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The Root Canal

Anatomy in 
Permanent Dentition

Marco A. Versiani
Bettina Basrani
Manoel D. Sousa-Neto

The Root Canal Anatomy in Permanent
Marco A. Versiani • Bettina Basrani
Manoel D. Sousa-Neto

The Root Canal

Anatomy in Permanent
Marco A. Versiani Bettina Basrani
University of São Paulo University of Toronto
Ribeirão Preto Toronto
Brazil Canada

Manoel D. Sousa-Neto
University of São Paulo
Ribeirão Preto

ISBN 978-3-319-73443-9    ISBN 978-3-319-73444-6 (eBook)

Library of Congress Control Number: 2018942639

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Born in 1452 in the Tuscan village of Vinci, Leonardo was not
only a gifted artist but also one of the greatest geniuses who
has ever lived. According to him, “practice must always be
founded on sound theory, and to this perspective is the guide
and the gateway; and without this nothing can be done well.”
Obviously, this concept can be extended to innumerous human
activities, including dental practice. In other words, essential
practical and clinical experiences are very important for
managing complex cases, but they cannot be a substitute for
knowledge and theory. Dentistry was founded in empirical-
based research and clinical experience, which means that
clinicians often use empirical reasoning to make diagnoses and
treatment plans, based on thoughts and follow-up of cases over
the years. For several decades, the understanding of the
influence of canal anatomy on endodontic procedures was
based on empiric observation rather than on rigorous
experimentation. Consequently, several authors from the past
have stated the impossibility of succeeding in treating infected
teeth because of the complexity of the root canal system, which
was revealed at the end of the nineteenth century. With the
improvement and application of the scientific method in health
sciences, however, empirical approach started to be followed
by systematic observation, measurement, and experiment. At
this point, knowledge of the root and root canal anatomical
complexities started to be applied into clinical practice, root
canal therapy became more predictable, and endodontics, as a
respectful specialty, has born. As the Greek physician
Hippocrates postulated that the anatomy is the foundation of
medicine, root canal anatomy is undoubtedly the foundation of
This book is intended for students undergoing specialist
training, general practitioner with special interest in
endodontics, and specialists alike, being particularly dedicated
to the memory of the pioneers in the endodontic field who
overcame enormous obstacles to pave the way not only for
their own careers or personal wills, but also for giving us
inspiration to keep going with their outstanding work and write
this book.
Foreword I

Science is the father of knowledge, but opinion breeds ignorance.


Root canal anatomy is the foundation of the art and science of endodontic
therapy and succeeding post-treatment healing. Human dentition presents a
wide range of anatomical variations in each tooth type. The root and canal
morphology is learned to vary greatly between populations, within popula-
tions, and even within the same individual. The studies on root canal anatomy
from the first half of the nineteenth century highlighted the number of root
canals, their configurations, and complexities in teeth, while studies from the
second half of the nineteenth century and early twentieth century gained
insight on the apical terminus of the root canal anatomy and the periapical
tissues that surround it. The knowledge obtained from this cluster of studies
formed the bottom line for the biological basis in endodontic treatment. The
conception of pulp and periodontal tissue as a continuum, association between
endodontic disease and periapical host immune response, as well as the thera-
peutic significance of apical termination were all emphasized by these stud-
ies. Besides, leveraging on the current knowledge, it is recognized that
effective nonsurgical root canal treatment and endodontic surgery requires a
thorough knowledge of tooth morphology and root canal anatomy.
Unfortunately, some of the therapeutic issues associated with complex root
morphology and root canal anatomy still remain as challenges.
At the moment it is quite evident that the dental profession needs a broad
review of this complex topic—anatomy of the root canal systems and their
implications in root canal treatment. Drs. Versiani, Basrani, and Sousa-Neto
recognized this requirement and have put together a comprehensive body of
knowledge for endodontology. They have compiled some of the finest author-
ities from around the world to contribute knowledge and insights to this book.
The broad list of chapters covered in this book has left no stone unturned.
Drs. Versiani and Sousa-Neto as a team have studied root canal anatomy with
micro-CT for the last couple of decades. Dr. Sousa-Neto has also used the
method of diaphanization since the early 1980s to study root canal anatomy.
This team has studied more than 15,000 teeth through these years and pub-
lished many impactful articles. The experience of this group in this field is
obvious from the chapters covered in this book. This book is the most com-
prehensive overview of root canal anatomy and their clinical implications the
dental profession has had the opportunity to review.

viii Foreword I

There are several reasons for me to be delighted to write the foreword for
this book. First, this book represents the maiden attempt to review the root
canal anatomy and their related topics using modern high resolution imaging
techniques. The dental profession must be updated about this important topic
in a structured manner. I am also very pleased because I have known Dr.
Versiani for almost 5 years and I am aware of his dedication to endodontol-
ogy. Dr. Basrani, my colleague at the University of Toronto, was one of the
very first internationally trained endodontists to move from Argentina to
Canada with great passion for endodontics. This book is a product of their
sacrifices, passion, and commitment. I am confident that this book will serve
our profession well.

 Anil Kishen, B.D.S., M.D.S., Ph.D.

Nanomaterial Guided Functional Tissue Engineering Lab
Dental Research Institute, Faculty of Dentistry
University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada
Foreword II

The ability to understand and to anticipate root canal anatomy prior to render-
ing endodontic therapy has remained a challenging issue. Indeed, this issue
confronts clinicians every day as they peer into access openings and search
for canal orifices. When we read the endodontic literature, we read from time-
to-time that a case failed because a second distal canal was overlooked, a
third mesial canal was not noticed, a second canal in a lateral incisor was
missed, etc. So, what can be done to significantly reduce these oversights?
Dr. Marco Versiani, Dr. Bettina Basrani, and Dr. Manoel Sousa-Neto took
up this challenge and engaged tooth anatomy experts from around the world
and combined their collective knowledge to prepare a textbook on internal
tooth anatomy that should be required reading for every dentist who aims to
provide the very finest endodontic therapy. As a reader would expect from a
textbook of this caliber, each chapter is enriched with high-quality images
and exhaustive citations from peer-reviewed literature.
This textbook is enhanced by also providing online videos and countless
photographs derived from some of the most current technologies enabling
researchers to even view the complexity of the root canal system in three
dimensions. Based on new discoveries, this textbook by Drs. Versiani,
Basrani, and Sousa-Neto provides a new nomenclature founded on expanded
knowledge that sophisticated technologies have revealed.

Stephen Cohen, M.A., D.D.S., F.I.C.D., F.A.C.D.

Department of Endodontics,
The Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry
University of the Pacific
Stockton, CA, USA
Department of Preventive and Restorative Dental Sciences
School of Dentistry
University of California
San Francisco, CA, USA
Endodontic Postgraduate Program
Riyadh Colleges of Dentistry and Pharmacology
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
American Board of Endodontics
Chicago, IL, USA

…superstition and pseudoscience keep getting in the way, […] providing easy
answers, dodging sceptical scrutiny, casually pressing our awe buttons and cheap-
ening the experience, making us routine and comfortable practitioners as well as
victims of credulity. […] Pseudoscience is easier to contrive than science, because
distracting confrontations with reality - where we cannot control the outcome of the
comparison  - are more readily avoided. […] Pseudoscience speaks to powerful
emotional needs that science often leaves unfulfilled. […] Science thrives on errors,
cutting them away one by one. False conclusions are drawn all the time, but they are
drawn tentatively. Hypotheses are framed so they are capable of being disproved.
[…] Proprietary feelings are of course offended when a scientific hypothesis is dis-
proved, but such disproofs are recognized as central to the scientific enterprise. […]
Science is far from a perfect instrument of knowledge. It's just the best we have.
Carl Sagan
The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark


We would like to acknowledge Springer International Publishing for giving

us the opportunity to edit this textbook on root canal anatomy. A special
thanks goes to Andrei Berdichewsky, who was responsible for offering us this
We are indebted to the following collaborators for their hard work and
invaluable contributions to make this book possible: Stephen Cohen, Anil
Kishen, Antonis Chaniotis, Arnaldo Castellucci, Carlos Murgel, Clóvis
Monteiro Bramante, Craig Barrington, Christos Boutsioukis, Diogo
Guerreiro, Domenico Ricucci, Elizeu A.  Pascon, Francisco Balandrano,
Gustavo De-Deus, Hany M. A. Ahmed, Holm Reuver, Hugo Sousa, Isabela
N.  Rôças, James L.  Gutmann, Jesus D.  Pécora, Jojo Kottoor, Jorge N.  R.
Martins, José F.  Siqueira Jr., Leo Tjäderhane, Mário R.  Pereira, Nicola
Perrini, Nuno Pinto, Oscar von Stetten, Paul M.  H. Dummer, Ronald
Ordinola-Zapata, Sergiu Nicola, and other colleagues who allow us the privi-
lege of sharing their images in courtesy. Thank you very much!
To our families, thanks for your encouragement, assistance, and support
that allow us to progress in our professional lives.

Marco A. Versiani
Bettina Basrani
Manoel D. Sousa-Neto


Part I Fundamentals of Root Canal Anatomy

1 Historical Overview of the Studies on Root

Canal Anatomy������������������������������������������������������������������������������    3
Nicola Perrini and Marco A. Versiani
2 Dentin Basic Structure, Composition, and Function������������������   17
Leo Tjäderhane

Part II Root Canal Components and Epidemiology

3 Root Canal Components����������������������������������������������������������������   31

Ronald Ordinola-Zapata, Marco A. Versiani, and Clóvis
Monteiro Bramante
4 New Proposal for Classifying Root and Root
Canal Morphology ������������������������������������������������������������������������   47
Hany M. A. Ahmed, Marco A. Versiani, Gustavo De-Deus,
and Paul M. H. Dummer
5 Diaphanization Techniques in the Study of Root
Canal Anatomy������������������������������������������������������������������������������   57
Craig Barrington and Francisco Balandrano
6 CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root
Canal Anatomy������������������������������������������������������������������������������   89
Jorge N. R. Martins and Marco A. Versiani
7 Root Canal Anatomy of Maxillary
and Mandibular Teeth ������������������������������������������������������������������  181
Marco A. Versiani, Mário R. Pereira, Jesus D. Pécora, and
Manoel D. Sousa-Neto
8 The Complexity of the Apical Anatomy��������������������������������������  241
Domenico Ricucci, Elizeu A. Pascon, and José F. Siqueira Jr.
9 C-Shaped Root Canal System ������������������������������������������������������  255
James L. Gutmann

xvi Contents

Part III Influence of Root Canal Anatomy in Clinical Practice

10 Internal Tooth Anatomy and Root

Canal Instrumentation������������������������������������������������������������������  277
José F. Siqueira Jr, Isabela N. Rôças, and Domenico Ricucci
11 Internal Tooth Anatomy and Root Canal Irrigation������������������  303
Christos Boutsioukis
12 Internal Tooth Anatomy and Root Canal Obturation����������������  323
Arnaldo Castellucci
13 Managing Complex Root Canal Anatomies��������������������������������  343
Antonis Chaniotis, Diogo Guerreiro, Jojo Kottoor, Nuno
Pinto, Sergiu Nicola, Oscar von Stetten, Hugo Sousa, and
Carlos Murgel

Part IV Appendix

14 Contemporary Strategies for Teaching Internal

Anatomy of Teeth ��������������������������������������������������������������������������  375
Bettina Basrani and Marco A. Versiani
15 3D Visual Glossary of Terminology in Root
and Root Canal Anatomy��������������������������������������������������������������  391
Marco A. Versiani, Jorge N. R. Martins, and Bettina Basrani


Marco  A.  Versiani, D.D.S., M.Sc., Ph.D. Department of Restorative

Dentistry, Dental School of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo, Ribeirão
Preto, SP, Brazil
Bettina Basrani, D.D.S., M.Sc., Ph.D.  Faculty of Dentistry, University of
Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
Manoel  D.  Sousa-Neto, D.D.S., M.Sc., Ph.D.  Department of Restorative
Dentistry, Dental School of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo, Ribeirão
Preto, SP, Brazil


Hany  M.  A.  Ahmed, B.D.S., H.D.D., Ph.D. Department of Restorative

Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Francisco Balandrano, D.D.S.  Private Practice, Torreón, Coahuila, Mexico
Craig Barrington, D.D.S.  Private Practice in the Waxahachie, Waxahachie,
Christos Boutsioukis, D.D.S., M.Sc., Ph.D.  Department of Endodontology,
Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), University of Amsterdam
and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Clóvis Monteiro Bramante, D.D.S., M.Sc., Ph.D.  Dental School of Bauru,
University of São Paulo, Bauru, Brazil
Arnaldo Castellucci, M.D., D.D.S.  Private Practice Limited to Endodontics,
Florence, Italy
University of Cagliari Dental School, University of Naples, Federico II
Antonis  Chaniotis, D.D.S., M.Sc. Department of Endodontics, Athens
Dental School, University of Athens, Athens, Greece
University of Warwick, Coventry, UK
Private Practice Limited to Endodontics, Kalithea, Greece

xviii Contributors

Gustavo  De-Deus, D.D.S., M.Sc., Ph.D.  School of Dentistry, Fluminense

Federal University, Niterói, RJ, Brazil
Paul M. H. Dummer, D.D.S.c., M.Sc., Ph.D.  School of Dentistry, College
of Biomedical and Life Sciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK
Diogo  Guerreiro, D.D.S., M.S. Resident ASE Endodontics, School of
Dentistry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
James L. Gutmann, D.D.S., Ph.D., F.I.C.D.  Texas A&M University College
of Dentistry, Dallas, TX, USA
Jojo  Kottoor, B.D.S., M.D.S. Department of Conservative Dentistry and
Endodontics, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Ernakulam, India
Jorge N. R. Martins, D.D.S., M.Sc.  Dental School of Lisbon, University of
Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
Carlos  Murgel, D.D.S., M.Sc., Ph.D. Private Practice Limited to
Endodontics, Campinas, Brazil
Sergiu Nicola, D.D.S.  Private Practice, Bucharest, Romania
Ronald  Ordinola-Zapata, D.D.S., M.Sc., Ph.D.  Dental School of Bauru,
University of São Paulo, Bauru, Brazil
Bender Division of Endodontics, Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia,
Elizeu  A.  Pascon, D.D.S., M.Sc., Ph.D. Private Practice, São Paulo, SP,
Jesus D. Pécora, D.D.S., M.Sc., Ph.D.  Department of Restorative Dentistry,
Dental School of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, SP,
Mário R. Pereira, D.D.S., M.S.  Department of Endodontics, University of
Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
Department of Endodontics, ISCSEM, Lisbon, Portugal
Nicola Perrini, M.D., D.D.S.  Private Practice in the Centro di Odontoiatria
e Stomatologia at Pistoia, Pistoia, Italy
Nuno Pinto, D.D.S., M.Sc.  Private Practice in the Mayo Clinic at Lisbon,
Lisbon, Portugal
Domenico Ricucci, M.D., D.D.S.  Private Practice, Cetraro, Italy
Isabela N. Rôças, D.D.S., M.Sc., Ph.D.  Molecular Microbiology Laboratory,
Faculty of Dentistry, Estácio de Sá University, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
José  F.  Siqueira Jr., D.D.S., M.Sc., Ph.D. Department of Endodontics,
Faculty of Dentistry, Estácio de Sá University, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Contributors xix

Hugo Sousa, D.D.S., M.Sc.  Clinical Residency, Foramen Dental Education,

Porto, Portugal
Private Practice Limited to Endodontics, Porto, Portugal
Oscar von Stetten  Private Practice, Stuttgart, Germany
Leo  Tjäderhane, D.D.S., Ph.D. Department of Oral and Maxillofacial
Diseases, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Institute of Dentistry, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland
Helsinki University Hospital, Helsinki, Finland
Research Unit of Oral Health Sciences, and Medical Research Center Oulu
(MRC Oulu), Oulu University Hospital and University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland
Part I
Fundamentals of Root Canal Anatomy
Historical Overview of the Studies
on Root Canal Anatomy
Nicola Perrini and Marco A. Versiani

Abstract study of the body, the determination of the regions

The fundamental basis of the endodontic spe- in an organism that are to be considered its parts.
cialty is the knowledge of root canal anatomy. Writing about the historical aspects of the studies
Thus, a thorough understanding of the canal on root canal anatomy does not simply mean to
morphology and its variations in all groups of place the stages that lead to the current knowledge
teeth is a basic requirement to improve the out- chronologically or compiling the biography of the
come of the endodontic therapy. In the past, a lot authors. In fact, the history of endodontic as a
of research work was done on this subject, and dental specialty is relatively recent and was born
the findings have had a noteworthy influence on with the better understanding of the morphology
clinical practice as well as on dental education. and biology of teeth, as well as the development
Therefore, it would be appropriate to take a brief of endodontic techniques in the brief period of
look to the past to understand contemporary 30  years, from 1900 to 1930, after centuries of
research approaches on the study of root canal immobility [1]. Consequently, this historical over-
anatomy. Authors that preceded this new image-­ view was carried out considering the result of a
processing technological era, to whom endodon- long cultural and scientific evolution that simulta-
tics are greatly indebted, must be revisited. neously influenced medicine and its other biologi-
cal branches, including dentistry.

1.1 Introduction 1.2  rom Classical Antiquity

to Thirteenth Century
From the Latin anatomia, dissection, and from the
Greek anatome, where ana means “up” and tem- The ancient Greek anatomist Herophilus (c.335–
nein means “to cut,” this word represents the c.280 B.C.), founder of the school of anatomy of
Alexandria, and his disciple Erasistratus (c.310–
c.250  B.C.) were the first physicians to perform
N. Perrini, M.D., D.D.S. (*)
Private Practice in the Centro di Odontoiatria e systematic dissection of human bodies. Herophilus
Stomatologia at Pistoia, Pistoia, Italy has been widely acknowledged as the “father of
e-mail: anatomy” and hailed as one of the greatest anato-
M. A. Versiani, D.D.S., M.Sc., Ph.D. mists that ever lived. His revolutionary discover-
Department of Restorative Dentistry, Dental School ies represented an important step in the ancient
of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo, understanding of the human ­anatomy [2]. Some
Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2019 3

M. A. Versiani et al. (eds.), The Root Canal Anatomy in Permanent Dentition,
4 N. Perrini and M. A. Versiani

centuries later, the works of Claudius Galenus knowledge of his time by writing the famous
(c.130–c.210  A.C.), usually known as Galen, book Chirurgia Magna [8]. Again, however,
have influenced several generations of physicians description of teeth’s anatomy and physiology
and the development of various scientific disci- was presented superficially [1].
plines, including anatomy [3]. In his writings, At the end of fifteenth century, the realism
Galen did not just content to compile antique data demanded by the aesthetic of the art in the
but also to observe and experience [1]. Renaissance age led various artists to undertake
From the time of Galen’s death until in-depth studies of the human anatomy directly
Renaissance, there was no substantial progress in on corpses, or indirectly by attending university
the understanding of human anatomy. In the classes of anatomy, to elaborate artistic composi-
Middle Ages, the anatomical drawings of human tions proportional to structures and shapes of the
beings were completely devoid of realism, and human body. Circa 1510 Leonardo da Vinci
anatomical description of the teeth was limited to (1452–1519), working on human anatomy in col-
their quantity, position in the oral cavity, and laboration with Marcantonio della Torre (1478–
number of roots [1]. Physicians suffered greatly 1511), a renowned anatomist, compiled a series
from stasis and intellectual stagnation, once med- of sheets with more than 240 individual drawings
ical knowledge was limited to glossaries, com- and over 13,000 words of notes, in a work that is
mentaries, encyclopedias, and compendia of considered one of the most significant achieve-
ancient works from Arabic writers such as ments of Renaissance science [9]. Among these
Avicenna [4], Rhazes [5] and Albucasis [6]. In the drawings, Leonardo accurately depicted the max-
anatomical field, the influence of Galen’s writ- illary and frontal sinuses, the curvature of the
ings continued to prevail. dental arches in centered occlusion, and the
external morphology of four teeth. It is interest-
ing to notice, however, that even with the innova-
1.3 From Fourteenth tions of the anatomical studies with cadavers,
to the Seventeenth Century morphological description of the dental organs in
this period was practically ignored, not to men-
The Renaissance, period that immediately fol- tion the internal anatomy that, according to
lowed the High Middle Ages (eleventh to thir- Galen’s dictates, did not exist [1].
teenth century) in Europe, was the turning In the first half of the sixteenth century, a set
point in which natural sciences and medicine of seven books written by Andreas Vesalius
were under the general principle of critical (1514–1564) entitled De Humani Corporis
revisionism. At the end of the fourteenth cen- Fabrica were published [10]. This was the major
tury, medical science slowly found noteworthy advance in the history of anatomy over the long-­
progress because dissections became an dominant works of Galen and Mondino and has
accepted and officially recognized procedure been recognized as the first complete treatise on
in Bologna, Italy. This allowed Mondino de human body. Unlike Leonardo da Vinci, Vesalius
Liucci (1270–1326) to write his book had a fruitful collaboration with the outstanding
Anathomia Corporis Humani [7], possibly the painter Jan Steven van Calcar (1499–1546),
first work exclusively devoted to anatomy. This responsible for the anatomical plates conceived
83-page book left a profound intellectual leg- for the book. Despite the anatomy of the teeth
acy and renewed the way to understand and was not treated so deeply as the other parts of
teach human anatomy through direct observa- the body, description of the dental apparatus
tion of dissected corpses. Mondino dedicated was considerably more accurate than that of
four pages to the anatomy of the mouth and Galen and represented a real progress in the
wrote about the number and function of teeth, morphological knowledge of the mouth and
but nothing related to their internal anatomy teeth. It is noteworthy that an important anatom-
[1]. In 1363, Guy de Chauliac performed the ical aspect of teeth that had been ignored by pre-
greatest synthesis of medical and surgical vious authors, on which, centuries later, the
1  Historical Overview of the Studies on Root Canal Anatomy 5

endodontic specialty would be born, was high- 1.4 From the Eighteenth

lighted for the first time in the literature. In to the Nineteenth Century
Chap. XI, there is the first registered drawing of
a sectioned two-rooted mandibular molar show- In 1728, the French dentist Pierre Fauchard
ing its internal anatomy: the pulp chamber and (1678–1761), also known as the “father of
two root canals [1]. In 1563, Bartolomeo modern dentistry,” published the first edition of
Eustachi (c.1520–1574), in his treatise il his two-volume treatise entitled Le Chirurgien
Libellus de dentibus, made very significant con- Dentiste ou Traité des dents [18], universally
tributions toward the anatomy and physiology acknowledged as the first scientific work of
of the dentition, including the first descriptions conservative, surgical, and prosthetic dentistry
of the dental pulp, the periodontal membrane, that reflected the state of the art of dental care at
the dental follicles, the trigeminal nerve, and that time. However, despite the external mor-
other oral structures, based upon extensive dis- phology of teeth had been described in detail,
sections of both human and animal material no information was provided about the root
[11]. In Chap. XVIII, Eustachi speaks about the canal anatomy. At the end of the eighteenth
pulp cavity and its content, and shows accurate century, John Hunter (1728–1793) published
tables in which he specified the number of roots two important books based on more than
and the external morphological variations of all 15 years of observation and experimentation on
groups of teeth. Eustachi’s book brought the human dentition [19, 20]. In his former treatise,
macroscopic anatomy of teeth to a high degree Hunter performed a complete and original anal-
of perfection that remained unsurpassed until ysis of the human dentition that had never been
the nineteenth ­century [1]. made. Regarding the canal anatomy, the avail-
In the seventeenth century, the first sign of able images are not numerous, but show root
separation between oral sciences and medicine canal changes with aging. In summary, several
emerged with the publication of several works works dedicated to teeth were published in this
dedicated to the dental field, despite most of the century, but new anatomical knowledge of teeth
schematic images had been copied from Vesalius’ was scarce and remained unchanged since the
book. In 1675, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (1632– sixteenth century.
1723), using a compound microscope created by The nineteenth century witnessed the rise of
himself, was the first author to describe the dentistry as a distinct profession, with its own
microscopic anatomy of the dentinal tubules. It practitioners, techniques, standards, and specific
led him to disagree with the predominant con- literature devoted to dental science [1]. But in the
cept according to which teeth were like bone first half of the century, only a few authors have
structures. He also published drawings of a sec- published new anatomical aspects regarding the
tioned mandibular molar showing its pulp cham- root canal morphology. Meyerus Fraenkel, a stu-
ber and the root canals [12]. Marcello Malpighi dent of the great anatomist Jan Evangelista
(1628–1694) was also one of the greatest Purkinje (1787–1869), can be considered a
microscopist of this century. In his manuscript ­precursor of the modern studies on root canal
Observationes de dentibus, there are 27 sheets anatomy because, in his thesis [21], there are
richly depicted by drawings of sectioned and some drawings in which horizontal sections in
non-sectioned human teeth in different angles different root levels of a single-rooted incisor and
[13], some of which published in the posthu- a double-­rooted premolar are shown. Some years
mous edition of his Opera Medica, et anatomica later, Georg Carabelli (1787–1842), in his post-
varia [14], that remained unpublished until 1968 humous work [22], provided the most detailed
[15–17]. Undoubtedly, the works of Leeuwenhoek description of the number and direction of the
and Malpighi were too advanced for their time root canal until that moment. Unfortunately,
and lacked adequate practical application. these remarkable studies, undeniably modern in
Therefore, they remained neglected for at least their conception, were completely disregarded
another 150 years. and considered unworthy of interest [1].
6 N. Perrini and M. A. Versiani

In the second half of the nineteenth century, consider that the main cause of root canal treat-
dentistry was overwhelming by the great para- ment failure was the lack of knowledge regarding
dox created between the microscopic and mac- the internal morphology of teeth [32, 33].
roscopic studies. While the former had already
characterized the tooth structure, the latter had
not yet defined the morphology of the root canal 1.5 From Twentieth to Twenty-­
system. In 1870 in Germany, Eduard Mühlreiter First Century
(1839–1917) published the first complete study
on the root canal anatomy of human teeth in In 1903, Gustav Preiswerk (1866–1908) per-
which the external and internal morphologies of formed a profound and comprehensive research
teeth were compared through sagittal and hori- on the root canal anatomy. In his pioneering
zontal sections [23]. Even though it was a sim- study [34], Wood’s metal, an alloy that melts at a
ple work in its essence, it proved to be extremely low temperature, was molten and injected into
important because it served as inspiration to the canal space. After complete decalcification of
other researchers, such as Adolph Witzel (1847– the teeth, three-dimensional metal models of the
1906), to study the root canal anatomy. This internal anatomy were obtained. It is important to
author showed, for the first time, the anatomical point out that this method was developed by the
variability of root canal system in maxillary pre- Dutch anatomist Govard Bidloo (1649–1713)
molars and the morphological changes of the using melted bismuth [35], later improved by
pulp cavity of mandibular molars with aging Brunn, who employed Wood’s metal, and used by
[24]. In the United States, Greene Vardiman Zuckerkandl in the study of pulp chamber [1].
Black (1836–1915) examined the external and This method, however, led to tooth overheating
internal morphology using images of sagittal and the replicas were obviously incomplete, as
and horizontal sections of each group of teeth the metal could not penetrate into the finer
[25]. A few years later, Alfred Gysi (1865– branches of the root canal system. Despite these
1957), using histological sections, published the methodological drawbacks, this innovative
first high-quality photomicrographs depicting method allowed Preiswerk [34] to observe that
the internal morphology of a carious molar and canal anastomosis was not rare. Since then, the
the pulp-dentin complex of another molar, in classical descriptions of teeth with regular canal
which it is possible to observe details of the soft anatomy and a single apical foramen that
connective tissue such as the vascular, lym- appeared in almost all previous treatises started
phatic, and nervous elements [26]. to be questioned.
Nevertheless, it was only at the end of nine- Guido Fischer (1877–1959) presented the
teenth century that some researchers finally real- challenging nature of the apical root anatomy
ized the need for an in-depth research on the root for the first time in 1907 [36]. He obtained bet-
canal morphology. It happened mostly because of ter results than Preiswerk [34] by filling
the rise of misconceptions about root canal infec- approximately 700 teeth with a collodion solu-
tion. At that time, Willoughby Dayton Miller tion. This solution could penetrate all the
(1853–1907) proposed that oral microorganisms branches of the root canal system and hardened
or their products have a role in the development in 2 or 3 weeks, providing a full three-dimen-
of a variety of diseases in other parts of the body, sional replica of the canal. But the hardened
such as brain abscesses, pulmonary diseases, and ­collodion solution was fragile, and replicas of
gastric problems [27]. Although Miller advocated the subtler ramifications fractured easily.
treating the root canals to eliminate the focus of Fischer paid special attention to thin ramifica-
infection, teeth extraction was popularized at the tions, little lateral branches, and apical termi-
turn of the century because of further reports nations and classified the morphological
from William Hunter [28, 29] and Frank Billings variations of the root canal into simple ramifi-
[30, 31], which started the era of focal infection cations or branches, lateral canals within the
theory. These evidences led many researchers to radicular dentin, intercommunicating canal
1  Historical Overview of the Studies on Root Canal Anatomy 7

system, and islands of hard tissue within the maxillary molars was 63% [45]. A few years
canal. The complexity and unpredictability of later, Walter Hess (1885–1980) published note-
the root canal morphology led him to coin the worthy results on the root canal anatomy from a
nowadays widely used term “root canal sys- sample comprising 2800 permanent human teeth
tem” (Kanalsystem). In the next 2 years, Fisher [46]. He succeeded in reconstructing the root
started to associate radiography [37] with his canal shape on such a large scale by using a novel
macroscopic and microscopic observations approach that involved filling the teeth with vul-
[38], highlighting the morphological complex- canized rubber followed by decalcification. Hess
ity of the root canal system. It may be said that complemented his findings by carrying out grind-
the innovative three-dimensional anatomical ing sections of selected teeth to illustrate the fine
studies of Preiswerk and Fisher resulted in structures of the root canal system at the apical
huge advancement adding new and significant region, establishing a correlation between the fre-
knowledge to dental literature, which stimu- quency of ramifications and the patient’s age,
lated other researchers to undertake further which confirmed Fischer’s findings. This study
investigations on the anatomy of the root canal was followed by a second one conducted by
system. Ernst Zürcher, in 1922, under his supervision
In 1911, the German anatomist Werner [47]. These are undoubtedly the most important
Spalteholz (1861–1940) developed a process by and detailed studies on root canal anatomy, which
which organs could be made translucent and were later joined together and published in
stained using assorted colors [39]. This process English language [48]. In the following years, the
was based on dehydration of the removed organs results obtained by the German school regarding
and the use of an optically transparent embed- root canal [34, 36, 46] were finally confirmed by
ding material that has the same refractive index several authors from different countries [49–53].
as the tissue of the organ itself. At this same year, Wallace Clyde Davis (1866–1950) was the
in Japan, T.  Okumura used numerous grinding first author to detail the internal morphology of
sections to investigate the relation between the the root canal at the apical third and to address
external and internal structure of the teeth [40]. the problem regarding the inability to remove
He measured several important root canal param- all pulp tissue from the root canal system. He
eters including the position of the pulp chamber prepared and photographed, at 25× magnifica-
floor, the thickness of the dentinal wall, the dis- tion, 50 sectioning root apexes of different
tance from the cervical line to the furcation area, teeth from patients ranging from 25 to 45 years
and the number, size, and shape of apical ramifi- old [54]. Davis also introduced the terms pulp-
cations. However, this study was published in otomy and pulpectomy in dentistry. With the
Japanese and, therefore, did not have the expected publication of his book in 1920 [55], he con-
international recognition. In 1913, Spalteholz’s tributed to the endodontic knowledge of future
method [39] was used for the first time by Fasoli dentists by favoring the development of non-
and Arlotta, from the University of Milan, in empirical training techniques with scientific
Italy, to study the root canal anatomy [41]. In the foundations. In 1926, T.  Okumura showed, at
next years, this technique was modified and the 16th International Dental Congress of
employed for the study of the internal anatomy Philadelphia, the results of his study using the
by injecting fluid materials into the root canal Spalteholz’ method on the root canal anatomy
system [42, 43]. Since then, it has been referred of 2146 teeth. Okumura’s work is undoubtedly
to as “clearing” or “diaphanization” technique. the most i­mportant anatomical study of the
In 1914, H. Moral reported another method in root canal system using diaphanization method
which hard tissues were made transparent and because of the large sample and the conclu-
pulp cavity was filled with Indian ink [44]. Using sions reached. As an unfolding of his work, he
this approach, the author demonstrated, among categorized the canal anatomy into four types,
other findings, that the percentage frequency of a according to the root shape, the divisions of the
fourth root canal in the mesiobuccal roots of 100 main root canal, and the presence of ramifica-
8 N. Perrini and M. A. Versiani

tions, being considered the first anatomical- was the first author in Brazil who studied system-
based classification of the root canal system. In atically the root canal anatomy of all teeth using
1928, the third and last work under Hess super- diaphanization technique. He also evaluated the
vision was performed by Oskar Keller using percentage frequency of lateral canals in each
960 teeth [56], synthesizing all knowledge on dental group [68]. Later, Vertucci and colleagues
root canal morphology since Preiswerk [34]. In [69–74] made a significant step forward docu-
this study, a new method combined the menting a broad morphological variation in the
Spalteholz technique [39] with modifications root canals of different teeth using clearing tech-
[12, 41] and was virtually free of artifacts and nique, which became a standard method in fur-
suitable for highlighting even the smallest ther reports on root canal anatomy [75–82].
branches of the root canal system. Based on the These works closed the series of major studies on
three studies of Hess, in which the internal root canal morphology, accomplishing the results
anatomy of almost 5000 teeth was studied, root of Preiswerk [34], Fisher [36], Hess [48], and
canals ceased to be only “a complex structure” others.
to become a well-defined structure in which In the twentieth century, technological
scientific-­based treatments could be developed advancements allowed that a considerable range
and applied [1]. of other techniques was also successfully
In addition to the invasive techniques, X-ray employed to visualize the anatomy of human
imaging was soon found to constitute a valuable teeth including three-dimensional wax models
approach to understand variations in the internal [65], digital radiography [83], resin injection
structure of the human tooth. Using this method, [84], radiographic methods with radiopaque con-
Augustus Henry Mueller [57] investigated trast media [85], scanning electron microscopy
extracted teeth filled with gutta-percha. It is [86], and others. Undoubtedly, these techniques
important to point out that, at this same period in have shown a great potential for endodontic
the Latin American, Pucci and Reig [58] also research; however, while most of these methods
­performed an extensive study on root canal anat- required the partial or even full destruction of the
omy using radiography, diaphanization, and sec- studied samples, rendering irreversible changes
tioning techniques. However, most of the in-depth in the specimens and many artifacts, others pro-
research studies on canal anatomy conducted by vided only a two-dimensional image of a three-­
them was not published in English, which dimensional structure [87]. These inherent
avoided this knowledge to be spread throughout limitations have repeatedly been discussed in the
the world. In the years that followed, the advent literature, encouraging the search for new meth-
of the Second World War affected most of the ods with improved possibilities [88].
oral research centers around the world. As a con- In 1986, Mayo and colleagues [89] intro-
sequence, several authors kept reproducing in duced computer-assisted imaging in the field of
their books the canal anatomy as previously endodontic research by injecting contrast
reported by Mühlreiter [1]. medium into the root canal and taking six radio-
After the war, Balint W. Hermann, known for graphs of each tooth from known angles. By
introducing the calcium hydroxide in dentistry in combining all six views, a mathematically deter-
1920, published some images reproducing the mined three-­dimensional (3D) representation of
complexity of the root canal morphology at the the canals was obtained. From this data, the vol-
apical region [59]. Some years later, David Green ume and diameters of the root canals were
also studied the apical anatomy of all groups of ­determined using a computerized video image-
teeth using stereomicroscopy [60–62]. In a series processing program. This radiographic volume
of anatomical studies, Wilhelm Meyer reported a interpolation method was also used in fur-
new protocol to reproduce three dimensionally ther  studies to evaluate the root canal anatomy
the internal anatomy of 800 teeth based on draw- [90–92]. The early to mid-1990s, the first appli-
ings of sequential microscopic sections of the cation of a computerized and digital approach
root canal systems [63–67]. Quintiliano de Deus based on micrographs of grinding sections was
1  Historical Overview of the Studies on Root Canal Anatomy 9

proposed. Using diamond and silicon carbide slice thickness for the study of root canal anat-
disks, Blašković-Šubat et  al. [93] and Lyroudia omy [106, 107].
et al. [94, 95] cross-­sectioned extracted teeth and A decade after the CT scanner was created,
photographed these sections using a camera Elliott and Dover [108] developed the first high-­
attached to a stereomicroscope. Each photograph resolution X-ray micro-computed tomographic
was then digitized, the shape was manually out- device, and, using a resolution of 12  μm, the
lined, and the resulting stacks of labeled shapes image of the shell of a Biomphalaria glabrata
were rendered in 3D using dedicated software. snail was produced. The term “micro” in this
Although partly digital, this approach still new device was used to indicate that the pixel
required the destruction of the samples under sizes of the cross sections were in the microm-
study [96]. eter range. This also means that the machine
The invention of X-ray computed tomogra- was smaller in design compared to the human
phy (CT) brought a significant step forward in version and was indicated to model smaller
diagnostic medicine [97]. CT produces a two-­ objects [109]. More recently, micro-CT has
dimensional map of X-ray absorption into a two- gained increasing popularity in endodontics.
dimensional slice of the subject. This is achieved This noninvasive, nondestructive, high-resolu-
by taking a series of X-ray projections through tion technology allows three-dimensional study
the slice at various angles around an axis perpen- of the root canal system by reconstructing digi-
dicular to the slice. From this set of projections, tal cross sections of the teeth, which can be
the X-ray absorption map is computed. By tak- stacked to create 3D volumes. These volumes
ing a number of slices, a three-dimensional map can be used to generate computerized images of
is produced [98]. To maximize their effective- specimens that can be manipulated, sectioned,
ness in differentiating tissues while minimizing prepared, dissected, and measured to reveal
patient exposure, medical CT systems need to both internal and external morphology [110]. In
use a limited dose of relatively low-energy endodontics, Nielsen et  al. [107] was the first
X-rays (≤125  keV) and acquire data rapidly authors to apply micro-CT technology to recon-
because the patient should not move during struct the external and internal anatomy of four
scanning. Besides, to obtain as much data as pos- maxillary molars. Then, Dowker et al. [106] and
sible given these requirements, CT devices use Bjørndal et al. [111] used micro-CT to demon-
relatively large (mm scale) and high-efficiency strate root canal anatomy and the feasibility of
detectors [99]. using this methodological resource in different
In 1990, Tachibana and Matsumoto [100] stages of the root canal treatment. Nowadays,
were the first authors to suggest and evaluate the despite the impossibility of employing micro-
feasibility of CT imaging in endodontics. CT for in vivo human imaging, it has been con-
Because of high costs, inadequate software, and sidered the most important and accurate research
a low spatial resolution (0.6  mm), they con- tool for the study of root canal anatomy [87,
cluded that CT had only a limited usefulness in 112–114].
endodontics as the acquired images were not As previously outlined, it is very important for
accurate for detailed analysis. Further improve- the clinician to develop a complete understanding
ments in digital image systems have been used to of the 3D morphologic features of root canal sys-
evaluate the root canal anatomy in either ex vivo tems. The morphological studies of the last cen-
or in vivo conditions using nondestructive tools turies gave us a better understanding of the
such as conventional medical CT [101], mag- internal anatomy of teeth (Figs. 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3)
netic resonance microscopy [102], tuned-aper- and allowed the development of technological
ture computed tomography (TACT) [103], resources aiming to overcome the treatment limi-
optical coherence tomography [104], and volu- tations imposed by the anatomical complexities
metric or cone beam CT (CBCT) [105]. However, of the root canal. From the present century, it
these digital image systems were ­ hampered may be expected that this accumulated knowl-
mainly by insufficient spatial resolution and edge provides improvements in the endodontic
10 N. Perrini and M. A. Versiani

Fig. 1.1  Timeline infographic of the studies on root canal anatomy (from classical antiquity to 1870) (images repro-
duced from Perrini [1] with permission)
1  Historical Overview of the Studies on Root Canal Anatomy 11

Fig. 1.2  Timeline infographic of the studies on root canal anatomy (from 1886 to 1928) (images reproduced from
Perrini [1] with permission)
12 N. Perrini and M. A. Versiani

Fig. 1.3  Timeline infographic of the studies on root canal Matsumoto [100], Blašković-Šubat et  al. [93], Nielsen
anatomy (from 1931 to nowadays) (images reproduced et  al. [107], Lyroudia et  al. [94], Dowker et  al. [106],
from Mueller [57], Pucci and Reig [58], Green [60], De Bjørndal et al. [111] and Perrini [1], with permission)
Deus [68], Vertucci [70], Mayo et al. [89], Tachibana and
1  Historical Overview of the Studies on Root Canal Anatomy 13

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Dentin Basic Structure,
Composition, and Function
Leo Tjäderhane

Abstract qualitatively differ from each other, which

Dentin is the largest structural component of enables it to meet the requirements of that spe-
the human tooth. Dentin provides support to cific location.
enamel, preventing enamel fractures during
occlusal loading. It also protects the pulp from
microbial and other potentially harmful stim-
uli. As vital tissue, dentin is not only a passive 2.1 Introduction
mechanical barrier between the oral environ-
ment and the pulp tissue but, in many ways, Dentin can be described in various ways, based on
participates in the overall protection of the the composition, structure, or type of dentin.
continuum of the hard and soft tissue often Usually, dentin is described as extracellular
referred as the dentin-pulp complex. For organic matrix that has been mineralized, much
example, dentin contains several growth fac- like the bone. As a matter of fact, dentin is
tors that may be liberated during wear or car- nanocrystalline-­ reinforced biocomposite, which
ies and participate in the regulation of the gives it its unique properties. About 70% (55% in
defensive reaction at the dentin-pulp border or volume) and 20% (30% in volume) in weight are
the pulp proper. Odontoblasts project their cell minerals and organic components, respectively,
processes into dentinal tubules, and also there- the rest being water. However, due to the tubular
fore the division of the “vital” pulp and “dead” nature of dentin and the occlusion of tubules by
mineralized dentin is artificial. Different parts peritubular (intratubular) dentin with age and as
of the dentin in a particular tooth may also defensive reaction, these values are only average.
The structure of dentin can also be divided into
intertubular and peritubular dentin. Vast majority
of the organic component is located in the intertu-
L. Tjäderhane, D.D.S., Ph.D.
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Diseases, bular dentin formed by the odontoblasts at the
University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland dentin-pulp border. Due to the tubular occlusion,
Institute of Dentistry, University of Oulu, the amount of minerals and division between
Oulu, Finland inter- and peritubular dentin can vary significantly
Helsinki University Hospital, Helsinki, Finland between the different parts of the tooth, as the
peritubular dentin slowly occupies the tubular
Research Unit of Oral Health Sciences, and Medical
Research Center Oulu (MRC Oulu), Oulu University lumen. At the same time, water content in these
Hospital and University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland areas is, respectively, reduced. And finally, dentin

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2019 17

M. A. Versiani et al. (eds.), The Root Canal Anatomy in Permanent Dentition,
18 L. Tjäderhane

is frequently classified by its phase of formation: membrane polarization [3] is unique in the group
dentin-enamel junction, mantle dentin, primary of collagen-synthesizing cells. Odontoblasts
dentin, secondary dentin, and tertiary dentin. form a single layer of cells between dentin and
Tertiary dentin formation is part of the dentin- pulp, with the cell body located on a pulpal wall
pulp complex defensive reaction aiming to protect of dentin and odontoblast processes inserted into
the pulp and can further be divided into reaction- dentinal tubules (Figs.  2.1 and 2.2a). The cell
ary and reparative dentin, depending on the struc- bodies are 20–40 μm tall, depending on dentino-
ture and cells forming the dentin (primary or genic activity. The odontoblast process is a cyto-
replacement odontoblasts, respectively) [1]. plasmic process which penetrates into mineralized
dentin tubules. The process has the 0.5–1  μm
main trunk and thinner lateral branches [4].
2.2 Dentin Formation One of the longest controversies in dentin-­
pulp complex research has been the extent of
2.2.1 Odontoblasts odontoblast processes into dentinal tubules. This
is caused by the conflicting results obtained with
Dentin is almost exclusively formed by the odon- different research methods and by the possible
toblasts that are derived from embryonic connec- differences between the species [4]. In human
tive ectomesenchymal cells from the cranial teeth, most studies indicate that the odontoblast
neural crest [2]. The differentiating odontoblasts cell processes would not extend far from the
start the secretion of the predentinal proteins, fol- dentin-­pulp border (200–700 μm) (Fig. 2.2b).
lowed by the initiation of enamel matrix secre-
tion by the differentiating ameloblasts, at the site
where the dentin-enamel junction (DEJ) is 2.2.2 Predentin and Mineralization
formed. During and right after the differentiation, Front
the odontoblasts organize into a distinguished
odontoblast cell layer, and the mineralization of The 10–30 μm layer of unmineralized predentin
organic matrix completes the formation of the is located between odontoblasts and mineralized
first layer of dentin, mantle dentin [2]. dentin (Figs. 2.1 and 2.2a). This is where the den-
In the coronal part of the tooth, odontoblasts tin organic matrix is organized before the con-
are tall cells, and their morphological and cell trolled mineralization at the mineralization front

Fig. 2.1  Drawing of the dentin-pulp border. Odontoblast p­ rocesses penetrate into mineralized intertubular dentin
(OB) cell bodies with large nucleus at the pulpal in dentinal tubules. The cell processes are devoid of
­terminus of the cell and cytoplasmic organelles form a cytoplasmic organelles. Peritubular dentin (PTD) for-
tight cell layer separated from the mineralized dentin by mation starts some distance from the mineralization
predentin (PD) where the intertubular dentin organic front (modified from Tjäderhane and Haapasalo [4],
matrix is organized before mineralization. Odontoblast with permission)
2  Dentin Basic Structure, Composition, and Function 19

structure than previously believed [1].

