares similar clinical features with ADHD, giving a percentage of
25% - 30% in patients with indistinguishable ailment. (Lim, Kweon and Kim, 2021)

According to the author numerous previous studies suggested childhood adversity

encompasses previous negative experiences during childhood, a common risk for ADHD and
anxiety, is also demonstrated negative family environments and losses cause anxiety and cause a
possible ADHD. Ibid


A previous study mentioned in the local context, talked about 2020 reports in children
with depression, anxiety, and emotional distress. Considering the anxiety caused by the pandemic
is affecting Bogota’s children and adolescents’ population, and suggesting anxiety causes or
comes from ADHD, many youths might be affected in their life’s, their learning process at school
and academic performance at school, social items and family by ADHD. Depending on the
situation and symptoms, the previous wild guess could conclude there are undiagnosed students
in Bogota with ADHD.

Background 2

Title: Relationships between Smartphone Addiction and Smartphone Usage Types, Depression,
ADHD, Stress, Interpersonal Problems, and Parenting Attitude with Middle School Students

Autor: Youl Pyo Hong, Yeon Ok Yeom, and Myung Ho Lim


Year: 2021

The article presents the examination between relationships with smartphone addiction of
middle school students and smartphone usage types, depression, attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD), stress, interpersonal problems, and parenting attitude. The idea of the article is
finding how smartphone addiction could be predicted by symptoms. (Hong, Yeom and Lim,

The text talks about the indispensability of smartphones for people of all ages around the
world. It has been changing daily routines, habits, social behavior, emancipative values, family
relationships and social interactions. Also, it has become an important part of the life for
adolescents, being adolescents more susceptible to smartphone addiction than adults. (Youl,
Yeon and Myung, 2021)

Smartphones are used for various purposes; their portability and connectivity allow users
to easily access anytime and anywhere. Affecting adolescents when they don’t have their
smartphones and causing symptoms of anxiety and nervousness. Although symptoms negatively
affect their daily life, and they cannot control their use of the smartphone. Ibid


The article takes the study of smartphone addiction causes possible ADHD in adolescence,
what could mean one of the causes of possible ADHD in students during virtuality is
smartphone addiction. Where the prevention of ADHD could be linked to the prevention of
smartphone addiction, and both could be treated or managed in pieces of advice for the project.

Also, the articles guide the investigation to compare similarities between the effect it has
on the project and possible solutions to treat the disorders mentioned.

Background 3

Title: NIRS-based neurofeedback training in a virtual reality classroom for children with
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.

Autor: Friederike Blumel, Justin Hudak, Thomas Dresler, Ann-Christine Ehlis, Jan Kühnhausen,
Tobias J. Renner1, and Caterina Gawrilow

Year: 2017

The article exposes how children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

suffer from attention deficits, motor hyperactivity, and impulsive behavior. Where these
impairments are experienced at home, at school, and with friends. Functional imaging studies
show ADHD behavior. (Blume, Hudak, Dresler & Ehlis Et. Al, 2017)

Moreover, several studies show that ADHD behavior and a lack of self-control contribute
to poor school performance. Non-pharmacological interventions such as neurofeedback training
(NFT), for instance, aim at improving neurophysiological and neuropsychological functioning as
well as behavior. Ibid

Generalization of acquired self-regulation skills from laboratory to real life is crucial for a
transfer to everyday situations and is hypothesized to be facilitated via training using virtual
reality (VR) environments. Consequently, experiencing NFT in VR is expected to yield greater
effects than training in two dimensions (2D). Ibid

The author drove the knowledge in the study, the first study investigating the efficacy of
NFT for children with ADHD in a VR was compared to a 2D environment. Furthermore, the
study will contribute to the discussion about the efficacy and specific and unspecific effects of
NFTs in children with ADHD. In addition to commonly assessed variables such as ADHD
symptoms, NIRS and behavioral data obtained in EF measures, health-related quality of life, and
parents’ expectations about the intervention’s effects, the study will investigate the effects on
self-control, school performance, and motor activity. Ibid


What ties the article, and the investigation is finding virtual classroom more than using TIC, it
is a deeper item that requires innovations and various strategies that could be developed by
NFT and VR, an implementing idea that could diversify pedagogy strategies and benefit

possible students with ADHD, that might present difficulties finding the way to adapt to virtual
long-term classes.

