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𝐊𝐈: There are a number of different actions that could be taken to promote the
positives of globalization and mitigate the negatives. Some potential strategies

1. Implementing fair trade policies: Fair trade policies aim to ensure that small farmers and producers in
developing countries receive a fair price for their products, which can help to reduce poverty and promote
sustainable development.

2. Promoting sustainable and responsible business practices: Encouraging businesses to adopt sustainable
and responsible practices can help to mitigate negative impacts on the environment and communities, while
also promoting long-term economic growth.

3. Providing education and training: Providing education and training to people who may be adversely
affected by globalization can help to improve their employability and income-earning potential.

4. Implementing social protection measures: Governments can implement social protection measures such as
unemployment insurance, social welfare programs, and healthcare services to help mitigate the negative
effects of globalization on individuals and communities.

5. Strengthening international institutions: International institutions such as the World Trade Organization
(WTO) can play a role in promoting the positives of globalization and addressing negative impacts. This could
involve establishing rules and regulations to ensure fair trade practices and promoting dialogue and
cooperation between countries.

𝐌𝐀: 1. Highlight the economic benefits: Globalization has led to increased trade and investment, which has
led to economic growth and job creation. 2. Emphasize the cultural exchange: Globalization has allowed for
the exchange of ideas, customs, and traditions, leading to a more diverse and culturally rich world.3.
Emphasize the benefits of international cooperation: Globalization has led to increased cooperation between
countries, allowing for more effective solutions to global issues such as climate change and poverty.4.
Promote education and exchange programs: Encourage students and professionals to study and work abroad
to gain a better understanding and appreciation for other cultures.5. Encourage companies to adopt
sustainable and ethical practices: Globalization has led to increased corporate responsibility and
accountability, and promoting such practices can help mitigate any negative effects of globalization.6.
Support free trade agreements: Encourage governments to negotiate and implement free trade agreements
to remove barriers to trade and investment, which can benefit both developed and developing countries.

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