Phylogenetic, developmental, structural, and
biological characteristics have led to the sugges-
tions that instead of the DEJ, this structure
should be termed the dentin-enamel junctional
complex [5].
The DEJ of human tooth is wavy, scalloped
line between two mineralized structures. Laser-­
induced autofluorescence and emission spec-
troscopy demonstrate the DEJ as 7–15-μm-wide
structure, which is distinct from both enamel
and dentin [6]. The “primary” scallop size var-
ies from 25 to 50  μm. They contain smaller
b (0.25–2 μm) “secondary scallops” and intermin-
gling sub-micrometer-sized ridges of dentin and
enamel [7, 8]. The scalloped form of the inter-
face is thought to improve the mechanical
attachment of enamel to dentin [1]. However,
human is among the very few species in which
the scalloping DEJ has been demonstrated,
questioning the role of this wavy structure to the
enamel-dentin attachment. Instead of the scal-
loped form of the DEJ—or in addition to it—
hydroxyapatite crystals extending through the
DEJ into both structure [9–11] and dentinal col-
Fig. 2.2 (a) Dentin-pulp complex interface, displaying lagen fibrils reaching into enamel [12] may con-
odontoblasts (OB), predentin (PD), tubular dentin (D), tribute to the durability and toughness of the
and pulp proper (P) beneath the odontoblasts. Note that DEJ under occlusal forces [1].
instead of being straight, the mineralization front is irreg-
ular, presenting the mineralization in the form of calco-
spherites. Demineralized section, toluidine blue.
Magnification 20×. (b) Odontoblast processes protruding 2.4 Mantle Dentin
from the dentin fracture site exposed at 0.4 mm from the
pulp. Magnification 2000× (from Goracci et al. [47], with
permission) The mantle dentin is 5–30-μm-thick layer of the
outermost dentin that in many aspects is different
from the rest of the dentin. This is due to the dif-
to form intertubular dentin. The backbone of the ferent process of formation. The mantle dentin
organic matrix is type I collagen, whereas non-­ organic matrix is laid down during and immedi-
collagenous proteins—glycoproteins, proteogly- ately after the terminal differentiation of the
cans, and enzymes—control the matrix odontoblasts and before their spatial organization
maturation and mineralization. The mineraliza- into distinct cell layer. It also contains the rem-
tion front is often considered to be linear, but nant components of dental papilla, and the mech-
actually mineralized globular protrusions called anisms of mineralization are different from what
calcospherites are common (Fig. 2.2a) [4]. occurs at the mineralization front [4]. It is devoid
of large tubules; instead, multiple small ramifica-
tions of each tubule are present in the mantle den-
2.3 Dentin-Enamel Junction tin. The organic matrix in mantle dentin is less
regular and contains so-called von Korff fibers
The dentin-enamel junction (DEJ) is not just an consisting mainly of type III collagen [13]. The
inactive interface between enamel and dentin but mineral content of mantle dentin has also been
seems to be much more complex and interactive thought to be lower than in circumpulpal dentin,
20 L. Tjäderhane

but the differences may be very minor [14], and odontoblasts produce type III collagen, and it is
the change of the mineralization rate toward the present in dentinal tubules [20]. Type III collagen
pulp may be more gradual [15, 16]. is also found in dentinogenesis imperfecta [21]
Although mantle dentin has traditionally been and in reparative dentin under carious lesions
considered to provide the elastic properties of [22, 23].
dentin necessary to withstand high occlusal
forces without enamel or dentin fractures, the
actual “resilience zone” may be much wider [1], 2.5.3 Dentinal Tubules
even up to 500 μm [17]. This may be contributed
to the changes in tubular direction [17], changes Tubularity is an important characteristic of den-
in collagen fibril direction [18], and gradual tin, contributing, e.g., to the mechanical proper-
increase in mineralization from the DEJ toward ties and behavior in dentin bonding. Although
the pulp [15, 16]. the tubules are generally believed to extend
from the DEJ at right angles and run slightly
S-shaped course through the dentin, the direc-
2.5 Circumpulpal Dentin tion may be different immediately beneath
enamel [17]. There may also be differences in
2.5.1 Primary and Secondary tubule orientation between the dental arches
Dentin [17], which may reflect the response to loading
of teeth under occlusal forces [1, 17]. Tubular
Primary dentin is formed fast during the forma- density is highest, and the direction is straighter
tion and growth of the tooth and forms the main under the cuspal area [24], where the odonto-
portion of dentin. After completion of primary blast processes and dense nerve innervation
dentinogenesis, dentin formation continues as have also been suggested to penetrate deeper
secondary dentin at much slower rate (approxi- into the tubules [1]. These features may be
mately 1/10) [1]. The exact timing of the “end” of related to the sensing of external irritation and
primary dentin formation has not been convinc- regulation of dentin-pulp complex defensive
ingly demonstrated, and animal experiments reactions, since the cusp tips are the first to be
have indicated that primary dentin formation worn in mastication [1].
slows down gradually [19]. It is often difficult to
distinguish secondary dentin from primary dentin
even in histological or electron microscopy 2.5.4 P
 eritubular Dentin and Dentin
images, and in clinical conditions it is not possi- Sclerosis
ble at all.
Peritubular dentin is highly mineralized circular
cuff forming to the inner walls of dentinal tubules
2.5.2 Composition of Dentin (Fig.  2.3). The name “peritubular” is, strictly
Extracellular Matrix speaking, incorrect, since “peri” (“around,” “sur-
rounding,” “enclosing”) would indicate some-
Dentin organic matrix is in many ways similar to thing that is formed around the tubules. A more
that in bone; in other ways, it is quite unique. The correct phrase would be intratubular, but since
absence of type I collagen and high level of col- “peritubular” has been and is still used exten-
lagen cross-linking is typical features to mineral- sively, this phrase will also be used here.
ized tissue. About 90% of dentinal organic matrix Peritubular dentin formation causes an age-­
is type I collagen, the rest being non-collagenous related reduction in tubular lumen even in intact
proteins such as proteoglycans and other pro- dentin, best seen in the increased dentinal trans-
teins, growth factors and enzymes, and small parency advancing from the tip of the root toward
amount of lipids [1]. However, mature human the crown with age [25]. In case of extensive
2  Dentin Basic Structure, Composition, and Function 21

matrix-mediated crystallization (Fig.  2.3b).

However, peritubular dentin is often heteroge-
neous, and several separate or connected mecha-
nisms may occur at the same time [1, 4].
Peritubular dentin is perforated by tubular
branches but also by several small fenestrations
[26] (Fig. 2.3b), which allow tubular fluid and its
components pass back and forth across the peri-
tubular dentin. Peritubular dentin may thus not
act only as a passive blockage of dentinal tubules
but also contribute to the vitality and possibly
even remodeling of mineralized dentin as a

2.6 Tertiary Dentin

Tertiary dentin formation is a response to exter-

nal irritation, such as wear, erosion, trauma, car-
ies, or cavity preparation. The growth factors
present in mineralized dentin and liberated dur-
ing caries or wear are believed to initiate and con-
trol the tertiary dentin formation and structure
[27]. Tertiary dentin increases the mineralized
barrier thickness between oral microbes and
other irritants and pulp tissue, aiming to retain
Fig. 2.3 (a) Scanning electron micrograph of fractured the pulp tissue vital and noninfected. The form
dentin about 1  mm from the dentin-pulp border. and regularity of tertiary dentin depend on the
Peritubular dentin (arrows) is present already this close to intensity and duration of the stimulus. There are
the pulp. Magnification 2000× (from Goracci et al. [47],
two kinds of tertiary dentin, namely, reactionary
with permission). (b) SEM image of dentin surface. In the
majority of tubules, peritubular dentin has fractured and dentin, formed by original odontoblasts, and
was lost during the polishing. Two tubules retain the peri- reparative dentin, formed by newly differentiated
tubular dentin (thick arrows) which appears non-fibrillar replacement odontoblasts (Fig.  2.4) [2, 4].
and porous/perforated. The internal surfaces of tubule
Reactionary dentin is tubular and relatively simi-
walls exposed by the fragmentation of the peritubular den-
tin contain intertubular collagen fibrils (thin arrows) (from lar to secondary dentin in structure, while repara-
Gotliv et al. [26], with permission) tive dentin is usually atubular (or poorly
tubularized) and may present variable forms
(Fig.  2.5). Reparative dentin is believed to be
wear or caries, the tubules may also be occluded relatively impermeable, forming a barrier
by mineral crystals formed due to reprecipitation between tubular dentin and pulp tissue.
of minerals or from the mineral ions delivered
from the pulpal side via dentinal fluid. This phe-
nomenon is—confusingly—also called dentin 2.7 Root Dentin
sclerosis, although “reactive (dentin) sclerosis”
might be the more appropriate term [1]. Root dentin bears strong resemblance but also
Peritubular dentin is a separate phase from certain distinct differences to coronal dentin. The
intertubular dentin, forming a distinct annulus outermost layer of root dentin, the granular layer
within each tubule instead of intertubular dentin of Tomes, is located right beneath the root cemen-
22 L. Tjäderhane

Fig. 2.4  A model of the fate of odontoblasts under patho-

logical and physiological irritation. Intensive pathological
irritation (deep and/or active caries, extensive wear,
trauma), bacteria, and/or dentinal growth factors induce
local odontoblast death. At the same time, the pulp stem
cells migrate and differentiate into replacement odonto-
blasts and start the local synthesis of reparative dentin,
usually distinctly different from primary dentin (lack of
dentinal tubules, lamellar osteodentin-type calcification, Fig. 2.5 (a) Histological view at the dentin-pulp border
etc.). In teeth with physiological wear or other mild irrita- with physiological tubular dentin (TD) and reparative
tion, slow but continuous dentin formation (either physi- dentin (RD) lacking tubular continuity. Also note the
ological or reactionary) by primary odontoblasts leads to poorly organized odontoblast-like cell layer. PT: pulp tis-
decrease in pulpal space (modified from Mitsiadis et  al. sue. Light microscopy, magnification 250×. (b) SEM
[2], and Tjäderhane and Haapasalo [4], with permissions) image of the borderline between normal tubular dentin
(TD) and atubular reparative dentin (RD). Magnification
1000× (both images from Goracci et  al. [47] with
tum. It is thought to represent the mantle dentin permission)
with thin canaliculi and poorly fused globules
which perhaps represent the mineralization pat-
tern in the early stages of root dentin/cementum a­pical region and advances coronally [25, 32],
formation [1]. The tubular density in root dentin and it may be the main factor influencing perme-
is at least moderately [24, 28] or even drastically ability of root dentin [33, 34] (Fig.  2.6a). Root
[29] lower than in coronal dentin, especially in dentin has also other regional differences in per-
the most apical part [24, 28, 30, 31]. The apical meability, as buccal/lingual root canal dentin has
portion of human dentin has also other structural patent tubules, while the mesial/distal dentin-
variations, such as relatively large number of pulp borders may be completely occluded with
accessory root canals, transient and repaired sur- minerals [33, 34] (Fig.  2.6b). This kind of pat-
face resorption, and cementum-like lining the terns of tubule patency may correspond to local
apical root canal wall [1]. Interestingly, age-­ stress distributions of the roots under occlusal
related root tubular sclerosis starts from the loading [1].
2  Dentin Basic Structure, Composition, and Function 23

Fig. 2.6 (a) Relative

mean dye penetration (in a
percentage of complete
dentin area) after
2-month methylene blue
incubation in
instrumented root canals
(data from Thaler et al.
[34]). (b) The patency of
tubules demonstrated in
lower molar roots with
the removal of
methylene blue stain
with 5.25% NaOCl
irrigation. Buccal and
lingual curvatures of
canals demonstrate clear
penetration, while in b
approximal and
especially furcal sides,
the effect is less
pronounced. At furcal
sites, the lack of tubular
patency is also seen with
the lack of methylene
blue staining. Reflective
light microscope, 10×

2.8 Physiological obliteration of the pulp chamber and root canals

and Pathological Changes even in intact teeth, due to physiological slow-­
in Dentin rate secondary dentin formation. In incisors,
canines, and premolars, the physiological age-­
2.8.1 Age-Related Changes related obliteration usually advances from the
coronal direction, while in molars the dentin in
The best known—and the most important in the pulp chamber floor may also grow toward the
terms of clinical endodontology—age-induced roof, contributing to the pulp chamber occlusion.
changes in human dentin-pulp complex are the The clinical relevance of these phenomena is
24 L. Tjäderhane

d­ iscussed in more details in other chapters of this structural response [38]. While the potential age-
book. related changes in, e.g., dentin collagen cross-
The effects of aging on dentin mechanical link remain to be shown, loss of matrix-degrading
properties are less known and have been a sub- enzymes has already been demonstrated [39–41]
ject of debate for decades. However, the more and may implicate also changes in their sub-
recent studies strongly indicate that mineralized strates, including collagen and non-collagenous
dentin may not be as stable as previously indi- proteins.
cated, and the aging induces changes that should
be taken into consideration in clinical work.
Perhaps the most important aspect is the 2.8.2 Caries-Affected Dentin
increased mineralization—or more precisely,
increased mineral-to-­ collagen ratio—in aged The concept of minimally invasive dentistry lim-
dentin that increases the hardness especially in its the cavity preparation to the removal of
outer dentin [35]. This is mostly due to the peri- caries-­infected dentin, leaving the restoration to
tubular dentin occlusion of dentinal tubules [35, be adhesive-bonded to caries-affected dentin.
36]. At the same time, the mechanical properties The immediate bond strengths to caries-affected
of dentin change: the fatigue crack growth expo- dentin are commonly 20–50% lower than to
nent is about 40% lower [37], the endurance sound dentin and even lower with caries-infected
strength about 48% lower [38], and the fatigue dentin [42]. Caries-affected dentin has lower
crack propagation over 100 times faster [37] in mineral content, increased porosity, and altered
old than in young dentin. As a result, dentin flex- structure and distribution of dentin collagen and
ure strength has been calculated to reduce non-­collagenous proteins [43]. These changes
approximately 20 MPa/decade [36, 38], and this increase dentin wetness and significantly reduce
reduction correlates well with the occlusion of dentin mechanical properties, such as hardness,
tubules with age (Fig.  2.7). Reduction of the stiffness, tensile strength, modulus of elasticity,
lumen diameter and increase in mineral content and shrinkage during drying [42] (Fig.  2.8),
may not be the only factors contributing to the which make the dentin in and under the hybrid
changes in mechanical behavior of human dentin layer more prone to cohesive failures due to the
with age, as changes in the organic components polymerization shrinkage (Fig.  2.9) and under
have also been speculated to contribute to the occlusal forces. In vitro experiments have shown

Fig. 2.7  The change in

average dentin tubular
lumen dimensions (red)
and the influence of age
on the strength of
coronal dentin (blue) in
adult human third
molars. “Cuff” indicates
peritubular dentin. The
average reduction in
strength over the adult
age span is 20 MPa per
decade at least until
approximately 50 years
of age (data adapted
from Arola et al. [36])
2  Dentin Basic Structure, Composition, and Function 25

Fig. 2.8 Shrinkage and stiffness of normal (intact) and between the normal and caries-affected dentin (data
caries-affected dentin. Note the differences in both shrink- adapted from Ito et al. [48])
age and stiffness scales (Y-axis) and water content (X-axis)

that even short exposure of dentin to lactic acid e­ ndodontically treated teeth) are more prone to
(the acid produced by S. mutans and mainly cracks and fractures, not only because of the
responsible for caries demineralization) at pH 5 weaker structure due to loss of tooth tissue but
significantly reduces dentin fatigue strength, also because of the incremental crack extension
increases the rate of crack extension, and reduces with significantly lower cyclic stresses in deep
the fatigue crack growth resistance [44, 45] in a vs. superficial dentin [46].
way that is not prevented by sealing the tubular Taken together, the age- and caries-related
lumens with adhesive resin [45]. Since fatigue changes in dentin composition and structure that
crack and its growth are precursors to unstable may have deleterious effects on dentin mechani-
fracture, lactic acid exposure, which has occurred cal cannot be avoided. However, the dramatic
in caries-affected dentin and may again occur, consequences, such as catastrophic tooth frac-
e.g., in secondary caries, substantially increases tures, can be avoided if the restorative procedures
the likelihood of restored tooth failure by­ are performed not only to repair and limit the
fracture at lower mastication forces [45]. And damage from caries but also to protect and pre-
finally, deep restorations (typically present in serve the tooth structure.
26 L. Tjäderhane

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Part II
Root Canal Components and Epidemiology
Root Canal Components
Ronald Ordinola-Zapata, Marco A. Versiani,
and Clóvis Monteiro Bramante

Abstract 3.1 Introduction

Essentially,  the root canal system can be
divided into pulp chamber, located within the In 1919, Henry Morgan made an interesting anal-
anatomic dental crown, and the root canal ysis about what would be the object of dental
space, found inside the radicular portion of the education [1]. From a formal point of view, the
tooth. Other important components of the answer was to make a dentist, a professional that
internal anatomy  of teeth include canal ori- practices a healing art that aims to prevent or
fices, apical foramina, apical ramifications, relief human suffering. But, what would be the
and accessory, lateral, and furcation canals. foundation of every healing art? The answer is
The purpose of this chapter is to describe the anatomy, one of the oldest branches of medi-
common features of the internal anatomy in cine. Knowledge of root canal anatomy is essen-
all groups of teeth, and, in addition, to provide tial in order to explain the  treatment plan to a
brief comments on its impact on diagnosis and patient, to properly examine radiological imag-
clinical procedures. ing of teeth and surrounding structures, and, most
important, to perform invasive procedures. It is
also required to avoid iatrogenic injuries during
pulp chamber access, canal instrumentation, or
post-space preparation procedures. In addition, it
allows the detection of additional canals com-
monly correlated with persistent periapical dis-
ease. In summary, a deep understanding of the
R. Ordinola-Zapata, D.D.S., M.Sc., Ph.D. (*) canal morphology is an imperative requirement
Bender Division of Endodontics, Albert Einstein for the success of the endodontic therapy.
Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Root canal treatment is indicated when the
Dental School of Bauru, University of São Paulo, pulp tissue of a tooth is damaged or infected
Bauru, Brazil
because of decay, trauma, iatrogenic operative
M. A. Versiani, D.D.S., M.Sc., Ph.D. procedures, or deep fillings. Different bacteria
Department of Restorative Dentistry, Dental School
from the oral cavity can adhere to dentinal sur-
of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo,
Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil faces, invade the dentinal tubules  and produce
pulpal inflammation that, lately, may  spread
C. M. Bramante, D.D.S., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Dental School of Bauru, University of São Paulo, throughout the complexities of the root canal sys-
Bauru, Brazil tem, compromising the periradicular tissues. This

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2019 31

M. A. Versiani et al. (eds.), The Root Canal Anatomy in Permanent Dentition,
32 R. Ordinola-Zapata et al.

statement is supported by several clinical and in some cases, can difficult root canal treatment.
laboratory studies which have demonstrated that Strictly speaking, access to the root canal system
the main etiology of endodontic failure is intrara- in teeth with calcified pulp chamber is more chal-
dicular infection [2, 3]. In this way, knowledge of lenging than in young permanent teeth. Based on
the common anatomy and its variations would the anatomical study of 500 teeth, Krasner and
favor an effective reduction of bacterial popula- Rankow [7] demonstrated that specific and con-
tion from the main root canal, by using a proper sistent pulp chamber anatomy exists. Then, they
chemomechanical preparation and intracanal proposed some laws for aiding the determination
dressing protocols, able to reach both transversal of the pulp chamber position as well as the loca-
and vertical extension of the root canal system [3, tion and number of root canal entrances in each
4], followed by obturation and coronal restora- group of teeth (Figs. 3.1 and 3.2):
tion, aiming to avoid future contamination or
repopulation of the cleaned canal space by • Law of centrality: The floor of the pulp cham-
remaining bacteria [5]. ber is always located in the center of the tooth
at the level of the cementoenamel junction
3.2  natomy of the Root Canal
A • Law of concentricity: The walls of the pulp
System chamber are always concentric to the external
surface of the tooth at the level of the CEJ, i.e.,
The root canal system can be divided into two the external root surface anatomy reflects the
parts: the pulp chamber, located within the ana- internal pulp chamber anatomy.
tomic dental crown, and the root canal space, • Law of the CEJ: The distance from the exter-
found inside the radicular portion of the tooth. nal surface of the clinical crown to the wall of
the pulp chamber is the same throughout the
circumference of the tooth at the level of the
3.2.1 Pulp Chamber CEJ—the CEJ is the most consistent, repeat-
able landmark for locating the position of the
The pulp chamber is a cavity situated in the cen- pulp chamber.
ter of the crown and, under no pathological con- • Law of symmetry 1: Except for maxillary
ditions, resembles the shape of the crown surface. molars, the orifices of the canals are equidis-
In anterior teeth, pulp chamber and root canal are tant from a line drawn in a mesial-distal direc-
continuous, while, in posterior teeth, pulp cham- tion, through the pulp chamber floor.
ber floor separates these two components. In pre- • Law of symmetry 2: Except for the maxillary
molars and molars, pulp chamber usually presents molars, the orifices of the canals lie on a line
a square shape with six sides: the floor, the roof, perpendicular to a line drawn in a mesial-­
and four axial walls identified as mesial, distal, distal direction across the center of the floor of
buccal, or lingual (palatal). The pulp  chamber the pulp chamber.
roof usually presents projections or prominences • Law of color change: The color of the pulp-­
associated to the cusps, mamelons or incisal chamber floor is always darker than the walls.
edges, and denominated pulp horns [6]. As • Law of orifice location 1: The orifices of the
pointed out in chapter 2, its morphology can be root canals are always located at the junction
modified by the odontoblasts present in the pulp of the walls and the floor.
tissue. These cells produce secondary and tertiary • Law of orifice location 2: The orifices of the
dentin through patient’s life. Thus, in teeth with root canals are located at the angles in the
physiological wear or other irritation, continuous floor-wall junction.
dentin formation (either physiological or reac- • Law of orifice location 3: The orifices of the
tionary) by primary odontoblasts may lead to a root canals are located at the terminus of the
decrease in the pulpal space dimensions which, root developmental fusion lines.
3  Root Canal Components 33

a b c

Fig. 3.1  Law of centrality, concentricity, and orifice loca- canal axis (white lines) converges to the center of the ana-
tions observed through micro-CT sagittal and transverse tomical crown; (d) the projection of the pulp chamber
cross-sectional planes from a maxillary first molar. (a) floor into the coronal enamel dictates the ideal form of the
Detail of the pulp chamber; (b, c) projection of the root access (green area)

In addition to knowing these laws, the use of Minimally Invasive

illumination and magnification associated with Endodontics: Clinical
special instruments, such as ultrasound tips, Considerations
would provide the best approach to explore all In recent years, considerable attention has been
anatomic variations of the pulp chamber in given to the anatomy of the pulp chamber. The
order to locate all canal orifices and avoid use of the operative microscope, three-­
missed canals which has been considered one of dimensional imaging technology, ultra-flexible
the main causes of endodontic failure (Fig. 3.3). files, and superior illumination has opened new
Amongst the most common missed canals asso- possibilities, allowing minimally invasive proce-
ciated to cases with persistent periapical disease dures during endodontic treatment, mostly
are the second mesiobuccal canal of maxillary related to changes in access preparation (Fig. 3.4).
molars (MB2 canal), lingual canals of mandibu- This approach aimed to preserve tissue from
lar incisors and premolars, and the middle healthy tooth structure in order to avoid structural
mesial and distolingual canals of mandibular failure in the future. This concept overlooks the
molars. traditional requirements of straight-line access
34 R. Ordinola-Zapata et al.

a b

c d

Fig. 3.2  Micro-CT 3D reconstruction images of p­ osterior orifice locations 1, 2, and 3 (arrow: developmental fusion
teeth demonstrating the (a) laws of centrality  and lines); and (c, d) laws of symmetry 1 and 2
­concentricity at CEJ level; (b) laws of color change and

and complete unroofing of the pulp chamber molars and premolars [10]. Thus, efforts should
emphasizing the importance of preserving the be made to identify pulp chamber components
pericervical dentin [8]. The pericervical dentin without removing excessive dentin structure,
has been defined as the dentin near the alveolar when using magnification, and there is no risk to
crest extending 4 mm apical to the crestal bone jeopardize the treatment outcome.
[9]. It has been quoted that the resistance to frac-
ture is closely related to the amount of residual
tooth structure at this level. Whereas there is no 3.3 Root Canal
agreement if this procedure will lead to a better
prognosis of the root canal treatment in clinics, The root canal is the portion of the pulp canal
laboratory studies have shown that contracted space within the root of the tooth limited by the
endodontic cavities are not deleterious for the pulp chamber and the foramen that follows the
cleaning and shaping process in incisors, premo- external outline of the root. The root canal can be
lars, and molars and conveyed a benefit of subdivided into two components, the main canal,
increased fracture resistance in mandibular which is mostly cleaned by mechanical means,
3  Root Canal Components 35

Fig. 3.3  Root canal treatment of a maxillary first molar canal walls and location of the canal orifices. The con-
with necrotic pulp and asymptomatic apical periodontitis. tracted access did not avoid the location and cleaning of
The laws of color change and orifice locations can be the second canal of the mesiobuccal root, the so-called
observed in the image of the pulp chamber. Observe how MB2 canal
different is the color of the pulp chamber compared to the

and lateral components composed by isthmuses, higher than 2 but lower than 4, and a flattened
accessory canals (furcation, lateral, and second- canal higher than 4 (Fig. 3.7). It is interesting to
ary canals) (Fig. 3.5), and some recesses of flat- point out that, in a same tooth, canal cross sec-
tened- and oval-shaped canals (Fig. 3.6). tions may show different shapes at different lev-
In longitudinal section, canals are usually els of the root; but, at the apical third, it is more
broader buccolingually than in the mesiodistal round or slightly oval in shape in comparison
plane. The geometric cross-sectional shape of with the middle and cervical thirds [11, 12].
root canals has been classified by calculating the As mentioned, the anatomy of the root canal
mean aspect ratio, defined as the ratio of the systems is often complex and can vary greatly in
major to the minor canal diameters. The major number and shape. Considering the large amount
diameter is the distance between the two most of variations, different classification systems
distant points of the canal in the buccolingual have been proposed. These systems are based on
direction, while minor diameter is the longest the number of root canals that begin at the pulp-­
chord through the root canal that could be drawn chamber floor, arise along the course of the canal,
in the direction orthogonal to that of the major and open through an apical foramen. Recently,
diameter. Accordingly, an oval-shaped canal has Versiani and Ordinola-Zapata [6] reviewed the
an aspect ratio between 1 and 2, a long oval canal literature and described the 37 most common
36 R. Ordinola-Zapata et al.

tissue, necrotic pulp, biofilms, or residual filling

material [13, 14]. The presence of a partial isth-
mus, described as an incomplete communication
with one or more patent openings between two
main canals, has also been reported [13]. Isthmus
may present different configurations (Fig.  3.9),
and its prevalence is dependent on the type of
teeth, the root level, and the patient’s age. Hsu
and Kim [15] classified the isthmuses configura-
tion into five types:

• Type I: two canals with no notable

• Type II: a hair-thin connection between the
two main canals.
• Type III: differs from type II because of the
presence of three canals instead of two.
• Type IV: an isthmus with extended canals into
the connection.
• Type V: there is a true connection or wide cor-
ridor of tissue between two main canals.

A summary of the isthmuses prevalence in

mandibular and maxillary molars found in labo-
ratory studies is shown in Table 3.1. It is notewor-
thy that experimental studies demonstrated the
impossibility to obtain a complete mechanical
debridement or chemical disinfection of the isth-
mus with the current technology, mostly because
of the presence of hard tissue debris, packed into
these areas during the mechanical preparation of
the root canal system  [5, 28]. Clinical studies
Fig. 3.4  Coronal view of micro-CT reconstruction images
of different teeth comparing the size of minimally invasive have also demonstrated that unfilled isthmuses
(left) and the conventional (right) access preparations can be commonly observed after root-end resec-
tion in cases referred for apicoectomy treatment
canal configurations including almost all anatom- [29, 30]. These limitations, however, can be sur-
ical configurations possible to be observed in a passed in nonsurgical treatment by using chemi-
single root (Fig. 3.8). cal agents with the ability to dissolve organic
tissue at fins and isthmuses level associated with
ultrasonic activation [28]. Besides, with the
3.3.1 Isthmus advent of operatory microscope, it is possible to
visualize, identify, and treat most of the isthmus
An isthmus, also called transverse anastomosis, areas with thin ultrasonic tips in both surgical and
is a narrow, ribbon-shaped communication nonsurgical endodontic procedures, to ensure its
between two root canals that may contain vital debridement and seal [13, 15, 28, 31].
3  Root Canal Components 37

Fig. 3.5  Micro-CT 3D reconstructions of the internal canal); (c) secondary canal (accessory canal located at the
anatomy of mandibular premolars showing the main com- apical third); (d) intercanal, transverse anastomosis, or
ponents of the root canal system. (a) Main canal; (b) lat- isthmus; (e) recurrent canal; and (f) apical ramifications or
eral canal (located at the coronal or middle thirds. When it apical delta
begins at the furcation level is denominated furcation

a b

Fig. 3.6  3D reconstructions of the root canal system of nents; thus, root canal preparation was able to remove
2 mesiobuccal roots of maxillary molars showing how the most of the dentinal surface of the original canal perime-
anatomical complexities of root canal components may ter. Only minor areas were not touched by the instru-
affect the mechanical debridement. Areas in red represent ments; (b) in this case, there are significant lateral
the original anatomy, while areas in green are the dentin components, including an isthmus extending from the
removed during preparation of both mesiobuccal canals. coronal to middle third (red areas) and an accessory canal
Root canals in (a) do not have significant lateral compo- in the apical third

3.3.2 Accessory Canals root (Fig. 3.9d) [32]. They are formed after a local-
ized fragmentation of the epithelial root sheath
Accessory canal is any branch of the root canal develops, leaving a small gap, or when blood
that communicates with the periodontal ligament, ­vessels running from the dental sac through the
while a lateral canal is defined as an accessory dental papilla persist [33, 34]. Accessory canals
canal located at the coronal or middle third of the represent potential pathways through which
38 R. Ordinola-Zapata et al.

Fig. 3.7  Micro-CT transversal cross sections of the ana- lar. The canal is round-shape only at the coronal and apical
tomical crown, pulp chamber, middle third, and 3  mm thirds of the mandibular incisor, while both premolars have
from the apex (from left to right) of (a) a mandibular inci- long oval- and flattened-shaped canals. The mandibular
sor, (b) a mandibular premolar, and (c) a maxillary premo- incisor presents an oval canal at the middle third level

Fig. 3.8  Thirty-seven most common canal configurations including almost all anatomical configurations possible to be
observed in a single root [6] (published with permission)
3  Root Canal Components 39

a b c

d e f

Fig. 3.9  Micro-CT transversal cross section of poste- the root canal system to the periodontal ligament
rior teeth showing (a) a type II isthmus (hair connec- through a lateral canal, (e) an isthmus connecting sev-
tion), (b) a type III isthmus and the presence of a eral canals in a fused root leading to the formation of a
middle canal, (c) a true connection or wide corridor C-shaped canal, and (f) an apical delta showing at least
between the main canals, (d) an isthmus c­ ommunicating six portals of exit

Table 3.1  Summary of laboratory studies on the prevalence and position of canal isthmuses in the mesial root of man-
dibular molars and mesiobuccal (MB) root of maxillary molars
Authors Methodology Conclusion
Weller et al. [13] Transverse serial 1-mm-thick sections The mean frequency of isthmus was 30%,
from the apical 6 mm of 50 MB roots of 65%, 90%, 100%, 82%, and 81% from 1 to
maxillary first molars were examined 6 mm levels from the apex
under surgical operating microscope
Teixeira et al. [16] Transverse serial 1-mm-thick sections Maxillary molars: the mean frequency of
from the apical 6 mm of 50 MB roots of isthmus was 11.4%, 20%, 31.5%, and 23.6%
maxillary molars and 50 mesial roots of from 3 to 6 mm from the apex. Mandibular
mandibular first molars were examined molars: the mean frequency of isthmus was
through a light microscope 6.6%, 11.9%, 20.5%, 30.3%, 33.3%, and
32.4% from 1 to 6 mm from the apex
Mannocci et al. [17] 800 cross sections from the apical 5 mm The mean frequency of isthmus was 17.2%,
of 20 mesial roots of mandibular first 36.7%, 50.2%, 33%, and 34.7% from 1 to
molars were investigated by means of 5 mm from the apex
micro-CT technology
Jung et al. [18] Transverse serial 1-mm-thick sections Maxillary molars: the mean frequency of
from the apical 5 mm of 47 MB roots of isthmus was 52.7%, 52.6%, 63.2%, and
maxillary first molars and 50 mesial roots 44.7% from 2 to 5 mm from the
of mandibular first molars were examined apex. Mandibular molars: the mean frequency
through microscope of isthmus was 60%, 80%, 82.5%, and 70%
from 2 to 6 mm from the apex
Degerness Transverse serial 0.44-mm-thick sections The mean percentage of sections with isthmus
and Bowles [19] from the apex of 153 MB roots of up to 5 mm from the apex was 8.5%
maxillary first and second molars were (0.64 mm), 35.3% (1.62 mm), 43.8%
examined through stereomicroscope (2.15 mm), 51.6% (3.12 mm), 60.2%
(3.64 mm), 66.7% (4.58 mm), and 76.5%
(5.1 mm)
Fan et al. [20] Cross-sectional images from the apical The prevalence of isthmus in the apical 5 mm
5 mm of mesial roots of mandibular first of the mesial roots was 85%. Mandibular first
(n = 70) and second (n = 56) molars, molars had more isthmuses with separate and
respectively, were investigated by means mixed types, whereas second molars had
of micro-CT technology more isthmuses with sheet connections
40 R. Ordinola-Zapata et al.

Table 3.1 (continued)
Authors Methodology Conclusion
Villas-Boas et al. [21] 1.0 mm increment cross-sectional images The mean frequency of isthmus was 45%,
from the apical 4 mm of mesial roots of 55%, 71%, and 68% from 1 to 4 mm from the
60 mandibular molars were investigated apex
by means of micro-CT technology
Pécora et al. [22] 200 extracted maxillary and mandibular In maxillary molars, isthmuses were detected
molars, and consecutive 200 molars in 86% and 62% of the ex vivo and in vivo
selected from CBCT exams, were assay, respectively, whereas in mandibular
evaluated in axial slices of molars isthmuses were observed in 70% of
0.5 mm/0.5 mm from coronal to apical the ex vivo and 72% of the in vivo assay
Harris et al. [23] 0.5 mm increment cross-sectional images Isthmuses were found along the length of all
from the apical 6 mm of mesial roots of mesial roots. On average, they started at
22 mandibular molars were investigated 4-mm level and ended 8.1 mm from the apex
by means of micro-CT technology
Mehrvarzfar et al. [24] 60 extracted mandibular molars were 83% of molars had isthmus at the mesial root.
sectioned horizontally at 2, 4, and 6 mm This prevalence increased with distance from
levels from the apex and examined using the apex, i.e., 92% at 6 mm from the apex and
a stereomicroscope at ×30 70% at 2 mm from the apex
Lima et al. [25] 128 maxillary and mandibular molars The highest isthmus incidence was at 7.0 mm
were sectioned at different distances from from the apex with a low percentage in areas
the apex (1.0–2.5–4.0–5.5–7.0 mm) and close to the apex. Isthmus type V was
evaluated by stereomicroscopy observed in 28.8% of the sample, while type
IV was more frequent in the mesial root of
first (36%) and second (23.9%) mandibular
Estrela et al. [26] 1400 teeth of 618 patients were evaluated The highest frequency of isthmus was found
on 0.1 mm/0.1 mm axial slices of CBCT in mandibular first molars (87.9%). Its
images of roots scanned from the pulp frequency, according to mean age and tooth
orifice to the apex group, was not significantly different, except
in mandibular central incisors. Isthmus was
less frequent among older patients
Tahmasbi et al. [27] In vivo evaluation of 122 mandibular first The frequency of isthmus in the mesial roots
and second molars with CTCB scan of mandibular molars was 64.7% being higher
in second molars

b­ acteria and/or their products from the necrotic periodontal ligament or a lesion on the lateral
root canal might reach the periodontal ligament surface of the root (Fig.  3.10). According to
and cause disease [33]. De Deus [35] studied the Weine [37], lateral lesions can be radiographi-
frequency, location, and direction of the accessory cally classified into three types:
canals in 1140 teeth and showed that 27.4% of the
sample (n = 330) had accessory canals, especially • Type I: lateral lesion with no apical lesion—as
in the apical area (17%), followed by the middle the infection progresses apically, it might
(8.8%) and coronal (1.6%) thirds. Similarly, reach a sufficiently large lateral canal to allow
Vertucci [36] evaluated 2400 teeth and observed a substantial amount of bacteria and bacterial
lower occurrence of canal ramifications in the products to reach the lateral periodontium to
middle (11.4%) and coronal (6.3%) thirds com- cause inflammation.
pared to the apical level (73.5%). • Type II: separate lateral and apical lesions—if
Lateral canals are not usually visible in preop- the pathological process advances without
erative radiographs, but its presence can be sus- professional intervention, an apical periodon-
pected when there is a localized thickening of the titis lesion can also be visible.
3  Root Canal Components 41

a b

Fig. 3.10  CBCT sagittal and transverse cross-sectional l­ateral root lesion with furcal involvement; (b) lateral
planes of a mandibular first molar diagnosed with pulp lesion was associated with a lateral canal in the mesial
necrosis and apical periodontitis. (a) Presence of a root (arrows)

• Type III: coalescence of lateral and apical second molars, 32% of mandibular first molars,
lesions—in some cases, the type II condition and 24% of mandibular second molars. Recently,
can progress to the so-called “wraparound” micro-computed tomographic studies have also
lesion. demonstrated the presence of furcation canals in
two-rooted mandibular canines and three-rooted
Actually, these types might represent different mandibular premolars (Fig. 3.11).
stages of the disease progression within the root
canal space once the conditions of the tissue
within lateral canals and apical ramifications 3.3.3 Apical Canal
reflect the conditions of the pulp in the main root
canal [33]. Clinically, it is also relevant that lat- The main root canal ends at the apical foramen
eral canals cannot be instrumented. In this way, (major foramen) which frequently opens laterally
its content can only be neutralized by means of on the root surface, at a mean distance between
effective irrigation with a suitable antimicrobial 0.2 and 3.8  mm from the anatomic apex [40],
solution or with an additional use of intracanal despite larger distances having been also reported
medication. [41]. The anatomic apex is the tip or the end of
Canals connecting the pulp chamber to the the root as determined morphologically [32].
periodontal ligament in the furcation region of a Depending on the type of teeth, the apical fora-
multi-rooted tooth are called furcation canals men can coincide with the anatomic apex in a
[32]. These canals derived from entrapment of percentage frequency ranging from 6.7% to 46%
periodontal vessels during the fusion of the parts of the cases [36, 42–45]. Its diameter has been
of the diaphragm, which will become the floor of described between 0.21 and 0.39 mm [46]. The
the pulp chamber. In some cases, furcation canals mesial roots of mandibular molars, the maxillary
have been associated to primary endodontic premolars, and the mesiobuccal roots of maxil-
lesions in the interradicular region of multi-­ lary molars show the highest percentage of mul-
rooted teeth. Vertucci and Williams observed the tiple apical foramina [46]. A previous study on
presence of furcation canals in 13% of mandibu- root apexes of all groups of permanent teeth
lar first molars [38] and, in most of them (n = 7), showed that the number of foramina on each root
the canal extended from the center of the pulpal may vary from 1 to 16 [40].
floor, while in four and two specimens, respec- The apical portion of the root canal having the
tively, the canals arose from the mesial and distal narrowest diameter has been called “apical
aspects of the floor. Later, Vertucci and Anthony constriction” (minor foramen) [32]. From the
[39] observed the presence of foramina on both apical constriction, the canal widens as it
the pulp chamber floor and the furcation surface approaches the apical foramen. The topography
in 36% of maxillary first molars, 12% of m­ axillary of the apical constriction is not constant [12, 47]
42 R. Ordinola-Zapata et al.

Fig. 3.11  Accessory canals connecting the pulp chamber to the periodontal ligament in the furcation region (arrows)
of multi-rooted mandibular (a) canine and (b) premolar teeth

and, when present, is usually located 0.5–1.5 mm histological landmark, pulp tissue ends and peri-
from the center of the apical foramen [14]. The odontal tissues begin [48] (Fig. 3.12).
cementodentinal junction (CDJ) is the point at Another relevant variation of the root canal at
which the cemental surface terminates at or near or near the apex is the apical ramification or api-
the apex of a tooth and meets dentin [32]. At this cal delta, defined as a morphology in which the
3  Root Canal Components 43

a b

Fig. 3.12 (a) Single-rooted tooth with working length r­ adiographic apex. The main root canal of the tooth on the
determined in  vitro at 1  mm from the apical foramen. right has a higher chance to be mechanically ­prepared in
Observe that a significant portion of the apical canal will its apical portion than the tooth on the left. These images
be left without proper preparation if only radiography show that the use of apex locators is mandatory for proper
is used as a reference; (b) Single-rooted tooth showing working length determination (courtesy of Dr. Nole, Cajo,
the tip of the instrument at the foramen level. In this Ccolcca y Oscco. Ica-Peru)
specimen, constriction is less than 0.5  mm from the

main canal divides into multiple accessory canals iatrogenic errors preoperative recognition of
(Figs. 3.5f and 3.9f) [32]. In maxillary teeth, the canal curvature is of utmost importance [49].
percentage frequency of apical delta ranges from Nearly all root canals are curved in the apical
1% (central incisors) to 15.1% (second premo- third, particularly in a buccolingual direction,
lars), while in mandibular teeth, its frequency which is not evident on standard radiography
varies from 5% (central incisors) to 14% (distal [14]. In general, the curvature may vary from
root of first molars) [36]. Clinically speaking, the gradual curvature of the entire canal, sharp curva-
infection of this tortuous and complex anatomi- ture of the canal near the apex, or a gradual curva-
cal configuration with several portals of exit can ture of the canal with a straight apical ending.
be related as an etiologic factor of nonsurgical Numerous methods have been proposed to deter-
failures. mine root canal curvature [37, 50–55], but the
Schneider’s method has been the most widely
used. Schneider [56] classified single-rooted per-
3.4 Root Canal Curvature manent teeth according to the degree of curvature
of the root, which was determined by firstly draw-
Knowledge of the root canal curvature is also an ing a line parallel to the long axis of the canal and
important factor for choosing the appropriate then a second line connecting the apical foramen
chemomechanical protocol to prepare the root to the point in the first line where the canal began
canal system. Before the introduction of nickel-­ to leave the long axis of the tooth. The angle
titanium (NiTi) instruments, several iatrogenic formed by these two lines was the angle of curva-
procedures were associated with the preparation ture, and its degree was classified as straight
of curved canals including zips, separate instru- (≤5°), moderate (10–20°), or severe (25–70°).
ments, ledges, and perforations. Nowadays, these Another method was introduced by Weine [57]
iatrogenic complications are no longer a prob- and also relies on the definition of two straight
lem, except for the instrument separation. lines, but it reflects the root canal curvature more
Therefore, this is one of the factors determining accurately than Schneider’s method, especially in
the difficulty of a treatment, and the likelihood of the apical part. A third ­proposal, geometrically
44 R. Ordinola-Zapata et al.

a b c d

Fig. 3.13  Radiographic images taken in different angles canal is curved in both (a, b) proximal (mesial-to-distal
of a mandibular molar demonstrating the tridimensional direction) and clinical (c, d) views (buccal-to-lingual
aspect of the canal curvature. The instrument in the mesial direction)

equivalent to Weine’s method, was introduced by p­ athologies, and occlusion [34]. Thus, a careful
Pruett et al. [58], but its major innovation was the analysis of angled radiographs, the use of cone-
concurrent measurement of the radius of curva- beam computed tomography, proper access prepa-
ture by the superimposition of a circular arc on the ration, and a detailed exploration of the root canal
curved part of the root canal [59]. Therefore, system under magnification are essential require-
Schneider angle, when used in combination with ments for successful treatment outcome [14].
the radius and length of the curve, may provide a
more precise method for describing the apical
geometry of canal curvature. References
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New Proposal for Classifying Root
and Root Canal Morphology
Hany M. A. Ahmed, Marco A. Versiani,
Gustavo De-Deus, and Paul M. H. Dummer

Abstract 4.1 Introduction

Understanding the anatomy of roots and root
canals is fundamental for successful root canal Successful root canal treatment requires a thor-
treatment and endodontic surgery. There are ough knowledge of root canal morphology to
numerous reports on anatomical variations of properly access the root canal system and remove
teeth, and several classifications of canal con- microorganisms and pulp tissue [1]. Human tooth
figurations have been proposed. Recently, types have variations in terms of the number and
improved nondestructive digital imaging sys- shape of roots and root canals [2–7]. For decades,
tems and the use of magnification in clinical this topic has been the subject of numerous
practice have further highlighted the complex- experimental and clinical reports; evidently, root
ities of root canal anatomy. This chapter and canal morphology varies significantly
reviews the existing classifications of root and between populations, within populations, and
root canal morphology and introduces a new, within the same individual [2, 6, 8, 9].
accurate, simple, and reliable system for Data from the classical work of Hess and
research, clinical, and training purposes. Zürcher [10] and those of recent investigations
have demonstrated that classification systems
that define root canal configurations are required.
Weine et  al. [11], using sectioning and radio-
graphic methods, were the first to categorize root
H. M. A. Ahmed, B.D.S., H.D.D., Ph.D. (*)
Department of Restorative Dentistry, Faculty of canal configurations within a single root into
Dentistry, University Malaysia, three types dependent on the division of the main
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia root canal along its course from the pulp chamber
M. A. Versiani, D.D.S., M.Sc., Ph.D. to the root apex (Fig.  4.1a). Vertucci et  al. [12]
Department of Restorative Dentistry, Dental School developed a classification system based on the
of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo,
evaluation of 200 cleared maxillary second pre-
Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil
molars, wherein the pulp cavities were stained
G. De-Deus, D.D.S., M.Sc., Ph.D.
with dye; they found eight canal systems that
School of Dentistry, Fluminense Federal University,
Niterói, RJ, Brazil were more complex than those described by
Weine et  al. [11] (Fig.  4.2b). Later, Weine [13]
P. M. H. Dummer, D.D.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.
School of Dentistry, College of Biomedical and Life added an additional category (Type IV) to his
Sciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK original system (Fig. 4.1a).