Background 5

Title: A Lean UX Process Model for Virtual Reality Environments Considering ADHD in Pupils
at Elementary School in COVID-19 Contingency

Author: Héctor Cardona-Reyes, Jaime Muñoz-Arteaga, Klinge Villalba-Condori, and María

Lorena Barba-González

Year: 2021

The SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic experience contingency is worldwide, preventing people

from being exposed to restrictions and physical contact. Under the mentioned context, the use of
technology has become an essential tool to face the challenges of daily life, and virtual reality as
an alternative in solutions development to support students' learning skills and knowledge
transmission with tasks designed by multidisciplinary groups. (Reyes, Muñoz, Villalba & Barba,

The author highlights mental health and education are important areas that are affected by
pandemics and can contribute to the education sector at the basic school level with technology
based approaches. Ibid

Also, the text proposes the use of virtual reality environments as an alternative to support
learning process in children with special education ceded such as ADHD and other disorders.
Where the proposed reality environments are designed under the Learn UX process model and
the contents according to expert therapeutic guidelines. Ibid


About the general aspect the article links to the idea and context of pandemic, education,
and ADHD, it connects consequences and facts about how it affects mental health and education
that also are limited by the transition of virtual media and training of the area.

Despite education being a basic right, the closure of schools and institutions have
inhibited students and teachers from having the right communication and certainty of the
obtaining of learning.

Also, the attention received to improve symptoms of disorders that some students suffer
from, such as ADHD, autism, Asperger, etc.

Conceptual Framework

ICT - (Information and Communications Technology)

It is a broader term for Information Technology (IT) which refers to all communication
technologies, including the internet, wireless networks, cellphones, computer, software,
videoconferences, and other media applications and services enabling users to access, transmit
and manipulate information in digital form. Also refers to ICT converge of media technology that
involve a daily basis. (FAO, sf).
In a professional way it refers to ICT strategies as a meaning of bridging the digital divide
as a powerful tool for economic and social development around the world. Ibid. ICT is also
defined as the infrastructure and components that enable modern computing, with universal
definition, it is generally accepted to mean all devices, networking components, app and systems
that combined allow people and organizations to interact in the digital world. It involves internet-
enable sphere as well as the mobile one. It includes antiqued technologies and current alongside
cutting-edge pieces such as artificial intelligence and robotics. (Pratt, 2019). Other meaning from
Cambridge dictionary at school subject in which students learn to use computers and other
electronic equipment to store and send information. Also, it is described as the using of
computers and other electronic equipment and systems to collect store use, and sed data

Virtual Classroom
The virtual classroom (VC) is a teaching and learning environment constructed as
enhancements to a computer, meddled communication system called ELES (the electronic
information exchange system) designed to support a synchronous learning network engaged
in collaborative learning activities. (Rana, Ajaz R.; Wooster & James C., 1996)

A virtual Classroom is a videoconferencing tool when instructors and participants engage

with each other and with the learning material. Virtual Classroom platform helps to make
learning experience interactive and engaging while providing a controlled environment. (Vinikas,

Online Classes
An online class is a course conducted over the internet, it is generally conduced through a
learning management system, where students can view their course syllabus and academic
performance, besides communicate with fellow students and their course instructor. Online
classes are normally self-spaced, giving a greater flexibility in completing coursework. (TOP
HAT, sf).
According to EAPL's Educational Technology Blog. (2021) requires a computer capable
of streaming video, printer, high-speed, internet connection, and basic computer skills.

Remote pedagogy
It is a teaching philosophy, approach or strategy that helps and enables the delivery of
online education in an online learning environment using technology and digital mediums of
communication. The author also mentions that is a method of active teaching practice specifically
developed for teaching via internet or in an online platform, when students in a physical location
divide from the institution and students
Virtual Learning. Online pedagogy recognizes the unique opportunities and limitations
from online environment. (IGI Global, sf).
Also, that term is known as remote learning and occurs when the learner and instructor, or
source of information, are separated by time and distance and therefore cannot meet in a
traditional classroom setting, then information is typically transmitted via technology. That no
physical presence in the classroom is required. (Training industry, sf).

• E-Learning (electronical learning)

According to Virtual College e-learning is a delivering all or part of a course digitally, where
part of a distance learning course. That learning course is given by computer, smartphones,
tablets, and other devices that are widely embraced in the classroom and office. There are

different kinds of e-learning: Active learning; bite-size learning; blended learning; distance
learning; online training and rapid e-learning. (Virtual, College sf).
The Economic Times (sf) defended e-learning is a learning system based on formalized
teaching, but with help of electronic resources. It can be based in classrooms; the use of
computers and the internet forms the major component of e-learning.

