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Hi , my name is medha and The person I admire is Greta thunburg , I admire greta
thunberg for various reasons, She is an climate change activist that wouldnt give up until her
message about climate change was heard, she inspired many people including myself to pay
more attention to climate change she also inspired me to fight for what is right.

Who was greta thunburg?

Greta Thunberg, whose full name is Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg, was a
Swedish environmental activist who founded the Fridays for Future campaign in 2018. She
was born on January 3, 2003, in Stockholm Greta Thunberg's mother was an opera singer,
while her father was an actor. Greta was diagnosed with the now-classified autistic spectrum
disorder known as Asperger syndrome (ASD). people who have Asperger syndrome
frequently concentrate intensely on a single concept or hobby,
and In Greta Thunberg's Hobby was climate change. When she was around eight years old,
she first became aware of the problem, and a few years later She changed her personal habits,
going vegan and denying aircraft travel. (Airplanes and livestock both release a lot of the
gases that cause global warming.)

Some of the impacts Greta thunburg made was..

● Some Rich American investors were motivated by Greta Thunberg to donate over
500,000 Euros to the Climate Emergency Fund to help Extinction Protest and school
strike organizations.

● Greta Thunberg and JeanClaude Juncker, the former president of the European
Commission, appeared together on stage in February 2019 to discuss how "every
fourth euro spent inside the EU budget will go towards efforts to reduce climate

Countless schoolchildren have been motivated by her to become aware of climate and
environmental issues, and the climate strike movement demonstrates the power each and
every one of us have when we consistently commit to bringing about positive change.
What is greta thunbergs achievements?

● Thunberg receives the first Gulbenkian?? Prize for Humanity, giving the 1 million
euros donated to charitable organizations.
● The World Health Organization, Russian activist Alexei Navalny, and Thunberg are
all once again nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize

Citations in mla format

“Greta Thunberg | Biography, Climate Change, & Facts | Britannica.” Encyclopædia

Britannica, 2023, Accessed 20 Jan. 2023.
Book- Who is greta thunberg? Jill leonard

Titus, Stuti. “Who Is Greta Thunberg? Why Was the Swedish Activist Arrested in

Germany?”, Jagran Josh, 18 Jan. 2023,

Accessed 20 Jan. 2023.

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