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2019 47

M. A. Versiani et al. (eds.), The Root Canal Anatomy in Permanent Dentition,
48 H. M. A. Ahmed et al.

a Other classifications have been introduced for

specific tooth types, such as maxillary molars
with four roots [5, 15–17], maxillary premolars
with three canals [8, 18], middle mesial canals
[19], and distolingual roots in mandibular molars
[20]. Recently, Kottoor et al. [21] and Albuquerque
et  al. [22] proposed a nomenclature to classify
root canal anatomy in maxillary and mandibular
molars, respectively.
Despite these efforts to describe systemati-
b cally the diversity of canal configurations, addi-
tional types of root canal morphology within
different populations have been reported [6, 23–
26]. Based on a review of previous reports and
anatomical studies on root canal morphology
using micro-CT technology, Versiani and
Ordinola-Zapata [27] described 37 root canal
configurations that included the most common
anatomical configurations observable in a single
root (see Chap. 3). Notwithstanding these efforts,
a simple classification system that can be applied
for all root types and root canal configurations in
all groups of teeth has not been established.

4.2 Why a New Classification?

The systems by Weine et al. [11], Vertucci et al.

Fig. 4.1 (a) Diagrammatic representations of Weine’s clas- [12], and Weine [13] have been the most common
sification for root canal morphology (Weine et al. [11, 13]). classifications and are beneficial when categoriz-
Type I, a single canal from pulp chamber to the apex (1-1 ing most canal configurations. Recent reports on
configuration); Type II, two separate canals leaving the
chamber but merging short of the apex to form a single canal the identification of external and internal anatomi-
(2-1 configuration); Type III, two distinct canals from pulp cal canal variations using advanced 3D imaging
chamber to the apex (2 configuration); Type IV, a single canal technology revealed that the morphology of root
leaving the chamber and dividing into two separate canals at canal systems is highly complex, and many canal
the apex (1-2 configuration). (b) Diagrammatic representa-
tions of Vertucci’s classification for root canal morphology configurations are non-classifiable using these
(Vertucci et al. [12]). Type I, a single canal from pulp chamber systems [28–31]. For example, one study [32]
to the apex (1-1 configuration); Type II, two separate canals reported that as many as 13% of specimens can-
leaving the chamber but merging short of the apex to form not be fitted into the system by Vertucci et al. [12].
a single canal (2-1 configuration); Type III, a single canal
that divides into two and subsequently merges to exit as one The literature has revealed inconsistencies in
(1-2-1 configuration); Type IV, two distinct canals from pulp the classification of the internal anatomy of sev-
chamber to the apex (2 configuration); Type V, a single canal eral tooth types, such as the maxillary premolar
leaving the chamber and dividing into two separate canals at with three canals. Vertucci et al. [12] categorized
the apex (1-2 configuration); Type VI, two separate canals
leaving the pulp chamber, merging in the body of the root, this variation as Type VIII and defined it as three
and dividing again into two distinct canals short from the apex separate, distinct root canals extending from the
(2-1-2 configuration); Type VII, a single canal that divides, pulp chamber to the apex. However, no informa-
merges, and exits into two distinct canals short from the apex tion in the classification was provided to describe
(1-2-1-2 configuration); Type VIII, three distinct canals from
pulp chamber to the apex (3-3 configuration) (modified from if these canals are encased in single-, double-, or
Ahmed et al. [14] and published with permission) three-rooted teeth (Fig. 4.2). Therefore, in most
4  New Proposal for Classifying Root and Root Canal Morphology 49

Lateral view Apical view Internal view Root canal

Fig. 4.2  External and internal views of three maxillary with two root canals in fused buccal roots and a single
first premolars classified as Vertucci’s type VIII root canal canal in the palatal root; bottom, three-rooted premolar
configuration according to the literature. Top, premolar with three independent root canals (modified from Ahmed
with three root canals in fused roots; middle, premolar et al. [14] and published with permission)
50 H. M. A. Ahmed et al.

studies, three-canalled single-, double-, or three-­ 4.3 Objectives of the New

rooted maxillary premolars are referred to as Classification
Type VIII configuration [12, 33–35]. During clin-
ical management of teeth undergoing root canal Categorizing root canal configuration by type
treatment, the root number, and not just canals, using simple Roman numerals has been done for
should be defined because of their implications more than 50 years. However, considerable data
during access cavity preparation, canal instru- on the morphological variations of root canals
mentation, and root filling procedures [8]. have been generated [27], and current systems for
Briseño-Marroquin et  al. [36] introduced a categorizing canal configurations into certain
four-digit classification of root canal configura- types based on single numbers have become
tions, wherein each root is divided into thirds insufficient, inaccurate, and misleading. The time
(each third has a digit); the fourth digit denotes has now come to develop a coding system for
the main foramina, which emerge from the same describing root and root canal configurations that
canal at the apical terminus and have diameters will aid clinicians, researchers, educators, and
of no less than 0.2  mm. Nevertheless, in this students/trainees.
classification, no root component information is The new classification system proposed in this
given. Additionally, the clinical practicality of chapter aims to be simple, accurate, and useful. It
this system is a concern, i.e. dividing the root provides information on root and root canal anat-
into thirds and defining the main apical foram- omy identified using any diagnostic method
ina based on their diameters. regardless of their accuracy and reliability.
Recently, Gupta and Saxena [37] introduced a However, this system does not address the degree
diagrammatic representation of the root canal. of root and root canal curvature, degree of root/
The representation consists of five horizontal canal separation, and exact levels of bifurcation
lines dividing the tooth into four segments from a of canals/roots, accessory canals (lateral and fur-
reference point, and the root canal length is mea- cation canals), and apical ramifications. These
sured through the apical foramen. The diagram- parameters were considered during the develop-
matic images of one anterior and one posterior ment of the proposed classification, but they
multi-rooted tooth are provided to clarify the added considerable complexity. Such additional
image orientation. Freehand vertical lines are information could be useful and even improve
drawn to represent the major root canals. The classification accuracy; however, the benefits of
lines representing the canals are labeled where any new system must be the simplicity in order to
the vertical lines start. The individual canal length achieve its universal adoption.
from the reference point to the apical foramen Many comprehensive classifications categorize
can be written (in millimeters), depending on the developmental anomalies related to the root or
situation. Intercanal communications, isthmuses, root canal, such as dens invaginatus [38], C-shaped
and accessory and lateral canals can be drawn as canal [39–41], taurodontism [42, 43], and super-
well (that is, you draw what you see). Moreover, numerary roots [15, 16, 20]. For simplicity, the
images can be saved in portable network graphic present classification will not reclassify abnormal-
formats, imported to any word processing docu- ities already addressed in the literature.
ment, and printed in a reporting sheet. However,
despite being useful in addressing canal configu-
rations in clinical practice, drawing root and 4.4 Terminology
canal details of molars with more than three roots
and complex root canal configuration types will 4.4.1 Root Canal System
make the diagram appear crowded and poten-
tially misleading. In addition, representing canal The space within the tooth that contains pulp tis-
configurations in a diagram is likely to be imprac- sue. The root canal system can be divided into
tical in a research setting. two portions: the pulp chamber, which is usually
4  New Proposal for Classifying Root and Root Canal Morphology 51

located in the anatomic crown of the tooth  (or 4.5.1 Tooth Number (TN)
may extend to  the coronal third of the root in
double/multi-rooted teeth), and the root canal(s), TN can be written using any numbering system
encased in the root(s). (i.e., Universal Numbering System, Palmer Notation
Numbering System, or FDI World Dental Federation
System). Moreover, when a tooth cannot be identi-
4.4.2 Root Canal Orifice fied using one of the numbering systems (i.e.,
extracted teeth), a suitable abbreviation can be used,
The opening of the canal system at the base of for example, “MCI” for “maxillary central incisor.”
the chamber where the root canal begins.
Generally, it is located at or just apical to the cer-
vical line. 4.5.2 N
 umber of Roots and Their

4.4.3 Root Canal Configuration The root number (R) is added as a superscript
before the TN (RTN). For instance, 1TN means
The course of the root canal system that begins at that tooth TN possesses one root. Any division of
the orifice and ends at the canal terminus. a root, whether in the coronal, middle, or apical
third, will be coded as two or more roots.
Accordingly, a bifurcation is represented as 2TN,
4.4.4 Major Apical Foramen and a trifurcation is represented as 3TN.  Root
details in double- and multi-rooted teeth are added
The exit of the root canal onto the external root on the right of the TN (RTN Rn), such as 2TN B P
surface, which is normally located within 3 mm (B: buccal, P: palatal) and 3TN MB DB P (MB:
of the root apex. mesiobuccal, DB: distobuccal, P: palatal).

4.4.5 M
 inor Apical Foramen/Apical 4.5.3 Root Canal Configuration
The type of canal configuration in each root will
The apical part of the root canal with the narrow- be identified using a superscript number(s) after
est diameter which is generally 0.5–1.5 mm from the TN starting from the orifice(s) (O) and
the major apical foramen [2]. It is the reference through the canal (C) to the foramen (or foram-
point often used as the apical termination of canal ina) (F) (Table 4.1).
instrumentation and filling procedures. Inevitably, the assessments of apical canal con-
figurations may vary depending on the identifica-
tion method, namely, experimental or clinical,
4.5  he Coding System
T which is subjective among different observers.
of the New Proposed For example, according to certain experimental
Table 4.1  Summary of the codes allocated for single-,
The new classification can be adapted for root double- and multi-rooted teeth
and root canal configurations. This system
Tooth type Code
includes codes for three separate components: Single-rooted 1
Double-rooted 2
1. Tooth number Multi-rooted n
2. Number of roots and their configurations TN tooth number, R root, O orifice, C canal; F foramen.
3. Root canal configuration One number is given if O = C = F
52 H. M. A. Ahmed et al.

measurements of canal dimensions or clinical rooted mandibular right central incisor having
negotiability, apical bifurcations could be classified one orifice and one canal initially, but then bifur-
either as an apical delta/ramification (i.e. a complex cating into two independent canals and terminat-
ramification of the root canal branches located ing in one canal (Fig. 4.4d), and 1441-2-3 refers to a
near, and open on, the root apex) or a division from single-rooted mandibular right first premolar
the main canal (Type 1–2, for example). Evidently, having one orifice and one canal initially that
a standard consistent view of such anatomy cannot bifurcates into two independent canals and termi-
be achieved. Therefore, the apical canal configura- nating in three apical foramina (Fig. 4.3e).
tion type should be classified according to the
method used and identification criteria.
4.7 Double-Rooted Teeth

4.6 Single-Rooted Teeth If a tooth is double-rooted, then the code 2TN

R1O-C-F R2O-C-F should be used where R1 and R2
For any canal, if the numbers of O, C, and F are describe the anatomy of the first and second roots.
the same, then a single code (1TNn) is used. Thus, As mentioned previously, only one code will be
111 describes a single-rooted maxillary right applied if the number of orifice(s), canal(s), and
central incisor having one orifice, one canal, and foramen (foramina) is the same, in the same root.
one foramen (Fig.  4.3a), while 1142 describes a For example, 214 B1 P1 refers to a double-rooted
single-rooted maxillary right first premolar hav- maxillary right first premolar in which each root
ing two orifices, two independent canals, and two (B, buccal; P, palatal) encases a single root canal
foramina (Fig. 4.3b). from the orifice to the main foramen (Fig. 4.4a).
If the root has a varying number of O, C, and/ 237 M2-1 D1 refers to a double-­rooted mandibular
or F, then the configuration of the canal will be left second molar in which the mesial root encases
written to provide this detail (1TNO-C-F) (Fig. 4.3c, two canals leaving the chamber that join into one
d). For instance, 1441-2 refers to a single-rooted canal until the apex, while the distal root encases
mandibular right first premolar having one orifice a single root canal from the orifice to the main
and one canal initially but then bifurcating into foramen (Fig. 4.4b).
two independent canals and having two apical If the root bifurcates in the middle or apical
foramina (Fig.  4.4c). 411 1-2-1
refers to a single-­ third, and the root canal configuration is different

a b c d e

Fig. 4.3  Micro-CT 3D models of single-rooted teeth with root and root canal morphologies classified according to the
new system
4  New Proposal for Classifying Root and Root Canal Morphology 53

a b c d e

Fig. 4.4  Micro-CT 3D models of double-rooted teeth with root and root canal morphologies classified according to the
new system. B buccal, P palatal, M mesial, D distal, L lingual

a b c d

Fig. 4.5  Micro-CT 3D models of multi-rooted teeth with root and root canal morphologies classified according to the
new system. MB mesiobuccal, DB distobuccal, P palatal, MP mesiopalatal, DP distopalatal, DL distolingual

below and above the level of bifurcation, then the the root bifurcates in the apical third and the root
code will be 2TN O-CR1C-F R2C-F, where ‘O-C’ is the canal configuration below and above the level of
root canal configuration coronal to the level of bifurcation is different. Figure 4.4e shows similar
bifurcation and R1C-F and R2C-F are the continua- anatomical variation in a mandibular canine.
tion of the canal and number of foramina apical
to the level of the bifurcation in either first (R1)
or second (R2) roots, respectively (Fig. 4.4c–e). 4.8 Multi-Rooted Teeth
Figure 4.4c shows a double-rooted maxillary left
first premolar coded as 224 1B1-2-1 P1 in which the If the tooth is multi-rooted, then the code nTN
level of  root bifurcation locates  at the middle R1O-C-F R2O-C-F RnO-C-F should be used.
third, and both roots have a common canal con- Figures  4.5 and 4.6 show the application of the
figuration  coronal to the level of root bifuca- new configuration system applied to several types
tion. Figure 4.4d shows a double-rooted maxillary of root canal systems. As an example, 317  MB1
left central incisor coded as 221 1M1 D1 in which DB1 P1 means that the maxillary right second
54 H. M. A. Ahmed et al.

Fig. 4.6  Micro-CT 3D models of distinct groups of teeth with root and root canal morphologies classified according to
the new system

molar has three roots (MB, mesiobuccal; DB, canal, and foramen (Fig.  4.5b). Similarly,
distobuccal; P, palatal) with a single orifice, 4
27 MB2-1 DB1 MP1 DP1 means that the maxillary
canal, and foramen in each root (Fig.  4.5a). left second molar has four roots (MB, mesiobuc-
26  MB2-1 DP1 P1 means that the maxillary left cal; DB, distobuccal; MP, mesiopalatal; DP, dis-
first molar has three roots in which the MB root topalatal) in which the MB root encases a type
encases a type 2-1 canal, while the DP and P 2-1 canal, and the DB, MP, and DP roots each
roots encase a root canal with a single orifice, encase a single orifice, canal and foramen
4  New Proposal for Classifying Root and Root Canal Morphology 55

(Fig. 4.5c). 347 M2 DB1 DL1 means that the man- a critical endodontic challenge. ENDO – Endod Pract
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Diaphanization Techniques
in the Study of Root Canal

Craig Barrington and Francisco Balandrano

Abstract provide details about the most used

The study of the root canal anatomy is very techniques.
important in endodontics. The introduction of
innovative technologies such as micro-CT or
CBCT has provided a great advance in the
field; however, due to their excessive costs, it 5.1 Introduction
is still out of reach of most practitioners and
researchers. Dental diaphanization or trans- Visualizing the internal anatomy of human teeth
parency methods, also known as dental clarifi- has been a significant challenge particularly in
cation, are economical in their implementation, the field of endodontics. Many attempts have
and the results are reliable. These features been made to expose, analyze, and visualize the
make this technique a useful tool for under- internal anatomy of human teeth. Investigation
standing the internal anatomy of human teeth and analysis of the human anatomy has been
while providing personal assessment of vari- widely studied via dissection, autopsy, and
ous endodontic procedures using extracted gross macroscopic observation. Alternatively,
teeth. The mastery of advanced dental trans- microscopic examination allowed the under-
parency techniques can require a personal standing of human tissues in a molecular level.
learning curve where art and trial and error These two-­ dimensional techniques provide
play a key role. Practice, patience, and perse- indispensable insights but are limited in their
verance are essential elements in learning ability to understand a tissue section or organ
these processes, but the basic elements and three-dimensionally.
fundamentals of tooth transparency can give The German anatomist Werner Spalteholz
results that allow the teaching and learning (1861–1940) was the first scientist who investi-
benefits that are offered herein. Therefore, this gated clearing of whole bodies, large tissue sec-
chapter aimed to describe the foundation of tions, and/or entire organs for three-dimensional
the dental diaphanization methodology and viewing of internal structures and their relative
positions within that volume [1]. On April 8 of
C. Barrington, D.D.S. (*) 1909, Dr. Spalteholz applied for a US patent for
Private Practice, Waxahachie, TX, USA his process of manufacturing transparent and
e-mail: translucent bodies, but it would not be until 1912
F. Balandrano, D.D.S. that he received a patent for his discovery [2]. In
Private Practice Limited to Endodontics, the next year, Spalteholz’s method was published
Torreón, Coahuila, Mexico

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2019 57

M. A. Versiani et al. (eds.), The Root Canal Anatomy in Permanent Dentition,
58 C. Barrington and F. Balandrano

in the Dental Cosmos journal by Dr. Hermann including the evaluation of electronic apex loca-
Prinz in an article entitled The Spalteholz method tors’ (EALs) accuracy [6] (Fig. 5.2j), sealing of
of preparing transparent animal bodies [3]. The lateral canals [7] and different obturation tech-
essential goal of Spalteholz’s proposal was to niques [8–10] (Fig.  5.2k, l), and even vascular
view the true anatomy of whole bodies or organs distribution (Fig. 5.2m, n).
in their undisturbed three-dimensional arrange- The clarification or diaphanization of teeth
ment. Through the written disclosure of this has also other advantages including being a rela-
method [3], the ability to clear human teeth tively simple and economical method to perform
entered dentistry. In 1913, Spalteholz’s method and a valuable educational tool. On the other
was used for the first time by Fasoli and Arlota, hand, it is a time-consuming procedure, and, in a
from the University of Milan, to study the root small number of teeth, it is not possible to obtain
canal anatomy [4]. Prior to the use of the predictable results. Dental diaphanization proce-
Spalteholz’s clearing method, dissection, X-rays, dures require specialized chemicals, but other-
and corrosion cavities were the most commonly wise no specialized equipment. The solutions
used methods, but they had several limitations. and/or materials necessary for their realization
The introduction of macroscopic histologic clear- are affordable and relatively inexpensive. It pro-
ing was a great step forward to view the root vides a great advantage for students and profes-
canal anatomy of human teeth because for the sionals in dentistry who wish to observe the
first time it was possible to observe it in its real anatomy of root canals or the results of endodon-
state. However, since publication of Spalteholz’s tic procedures performed on extracted teeth aim-
work, dental transparency has been used as a very ing to evaluate clinical skills or the shortcomings
effective tool for professionals interested in the and benefits of the steps involved in the root canal
study of the different anatomical structures of the treatment. Unfortunately, there is no standardiza-
root canals. This technique has been shown to be tion regarding dental diaphanization pro-
very useful in revealing the complexity of the cess.  Table 5.1 shows that these procedures are
root canal system and to classify anatomically quite varied and, to a certain extent, empirical.
several root canal configuration types [5]. The authors of this chapter have spent much
Dental diaphanization has been frequently time and efforts in improving dental diaphani-
used to observe several anatomical features of zation technique in order to achieve some
the root canal system including the presence and degree of standardization supported on scien-
amount of main canals (Fig. 5.1a), lateral canals tific basis of trial and error. It is noteworthy that
(Fig. 5.1b, c), additional canals such as MB2 in each author uses different techniques. While
mesiobuccal roots of maxillary molars (Fig. 5.1d, Dr. Barrington uses a patented technique of his
e) or middle mesial canals in mesial roots of own [20], Dr. Balandrano uses a modification
mandibular molars (Fig. 5.1f, g), apical ramifica- of conventional techniques. At the end of this chap-
tions (Fig.  5.1h, i), loops (Fig.  5.1j, k), split ter, both techniques are described in an attempt to
canals (Fig.  5.1l, m), connecting canals standardize dental diaphanization procedures.
(Fig.  5.1n, o), isthmuses (Fig.  5.1p, q), and so
on. Apart from the anatomical structures, dental
diaphanization can also be used to assess apical 5.2 Terminology
diameters (Fig. 5.2a–c), thickness of the cement
at apical level (Fig.  5.2d, e), and location and In the literature, current terminology for “clear-
shape of the cement-dentin-canal (CDC) junc- ing” of human teeth presents discrepancy. This
tion (Fig. 5.2f, g) and of the apical constriction, section aims to provide some standardization and
which normally does not correspond to the CDC understanding to the terms used.
junction (Fig. 5.2h, i). Dental diaphanization is Firstly, it is important to point out that the proper
also suitable to appraise endodontic procedures terms for “clearing” teeth are “transparency” or
5  Diaphanization Techniques in the Study of Root Canal Anatomy 59

a b c

d e f g

h i j k

l m n

o p q

Fig. 5.1 Root canal anatomy through diaphanization plex apical ramification; (i) typical apical ramification;
methods. (a) Maxillary premolar showing the pulp (j) root canal loop in the apical third; (k) canal loop
chamber and a 2-1 configuration with lateral canals and (arrow) and transversal canal; (l) complex root canal
apical delta; (b) accessory canals in the apical third of a configuration in the mesial root of a mandibular molar;
maxillary canine; (c) palatal root of a maxillary first (m) mesial root of a mandibular molar with three root
molar with an accessory canal; (d) mesiobuccal root of canals; (n) mesial root of a mandibular molar showing
a maxillary first molar with a MB2 canal; (e) maxillary two accessory canals and a transverse canal joining the
first molar with MB2 canal; (f) mesial root of a man- main canals (arrow); (o) transverse canal on the medium
dibular molar with a middle mesial canal joining the third joining the main canals (arrow); (p) two main
main canals; (g) mesial root of a mandibular molar canals joined by a wide isthmus; (q) two main canals
showing an independent middle mesial canal; (h) com- joined by a small isthmus
60 C. Barrington and F. Balandrano

a b c

d e f g

h i j k l

m n

Fig. 5.2  Potential scientific applications of the diaphani- position; (j) assessment of the accuracy of electronic apex
zation methods. (a–c) Measurements of the main and lat- locators; (k–l) evaluation of the quality of filling tech-
eral canals; (d–g) measurement of the cement layer niques (m–n) observation of vascular distribution
thickness; (h–j) determination of the apical constriction

“diaphanization.” The latter has been employed sue section histology and is essentially a step in the
many times in the dental literature spelled as either entire process, not the result. In histology, clearing
“diaphaniZation” or “diaphaniSation.” The use of refers to the step following dehydration. It consists
the letter “z” or “s” is nothing more than American of replacing the dehydrate agent with a substance
and British spelling differences, respectively. In the that can be miscible with the embedding medium
current chapter, it was adopted the worldwide “ize” (paraffin). This term comes from the fact that the
as it tends to be accepted in scientific writing and clearing agents often have the same refractive
international organizations. The prefixes “dia,” index as proteins. As a result, when the tissue is
“phon,” and “phan” are Greek terms that mean “to completely infiltrated with the clearing agent, it
pass through,” “sound,” and “to appear,” respec- becomes translucent. This change in appearance is
tively. With the understanding of the root terms, it often used as an indication of the effectiveness or
is possible to conclude that the proper spelling is completeness of the clearing process. In turn,
“diaphanization” referring to “appearing through” diaphanization of human teeth essentially uses no
an object. paraffin embedding; therefore, there is no sub-
Diaphanization is a histologic term which stance to clear. Then, although the result of diaph-
refers to the whole body, organ, or structure trans- anization is “clear,” a better term to use is
parency. Clearing, on the other hand, is used in tis- “transparency” or also “transparent.”
5  Diaphanization Techniques in the Study of Root Canal Anatomy 61

Table 5.1  Diaphanization techniques used by different authors

Author Decalcification Dehydration Clearing agent
Robertson et al. [11] 5% nitric acid 3 days Ethyl alcohol 80% overnight, Methyl salicylate
90% 1 h, 100% 1 h three times
Robertson et al. [12] 5% nitric acid 3 days Ethyl alcohol 70% overnight, Silicone 710
90% 1 h, 100% 1 h three times
Yamamoto et al. [13] 5% formic acid 14 days Ethyl alcohol time and Styrene monomer 24 h
concentrations were not polyester resin 24 h
described pure resin
Venturi et al. [7] 7% formic acid, 3% hydrochloric Ethyl alcohol 25%, 50%, 70%, Methyl salicylate
acid, 8% sodium citrate 14 days 90%, 95%, 100% 30 min each
Omer et al. [14] 10% hydrochloric acid 8 days 95% alcohol 36 h, 100% Methyl salicylate
alcohol 36 h
Weng et al. [15] 5% nitric acid 7 days Ethyl alcohol 75%, 85%, 95%, Methyl salicylate
and 100% 12 h each one
Neelakantan et al. [16] 10% nitric acid 28–30 h Ethyl alcohol 70%, 80%, 95%, Methyl salicylate
100% 24 h
Lee et al. [17] 5% nitric acid 5 days Ethyl alcohol 70% 12 h, 90% Methyl salicylate
6 h, 100% 6 h
Monika et al. [18] 5% nitric acid 4 days Ethyl alcohol 25%, 50%, 70%, Methyl salicylate
90%, 95%, 100% 30 min each
Rehman et al. [19] 5% nitric acid 3 days Isopropyl alcohol 70% 3 h, Xylene
80% 3 h, 90% 2 h, 100% 1 h

5.3 Diaphanization Techniques 6. Any material injected must be chemically and

(Transparency) of Dental mechanically resistant.
Pieces 7. The dye cannot be present within the dentinal
The diaphanization procedure, regardless of
method, should always include three fundamental
steps: decalcification, dehydration, and clarifica- 5.3.1 Decalcification
tion. Some practitioners choose to fix teeth with
formalin or acetic acid before or during the diaph- Decalcification is known as the complete elimi-
anization process [7]. The fixation is necessary in nation of calcium and phosphorus salts present in
soft tissues to avoid their decomposition; how- mineralized tissues. It is one of the most impor-
ever, this procedure is not necessary as dental tant steps within dental diaphanization proce-
pieces are hard tissues of difficult decomposition. dures because if the tooth is not completely
Diaphanization must also be based on the fol- decalcified, anatomical structures of the canal
lowing criteria: system may not be revealed. The decalcification
process must produce the complete elimination
1 . Dentin should not be destroyed. of the calcium deposits, but at the same time, it
2. The anatomical topography of the pulp, as must not cause undesirable effects or artifacts on
compared to the tooth, has to be highlighted. the treated tissues. Therefore, the acid agent
3. Even the thinnest ramifications cannot be
should be used at low concentrations to achieve
overlooked. the complete demineralization of the tooth speci-
4. The pulp cavity must be visible. men. According to our experience, the use of
5. The material injected had to fill the root canal excessive concentrations can damage the root
space completely, and pulp residues, if any, surface without completely decalcifying the
cannot represent any hindrance. deepest portions of the specimen (Fig.  5.3a–c).
62 C. Barrington and F. Balandrano

a b

c d e

Fig. 5.3 Inadequate decalcification process during the (d, e) diminished decalcification time or the use of a lower
diaphanization method. (a–c) Increased period of decalci- concentration of the decalcifying solution may avoid
fication time or an excessive concentration of the decalci- proper hard tissue decalcification
fying agent may cause damages in the sample structure;

There are two main groups of decalcifying agents but are very aggressive, so if they are used at a
that can be used for diaphanization purposes: higher concentration and/or with too much expo-
acids (organic and inorganic) and calcium sure time, they can damage the dental structures
chelators. and modify the morphology of the sample.
Organic acids act slowly and they preserve the Acids tissue in a better way. The most used acids for
The acids act by supplying hydrogen ions and dental diaphanization are hydrochloric (inor-
eliminating hydroxyl, calcium, and phosphate ganic), nitric (inorganic), and formic (organic)
ions. The result is an alteration of the ionic bal- acids. In the literature, authors have also sug-
ance of the hydroxyapatite and its dissolution. gested different agents for decalcifying the dental
Any acid affects tissue stability, but it is depend- hard tissues. Venturi [7] proposed to use 7% for-
ing on the solution’s acidity and duration of the mic acid together with 3% hydrochloric acid and
decalcification process. In addition, the faster the 8% sodium sulfate as buffering agent dissolved in
action of the decalcifying agent, the greater the water for a period of 14  days. Greco-Machado
damage to the tissue. There are two groups of [21] demonstrated that this solution provides bet-
acids: the strong acids (inorganic) and the weak ter results than the nitric acid solutions proposed
acids (organic). Inorganic acids act very quickly by Okomura [22], Aprile [23], and Robertson
5  Diaphanization Techniques in the Study of Root Canal Anatomy 63

[11]; however, it is unknown if the results are due bone decalcification. This decalcifying organic
to the use of hydrochloric acid at low concentra- agent has the advantage of fixing and decalcify-
tion for 14 days or to the mixture of organic and ing tissues simultaneously; however, it acts very
inorganic acids used in the solution. slowly. It has been suggested that a slow process
Hydrochloric acid (HCl) is also called acidum allowed for a greater cushion in the determina-
salis, muriatic acid, and spirits of salt. It is a very tion of endpoint of the procedure, helping against
effective decalcifying agent, but very aggressive over decalcification [25].
when in high concentrations. This inorganic acid
is commonly used during household cleaning Chelating Agents
procedures, so it is possible to find it in stores in Chelates are substances capable of being com-
the form of diluted commercial presentations. bined with metal ions in solution or stabilized in
During dental clarification process, the hydro- the form of salts or in the preparation of new
chloric acid can be used in several concentra- compounds generally soluble in water [26].
tions. Therefore, it is not advisable to use EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) is the
commercial presentations because the precise most used chelator for decalcification of dental
concentration is unknown. To achieve dental specimens. The removal of calcium ions by 17%
decalcification, hydrochloric acid can be used EDTA is very slow, and, according to our obser-
diluted in water in the concentrations of 3%, 5%, vations, decalcification process usually takes
7%, and 10% [7, 14, 20]. The higher the concen- 8–10 weeks to complete, depending on the thick-
tration, the faster is the decalcification process, ness of the tooth; however, it has the advantage of
but also higher may be tissue damage. In lower avoiding considerable damage to the tooth
concentration, the acid will take more time to surface.
decalcify tissues, but this also decreases the risk
of damage. According to our experience, 3% HCl Endpoint of Decalcification
usually takes 7–10 days to reach the endpoint of Accurate control of optimal decalcification time
decalcification, while 5% HCl takes 3–5 days and of the tooth is important because a prolonged
10% from 1 to 3 days. Based on our results, the time may cause damage to the tissues of the sam-
use of 3% HCl for approximately 7–10 days, in ple (Fig. 5.3a–c). If insufficient time is used, the
constant movement and changing the solution calcium deposits will prevent the detailed obser-
every 24 h, produces an optimal result in the clar- vation of the internal structures (Fig.  5.3d, e).
ification of the sample. However, it is not possible to exactly determine
Nitric acid (HNO3) is one of the most effective the time or agent concentration for decalcifying
decalcifying inorganic agents. It should be used teeth because differences in thickness and degree
in a maximum concentration of 5% (95% water) of  calcification may differ to a greater or lesser
because in higher concentrations it may cause extent from one tooth to the other interfering with
severe tissue damage. According to our experi- the required parameters. Consequently, physical,
ence, nitric acid diluted in ethyl alcohol in con- chemical, and/or radiological methods can be
centrations of 7.5% nitric acid to 92.5% absolute used to evaluate the decalcification process.
alcohol is less aggressive as it decreases decalci-
fication time. But there are other two solutions Physical Methods
that can be prepared with nitric acid: (1) 10% The physical methods are inaccurate and can
formaldehyde, 10% nitric acid, and 80% distilled damage the dental structure. The best physical
water [24] and (2) 10% nitric acid (40 mL) mixed test is to carefully bend the tooth with the fingers.
with 0.5% chromic acid (30 mL), which is also This method is safer and not disruptive, but will
known as Perenyi’s fluid [22]. not conclusively determine if decalcification
Formic acid (CH2O2) can be used in concen- process is completed [27]. Sound is another
trations of 5–10% dissolved in distilled or tap method. If the tooth is dropped on a hollow metal
water, and it is considered the acid of choice for surface and it does not produce sound, it might be
64 C. Barrington and F. Balandrano

considered decalcified; however, this evidence ever, shape irregularities and variations in thick-
continues to be inconclusive. Another two meth- ness of the sample can be a challenge. This
ods are the weight loss/weight gain procedure method consists of taking radiographs daily until
and the “bubble” test. The weight loss/weight it is revealed, by means of radiolucency, that the
gain test consists in accurately weighing the sam- dental piece is completely decalcified. A prelimi-
ple prior to the decalcification process. As the nary radiography is recommended to allow fur-
sample loses calcium during the decalcification ther comparisons and careful standardization of
process, it takes on water and gains weight. This the X-ray unit, and films must be considered [29].
weight gain indicates the sample is decalcified.
The water is removed in later steps [28]. The Other Methods
“bubble test” involves observing the formation of In the literature, other methods have been sug-
carbon dioxide bubbles on the surface layer of gested to determine the endpoint of decalcifica-
the sample. As the acids react with the calcium tion process. These methods were empirically
carbonate of the samples, carbon dioxide is pro- established, but provide a general idea of the
duced. Repeated agitation and shaking to release degree of decalcification of the tooth. Robertson
the bubbles till they no longer form on the surface [11] and Pécora [32] recommended finishing the
is a subjective test but is considered somewhat decalcification process when the enamel appeared
unreliable [29]. to be dissolved. Another technique is to rely only
on the time the tooth is submerged in a decalcify-
Chemical Methods ing agent, usually 3–5 days, at the end of which
Chemical methods depend on the formation of the process is finished; however, due to differ-
calcium oxalate. A sample of the decalcifying ences in thickness and degree of calcification of
solution is mixed with ammonium hydroxide and dental structures, times may vary from tooth to
ammonium oxalate. The solution is allowed to sit tooth.
for 30 min. Formation of calcium oxalate precipi-
tate indicates that calcium is being released from Methods to Accelerate
the sample. In this methodology, use 5 mL of the the Decalcification Process
used decalcifying solution and mix with half Chemical decalcification can be accelerated by
spoonful of concentrated ammonium hydroxide. using several methods including the use of high
Subsequently, add 5  mL of aqueous ammonium concentrations of warm decalcifying agent, but it
oxalate. The solution is then stirred and allowed to is more aggressive and can produce excessive
stand for 30 min. After that, if opacity is observed demineralization of the hard tissues and damage
in the solution, decalcification is incomplete; to the organic components [11]. Another possi-
however, if the solution is transparent, decalcifica- bility is the use of ultrasound. In this method, the
tion process has finished successfully [30, 31]. tooth is immersed into the decalcification solu-
This test works with the aforementioned acids and tion and subject to the action of ultrasonic waves.
chelator, but the time frames and results may vary. The molecular vibration of the solution on the
Although it is considered accurate, there are no calcified material surface favors the formation of
clear-cut directives as to when the test should be salts between the released ions and the acids or
started in the decalcification process or if succes- chelators used during the process.
sive tests can be performed. This test was derived
for the validation of decalcification in the bone
[25], and there is no information to authenticate 5.3.2 Dehydration Process
accuracy or challenges in using it for human teeth.
Dehydration is the process that aims the complete
Radiographic Method elimination of liquids contained in decalcified
This is the most sensitive method to establish the hard tooth tissues so that they do not interfere
decalcification degree of the dental sample; how- with the refractive index of the clarifying sub-
5  Diaphanization Techniques in the Study of Root Canal Anatomy 65

stance. During the dehydration process, it must be process is fast and can modify its shape substan-
considered that the time required for the removal tially [36].
of the liquid from the tooth depends on the amount Absolute alcohol is difficult to obtain because
of liquid contained therein and the moisture special processes are required for its preparation.
absorption capacity possessed by the dehydrating On the other hand, 96% alcohol concentration is
agent used. There are two basic requirements for easily achieved, and its dissolution is simple
a good dehydrating agent: (1) it cannot alter the since the ethyl alcohol is miscible in distilled or
tissue structure and (2) it cannot mix with the running water. To achieve the correct dissolution
clearing agent. The most used substance for den- of the alcohol, a simple cross multiplication can
tal dehydration is ethyl alcohol, followed by iso- be used. For example, to obtain a 70% alcohol
propyl alcohol [33]. Other substances that can be from a 96% alcohol in 100 mL, use the formula:
used are dioxane and chloroform, but they are not (70 × 100)/96. In Table 5.2, the approximate pro-
recommendable because they are volatile and portions of water and alcohol to obtain different
have some degree of toxicity [34, 35]. concentrations are indicated.
There is no agreement in the literature on how Ethyl Alcohol long the sample should remain in the different
Ethyl alcohol is the most commonly used sub- concentrations of alcohol (Table  5.1); however,
stance for tissue dehydration. It has a rapid despite the diversity in the decalcification and
action, is nontoxic, is reliable, and provides an dehydration times, clarification results are appar-
effective dehydration, but it has the disadvantage ently similar. This may be confusing for those
of causing tissue distortion because of its shrink- who start learning the  diaphanization  method,
age effect (Fig. 5.4a–c). To avoid distortion, ethyl since it seems to be  a non-scientific-based pro-
alcohol must be used with gradual concentrations cess. Therefore, everyone must follow the method
(Fig.  5.4d), and once the dental piece is placed of trial and error and use the time deemed appro-
directly in absolute ethyl alcohol, the dehydration priate to achieve the best possible results.

a b c d

e f g h

Fig. 5.4  Variables involved in the quality of dehumidi- root surface after the dehumidification process by direct
fication process which must be gradual and progressive contact with the silica sand; (f) indirect exposure of
to avoid sample distortion. (a, b) Samples placed dental pieces to a desiccant agent (silica sand); (g) after
directly in 96° alcohol showing root fracture; (c) sample the dehydration process, the apexes must be semitrans-
placed directly 90° alcohol showing damage in the parent which indicates that the sample is ready for oil
cement structure; (d) gradual concentrations of alcohol immersion; (h) the apex of this tooth is not semitrans-
were used in this sample, and no damages can be parent which indicates an error in the decalcification or
observed on the root surface; (e) particles adhered to the dehydration process
66 C. Barrington and F. Balandrano

Table 5.2  Proportions of water and alcohol to obtain dif- extracting moisture from dental tissues are
ferent concentrations used in the  dehydration process
mainly silica, either in sand or gel, and desiccant
of Dr. Balandrano
clay. The major problem in using these materials
Alcohol 96° Water Time
is that they adhere sometimes to the moist sur-
52 mL 48 mL 24 h
62.5 mL 37.5 mL 24 h faces. In this case, it can be difficult to completely
73 mL 27 mL 24 h remove the desiccant from the dental surface
83.5 mL 16.5 mL 24 h (Fig. 5.4e), and an attempt to their removal with
94 mL 6 mL 24 h instruments may cause damage to the root sur-
100 mL 0 mL 24 h face. To avoid this, it is recommended a very
Silica sand near to the sample 2 h quick rinse with a solution such as tap water,
deionized water, or even alcohol. This allows the
release of the drying agent, without affecting the
Deformation caused by alcohol can be avoided drying effect and the integrity of the sample. The
by using graduated concentrations. Besides, the samples can also be dried in an airtight container
time the sample remains at each alcohol concen- together but not in contact with the desiccant
trations must be sufficient to remove the previous agent (Fig. 5.4f).
chemicals from the sample allowing the adapta-
tion of the tissues to the current concentration. In Dehydration Through Exposure
addition, it is advisable to increase the storage to the Environment
period and shake the solution at least five times in It is possible to achieve complete dehydration of
each of the different concentrations. It is worth the tooth without using alcohols or desiccants.
noting that 96° alcohol has a certain amount of This reliable method consists of letting the tooth
water that can interfere with the refractive index dry overnight or for 24  h exposed to room
of the clarifying substance; so, it is important to environment.
leave the piece in a dry environment and near to a Whatever method is used, a good indicator of
desiccant for 1 or 2 h after dehydration process in an appropriate dehydration of teeth is when, at
order to eliminate as much moisture as possible. the end of the procedure, it is semitransparent,
especially in the apical area (Fig.  5.4g). If the Isopropyl Alcohol tooth is not transparent after this procedure, it is
According to the National Institute for possible that some step in the decalcification or
Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), this dehydration processes has failed (Fig. 5.4h).
product is highly flammable and is necessary to
use gloves during its handling [37], so extreme
caution should be exercised if this substance is 5.3.3 Techniques for Identifying
used during the dehydration process. Like ethyl the Canal System in Dental
alcohol, isopropyl alcohol should be used with Diaphanization
gradual concentrations to avoid deformation in
the sample. Most of dental diaphanization techniques achieve
a degree of transparency that avoid the identifica- Desiccation tion of some root canal components, especially
Alcohols and other chemicals can affect the pulp narrow entities such as lateral canals or apical
tissue and therefore are not used in some tech- ramifications (Fig.  5.5a). Therefore, it is
niques [20]. This was discovered by Dr. Craig ­necessary to use a contrast medium, unable to
Barrington, and his patented technique includes become transparent by the clarification proce-
no alcohol-based drying agent but the exposure dures, to fill the pulp canal space. The most used
of the sample to various desiccants, air, or simply material to differentiate the root canals has been
the environment in combination with or without the ink; however, there are other contrast sub-
desiccants. Desiccant substances capable of stances that can also be used with this purpose.
5  Diaphanization Techniques in the Study of Root Canal Anatomy 67

a b c d

e f g h

i j k l

m n o p q

r s t u v

Fig. 5.5  Contrast medium in the diaphanization pro- definition of the root canal boundaries (courtesy of Dr.
cess. (a) Without using a contrast medium, it is virtually Holm Reuver); (i) paint as a contrast medium allows the
impossible to identify the root canal elements; (b) the root canal to be clearly seen; (j) thickness of undiluted
use of a contrast medium allows to observe anatomical paint did not allow full penetration into the canals; (k)
structures of the root canal; (c) India ink used as a con- paint partially covering the outer surface of the root pre-
trast agent may cover the outer surface of the root pre- venting correct visualization of the root canal; (l) dye for
venting correct visualization of the root canal; (d) cakes used as a contrast medium; (m) neurovascular
complete leaching out of contrast agent into the dentinal entrapments as demonstrated here led Dr. Barrington to
tubules avoiding visualization of the canal system; (e) use the existing pulpal tissue as a contrast medium; (n)
contrast dye stained the canals and the dentin losing the first tooth made transparent by the patented
overall contrast between dentin and canal system; (f) Barrington’s technique; (o, p) mandibular first premolar
India ink leaching into the dentinal tubules washing out cleared with the Barrington’s method using dental pulp
the appearance of the canal system; (g) penetration of as a contrast medium; (q–s) air injection technique used
India ink into the dentinal tubules prevents visualization as a contrast medium; (t, u) unsatisfactory results from
of the lateral limits of the main canals; (h) the use of air injection technique; (v) biofilm of microorganisms
diluted paint as a contrast medium can allow a correct used as a contrast medium
68 C. Barrington and F. Balandrano