• M-Learning

It is a learning mode that encompasses mobile technology/devices to facilitate learning; can

mean as facilitating the learning process via mobile devices anytime and anywhere. It is learning
with personal, portable devices; it enables learners to build knowledge and construct
understandings in different contexts. (IGI Global, sf)

Apps to teach
An educational app is the technology used via the internet by teachers to communicate
and present information to the students in an easily accessible manner, it brings ease and
effortlessness to the table. Its cab be installed in mobile phones, which gives student or children
ease use of anywhere and anytime. Mostly, educational apps are designed to provide quality
education to students and are accessible from the comfort of home. They can be used to conduct
online classes and share assignments with students; it is helpful for discussion sessions, online
activities, groups discussions, also it can be used to connect with parents and increase student
engagement. (Teachmint@wp, sf).

EdTech Tools - (Educational Technology)

It is the combination of IT tools and educational practices aimed at facilitating and

enhancing learning. Mostly, it is used to introduced in a classroom to create more engaging,
inclusive, and individualized learning experience. Also, students interact with those tools through
technological devices at online courses and it can be used in record lecture lectures or take notes.
(Built in BETA, sf)

ADHD – (Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder)


ADHD is a condition that affects people’s behavior, who might can seem restless, may
have trouble concentrating and may act on impulse. Its symptoms tent to be noticed at an early
age and may become more noticeable when children’s circumstances change, when they start
school. (NHS, 2021)

Following Mcgough in his book (2014, page 4), “ADHD is a frequently occurring brain
based, neurodevelopmental disorder with substantial negative consequences for individual and
public health”

• ADD – (Attention deficit disorder)

Miller (2019) says it is defined as a inattentive type of ADHD that doesn’t involve constant
movement and fidgeting, like hyperactivity. Where the disorder encompasses a more intense
difficulty paying attention or the ability to give to something a required attention, they are more
exposed to get distracted.
• ADHD – HD (Hyperactivity disorder)
Predominated the hyperactivity, it is characterized by impulsive and hyperactive behaviors
without inattention and distractibility that the patient can’t control or manage it and affects his or
her daily life, it is seen by often interrupts other, difficulty waiting for his or her turn and other
symptoms. (Johns Hopkins Medicine).
• Comorbidities in ADHD
Comorbidities are the consequences of effects that the disorder affects to the person that,
according to Katzman, Bikey, Chokka & Fallu. Et Al. (2017), co-occur with ADHD in adults
might generate depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, SUDs and personality disorders.
Furthermore, following Masi and Gidnac (2015) it is also caused in childhood, which leads to
important social impacts, among common comorbid psychiatric disorders like mood, anxiety, and
conduct disorders.
Unfocused mind
According to Nadeau (2017) Brown argues the disability to proper focus related to a
common symptom of ADHD, that is more accurately views as a highly nuanced constellation of
symptoms related to the disorder.

It is also, described an effect, when the person engages a brain circuit called default mode
network (DMN), which actives old memories, and recombines different ideas. It consequences
are described such a constructive daydreaming, napping, and consciously thinking from other
person’s perspective. (Pillay, 2017)

For the World Health Organization (WHO), addiction is a brain disease, just like other
recognized neurological or psychiatric diseases such as Alzheimer's disease or schizophrenia. It is
also equivalent to other chronic diseases. On the other side, For the American Association of
Addiction Medicine (ASAM), addiction is a primary and chronic disease of brain reward,
motivation, memory, and related circuitry. Addiction affects neurotransmission and interaction in
the brain's reward structure, including the nucleus, anterior cingulate cortex, basal forebrain, and
amygdala, to disrupt the motivational hierarchy and addictive behaviors. (Fundación hay salida,
sf). The RAE (sf) defines it as a “dependence on substances or activities harmful to health or
mental equilibrium”. And Top Doctors España (sf) complements the information saying how it is
based in the research of relief through the consumption or use of substances or other similar
However, the World Health Organization mentions that an addiction not only includes de
consume of alcohol, drugs or things that involve the sensory perceptions, also includes
everything that could be consumable, the organization says “Use of the Internet, computers,
smartphones and other electronic devices has dramatically increased over recent decades, and this
increase is associated not only with clear and tremendous benefits to the users and societies, but
also with documented cases of excessive use which often has negative health consequences.
Health concerns associated with gaming behavior are not limited to gaming disorder, but also
include other aspects of health such as insufficient physical activity, unhealthy diet, problems
with eyesight or hearing, musculoskeletal problems, sleep deprivation, and associated health
conditions such as depression and venous thromboembolism.” (World Health Organization, sf,
parr 1)
• Addiction to cellphone

According to Encolombia (sf) the excessive use of cell phones is an addiction to

technology, which can lead to the formation of the following attitudes: distraction, anxiety,
intolerance, and even criminal attitudes to finance this addiction.

