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UH KD 3.

A. LKS hal. 30 activity 10

Baca dialog dan jawab pertanyaan berikut!
1. What are the speakers talking about?
2. What is Lili’s mothers’s job?
3. What does Lili’s father do?
4. What is Edo’s mother’s job?
5. Where does Edo’s father work?

B. LKS hal. 36 activity 28

Baca dialog 1.
Jawab pertanyaan dialog 1 (no. 1-5) LKS hal. 37 activity 29

C. LKS hal. 38 activity 36

Lengkapi tabel!
N Job Tool Tool’s function
5 A doctor A stethoscope To check heartbeat
*no.5 sebagai contoh. Kerjakan no 6-10

D. Lengkapi kalimat _, ? dan jawaban Yes/No

1. (+) You are dilligent
(-) __________________________
(?) __________________________
Yes, ________/No, ___________

2. (+) She enters the room

(-) __________________________
(?) __________________________
Yes, _________/ No, _________

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