• Addiction-Dependency to social media

Addiction is a pathological pastime, it reduces the scope of people's awareness and limits
the breadth of their interests, creating dependence and depriving humans of their freedom.
Serious interference in an individual's daily life at the family, school, social or health level is a
necessary condition for defining the behavior as addiction. (Echeburúa, 2013)
When social networks are heavily abused, addiction can appear in social networks.
Therefore, when the use of social networks makes the affected person's daily life out of control,
mental absorption and negative changes, addiction is established. In these cases, the behavior
becomes automatic and emotional, and the affected subjects have little cognitive control over the
success or failure of the decision. Addicts weigh the benefits of instant gratification but ignore
the possible long-term negative consequences. Ibid

Legal Framework

The author presents legal rules that Colombian law take part of. It is clarified that the
Colombian law will not be translated since his native language is Spanish and is not susceptible
to translation.

Ley 115 de febrero 8 de 1994 Por la cual se expide la ley general de educación.
Artículo 1. Objeto de la ley. La educación es un proceso de formación permanente,
personal, cultural y social que se fundamenta en una concepción integral de la persona humana,
de su dignidad, de sus derechos y de sus deberes.

La presente Ley señala las normas generales para regular el Servicio Público de la
Educación que cumple una función social acorde con las necesidades e intereses de las personas,
de la familia y de la sociedad. Se fundamenta en los principios de la Constitución Política sobre
el derecho a la educación que tiene toda persona, en las libertades de enseñanza, aprendizaje,
investigación y cátedra y en su carácter de servicio público.

De conformidad con el artículo 67 de la Constitución Política, define y desarrolla la

organización y la prestación de la educación formal en sus niveles (...) básica (primaria y
secundaria) y media, no formal e informal, dirigida a niños y jóvenes en edad escolar, a adultos, a
campesinos, a grupos étnicos, a personas con limitaciones físicas, sensoriales y psíquicas, con
capacidades excepcionales, y a personas que requieran rehabilitación social. (...)

Artículo 2. Servicio educativo. El servicio educativo comprende el conjunto de normas

jurídicas, los programas curriculares, la educación por niveles y grados, la educación no formal,
la educación informal, los establecimientos educativos, las instituciones sociales (estatales o
privadas) con funciones educativas, culturales y recreativas, los recursos humanos, tecnológicos,
metodológicos, materiales, administrativos y financieros, articulados en procesos y estructuras
para alcanzar los objetivos de la educación.

Artículo 3. Prestación del servicio educativo. El servicio educativo será prestado en las
instituciones educativas del Estado. Igualmente, los particulares podrán fundar establecimientos
educativos en las condiciones que para su creación y gestión establezcan las normas pertinentes y
la reglamentación del Gobierno Nacional. De la misma manera el servicio educativo podrá
prestarse en instituciones educativas de carácter comunitario, solidario, cooperativo o sin ánimo
de lucro.

Artículo 4. Calidad y cubrimiento del servicio. Corresponde al Estado, a la sociedad y a la

familia velar por la calidad de la educación y promover el acceso al servicio público educativo, y
es responsabilidad de la Nación y de las entidades territoriales, garantizar su cubrimiento.

El Estado deberá atender en forma permanente los factores que favorecen la calidad y el
mejoramiento de la educación; especialmente velará por la cualificación y formación de los
educadores, la promoción docente, los recursos y métodos educativos, la innovación e
investigación educativa, la orientación educativa y profesional, la inspección y evaluación del
proceso educativo.

Artículo 5. Fines de la educación. De conformidad con el artículo 67 de la Constitución

Política, la educación se desarrollará atendiendo a los siguientes fines:

1. El pleno desarrollo de la personalidad sin más limitaciones que las que le imponen los
derechos de los demás y el orden jurídico, dentro de un proceso de formación integral, física,
psíquica, intelectual, moral, espiritual, social, afectiva, ética, cívica y demás valores humanos.

2. La formación en el respeto a la vida y a los demás derechos humanos, a la paz, a los

principios democráticos, de convivencia, pluralismo, justicia, solidaridad y equidad, así como en
el ejercicio de la tolerancia y de la libertad.

3. La formación para facilitar la participación de todos en las decisiones que los afectan en
la vida económica, política, administrativa y cultural de la Nación. (..,)

7. El acceso al conocimiento, la ciencia, la técnica y demás bienes y valores de la cultura,

el fomento de la investigación y el estímulo a la creación artística en sus diferentes

8. La creación y fomento de una conciencia de la soberanía nacional y para la práctica de

la solidaridad y la integración con el mundo, en especial con Latinoamérica y el Caribe.

9. El desarrollo de la capacidad crítica, reflexiva y analítica que fortalezca el avance

científico y tecnológico nacional, orientado con prioridad al mejoramiento cultural y de la calidad
de la vida de la población, a la participación en la búsqueda de alternativas de solución a los
problemas y al progreso social y económico del país. (...)

11. La formación en la práctica del trabajo, mediante los conocimientos técnicos y

habilidades, así como en la valoración del mismo como fundamento del desarrollo individual y

12. La formación para la promoción y preservación de la salud y la higiene, la prevención

integral de problemas socialmente relevantes(...)
13. La promoción en la persona y en la sociedad de la capacidad para crear, investigar,
adoptar la tecnología que se requiere en los procesos de desarrollo del país y le permita al
educando ingresar al sector productivo.

Artículo 6. Comunidad educativa. De acuerdo con el artículo 68 de la Constitución Política, la

comunidad educativa participará en la dirección de los establecimientos educativos, en los
términos de la presente Ley. La comunidad educativa está conformada por estudiantes o

educandos, educadores, padres de familia o acudientes de los estudiantes, egresados, directivos

docentes y administradores escolares. Todos ellos, según su competencia, participarán en el
diseño, ejecución y evaluación del Proyecto Educativo Institucional y en la buena marcha del
respectivo establecimiento educativo.

Artículo 7. La familia. A la familia como núcleo fundamental de la sociedad y primer

responsable de la educación de los hijos, hasta la mayoría de edad o hasta cuando ocurra
cualquier otra clase o forma de emancipación, le corresponde: (,..)

b) Participar en las asociaciones de padres de familia;

c) Informarse sobre el rendimiento académico y el comportamiento de sus hijos, y sobre

la marcha de la institución educativa, y en ambos casos, participar en las acciones de

d) Buscar y recibir orientación sobre la educación de los hijos; (...)

f) Contribuir solidariamente con la institución educativa para la formación de sus hijos, y

g) Educar a sus hijos y proporcionarles en el hogar el ambiente adecuado para su

desarrollo integral.

Artículo 47. Apoyo y fomento. En cumplimiento de lo establecido en los artículos 13 y

68 de la Constitución Política y con sujeción a los planes y programas de desarrollo nacionales y
territoriales, el Estado apoyará a las instituciones y fomentará programas y experiencias
orientadas a la adecuada atención educativa de aquellas personas a que se refiere el artículo 46 de
esta Ley.

Igualmente fomentará programas y experiencias para la formación de docentes idóneos

con este mismo fin. (…)

Artículo 79. Plan de estudios. El plan de estudios es el esquema estructurado de las áreas
obligatorias y fundamentales y de áreas optativas con sus respectivas asignaturas, que forman
parte del currículo de los establecimientos educativos.

En la educación formal, dicho plan debe establecer los objetivos por niveles, grados y áreas, la
metodología, la distribución del tiempo y los criterios de evaluación y administración, de acuerdo
con el Proyecto Educativo Institucional y con las disposiciones legales vigentes. (…)

Decreto 1075 de 2015 (mayo 26) por medio del cual se expide el Decreto Único
Reglamentario del Sector Educación.

Artículo Establecimientos educativos estatales. Todos los establecimientos

educativos estatales del municipio deberán estar organizados en instituciones y en centros
educativos en los términos establecidos en el artículo 9° de la Ley 715 de 2001, de tal manera que
garanticen la continuidad de los estudiantes en el sistema educativo formal y el cumplimiento del
calendario académico.

(Decreto 3940 de 2007, artículos 4°). (...)


Artículo Demostración de las insuficiencias. La configuración de las

insuficiencias definidas en los numerales 3°, 4° y 5° del artículo del presente decreto,
serán demostradas por las entidades territoriales certificadas, de conformidad con las siguientes

1. La insuficiencia por falta de planta de personal o directivo docentes requiere que la

entidad territorial certificada adjunte, al estudio de que trata el artículo del presente
decreto, la certificación expedida por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional en la que se indique la
capacidad de la planta de personal docente, de acuerdo con los parámetros técnicos de
organización definidos por el Gobierno nacional, y la distribución de dicha planta, por zona rural
y urbana.
2. La insuficiencia de infraestructura física requiere que la entidad territorial certificada
incluya en el estudio respectivo, las razones técnicas de tal insuficiencia y aporte las evidencias
que den cuenta de lo anterior. (…)

Artículo (...)

2. El material educativo deberá estar acorde con los enfoques, contenidos y metodología
de las diferentes áreas del currículo, así como con el PEI o el PEC. (...)

Artículo Utilización de los recursos. Los recursos sólo pueden utilizarse en
los siguientes conceptos, siempre que guarden estricta relación con el Proyecto Educativo
Institucional: (...)

2. Mantenimiento, conservación, reparación, mejoramiento y adecuación de los bienes

muebles e inmuebles del establecimiento educativo, y adquisición de repuestos y accesorios. Las
obras que impliquen modificación de la infraestructura del establecimiento educativo estatal
deben contar con estudio técnico y aprobación previa de la entidad territorial certificada
respectiva. (...)

7. Pago de servicios públicos domiciliarios, telefonía móvil e Internet, en las condiciones

fijadas por la entidad territorial. (...)

11. Contratación de servicios técnicos y profesionales prestados para una gestión

específica y temporal en desarrollo de actividades diferentes a las educativas, cuando no sean
atendidas por

personal de planta. Estos contratos requerirán la autorización del consejo directivo del
establecimiento educativo y se rigen por las normas y principios de la contratación estatal. En
ningún caso podrán celebrarse contratos de trabajo, ni estipularse obligaciones propias de las
relaciones laborales tales como subordinación, cumplimiento de jornada laboral o pago de
salarios. En todo caso, los recursos del Fondo de Servicios Educativos no podrán destinarse al
pago de acreencias laborales de ningún orden. (...)

14. Acciones de mejoramiento de la gestión escolar y académica, enmarcadas en los

planes de mejoramiento institucional. (...)

Artículo Responsables de la educación de los menores. El Estado, la sociedad

y la familia son responsables de la educación obligatoria de acuerdo con lo definido en la
Constitución y la ley. La Nación y las entidades territoriales cumplirán esta obligación en los
términos previstos en las Leyes 715 de 2001 y 115 de 1994 y en el presente Capítulo. Los padres
o quienes ejerzan la patria potestad sobre el menor, lo harán bajo la vigilancia e intervención
directa de las autoridades competentes. (...)

Artículo Contenido del proyecto educativo institucional. Todo establecimiento

educativo debe elaborar y poner en práctica con la participación de la comunidad educativa, un
proyecto educativo institucional que exprese la forma como se ha decidido alcanzar los fines de la
educación definidos por la ley, teniendo en cuenta las condiciones sociales, económicas y
culturales de su medio.

Para lograr la formación integral de los educandos, debe contener por lo menos los
siguientes aspectos: (…)

2. El análisis de la situación institucional que permita la identificación de problemas y sus


3. Los objetivos generales del proyecto.

4. La estrategia pedagógica que guía las labores de formación de los educandos.

5. La organización de los planes de estudio y la definición de los criterios para la

evaluación del rendimiento del educando. (...)

11. La evaluación de los recursos humanos, físicos, económicos y tecnológicos

disponibles y previstos para el futuro con el fin de realizar el proyecto. (...)

(Decreto 1860 de 1994, artículos 14). (...)

Artículo Reglamento o manual de convivencia. De acuerdo con lo dispuesto

en los artículos 73 y 87 de la Ley 115 de 1994, todos los establecimientos educativos deben tener
como parte integrante del proyecto educativo institucional, un reglamento o manual de

El reglamento o manual de convivencia debe contener una definición de los derechos y

deberes de los alumnos y de sus relaciones con los demás estamentos de la comunidad educativa.

En particular debe contemplar los siguientes aspectos:

1. Las reglas de higiene personal y de salud pública que preserven el bienestar de la

comunidad educativa (...)

2. Criterios de respeto, valoración y compromiso frente a la utilización y conservación de

los bienes personales y de uso colectivo, tales como equipos, instalaciones e implementos. (...)

11. Encargos hechos al establecimiento para aprovisionar a los alumnos de material

didáctico de uso general, libros, uniformes, seguros de vida y de salud. (...)

(Decreto 1860 de 1994, artículos 17). (...)


Artículo Áreas. En el plan de estudios se incluirán las áreas del conocimiento
definidas como obligatorias y fundamentales en los nueve grupos enumerados en el artículo 23 de
la Ley 115 de 1994. Además, incluirá grupos de áreas o asignaturas que adicionalmente podrá
seleccionar el establecimiento educativo para lograr los objetivos del proyecto educativo
institucional, sin sobrepasar el veinte por ciento de las áreas establecidas en el plan de estudios.

Las áreas pueden concursarse por asignaturas y proyectos pedagógicos en períodos

lectivos anuales, semestrales o trimestrales. Estas se distribuirán en uno o varios grados.

(Decreto 1860 de 1994, artículo 34).

Artículo Desarrollo de asignaturas. Las asignaturas tendrán el contenido, la

intensidad horaria y la duración que determine el proyecto educativo institucional, atendiendo los
lineamientos del presente Capítulo y los que para su efecto expida el Ministerio de Educación

En el desarrollo de una asignatura se deben aplicar estrategias y métodos pedagógicos

activos y vivenciales que incluyan la exposición, la observación, la experimentación, la práctica,
el laboratorio, el taller de trabajo, la informática educativa, el estudio personal y los demás
elementos que contribuyan a un mejor desarrollo cognitivo y a una mayor formación de la
capacidad crítica, reflexiva y analítica del educando.

(Decreto 1860 de 1994, artículo 35).


Artículo Servicio de orientación. En todos los establecimientos educativos se

prestará un servicio de orientación estudiantil que tendrá como objetivo general el de contribuir al
pleno desarrollo de la personalidad de los educandos, en particular en cuanto a:
a) La toma de decisiones personales;

b) La identificación de aptitudes e intereses;

c) La solución de conflictos y problemas individuales, familiares y grupales;

d) La participación en la vida académica, social y comunitaria; (…)

(Decreto 1860 de 1994, artículos 40).

Artículo Materiales didácticos producidos por los docentes. Los docentes
podrán elaborar materiales didácticos para uso de los estudiantes con el fin de orientar su proceso
formativo, en los que pueden estar incluidos instructivos sobre el uso de los textos del bibliómano,
lecturas, bibliografía, ejercicios, simulaciones, pautas de experimentación y demás ayudas. Los
establecimientos educativos proporcionarán los medios necesarios para la producción y
reproducción de estos materiales.

(Decreto 1860 de 1994, artículos 44). (...)


Artículo Material y equipo educativo. Se define como material o equipo

educativo para los efectos legales y reglamentarios, las ayudas didácticas o medios que facilitan el
proceso pedagógico.

Están incluidos como materiales los de dotación personal, tales como los cuadernos y
similares, los lápices y demás instrumentos de escritura, los medios magnéticos de
almacenamiento de información, las carpetas o sistemas de archivos, los instrumentos o
materiales artísticos o deportivos y, en general, los materiales que por su uso fungible se
consideren como dotación personal del alumno.

Están incluidos como equipos de dotación institucional, bienes como los instrumentos o
ayudas visuales y auditivas, equipos de talleres y laboratorios, las videograbadoras, las grabadoras
de sonido y sus reproductores, los equipos de producción y proyección de transparencias, los
equipos de duplicación de textos, los microcomputadores de uso docente, y sus desarrollos
telemáticos que deban ser adquiridos por el establecimiento.

Las secretarías de educación de las entidades territoriales podrán incluir otros materiales y
equipos similares o complementarios, considerados indispensables en el desarrollo de los
procesos curriculares en su jurisdicción.
(Decreto 1860 de 1994, artículos 45).

Artículo Infraestructura escolar. Los establecimientos educativos que presten

el servicio público de educación por niveles y grados, de acuerdo con su proyecto educativo
institucional, deberán contar con las áreas físicas y dotaciones apropiadas para el cumplimiento de
las funciones administrativas y docentes, según los requisitos mínimos que establezca el
Ministerio de Educación Nacional. Entre estas deberán incluirse:

a) Biblioteca, de acuerdo con lo definido en el artículo del presente Decreto;

b) Espacios suficientes para el desarrollo de las actividades artísticas, culturales y de

ejecución de proyectos pedagógicos;

c) Áreas físicas de experimentación dotadas con materiales y equipos de laboratorio,

procesadores de datos, equipos o herramientas para la ejecución de proyectos pedagógicos, ayudas
audiovisuales y similares, y

d) Espacios suficientes para el desarrollo de los programas de educación física y deportes,

así como los implementos de uso común para las prácticas.

Parágrafo. Los establecimientos educativos privados que al 3 de agosto de 1994 se

encuentren reconocidos y no cuenten con la totalidad de la infraestructura prescrita, siguiendo lo
dispuesto por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional, podrán solicitar a las secretarías de educación
de las entidades territoriales un plazo no mayor de dos (2) años, contados a partir del 3 de agosto
de 1994, para completarla en propiedad o uso por convenio con terceros. Las instituciones
estatales dispondrán de los plazos que les fije el plan de desarrollo de la entidad territorial donde
se encuentren localizadas.

(Decreto 1860 de 1994, artículos 46).

Artículo Responsabilidades del Ministerio de Educación Nacional. En

cumplimiento de las funciones establecidas en la ley, el Ministerio de Educación Nacional debe:

4. Evaluar la efectividad de los diferentes sistemas institucionales de evaluación de los


(Decreto 1290 de 2009, artículo 9). (...)

Artículo Responsabilidades del establecimiento educativo. En cumplimiento
de las funciones establecidas en la ley, el establecimiento educativo debe: (...)

2. Incorporar en el proyecto educativo institucional los criterios, procesos y

procedimientos de evaluación; estrategias para la superación de debilidades y promoción de los
estudiantes, definidos por el consejo directivo.

3. Realizar reuniones de docentes y directivos docentes para analizar, diseñar e

implementar estrategias permanentes de evaluación y de apoyo para la superación de debilidades
de los estudiantes y dar recomendaciones a estudiantes, padres de familia y docentes.

4. Promover y mantener la interlocución con los padres de familia y el estudiante, con el

fin de presentar los informes periódicos de evaluación, el plan de actividades de apoyo para la
superación de las debilidades, y acordar los compromisos por parte de todos los involucrados. (...)

(Decreto 1290 de 2009, artículos 11). (...)

Artículo Deberes del estudiante. El estudiante, para el mejor desarrollo de su

proceso formativo, debe:

1. Cumplir con los compromisos académicos y de convivencia definidos por el

establecimiento educativo.

2. Cumplir con las recomendaciones y compromisos adquiridos para la superación de sus


(Decreto 1290 de 2009, artículos 13).

Artículo Derechos de los padres de familia. En el proceso formativo de sus

hijos, los padres de familia tienen los siguientes derechos:

1. Conocer el sistema institucional de evaluación de los estudiantes: criterios,

procedimientos e instrumentos de evaluación y promoción desde el inicio de año escolar.

2. Acompañar el proceso evaluativo de los estudiantes.

3. Recibir los informes periódicos de evaluación.

4. Recibir oportunamente respuestas a las inquietudes y solicitudes presentadas sobre el

proceso de evaluación de sus hijos.

(Decreto 1290 de 2009, artículos 14).

Artículo Deberes de los padres de familia. De conformidad con las normas
vigentes, los padres de familia deben:

1. Participar, a través de las instancias del Gobierno escolar, en la definición de criterios y

procedimientos de la evaluación del aprendizaje de los estudiantes y promoción escolar.

2. Realizar seguimiento permanente al proceso evaluativo de sus hijos.

3. Analizar los informes periódicos de evaluación.

(Decreto 1290 de 2009, artículos 15). (...)

Artículo Responsabilidades del Ministerio de Educación Nacional. El

Ministerio de Educación Nacional tendrá las siguientes responsabilidades: (…)

5. Hacer seguimiento a la eficacia de la implementación de los beneficios contenidos en

esta Sección, dentro de un marco integral de estrategias de prevención del abandono de estudios
en la educación superior, fortaleciendo lineamientos al respecto en las instituciones de educación
superior y creando indicadores de gestión que permitan al Gobierno nacional evaluar los
resultados de la puesta en marcha de estos incentivos y diagnosticar su impacto en los índices de
bachilleres que ingresan y culminan sus estudios superiores. (...)

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