To place a contrast medium inside the tooth, root Paint

canals must be previously accessed. Different If paint is used to differentiate the canals, it is
access openings, shapes, and sizes, from simply recommended that it has adequate fluidity so it
making a pin hole to totally accessing the pulp can flow freely and fill the canal space in an
chamber, have been suggested. Some authors effective way (Fig.  5.5h–j). The acrylic paint,
have also considered soaking the sample in vari- used for various hobbies, has the proper consis-
ous chemicals such as sodium hypochlorite tency and fluidity. However, it should be placed
(NaOCl), which is effective in cleaning residual with great care because it can be very difficult to
pulp tissue, prior to the injection of the contrast remove from the outer surface of tooth (Fig. 5.5k).
medium, while others recommended to use a
combination of soaking and actively forcing the Dyes for Cakes
NaOCl through the pulp canal system. In our It exists as a gel or in liquid form. It is recom-
opinion, there is no science to support these pro- mended to use the liquid solution dissolved in
cedures, and it is a simply trial-and-error art form water because it is so concentrated that with only
of guess work combined with experience, prior to an amount that fits in the tip of a toothpick can
the next step. achieve an intense color. Its main advantage is
that, after placing the dye, sample can be exposed Contrast Medium to the environment for a time before starting the
process of clarification. This environmental
Ink exposition causes evaporation of the water, leav-
Indian or Chinese ink is the most widely used ing the dye particles inside the canal, allowing to
material to differentiate root canal anatomy with differentiate it in a very effective way (Fig. 5.5l).
satisfactory results [11, 15] (Fig.  5.5b). In this
technique, it is recommended to introduce the ink Dental Pulp
into the canal system before performing the According to Dr. Barrington [20], if a freshly
decalcification, dehydration, and clearing pro- extracted tooth is allowed to dry for a period of
cesses. This allows one to remove the ink from time with the blood and debris from the extrac-
the outer surface of the dental piece in an effec- tion on it, the remnants of dried blood and pulpal
tive manner prior to initiate the clarification pro- tissue can provide a very detailed and semi-­
cess. If the ink is placed after clarification, the reliable contrast medium (Fig.5.5m–p). In this
outer surface of the root is more likely to absorb technique, a freshly extracted tooth must be
it due to the decalcification, making it difficult to firstly placed in an open or closed container and
remove and leading to the disuse of the sample allowed to dry. As alternative, sample can be left
[21] (Fig. 5.5c). In addition, the ink may invade on the tabletop exposing it to air and/or exposing
the dentinal tubules because of the decalcifica- it to desiccants such as diatomaceous earth, silica
tion, making it difficult to define the lateral limits sand, silica gel, or even aluminum sulfate, which
of the canals (Fig. 5.5d–g). can be found in certain animal litter-type prod-
ucts [39]. The results can be very detailed and
Ink Mixed with Gelatin thorough, but problems such as overdrying the
Colorless gelatin can be dissolved in water mixed samples can cause distortions to the point that it
with sufficient ink to achieve a good coloration no longer resembles the original specimen. Thus,
and then taken to the refrigerator. After gelation, removal of water using this method is very sensi-
gelatin is placed in a syringe for its injection into tive, but once accomplished, the sample can be
the canals. The syringe might be slightly heated placed in the immersion oils for final clearing. It
so that the gelatin is liquefied and, thus, can pass is important to point out that the tooth cannot be
through the needle without difficulty [38]. The rinsed, treated, or wiped with any chemical treat-
dissolution of the ink in gelatin facilitates its ment or cleaning agent. Once the debris on the
removal from the outer root surface [21]. outside surface of the tooth is dried, diaphaniza-
5  Diaphanization Techniques in the Study of Root Canal Anatomy 69

tion processes can start. Years of experimentation least 5 days after which the clarification process
have revealed that alcohol can also have a detri- can be initiated (Fig. 5.5v).
mental drying action (Fig.  5.4a–c). Using this
technique, alcohol should be avoided as a dehy-
dration agent because it breaks down the dried 5.3.4 Clarification Process
blood and pulpal remnants, negatively affecting
the outcome. Refractive Index
When light encounters an object, it can be Air absorbed, reflected, or transmitted. If an object
Based on Dr. Barrington’s findings [20], injecting transmits light, the light passes through that
air into an accessed pulp canal system can reveal object and this causes changes in their speed. As
the internal anatomy of teeth in a very predictable light changes speed, it bends and this bending of
way (Fig. 5.5q–s). This method is fast and gives a light is defined in terms of index of refraction.
perfect view of the internal anatomy. However, The index refraction is the ratio of the speed of
sometimes air diffuses out fair quickly, which light in a vacuum to the speed of light in a sub-
makes a challenge to photograph the results stance. It is represented by the letter “n” and can
(Fig. 5.5t–u). Furthermore, repetitive attempts to be found through the equation n = c/v, where “c”
inject air may cause the tooth to be opaque and is the speed of light in a vacuum and “v” is the
lose its clarity for some time. An alternative to speed of light in the material [40]. An example is
overcome this limitation is to freeze the cleared the refractive index of water which is expressed
tooth and place it into a warm immersion oil. It as being 1.33 after calculation. This refractive
will cause the sample to expand and take in air index implies that light travels 1.33 times faster
for a longer time than the simple injection in a vacuum than in water. Teeth present a unique
technique. problem in clearing compared to other tissues.
Teeth have dissimilar hard tissues with varied Biofilm mineral content. Consequently, the different
This technique from Dr. Balandrano consists in, refractive indexes of enamel (n = 1.631), dentin
after access preparation, placing the dental pieces (n = 1.540), and cementum (n = 1.582) [41] will
in 1% NaOCl for 2 days, changing the solution affect the outcome of dental clarification
daily to dissolve remaining pulp tissue. The sam- procedures.
ples are then left in water for 2 or 3 days, chang- In the field of optics, transparency is achieved
ing it three times a day to remove as much NaOCl when light passes through an object without
as possible. The samples are subsequently dried scatter. It is very difficult to achieve transparency
to the environment for 1 day, a liquid culture in air so this is best managed by submerging
medium (thioglycolate broth) is injected into the objects in liquids that share similar indexes of
canals through the access previously made, and refraction [9]. Scatter of light is reduced when
samples are immersed in the same culture objects share the same or similar indices of
medium. The culture medium is then contami- refraction. In histology, immersion oils are used
nated with bacteria taken from infected root to achieve this “clearing.” This terminology
canals. The preparation must be stored at 37 °C comes from the fact that the clearing agents
for at least 3  months feeding the culture every often have the same refractive index as proteins.
week with new medium and new bacteria taken As a result, when the tissue is completely infil-
from different patients aiming to allow colonies trated with the clearing agent, it becomes trans-
to grow inside the root canal system. Once bacte- lucent to transparent. This change in appearance
rial growth is achieved, samples are carefully of the object is often used as an indication of the
taken from the culture medium and washed using effectiveness or completeness of the clearing
tap water and a disposable brush. The samples method [10]. So, in light microscopy, oils are
are then left exposed to the environment for at defined as being index-­matching materials. In
70 C. Barrington and F. Balandrano

optics, an index-matching material is a sub- of children and use nitrile gloves and masks when
stance, usually a liquid, cement (adhesive), or handling it.
gel, which has an index of refraction that closely
approximates that of another object (such as a Other Immersion Substances
lens, material, fiber optics, etc.). When two sub- Eugenol (oil clove) has a refractive index of 1.535
stances with the same index are next to each which is very close to the dentin (1.540) [45]. It is
other, light passes from one to the other with nei- a suitable alternative to methyl salicylate
ther reflection nor refraction. (Fig. 5.6a, b); however, it must be fresh because it
It is not easy to determine the index of refrac- may acquire a yellowish color with time and
tion of a substance such as type 1 collagen; so, affect the visualization of the sample (Fig. 5.6a).
definitive representative numbers are difficult to Benzyl benzoate (benzyl ester of benzoic
find. It is estimated that its index of refraction, acid; n  =  1.568–1.570) and isosafrole (aro-
depending on the level of hydration, may vary matic constituent of oil of sassafras; n = 1.577)
from 1.43 to 1.53 [15–17]. The latter (1.53) were also listed by Dr. Spalteholz as good
became an appropriate number in the diaphaniza- clearing agents [1, 2]. According to him, the
tion of human teeth since this is the index of latter have better results when mixed with
refraction of the primary oil used in the clearing methyl salicylate in a 5:3 proportion. Spalteholz
process. Immersion oils are transparent and have also recommended starting a sample with
specific optical and viscosity characteristics nec- either xylol or benzol and then slowly adding
essary for use in microscopy. Typical oils have an isosafrole over a few days so as the xylol or
index of refraction around 1.515 [20]. For exam- benzol can evaporate off a loosely covered
ple, one of the most used oils in teeth clarification container. It is recommended to use a vent
is methyl salicylate, which has a refractive index hood as xylol and benzol are very volatile,
of 1.5369 [42]. This index of refraction values is odorous, and flammable [3].
what allows the final object to be transparent. Bergamot, origanum, periwinkle oil, xylol,
toluol, and carbon disulfide are examples of other Immersion Oils clearing chemicals that have been tried in the
past. These substances are still available and
Methyl Salicylate require to be mentioned due to their historic use
Methyl salicylate is the most commonly used [3]. Some are dangerous in terms of being vola-
immersion oil for transparency of human teeth. It tile and flammable, but others still have experi-
is an oil extracted from plants of the genus mental value. Some practitioners may also find it
Gaultheria. It can be found in many products of difficult to purchase certain chemicals in their
daily use such as toothpaste, mouthwashes, and regions of residence. However, it is to be noted
creams to relieve muscle aches and even in some that several high refractive index oils exist and
perfumes, chewing gums, and soft drinks. Methyl can be useful to attain results to an educational
salicylate, either in its pure form or commercial level aiming to show the internal anatomy of
presentation, is referred to as “Winter Green Oil,” human teeth. Another product, like Canada bal-
which has 98% methyl salicylate, and is widely sam, and honey with 10% water have a refraction
used in microscopy because of its refractive index index of 1.52 and are also suitable as immersion
of 1.5369 [42]. It must be point out that ingestion substances for making teeth transparent
of methyl salicylate is dangerous and can be (Fig. 5.6c).
lethal. One teaspoon contains 7000 mg of salicy- Synthetic immersion oils are commonly used
late, equivalent to 21.7 aspirin tablets of 325 mg in microscopy and are suitable for clarifying
[43]. Besides, direct skin contact with methyl teeth; however, according to the type of oil, it
salicylate may cause sufficient dermal absorption may have a different refraction index. Hence, it is
to produce toxic serum salicylate levels [44]. important to look for an immersion oil that has a
Therefore, it is important to keep it out of reach similar index of refraction of the dentin.
5  Diaphanization Techniques in the Study of Root Canal Anatomy 71

Fig. 5.6 Immersion
agents in the a b
diaphanization process.
(a) When eugenol is
used as a clearing agent,
tooth is cleared but will
present a yellow
appearance; (b) the use
of methyl salicylate as a
clearing agent allows a
more transparent
appearance in
comparison with the
eugenol; (c) honey can
also be used as c
immersion agent with
acceptable result

5.3.5 Diaphanization Techniques 4. Neutralize with 5% sodium sulfate for

24 h.
The basic concepts of decalcification, dehydra- 5. Wash for 24 h with running water.
tion, and clarification for diaphanization of hard 6. Place in thermostat-controlled device at
tissues provided by Spalteholz [1, 2] have 35–37 °C for 24 h in 10% gelatin.
remained immutable. Changes have been made 7. Dissolve Prussian blue powder in water until
over time in the materials, proportions, and times solution turns dark blue.
used to perform these procedures but without 8. After gelatin is cold, take teeth out and
changing the basic concepts. Therefore, these soak into 10% formalin solution for
changes must be considered as modifications of 2 days.
original Spalteholz technique, as follows: 9. Wash in running water for 12 h.
10. Dehydrate for 1 day each in 30%, 50%, 80%, Spalteholz Modification by and absolute alcohol, changing solution
Lenhossék [45] three times per day.
1. Remove teeth’s crowns. 11. Soak in benzene solution for 3 days, chang-
2. Left roots in thermostat-controlled device at ing the solution every day.
37 °C for 1 month. 12. Take out benzene solution and soak into

3. Decalcify samples in 5% HCl or HNO3, Spalteholz solution of wintergreen oil and
changing solution every day for 2 weeks. isopral for final transparency.
72 C. Barrington and F. Balandrano Spalteholz Modification by 3. Use methyl salicylate to render teeth

Vertucci [5] transparent.
1. Store extracted teeth in 10% formalin. 4. Inject India ink into the pulp chamber with a
2. Prepare access cavities using no. 2 round bur. 27-G needle. The ink can be drawn through
3. Dissolve pulp tissue by immersing teeth in the canal system by applying negative pres-
2.5% NaOCl for 12 h, followed by 20 min of sure to the apical end of the tooth with a suc-
immersion in an ultrasonic bath. tion system.
4. Rinse teeth under running tap water for 2 h
and dry them overnight. Spalteholz Modification
5. Use a 27-G needle adapted to a syringe to by Robertson: Canal
inject India ink into the root canal space cor- Obturation [12]
onally, assisted by vacuum suction apically. 1. Gutta-percha and sealer are used as contrast
6. Dry teeth with air. medium.
7. Decalcify teeth in 5% nitric acid for 4–5 days. 2. Left teeth in 5% nitric acid for 24 h at room
The acid solution must be changed daily and temperature.
the endpoint of decalcification determined 3. Dehydrate sample in 80% ethyl alcohol over-
by radiographs. night, then in 90% and 100% ethyl alcohol for
8. Wash teeth under running water to remove 1  h, respectively, followed by 3-h rinse with
traces of acid. acetone, changed each 1 h.
9. Dry and dehydrate sample using increasing 4. Use silicone 710 for 24  h to render teeth

concentrations of ethanol (70%, 95%, 100%) transparent.
for 24 h.
10. Render teeth transparent by immersing in Spalteholz Modification by
methyl salicylate. Pécora [32]
1. After access cavity preparation, store extracted Spalteholz Modification by teeth in 5% NaOCl for 4  days changing the
Castellucci [46] solution every 24  h, followed by 6  h in tap
1. Dissolve soft tissues by immersing teeth
30 min in NaOCl. 2. Store teeth in 5% hydrochloric acid changing
2. Use gutta-percha as a contrast medium. the solution every 24 h until the enamel is dis-
3. Left samples 3 days in 5% nitric acid at room solved, followed by 24 h in tap water.
temperature. 3. Use 80% and 100% of alcohol for dehydration
4. Use radiographs to check demineralization
(no time limit was reported).
process. 4. Inject gelatin mixed with India ink into the
5. Rinse sample in tap water for 4 h. root canals.
6. Dehydrate sample in 80% ethyl alcohol for 5. Use methyl salicylate for clarification.
12 h, followed by 2 h in 90% and 2 h in over
proof. Spalteholz Modification by
7. Render teeth transparent after 2  h in methyl Venturi: Canal Obturation [7]
salicylate. 1. Gutta-percha and sealer are used as contrast
medium. Spalteholz Modification by 2. For decalcification, use 7% formic acid, 3%
Robertson: Canal Anatomy [12] hydrochloric acid, or 8% sodium citrate in
1. Left teeth 3  days in 5% nitric acid at room aqueous solution for 14  days changing the
temperature. solution every 3 days.
2. Dehydrate sample in 80% ethyl alcohol over- 3. Wash teeth in tap water for 2 h.
night, then in 90% ethyl alcohol for 1 h fol- 4. For dehydration, use ethyl alcohol at 25%,
lowed by 3-h rinse in 100% ethyl alcohol, 50%, 70%, 90%, 95%, and 100%, for 30 min
changed each 1 h. each.
5  Diaphanization Techniques in the Study of Root Canal Anatomy 73

5. Immerse teeth in methyl salicylate for

6. Wash under running water and finish first
clarification. with a fine-grain drill for turbine up to a
thickness of 2–3  mm, and then polish with Spalteholz Modification by abrasive disks mounted on a contra-angle
Weng: No Contrast Medium [15] under running water.
1. Wash and store extracted teeth in 3% hydro- 7. Wash with distilled water.
gen peroxide (no time limit was reported). 8. Soak in alcohol solutions at progressively
2. Place samples in 3.25% NaOCl for 1 h. increasing concentrations (30%, 50%, 80%,
3. Wash with tap water and allow to dry
and 90%) and left in 100% alcohol until the
overnight. staining in the dentinal tubules is totally
4. Without preparing access cavities, immerse removed, leaving dentinal tissue finally
teeth in 50% India ink and place them in transparent and pulp tissues a reddish-brown
hyperbaric oxygen chamber for 2  h at color.
6 MPa. 9. Transfer teeth to methyl benzoate for some
5. Wash with tap water and place into 5% nitric days until the dentin becomes totally trans-
acid for 7 days, changing solution daily. parent and then to xylene working under the
6. Wash in running tap water for 3 h and dehy- hood to avoid highly toxic vapors.
drate in ethyl alcohol (75%, 85%, 95%, and Considering that xylene has a very fast evap-
100%) for 12 h in each concentration. oration of this solution, it must be quickly
7. Place in methyl salicylate for 2 days. removed with absorbent paper to avoid sec-
tion to dry in this phase. Spalteholz Modification by 10. Scout the canal with a size 08 or 10  K-file
Malentacca and Lajolo [47] and leave it there with the tip 1 or 2 mm out
This protocol can be used for analysis of all teeth of the apex. Cover pulp cavity and apex with
no matter if root filled or untreated. Vaseline, and immediately fix with resin for
inclusion, or attack glue on the slide for his-
1. Freshly extracted teeth should be preserved tology covering with it all the section.
in water immediately after extraction, then
washed with a mild peroxide solution, scaled S  palteholz Modification by
and cleaned under running water, and finally Holm Reuver [48] (Figs. 5.7,
preserved in 2% glycerol-formalin solution. 5.8, 5.9, 5.10, and 5.11)
2. Place teeth on a large Petri dish and dried This protocol can be used for analysis of all
with absorbent paper to remove the excess teeth no matter if root filled or untreated. As
glycerol and then brushed with a 30% alco- contrast media, aqueous suspensions of color
hol solution, and under running water, the pigments are used. It is important that the pig-
pulp cavity is opened removing the pulp ments used do not show chromatographic phe-
tissue. nomena when exposed to acid, alcohol, or
3. Soak teeth into a solution of 0.5% blue ani- methyl salicylate. Besides, pigment particles
line with 8% citric acid for 10 min. must on the one hand be small enough for good
4. Using microscope, wear roots and crown fol- penetration in the finest endodontic structures
lowing the direction of the canal, taking and on the other hand large enough not to enter
great care to include it well in the section. dentinal tubules. The latter often is a problem
Pay attention not to allow the teeth to dry out with India ink. Pulp tissue and other material
and the cut to touch the canal in any way. sometimes hinder color suspensions to cover all
5. After this first rough-shaping, soak teeth in inside dentin surfaces completely, or it might
distilled water and dye with one of the many block the inflow into certain areas of root canals.
coloring methods for pulp tissue and root This problem can be overcome or at least
cement (e.g., Mallory mix 1) for 2 or 3 days reduced by dissolving organic material with
according to the thickness of the section. NaOCl, which is injected through a small coro-
74 C. Barrington and F. Balandrano

a b c d e

Fig. 5.7  Holm Reuver’s diaphanization technique applied to different teeth showing the complexity of the internal
anatomy of (a) one mandibular incisor and (b–f) five mandibular molars (

nal access at the beginning of the whole proce- 1. Tooth extraction is followed by gross removal
dure. For analysis of root-filled teeth, it is of soft tissue with hand instruments and ultra-
advisable to take photographs as soon as the sonic bath with 3% NaOCl for 5 min.
respective preparation has become transparent 2. Store teeth in containers with physiological
and before diffusion of gutta-percha color into saline and a few thymol crystals.
dentin structures becomes too severe. Working 3. Dry teeth overnight in normal room atmo-
with lower temperatures helps to reduce color sphere. By then water has evaporated from
diffusion of gutta-percha. This is especially a pulp structures inside the teeth and is replaced
problem of alpha gutta-percha. This method by air.
works exclusively on previously treated teeth 4. To install pigments into the pulp structures, a
and drastically cuts down on the time. low-pressure gradient is applied inside the
5  Diaphanization Techniques in the Study of Root Canal Anatomy 75

a b c d

e f g h

i j k l

Fig. 5.8  Holm Reuver’s diaphanization technique showing the complexity of the internal morphology of a maxillary
molar (a–l) (

teeth and at the high end outside. Teeth are pulp compartments. The gradient can be
immersed in a container with an aqueous sus- raised by additional pressure, for example,
pension of color pigments and evacuated (e.g., using a pressure pot for acrylic polymeriza-
Power Mixer in the dental lab) for 2  min to tion, in which the container with the teeth is
remove the air entrapped inside the teeth. transferred.
With removal of the vacuum, atmospheric 5. Teeth are taken out of the color suspension,
pressure presses the color suspension into all surfaces are cleaned with soft tissue, and
76 C. Barrington and F. Balandrano

a b c d

e f g h

i j k l

Fig. 5.9  Holm Reuver’s diaphanization technique applied to different teeth showing the apical complexity of the root
canal system (a–p) (
5  Diaphanization Techniques in the Study of Root Canal Anatomy 77

m n o p

Fig. 5.9 (continued)

a b c d

e f

Fig. 5.10  Holm Reuver’s diaphanization technique applied to a maxillary molar tooth (a-j)highlighting a massive extra
canal invasive resorption (ECIR) on the buccal aspect of the palatal root (c-h) (
78 C. Barrington and F. Balandrano

g h

i j

Fig. 5.10 (continued)

a b c d

Fig. 5.11  Holm Reuver’s diaphanization technique applied to a mandibular incisor (a, b) and mandibular molars (c–g)
depicting the presence of separated instruments in root-filled canals (d-h) (
5  Diaphanization Techniques in the Study of Root Canal Anatomy 79

e f g

Fig. 5.11 (continued)
80 C. Barrington and F. Balandrano

teeth are dried again at room atmosphere 2. Place the specimen into 5–7% hydrochloric
for 1 h to let the pigments bind to the inside acid for 12  h (premolars/centrals) or 24  h
dentin surfaces. Then pigment remnants on (molars).
the outside root surfaces are meticulously 3. Clean the dried debris from the external por-
removed from the dry teeth with moist tis- tion of the specimen with a razor blade.
sue and little brushes. Care must be taken 4. Dry the sample in a nonalcohol drying agent
to not remove pigments out of any such as air, cat litter, silica sand, silica gel, and
foramina. diatomaceous earth, for approximately 2–4 h.
6. Place the sample in 5% HNO3 for 2–4 days, 5. Place in methyl salicylate oil.
depending on the thickness of the teeth,
changing solution every 6–12  h and shaking S  palteholz Modification by
the sample constantly. Balandrano
7. Wash in tap water for 1 h. In this technique, some of the following products
8. Dehydrate in ethyl alcohol (50%, 80%, 96%) may be used as contrast media: India ink, cake
for 3–6 h, depending on the thickness of the paint, recreational paint, and bacteria. The differ-
tooth structure, shaking the solution ence in the refractive index can also be used to
constantly. differentiate the canal system from the other den-
9. Transfer teeth to methyl salicylate, which ren- tal structures.
ders them transparent in 30–90 min.
1. Keep sample in 3% hydrochloric acid for S  palteholz Modification by 7–10 days shaking it at least five times every
Barrington: Technique A 24  h. The solution must be changed every
(Fig. 5.12) 24 h.
This method works exclusively on previously 2. Assess the demineralization process by

treated teeth and drastically cuts down on the radiography.
time taken to expose the internal aspects of the 3. Place sample in tap water for 1 h.
tooth. 4. Dehydrate in ethyl alcohol (50%, 60%, 70%,
80%, 90%, and 96%, respectively) for 24  h
1. Soak extracted teeth into NaOCl for 2–4 h to each, shaking the solution at least five times
remove the periodontal ligament and blood every 24 h.
debris. 5. Place the sample in a hermetically sealed

2. Place into 5–7% hydrochloric acid for 12  h container, containing silica sand in a small
(premolars/centrals) or 24 h (molars). opened container, for 1  h to complete
3. Do not rinse the sample. dehumidification.
4. Place them in full-strength alcohol for 2–4 h. 6. Place the tooth in methyl salicylate oil for
5. Use methyl salicylate for clarification. clarification. S  palteholz Modification by

Barrington: Technique B 5.3.6 Photographic Techniques
(Fig. 5.13)
This method (patent application #14/310,563) The output quality of an image directly reflects
uses no contrast medium and no access prepara- the reliability of the method used to evaluate root
tion. It is the fastest method to detail the internal canal anatomy using diaphanization technique
anatomy of human teeth, achieving results in and, consequently, the accuracy of the acquired
48–72 h. In some cases, results can be achieved results. It is important to point out that a close-to-­
as soon as 18–24 h. ideal procedure for image analysis in a research
study for instance is that it should be performed
1. Do not clean the recently extracted tooth and by an expertise technician, to guarantee image
allow it to dry in a container for 24 h. with adequate quality aiming to acquire validate
5  Diaphanization Techniques in the Study of Root Canal Anatomy 81

a b c

d e f

g h i

j k l m

Fig. 5.12  Barrington’s technique. (a–c) An endodonti- first molar with a long-term infection showing apical root
cally treated maxillary second premolar was extracted and resorption and missed MB2 canal; (j) root canal of a man-
made transparent revealing a complex apical anatomy; (d) dibular right second premolar filled with classical
file separation and missed MB2 in the mesiobuccal root of Schilder’s obturation technique; (k) root-filled mandibu-
a maxillary left first molar; (e) root filled with silver point lar first premolar with access closed with composite; (l)
technique obturation; (f) mesial root of a mandibular right root canal filled with carrier-based obturation showing
first molar filled with silver points; (g) root-filled maxil- stripping of gutta-percha from carrier; (m) mesial root of
lary second molar showing a missed MB2 canal; (h) distal a mandibular right first molar filled with lateral condensa-
root of a mandibular first molar filled with lateral conden- tion technique with master gutta-percha cones dipped in
sation technique; (i) mesiobuccal root of a maxillary right eucalyptol
82 C. Barrington and F. Balandrano

microscopes to macrophotography. Many cre-

ative mechanisms, techniques, lighting, and
filters can also be used in the form of a scien-
tific to artistic approaches to portray the

Dr. Barrington uses a total immersion of the

sample in methyl salicylate oil and perimeter
b lighting from a dental operating microscope
(magnification from 2× to 26×) coupled with a
digital camera mounted on a beam splitter. Dr.
Balandrano developed several photographic
techniques through which it is possible to dif-
ferentiate the dental structures such as cement,
dentin, and canals without the need of a con-
trast medium. Each technique includes differ-
ent cameras, backgrounds, filters, and special
lights in assorted colors and positions
(Figs. 5.14a–f, 5.15, and 5.16). The practitioner
must develop personal photographic techniques
c because the results will change according to the
camera, the background, the filter and the inten-
sity, and the arrangement and color of the
The numerical aperture is key factor to the
Fig. 5.13  Exposure of the internal anatomy of (a-b) two performance of objective lens, including cameras
maxillary second premolars and (c) a maxillary lateral and microscopes, because it determines the
incisor using Barrington’s clearing method. Note power, focal depth, and brightness provided by
that Barrington's method does not involve an access open- lens [49]. So, it is suggested to obtain the opti-
ing to inject dyes or contrast mediums (b-c). In the lateral
incisors it is possible to observe that pulpal reaction and mum numerical aperture at the moment of
constriction of the canal occurred as a result of the irrita- observing or taking images of the clarified tooth.
tion caused by the decay (c). However, because of different refractive index of
dental tissues, determination of the ideal aperture
results. In this way, the photographic technique is of lens may be a problem for a clear picture of the
of utmost importance. All photographic tech- clarified samples. This situation can be solved if
niques used for registration of tooth transparency the photograph is taken with the tooth submerged
must use some form of oil immersion and oblique in some substance that has similar index of
illumination light microscopy, which has been a refraction of the dentin (n = 1.54). This immer-
standard procedure in histology. sion also optimizes the numerical aperture, and
Three essential fundamentals are involved in therefore it is possible to obtain a more accurate
the documentation of the results: image of the sample. Otherwise, the results can
be unreliable because some internal tooth struc-
1. The sample must be completely immersed in tures could not be properly distinguished
an oil to maximally expose details. (Fig. 5.14g, h).
2. Some form of perimeter lighting must be
In the literature, several substances have been
used. It is rare and even sometimes detrimen- suggested to be used for observation of clarified
tal to completely “backlight” a sample. dental pieces, including xylene and epoxy res-
3. Magnification of some form is used from stan- ins; however, xylene has a refractive index of
dard light microscopes and dental operating 1.505 [42] which is different from dental struc-
5  Diaphanization Techniques in the Study of Root Canal Anatomy 83

a b

c d e f

g h

Fig. 5.14  Images of cleared teeth taken with different with distinct colors; (e, f) mandibular premolar submerged
photographic techniques developed by Dr. Balandrano. in methyl salicylate and coated with acrylic resin showing
(a, b) Mesial root of a mandibular molar photographed a wide canal with four ramifications at the apex level; (g,
using two different techniques clearly depicting the h) same dental piece photographed submerged (left) and
cement layer, dentin, and root canal; (c, d) different pho- not submerged (right) in oil
tographic techniques showing cement layer and dentin

tures and could not allow for an accurate obser- that the refractive index may change after resin
vation of the sample details. On the other hand, polymerization [51]. Therefore, if epoxy resins
epoxy resins can be very efficient for tooth trans- are used for tooth clarification, it is advisable to
parency, despite these materials have a refractive ensure that they have similar refractive index as
index that varies according to their brand and the dentin at the time of polymerization
chemical composition [50]. Another problem is (Fig. 5.14e, f).
84 C. Barrington and F. Balandrano

a b c

d e f

g h i

Fig. 5.15  Complex canal anatomies observed in cleared main canals can be also observed; (f) it is common to
mesial roots of mandibular molars. (a–d) Middle mesial observe a widening of the middle mesial canals at the
canal dividing into two canals in the middle part of the coronal or middle thirds of the root; (g–i) a middle mesial
root. Each one of the divisions is confluent with the main canal starts in one of the main canals and ends in the other.
canals and has an independent foramen; (e) one of the There is also a recurrent canal at the level of the middle
main canals is divided into two canals at apical level. A third and a calculus at the apical third of the root
middle mesial canal which ends in the division of the
5  Diaphanization Techniques in the Study of Root Canal Anatomy 85

a b c

d e f

g h i

Fig. 5.16  Complex canal anatomies of cleared teeth. (a, b) canals in the mesial root of a mandibular molar connected by
Independent middle mesial canal showing multiple trans- multiple transverse canals; (h) a wide canal is divided into
verse connections with the main canals; (c, d) presence of a three canals with independent foramens at the apical third; (i)
calcification in the apical third of the canal; (e-g) main root magnification of image in (h) showing a canal calcification
86 C. Barrington and F. Balandrano

5.3.7 R
 oot Canal Preparation Using the other hand, in case of teeth stored for an
Transparent Teeth unknown period or previously exposure to differ-
ent chemicals such as NaOCl, saline, or formalin,
It has been reported that teeth that have been Balandrano’s technique is preferred.
made transparent by diaphanization process can This chapter describes the methodologies
be re-hardened for visualization of the effects of involved in dental diaphanization procedures and
different mechanical or irrigation techniques over provides details of the most used techniques.
the anatomical components of the root canal sys- However, it is required a continuous practice for
tem. This procedure has been done mostly for mastering these techniques. Do not expect exem-
educational purposes [52]. Post-clearing treat- plary results from the beginning. Outcomes at
ment of the teeth with xylene can restore some of times can be varied and sometimes discouraging.
the overall loss of hardness that results from the Differences in tooth size, root morphology, hard
decalcification process, but the original hardness tissue composition, and thicknesses throughout
cannot be restored [21]. Therefore, instrumenta- the same tooth can also affect the outcome. Various
tion and irrigant activation in straight canal sys- chemical treatments, prior to start the clearing pro-
tems can demonstrate some instructive value, but cess, add variables that can also alter the results.
curvatures and small ramifications in canals can However, with a desire to learn and get better, nice
bring error and artifact. Even though treatment results can be achieved in a brief period. This will
with xylene of post-cleared teeth can gain some provide years of education and learning which will
hardness in comparison to untreated clear teeth, lead to improvements in endodontic outcomes for
the ease of over instrumentation and perforation all interested in achieving clinical treatment results
inherently exists. Therefore, this educational vec- that eventually improve patient’s quality of life.
tor should be used with caution since the ease of
an error can result in much confusion and frustra-
tion in a classroom setting. References
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CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study
of Root Canal Anatomy
Jorge N. R. Martins and Marco A. Versiani

Abstract tomography (micro-CT) have gained increas-

A thorough understanding of the canal mor- ing significance in dental research allowing
phology and its variations in all groups of the detailed study of canal anatomy because
teeth is a basic requirement for the success of they offered a nondestructive reproducible
the endodontic therapy. Over the last century, technique that could be applied quantitatively
the complexity of the root canal system was as well as qualitatively for two- and three-­
well documented using several methods dimensional accurate assessment of the root
including three-dimensional wax models, con- canal system. This chapter is focused on the
ventional and digital radiography, resin description of the main results obtained in the
­injection, macroscopic and microscopic eval- in vivo and ex vivo research studies on the root
uations, tooth sectioning, clearing techniques, and root canal anatomy using CBCT and
radiographic methods with radiopaque con- micro-CT imaging technologies.
trast media, and scanning electron micros-
copy. These techniques have been used suc-
cessfully over many years, but their destructive
nature produced irreversible changes in the 6.1  one Beam Computed
specimens and many artifacts. Technological Tomography
advancements in three-dimensional computed
tomographic imaging have given rise to more 6.1.1 Definition
accurate methods for clinical and laboratory
evaluations of tooth anatomy. In the last Nowadays, imaging technology is the major
decades, cone beam computed tomography diagnostic aid used in dentistry. Among the most
(CBCT) and high-resolution micro-computed used imaging resources are the conventional or
digital, panoramic and intraoral periapical, and
bitewing radiographs. While these user-friendly
techniques are quick to be performed and
J. N. R. Martins (*)
Dental School of Lisbon, assessed, present a low radiation dose, and have
University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal relatively low cost worldwide, they are two-­
e-mail: dimensional (2D) images associated with inher-
M. A. Versiani, D.D.S., M.Sc., Ph.D. ent limitations such as geometric distortion,
Department of Restorative Dentistry, Dental School superimposition of anatomic structures, and
of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo, dependency of observer interpretation [1].
Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2019 89

M. A. Versiani et al. (eds.), The Root Canal Anatomy in Permanent Dentition,
90 J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani

Some clinical areas have surpassed some of sonal computer. This 3D volume presents a sig-
these limitations by accessing three-dimensional nificant increase of resolution and image quality
(3D) examinations such as computed tomogra- when compared to the former CT scans based on
phy (CT) scans. In early years, a CT scan was a multiple 2D slices and also a greater diagnosis
3D imaging technique based on multiple 2D accuracy in comparison with panoramic or intra-
slices separated by predefined distances. These oral radiography which, according to Bender [2],
spaces between slices were blind areas, unavail- requires at least an estimated 7.1% of mineral cor-
able to be analyzed. Because of the multiple 2D tical bone loss to produce a radiographically visi-
slices required to be taken, so a 3D interpretation ble radiolucent area.
could be done, but multiple scans had to be per- In summary, CBCT technology became a
formed until the area of interest was completely faster, smaller, compact, and safer version of the
imaged. This highly increased the level of radia- CT imaging technique to capture 3D images of a
tion exposure of the patients. Moreover, the CT specific area of interest. However, due to the radi-
machines had to be large enough, so the patient ation dose, artifacts, and noise present on CBCT
could lay down and be moved through it while images, conventional or digital panoramic and
being submitted to multiple scans. Although the intraoral radiographs are still the primary choice
late versions of the CT devices reduced the for imaging diagnosis, balancing with CBCT
impact of some of these problems, it never technique when a more advanced and detailed
became a friendly imaging technology to be examination is required.
incorporated into dental practice.
The wide acceptance of the 3D imaging tech-
nique in the dental community started with the 6.1.2 CBCT Image Acquisition
development of the cone beam computed tomog-
raphy (CBCT) during the 1990s. This technology Several technical dissimilarities exist among dif-
became so user-friendly that it was rapidly spread ferent CBCT devices; however, the basic con-
worldwide. The most significant difference to the cepts are common to all of them. Normally, after
earliest CT systems is the transition from multiple leaving the X-ray source, the CBCT beam takes a
scans to one single 180–360° scan with a cone- cone-shaped form, which gives the name to this
shaped X-ray beam which allows to capture a 3D imaging technique, and its electromagnetic wave
image volume while reducing the blind spaces is projected to a detector plate while crossing, in
between the slices. Another improvement is the its way, the area of interest to be imaged. In other
possibility to adjust the center of rotation aiming words, the X-ray photons leave the source, tres-
to capture a smaller localized 3D volume related pass the patient’s body, and will impress the
to a specific area of interest and not a large slice of detector plate on the opposite side. From there, a
the patient’s body as in conventional CT imaging. produced electric signal will be used for the
The single scan and localized volume capturing three-dimensional reconstruction of the patient’s
are the two main factors that significantly reduced body. The X-ray source and detector plate are
radiation exposure. CBCT imaging technique connected to each other, and both rotate simulta-
also allowed the development of smaller machines. neously around the patient in a 180–360° rotation
Therefore, patients no longer must be moved arc during the scan to produce multiple 2D pro-
through the device but takes a standing or sitting jection images. A higher number of projections
position with the head stabilized by a holder, are required to achieve a better resolution, and,
while the CBCT sensor moves around for a brief consequently, it also requires more time and a
time. The area of interest is captured in a cylindri- higher frame rate, which increases the radiation
cal or spherical volume, which is digitally recon- dose [3].
structed, and then possibly to be observed and The 3D volume built by all these multiple 2D
submitted to several filters and setting changes, projections is defined as field of view (FOV)
allowing a better image interpretation in any per- whose shape might be either a cylinder or a
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy 91

sphere. The FOV size can be adjusted to capture One of the major concerns regarding the rou-
only the area of interest. It can be a small field, tine use of the CBCT imaging is the effective
also designed as limited field, with only 5  cm3 radiation dose taken by the patient. The effective
size or smaller, to capture only two or three teeth, dose is measured in sieverts (Sv) and takes into
or a large field to capture a maxillofacial view account the radiosensitivity of the different body
with 10–15 cm3 [3]. These FOV volumes are dig- tissues. Considering the estimated tissue weight-
ital reconstructions made up of smaller volumet- ing factors, the full-mouth radiographs taken
ric particles designed as voxels. In 2D images, with F-speed sensor films may reach 34.9  μSv
the smallest image particle is designed as pixel, using a rectangular collimation, four F-speed
which presents a specific height and width. The sensor posterior bitewings with rectangular col-
smallest the pixel, the higher the number of pixel limation may reach 5.0  μSv, and panoramic
per cm2 and the higher the image resolution. In radiograph may reach 14.2 and 24.3 μSv with an
3D volumes, that smallest pixel has also a spe- Orthophos XG (Sirona Group, Bensheim,
cific depth, giving it a 3D shape, and receives the Germany) or ProMax (Planmeca, Helsinki,
designation of voxel. The voxel is the 3D equiva- Finland) devices [8], respectively. All these val-
lent of the 2D pixel. The CBCT voxels are isotro- ues may vary depending on the settings, sensors,
pic particles, meaning they present equal height, and equipment used. The CBCT imaging, having
width, and depth, giving accurate shape and mea- as reference an i-Cat Classic (Imaging Sciences
sures to the 3D volume [4]. Each particle has also International, Hatfield, USA), may reach 93.3
an assigned gray-scale value according to the and 118.5  μSv for the maxilla or mandible,
density of the captured tissues. The global vision respectively, using 6 cm3 FOV under high resolu-
of all these little combined voxel gray shades is tion, and 206.2 μSv using a 22 cm3 FOV under
responsible for all different gray-scale transitions standard resolution [5]. Therefore, the choice of
(color transition) between tissues, giving shape to imaging technique must take into consideration
a more clear and precise images in the 3D vol- the amount of radiation, which must be as low as
umes [5]. Nowadays, voxel size from CBCT possible to provide the required information,
machines may vary from 400 μm to 76 μm [3]. avoiding duplicated exams.
Smaller voxel sizes allow higher resolutions but
will also require higher radiation doses. Some
devices allow the change of the voxel size, while 6.1.3 CBCT Artifacts
in others, voxel size is predefined. Several CBCT
machines use the smallest voxel size associated Although the output of computed tomography is
with the smallest FOV, allowing a balance of the visual in nature and thus lends itself to straight-
radiation dose required since smaller FOV forward interpretation, subtle complications can
requires also lower effective radiation dose [6]. render the data more problematic for quantitative
Other important parameters of the CBCT use. Scanning artifacts can obscure details of
devices are the milliampere (mA) per second interest or cause the CT value of a single material
and kilovoltage (kV). Changing the mA settings to change in different parts of an image. Besides
to higher values will produce less noise and the radiation exposure, another significant draw-
increase the image quality; however, it will also back of the CBCT technology as an imaging
submit the patient to a higher radiation dose technique is the occurrence of artifacts. Schulze
since more electrons are released [7]. The reduc- et al. [9] defined artifact as a visualized structure
tion of the mA value is usually balanced with in the reconstructed data that is not present in the
the increasing in the kV parameter which will object under investigation. These “phantom”
give more energy to the released electrons, images arise as a result of device- or object-/
increasing their tissue penetration capacity and patient-related factors [10].
maintaining similar reception on detector plate Double contour pattern and lack of sharpness
which, consequently, reduces the radiation dose. are the main features of the most common patient-
92 J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani

related artifact, the so-called movement artifact exponential edge-gradient effect, and metal arti-
[9, 10] (Fig.  6.1a). It is difficult for a patient to facts. Beam hardening is characterized by the
remain still during the scanning process due to emergence of dark bands adjacent to very dense
breathing, heart beating, unintentional move- and radiopaque structures such as dental restora-
ments, or even ignored instructions, especially tions or root canal fillings (Fig.  6.1b, c). It hap-
considering that the examination may take pens because of differences in densities between
between 5 and 40 s [10]. Considering that around adjacent structures and the capacity of the dense
20% of patients move during the scan procedure objects to absorb the X-ray beam photons which
[11, 12], it is important to minimize this occur- will reflex on the energy received in the detector
rence by reducing the scanning time, improving and, consequently, in the 3D reconstructed vol-
the stabilization of the head, and using software-­ ume [9, 13]. Exponential edge-gradient effect
based artifact corrections [10]. Other common usually causes dark streaks tangent to sharp edges
patient-related artifacts are beam hardening, with high contrast to neighboring structures [9]

a b c

d e f

g h i

Fig. 6.1  Different types of CBCT artifacts. (a) Movement, (b, c) beam hardening, (d) exponential edge-gradient effect,
(e) metallic artifacts, (f, g) ring artifacts, (h) aliasing artifacts, and (i) noise
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy 93

(Fig. 6.1d), and metal artifacts are a mix of several diagnostic aid should have taken into consider-
other artifacts, such as beam hardening or expo- ation the potential artifacts that may emerge from
nential edge-gradient effect, and are characterized adjacent structures to the area of interest.
by white and dark streaks or bands resulting in
blurred images and lack of sharpness (Fig. 6.1e).
Ring artifacts, aliasing artifacts, noise, volu- 6.1.4 CBCT Method
metric distortion, and device motion are different on the Evaluation of the Roots
types of device-related artifacts [9, 10, 14]. Ring and Root Canal Anatomy
artifacts are visible mainly in the axial slices and of Teeth
are ring-like formations concentric to the axis of
rotation (Fig. 6.1f, g). These images are the result Several studies compared the use of CBCT imag-
of poor calibration or indicate a problem in the ing to study root and canal anatomy with some
detector plate [9, 13]. In these cases, a device laboratory methods such as histological section-
recalibration or maintenance servicing might be ing and clearing technique and, more recently,
required. Aliasing artifacts are line patterns, also with the gold standard nondestructive high-­
known as moiré pattern, divergent toward the resolution micro-computed tomography (micro-
periphery and visible mostly in the peripheries of ­CT). Like CBCT, micro-CT uses X-rays to create
the examination (Fig. 6.1h), usually not affecting cross sections of a 3D object, but it employs sev-
the central area where relevant information is eral optimizations including the use of high-­
more often available. One reason for this event energy X-rays, longer exposure times, smaller
might be the divergent and cone-shaped nature of X-ray focal spots, and finer and more densely
the CBCT X-ray beam [9]. Noise might be packed detectors. Consequently, there are an
described by a mottled gray fog which takes to a effective X-ray penetration in dense materials
lower contrast and sharpness [15] (Fig. 6.1i) and and an increased output resolution, which allows
is related with photon detection process and effi- it to be used for observing fine details of the inter-
ciency of the detector plate [15]. Volumetric dis- nal anatomy of the teeth. On the other hand,
tortion is characterized by an imprecise object micro-CT procedures are time-consuming and
volume and shape in the 3D volume when com- very expensive [18]. Therefore, it has been nor-
pared to the object under evaluation. This might mally used for the study of a limited number of
be related to beam hardening [16] or larger voxel extracted teeth. Considering that some anatomi-
size gray-scale assignment [15] which creates an cal features can make extraction difficult or even
imprecise larger image of the real object. impossible for a tooth to be removed intact, such
Reducing the voxel size [15] or lowering the as multi-rooted teeth or tooth with root dilacera-
FOV or mA may minimize this distortion [16]. tions, and others that lead a tooth to be extracted
Because of the artifacts produced in this imag- more frequently, such as the palatogingival
ing technique, CBCT presents low accuracy on groove of maxillary lateral incisors [19], it may
the diagnosis of certain clinical conditions as the be assumed that samples used for ex  vivo ana-
detection of separated instruments on root-filled tomical studies may be influenced by these fac-
teeth [17], for instance. Brito et al. [17] demon- tors, which are minimized when using CBCT
strated that in unfilled root canals, the accuracy of method in vivo.
both periapical radiographs and CBCT was One important parameter to support the reli-
equally high, but in filled root canals, the accu- ability of a method for the study of root and canal
racy of CBCT to detect separated instruments anatomy is the voxel size. The lower the voxel
was significantly lower when compared to peri- size, the more reliable is the outcome. CBCT
apical radiographs. According to the authors, it devices use larger voxel sizes which decrease the
could be attributed to the presence of image arti- resolution, when compared to micro-CT systems,
facts generated by the high-density filling materi- but it has been considered reliable for detecting
als. Consequently, the use of the CBCT as a the number of root canals, or a particular canal
94 J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani

anatomy, in a specific root or tooth [20–22]. able to be used in observational studies that analyze
Sousa et  al. [23] evaluated the canal configura- full dentition of several patients collected from a
tion of mandibular premolars and concluded that specific population in a consecutive manner, espe-
the accuracy and sensibility of the CBCT for cially using large FOV, to evaluate the proportion
detecting the correct morphological type were of individuals presenting specific anatomical char-
0.89 and 0.79, respectively, when compared to acteristics. These features allow more reliable prev-
micro-­ CT.  A similar study was performed by alence studies as the research is not the primary
Zhang et al. [24] that observed a kappa value of purpose of the CBCT examination. Then, the out-
0.886 for the agreement between CBCT and come is not influenced of the type of teeth needed
micro-­ CT.  Maret et  al. [25] compared CBCT or more prone to be extracted.
images with different voxel sizes (76, 200, and In summary, it is important to point out that
300  μm) with micro-CT technology (41  μm), CBCT imaging technology used on anatomical
in vitro, and observed that geometric reconstruc- studies present advantages, disadvantages, and
tion discrepancies of hard tissue morphology limitations. While micro-CT, clearing, and histol-
were significant only at 300  μm. According to ogy techniques are adequate for the study of spe-
Scarfe et al. [3], the accuracy of CBCT to detect cific anatomical details of a particular group of
secondary canals in maxillary first molars in teeth, CBCT can be used to evaluate general ana-
ex vivo conditions was 93% with 120 μm voxel tomical features in large populations. Therefore,
size, and it would decrease to 60% when using these differences make each one of these meth-
400 μm resolution. CBCT method has been also ods advisable to a particular type of study design.
used to address several anatomic characteristics As an example, if someone wants to study spe-
of the teeth such as the presence of lateral canals cific morphological aspects of the second canal
[26] and isthmuses [27]. While this method can in the mesiobuccal root of maxillary first molars
be considered reliable to identify isthmuses [27], (MB2 canal), such as cross-sectional shape,
the same cannot be stated for lateral canals. taper, diameter, curvature, and position on the
According to Sousa et  al. [26], CBCT has low pulp chamber floor, among others, the use of lab-
accuracy on detecting lateral canals in non-­ oratory methods would be advisable; however, if
treated roots and no accuracy when the tooth is the purpose of the study is to evaluate the influ-
root filled. In summary, these studies have dem- ence of gender and age in the percentage fre-
onstrated that although CBCT was accurate in quency of MB2 canal in a particular population
detecting major structures, such as number of (prevalence study), CBCT imaging would be
roots, or even the configuration of the main root more appropriate (Table 6.1).
canal systems, it produced poorer image details
compared to micro-CT and its accuracy needed
to be improved specially in more complex canal 6.1.5 Overview of the Literature
On the other hand, the most important advan- Anterior Teeth
tage of using CBCT is the possibility of performing Despite maxillary anterior teeth may display
in vivo anatomical studies using large populations, variations regarding root length, apical curvature,
addressing the influence of several variables such lateral canals, and cross-sectional root canal
as ethnicity, aging, gender, and side (left or right) shape and diameter, CBCT prevalence studies
on the root canal anatomy, in private practices or typically present both maxillary incisors as
university clinics, with lower costs compared to single-­rooted teeth with rare occurrence of two-­
micro-CT technology. Generally, these epidemio- rooted configuration. In most studies, canal is
logical data are not reported in laboratory studies described as Vertucci’s Type I configuration
because these variables are unknown or impossible (Fig.  6.2a–l), and several authors [45–47]
to be acquired or compared using small sample reported this configuration in 100% of the sample
sizes. Consequently, CBCT method is more reli- (Tables 6.2 and 6.3). Rare occurrences of other
Table 6.1 CBCT in vivo studies reporting the prevalence of MB2 root canal involving maxillary first and second molars according to age or gender
<20 20–30 30–40 40–50 50–60 >60
CBCT Number of Number of years years years years years years Male Female
Authors Country device Voxel size subjects teeth (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
Maxillary first molar
Aktan [28] Turkey Planmeca n/a 296 468 n/a 50.2 49.8
Altunsoy [29] Turkey i-Cat 300μ 827 1158 n/a 60.2 63.7
Betancourt [30] Chile Pax Zenith 120μ n/a 550 n/a 55.2b 44.8
Falcão [31] Brazil n/a n/a 80 80 76.9 53.9 51.9 68.3 43.6
Ghobashy [32] Egypt Cranex 133μ 657 605 12.0c 17.3c 18.4c 19.7c 17.7c 14.9c 47.5d 52.5d
Guo [33]a USA Galileos 300μ/150μ 317 634 67.6 72.4 60.0 74.6 60.8 80.0 69.4 67.0
Jing [34]a China NewTom 125μ n/a 630 26.9 37.3 30.1 36.2 22.1 66.9b 29.9
Kim [35] Korea Dinnova 167μ 415 814 58.4 65.6 68.1 51.8 69.4 68.4b 59.1
Lee [36]a Korea Volux 167μ 276 458 81.5 72.5 85.5 70.7 59.2 50.0 73.3 69.6
Martins [37] Portugal Planmeca 200μ 670 567 n/a 75.1 69.0
Naseri [38] Iran NewTom 200μ 149 149 n/a 86.0 87.0
Ratanajirasut Thailand Accuitomo 250μ 266 476 69.6 69.1 61.5 67.7 56.3 62.7 70.9b 58.7
Reis [40]c,e Brazil i-Cat 200μ 100 158 n/a 90.7 92.1 82.6 81.9 50.9d 49.1d
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy

Zhang [41]a China NewTom 150μ 548 1008 88.2f 82.9f 92.6f 76.9f 91.4f 89.0b 82.4
Zheng [42]a China Accuitomo 125μ 701 627 50.2 68.3 51.2 42.2 44.0 40.0 54.3 50.0
Maxillary second molar
Altunsoy [29] Turkey i-Cat 300μ 827 1329 n/a 39.4 34.8
Betancourt [43] Chile Pax Zenith 120μ n/a 225 n/a 63.0b,d 37.0d
Betancourt [30] Chile Pax Zenith 120μ n/a 550 n/a 59.3b,d 40.7d
Ghobashy [32] Egypt Cranex 133μ 657 610 9.0c 17.1c 19.0c 20.3c 19.7c 14.9c 46.1d 53.9d
Jing [34] China NewTom 125μ n/a 519 6.3 17.1 15.2 11.1 12.36 16.2 10.6
Kim [35] Korea Dinnova 167μ 415 821 31.7 30.8 38.8 29.9 41.4 36.7 32.0
Lee [36]a Korea Volux 167μ 276 467 71.2 48.0 46.9 28.4 24.6 22.2 48.7b 30.8
Martins [37] Portugal Planmeca 200μ 670 802 n/a 40.1 46.0
Ratanajirasut Thailand Accuitomo 250μ 266 457 20.0 27.0 31.2 32.8 34.6 23.5 31.3 28.0
Table 6.1 (continued)

<20 20–30 30–40 40–50 50–60 >60

CBCT Number of Number of years years years years years years Male Female
Authors Country device Voxel size subjects teeth (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
Reis [40]c,e Brazil i-Cat 200μ 100 158 n/a 90.7 92.1 82.6 81.9 50.9d 49.1d
Wu [44]1 China NewTom 160μ 1294 2412 n/a 30.8 36.2 31.0 18.3 33.7b 26.1
n/a not available
Study reporting a statistical difference in the age group distribution
Statistically higher when compared to the other gender (according to the authors)
MB2 ratio between age groups: {16–25} {26–35} {36–45} {46–55} {56–65} {66–75}
MB2 ratio between males and females
Study combines the results from maxillary first and second molars together
Age groups {16–25} {26–35} {36–45} {46–55} {>55}
J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy 97

a b c d e f

g h i j k l

m n o p q r

s t u v w x

y z a’ b’ c’ d’

Fig. 6.2  Representative CBCT images of different canal system configurations on maxillary teeth. (a–f) Central inci-
sors, (g–l) lateral incisors, (m–r) canines, (s–x) first premolars, and (y–d′) second premolars

Table 6.2  CBCT studies on the root and root canal morphologies of maxillary central incisors
Number of
CBCT Voxel Number of Number root canals (%)
Authors Country Method device size subjects of teeth Number of roots (%) Vertucci’s classification (%) (rc)a
1 2 3 4 >4 I II III IV V VI VII VIII Others
Altunsoy [59] Turkey In vivo i-Cat 300μ 827 1543 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 99.6 – 0.2 01 0.1 – – – – –
Beshkenadze Georgia In vivo Gendex n/a 228 218 100 – – – – 100 – – – – – – – – –
Estrela [46] Brazil In vivo PreXion3D 100μ 618 100 100 – – – – 100 – – – – – – – – –
Jain [60] India Ex vivo Galileos 300μ n/a 100 100 – – – – 100 – – – – – – – – –
Martins [47] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 646 872 100 – – – – 100 – – – – – – – – –
Monsarrat France In vivo Carestream 200μ 102 192 99.0 1.0 – – – 99.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 1.0
Silva [49] Brazil In vivo i-Cat 200μ 432 200 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 98.0 1.0 – – 1.0 – – – – –
n/a not available, rc root canals
If no Vertucci’s classification was provided
J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani
Table 6.3  CBCT studies on the root and root canal morphologies of maxillary lateral incisors
Number of
CBCT Voxel Number of Number root canals (%)
Authors Country Method device size subjects of teeth Number of roots (%) Vertucci’s classification (%) (rc)a
1 2 3 4 >4 I II III IV V VI VII VIII Others
Altunsoy [59] Turkey In vivo i-Cat 300μ 827 1504 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 97.5 1.0 0.3 0.3 0.9 – – – – –
Beshkenadze Georgia In vivo Gendex n/a 228 171 100 – – – – 100 – – – – – – – – –
Estrela [46] Brazil In vivo PreXion3D 100μ 618 100 100 – – – – 100 – – – – – – – – –
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy

Jain [60] India Ex vivo Galileos 300μ n/a 85 100 – – – – 98.0 2.0 – – – – – – – –
Martins [47] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 646 902 100 – – – – 100 – – – – – – – – –
Monsarrat France In vivo Carestream 200μ 102 191 99.0 1.0 – – – 99.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 1.0
Silva [49] Brazil In vivo i-Cat 200μ 432 200 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 96.0 3.5 0.5 – – – – – – –
n/a not available, rc root canals
If no Vertucci’s classification was provided
100 J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani

configuration types were also reported, mostly in high as 6.0% [46] and 2.0% [61] for the first and
maxillary lateral incisors, considering the high second maxillary premolars, respectively. These
prevalence of dens invaginatus on that group of multi-rooted configurations have a major influ-
teeth [48]. Maxillary canine has also been pre- ence in the morphology of the root canal system
sented as a single-rooted tooth in almost 100% of in these teeth. Except for a Turkish study [69], in
the cases, independently of the geographic which a single root canal system was observed in
region. Vertucci’s Type I configuration preva- 62.6% of maxillary first premolars, all other stud-
lence has been reported to range from 97.0% [46] ies reported Vertucci’s Type IV as the most com-
to 100% [49] of the samples (Fig. 6.2m–r). Only mon configuration (>50%), while mean
one study from India showed an atypical low fre- percentage frequencies of Type I configuration
quency of Type I configuration in maxillary were less than 26% (Fig. 6.2s–x) (Table 6.8). In
canines (81.6%) [50] (Table 6.4). maxillary second premolar teeth, single root
Mandibular incisors are usually single-rooted canal system varied from 14.3% in Germany [16]
teeth; however, root canal system on this group is to 77.6% in Turkey [69], and Types II, IV, and V
unpredictable not only regarding the Vertucci’s were the most common configurations, depend-
configuration among the same population but also ing on the geographic region under evaluation
when compared with different populations. (Table 6.9) (Fig. 6.2y–d′).
Vertucci’s Type I has been reported as the most Mandibular premolars are more predictable
common configuration, mainly in Chinese studies than maxillary premolars regarding the number
[51–55]. However, reports on the presence of a of roots. Prevalence of single-rooted configura-
second canal in central and lateral incisors varied tion in mandibular first premolars ranged from
from 3.8% to 11.6% in China [55] and from 82.0% in Taiwanese [70] to 99.9% in Korean [71]
48.1% to 47.1% in Turkey [56], respectively populations (Table 6.10), while in second premo-
(Tables 6.5 and 6.6) (Fig. 6.3a–l). When a second lars, it reached more than 95% of cases, except in
canal is present, Vertucci’s Type III is the most a study from Georgia (88.6%) [45] (Table 6.11).
common configuration for both incisors. Three-rooted configuration is a rare occurrence
Mandibular canines are commonly presented as for both teeth. A high prevalence of a single canal
having a single canal (Table 6.7), but the presence system (Vertucci’s Type I) has been systemati-
of a second canal cannot be ignored (Fig. 6.3o–r). cally associated with mandibular premolars,
Its prevalence in some studies has been shown to varying from 62.4% in Georgia [45] to 94.2% in
vary from 10.3% [57] to 31.8% [45], while the Turkey [69], for the mandibular first premolar,
percentage frequency of a two-­rooted configura- and from 56.6% in Georgia [45] to 99.7% in
tion has been reported to range from 0.7% to India [72], for the mandibular second premolar
11.7% in the Chinese [54] and Iranian [58] sub- (Tables 6.10 and 6.11) (Fig. 6.3s–d’). Only one
populations, respectively (Fig. 6.3q, r). study from Germany does not corroborate with
the general findings as it reported lower preva- Premolar Teeth lence of single root canal systems for both teeth
Except for the mandibular molar group, maxil- (21.9% and 39%, respectively) [16]. Vertucci’s
lary first premolars are the teeth more prone to Type V was reported as the most common con-
display a two-rooted configuration, a clinical figuration in mandibular premolars with two root
condition that varies according to the geographic canal systems, being also associated with a high
region and may range from 33.3% in Chinese frequency of C-shaped anatomy [73].
[68] to 80.0% in French [61] populations
(Table 6.8). On the other hand, a two-rooted con- Maxillary Molar Teeth
figuration in maxillary second premolars is not so Maxillary first and second molar teeth are usually
common and varies from 5.6% in Portugal [47] to described as three-rooted teeth with three or four
37.8% in Georgia [45] (Table 6.9). Additionally, root canals; however, their anatomy may present
three-rooted configuration was reported to be as distinct morphological aspects. CBCT studies
Table 6.4  CBCT studies on the root and root canal morphologies of maxillary canine
Number of
CBCT Voxel Number of Number root canals
Authors Country Method device size subjects of teeth Number of roots (%) Vertucci’s classification (%) (%) (rc)a
1 2 3 4 >4 I II III IV V VI VII VIII Others
Altunsoy [59] Turkey In vivo i-Cat 300μ 827 1523 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 97.7 0.4 0.5 0.3 1.1 – – – – –
Amardeep India Ex vivo Galileos 300μ n/a 250 100 – – – – 81.6 2.8 11.6 0.8 2.0 – – – 1.2 –
Beshkenadze Georgia In vivo Gendex n/a 228 163 100 – – – – 100 – – – – – – – – –
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy

Estrela [46] Brazil In vivo PreXion3D 100μ 618 100 100 – – – – 97.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 3.0
Jain [60] India Ex vivo Galileos 300μ n/a 100 100 – – – – 96.0 3.0 1.0 – – – – – – –
Martins [47] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 646 962 100 – – – – 98.6 1.1 0.2 0.1 – – – – – –
Monsarrat France In vivo Carestream 200μ 102 188 98.9 1.1 – – – 98.9 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 1.1
Silva [49] Brazil In vivo i-Cat 200μ 432 200 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 100 – – – – – – – – –
Torres [62] Brazil Ex vivo i-Cat n/a n/a 50 100 – – – – 100 – – – – – – – – –
n/a not available, rc root canals
If no Vertucci’s classification was provided
Table 6.5  CBCT studies on the root and root canal morphologies of mandibular central incisors

Number of
CBCT Voxel Number Number root canals
Authors Country Method device size of subjects of teeth Number of roots (%) Vertucci’s classification (%) (%) (rc)a
1 2 3 4 >4 I II III IV V VI VII VIII Others
Altunsoy [59] Turkey In vivo i-Cat 300μ 827 1582 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 84.5 0.4 0.8 4.2 10.1 – – – – –
Aminsobhani Iran In vivo Planmeca n/a 400 632 100 – – – – 72.7 11.3 4.7 7.7 3.6 – – – – –
Arslan [56] Turkey In vivo NewTom 150μ 101 185 100 – – – – 51.9 4.3 41.6 – 0.6 – – – 1.6 –
Beshkenadze Georgia In vivo Gendex n/a 228 207 100 – – – – 55.1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 45.9
Estrela [46] Brazil In vivo PreXion3D 100μ 618 100 100 – – – – 65.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc. 35.0
Han [51] China In vivo Galileos 125μ 648 1286 100 – – – – 84.3 3.4 6.5 1.2 3.9 – 0.3 – 0.4 –
Kamtane [64] Iran In vivo NewTom n/a n/a 52 100 – – – – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Kayaoglu [65] Turkey In vivo Planmeca 160μ 2828 1983 100 – – – – 85.1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 14.9
Lin [52] China In vivo NewTom 200μ 353 706 100 – – – – 89.1 2.4 6.2 1.7 0.6 – – – – –
Liu [53] China In vivo i-Cat n/a 398 768 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 91.1 2.0 5.3 1.3 0.3 – – – – –
Martins [47] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 646 1160 100 – – – – 72.3 2.5 24.2 0.1 0.3 – 0.5 – 0.1 –
Monsarrat France In vivo Carestream 200μ 102 192 99.0 1.0 – – – 87.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 13.0
Shemesh [66] Israel In vivo Alioth 155μ 1026 1472 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 59.5 4.0 33.8 0.8 0.6 – – – 1.3 –
Silva [49] Brazil In vivo i-Cat 200μ 432 200 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 64.5 – 18.0 – 14.5 0.5 2.5 – – –
Verma [67] India In vivo Galileos n/a 200 400 100 – – – – 68.3 11.0 15.3 1.7 3.7 – – – – –
Zhao [54] China In vivo NewTom 150μ 866 1566 100 – – – – 93.3 – 5.7 – 1.0 – – – – –
Zhengyan China In vivo i-Cat 125μ 1725 3375 100 – – – – 96.2 0.1 2.7 0.1 0.8 – – – 0.1 –
n/a not available, rc root canals
If no Vertucci’s classification was provided
Data is according to the original article although the sum of percentages was not 100%
J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani
Table 6.6  CBCT studies on the root and root canal morphologies of mandibular lateral incisors
Number Number of
CBCT Voxel of Number root canals
Authors Country Method device size subjects of teeth Number of roots (%) Vertucci’s classification (%) (%) (rc)a
1 2 3 4 >4 I II III IV V VI VII VIII Others
Altunsoy [59] Turkey In vivo i-Cat 300μ 827 1603 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 80.2 1.3 1.0 5.4 12.1 – – – – –
Aminsobhani Iran In vivo Planmeca n/a 400 614 100 – – – – 70.6 7.1 3.7 15.4 3.2 – – – – –
Arslan [56] Turkey In vivo NewTom 150μ 101 189 100 – – – – 52.9 2.7 42.3 – 1.6 – – – 0.5 –
Beshkenadze Georgia In vivo Gendex n/a 228 219 100 – – – – 52.9 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 47.1
Estrela [46] Brazil In vivo PreXion3D 100μ 618 100 100 – – – – 58.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 42.0
Han [51] China In vivo Galileos 125μ 648 1294 100 – – – – 72.6 4.0 15.5 2.3 5.1 0.2 0.2 – 0.1 –
Kamtane [64] Iran In vivo NewTom n/a n/a 50 100 – – – – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Kayaoglu Turkey In vivo Planmeca 160μ 2828 2077 99.9 0.1 – – – 82.8 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 17.2
Lin [52] China In vivo NewTom 200μ 353 706 100 – – – – 74.5 3.7 19.3 2.1 0.4 – – – – –
Liu [53] China In vivo i-Cat n/a 398 785 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 82.6 3.9 10.4 2.8 0.3 – – – – –
Martins [47] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 646 1191 100 – – – – 69.8 6.3 23.1 – 0.3 – 0.2 – 0.3 –
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy

Monsarrat France In vivo Carestream 200μ 102 199 99.0 1.0 – – – 86.4 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 13.6
Shemesh [66] Israel In vivo Alioth 155μ 1026 1508 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 62.3 4.3 32.1 0.4 0.1 – – – 0.8 –
Silva [49] Brazil In vivo i-Cat 200μ 432 200 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 60.5 0.5 25.5 – 12.0 – 1.5 – – –
Verma [67] India In vivo Galileos n/a 200 400 100 – – – – 65.0 13.2 15.3 3.0 3.5 – – – – –
Zhao [54] China In vivo NewTom 150μ 866 1566 100 – – – – 82.5 – 15.4 – 1.9 – 0.1 – 0.1 –
Zhengyan China In vivo i-Cat 125μ 1725 3257 99.7 0.3 – – – 89.4 1.1 7.7 0.3 1.2 – – – 0.3 –
n/a not available, rc root canals
If no Vertucci’s classification was provided
104 J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani

a b c d e f

g h i j k l

m n o p q r

s t u v w x

y z a’ b’ c’ d’

Fig. 6.3  CBCT images of different root canal system configurations on mandibular teeth. (a–f) Central incisors, (g–l)
lateral incisors, (m–r) canines, (s–x) first premolars, and (y–d′) second premolars
Table 6.7  CBCT studies on the root and root canal morphologies of mandibular canine
Number Number of
CBCT Voxel of Number root canals
Authors Country Method device size subjects of teeth Number of roots (%) Vertucci’s classification (%) (%) (rc)a
1 2 3 4 >4 I II III IV V VI VII VIII Others
Altunsoy [59] Turkey In vivo i-Cat 300μ 827 1604 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 92.8 2.1 1.2 1.3 2.6 – – – – –
Amardeep India Ex vivo Galileos 300μ n/a 250 100 – – – – 79.6 3.2 13.6 – 2.0 – – – 1.6 –
Aminsobhani Iran In vivo Planmeca n/a 400 608 96.3 4.7 – – – 71.8 10.3 2.8 12.8 2.3 – – – – –
Beshkenadze Georgia In vivo Gendex n/a 228 207 97.3 1.3 – – – 66.8 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 31.8
Estrela [46] Brazil In vivo PreXion3D 100μ 618 100 97.0 3.0 – – – 78.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 22.0
Han [51] China In vivo Galileos 125μ 648 1291 98.7 1.3 – – – 93.7 0.6 3.8 – 0.6 – – – 1.3 –
Kayaoglu [65] Turkey In vivo Planmeca 160μ 2828 2193 96.9 3.1 – – – 93.9 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 6.1
Martins [47] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 646 1200 97.2 2.8 – – – 90.2 3.3 2.7 1.4 2.3 – – – 0.1 –
Monsarrat France In vivo Carestream 200μ 102 202 96.5 3.5 – – – 94.6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 5.4
Shemesh [57] Israel In vivo Alioth 155μ 1020 1981 98.1 1.9 – – – 89.7 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 10.3
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy

Silva [49] Brazil In vivo i-Cat 200μ 432 200 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 90.5 1.0 4.0 2.5 2.0 – – – – –
Soleymani Iran In vivo NewTom 75μ 150 300 88.3 11.7 – – – 89.6 3.7 5.7 – 1.0 – – – – –
Zhao [54] China In vivo NewTom 150μ 866 1542 99.3 0.7 – – – 97.0 – 2.2 – 0.7 – 0.1 – – –
Zhengyan China In vivo i-Cat 125μ 1725 3014 99.2 0.8 – – – 95.8 0.7 2.1 0.1 0.4 – – – 0.9 –
n/a not available, rc root canals
If no Vertucci’s classification was provided
Data is according to the original article although the sum of percentages was not 100%
Table 6.8  CBCT studies on the root and root canal morphologies of maxillary first premolar

Number Number of
CBCT Voxel of Number root canals
Authors Country Method device size subjects of teeth Number of roots (%) Vertucci’s classification (%) (%) (rc)a
1 2 3 4 >4 I II III IV V VI VII VIII Others
Abella [74] Spain In vivo Planmeca 75μ 620 430 46.0 51.4 2.6 – – 25.1 10.2 4.4 52.8 1.9 1.6 1.4 2.6 – –
Beshkenadze Georgia In vivo Gendex n/a 228 193 20.7 77.2 2.1 – – 11.8 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc,
[45]b 78.1/3rc, 2.1
Bulut [69] Turkey In vivo NewTom 250μ 440 511 28.2 70.8 1.0 – – 62.6 34.1 0.8 1.9 0.6 – – – – –
Bürklein Germany In vivo Planmeca 200μ 700 644 36.4 62.4 1.2 – – 3.9 6.5 – 68.5 7.9 12.3 0.2 2.0 – –
Estrela [46] Brazil In vivo PreXion3D 100μ 618 100 32.0 66.0 2.0 – – 6.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc,
88.0/3rc, 6.0
Felsypremila India In vivo Kodak n/a 246 418 48.8 51.2 – – – 7.7 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 92.3
Martins [47] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 646 690 48.7 49.1 2.2 – – 3.1 17.3 0.3 68.0 0.9 4.8 – 0.7 4.9 3rc, 5.2
Monsarrat France In vivo Carestream 200μ 102 165 15,8 80.0 4.2 – – 13.9 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc,
[61] 80.6/3rc, 5.5
Ok [75] Turkey In vivo i-Cat 300μ 849 1379 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 9.6 6.4 1.4 76.9 4.6 0.1 – 1.0 – –
Tian [68] China In vivo Accuitomo 125μ 241 300 66.0 33.3 0.7 – – 14.3 23.4 4.3 51.0 3.3 2.3 0.7 0.7 – –
n/a not available, rc root canals
If no Vertucci’s classification was provided
Data is according to the original article although the sum of percentages was not 100%
J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani
Table 6.9  CBCT studies on the root and root canal morphologies of maxillary second premolar
Number Number of
CBCT Voxel of Number root canals
Authors Country Method device size subjects of teeth Number of roots (%) Vertucci’s classification (%) (%) (rc)a
1 2 3 4 >4 I II III IV V VI VII VIII Others
Abella [74] Spain In vivo Planmeca 75μ 620 374 82.9 15.5 1.6 – – 39.3 22.5 7.2 19.8 4.3 3.2 2.1 1.6 – –
Beshkenadze Georgia In vivo Gendex n/a 228 185 61.1 37.8 1.1 – – 29.1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc,
[45]b 61.0/3rc,
Bulut [69] Turkey In vivo NewTom 250μ 440 476 82.1 17.9 – – – 77.6 12.5 1.3 6.5 1.9 0.2 – – – –
Bürklein [16] Germany In vivo Planmeca 200μ 700 512 82.6 17.0 0.4 – – 14.3 11.1 0.6 25.0 28.7 19.1 0.6 0.6 – –
Estrela [46] Brazil In vivo PreXion3D 100μ 618 100 83.0 17.0 – – – 25.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc,
Felsypremila India In vivo Kodak n/a 246 393 90.6 9.4 – – – 49.9 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 50.1
Martins [47] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 646 591 94.4 5.6 – – – 39.4 29.5 2.2 16.9 4.7 6.1 – – 1.2 3rc, 0.5
Monsarrat France In vivo Carestream 200μ 102 147 71.4 26.5 2.1 – – 66.7 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc,
[61] 31.3/3rc,
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy

Ok [75] Turkey In vivo i-Cat 300μ 849 1302 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 54.5 8.8 3.6 21.9 10.9 – – 0.3 – –
Yang [76] China In vivo Galileos 125μ 238 392 86.5 13.5 – – – 45.4 16.3 11.4 20.2 6.4 – – 0.3 – –
n/a not available, rc root canals
If no Vertucci’s classification was provided
Data is according to the original article although the sum of percentages was not 100%
Table 6.10  CBCT studies on the root and root canal morphologies of mandibular first premolar

Number Number of
CBCT Voxel of Number root canals
Authors Country Method device size subjects of teeth Number of roots (%) Vertucci’s classification (%) (%) (rc)a
1 2 3 4 >4 I II III IV V VI VII VIII Others
Arslan [77] Turkey In vivo NewTom 150μ 88 154 87.7 12.3 – – – 71.4 1.3 2.6 – 20.1 – – – 4.6 –
Beshkenadze Georgia In vivo Gendex n/a 228 165 91.5 8.5 – – – 62.4 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 36.4/3rc,
[45] 1.2
Bulut [69] Turkey In vivo NewTom 250μ 440 604 96.2 3.8 – – – 94.2 0.7 1.1 0.8 3.2 – – – – –
Bürklein Germany In vivo Planmeca 200μ 700 1044 91.4 8.6 – – – 21.9 5.3 0.2 14.7 55.7 2.6 0.4 0.2 – –
Estrela [46] Brazil In vivo PreXion3D 100μ 618 100 99.0 1.0 – – – 70.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 29.0/3rc,
Felsypremila India In vivo Kodak n/a 246 447 98.0 2.0 – – – 92.6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 7.4
Huang [70] Taiwan In vivo i-Cat 250μ 150 300 82.0 17.0 1.0 – – 65.7 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1.0 n/a 2rc, 33.3
Khademi [78] Iran Ex vivo Scanora n/a n/a 182 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 81.3 3.3 1.1 5.5 8.8 – – – – –
Kazemipoor Iran In vivo Scanora 200μ 230 460 85.7 14.3 – – – 63.9 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 36.1
Kazemipoor Iran In vivo Scanora 200μ 457 914 86.4 13.6 – – – 68.1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 31.9
Liao [81] China In vivo NewTom 240μ 97 194 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 83.5 – 3.6 – 8.8 – – – 4.1 –
Llena [82] Spain In vivo Kodak 76μ 70 73 100 – – – – 78.1 8.2 – – 10.9 1.4 – – 1.4 –
Martins [73] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 634 1123 99.8 0.2 – – – 77.8 2.3 5.4 1.4 12.3 – 0.2 – 0.6 –
Martins [47] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 646 1054 99.8 0.2 – – – 77.5 2.5 5.5 1.5 12.1 – 0.2 – 0.7 3rc, 0.6
Monsarrat France In vivo Carestream 200μ 102 187 94.1 5.9 – – – 87.2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 12.8
Ok [75] Turkey In vivo i-Cat 300μ 849 1471 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 92.8 0.3 1.0 1.4 4.4 – – 0.1 – –
Park [71] Korea In vivo n/a n/a 430 797 99.9 0.1 – – – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
SalarPour Iran Ex vivo Scanora n/a n/a 42 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 71.4 – – – 28.6 – – – – –
Shetty [84] India Ex vivo Kodak 76μ n/a 1186 100 – – – – 83.8 0.3 2.1 0.3 12.0 0.2 – 0.3 1.0 –
Yang [85] China In vivo Galileos 125μ 238 440 99.3 0.7 – – – 76.2 3.4 2.7 6.6 9.3 – – 0.7 1.1 –
Yu [86] China In vivo Accuitomo 125μ 149 178 97.8 2.2 – – – 86.8 – 1.7 – 9.8 – – – 1.7 –
Zhang [24] China Ex vivo Galileos 125μ n/a 136 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 72.7 – 4.9 – 17.5 – – – 4.9 –
n/a not available, rc root canals
If no Vertucci’s classification was provided
J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani

Data is according to the original article although the sum of percentages was not 100%
Table 6.11  CBCT studies on the root and root canal morphologies of mandibular second premolar
Number of
CBCT Voxel Number of Number root canals
Authors Country Method device size subjects of teeth Number of roots (%) Vertucci’s classification (%) (%) (rc)a
1 2 3 4 >4 I II III IV V VI VII VIII Others
Arslan [77] Turkey In vivo NewTom 150μ 88 133 96.2 3.8 – – – 92.5 2.3 0.7 – 1.5 – – – 3.0 –
Beshkenadze Georgia In vivo Gendex n/a 228 181 88.6 8.3 – – – 56.6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 39.7/3rc,
[45]b 0.5
Bulut [69] Turkey In vivo NewTom 250μ 440 549 98.9 1.1 – – – 98.9 0.2 0.4 – 0.5 – – – – –
Bürklein [16] Germany In vivo Planmeca 200μ 700 871 98.6 1.3 0.1 – – 39.0 1.1 0.1 1.4 57.3 0.5 0.3 0.3 – –
Estrela [46] Brazil In vivo PreXion3D 100μ 618 100 100 – – – – 97.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 3.0
Felsypremila India In vivo Kodak n/a 246 398 99.7 0.3 – – – 99.7 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 0.3
Khademi [78] Iran Ex vivo Scanora n/a n/a 182 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 92.3 – 2.2 2.2 3.3 – – – – –
Kazemipoor Iran In vivo Scanora 200μ 230 460 94.8 5.2 – – – 78.3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 21.7
Kazemipoor Iran In vivo Scanora 200μ 457 914 95.0 5.0 – – – 80.6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 19.4
Llena [82] Spain In vivo Kodak 76μ 70 53 100 – – – – 90.6 1.9 – – 7.5 – – – – –
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy

Martins [73] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 634 889 99.9 0.1 – – – 95.9 0.8 1.2 0.5 1.3 – – – 0.3 –
Martins [47] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 646 832 99.9 0.1 – – – 95.7 0.9 1.3 0.5 1.4 – – – 0.2 3rc, 0.2
Monsarrat France In vivo Carestream 200μ 102 159 98.7 1.3 – – – 96.2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 3.8
Ok [75] Turkey In vivo i-Cat 300μ 849 1345 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 98.5 0.1 0.1 0.6 0.5 – – 0.2 – –
Park [71] Korea In vivo n/a n/a 430 784 99.4 0.6 – – – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
SalarPour Iran Ex vivo Scanora n/a n/a 41 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 75.6 – – – 22.0 – – – 2.4 –
Shetty [84] India Ex vivo Kodak 76μ n/a 814 100 – – – – 93.5 1.5 0.3 – 3.9 – – 0.1 0.7 –
Yu [86] China In vivo Accuitomo 125μ 149 178 100 – – – – 97.2 0.6 – – 1.6 – – – 0.6 –
n/a not available, rc root canals
If no Vertucci’s classification was provided
Data is according to the original article although the sum of percentages was not 100%
110 J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani

report three-rooted configuration in more than cal and palatal roots show Vertucci’s Type I con-
95% of maxillary first molars, despite two-rooted figuration (Fig. 6.4g–l) in more than 95% of the
configurations can also be expected, mostly teeth, although Naseri et al. [38], in Iran, and Li
because of fusion between distobuccal and pala- et al. [93], in China, reported 89.9% and 90.9%
tal roots [87]. In the second molars, external root of Vertucci’s Type I in the distobuccal root of the
morphology is not so predictable. Prevalence maxillary first and second molar, respectively.
studies report three-rooted configuration ranging Among other configuration types (Fig. 6.4m–v),
from 57.8% in China [44] to 94.6% in Brazil CBCT prevalence studies reported a third canal
[40], while two- and single-rooted configurations in the mesiobuccal root of the maxillary first and
may reach 29.0% [46] and 17.7% [44] of this second molars as a rare occurrence [42, 47]
tooth group, respectively. Four-rooted configura- (Fig. 6.4u).
tion is an uncommon finding for both maxillary
molars. It is important to point out that the occur- Mandibular Molar Teeth
rence of root fusion in maxillary molars may Mandibular molars are usually described as two-­
have a significant impact over the root canal sys- rooted teeth; however, in Asian populations, there
tem with the development of atypical morpholo- is a high prevalence of a second distal root in
gies such as C-shaped configurations [88, 89], mandibular first molars (three-rooted configura-
isthmuses, or even fusion among the main root tion) and fused roots (single-rooted configura-
canals of different roots. Martins et  al. [87] tion) in mandibular second molars. These
reported that 15.7% of the maxillary second anatomical variations have been reported as eth-
molars had fused roots with an unusual canal nic traits when analyzing the number of roots in
configuration system. Therefore, differences in mandibular molars. CBCT studies from Korean
the prevalence of root fusions between maxillary [71, 108], Chinese [109–111], and Taiwanese
first and second molars are reflected in the com- [112, 113] populations reported a three-rooted
plexity of their internal anatomy [35, 87, 90, 91], configuration of first molars in more than 22% of
which led some authors to exclude fused-rooted the teeth. The highest percentage frequency on a
teeth from the analysis [35, 47, 91]. non-Asian country was identified in France
Regarding canal configuration, the major dif- (7.7%) [61], while in some subpopulations from
ference between three-rooted maxillary first and Italy [104] and Brazil [114], this anatomical vari-
second molars is related to the mesiobuccal root. ation was not identified. Although these studies
Most of CBCT studies that compared both teeth did not compare Asian and non-Asian popula-
are consistent on reporting a higher prevalence of tions, the prevalence differences can be consid-
a second root canal (MB2) in the mesiobuccal ered significant. Recently, a more robust evidence
root of maxillary first molar compared to the sec- of an ethnic trait was observed regarding the
ond molar [30, 35, 47, 90, 91]. The prevalence of highest prevalence of fused roots in mandibular
MB2 canal ranged from 30.9% in China [34] to second molars in Asian population [115]. In this
88.5% in Brazil [40], for maxillary first molar, study, the prevalence of mandibular second molar
and from 13.9% in China [34] to 83.4% in Brazil with C-shaped morphology was evaluated in nine
[40], for the second molar (Tables 6.12, 6.13, different countries using CBCT method. Authors
6.14, 6.15, 6.16, and 6.17). In mesiobuccal root, observed the highest percentage of single-rooted
Vertucci’s Types II and IV are the most frequent molars in China (46.5%), followed by Mexico
configuration in multi-rooted canal systems for (16.3%). Three-rooted configuration in mandibu-
both teeth. Type II configuration reached percent- lar second molars and single-rooted morphology
age frequencies as high as 69.1% in Iran [92] and in mandibular first molars are rare occurrences as
47.1% in Egypt [32], while the prevalence of well as four-rooted configuration for both man-
Type IV was 48.7% [29] and 29.8% [29] in dibular molars.
Turkey, for maxillary first and second molars, Regarding root canal configuration, both
respectively (Fig. 6.4a–f). Independent distobuc- molars are consistently presented as three-rooted
Table 6.12  CBCT studies on the root and root canal morphologies of mesiobuccal root of maxillary first molar
Number of root
of Number canalsa
Authors Country Method CBCT device Voxel size subjects of teeth Number of roots (%) Vertucci’s classificationa (%) (%) (rc)b
1 2 3 4 >4 I II III IV V VI VII VIII Others
Abuabara Brazil In vivo i-Cat 120μ 50 50 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 54.0
Aktan [28] Turkey In vivo Planmeca n/a 296 468 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 56.2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 43.8
Alrahabi [95] Saudi Ex vivo Kodak 76μ n/a 100 – – 94.0 6.0 – 29.4 47.0 11.8 11.8 – – – – – –
Altunsoy Turkey In vivo i-Cat 300μ 827 1158 0.1 0.3 99.0 0.6 – 38.0 12.9 0.1 48.7 0.3 – – – – –
BarattoFilho Brazil In vivo i-Cat 200μ n/a 54 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 37.1
Beshkenadze Georgia In vivo Gendex n/a 228 221 – – 100 – – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Betancourt Chile In vivo Pax Zenith 120μ n/a 550 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 69.8
Estrela [46] Brazil In vivo PreXion3D 100μ 618 100 1.0 6.0 93.0 – – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy

Falcão [31] Brazil In vivo n/a n/a 80 80 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 56.3
Felsypremila India In vivo Kodak n/a 246 367 – 2.7 96.8 0.5 – 25.9 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 74.1
Ghobashy Egypt In vivo Cranex 133μ 657 605 – – 100 – – 25.5 45.7 1.0 27.3 0.5 – – – – –
Ghoncheh Iran In vivo NewTom 300μ 450 345 1.2 6.1 92.2 0.5 – 54.0 14.8 – 28.3 2.9 – – – – –
Gu [98] China In vivo Galileos 125μ 725 1365 0.1 2.2 97.6 0.1 – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Guo [33] USA In vivo Galileos 300μ/150μ 317 634 – 0.9 99.1 – – 28.3 26.3 1.1 41.9 2.4 – – – – –
Hiebert [99] USA Ex vivo Veraviewepocs 125μ n/a 99 – – 100 – – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 68.7
Jing [34] China In vivo NewTom 125μ n/a 630 – 2.4 97.1 0.5 – 69.1 7.3 3.6 10.0 9.8 – 0.2 – – –
Jo [88]c Korea In vivo CB MercuRay 300μ 911 1786 0.4 2.7 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Khademi Iran In vivo Galileos 150μ 295 389 – 0.3 99.7 – – 29.8 69.1 – 0.8 0.3 – – – – –
Kim [35] Korea In vivo Dinnova 167μ 415 814 0.4 1.7 97.9 – – 36.4 20.4 0.3 40.7 2.0 0.1 – – 0.1 –
Lee [36] Korea In vivo Volux 167μ 276 458 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 28.2 33.2 – 34.9 2.4 – – – 1.3 –
Table 6.12 (continued)

Number of root
of Number canalsa
Authors Country Method CBCT device Voxel size subjects of teeth Number of roots (%) Vertucci’s classificationa (%) (%) (rc)b
1 2 3 4 >4 I II III IV V VI VII VIII Others
Lyra [100] Brazil Ex vivo i-Cat 200μ n/a 100 – – 100 – – 8.0 57.0 35.0 – – – – – – –
Martins [87] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 1044 961 0.7 6.4 92.8 0.1 – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Martins [47] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 646 542 0.6 8.3 91.1 – – 29.0 44.1 1.0 16.4 2.0 5.7 0.2 – 1.6 3rc, 0.4
Monsarrat France In vivo Carestream 200μ 102 149 – 2.0 96.6 1.4 – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Naseri [38] Iran In vivo NewTom 200μ 149 149 – – 100 – – 13.4 32.9 1.3 11.4 5.4 35.6 – – – –
Neelakantan India Ex vivo Accuitomo n/a n/a 220 0.9 1.4 96.8 0.9 – 53.5 5.6 – 40.0 – – – – 0.9 –
Nikoloudaki Greece In vivo NewTom 125μ 273 410 3.9 5.6 89.3 1.2 – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 53.0
PérezHeredia Spain In vivo Carestream 180μ 112 142 2.1 0.7 97.2 – – 13.8 56.5 – 23.2 – 4.3 – – 2.2 –
Plotino [104] Italy In vivo NewTom n/a 201 161 – 4.3 95.7 – – 59.8 27.3 4.6 7.1 1.2 – – – – –
Ratanajirasut Thailand In vivo Accuitomo 250μ 266 476 – – 99.8 0.2 – 36.5 28.8 2.7 25.2 5.3 1.1 – – 0.4 –
Reis [40]c Brazil In vivo i-Cat 200μ 100 158 n/a n/a 99.4 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc,88.5
Rouhani Iran Ex vivo Planmeca 160μ n/a 125 – 0.8 97.6 1.6 – 47.1 14.6 9.8 3.3 1.6 17.9 5.7 – – –
Shenoi [106] India Ex vivo Kodak n/a n/a 30 – – 100 – – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 80.0
Silva [90] Brazil In vivo i-Cat 200μ 294 314 – 3.8 96.2 – – 55.6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 44.4
Tian [91] China In vivo NewTom 160μ 844 1558 0.3 1.8 97.8 0.1 – 42.2 15.2 2.1 36.2 2.0 0.6 0.1 0.1 1.5 –
Zhang [107] China In vivo Accuitomo 125μ 269 299 – – 100 – – 48.0 7.3 – 36.4 8.3 – – – – –
Zhang [41] China In vivo NewTom 150μ 548 1008 0.2 0.8 99.0 – – 14.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc,
Zheng [42] China In vivo Accuitomo 125μ 701 627 0.5 2.2 97.3 – – 47.6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc,
n/a not available, rc root canals
Data regarding maxillary molars with independent mesiobuccal root
If no Vertucci’s classification was provided
J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani

Data is according to the original article although the sum of percentages was not 100%
Table 6.13  CBCT studies on the root and root canal morphologies of distobuccal root of maxillary first molar
Number of
CBCT Voxel Number Number root canalsa
Authors Country Method device size of subjects of teeth Number of roots (%) Vertucci’s classificationa (%) (%) (rc)b
1 2 3 4 >4 I II III IV V VI VII VIII Others
Alrahabi [95] Saudi Ex vivo Kodak 76μ n/a 100 – – 94.0 6.0 – 100 – – – – – – – – –
Altunsoy [29] Turkey In vivo i-Cat 300μ 827 1158 0.1 0.3 99.0 0.6 – 99.5 – – 0.5 – – – – – –
BarattoFilho Brazil In vivo i-Cat 200μ n/a 54 100 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Beshkenadze Georgia In vivo Gendex n/a 228 221 – – 100 – – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Estrela [46] Brazil In vivo PreXion3D 100μ 618 100 1.0 6.0 93.0 – – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Felsypremila India In vivo Kodak n/a 246 367 – 2.7 96.8 0.5 – 100 – – – – – – – – –
Ghobashy Egypt In vivo Cranex 133μ 657 605 – – 100 – – 100 – – – – – – – – –
Ghoncheh Iran In vivo NewTom 300μ 450 345 1.2 6.1 92.2 0.5 – 97.3 0.9 0.3 1.2 0.3 – – – – –
Gu [98] China In vivo Galileos 125μ 725 1365 0.1 2.2 97.6 0.1 – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy

Guo [33] USA In vivo Galileos n/a 317 634 – 0.9 99.1 – – 99.6 – 0.2 – 0.2 – – – – –
Jing [34] China In vivo NewTom 125μ n/a 630 – 2.4 97.1 0.5 – 99.8 – 0.2 – – – – – – –
Jo [88]c Korea In vivo CB 300μ 911 1786 0.4 2.7 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Khademi [92] Iran In vivo Galileos 150μ 295 389 – 0.3 99.7 – – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Kim [35] Korea In vivo Dinnova 167μ 415 814 0.4 1.7 97.9 – – 98.7 0.4 0.1 0.4 0.4 – – – – –
Martins [87] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 1044 961 0.7 6.4 92.8 0.1 – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Martins [47] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 646 542 0.6 8.3 91.1 – – 98.0 1.4 0.2 – 0.2 0.2 – – – –
Monsarrat France In vivo Carestream 200μ 102 149 – 2.0 96.6 1.4 – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Naseri [38] Iran In vivo NewTom 200μ 149 149 – – 100 – – 89.9 – – – 10.1 – – – – –
Neelakantan India Ex vivo Accuitomo n/a n/a 220 0.9 1.4 96.8 0.9 – 93.4 2.8 1.9 1.9 – – – – – –
Nikoloudaki Greece In vivo NewTom 125μ 273 410 3.9 5.6 89.3 1.2 – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 0.3
Table 6.13 (continued)

Number of
CBCT Voxel Number Number root canalsa
Authors Country Method device size of subjects of teeth Number of roots (%) Vertucci’s classificationa (%) (%) (rc)b
1 2 3 4 >4 I II III IV V VI VII VIII Others
PérezHeredia Spain In vivo Carestream 180μ 112 142 2.1 0.7 97.2 – – 97.2 1.4 – – 1.4 – – – – –
Plotino [104] Italy In vivo NewTom n/a 201 161 – 4.3 95.7 – – 100 – – – – – – – – –
Ratanajirasut Thailand In vivo Accuitomo 250μ 266 476 – – 99.8 0.2 – 99.0 – – 0.2 0.8 – – – – –
Rouhani [105] Iran Ex vivo Planmeca 160μ n/a 125 – 0.8 97.6 1.6 – 96.8 0.8 2.4 – – – – – – –
Silva [90] Brazil In vivo i-Cat 200μ 294 314 – 3.8 96.2 – – 100 – – – – – – – – –
Tian [91] China In vivo NewTom 160μ 844 1558 0.3 1.8 97.8 0.1 – 98.2 0.3 0.7 0.3 0.5 – – – – –
Zhang [107] China In vivo Accuitomo 125μ 269 299 – – 100 – – 100 – – – – – – – – –
Zhang [41] China In vivo NewTom 150μ 548 1008 0.2 0.8 99.0 – – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Zheng [42] China In vivo Accuitomo 125μ 701 627 0.5 2.2 97.3 – – 98.9 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 1.1
n/a not available, rc root canals
Data regarding maxillary molars with independent distobuccal root
If no Vertucci’s classification was provided
Data is according to the original article although the sum of percentages was not 100%
J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani
Table 6.14  CBCT studies on the root and root canal morphologies of palatal root of maxillary first molar
Number of
CBCT Voxel Number of Number root canalsa
Authors Country Method device size subjects of teeth Number of roots (%) Vertucci’s classificationa (%) (%) (rc)b
1 2 3 4 >4 I II III IV V VI VII VIII Others
Alrahabi [95] Saudi Ex vivo Kodak 76μ n/a 100 – – 94.0 6.0 – 100 – – – – – – – – –
Altunsoy [29] Turkey In vivo i-Cat 300μ 827 1158 0.1 0.3 99.0 0.6 – 99.8 – 0.1 0.1 – – – – – –
BarattoFilho Brazil In vivo i-Cat 200μ n/a 54 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 1.9
Beshkenadze Georgia In vivo Gendex n/a 228 221 – – 100 – – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Estrela [46] Brazil In vivo PreXion3D 100μ 618 100 1.0 6.0 93.0 – – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Felsypremila India In vivo Kodak n/a 246 367 – 2.7 96.8 0.5 – 99.7 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 0.3
Ghobashy [32] Egypt In vivo Cranex 133μ 657 605 – – 100 – – 100 – – – – – – – – –
Ghoncheh Iran In vivo NewTom 300μ 450 345 1.2 6.1 92.2 0.5 – 100 – – – – – – – – –
Gu [98] China In vivo Galileos 125μ 725 1365 0.1 2.2 97.6 0.1 – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy

Guo [33] USA In vivo Galileos n/a 317 634 – 0.9 99.1 – – 100 – – – – – – – – –
Jing [34] China In vivo NewTom 125μ n/a 630 – 2.4 97.1 0.5 – 99.8 0.2 – – – – – – – –
Jo [88]c Korea In vivo CB 300μ 911 1786 0.4 2.7 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Khademi [92] Iran In vivo Galileos 150μ 295 389 – 0.3 99.7 – – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Kim [35] Korea In vivo Dinnova 167μ 415 814 0.4 1.7 97.9 – – 100 – – – – – – – – –
Martins [87] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 1044 961 0.7 6.4 92.8 0.1 – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Martins [47] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 646 542 0.6 8.3 91.1 – – 98.2 0.4 1.4 – – – – – – –
Monsarrat France In vivo Carestream 200μ 102 149 – 2.0 96.6 1.4 – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Naseri [38] Iran In vivo NewTom 200μ 149 149 – – 100 – – 96.6 – – – 3.4 – – – – –
Neelakantan India Ex vivo Accuitomo n/a n/a 220 0.9 1.4 96.8 0.9 – 91.1 1.9 – 4.2 1.4 – – – 1.4 –
Nikoloudaki Greece In vivo NewTom 125μ 273 410 3.9 5.6 89.3 1.2 – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
PérezHeredia Spain In vivo Carestream 180μ 112 142 2.1 0.7 97.2 – – 100 – – – – – – – – –
Table 6.14 (continued)

Number of
CBCT Voxel Number of Number root canalsa
Authors Country Method device size subjects of teeth Number of roots (%) Vertucci’s classificationa (%) (%) (rc)b
1 2 3 4 >4 I II III IV V VI VII VIII Others
Plotino [104] Italy In vivo NewTom n/a 201 161 – 4.3 95.7 – – 100 – – – – – – – – –
Ratanajirasut Thailand In vivo Accuitomo 250μ 266 476 – – 99.8 0.2 – 99.8 0.2 – – – – – – – –
Rouhani [105] Iran Ex vivo Planmeca 160μ n/a 125 – 0.8 97.6 1.6 – 98.4 0.8 – 0.8 – – – – – –
Silva [90] Brazil In vivo i-Cat 200μ 294 314 0 3.8 96.2 – – 99.3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 0.7
Tian [91] China In vivo NewTom 160μ 844 1558 0.3 1.8 97.8 0.1 – 99.3 0.3 0.3 – 0.1 – – – – –
Zhang [107] China In vivo Accuitomo 125μ 269 299 – – 100 – – 100 – – – – – – – – –
Zhang [41] China In vivo NewTom 150μ 548 1008 0.2 0.8 99.0 – – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Zheng [42] China In vivo Accuitomo 125μ 701 627 0.5 2.2 97.3 – – 98.2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 1.8
n/a not available, rc root canals
Data regarding maxillary molars with independent palatal root
If no Vertucci’s classification was provided
Data is according to the original article although the sum of percentages was not 100%
J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani
Table 6.15  CBCT studies on the root and root canal morphologies of mesiobuccal root of maxillary second molar
Number Number of
CBCT Voxel of Number root canalsa
Authors Country Method device size subjects of teeth Number of roots (%) Vertucci’s classificationa (%) (%) (rc)b
1 2 3 4 >4 I II III IV V VI VII VIII Other
Altunsoy [29] Turkey In vivo i-Cat 300μ 827 1329 2.2 4.8 92.5 0.5 – 62.9 6.9 – 29.8 0.4 – – – – –
Betancourt Chile In vivo Pax Zenith 120μ n/a 225 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 48.0
Betancourt Chile In vivo Pax Zenith 120μ n/a 550 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 46.9
Estrela [46] Brazil In vivo PreXion3D 100μ 618 100 2.0 29.0 69.0 – – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Felsypremila India In vivo Kodak n/a 246 371 9.7 8.9 80.3 1.1 – 39.9 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 60.1
Ghobashy Egypt In vivo Cranex 133μ 657 610 1.6 10.7 87.7 – – 42.0 47.1 – 8.0 1.9 1.0 – – – –
Ghoncheh Iran In vivo NewTom 300μ 450 423 14.4 22.2 63.4 – – 86.2 2.5 – 11.3 – – – – – –
Gu [98] China In vivo Galileos 125μ 725 1226 14.1 21.9 63.0 1.0 – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Jing [34] China In vivo NewTom 125μ n/a 519 10.4 15.2 73.6 0.8 – 86.0 4.1 2.3 2.9 4.1 – 0.3 0.3 – –
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy

Jo [88]c Korea In vivo CB 300μ 911 1767 6.6 13.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Khademi [92] Iran In vivo Galileos 150μ 295 460 4.8 6.3 88.2 0.7 – 57.6 39.4 – 1.7 1.3 – – – – –
Kim [35] Korea In vivo Dinnova 167μ 415 821 10.2 13.0 76.3 0.5 – 65.6 16.2 0.3 15.3 2.4 0.2 – – – –
Lee [36] Korea In vivo Volux 167μ 276 467 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 57.8 23.8 – 14.6 3.2 – – – 0.6 –
Li [93] China Ex vivo NewTom n/a n/a 46 2.2 23.9 71.7 2.2 – 57.6 18.2 – 18.2 3.0 3.0 – – – –
Martins [87] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 1044 1335 13.0 12.3 74.2 0.5 – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Martins [47] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 646 778 13.4 13.2 72.9 0.5 – 56.2 27.1 0.7 7.6 3.4 4.2 0.2 – 0.6 3rc, 0.2
Monsarrat France In vivo Carestream 200μ 102 167 6.0 3.6 88.0 2.4 – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Neelakantan India Ex vivo Accuitomo n/a n/a 205 1.0 5.9 93.1 – – 66.5 6.8 – 26.2 – – – – 0.5 –
Nikoloudaki Greece In vivo NewTom 125μ 273 402 5.5 8.2 85.1 1.2 – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 40.3
PérezHeredia Spain In vivo Carestream 180μ 112 142 16.9 4.2 78.9 – – 52.7 33.0 – 9.8 – 2.7 – 0.9 0.9
Table 6.15 (continued)

Number Number of
CBCT Voxel of Number root canalsa
Authors Country Method device size subjects of teeth Number of roots (%) Vertucci’s classificationa (%) (%) (rc)b
1 2 3 4 >4 I II III IV V VI VII VIII Other
Plotino [104] Italy In vivo NewTom n/a 201 157 1.9 8.3 88.5 1.3 – 84.9 11.5 2.2 1.4 – – – – – –
Ratanajirasut Thailand In vivo Accuitomo 250μ 266 457 3.5 9.2 87.1 0.2 – 70.6 14.6 2.3 7.5 3.5 1.5 – – – –
Reis [40] Brazil In vivo i-Cat 200μ 100 185 n/a n/a 94.6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 83.4
Rouhani [105] Iran Ex vivo Planmeca 160μ n/a 125 0.8 8.0 89.6 1.6 – 84.1 2.5 4.2 3.3 1.7 2.5 1.7 – – –
Silva [90] Brazil In vivo i-Cat 200μ 294 306 7.9 12.7 79.4 – – 56.8 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 43.2
Tian [91] China In vivo NewTom 160μ 844 1539 13.3 19.4 66.1 1.2 – 70.3 12.9 5.3 6.8 3.0 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.9 –
Wu [44] China In vivo NewTom 160μ 1294 2412 17.7 23.6 57.9 0.8 – 70.2 8.6 5.6 14.6 1.0 – – – – –
Zhang [107] China In vivo Accuitomo 125μ 269 210 10.5 8.1 81.4 – – 77.8 4.0 – 12.9 4.7 0.6 – – – –
n/a not available, rc root canals
Data regarding maxillary molars with independent mesiobuccal root
If no Vertucci’s classification was provided
Data is according to the original article although the sum of percentages was not 100%
J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani
Table 6.16  CBCT studies on the root and root canal morphologies of distobuccal root of maxillary second molar
Number of
CBCT Voxel Number Number root canalsa
Authors Country Method device size of subjects of teeth Number of roots (%) Vertucci’s classificationa (%) (%) (rc)b
1 2 3 4 >4 I II III IV V VI VII VIII Others
Altunsoy [29] Turkey In vivo i-Cat 300μ 827 1329 2.2 4.8 92.5 0.5 – 99.6 0.2 – 0.2 – – – – – –
Estrela [46] Brazil In vivo PreXion3D 100μ 618 100 2.0 29.0 69.0 – – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Felsypremila India In vivo Kodak n/a 246 371 9.7 8.9 80.3 1.1 – 100 – – – – – – – – –
Ghobashy Egypt In vivo Cranex 133μ 657 610 1.6 10.7 87.7 – – 100 – – – – – – – – –
Ghoncheh Iran In vivo NewTom 300μ 450 423 14.4 22.2 63.4 – – 100 – – – – – – – – –
Gu [98] China In vivo Galileos 125μ 725 1226 14.1 21.9 63.0 1.0 – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Jing [34] China In vivo NewTom 125μ n/a 519 10.4 15.2 73.6 0.8 – 100 – – – – – – – – –
Jo [88]c Korea In vivo CB 300μ 911 1767 6.6 13.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Khademi [92] Iran In vivo Galileos 150μ 295 460 4.8 6.3 88.2 0.7 – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Kim [35] Korea In vivo Dinnova 167μ 415 821 10.2 13.0 76.3 0.5 – 100 – – – – – – – – –
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy

Li [93] China Ex vivo NewTom n/a n/a 46 2.2 23.9 71.7 2.2 – 90.9 9.1 – – – – – – – –
Martins [87] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 1044 1335 13.0 12.3 74.2 0.5 – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Martins [47] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 646 778 13.4 13.2 72.9 0.5 – 100 – – – – – – – – –
Monsarrat France In vivo Carestream 200μ 102 167 6.0 3.6 88.0 2.4 – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Neelakantan India Ex vivo Accuitomo n/a n/a 205 1.0 5.9 93.1 – – 91.1 1.6 2.6 4.7 – – – – – –
Nikoloudaki Greece In vivo NewTom 125μ 273 402 5.5 8.2 85.1 1.2 – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
PérezHeredia Spain In vivo Carestream 180μ 112 142 16.9 4.2 78.9 – – 100 – – – – – – – – –
Plotino [104] Italy In vivo NewTom n/a 201 157 1.9 8.3 88.5 1.3 – 100 – – – – – – – – –
Table 6.16 (continued)

Number of
CBCT Voxel Number Number root canalsa
Authors Country Method device size of subjects of teeth Number of roots (%) Vertucci’s classificationa (%) (%) (rc)b
1 2 3 4 >4 I II III IV V VI VII VIII Others
Ratanajirasut Thailand In vivo Accuitomo 250μ 266 457 3.5 9.2 87.1 0.2 – 100 – – – – – – – – –
Rouhani [105] Iran Ex vivo Planmeca 160μ n/a 125 0.8 8.0 89.6 1.6 – 99.2 – 0.8 – – – – – – –
Silva [90] Brazil In vivo i-Cat 200μ 294 306 7.9 12.7 79.4 – – 100 – – – – – – – – –
Tian [91] China In vivo NewTom 160μ 844 1539 13.3 19.4 66.1 1.2 – 99.5 0.2 – 0.1 0.2 – – – – –
Wu [44] China In vivo NewTom 160μ 1294 2412 17.7 23.6 57.9 0.8 – 100 – – – – – – – – –
Zhang [107] China In vivo Accuitomo 125μ 269 210 10.5 8.1 81.4 – – 99.4 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 0.6
n/a not available, rc root canals
Data regarding maxillary molars with independent distobuccal root
If no Vertucci’s classification was provided
Data is according to the original article although the sum of percentages was not 100%
J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani
Table 6.17  CBCT studies on the root and root canal morphologies of palatal root of maxillary second molar
Number of
CBCT Voxel Number Number root canalsa
Authors Country Method device size of subjects of teeth Number of roots (%) Vertucci’s classificationa (%) (%) (rc)b
1 2 3 4 >4 I II III IV V VI VII VIII Others
Altunsoy [29] Turkey In vivo i-Cat 300μ 827 1329 2.2 4.8 92.5 0.5 – 99.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 – – – – –
Estrela [46] Brazil In vivo PreXion3D 100μ 618 100 2.0 29.0 69.0 – – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Felsypremila India In vivo Kodak n/a 246 371 9.7 8.9 80.3 1.1 – 99.7 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 0.3
Ghobashy Egypt In vivo Cranex 133μ 657 610 1.6 10.7 87.7 – – 100 – – – – – – – – –
Ghoncheh Iran In vivo NewTom 300μ 450 423 14.4 22.2 63.4 – – 100 – – – – – – – – –
Gu [98] China In vivo Galileos 125μ 725 1226 14.1 21.9 63.0 1.0 – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Jing [34] China In vivo NewTom 125μ n/a 519 10.4 15.2 73.6 0.8 – 100 – – – – – – – – –
Jo [88]c Korea In vivo CB 300μ 911 1767 6.6 13.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Khademi [92] Iran In vivo Galileos 150μ 295 460 4.8 6.3 88.2 0.7 – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Kim [35] Korea In vivo Dinnova 167μ 415 821 10.2 13.0 76.3 0.5 – 100 – – – – – – – – –
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy

Li [93] China Ex vivo NewTom n/a n/a 46 2.2 23.9 71.7 2.2 – 97.0 3.0 – – – – – – – –
Martins [87] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 1044 1335 13.0 12.3 74.2 0.5 – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Martins [47] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 646 778 13.4 13.2 72.9 0.5 – 98.9 0.4 0.7 – – – – – – –
Monsarrat France In vivo Carestream 200μ 102 167 6.0 3.6 88.0 2.4 – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Neelakantan India Ex vivo Accuitomo n/a n/a 205 1.0 5.9 93.1 – – 94.2 – – 3.7 1.1 – – 0.5 0.5 –
Nikoloudaki Greece In vivo NewTom 125μ 273 402 5.5 8.2 85.1 1.2 – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
PérezHeredia Spain In vivo Carestream 180μ 112 142 16.9 4.2 78.9 – – 100 – – – – – – – – –
Plotino [104] Italy In vivo NewTom n/a 201 157 1.9 8.3 88.5 1.3 – 100 – – – – – – – – –
Ratanajirasut Thailand In vivo Accuitomo 250μ 266 457 3.5 9.2 87.1 0.2 – 99.7 0.3 – – – – – – – –
Table 6.17 (continued)

Number of
CBCT Voxel Number Number root canalsa
Authors Country Method device size of subjects of teeth Number of roots (%) Vertucci’s classificationa (%) (%) (rc)b
1 2 3 4 >4 I II III IV V VI VII VIII Others
Rouhani [105] Iran Ex vivo Planmeca 160μ n/a 125 0.8 8.0 89.6 1.6 – 100 – – – – – – – – –
Silva [90] Brazil In vivo i-Cat 200μ 294 306 7.9 12.7 79.4 – – 100 – – – – – – – – –
Tian [91] China In vivo NewTom 160μ 844 1539 13.3 19.4 66.1 1.2 – 99.7 0.2 0.1 – – – – – – –
Wu [44] China In vivo NewTom 160μ 1294 2412 17.7 23.6 57.9 0.8 – 100 – – – – – – – – –
Zhang [107] China In vivo Accuitomo 125μ 269 210 10.5 8.1 81.4 – – 100 – – – – – – – – –
n/a not available, rc root canals
Data regarding maxillary molars with independent palatal root
If no Vertucci’s classification was provided
Data is according to the original article although the sum of percentages was not 100%
J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy 123

a b c

d e f

g h i

j k l

m n o p q

r s t u v

Fig. 6.4  Representative CBCT images of different root canal system morphologies on maxillary molars. (a–f)
Mesiobuccal root, (g–i) distobuccal root, (j–l) palatal root, and (m–v) different axial configurations
124 J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani

canal teeth in a two-rooted configuration, having sidering the dissimilarities in the root morphol-
two root canals in the mesial root and one in the ogy, it would be also expected different C-shaped
distal root (Tables 6.18, 6.19, 6.20, and 6.21). In canal configurations depending on the tooth
the mesial root, prevalence of two canals ranged group.
from 88.5% [114] to 58.3% [110] and from 100% C-shaped configuration in mandibular premo-
to 97.0% [103], of the mandibular first and sec- lars (Fig.  6.6m–r) is an uncommon finding in
ond molars, respectively. In most studies, CBCT studies, although it may reach 4.1% of the
Vertucci’s Type IV is the most predominant con- Chinese [81] and 1.5% of the Turkish [77] popu-
figuration (>50%) in mandibular first molars, lations, for the first and second premolars,
with a prevalence varying from 16.4% in a respectively. This morphology has been mostly
Belgium study [116] to 93.9% in Chinese popu- observed in mandibular premolars with
lation [109], followed by Type II configuration Vertucci’s Type V configuration [73], and its
ranging from 1.0% in Turkey [117] to 51.3% in prevalence was significantly higher for the first
Spain [103]. In mandibular second molars, Type premolar in a Portuguese study [73], while no
II and IV configurations had also a high preva- difference was detected between the first and
lence, reaching as high as 78.2% [103] and 79.6% second premolars in a Turkish investigation [77].
[117], respectively (Fig.  6.5a–f). Among differ- In maxillary molars, C-shaped canal configura-
ent anatomical variations (Fig. 6.5m–v), the pres- tion is an uncommon finding formed mostly due
ence of a third root canal in the mesial root, the to the fusion of buccal roots [80, 81], and, when
so-called middle mesial canal (Fig. 6.5t, u), has present, it may be displayed in several positions
been reported in CBCT studies as an uncommon depending on which roots are fused (Fig. 6.6a–
finding in 5.5% [47] and 2.2% [47] of the man- f). Its prevalence is reported to range from 0.3%
dibular first and second molars, respectively. [72] to 1.1% [89] and from 0.5% [72] to 3.8%
Reports on the prevalence of a single root canal [89] for maxillary first and second molars,
system in the distal root ranged from 59.5% [117] respectively. In mandibular first molars, reported
to 99% [114], but this root may also have two prevalence of C-shaped canals ranged from 0.1%
root canals (Fig.  6.5g–l). In this case, the most in China [111] to 1.7% in Brazil [114], while this
common configuration is Vertucci’s Type II configuration in mandibular second molars
(22.5%) [118], despite Types III, IV, and V are (Fig.  6.6g–l) varied from 1.9% in a Cypriote
also common findings. population [121] to 44.0% in China [115]. In
second molars, its prevalence is significantly Additional Morphologies higher [89] probably because of the common
Different morphologies of roots and root canal occurrence of fused roots. The percentage fre-
systems have been reported in CBCT studies, but quency of this anatomical variation has been
the most studied variation is the C-shaped canal reported as having an ethnic influence, being
configuration. In some studies, C-shaped canal higher in Asian populations, such as in Korea
anatomy has been studied in a particular tooth [71, 128] and China [115, 133]. Two studies
group addressing several aspects including prev- from Portugal [131] and Israel [132] stated that
alence, configuration type, and influence of gen- the “C” concavity was more commonly turned
der, age, or tooth location [130–132]. Other toward lingual, while a study from Brazil [115,
studies, in turn, have more loose criteria only 130] pointed to the opposite direction. Two
mentioning the prevalence of this configuration CBCT studies [131, 132] reported a high preva-
in a specific tooth group [72, 114]. Using CBCT lence of Fan’s C1 Type at the coronal portion of
method, the existence of C-shaped canal configu- the root and Fan’s C3 Type at the middle canal
ration was reported in mandibular premolars and third. According to von Zuben et al. [115], Fan’s
maxillary and mandibular molars (Table  6.22), C Type prevalence on each root canal third (cor-
being frequently associated with variations in the onal, middle, and a­ pical) might not be consen-
external morphology of the roots. Therefore, con- sual in different populations.
Table 6.18  CBCT studies on the root and root canal morphologies of mesial root of mandibular first molar
Number Number of
CBCT Voxel of Number root canalsa
Authors Country Method device size subjects of teeth Number of roots (%) Vertucci’s classificationa (%) (%) (rc)b
1 2 3 4 >4 I II III IV V VI VII VIII Others
Akbarzadeh USA In vivo Carestream 300μ 210 210 – – – – – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3rc, 14.8
Beshkenadze Georgia In vivo Gendex n/a 228 247 – 94.1 6.9 – – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Caputo [120] Brazil In vivo Gendex 200μ 198 342 – 98.5 1.5 – – 0.6 38.5 14.9 40.4 4.1 0.6 – – 0.9 –
Celikten Cyprus In vivo NewTom n/a 272 384 0.8 95.6 3.6 – – 2.4 34.9 – 62.7 – – – – – –
Demirbuga Turkey In vivo NewTom n/a 605 823 1.8 95.9 2.1 0.2 – 2.2 27.6 1.7 67.7 0.8 – – – – –
Estrela [46] Brazil In vivo PreXion3D 100μ 618 100 2.0 95.0 3.0 – – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Felsypremila India In vivo Kodak n/a 246 299 0.7 93.6 5.7 – – 1.7 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc,
[72] 94.6/3rc,
Huang [112] Taiwan In vivo i-Cat n/a 151 237 – 74.7 25.3 – – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Kim [108] Korea In vivo Dinnova 167μ 976 1952 0.7 73.5 25.8 – – 1.8 20.2 0.3 76.8 0.5 – – – 0.4 –
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy

Madani [123] Iran In vivo NewTom 300μ 110 154 1.2 96.8 2.0 – – 7.4 31.5 2.0 57.1 2.0 – – – – –
Martins [87] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 1044 709 0.7 97.3 2.0 – – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Martins [47] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 646 450 0.7 97.1 2.2 – – 1.1 46.5 – 41.9 – 4.1 – – 6.4 3rc, 5.5
Mokhtari Iran Ex vivo NewTom 150μ n/a 96 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1.0 9.5 1.1 88.4 – – – – – –
Monsarrat France In vivo Carestream 200μ 102 130 1.5 90.0 7.7 0.8 – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Mukhaimer Palestine Ex vivo MCT-1 n/a n/a 320 – 100 – – – 1.2 38.7 1.9 53.8 1.2 – – – 3.2 –
Nur [117] Turkey In vivo i-Cat 300μ 850 966 0.3 99.2 0.5 – – 5.4 1.0 0.1 91.6 1.8 – – 0.1 – –
Park [71] Korea In vivo n/a n/a 430 727 0.3 77.4 22.3 – – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
PérezHeredia Spain In vivo Carestream 180μ 112 121 1.7 94.2 4.1 – – – 51.3 – 37.8 0.8 1.7 – – 8.4 –
Plotino [104] Italy In vivo NewTom n/a 201 117 – 100 – – – 9.4 27.4 – 62.3 – – – – 0.9 –
Rahimi [125]c Iran In vivo NewTom n/a 386 386 n/a n/a 3.1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Table 6.18 (continued)

Number Number of
CBCT Voxel of Number root canalsa
Authors Country Method device size subjects of teeth Number of roots (%) Vertucci’s classificationa (%) (%) (rc)b
1 2 3 4 >4 I II III IV V VI VII VIII Others
Shemesh Israel In vivo Alioth 150μ 1020 1229 n/a n/a 2.6 – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Silva [114] Brazil In vivo i-Cat 200μ 154 234 3.4 96.6 – – – 11.5 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 88.5
Torres [116] Belgium In vivo Accuitomo 250μ 100 145 0.7 96.5 2.8 – – 1.4 5.0 33.6 16.4 42.9 – 0.7 – – –
Torres [116] Chile In vivo Accuitomo 250μ 170 146 – 93.8 6.2 – – 2.9 19.0 28.5 21.9 21.9 2.2 3.6 – – –
Tu [113]c Taiwan In vivo i-Cat 250μ 123 246 n/a n/a 25.6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Wang [109] China In vivo Accuitomo 125μ 558 558 0.7 73.5 25.8 – – 1.5 1.7 – 93.9 0.2 – – 0.2 2.5 –
Zhang [110] China In vivo Accuitomo 125μ 211 232 – 70.3 29.3 0.4 – 3.7 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 96.3
Zhang [111] China In vivo Galileos 125μ 455 910 – 77.5 22.3 0.2 – 0.9 5.6 4.8 87.8 0.9 – – – – –
n/a not available, rc root canals
Data regarding mandibular molars with independent mesial root
If no Vertucci’s classification was provided
Data is according to the original article although the sum of percentages was not 100%
J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani
Table 6.19  CBCT studies on the root and root canal morphologies of distal root of mandibular first molar
Number Number of
CBCT Voxel of Number root canalsa
Authors Country Method device size subjects of teeth Number of roots (%) Vertucci’s classificationa (%) (%) (rc)b
1 2 3 4 >4 I II III IV V VI VII VIII Others
Beshkenadze Georgia In vivo Gendex n/a 228 247 – 94.1 6.9 – – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Caputo [120] Brazil In vivo Gendex 200μ 198 342 – 98.5 1.5 – – 76.6 6.4 11.1 2.1 3.8 – – – – –
Celikten [121] Cyprus In vivo NewTom n/a 272 384 0.8 95.6 3.6 – – 83.9 11.8 0.3 3.4 0.3 0.3 – – – –
Demirbuga Turkey In vivo NewTom n/a 605 823 1.8 95.9 2.1 0.2 – 81.6 6.6 3.7 6.0 2.1 – – – – –
Estrela [46] Brazil In vivo PreXion3D 100μ 618 100 2.0 95.0 3.0 – – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Felsypremila India In vivo Kodak n/a 246 299 0.7 93.6 5.7 – – 75.1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 24.9
Huang [112] Taiwan In vivo i-Cat n/a 151 237 – 74.7 25.3 – – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Kim [108] Korea In vivo Dinnova 167μ 976 1952 0.7 73.5 25.8 – – 66.6 19.0 0.3 11.9 2.1 – – – 0.1 –
Kim [127] Korea In vivo Dinnova 167μ 979 1958 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 50.4
Madani [123] Iran In vivo NewTom 300μ 110 154 1.2 96.8 2.0 – – 79.9 10.7 4.7 3.4 1.3 – – – – –
Martins [87] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 1044 709 0.7 97.3 2.0 – – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy

Martins [47] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 646 450 0.7 97.1 2.2 – – 70.9 12.4 9.6 2.3 3.2 0.9 – – 0.7 –
Mokhtari Iran Ex vivo NewTom 150μ n/a 96 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 90.5 2.1 5.3 2.1 – – – – – –
Monsarrat France In vivo Carestream 200μ 102 130 1.5 90.0 7.7 0.8 – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Mukhaimer Palestine Ex vivo MCT-1 n/a n/a 320 – 100 – – – 57.5 22.5 10.6 8.1 1.3 – – – – –
Nur [117] Turkey In vivo i-Cat 300μ 850 966 0.3 99.2 0.5 – – 59.5 12.6 2.0 19.3 6.6 – – – – –
Park [71] Korea In vivo n/a n/a 430 727 0.3 77.4 22.3 – – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
PérezHeredia Spain In vivo Carestream 180μ 112 121 1.7 94.2 4.1 – – 72.3 18.5 5.9 2.5 – – – – 0.8 –
Plotino [104] Italy In vivo NewTom n/a 201 117 – 100 – – – 79.5 9.4 6.8 4.3 – – – – – –
Rahimi [125]c Iran In vivo NewTom n/a 386 386 n/a n/a 3.1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Table 6.19 (continued)

Number Number of
CBCT Voxel of Number root canalsa
Authors Country Method device size subjects of teeth Number of roots (%) Vertucci’s classificationa (%) (%) (rc)b
1 2 3 4 >4 I II III IV V VI VII VIII Others
Shemesh Israel In vivo Alioth 150μ 1020 1229 n/a n/a 2.6 – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Silva [114] Brazil In vivo i-Cat 200μ 154 234 3.4 96.6 – – – 87.6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 12.4
Torres [116] Belgium In vivo Accuitomo 250μ 100 145 0.7 96.5 2.8 – – 72.9 – 17.1 – 9.3 – 0.7 – – –
Torres [116] Chile In vivo Accuitomo 250μ 170 146 – 93.8 6.2 – – 78.8 – 12.4 – 5.9 – 2.9 – – –
Tu [113]c Taiwan In vivo i-Cat 250μ 123 246 n/a n/a 25.6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Wang [109] China In vivo Accuitomo 125μ 558 558 0.7 73.5 25.8 – – 62.9 9.8 0.7 25.1 0.5 – – – 1.0 –
Zhang [110] China In vivo Accuitomo 125μ 211 232 – 70.3 29.3 0.4 – 77.3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 22.7
Zhang [111] China In vivo Galileos 125μ 455 910 – 77.5 22.3 0.2 – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
n/a not available, rc root canals
Data regarding mandibular molars with independent distal root
If no Vertucci’s classification was provided
Data is according to the original article although the sum of percentages was not 100%
J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani
Table 6.20  CBCT studies on the root and root canal morphologies of mesial root of mandibular second molar
Number Number of
CBCT Voxel of Number root canalsa
Authors Country Method device size subjects of teeth Number of roots (%) Vertucci’s classificationa (%) (%) (rc)b
1 2 3 4 >4 I II III IV V VI VII VIII Others
Celikten Cyprus In vivo NewTom n/a 272 421 3.6 95.7 0.5 0.2 – 7.1 32.3 0.3 60.3 – – – – – –
Demirbuga Turkey In vivo NewTom n/a 605 925 10.3 85.4 3.4 0.9 – 19.7 36.5 3.5 37.6 1.9 0.5 0.3 – – –
Estrela [46] Brazil In vivo PreXion3D 100μ 618 100 7.0 91.0 2.0 – – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Felsypremila India In vivo Kodak n/a 246 322 8.7 88.8 2.5 – – 9.5 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc,
[72] 88.5/3rc,
Kim [128] Korea In vivo Dinnova 167μ 960 1920 41.2 58.1 0.7 – – 14.9 37.3 1.2 43.9 2.6 – – – 0.1 –
Madani [123] Iran In vivo NewTom 300μ 110 147 17.7 81.6 0.7 – – 18.3 28.4 5.8 43.4 3.3 0.8 – – – –
Martins [87] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 1044 1115 12.6 85.2 2.2 – – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Martins [47] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 646 667 14.2 83.1 2.7 – – 8.1 63.9 5.3 18.1 0.5 1.6 – – 2.5 3rc, 2.2
Monsarrat France In vivo Carestream 200μ 102 156 1.3 87.2 11.5 – – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy

Nur [117] Turkey In vivo i-Cat 300μ 850 1165 10.0 90.0 – – – 12.4 2.1 0.7 79.6 5.2 – – – – –
Park [71] Korea In vivo n/a n/a 430 710 43.1 54.5 2.4 – – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Pawar [129] India In vivo Planmeca 100μ 1120 983 13.1 79.4 7.5 – – 8.3 37.4 1.1 52.0 1.2 – – – – –
PérezHeredia Spain In vivo Carestream 180μ 112 121 16.5 83.5 – – – 3.0 78.2 – 14.8 1.0 – – – 3.0 –
Plotino [104] Italy In vivo NewTom n/a 201 161 8.7 89.4 1.9 – – 12.5 23.6 2.1 61.8 – – – – – –
Shemesh Israel In vivo Alioth 150μ 1020 1465 n/a n/a 1.8 0.6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Silva [114] Brazil In vivo i-Cat 200μ 154 226 9.7 86.7 3.6 – – 36.7 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 63.3
Torres [116] Belgium In vivo Accuitomo 250μ 100 112 14.3 83.9 0.9 0.9 – 11.7 5.3 37.3 14.9 28.7 – 2.1 – – –
Torres [116] Chile In vivo Accuitomo 250μ 170 112 8.9 86.6 3.6 0.9 – 17.5 7.2 48.5 4.1 20.6 – 2.1 – – –
Zhang [110] China In vivo Accuitomo 125μ 211 157 22.3 76.4 1.3 – – 41.7 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 58.3
n/a not available, rc root canals
Data regarding mandibular molars with independent mesial root
If no Vertucci’s classification was provided
Data is according to the original article although the sum of percentages was not 100%

Table 6.21  CBCT studies on the root and root canal morphologies of distal root of mandibular second molar
Number Number of
CBCT Voxel of Number root canalsa
Authors Country Method device size subjects of teeth Number of roots (%) Vertucci’s classificationa (%) (%) (rc)b
1 2 3 4 >4 I II III IV V VI VII VIII Others
Celikten [121] Cyprus In vivo NewTom n/a 272 421 3.6 95.7 0.5 0.2 – 96.3 2.5 – 1.0 – 0.2 – – – –
Demirbuga Turkey In vivo NewTom n/a 605 925 10.3 85.4 3.4 0.9 – 96.6 0.5 0.7 1.0 1.0 0.2 – – – –
Estrela [46] Brazil In vivo PreXion3D 100μ 618 100 7.0 91.0 2.0 – – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Felsypremila India In vivo Kodak n/a 246 322 8.7 88.8 2.5 – – 96.6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 3.4
Kim [128] Korea In vivo Dinnova 167μ 960 1920 41.2 58.1 0.7 – – 96.5 2.1 – 0.9 0.5 – – – – –
Madani [123] Iran In vivo NewTom 300μ 110 147 17.7 81.6 0.7 – – 92.5 3.3 0.8 1.7 1.7 – – – – –
Martins [87] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 1044 1115 12.6 85.2 2.2 – – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Martins [47] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 646 667 14.2 83.1 2.7 – – 93.5 0.5 4.2 0.4 1.4 – – – – –
Monsarrat France In vivo Carestream 200μ 102 156 1.3 87.2 11.5 – – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Nur [117] Turkey In vivo i-Cat 300μ 850 1165 10.0 90.0 – – – 94.1 3.3 – 2.3 0.3 – – – – –
Park [71] Korea In vivo n/a n/a 430 710 43.1 54.5 2.4 – – n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Pawar [129] India In vivo Planmeca 100μ 1120 983 13.1 79.4 7.5 – – 70.3 21.0 – 8.7 – – – – – –
PérezHeredia Spain In vivo Carestream 180μ 112 121 16.5 83.5 – – – 92.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 – – – – – –
Plotino [104] Italy In vivo NewTom n/a 201 161 8.7 89.4 1.9 – – 100 – – – – – – – – –
Shemesh Israel In vivo Alioth 150μ 1020 1465 n/a n/a 1.8 0.6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a –
Silva [114] Brazil In vivo i-Cat 200μ 154 226 9.7 86.7 3.6 – – 99.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 1.0
Torres [116] Belgium In vivo Accuitomo 250μ 100 112 14.3 83.9 0.9 0.9 – 98.9 – – – 1.1 – – – – –
Torres [116] Chile In vivo Accuitomo 250μ 170 112 8.9 86.6 3.6 0.9 – 99.0 – – – 1.0 – – – – –
Zhang [110] China In vivo Accuitomo 125μ 211 157 22.3 76.4 1.3 – – 96.7 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2rc, 3.3
n/a not available, rc root canals
Data regarding mandibular molars with independent distal root
If no Vertucci’s classification was provided
Data is according to the original article although the sum of percentages was not 100%
J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy 131

a b c

d e f

g h i

j k l

m n o p q

r s t u v

Fig. 6.5  Representative CBCT images of different canal system configurations on mandibular molars. (a–f) Mesial
root, (g–l) distal root, and (m–v) different axial configurations
132 J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani

Table 6.22  CBCT studies on the C-shaped root canal configuration

CBCT of Number C-shaped canal
Tooth Authors Country Method device Voxel size subjects of teeth prevalence (%)
Maxillary Felsypremila India In vivo Kodak n/a 246 367 0.3
first molar [72]
Jo [88] Korean In vivo CB 300μ 911 1786 0.8
Martins [89] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 895 928 1.1
Maxillary Felsypremila India In vivo Kodak n/a 246 371 0.5
second [72]
molar Jo [88] Korean In vivo CB 300μ 911 1767 2.7
Martins [89] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 895 1299 3.8
Mandibular Celikten Cyprus In vivo NewTom n/a 272 384 0.5
first molar [121]
Demirbuga Turkey In vivo NewTom n/a 605 823 0.9
Felsypremila India In vivo Kodak n/a 246 299 0.7
Madani Iran In vivo NewTom 300μ 110 154 1.2
Martins Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 792 695 0.6
Martins [87] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 1044 709 0.6
Shemesh Israel In vivo Alioth 155μ 1020 1229 0.2
Silva [114] Brazil In vivo i-Cat 200μ 154 234 1.7
Zhang [111] China In vivo Galileos 125μ 455 910 0.1
Mandibular Celikten Cyprus In vivo NewTom n/a 272 421 1.9
second [121]
molar Demirbuga Turkey In vivo NewTom n/a 605 925 4.1
Felsypremila India In vivo Kodak n/a 246 322 8.1
Helvacioglu-­ Turkey In vivo i-Cat 250μ 251 271 8.9
Yigit [135]
Kim [128] Korea In vivo Dinnova 167μ 960 1920 40.1
Ladeira Brazil In vivo i-Cat 250μ 214 406 15.3
Madani Iran In vivo NewTom 300μ 110 147 17.6
Martins Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 792 1088 8.5
Martins [87] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 1044 1115 8.6
Park [71] Korea In vivo n/a n/a 430 710 41.3
Pawar [129] India In vivo Planmeca 100μ 1120 983 13.1
Plotino [104] Italy In vivo NewTom n/a 201 161 6.2
Shemesh Israel In vivo Alioth 155μ 1020 1465 4.6
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy 133

Table 6.22 (continued)
CBCT of Number C-shaped canal
Tooth Authors Country Method device Voxel size subjects of teeth prevalence (%)
Silva [114] Brazil In vivo i-Cat 200μ 154 226 3.5
Sinanoglu Turkey In vivo i-Cat 250μ 200 339 8.6
Torres [116] Belgium In vivo Accuitomo 250μ 100 112 10.71
Torres [116] Chile In vivo Accuitomo 250μ 170 112 8.93
von Zuben Brazil In vivo i-Cat 200μ 237 400 6.8
von Zuben China In vivo Kodak 200μ 214 400 44.0
von Zuben England In vivo Accuitomo 80μ 400 400 7.8
von Zuben India In vivo NewTom 75μ/150μ 232 400 12.3
von Zuben Mexico In vivo OP300 85μ/250μ 400 400 14.2
[115] Maxio
von Zuben Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 259 400 8.3
von Zuben South In vivo Galileos 200μ 217 400 9.3
[115] Africa
von Zuben Spain In vivo Planmeca 200μ 362 400 11.0
von Zuben USA In vivo Kodak 76μ 400 400 11.3
Zhang [110] China In vivo Accuitomo 125μ 211 157 29.0
Zheng [133] China In vivo Accuitomo 125μ 608 528 38.6
Mandibular Arslan [77] Turkey In vivo NewTom 150μ 88 154 2.5
first Felsypremila India In vivo Kodak n/a 246 447 0.7
premolar [72]
Liao [81] China In vivo NewTom 240μ 97 194 4.1
Martins [73] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 634 1123 2.3
Shetty [84] India Ex vivo Kodak 76μ n/a 1186 0.9
Yang [85] China In vivo Galileos 125μ 238 440 1.1
Yu [86] China In vivo Accuitomo 125μ 149 178 1.1
Mandibular Arslan [77] Turkey In vivo NewTom 150μ 88 133 1.5
second Felsypremila India In vivo Kodak n/a 246 398 0.8
premolar [72]
Martins [73] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 634 889 0.6
Shetty [84] India Ex vivo Kodak 76μ n/a 814 0.7
Yu [86] China In vivo Accuitomo 125μ 149 178 0.6

Another anatomical variation that is usually lence that varied from 1.2% [103] to 1.6% [72]
mentioned in mandibular molars is the presence for the mandibular first and second molars,
of an extra mesiobuccal root, the radix paramo- respectively. On the other hand, radix entomo-
laris (Fig. 6.6s), or an extra distolingual root, the laris is much more common, mainly in mandibu-
radix entomolaris (Fig.  6.6t–x). CBCT studies lar first molar from Asian population where its
usually report these extra roots as having prevalence is higher than 22% [91, 110, 111,
Vertucci’s Type I configuration [108]. Radix par- 113], while in non-Asian population, it is usually
amolaris is an uncommon finding with a preva- reported under 7%. In the mandibular second
134 J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani

a b c d e f

g h i j k l

m n o p q r

s t u

v w x

y z a’ b’ c’ d’

Fig. 6.6 Representative CBCT images of different addi- molars, (g–l) mandibular C-shaped molars, (m–r) mandib-
tional root and root canal system morphologies on maxil- ular C-shaped premolars, (s) radix paramolaris, (t–x) radix
lary and mandibular teeth. (a–f) Maxillary C-shaped entomolaris, and (y–d′) maxillary molar root fusions
Table 6.23  CBCT studies reporting the prevalence of an extra mesiobuccal or distolingual root
CBCT Voxel Number of Number of Extra mesiobuccal root Extra distolingual root
Tooth Authors Country Method device size subjects teeth (%) (%)
Mandibular first molar Beshkenadze [45] Georgia In vivo Gendex n/a 228 247 – 6.9
Demirbuga [122] Turkey In vivo NewTom n/a 605 823 – 2.1
Felsypremila [72] India In vivo Kodak n/a 246 299 0.7a 5.0b
Kim [108] Korea In vivo Dinnova 167μ 976 1952 0.1a n/a
Martins [47] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 646 450 – 2.2b
Nur [117] Turkey In vivo i-Cat 300μ 850 966 – 0.5
Park [71] Korea In vivo n/a n/a 430 727 – 22.3b
PérezHeredia Spain In vivo Carestream 180μ 112 121 1.2a 0.8b
Rahimi [125] Iran In vivo NewTom n/a 386 386 – 3.1b
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy

Shemesh [126] Israel In vivo Alioth 150μ 1020 1229 0.6a 2.0b
Tian [91] China In vivo NewTom 160μ 844 1558 – 25.8
Tu [113] Taiwan In vivo i-Cat 250μ 123 246 – 25.6
Zhang [110] China In vivo Accuitomo 125μ 211 232 – 29.7
Zhang [111] China In vivo Galileos 125μ 455 910 – 22.1
Mandibular second Demirbuga [122] Turkey In vivo NewTom n/a 605 925 – 3.5
molar Felsypremila [72] India In vivo Kodak n/a 246 322 1.6a 0.9b
Kim [128] Korea In vivo Dinnova 167μ 960 1920 – 0.4
Martins [47] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 646 667 0.4a 0.6b
Park [71] Korea In vivo n/a n/a 430 710 0.1a 2.3b
Shemesh [126] Israel In vivo Alioth 150μ 1020 1465 1.4a 0.4b
Silva [114] Brazil In vivo i-Cat 200μ 154 234 – 3.5b
Zhang [110] China In vivo Accuitomo 125μ 211 157 – 1.3
n/a not available
Study reporting the extra root as radix paramolaris
Study reporting the extra root as radix entomolaris
136 J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani

molars, this anatomic feature is not so common Like conventional medical tomography,
(3.5%) [114, 122] and apparently is not influ- micro-CT also uses X-rays to create cross sec-
enced by ethnic factor (Table 6.23). tions of a 3D object that later can be used to rec-
Because of the complexity of root canal reate a virtual model without destroying the
anatomy in maxillary molars with fused roots original model [138]. Therefore, whereas a typi-
(Fig. 6.6y–d′), only a few CBCT studies have cal digital image is composed of pixels (picture
addressed the prevalence of different root elements), a CT slice image is composed of
fusion types (Table 6.24) following the classi- ­voxels (volume elements) [138, 143]. Because
fication proposed by Zhang et  al. [134]. In micro-CT is mostly used in nonliving objects, the
maxillary first molars, studies from Asian scanners were designed to take advantage of the
population reported a prevalence of Type 1 fact that the items being studied do not move and
fusion (between buccal roots) in 1.6% [88] are not harmed by X-rays. Therefore, this imag-
and 1.7% [42] of Korean and Chinese popula- ing technology employs four optimizations in
tion, while in an European Caucasian study comparison with conventional CT [143]:
[87], it has been reported a higher prevalence
(6.0%) of Type III fusion (between distobuc- (a) Higher-energy X-rays which are more effec-
cal and palatal roots). Regarding the maxillary tive at penetrating dense materials
second molars, all studies are consensual pre- (b)
Smaller X-ray focal spots providing
senting Type II fusion (between mesiobuccal increased resolution at a cost in X-ray
and palatal roots) as the most common fusion output
type with a prevalence varying from 6.8% [87] (c) Finer and more densely packed X-ray detec-
to 8.3% [32]. tors which increase resolution at a cost in
detection efficiency
(d) Longer exposure times increasing the signal-­
6.2 Micro-computed to-­noise ratio to compensate for the loss in
Tomography (Micro-CT) signal from the diminished output and effi-
ciency of the source and detectors
6.2.1 Definition
In the last decades, micro-CT has gained
A decade after the CT scanner was created, Elliott increasing significance in the detailed study of
and Dover [137] developed the first high-­resolution canal anatomy in endodontics because it offers a
X-ray micro-computed tomographic device, and, nondestructive, accurate, and reproducible tech-
using a resolution of 12 μm, the image of the shell of nique that could be applied quantitatively as well
a Biomphalaria glabrata snail was produced. The as qualitatively for two- and three-dimensional
term “micro” in this new device was used to indicate assessment of the root canal system [139].
that the pixel sizes of the cross sections were in the Conversely, given that scanning and reconstruc-
micrometer range. This also means that the machine tion procedures take considerable time, the tech-
was smaller in design compared to the human ver- nique is not suitable for clinical use, the
sion and was indicated to model smaller objects equipment is expensive, and the complexity of
[138]. X-ray micro-computed tomography has also the technical procedures requires a high learning
been denominated as microcomputed tomography, curve and an in-depth knowledge of dedicated
microcomputer tomography, high-resolution X-ray software. The technical procedures related to the
tomography, X-ray microtomography, micro-CT, micro-CT methodology with the aim to evaluate
and similar terminologies. Nowadays, despite the aspects related to the morphological analysis of
impossibility of employing micro-CT for in  vivo the root canal anatomy are complex, and a
human imaging, it has been considered the most ­thorough discussion is beyond the scope of this
important and accurate research tool for the study of chapter. However, an understanding of basic
fine details of root canal anatomy [139–142]. principles is desirable to ensure a better compre-
Table 6.24  CBCT studies reporting the prevalence of root fusion types in the maxillary first and second molars
Type I Type II Type III Type IV Type V Type VI Others
Authors Country Method CBCT device Voxel size Number of subjects Number of teeth (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
Maxillary first molar
Jo [88] Korea In vivo CB MercuRay 300μ 911 1786 1.7 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.1 –
Martins [87] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 1044 709 0.1 0.2 6.0 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.2
Zheng [42] China In vivo Accuitomo 125μ 701 627 1.6 0.2 0.5 0.5 –
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy

Maxillary second molar

Ghobashy [32] Egypt In vivo Cranex 133μ 657 610 n/a 8.3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Jo [88] Korea In vivo CB MercuRay 300μ 911 1767 2.3 7.0 0.3 2.4 4.2 3.3 0.1
Martins [87] Portugal In vivo Planmeca 200μ 1044 1115 4.0 6.8 1.1 4.0 4.4 1.4 3.4
Wu [44] China In vivo NewTom 160μ 1294 2412 17.7 23.6 –
n/a not available
138 J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani

hension of its potential as a tool for endodontic rotation angle, number of frames, data collec-
teaching and researching. tion, etc., is controlled by a dedicated software
which allows setting up these parameters in
order to improve further the 3D reconstruction
6.2.2 Micro-CT Image Acquisition of the tooth.
After recording the X-ray images, the pro-
A typical micro-CT scanner consists of a micro- jection data of the tooth from multiple direc-
focus X-ray source, a motorized high-precision tions (Fig.  6.8a, b) is used as input for a
sample rotation stage, a detection array, a sys- reconstruction algorithm. This algorithm com-
tem control mechanism, and computing soft- putes a three-­dimensional image of the internal
ware resources for reconstruction, visualization, anatomy of the tooth, based on the two-dimen-
and analysis [144]. For the study of root canal sional projection images (Fig.  6.8c, d) [145].
anatomy, the source sends X-ray radiation The resulting volumetric images are then sub-
through a tooth attached to the sample stage, jected to image segmentation using dedicated
and a detector array, coupled to a digital charge- software. Image segmentation is a manual or
coupled device camera, records attenuated automatic procedure that can remove the
intensities of the X-ray beam, while the object unwanted structures from the image based on
rotates on its own axis (Fig. 6.7); in other words, the object density. The goal of segmentation is
micro-CT involves gathering projection data of to simplify the representation of an image into
the tooth from multiple directions. If many pro- something that is more meaningful and easier
jections are recorded from different viewing to analyze. More precisely, image segmenta-
angles of the same tooth, each projection image tion is the process of assigning a label to every
will contain different information about its pixel in an image such that pixels with the
internal structure. At this stage, the only prepa- same label share certain visual characteristics
ration that is absolutely necessary for scanning [146]. Concerning the tooth, the different
is to ensure that the previously cleaned tooth fits radiodensities of the enamel, dentin, and root
inside the field of view and does not move dur- canal make segmentation easier. The result of
ing the scan [143]. The entire operation of the image segmentation is a set of segments that
scanner, including X-ray exposure, type of filter, collectively cover the entire image. When
correction of flat field, resolution, rotation step, applied to a stack of images, as in the study of

a b

Fig. 6.7 (a) Internal chamber of the SkyScan 1174v2 view of the specimen fixed to the sample stage, showing
micro-CT device (Bruker microCT, Kontich, Belgium) the direction of rotation (arrow) during the image acquisi-
showing the basic components of the system. (b) Upper tion process
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy 139

Fig. 6.8  Scanning procedure

and 3D reconstruction with
micro-CT technology. (a)
Projections are obtained by
rotating and/or translating the
object in front of the system
formed by the X-ray source and
detectors; (b) by repeating this
procedure at different angles
from the same plane, different
projections of the sample are
obtained; (c) based on the
acquired projections,
reconstruction of the inner
object is possible by creation of
serial transversal “slices”
(sections) using specific
algorithms; (d) finally, slices
can be assembled sequentially
through appropriate techniques,
forming three-­dimensional b
images of the object

140 J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani

the internal anatomy of the teeth, the resulting uate the morphological characteristics of the root
contours after image segmentation can be used canal before and after different stages of root
to create 3D models with the help of interpola- canal treatment. Authors concluded that micro-
tion algorithms, which can be visualized or CT technology would offer the possibility of
analyzed using other software. learning tooth morphology by interactive study
of surface-rendered images and slices, contribut-
ing to the development of virtual reality tech-
6.2.3 Micro-CT Artifacts niques for endodontic teaching. But the first
attempt to use micro-CT tools for quantitative
Considering that the principles of exposure for analysis of root canal anatomy was done by
acquiring micro-CT images are the same as for Bjørndal et  al. [150]. Authors correlated the
CBCT, the overall aspects involved in the pro- shape of the root canals to the corresponding root
cesses of acquiring and reconstructing images surface of five maxillary molars scanned at a res-
will produce similar artifacts, as previously olution of 33  μm. In the following year, Peters
explained in this chapter. et al. [139] studied the potential and accuracy of
micro-CT for detailing the root canal geometry
of 12 maxillary molars regarding several other
6.2.4 Micro-CT Method quantitative parameters including volume, sur-
on the Evaluation of the Roots face area, diameter, and structured model index.
and Root Canal Anatomy The quantitative morphological data of the first
of Teeth studies [151, 152] on root canal anatomy using
conventional methods were taken by measuring
Application of micro-CT technology to endodon- some parameters such as area, diameter, and
tic research was recognized 13 years after its perimeter, acquired from a few cross sections of
development and described in a paper entitled the root. In contrast, using micro-CT technology,
Microcomputed Tomography: An Advanced these same parameters can be measured and plot-
System for Detailed Endodontic Research [147]. ted on graphs using automatic computer tools in
In this article, Nielsen et al. [147] evaluated the hundreds or thousands of slices at once (Fig. 6.9a,
reliability of micro-CT in the reconstruction of b). In the past, based on sectioned roots, the canal
the external and internal anatomy of four maxil- shape was qualitatively classified as round-, flat-,
lary first molars, assessing the morphological oval-, flat-oval, or irregular-shaped [153]. Despite
changes in the root canal after instrumentation its applicability, a qualitative evaluation is always
and obturation, using an isotropic resolution of subjective and may lead to inaccurate results.
127  μm. Authors concluded that micro-CT had Algorithms used in micro-CT allow a mathemati-
“potential as an advanced system for research, cal description of these cross-sectional appear-
but also provides the foundation as an exciting ances using two morphometric parameters: form
interactive educational tool.” In this study, three-­ factor and roundness (Fig.  6.9c). Roundness is
dimensional images of the internal and external defined as 4·A/(p·[dmax]2), where “A” is the area
structures of the teeth were also presented in a and “dmax” is the major diameter. The value of
format previously unattainable [147]. roundness ranges from 0 to 1, with 1 signifying a
With further developments of the micro-CT circle. The form factor is calculated by the equa-
scanners, improvements in the speed of data col- tion (4·p·A)/P2, where “A” and “P” are object area
lection, resolution, and image quality yielded and perimeter, respectively. Elongation of indi-
greater accuracy compared with the first studies vidual objects results in smaller values of form
using computational methods, with voxel sizes factor. Previous results using these parameters in
decreasing to less than 40 μm [148, 149]. Dowker single-rooted canines have demonstrated different
et  al. [149] demonstrated the feasibility of this cross-sectional forms throughout the root canal
technology using a resolution of 38.7 μm to eval- [142]. This is an important data as different canal
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy 141

Fig. 6.9  Quantitative 2D morphological parameters obtained calculating major (blue curve) and minor (orange curve)
from hundreds of cross sections of a mandibular incisor diameters; (c) quantitative cross-sectional appearance of the
scanned in a micro-CT device and plotted on graphs. (a) Area root canal in different root levels (roundness)
and perimeter; (b) aspect ratio (graphic below) obtained by
142 J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani

shapes in the same root may have an impact on the in specific groups of the teeth, such as the sec-
selected chemomechanical protocol on root canal ond canal in the mesiobuccal root of maxillary
treatment. Form factor was also used to describe first molars [21, 158–165], three-rooted man-
that the shape of the accessory foramen was more dibular premolars [166–168] and molars [169–
round than that of the main foramen in C-shaped 171], four-rooted maxillary second molar [141],
canals of mandibular second molars [154]. two-­rooted mandibular canines [140] and pre-
Nowadays, 3D analysis using micro-CT algo- molars [172], C-shaped canals in mandibular
rithms allows also for the calculation of volume premolars [173–175] and molars [154, 176–
and surface area [139]. The clinical significance 182], radicular grooves [168, 173, 183–185],
of such parameters has been emphasized by stud- and isthmuses [186–190]. Other authors evalu-
ies demonstrating that variations in canal geom- ated the anatomical configuration of conven-
etry before cleaning and shaping had a greater tional mandibular incisors [191, 192],
effect on the changes that occurred during prepa- mandibular canines [142], mandibular first pre-
ration than that of the instrumentation techniques molars [193], and maxillary molars [194]. It is
[155]. Besides, considering that the main role of important to point out that, because of its high
laboratory-based studies is to develop well-­ resolution, studies on root canal anatomy using
controlled condition, these morphological data micro-CT technology have been evaluating spe-
should be taken into account in the sample selec- cific anatomical features of a tooth group, as
tion, as the results of such studies might demon- opposed to CBCT studies which are focused
strate the effect of canal anatomy rather than the mostly on epidemiological information about
variable of interest [140, 142, 155–157]. Another the number of roots and canal configuration of
3D parameter possible to be acquired using all groups of teeth from a certain population.
micro-CT technology is the so-called structure Summarized data extracted from articles using
model index (SMI). SMI is derived as micro-CT technology to evaluate root canal
6·[(S′·V)/S2], where S is the object surface area anatomy are displayed in Tables 6.25, 6.26,
before dilation, S′ is the change in surface area 6.27, 6.28, 6.29, 6.30, and 6.31.
caused by dilation, and V is the initial, undilated
object volume. An ideal plate, cylinder, and Anterior Teeth
sphere have SMI values of 0, 3, and 4, respec- Only a few studies have focused on anterior teeth
tively. SMI parameter is impossible to be acquired using micro-CT technology (Tables 6.25 to 6.27).
using conventional techniques such as radio- Gu et  al. [174] evaluated maxillary lateral inci-
graphs or grinding, as it describes the 3D geom- sors with radicular grooves from a Chinese popu-
etry of an object by an infinitesimal enlargement lation, an uncommon but important anatomic
of its surface. This parameter has been used to feature which is prone to be present on this tooth
assess root canal 3D geometry in anatomical group. Authors concluded that this morphologi-
studies of different groups of the teeth [139–142]. cal variation was found more frequently in the
A study has shown a large discrepancy between distal portion of the palatal root surface. Almeida
the minimum and maximum values of SMI in the et al. [183] and Leoni et al. [182] evaluated root
comparison of the root canal thirds in the same canal configuration of mandibular incisors and
tooth [142]. These dissimilarities should be taken confirmed results from the CBCT studies, report-
into consideration during the root canal prepara- ing a high combined percentage of Vertucci’s
tion as it might compromise the treatment Types I and III.  Accessory canals were found
outcome. mostly at the apical third, but its frequency was
considered low. Several two- and three-­
dimensional morphological aspects of the root
6.2.5 Overview of the Literature canal systems of single- and two-rooted mandib-
ular canines were also evaluated by Versiani et al.
Most of the micro-CT studies on root canal [131, 133]. In two-rooted canines, bifurcation
anatomy evaluated anatomical variations p­ resent was observed at the middle and apical thirds, and
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy 143

Table 6.25  Micro-CT studies on the root and root canal morphologies of maxillary incisors
Micro-CT size
Authors Country device (μm) Aim/sample/conclusions
Gu [183] China Siemens 15 To investigate the anatomical features of radicular grooves (RG) in
Inveon maxillary lateral incisors (n = 11). RGs were classified into Type I
(n = 3), short RG at the coronal third; Type II (n = 5), long and shallow
RG extended beyond the coronal third of the root (in one specimen, a
cross-sectional teardrop-like canal was observed); and Type III (n = 3):
long and deep RG associated with a complex root canal system
(C-shaped, invagination, and additional root/canal). RGs were located at
mesial (n = 3), at distal (n = 6), and in both (n = 1) aspects of the root

Table 6.26  Micro-CT studies on the root and root canal morphologies of mandibular incisors
Authors Country Micro-CT device Voxel size (μm) Aim/sample/conclusions
Almeida et al. Brazil SkyScan 19.6 To investigate the root canal anatomy of 340
[192] 1174v2 mandibular incisors. Vertucci’s Type I and
III configuration represented 92% of the
sample. Oval-shaped canals in the apical
third were not uncommon and were more
prevalent in the Type III anatomy. The
incidence of two or more root canals at the
apical third was 3.2%
Leoni et al. [191] Brazil SkyScan 22.9 To investigate the root canal anatomy of
1174v2 mandibular central (n = 100) and lateral
(n = 100) incisors. Vertucci’s Types I and III
were the most prevalent canal
configurations; however, eight new types
were described. Accessory canals were
observed only at the apical third; however,
most of the incisors had no accessory canals.
No difference was observed in the
comparison of the morphometric parameter
analyzed between central and lateral
incisors. The area of the root canal in both
teeth increased gradually in the coronal
direction. The average roundness
represented a flat- or oval-shaped
configuration of the canal in the apical third
of both groups of teeth

S-shaped roots were found in 21% of the speci- Vertucci’s Types IV and V, while Li et al. [176]
mens [131], while single-rooted canines showed showed a high prevalence (85.7%) of furcation
variations in the two-dimensional configuration grooves on the palatal aspect of the buccal root of
of the root canal throughout the root [133]. bifurcated maxillary first premolars. Regarding
three-rooted maxillary premolars, Hartmann Premolar Teeth et al. [187] concluded that the thickness of root
Maxillary premolars have been evaluated regard- canal walls in the apical portion of buccal and
ing different aspects of the root and root canal palatal roots could be as thin as 0.4–0.6  mm,
anatomy (Tables 6.28 and 6.29). Elnour et  al. respectively, while Marca et  al. [158] observed
[186] observed that the most common canal con- that the area of the mesiobuccal canal was higher
figurations of maxillary second premolars were than the distobuccal canal. Johnsen et  al. [188]
144 J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani

Table 6.27  Micro-CT studies on the root and root canal morphologies of canines
Authors Country device Voxel size (μm) Aim/sample/conclusions
Versiani Brazil SkyScan 16.7 To investigate the root canal anatomy of mandibular
et al. [140] 1174v2 canines (n = 14) with two roots and two distinct
canals. Bifurcation was located in both apical (42%)
and middle (58%) thirds of the root. From a buccal
view, no curvature toward the lingual or buccal
direction occurred in either roots. From a proximal
view, no straight lingual root occurred. In both views,
S-shaped roots were found in 21% of the specimens.
Location of the apical foramen tended to the
mesiobuccal aspect of both roots. Lateral and furcation
canals were observed mostly in the cervical third. SMI
ranged from 1.87 to 3.86. Mean volume and area of
the canals were 11.52 ± 3.44 mm3 and
71.16 ± 11.83 mm2, respectively
Versiani Brazil SkyScan 19.6 To investigate the root canal anatomy of single-rooted
et al. [142] 1174v2 mandibular canines (n = 100). 31% of the sample had
no accessory canals. The location of the apical
foramen varied considerably, and its major diameter
ranged from 0.16 to 0.72 mm. The mean distance from
the root apex to the major apical foramen was
0.27 ± 0.25 mm. Mean major and minor diameters of
the canal 1 mm short of the foramen were 0.43 and
0.31 mm, respectively. The mean area, perimeter, form
factor, roundness, major and minor diameters, volume,
surface area, and SMI were 0.85 ± 0.31 mm2,
3.69 ± 0.88 mm, 0.70 ± 0.09, 0.59 ± 0.11,
1.36 ± 0.36 mm and 0.72 ± 0.14 mm,
13.33 ± 4.98 mm3, 63.5 ± 16.4 mm2, and 3.35 ± 0.64,

Table 6.28  Micro-CT studies on the root and root canal morphologies of maxillary premolars
Authors Country device Voxel size (μm) Aim/sample/conclusions
Elnour et al. [195] Saudi SkyScan 27.4 To investigate the root canal morphology of maxillary
Arabia 1172 second premolars in a Saudi Arabian subpopulation
(n = 100). The most common morphology was a
single root (67%), followed by two roots (30%) and
three roots (3%). Regarding the canal morphology,
most teeth (65%) contained two canals, followed by
30% with one canal and 5% with three canals. One
orifice was observed in 55% of the teeth, and two
orifices were detected in 45% of the teeth. According
to Vertucci’s classification, the most common canal
types were IV and V (both found in 23% of the
teeth), followed by Type I (17%), Type III (9%), Type
II (7%), and Type VII (2%). Additional types that
were inconsistent with Vertucci’s classification were
recorded in 19% of the teeth
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy 145

Table 6.28 (continued)
Authors Country device Voxel size (μm) Aim/sample/conclusions
Hartmann et al. Brazil SkyScan 34 × 34 × 42 To anatomically characterize of three-rooted
[196] 1072 maxillary premolars considering measures of clinical
interest for root canal treatment (n = 15). Root wall
thickness as thin as 0.4 and 0.6 mm was detected in
the apical portion of buccal and palatal roots,
respectively. In the cervical portion, buccal roots had
narrower root walls (0.817–1.670 mm) compared
with palatal roots (1.361–2.720 mm). In all thirds, the
palatal canal was wider compared with the
mesiobuccal and distobuccal canals. In the
buccopalatal direction, all roots had thicker root walls
toward the furcation, whereas in the mesiodistal
direction, the mesiobuccal and distobuccal roots had
the thinnest walls along their distal and mesial
aspects, respectively. Both buccal canals revealed
dentin apposition 2 mm from the canal orifice,
resulting in cervical constriction. Generally, the
distance between the root apex and the foramen was
greater in distobuccal roots in comparison with the
others with a tendency for foramina to be eccentric
Johnsen et al. Norway SkyScan 13.59 To compare the internal and external morphologies of
[197] 1172 contralateral premolars (n = 82). Contralateral
premolar pairs demonstrated a high degree of
similarity within this sample population’s age span in
terms of simple morphometric measurements such as
length, width, and thickness. The apical portion
(foramina, C-shapes, and accessory canals) did not
demonstrate bilateral symmetry. There are variations
between contralateral pairs in the apical portion as
well as instances of anatomic differences.
Contralateral premolars should undergo screening by
high-­resolution micro-CT before inclusion in any
endodontic comparison studies
Li et al. [185] China Scanco 36 To investigate the furcation grooves (FG) in the
μCT-80 buccal root of bifurcated maxillary first premolars
(n = 42). The prevalence of FG was 85.7%. Most of
them (69.4%) were located in the coronal and middle
thirds of the buccal roots. The mean groove length
was 3.94 mm. The wall thickness of the buccal roots
was buccopalatally asymmetric
Marca et al. [167] Brazil SkyScan 42 To evaluate the applicability of micro-CT and i-Cat
1072 CBCT system to study the anatomy of three-­rooted
maxillary premolars (n = 16). Mesiobuccal (MB)
canal area was greater than distobuccal (DB) canal.
Micro-CT images revealed more details than CBCT
including the presence of three and two canals in the
middle third of the MB and DB root of one specimen,
lateral canals, canal trifurcation in the apical third,
and differences in cross-sectional canal shapes in
different levels of the root
146 J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani

Table 6.29  Micro-CT studies on the root and root canal morphologies of mandibular premolars
Authors Country Micro-CT device size (μm) Aim/sample/conclusions
Alkaabi et al. United Arab SkyScan 11.94 To investigate variations in the root canal morphology
[198] Emirates 1172 of mandibular first premolars in a population from the
United Arab Emirates (n = 50). Variable root canal
configurations based on Vertucci’s classification were
observed (i.e., Types I, III, IV, V, and VII). The
examined teeth exhibited the following two additional
root canal configurations, which did not fit Vertucci’s
classification: type 1-2-3 and type 1-3. A C-shaped
canal configuration was present in 14 (28%) cases,
and lateral canals were present in 22 (44%) cases.
Apical deltas were found in 25 (50%) cases, intercanal
communications were seen in 6 (12%) cases, and
apical loops were seen in 2 (4%) samples. Micro-CT
and X-ray imaging identified 39 (78%) and 34 (68%)
apical foramina, respectively. A single apical foramen
was detected in 33 (66%) samples, and 2 or 3 apical
foramina were detected in 14 (28%) and 3 (6%)
samples, respectively. In 18 (37%) samples, the apical
foramina were located centrally, and in 31 (62%), they
were located laterally
Chen et al. China Siemens 14.97 To explore the correlation between radicular grooves
[199] Inveon CT and root canal types by quantitatively detecting the
radicular groove in mandibular first premolars
(n = 127). Teeth with multiple and complex canals had
a higher incidence of radicular grooves and more
complicated root morphology than single and simple
canals. A total of 40.9% of the teeth had radicular
grooves. Most of the grooves (69.5%) were located on
the mesial surface of the root. The prevalence of
radicular grooves in single canals (17.4%, 15/86) was
lower than that in multiple and complex canals
(90.2%, 37/41). The mean length and depth of
radicular groove in Type V (7.7 ± 2.16 and
0.87 ± 0.39 mm, respectively) and other types of
canals (6.91 ± 2.67 and 0.63 ± 0.27 mm, respectively)
were significantly longer and deeper than Type I
canals (6.06 ± 2.12 and 0.43 ± 0.14 mm, respectively)
Cleghorn Canada FeinFocus 30 To investigate unusual variations in the root and canal
et al. [166] 160 morphology of mandibular first (n = 1) and second
(n = 1) premolars. Mandibular first premolar exhibited
three distinct, separate roots. Corresponding canals
divided in the middle to apical third of the root. A
prominent furcation canal was present. The
mandibular second premolar exhibited a single root, a
single apical foramen, and a prominent vertical root
groove on buccal surface. Canal system had a
C-shaped morphology through most of the mid-canal
system, which terminated in a single apical foramen
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy 147

Table 6.29 (continued)
Authors Country Micro-CT device size (μm) Aim/sample/conclusions
Dou et al. China Siemens 15 To investigate root anatomy and root canal
[200] Inveon CT morphology of mandibular first premolars in a
Chinese population (n = 178). Almost all samples
were single-rooted (99.4%). 64.04% of teeth showed
Type I canal configuration, while 34.27% had two
canals, and 1.69% had three canals. According to
ASUDAS system, the scores of radicular grooves
were 56.74%, 16.85%, 12.36%, 10.11%, 3.37%, and
0.56%, respectively, from grade 0 to grade 5. The
roots with radicular grooves (grade 3 or 4) were
defined as Tome’s anomalous root, and these roots
have a high incidence of C-shaped configurations
(66.67%) and multiple-canal systems (100%)
Fan et al. China Scanco 37 To investigate the root and canal morphology of
[173] μCT-80 C-shaped mandibular first premolars with (n = 86)
and without (n = 54) radicular groove (RG) by
accessing the morphology of canal orifices. Two
canals and bifurcations were dominant at the middle
and apical third. It was not possible to define the
canal configurations in the middle and apical canal
third by just assessing the morphology of coronal
canal. Detection and instrumentation of a second
canal of a bifurcation located further apically may
be a challenging task
Fan et al. China Scanco To investigate the root and canal morphology of
[174] μCT-20 38 C-shaped mandibular first premolars with (n = 146)
μCT-80 30 and without (n = 181) radicular groove (RG). No
C-shaped canals were found in the teeth without
RG. C-shaped canals were identified in 66.2% of
premolars with RG. C-shaped mandibular first
premolars had a groove on the external root surface.
The morphology of C-shaped canals was classified
as continuous, semilunar, continuous combined with
semilunar, and interrupted by non-C-shaped canal.
70 furcation canals were observed, and 57 were
located in C-shaped premolars
Gu et al. China Siemens 15 To investigate the wall thickness and groove
[175] Inveon configuration in C-shaped mandibular first premolars
(n = 148) with radicular groove (RG). C-shaped canals
were observed in 29 teeth (19.6%) and 107 cross
sections. 102 sections exhibited a mesial groove. The
root length ranged from 9.7 to 14.9 mm. The wall
thickness decreased at increasing distances from the
CEJ. Buccal and lingual walls were thicker than the
distal and mesial walls. Overall, the minimum
thickness occurred at the lingual aspect of the mesial
(67.3%) and distal (69.2%) root walls
148 J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani

Table 6.29 (continued)
Authors Country Micro-CT device size (μm) Aim/sample/conclusions
Gu et al. China Siemens 15 To investigate the relation between the root canal and
[184] Inveon radicular grooves (RGs) in C-shaped mandibular first
premolars (n = 148). Mean root length was
12.98 ± 1.36 mm. Shallow and deep RGs were found
on 37.5% and 18.5% of the specimens, respectively.
155 RGs were observed on 140 premolars. If one RG
was present (n = 125), the location was mostly on the
mesiolingual side of the root; if two RGs were present
(n = 15), another groove was located on the
distobuccal side. C-shaped canals were found in 29
specimens (19.6%) and 107 cross sections. The
complexity of canal systems in mandibular premolars
may be determined by the severity of the RGs
Johnsen et al. Norway SkyScan 13.59 To qualitatively and quantitatively compare the
[197] 1172 morphology of contralateral premolars (n = 82).
Contralateral premolar pairs demonstrated a high
degree of similarity within this sample population’s
age span in terms of simple morphometric
measurements such as length, width, and thickness.
The apical portion (foramina, C-shapes, and accessory
canals) did not demonstrate bilateral symmetry. There
are variations between contralateral pairs in the apical
portion. Contralateral premolars should undergo
screening by high-resolution micro-CT before
inclusion in any endodontic comparison studies
Li et al. [172] China Siemens 14.97 To evaluate the anatomical aspects of the lingual canal
Inveon in mandibular first premolars with Vertucci’s Type V
canal configuration (n = 26). The lingual canal orifice
was located at the middle/apical third with severe
angle. 69% of lingual canals begin at the middle third
and remain at the apical third. The greatest angles “a”
[curvature at the beginning of the lingual canal] and
“b” [lingual canal curvature] were 65.24° and 43.39°,
Liu et al. China Siemens 14.97 To investigate the canal morphology of mandibular
[193] Inveon first premolars (n = 115). The shape of the canal
orifice was classified as oval (84.3%), flattened
ribbon-shaped (7.0%), eight-shaped (7.0%), and
triangular (1.7%). Root canal configuration was
identified as Types I (65.2%), V (22.6%), III (2.6%),
and VII (0.9%). Ten specimens did not fit Vertucci’s
classification. Accessory canals were present in 35.7%
of the teeth, and most of them (92.7%) were located in
the apical third. The presence of one (50.4%), two
(28.7%), three (14.8%), or four (6.1%) apical
foramens was observed mostly laterally (77.4%).
Apical delta and intercanal communications were
present in 6.1% and 3.5% of the sample, respectively.
Mesial invagination of the root was observed in 27.8%
of the teeth
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy 149

Table 6.29 (continued)
Authors Country Micro-CT device size (μm) Aim/sample/conclusions
Ordinola- Brazil SkyScan 18 To describe the morphometric aspects of the external
Zapata et al. 1174v2 and internal anatomy of mandibular premolars with
[168] Vertucci’s Type IX canal configuration (n = 16). Type
IX configuration was found in 15.2% of mandibular
premolars with radicular grooves. Most of them had a
triangle-shaped pulp chamber in which the distance
between the MB and L canals was the largest.
Complexities of the root canal systems such as the
presence of furcation canals, fusion of canals,
oval-shaped canals at the apical level, small orifices at
the pulp chamber level, and apical delta were
Ordinola- Brazil SkyScan 19.6 To describe morphometric aspects of the internal
Zapata et al. 1174v2 anatomy of C-shaped mandibular premolars from a
[201] Brazilian subpopulation (n = 83). The most prevalent
anatomical configurations, according to Vertucci’s
classification, were Types I (13%), III (8%), V (37%),
and VII (2%). Mean distances from the furcation to
the cementoenamel junction ranged from 5.36 to 5.65
mm. Apical deltas and furcation canals were present
in 36 (43%) and 27 (33%) specimens, respectively.
C-shaped cross sections were more prevalent at the
middle (56%) and apical levels (81%). Overall,
significant differences were found in the two-
dimensional analyses between single canals at the
apical third and buccal and lingual canals of Vertucci’s
Type V classification

Table 6.30  Micro-CT studies on the root and root canal morphologies of maxillary molars
Authors Country Micro-CT device Voxel size (μm) Aim/sample/conclusions
Bjørndal et al. Denmark THX1430GKV 33 To analyze the correlation between the
[150] shapes of the outer surface of the root and
the canal morphology in maxillary molars
(n = 5). There was a strong correlation
between the shape of the canals and the root
components. Authors suggested that 3D
volumes generated by micro-CT technology
would constitute a platform for preclinical
training in fundamental endodontic
150 J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani

Table 6.30 (continued)
Authors Country Micro-CT device Voxel size (μm) Aim/sample/conclusions
Briseño- Germany Scanco 20 To propose a root canal configuration
Marroquin et al. μCT-40 description method and to investigate the
[202] root canal system morphology of the
maxillary first molar (n = 179). The root
canal configuration of maxillary first molars
was quite diversified. The most frequent
root canal configurations were 1-1-1/1
(45.8%), 2-2-2/2 (25.1%), and 2-2-1/1
(10.1%) in mesiobuccal roots and 1-1-1/1 in
distobuccal (97.2%) and palatal (98.9%)
roots. The first mesiobuccal (MB1) root
canal had one accessory canal in 26.3% of
the teeth, the distobuccal root canal had
12.3%, and the palatal root canal had 9.5%;
in the second mesiobuccal root canal, there
was rarely one accessory canal. There was
one accessory canal in 26.3%, 12.3%, and
9.5% in the MB1, distobuccal, and palatal
root canals, respectively. The MB1,
distobuccal, and palatal root canals had one
main foramen. The MB2 had one main
foramen in 39.0% of the teeth and no
foramen in 61.0%
Domark et al. USA Scanco 20 To evaluate the reliability of radiography,
[21] VivaCT 40 CBCT, and micro-CT in determining the
number of canals in the MB root of
maxillary first (n = 13) and second (n = 14)
molars. Using human cadavers, it was
verified that the number of canals observed
with micro-CT was different compared to
digital radiography but similar from those
acquired using CBCT system (Kodak 9000).
In all maxillary first molars, MB roots had
two canals, of which 69% (9 out of 13)
exited as 2 or more foramina. Fifty-seven
percent (8 out of 14) of the MB roots of
maxillary second molar had two canals
exiting as two or more foramina
ElAyouti et al. Germany Siemens 27 To validate the existence of the apical
[203] Inveon CT constriction (AC) and determine its location
and dimensions in molars (n = 90). The
apical constriction was found to be located
at or close to the foramen. The mean
distance of AC-foramen was 0.2 mm (99%
confidence interval, 0.15–0.24; range,
0–0.6 mm), and of AC-apex, it was 0.9 mm
(99% confidence interval, 0.86–1.0; range,
0.1–1.7 mm). The type of canal had no
influence on AC-foramen and AC-apex
distances. In 76% of all canals, the apical
constriction was parallel. The mean size of
constriction in molars was instrument size
30. Patients aged 30 or younger had
significantly wider constrictions
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy 151

Table 6.30 (continued)
Authors Country Micro-CT device Voxel size (μm) Aim/sample/conclusions
Gu et al. [158] South Korea SkyScan 1172 31.8 To evaluate the use of minimum intensity
projection technique as an adjunct to
evaluate the morphology of the MB root of
maxillary first molars (n = 110). 24 roots
had a single canal. Multiple canals were
observed in 76.2% of the MB roots. 15 MB
roots had a completely independent second
canal, while 9 had three canals. 53 roots had
two canals that joined into 1 or had 1 canal
that divided into 2. Eleven roots showed six
new configuration types. 82.2% of roots had
multiple apical foramina. Intercanal
communications were found in all roots
having multiple canals. The incidence of
intercanal communication in the coronal,
middle, or apical third was 40.6%, 49.5%,
and 44.6%, respectively
Hosoya et al. Japan Hitachi n.r. To evaluate the reliability of different
[159] MCT100-MFZ methods in detecting a second canal in the
MB root of maxillary first molars (n = 86).
A second canal in the MB root was
observed in 60.5% of the sample. Types I,
II, III, and IV (Weine’s configuration) were
observed in 39.5%, 15.1%, 27.9%, and
17.5% of the sample, respectively. Detection
of the second canal was higher for micro-CT
and dental CT than other tested diagnostic
Kim et al. [160] South Korea SkyScan 1172 15.9 To investigate the canal configuration in the
MB roots of maxillary first molars
(n = 154). 73.4 % roots presented additional
canals. 94 roots had 2 canals, and 19 roots
had 3 or more canals. The most prevalent
configurations were Weine’s Types III
(32.8%), II (23%), and IV (15%). Using
Vertucci’s classification, the most common
configurations were Types II (23%), IV
(19.5%), VI (13.3%), III (10.6%), V (9.7%),
VII (5.3%), and VIII (0.9%). 20 (17.7%)
roots had 12 new configuration types
Lee et al. [161] South Korea SkyScan 1072 39 To evaluate the root canal curvature in
maxillary first molars (n = 46). Curvatures
were most pronounced in the MB canals,
moderate in the DB canals, and least in the
P canals. Accessory canals within the apical
third were present in almost half of the MB
canals and nearly a quarter of the DB
canals. The curvature increased in the apical
third when accessory canals are present,
particularly in MB and DB canals
152 J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani

Table 6.30 (continued)
Authors Country Micro-CT device Voxel size (μm) Aim/sample/conclusions
Lee et al. [204] South Korea SkyScan 31.8 To compare alternative image reformatting
1172 techniques on the mesiobuccal (MB) root of
maxillary first molars (n = 18). All image
reformatting techniques in micro-CT
showed detailed configurations and
numerous fine structures, non-classifiable,
because of their complexity as simple Type I
or II canals; several were classified as Types
III and IV according to Weine or Types IV,
V, and VI according to Vertucci. The
combination of 2D MinIP and 3D volume-
rendered images showed the most detailed
canal morphology and fine anatomic
Marceliano- Brazil SkyScan 60 To evaluate the internal anatomy of the
Alves et al. 1174v2 palatal roots of maxillary first molars
[205] (n = 169). All canals were classified as
Vertucci’s Type I. The cross sections were
oval in 61% of the canals. Lateral canals
were found in 25% of the samples. The
main foramen did not coincide with the root
apex in 95% of the cases. Only 8% of the
canals were classified as straight. Apical
constriction was identified in 38% of the
roots. The minor and major canal diameters
and minor dentin thickness decreased near
the apex. The minor dentin thickness 1 mm
from the foramen was 0.82 mm. The palatal
canals exhibited a volume of 6.91 mm3 and
surface area of 55.31 mm2 and were
Meder-Cowherd USA Siemens n.r. To evaluate the apical morphology of the
et al.[194] Micro-CAT II palatal canal of maxillary first and second
molars (n = 40). 65% of the specimens had
no constriction in the apical 1–3 mm, while
35% had a constriction. The morphology
frequencies of the apical constriction were
parallel (35%), single (19%), flaring (18%),
tapered (15%), and delta (12%)
Ordinola-Zapata Brazil SkyScan 19.6 To evaluate the internal and external
et al. [206] 1174v2 morphologies of fused-rooted maxillary
second molars (n = 100). The most prevalent
root canal fusions were Type I, MB root
fused with DB root (32%), followed by
Type III, DB root fused with P root (27%),
and Type IV, MB root fused with DB root
and P root fused with MB or DB roots
(21%). The prevalence of C-shaped root
canal system was observed in 22% of the
evaluated molars. Depending on the type of
root fusion, the percentage frequency of
isthmuses at the apical level varied from
9.3% to 42.8%, while the presence of apical
delta ranged from 18.5% to 57.1% of the
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy 153

Table 6.30 (continued)
Authors Country Micro-CT device Voxel size (μm) Aim/sample/conclusions
Park et al. [162] South Korea SkyScan 1072 19.1 × 19.1 × 38 To investigate the canal configuration of the
MB root of maxillary first molars (n = 30).
80% of the roots had two canals. An
independent canal was observed in 42% of
roots. Communications between canals were
found mostly at the coronal and middle
thirds, while accessory canals and loops
were mainly found at the apical third. In five
teeth (21%), a second canal had its origin
some distance down the orifice. Isthmus and
intercanal connection were observed in
different regions of the same root. A single
apical foramen was found in 37% of the
sample, while two foramina were present in
23% of the sample. Three separated apical
foramina and apical delta were present in
20% of the sample
Tomaszewska Poland SkyScan 13.68 To analyze the root canal morphology of
et al. [207] 1172 maxillary third molars (n = 78). Maxillary
third molars possessed one or three roots,
curved mostly to the buccal or palatal
directions (75.9%), and had 1–4 root canals
typically with no apical constriction
(84.4%). The average root length was
11.89 ± 1.53 mm, while root canal length
was 10.18 ± 0.35 mm. The root canal
diameter 1 mm from the apex was
0.37 ± 0.23 mm and negatively correlated
with donor’s age, while pulp chamber
thickness positively correlated with age.
Significantly, furcation canals, canal loops,
and root canal calcifications were sporadic
Verma and Love New SkyScan 1172 11.6 To investigate the canal configuration of the
[164] Zealand MB root of maxillary first molars (n = 20).
Multiple foramina and accessory canals
were found in 17 roots. Types II and III
(Weine’s classification) were the most
prevalent configuration; however, 40% and
30% of the roots had configurations that
could not be classified by Weine’s or
Vertucci’s classification systems. Intercanal
communications were found in 55% of the
roots in all levels. In 18 roots with multiple
canals, 2 had completely independent MB
canals. 2 roots had three canals with
separate orifices, while 14 roots had two
canals that either joined into one canal, or
one canal divided into two or multiple
canals, or showed multiple intercanal
154 J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani

Table 6.30 (continued)
Authors Country Micro-CT device Voxel size (μm) Aim/sample/conclusions
Versiani et al. Brazil SkyScan 22.6 To investigate the canal morphology of
[141] 1174v2 four-rooted maxillary second molars
(n = 25). Most of the roots presented
straight with one main canal, except the MB
root, which presented two canals in 24% of
the samples. No furcation canals were
observed. Accessory canals were located
mostly at the apical third of the roots, and
apical delta was observed in 12% of the
roots. 56% of the samples presented an
irregular quadrilateral-shaped orifice
configuration. The mean distance from the
pulp chamber floor to the furcation was
2.15 ± 0.57 mm. No difference was
observed between roots by considering their
length, canal configuration at the apical
third, SMI, volume, and surface area of the
root canals
Yamada et al. Japan HMX225 ACTIS4 n.r. To investigate the anatomy of the MB root
[165] of maxillary first molars (n=90). Single root
canals were observed in 44.5% of the
sample, incomplete separation of root canals
in 22.3%, and completely separated canals
in 33.3%. Accessory canals were observed
in 76.6% of the sample
Zhang et al. China Scanco 30 To investigate the relationship between
[134] μCT-50 features of fused roots and root canal
anatomy in maxillary second molars
(n = 187). Maxillary second molars with
fused roots may present a complicated root
canal system as a result of canal merging.
108 (57.75%) specimens had 3 separate
roots, and 79 (42.25%) had fused roots. Of
the 79 fused roots, 22 showed partial canal
merging, and 6 had complete canal merging.
Canal merging was found with the teeth
with three-root fusion more often than in
those with two-root fusion. Of 28 merged
canals, 16 occurred between mesiobuccal
and distobuccal canals and 9 among
mesiobuccal, distobuccal, and palatal canals
n.r. not reported
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy 155

Table 6.31  Micro-CT studies on the root and root canal morphologies of mandibular molars
Authors Country device Voxel size (μm) Aim/sample/conclusions
Amoroso-Silva Brazil SkyScan 19.6 To evaluate the morphometric aspects of the
et al. [208] 1174v2 internal anatomy of the root canal system of
mandibular second molars with fused roots
and C-shaped canals (n = 52). The
three-dimensional reconstruction images of
the C-shaped roots exhibited an even
distribution in terms of Gao’s classification
(i.e., Type I [n = 19], Type II [n = 16], and
Type III [n = 17]). All of the evaluated
molars exhibited at least one level of the
roots that was classified as C1, C2, or C3.
Overall, the C-shaped molars
predominantly exhibited C3 and C4
configurations 1 mm from the apex. At the
2 and 3 mm levels, the C1 and C3
configurations were most prevalent. In the
middle third of the root, the C3
configuration was the most prevalent, and
the C1 and C2 were the second and third
most prevalent configurations. In the
cervical third C1 and C2 configurations
were most common
Barsness et al. USA X-Tech XT 11.41 × 12.21 × 17.53 To describe the root canal morphology of
[209] H 225 mandibular second molars (n = 18). The
most frequently found mesial root canal
configuration was Vertucci’s Type VII
(1-2-1-2), which was seen in 33.3% of
samples. Distal canals were most frequently
Vertucci’s Type I (one canal), with 61.1%
of samples showing this configuration.
11.1% of samples had two canals, 44.4% of
samples had three canals, 33.3% of samples
had four canals, and 11.1% of samples had
five canals at some point along the length
of the roots. Average root wall thickness
between the mesiobuccal canal and the
furcation was 1.23 mm. Mesiolingual root
canal wall thickness was on average
1.29 mm, and the distal root furcation wall
thickness averaged 1.41 mm. 77.8% of
samples had calcifications present in both
the pulp chamber and within the canals
Cheung et al. China Scanco 30 To investigate the apical canal morphology
[154] μCT-20 of C-shaped mandibular second molars
(n = 44). Most of sample had two (i.e., Type
II, IV, V, or VI) or three (i.e., Type VIII)
root canals. 1/5 of specimens showed four
or more canals. Prevalence of accessory and
lateral canals ranged from 11% to 41%. A
total of 115 main and 41 accessory
foramina were observed. The diameters of
the main and accessory foramina ranged
from 0.19 to 0.32 mm and from 0.07 to
0.10 mm, with a mean form factor of 0.73
and 0.82, respectively
156 J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani

Table 6.31 (continued)
Authors Country device Voxel size (μm) Aim/sample/conclusions
ElAyouti et al. Germany Siemens 27 To validate the existence of the apical
[203] Inveon CT constriction (AC) and determine its location
and dimensions in molars (n = 90). The
apical constriction was found to be located
at or close to the foramen. The mean
distance of AC-foramen was 0.2 mm (99%
confidence interval, 0.15–0.24; range,
0–0.6 mm), and of AC-apex, it was 0.9 mm
(99% confidence interval, 0.86–1.0; range,
0.1–1.7 mm). The type of canal had no
influence on AC-foramen and AC-apex
distance. In 76% of all canals, the apical
constriction was parallel. The mean size of
constriction in molars was instrument size
30. Patients aged 30 or younger had
significantly wider constrictions
Fan et al. [178] China Scanco n.r. To investigate effective ways to negotiate
μCT-20 the root canal system of C-shaped
mandibular second molars (n = 44). 8 teeth
had a continuous C-shaped orifice (Type I),
16 a Type II configuration, 14 a Type III
configuration, and 6 a Type IV
configuration. The total number of the
orifices was 83 including 8 continuous
C-shaped, 14 mesiobuccal-distal, 14 flat, 41
oval, and 6 round orifices
Fan et al. [186] China Scanco 37 To investigate the morphology of the
μCT-80 isthmuses in the mesial root of mandibular
first (n = 70) and second (n = 56) molars.
107 molars (85%) had isthmuses in the
apical 5 mm of mesial roots. The total
number of isthmuses was 120, in which 94
samples had only 1 isthmus and 13 samples
had 2. Mandibular first molars had more
isthmuses with separate and mixed
morphological types, while second molars
had more isthmuses with sheet connections
Fan et al. [176] China Scanco n.r. To investigate the canal morphology of
μCT-20 C-shaped mandibular second molars
(n = 54). C-shaped canals varied in shape at
different levels. None of the orifices was
found at the level of the CEJ. 1/4 of the
orifices were found 1 mm below CEJ, while
98.1% were located within 3 mm below the
CEJ. Canal bifurcation was observed in the
apical 4 mm of 17 teeth, with most of them
occurring within 2 mm from the apex
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy 157

Table 6.31 (continued)
Authors Country device Voxel size (μm) Aim/sample/conclusions
Fan et al. [177] China Scanco n.r. To investigate the predictability of the
μCT-20 radiography in detecting C-shaped canals in
mandibular second molars (n = 54). C1
(uninterrupted “C”) and C2 (shape
resembled a semicolon) configurations
always have a narrow isthmus close to the
groove. C1 and C2 configurations were
prevalent in Types I (mesial and distal
canals merge into one before exiting) and
III (separated canals) teeth, suggesting that
the debridement of these canals would be
more demanding than Type II (canals
continue on their own pathway to the apex).
C-shaped canal system in mandibular
molars might be predicted according to the
radiographic appearance
Fan et al. [179] China Scanco n.r. To investigate the predictability of the
μCT-20 radiography in detecting C-shaped canals in
mandibular second molars (n = 30), using a
contrast medium. The contrast medium
helped to discern the C-shaped canal
anatomy in mandibular second molars. The
development of a device for contrast
medium introduction into anatomically
complex root canal systems might lead to a
useful clinical diagnostic tool
Fan et al. [180] China Scanco n.r. To investigate the predictability of the
μCT-20 digital subtraction radiography (DSR) in
detecting C-shaped canals in mandibular
second molars (n = 30) using a contrast
medium. It was observed that some factors,
such as the X-ray projecting angulation and
the degree to which the contrast medium is
distributed within the canal system, could
change the shape and size of canal images,
affecting the classification of the canal
anatomy. This discrepancy could be the
result of incomplete cleaning in the apical
canal merging area, which would prevent
contrast media from entering this area
Filpo-Perez Brazil SkyScan 19.6 To evaluate the morphological aspects of
et al. [210] 1174v2 the root canal anatomy of the distal root of
a mandibular first molar (n = 100). 76% of
the distal roots had a single root canal. Two,
three, and four canals were found in 13%,
8%, and 3% of the sample, respectively. In
13 specimens, the configuration of the root
canal did not fit into Vertucci’s
classification. Overall, two-dimensional
parameter values significantly increased at
the 3 mm level. The prevalence of oval
canals was higher at the 1 mm level and
decreased at the 5 mm level in which long
oval and flattened canals were more
158 J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani

Table 6.31 (continued)
Authors Country device Voxel size (μm) Aim/sample/conclusions
Gao et al. [181] China Scanco 11 To investigate the morphology and canal
μCT-20 30 wall thickness at different levels of
C-shaped mandibular second molars
(n = 98). C-shaped canals were assigned as
Types I (n = 32), canals merged into one
major canal before exiting at the apical
foramen; II (n = 38), separated mesial canal
and distal canal located at the mesial part
and distal part of the root, respectively
(symmetry of the mesial canal and distal
canal was present along the root); and III
(n = 28), separate mesial and distal canals
were evident. The distal canal may have a
large isthmus across the furcation area,
which commonly made the mesial and
distal canals asymmetrical. Differences in
the minimum canal wall thickness were
observed in the apical and middle levels,
but not in the coronal third
Gu et al. [187] China GE eXplore 15 To investigate the isthmuses in mesial roots
Locus SP of mandibular first molars (n = 36). The
morphology of the isthmuses includes the
presence of fin, web, or ribbon connecting
the individual canals. In the apical third, 32
teeth had isthmus somewhere along its
length. 7 out of 32 roots had a continuous
isthmus from coronal to the apical end,
while 25 roots showed a pattern of sections
with and without isthmus. The prevalence
of an isthmus was higher at the apical 4 to
6 mm level in the 20- to 39-year-old age
group (up to 81%)
Gu et al. [169] China GE eXplore 21 To investigate the root canal configuration
Locus SP in three- (n = 20) and two-rooted (n = 25)
mandibular first molars. Pulp floors with
two mesial and two distal orifices were
frequent (n = 16). The third root usually
curved severely in the proximal view. The
lingual edge of the orifice might form a
dentinal shelf, which blocks the view of the
canal. Grooves could be observed between
adjacent orifices. In 65% of the three-­rooted
teeth, mesial root contained a type 2-2
configuration. Type 1-1 canal occurred
more frequently in the DL and DB roots. In
mesial and distal roots of three-rooted
molars, the incidence of lateral canals was
65% and 40%, respectively. Furcation
canals were not observed
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy 159

Table 6.31 (continued)
Authors Country device Voxel size (μm) Aim/sample/conclusions
Gu et al. [170] China GE eXplore 21 To investigate the root canal curvature in
Locus SP three- (n = 20) and two-rooted (n = 25)
mandibular first molars. In the three-rooted
molars, the mean degrees of curvature in
the MB and ML canals were 24.34° and
22.39°, respectively (Schneider method).
Secondary curvature was rare in the mesial
root. The frequency of S-shaped canals was
60% of the DB canals. The mean angle of
the second curvature was approximately
twice that of the primary one. In proximal
view, the DL canal exhibited the greatest
degree of curvature (32.06°). Using Pruett
method, the mean angle and radius of the
DL canals were 59.04° and 6.17 mm in
proximal view and 26.17° and 20.99 mm in
central view, respectively. The curvature in
the DL canals had a more severe angle and
smaller radius in the proximal view
Gu et al. [171] China GE eXplore 21 To investigate the root canal morphology in
Locus SP three- (n = 20) and two-rooted (n = 25)
mandibular first molars. The length of DL
roots was shorter than the DB and mesial
roots. The buccal and lingual canal walls
were thicker than the distal and mesial for
MB, ML, and DB canals. The distal wall of
the MB/ML canal and the mesial wall of
the DB and DL canals were the thinnest
zones. It was suggested that the initial
apical file for a DL canal should be two
sizes smaller than that for a DB canal; DB,
DL, and MB/ML canals should be
instrumented to a mean ISO size of 55, 40,
and 45, respectively. The MB, ML, and DB
canals were more oval, while the DL canals
were relatively rounder
Harris et al. USA n.r. 11.41 × 12.21 × 17.53 To investigate the canal morphology of the
[188] mandibular first molars (n = 22). Mean
distance from the mesial to distal orifices
on the pulpal floor was 4.35 mm. In the
apical third of the distal root, the mean
thickness of dentin on the furcation side
ranged from 0.25 to 1.47 mm. Types V and
I were the most common configurations of
the canal in the mesial and distal roots,
respectively. Isthmuses were found along
the length of all mesial roots (100%) and
within 9.1% of the distal roots. In the
mesial and distal roots, an average of 3.73
and 3.36 portals of exit was observed in the
apical 0.5 mm of the roots
160 J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani

Table 6.31 (continued)
Authors Country device Voxel size (μm) Aim/sample/conclusions
Keleş and Turkey SkyScan 10 To perform a quantitative and qualitative
Keskin [211] 1172 analysis of the band-shaped isthmus area,
the floor of which was located in the apical
third of the mesial roots of mandibular first
molars (n = 269). The percentage of roots
with a band-shaped isthmus, where the
floor was in their apical third, was 15% of
the total 269 specimens. Of these, 75% had
two canal orifices, while 15% and 10% had
three and one orifice, respectively. The
number of orifices was not affected by the
minor diameter, the major diameter, and the
roundness values of the isthmuses. No
difference was detected between the
isthmus roof and floor regarding roundness
values. The isthmus roof had significantly
higher values for the minor and major
diameters and area and perimeter values
than the isthmus floor
Keleş and Turkey SkyScan 10 To assess the features of the apical root
Keskin [212] 1172 canal anatomy and its relation to the level at
which two separate root canals merge in the
mesial roots of mandibular first molars with
Vertucci’s Type II canal configuration
(n = 83). The mean value and standard
deviation for the distance of the level at
which two separate root canals merge from
the 0 level were 4.20 ± 1.64 mm. In each
millimeter within 3 mm from the 0 level,
the percentages of long oval cross sections
were 46.9%, 50.9%, 75.9%, and 80.5%,
respectively. Specimens for which root
canals join 3–9 mm from the foramen
displayed significantly higher roundness
values in each millimeter compared with
specimens in which root canals rejoin
0–3 mm from the foramen. In the latter,
major diameter values of the root canal
cross sections were significantly higher
than former specimens
Keleş and Turkey SkyScan 10 To measure the orifice depth of middle
Keskin [213] 1172 mesial canals (MMCs) and evaluate the
detectability of orifices using troughing
preparation (n = 85). 77.41% of the MMC
orifices were at the CEJ level, whereas
5.38% and 9.69% of the MMC orifices
were detectable within 1 and 2 mm depths
from the CEJ, respectively. 7.52% of the
sample had MMC orifices deeper than
2 mm from the CEJ. Confluent anatomy
was the most frequent configuration. No
significant relationship was detected
between the orifice depth and MMC
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy 161

Table 6.31 (continued)
Authors Country device Voxel size (μm) Aim/sample/conclusions
Kim et al. [214] South Korea SkyScan 15.91 To compare 2D and 3D micro-CT images
1172 with tooth clearing for the study of mesial
root canal morphology of mandibular first
molar (n = 31). Canal configurations and
fine anatomic structures were more clearly
observed in the combined 2D and 3D
images than the clearing technique. The
frequency of non-classifiable configurations
demonstrated the complexity of the mesial
root canal anatomy of mandibular first
Lamia and USA Scanco 18 To evaluate the frequency in which mesial
McDonald [215] μCT-100 canals conjoined in one common portal of
exit, record the interorifice distance for both
conjoined and separated mesial canals, and
determine the location at which the mesial
canals joined in mandibular molars
(n = 206). 62.6% of the sample displayed
conjoined mesial canals with a single portal
of exit, while 37.4% displayed Vertucci’s
Type IV anatomy. From the teeth with
conjoined mesial canals, 71 (55.0%) were
second molars, and 58 (45.0%) were first
molars. Considering the first and second
molars, respectively, 67.2% and 46.5%
joined in the apical third, 22.4% and 31%
joined in the middle third, and 10.3% and
22.5% joined in the coronal third.
Accessory canals were observed in 9 and 6
mesial canals of the first and second molars,
respectively. The mean interorifice
distances in conjoined canals of mandibular
first and second molars were 2.34 and
2.37 mm, respectively
Lee et al. [216] South Korea SkyScan 31.8 To evaluate 3D curvatures and dentin
1172 thickness in mesiobuccal (MB) and
mesiolingual (ML) root canals of
mandibular molars (n = 37). Lateral dentin
thicknesses were significantly higher than
mesial and distal thicknesses at all the
levels. Mesial thicknesses were
significantly higher than distal thicknesses
in the coronal third of both canals. The
thinnest dentin thicknesses were mostly
located on the distal aspect of both canals.
The narrowest canal widths were
0.24 ± 0.10 and 0.22 ± 0.09 mm in the MB
and ML canals, respectively. Canal
curvatures were greatest in the apical third
of both canals, and they were greater in the
MB canals than in the ML canals
162 J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani

Table 6.31 (continued)
Authors Country device Voxel size (μm) Aim/sample/conclusions
Mannocci et al. UK GE 12.5 × 12.5 × 25.0 To investigate isthmuses located at the
[189] Testing Lab apical third of the mesial roots of
mandibular first molars (n = 20). Seventeen
roots had isthmus in one or more sections
in the apical third. Only 4 out of 17 roots
had a continuous isthmus from coronal to
the apical end. The other three roots
showed sections with and without isthmus.
The percentage of sections showing
isthmus ranged from 17.25% to 50.25% in
the apical 5 mm of the root canals. The
morphology of the isthmus varied between
teeth and within the same tooth
Min et al. [182] China Scanco n.r. To investigate the morphology of the pulp
μCT-20 chamber floor of C-shaped mandibular
second molars (n = 44). 90.91% of the pulp
chamber floors were within 3 mm below
the CEJ. The location of grooves was
usually 4 mm below the CEJ. Eight teeth
had a continuous C-shaped orifice and
canal shape (Type I). Types II and III were
observed in 16 and 14 teeth, respectively.
Six teeth with a C-shaped canal system
demonstrated non-C-­shaped chamber
floors. In Type II teeth, the canal
configuration was like those present in
conventional mandibular molars with
separated roots. In Type III teeth, there
were a large MB-D orifice and a small ML
Min et al. [217] China Scanco 30 To investigate the clinical negotiation of
μCT-50 various apical anatomic features of
mandibular first molars in a Chinese
population (n = 152). Most of the sample
had two separated roots (94.1%); about 6%
had a third root. 62% of the sample had 3
main root canals, 32.2% with four canals,
and 5.9% with five canals. The most
frequent anatomy was Type I (68.5%), and
Type II (13%). The relationship between
the apical anatomy and the negotiability
was examined, and a significant association
was confirmed suggesting that there was a
high consistency between negotiability and
anatomical classification
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy 163

Table 6.31 (continued)
Authors Country device Voxel size (μm) Aim/sample/conclusions
Ordinola-Zapata Brazil SkyScan 19.6 To compare the accuracy of the clearing
et al. [218] 1174v2 technique and cone beam computed
tomography (CBCT) in the assessment of
the canal configuration of mesial roots of
mandibular molars (n = 32). Accuracy was
greatly influenced by the evaluation method
and the type of anatomy. Detection of Type
I configuration in cleared teeth was
significantly lower, while Type II
configuration was detected in all specimens
by both methods. In mesial roots with
variable anatomical configurations, neither
CBCT nor clearing methods were accurate
for detecting the real canal anatomy
Rodrigues et al. Brazil SkyScan 19.6 To evaluate the anatomy of mandibular first
[219] 1174v2 molars with three roots (n = 55). The
prevalence of three-rooted mandibular
molars in a Brazilian subpopulation was
2.58%. Distolingual roots had short length,
severe curvature, and a low apical diameter
in comparison with the distobuccal and
mesial canals. Single canals were highly
prevalent in both distal roots in comparison
with the mesial root which showed a more
complex anatomical configuration
Souza-Flamini Brazil SkyScan 22.9 To evaluate the morphology of the
et al. [220] 1174v2 supernumerary third root (radix) in
mandibular first molars (n = 19). The mean
length of the mesial, distal, and radix roots
was 20.36 ± 1.73, 20.0 ± 1.83, and
18.09 ± 1.68 mm, respectively. The radix
was located distolingually (n = 16),
mesiolingually (n = 1), and distobuccally
(n = 2). In a proximal view, most radix had
a severe curvature with buccal orientation
and a buccally displaced apical foramen.
The spatial configuration of the canal
orifices on the pulp chamber floor was
mostly trapezoidal in shape. The radix root
canal orifice was usually covered by a
dentinal projection. The radix differed
significantly from the mesial and distal
roots for all evaluated three-dimensional
parameters. The radix canal had a more
circular shape in the apical third, and the
mean size of the minor diameter 1 mm
short of the foramen was 0.25 ± 0.10 mm

164 J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani

Table 6.31 (continued)
Authors Country device Voxel size (μm) Aim/sample/conclusions
Versiani et al. Brazil SkyScan 9.9 To describe the morphological aspects of
[221] 1172 middle mesial canals (MMCs) in
mandibular first molars collected from
Brazilian and Turkish population (n = 48).
Incidence of MMC was 18.6% (48 out of
258 molars) and was significantly higher in
the Brazilian (n = 30, 22.1%) than in the
Turkish (n = 18, 14.8%) population. In both
populations, confluent configuration of the
MMC was the most frequent anatomy.
Most of the specimens with MMC had
three independent orifices (n = 26, 54.2%)
and three apical foramina (n = 21, 43.8%).
The mean minor diameter of the MMC
orifice (0.16 mm) was three times less than
the other orifices (0.50 mm). In mesial roots
with independent configuration (n = 3,
6.3%), the mean volumes (mm3) of the
MMC, mesiobuccal (MBC), and
mesiolingual (MLC) were 0.20 ± 0.10,
0.75 ± 0.28, and 0.88 ± 0.19, respectively.
In the specimens with canal confluence
(n = 26, 54.2%), MMC merged to the MBC
(n = 8, 16.7%), to MLC (n = 4, 8.3%), or to
both MBC and MLC (n = 14, 29.2%).
Double mesial canal was observed in only
one specimen. MMC with an independent
foramen was observed mostly in Brazilian
Villas-Boas Brazil SkyScan 18 To evaluate the morphology of the canal
et al. [190] 1076 and the presence of isthmus at the apical
third of the mesial root of mandibular first
and second molars (n = 60). The median
mesiodistal diameters (in mm) at the 1, 2, 3,
and 4 mm levels were 0.22, 0.23, 0.27, and
0.27 in the MB canal and 0.3, 0.3, 0.36, and
0.35 in the ML canal, while the
buccolingual diameters were 0.37, 0.55,
0.54, and 0.54 in the MB canal and 0.35,
0.41, 0.49, and 0.6 in the ML canal.
Isthmus was more prevalent at the 3 to
4 mm level. Twenty-­seven teeth had a
complete or incomplete isthmus at the
1 mm apical level. The volume of the apical
third ranged from 0.02 to 2.4 mm3
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy 165

Table 6.31 (continued)
Authors Country device Voxel size (μm) Aim/sample/conclusions
Wolf et al. [222] Germany Scanco 20 To investigate the root canal system
μCT-40 morphology of the mandibular first molar
(n = 118). The root canal configuration of
mandibular first molars varies strongly. The
most frequent configurations of the mesial
root were 2-2-2/2 (31.4%), 2-2-1/1
(15.3%), and 2-2-2/3 (11.9%); another 24
different configurations were observed in
this root. 1-1-1/1 (58.5%), 1-1-1/2 (10.2%),
and 16 other root canal configurations were
observed in the distal root. The mesiobuccal
root canal showed 1–4 foramina in 24.6%,
and the mesiolingual showed 1–3 foramina
in 28.0%. One connecting canal between
the mesial root canals was observed in
30.5% and two in 3.4%. The distolingual
canal showed 1–4 foramina in 23.7%,
whereas a foramen in the distobuccal canal
was rarely detected (3.4%). The
mesiobuccal, mesiolingual, and distolingual
root canals showed at least one accessory
canal (14.3%, 10.2%, and 4.2%,
respectively), but the distobuccal had none
n.r. not reported

performed a morphometric analysis on the root [192] reported that the root canal system of man-
canal system of contralateral maxillary premo- dibular premolars with C-shaped morphology
lars and observed a high similarity, except in the was more prone to have a Vertucci’s Type V con-
apical area. figuration. Studies evaluating root and root canal
The most studied morphological characteris- configuration of mandibular premolars [189,
tics of mandibular premolars were the incidence 191] showed that Vertucci’s Type I was the most
of radicular grooves [166, 175, 190] and C-shaped common anatomy, while three-rooted configura-
canal configuration [157, 164–166, 175, 192]. tion was an uncommon occurrence. Li et al. [163]
Overall, these studies concluded that the com- evaluated the anatomical aspects of the lingual
plexity of the internal morphology of mandibular canal in mandibular first premolars with
premolars may be determined by the severity of Vertucci’s Type V configuration and concluded
the radicular grooves, which includes the pres- that this canal splits from the main buccal canal
ence of multiple and complex canal systems, mostly at the middle third with an abrupt curva-
accessory canals at the furcation area, as well as ture. Johnsen et  al. [188] performed a morpho-
a high incidence of C-shaped configuration metric analysis on the root canal system of
(66.2%). Additionally, Ordilona-Zapata et  al. contralateral mandibular premolars and observed
166 J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani

differences between them, recommending cau- Mandibular Molar Teeth

tion when using these teeth for research studies in Micro-CT studies on mandibular molars focused
endodontics. mostly on the evaluation of roots and configura-
tion of the root canals [160–162, 179, 200, 206, Maxillary Molar Teeth 208, 213] (Table 6.31). In the mesial and distal
Most of micro-CT studies on maxillary first roots, Vertucci’s Types V and I were the most
molars have addressed the internal and external common canal configurations observed in man-
morphologies of the mesiobuccal root [21, 149– dibular first molars [179], while a high fre-
151, 153, 155, 156, 193, 195] (Table 6.30). This quency of Vertucci’s Types VII and I was found
root normally presents a pronounced curvature in mandibular second molars [200], respec-
[152] with multiple canals, intercanal communi- tively. Min et al. [208] reported a high percent-
cations [149, 155], and several portals of exit age frequency of three (62%) and four (32.2%)
[153, 193], in percentage frequencies higher than root canals in mandibular first molars, while
70% [149, 151, 153, 155], except for two studies Wolf et al. [213] demonstrated a high variability
in which the presence of a single canal system in in the canal morphology in this group of teeth.
this root was observed in 45% of the sample [156, At the apical third, canal curvature was more
193]. On the other hand, distobuccal and palatal severe in mesial canals [161, 207], while the
roots generally present slight to moderate curva- presence of isthmuses was found to be as high
ture [152] and a single canal with one main fora- as 85% for both mandibular first and second
men in a frequency of 97.2% and 98.9%, molars [177, 178, 180, 181, 202]. The incidence
respectively [193]. In the palatal root, the canal of a third root canal in the mesial root, named
normally has an oval-shaped cross section with middle mesial canal, was reported to be as high
lateral canals, no defined apical constriction [185, as 18.6%, and the confluent c­ onfiguration was
194, 196], and an eccentric foramen [196]. the most common anatomy [212, 214]. In the
Maxillary second molars with fused roots distal root, a high incidence of single oval-­
were studied by Ordinola-Zapata et  al. [197] shaped canal was demonstrated (76%), but it
and Zhang et  al. [125]. These authors showed was also observed the presence of two (13%),
that these teeth might present a root canal sys- three (8%), and four (3%) root canals [201]. The
tem with complex configurations, isthmuses, internal and external morphologies of a third
apical ramifications, and a high frequency of root in mandibular first molars, named radix,
C-shaped configuration (22%) [197]. Four- were also evaluated in three studies [160, 210,
rooted maxillary second molars were also inves- 211]. Authors stated that, in the proximal view,
tigated, and, except for the mesiobuccal root, all radix usually presented a severe curvature.
other three roots always showed a single root Because of the high incidence of C-shaped
canal system [132]. Two additional studies [21, canal morphology, this was the most studied
150] compared the accuracy of radiography and configuration in the mandibular second molars
CBCT in detecting the presence/absence of a using micro-CT technology [145, 167–173,
second root canal in the mesiobuccal root of 199]. Several authors attempted to classify this
maxillary molars, using micro-CT as a gold unusual anatomical finding into distinct catego-
standard. Detection of the second canal was ries, according to its axial appearance [145,
higher for micro-CT and CBCT than the other 167–169, 172]: a Type C1 presenting an unin-
diagnostic tool. terrupted “C” with no separation, a Type C2
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy 167

with the canal shape resembling a semicolon Gani et  al. [224] addressed the changes in
resulting from a discontinuation of the “C” out- the mesial root of mandibular first molars and
line, and a Type C3 with two or three separated concluded that, in children (under 13 years),
canals [167]. Overall, Type C1 is mostly present root canals tend to be single, large, and trian-
at the coronal portion of the root canal, and, as gular shaped with a vertex ending in a single
the canals neared the middle and apical portions apical foramen and presenting a ribbon-shaped
of the root, it turns into C2 and C3 types, respec- axial section. In young adults (20–39 years),
tively [169, 199]. However, it was reported that root canals become more complex due to cal-
“C” shape often varies along the root length, so cification and dentine deposition, while in
the crown morphology, the orifice shape, or the older adults (over 40 years), canals become
radiographic appearance of the root may not be more sharply defined and narrow. Peiris et al.
good predictors of the actual canal anatomy [226] found similar results. Other authors
[168, 170, 171]. In summary, studies indicated evaluated clinically the identification of mid-
that mandibular second molars presenting dle mesial root canal in mandibular molars
C-shaped canals may exhibit a very complex [227] and the second mesiobuccal root canal
canal system with a deep pulp chamber floor (MB2) in maxillary first molars [228] and con-
[173], a high incidence of accessory canals and cluded that these extra root canals were more
isthmuses [145, 172], as well as many canals prone to be found in patients under 20 years
ending in multiple foramens [145]. old and between 20 and 40 years old,
In the literature, CBCT imaging technology
6.3 Influence of Aging has been also used to address in vivo root canal
in the Root Canal System morphological changes due to aging [31, 33, 35,
Configuration 36, 38, 40, 42, 55, 65] (Tables 6.32, 6.33, 6.34,
and 6.35). Overall, results showed no significant
The root canal anatomy is susceptible to changes difference between maxillary and mandibular
over the years because of physiological or patho- anterior teeth groups regarding age, despite con-
logical events. Natural physiological aging tends tradictory information can be found. While in
to modify the root canal system morphology due mandibular anterior teeth most of the studies
to the deposition of secondary dentine, which reported a lower prevalence of multiple canals
starts to form once the tooth erupts and is in in older patients [55, 65], in maxillary and man-
occlusion [223]. Consequently, young patients dibular premolars [34], as well as in mandibular
tend to present large single canals and pulp cham- molars [225, 229], it was observed a progressive
bers [224, 225], while older patients tend to pres- decrease of Vertucci’s Type I configuration with
ent more sharply defined and narrow root canals age. The prevalence of MB2 canal in maxillary
[224]. Other pathological or iatrogenic factors first and second molars was also evaluated, and
can also modify the deposition of dentine includ- most of the studies reported a low prevalence of
ing occlusal trauma, periodontal disease, carious this root canal in older patients [31, 36, 38–40,
lesions, or deep restorative procedures [36]. 42, 44].

Table 6.32  Root canal configurations on maxillary anterior teeth and premolars in each age group

Age Teeth groups

group Maxillary central incisor Maxillary lateral incisor Maxillary canine Maxillary first premolar Maxillary second premolar
sample ≤40 41–60 ≥61 ≤40 41–60 ≥61 ≤40 41–60 ≥61 ≤40 41–60 ≥61 ≤40 41–60 ≥61
(n) (230) (407) (270) (265) (408) (264) (292) (440) (255) (266) (298) (150) (227) (270) (121)
Root canal configuration
Type I 230 407 270 265 408 264 290 440 255 11 9 4 107 98 41
(1-1) 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 99.3% 98.0% 98.8% 4.1% 3.0% 2.6% 47.1% 36.3% 33.9%
Type II – – – – – – 2 6 3 53 40 29 58 75 44
(2-1) 0.7% 1.3% 1.2% 19.9% 13.4% 19.3% 25.6% 27.8% 36.3%
Type III – – – – – – – 2 – – 2 – 4 8 1
(1-2-1) 0.5% 0.7% 1.8% 3.0% 0.8%
Type IV – – – – – – – 1 – 171 216 100 32 56 18
(2-2) 0.2% 64.3% 72.5% 66.7% 14.1% 20.7% 14.9%
Type V – – – – – – – – – 6 1 – 11 12 6
(1-2) 2.3% 0.3% 4.8% 4.4% 5.0%
Type VI – – – – – – – – – 13 14 6 9 20 11
(2-1-2) 4.8% 4.7% 4.0% 4.0% 7.4% 9.1%
Type VII – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Type VIII – – – – – – – – – 1 4 – – – –
(3-3) 0.4% 1.4%
Others – – – – – – – – – – 2 1 3 1 –
(2-1-2-1) 0.7% 0.7% 1.3% 0.4%
Others – – – – – – – – – 6 – – – – –
(1-3) 2.3%
Other – – – – – – – – – 1 3 6 1 – –
(2-3) 0.4% 1.0% 4.0% 0.4%
Others – – – – – – – – – – 1 – – – –
(2-1-3) 0.3%
Others – – – – – – – – – 4 5 4 2 – –
(2-3-2) 1.5% 1.7% 2.7 0.9%
Others – – – – – – – – – – 1 – – – –
(2-3-2-1) 0.3%
Adapted from Martins et al. [229]
J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani
Table 6.33  Root canal configurations on maxillary first and second molars in each age group
Age Maxillary first molar Maxillary second molara
group Mesiobuccal Distobuccal Palatal Mesiobuccal Distobuccal Palatal
sample ≤40 41–60 ≥61 ≤40 41–60 ≥61 ≤40 41–60 ≥61 ≤40 41–60 ≥61 ≤40 41–60 ≥61 ≤40 41–60 ≥61
(n) (202) (214) (100) (202) (214) (100) (202) (214) (100) (205) (262) (131) (205) (262) (131) (205) (262) (131)
Root canal configuration
Type I 58 59 31 198 209 99 197 211 99 126 138 67 205 253 131 202 249 130
(1-1) 28.7% 27.5% 31.0% 98.0% 97.6% 99.0% 97.5% 98.6% 99.0% 61.5% 54.6% 51.1% 100% 100% 100% 98.5% 98.4% 99.2%
Type II 86 97 47 3 4 – – 2 – 41 77 39 – – – – 1 1
(2-1) 42.6% 45.3% 47.0% 1.5% 1.9% 0.9% 20.0% 30.4% 29.8% 0.4% 0.8%
Type III 1 4 – – 1 – 5 1 1 1 3 1 – – – 3 3 –
(1-2-1) 0.5% 1.9% 0.5% 2.5% 0.5% 1.0% 0.5% 1.2% 0.8% 1.5% 1.2%
Type IV 44 28 11 – – – – – – 23 11 11 – – – – – –
(2-2) 21.8% 13.1% 11.0% 11.2% 4.3% 8.4%
Type V 1 7 2 1 – – – – – 6 11 5 – – – – – –
(1-2) 0.5% 3.3% 2.0% 0.5% 2.9% 4.3% 3.8%
Type VI 9 15 7 – – 1 – – – 7 12 6 – – – – – –
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy

(2-1-2) 4.5% 7.0% 7.0% 1.0% 3.4% 4.8% 4.6%

Type – – 1 – – – – – – 1 – – – – – – – –
VII 1.0% 0.5%
Type – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Others 3 3 – – – – – – – – 1 1 – – – – – –
(2-1-2-­ 1.4% 1.4% 0.4% 0.8%
Others – 1 1 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
(3-1-2) 0.5% 1.0%
Others – – – – – – – – – – – 1 – – – – – –
(3-2-1) 0.8%
Adapted from Martins et al. [229]
Only maxillary molars with three independent roots

Table 6.34  Root canal configurations on mandibular anterior teeth and premolars in each age group

Age Teeth groups

group Mandibular central incisor Mandibular lateral incisor Mandibular canine Mandibular first premolar Mandibular second premolar
sample ≤40 41–60 ≥61 ≤40 41–60 ≥61 ≤40 41–60 ≥61 ≤40 41–60 ≥61 ≤40 41–60 ≥61
(n) (316) (562) (325) (315) (582) (337) (317) (581) (346) (299) (500) (290) (264) (395) (199)
Root canal configuration
Type I 215 413 245 222 408 235 291 522 309 241 377 228 257 380 184
(1-1) 68.0% 73.5% 75.4% 70.5% 70.1% 69.7% 91.8% 89.9% 89.3% 80.6% 75.4% 78.6% 97.3% 96.2% 92.5%
Type II 9 13 7 16 34 25 7 19 15 5 12 10 – 5 2
(2-1) 2.9% 2.3% 2.2% 5.1% 5.9% 7.4% 2.2% 3.3% 4.4% 1.7% 2.4% 3.5% 1.3% 1.0%
Type III 89 131 69 76 134 75 7 20 5 9 31 18 2 5 4
(1-2-1) 28.2% 23.3% 21.2% 24.1% 23.0% 22.3% 2.2% 3.4% 1.4% 3.0% 6.2% 6.2% 0.8% 1.3% 2.0%
Type IV 1 – – – – – 6 6 5 2 7 7 – 1 3
(2-2) 0.3% 1.9% 1.0% 1.4% 0.7% 1.4% 2.4% 0.2% 1.5%
Type V 1 3 – 1 2 – 6 13 12 39 68 26 3 3 6
(1-2) 0.3% 0.5% 0.3% 0.3% 1.9% 2.2% 3.5% 13.0% 13.6% 9.0% 1.1% 0.8% 3.0%
Type VI – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Type VII – 2 4 – 1 2 – – – – 1 1 – – –
(1-2-1-2) 0.4% 1.2% 0.2% 0.6% 0.2% 0.3%
Type VIII – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Others 1 – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
(1-2-1-2- 0.3%
Others – – – – 2 – – 1 – – 1 – – – –
(2-1-2-1) 0.3% 0.2% 0.2%
Other – – – – – – – – – – 3 – – – –
(1-3) 0.6%
Others – – – – 1 – – – – 2 – – 2 1 –
(1-3-1) 0.2% 0.7% 0.8% 0.2%
Others – – – – – – – – – 1 – – – – –
(1-3-2) 0.3%
Adapted from Martins et al. [229]
J. N. R. Martins and M. A. Versiani
6  CBCT and Micro-CT on the Study of Root Canal Anatomy 171

Table 6.35  Root canal configurations on mandibular first and second molars in each age group
Teeth groups
Age Mandibular first molara Mandibular second molara
group Mesial Distal Mesial Distal
sample ≤40 41–60 ≥61 ≤40 41–60 ≥61 ≤40 41–60 ≥61 ≤40 41–60 ≥61
(n) (176) (188) (99) (176) (188) (99) (217) (268) (104) (217) (268) (104)
Root canal configuration
Type I 1 3 1 126 143 59 17 21 9 204 248 95
(1-1) 0.6% 1.6% 1.0% 71.6% 76.0% 59.6% 7.8% 7.8% 8.6% 94.0% 92.6% 91.3%
Type II 81 95 41 16 16 23 131 173 66 2 2 1
(2-1) 46.0% 50.5% 41.4% 9.1% 8.5% 23.2% 60.4% 64.5% 63.4% 0.9% 0.7% 1.0%
Type III – – – 17 19 8 8 14 8 5 11 7
(1-2-1) 9.6% 10.1% 8.1%% 3.7% 5.2% 7.7% 2.3% 4.1% 6.7%
Type 76 72 46 3 5 5 52 46 16 1 2 –
IV 43.2% 38.3% 46.6% 1.7% 2.7% 5.1% 23.9% 17.2% 15.4% 0.5% 0.7%
Type V – – – 11 2 1 1 1 1 5 5 1
(1-2) 6.2% 1.1% 1.0% 0.5% 0.4% 1.0% 2.3% 1.9% 1.0%
Type VI 8 7 3 1 2 2 4 6 – – – –
(2-1-2) 4.5% 3.7% 3.0% 0.6% 1.1% 2.0% 1.8% 2.2%
Type – – – 1 – – – – – – – –
VII 0.6%
Type – – – – – – – – – – – –
Others – – – – – 1 – – – – – –
(1-2-1-­ 1.0%
Others 1 2 1 1 1 – – 1 1 – – –
(2-1-2-­ 0.6% 1.1% 1.0% 0.6% 0.5% 0.4% 1.0%
Others – 5 4 – – – 1 1 – – – –
(3-2) 2.7% 4.0% 0.5% 0.4%
Others – 1 – – – – – – – – – –
(2-3-2) 0.5%
Others 9 3 3 – – – 2 4 2 – – –
(3-2-1) 5.1% 1.6% 3.0% 0.9% 1.5% 1.9%
Others – – – – – – 1 1 – – – –
(2-3-2-­ 0.5% 0.4%
Others – – – – – – – – 1 – – –
(3-2-3-­ 1.0%
Adapted from Martins et al. [229]
Only mandibular molars with two independent roots

3. Scarfe WC, Levin MD, Gane D, Farman AG. Use of

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Root Canal Anatomy of Maxillary
and Mandibular Teeth
Marco A. Versiani, Mário R. Pereira,
Jesus D. Pécora, and Manoel D. Sousa-Neto

Abstract influence of several variables such as ethnicity,

It is a common knowledge that a comprehensive aging, gender, and others, on the root canal
understanding of the complexity of the internal anatomy, as well as to evaluate, quantitatively
anatomy of teeth is imperative to ensure suc- and/or qualitatively, specific and fine anatomi-
cessful root canal treatment. The significance of cal features of a tooth group. The purpose of this
canal anatomy has been emphasized by studies chapter is to summarize the morphological
demonstrating that variations in canal geometry aspects of the root canal anatomy published in
before cleaning, shaping, and obturation proce- the literature of all groups of teeth and illustrate
dures had a greater effect on the outcome than with three-dimensional images acquired from
the techniques themselves. In recent years, sig- micro-CT technology.
nificant technological advances for imaging
teeth, such as CBCT and micro-CT, respec-
tively, have been introduced. Their noninvasive
nature allows to perform in  vivo anatomical 7.1 Introduction
studies using large populations to address the
Guido Fischer demonstrated the challenging
nature of the apical root anatomy for the first time
in 1907 by filling approximately 700 teeth with a
Electronic supplementary material  The online version collodion solution [1]. The complexity and unpre-
of this chapter ( dictability of the root canal morphology led him
6_7) contains supplementary material, which is available to coin the widely used terminology kanalsystem,
to authorized users.
which was translated to English as “root canal
M. A. Versiani, D.D.S., M.Sc., Ph.D. (*) J. D. system.” So, the concept of a “single” root canal
Pécora, D.D.S., M.Sc., Ph.D. · M. D. Sousa-Neto, with a “single” apical foramen is mistaken [2].
D.D.S., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Department of Restorative Dentistry, Dental School The root canal space is often complex, with canals
of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo, that divide and rejoin, isthmuses, fins, anastomo-
São Paulo, Brazil sis, accessory canals, and apical deltas. For this
e-mail: reason, it has been referred as a system, and its
M. R. Pereira, D.D.S., M.S. complexity has been demonstrated by several
Faculty of Dental Medicine, Department of authors. Considering that the goal of endodontic
Endodontics, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
therapy is the removal of all vital or necrotic tis-
Department of Endodontics, ISCSEM, sue, microorganisms, and microbial by-products
Almada, Portugal
from the root canal space [2], a thorough under-
© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2019 181
M. A. Versiani et al. (eds.), The Root Canal Anatomy in Permanent Dentition,
182 M. A. Versiani et al.

standing of the canal morphology and its varia- the teeth [3], overall and root lengths [4], chronol-
tions in all groups of teeth is a basic requirement ogy of root formation [5], tooth axes angulation [6,
for the success of the endodontic therapy. 7], number of roots [8], apical root curvature [6],
The first step in understanding dental anatomy root grooves [4], number and canal configuration
and to apply it for recording data in clinical prac- [8, 9], canal cross-sectional shape [4, 6], canal
tice is to learn some system of tooth notation. In taper [10], percentage frequency of transversal
this chapter, Universal Numbering, Palmer anastomosis and furcation canal [9], position of
Notation, and International Numbering systems the apical foramen [9], accessory canals and apical
were used to identify each tooth group [3]. ramifications [8, 9, 11], degree of canal curvature
Additionally, for a better comprehension and [12], and canal diameter 1  mm from the apical
detailed study of root and root canal anatomy, sev- foramen [10]. Occurrence of anatomical anoma-
eral landmarks of importance were selected, and lies and important clinical remarks associated with
proper information acquired from the literature the external and internal anatomy of each group
cited accordingly, including general description of tooth were also pointed out (Tables 7.1, 7.2, 7.3,

Table 7.1  Morphological aspects of the root and root canal anatomy of maxillary central incisors
Tooth notation (right/left) (8 and 9), (1| and |1), or (11 and 21)
Overall length 23.6 mm (16.5–32.6 mm)
Root length 13.0 mm (6.3–20.3 mm)
Complete root formation 9.3–10.6 years (male-female)
Tooth axes angulation 3–5° (orthoradial) and 15–20° (proximal)
Number of roots 1 (100%)a
1 (99.94%), 2 (0.06%)b
Apical root curvature Straight (75%), buccal (9.3%), distal (7.8%), mesial (4.3%), palatal (3.6%)
Root grooves No prominent groove
Number of canals 1 (100%)a
1 (99.2%), 2 (0.8%)b
Canal configuration Type I (100%)a
Types I (99.2%), IV (0.5%), II (0.1%), III (0.1%), and V (0.1%)b
Canal cross section Coronal, triangular with the mesial side longer than the distal side; middle, oval; apical,
Canal taper BL, 0.11 mm/mm; MD, 0.06 mm/mm
Transverse anastomosis –
Furcation canals –
Apical foramen position Central, 12%; lateral, 88%
Accessory canals 18.9–42.6% (coronal, 1%; middle, 6%; apical, 93%)
Apical ramification 8.1–27.9%
Canal curvature Clinical view, 0–26°; proximal view, 0–18°
Canal diameter BL: 0.34 mm (0.15–0.69 mm)
MD: 0.30 mm (0.14–0.59 mm)
Anomalies Two canals [13–15]; three canals [16]; four canals [17]; two roots [13–15]; radicular
groove [18]; fusion/gemination [19]
Clinical remarksc If a great amount of irritation-­induced dentin is produced, pulp chamber may be
partially or completely obliterated; a total of 79.7% of all foramina are located
approximately 0.5 mm or less from the apex and 94.9% are approximately 1.0 mm or
less away; 56.4% of the lateral canals have a mean diameter less than a size 10 K-file;
lingual shoulder should be removed as it prevents direct access to the root canal,
deflecting files and often resulting in ledge or perforation. In older patients, the roof of
the pulp chamber is often first encountered in the region of the tooth cervix. For this
reason, the access cavity must often be made near to the incisal edge to achieve the
necessary straight-line access to the root canal
BL buccolingual direction, MD mesiodistal direction
Vertucci [9]
CBCT studies (Chap. 6)
Clinical remarks [2, 20]
7  Root Canal Anatomy of Maxillary and Mandibular Teeth 183

Table 7.2  Morphological aspects of the root and root canal anatomy of maxillary lateral incisors
Tooth notation (right/left) (7 and 10), (2| and |2), or (12 and 22)
Overall length 22.5 mm (17.7–28.9 mm)
Root length 13.4 mm (9.6–19.4 mm)
Complete root formation 9.7–11.1 years (male-female)
Tooth axes angulation 5–6° (orthoradial) and 17–20° (proximal)
Number of roots 1 (100%)a
1 (99.94%) 2 (0.06%)b
Apical root curvature Distal (49.2%), straight (29.7%), palatal (3.9%), buccal (3.9%), mesial (3.1%),
S-shaped (1.6%), others (8.6%)
Root grooves Shallow depression on the middle of mesial root surface
Number of canals 1 (97%), 2 (3%)a
1 (98.5%), 2 (1.5%)b
Canal configuration Type I (100%)a
Types I (98.5%), II (0.8%), V (0.4%), III (0.2%), IV (0.1%)b
Canal cross section Coronal, “egg-shaped” or ovoid; middle, oval; apical, round
Canal taper BL, 0.08 mm/mm; MD, 0.04 mm/mm
Transverse anastomosis –
Furcation canals –
Apical foramen position Central, 22%; lateral, 78%
Accessory canals 5.5–26% (coronal, 1%; middle, 8%; apical, 91%)
Apical ramification 3.9–23.6%
Canal curvature Clinical view, 0–74°; proximal view, 0–55°
Canal diameter BL: 0.45 mm (0.27–0.83 mm)
MD: 0.33 mm (0.19–0.54 mm)
Anomalies Two canals [21–23]; three canals [24, 25]; four canals [26]; two roots [27]; radicular
groove [18]; fusion/gemination [28]; dens invaginatus [29]; dens evaginatus [30];
C-shaped canal [31]; talon cusp [32]; abrupt apical curvature [33]
Clinical remarksc This tooth often has anomalies and presents a high frequency of apical root
curvature to the distopalatal direction; lingual shoulder must be removed as it
prevents direct access to the root canal and often results in ledge or perforation; the
root canal is generally oval-shaped, and the root is frequently bent either buccally or
distally; therefore, on the radiograph, the canal may appear shorter than it actually is
BL buccolingual direction, MD mesiodistal direction
Vertucci [9]
CBCT studies (Chap. 6)
Clinical remarks [2, 20]

7.4, 7.5, 7.6, 7.7, 7.8, 7.9, 7.10, 7.11, 7.12, and in the literature regarding the root and root canal
7.13). Finally, information regarding the number morphologies of all groups of teeth, and these
of roots and root canals, as well as the most fre- dissimilarities have been explained by method-
quently observed root canal configurations, were ological differences, sample size, as well as eth-
depicted from recent epidemiological studies nicity, race, and gender of the studied population.
using CBCT technology (Chap. 6) and compiled Therefore, based on the mentioned criteria, this
in Tables 7.14 and 7.15. Considering that the chapter aimed to summarize the most relevant
anatomy of the maxillary and mandibular third morphological aspects of the root and root canal
molars varies greatly and is unpredictable, this anatomy of all groups of teeth, depicting in
group of teeth was not included in this chapter. tables data extracted from current and classical
In accordance with information provided studies, illustrated by images acquired from non-
herein, a great deal of variation has been reported destructive micro-CT technology.
184 M. A. Versiani et al.

Table 7.3  Morphological aspects of the root and root canal anatomy of maxillary canines
Tooth notation (6 and 11), (3| and |3), or (13 and 23)
Overall length 26.4 mm (20.0–38.4 mm)
Root length 16.5 mm (10.8–28.5 mm)
Complete root 11.9–13.7 years (male-female)
Tooth axes 6° (orthoradial) and 17° (proximal)
Number of roots 1 (100%)a,b
Apical root Straight (38.5%), distal (19.5%), buccal (12.8%), mesial (12%), palatal (6.5%), others (10.7%)
Root grooves Developmental grooves on both mesial and distal sides
Number of canals 1 (100%)a
1 (97%) 2 (3%)b
Canal Type I (100%)a
configuration Types I (98.5%), III (1.2%), II (0.8%), V (0.7%), IV (0.2%), others (0.1%)b
Canal cross Coronal, broad buccolingually and appears ovoid; middle, oval; apical, round
Canal taper BL, 0.08 mm/mm; MD, 0.05 mm/mm
Transverse –
Furcation canals –
Apical foramen Central, 14%; lateral, 86%
Accessory canals 3.4–30% (coronal, 0%; middle, 10%; apical, 90%)
Apical 15–33.8%
Canal curvature Clinical view, 0–29°; proximal view, 0–33°
Canal diameter BL: 0.31 mm (0.16–0.58 mm)
MD: 0.29 mm (0.11–0.50 mm)
Anomalies Two canals [34–36]; dens invaginatus [37]
Clinical remarksc Large mid-root canal diameter becoming much narrower only in the final third near the apex;
root canal cross section is usually oval-shaped, and clinician must take care to circumferentially
file labially and palatally to shape and clean the canal properly; lingual shoulder should be
removed as it prevents direct access to the root canal
BL buccolingual direction, MD mesiodistal direction
Vertucci [9]
CBCT studies (Chap. 6)
Clinical remarks [2, 20]

Table 7.4  Morphological aspects of the root and root canal anatomy of maxillary first premolars
Tooth notation (5 and 12), (4| and |4), or (14 and 24)
Overall length 21.5 mm (15.5–28.9 mm)
Root length 13.4 mm (8.3–19.0 mm)
Complete root 11.8–13.5 years (male-female)
Tooth axes angulation 7° (orthoradial) and 11° (proximal)
Number of roots Two (buccal and palatal roots; 21.9% independent; 32.7% bifurcation at the apical third);
one (43%); three (two buccal and one palatal root; 2.4%)a
Two (55.3%) ,one (43.1%), three (1.6%)b
Apical root curvature B, palatal (36.2%), straight (27.8%), distal (14%), buccal (14%), S-shaped (8%); P,
straight (44.4%), buccal (27.8%), distal (14%), palatal (8.3%), S-shaped (5.5%)
Root grooves Prominent mesial developmental depression and groove on the palatal aspect of the
buccal root (reported as between 62% and 100%)
7  Root Canal Anatomy of Maxillary and Mandibular Teeth 185

Table 7.4 (continued)
Number of canals 2 (84.2%), 1 (8.3%), 3 (7.5%)c
2 (77.3%), 1 (20.1%), 3 (1.2%), others (1.3%)b
Canal configuration Types IV (62%), II (18%), I (8%), V (7%), VIII (5%)c
Types IV (50.1%), I (20.1%), II (17.4%), VI (4.9%), V (3%), III (1.5%), VIII (1.2%), VII
(0.4%), others (1.3%)b
Canal cross section One-rooted: coronal (oval); middle and apical (round)
Two-rooted: coronal (oval to round connected by a thin isthmus); middle (ovoid); apical
Three-rooted: coronal (oval); middle and apical (round)
Canal taper B: BL 0.03 mm/mm, MD 0.02 mm/mm
P: BL 0.05 mm/mm, MD 0.04 mm/mm
Transverse anastomosis 34.2% (coronal, 16.4%; middle, 58%; apical, 25.6%)
Furcation canals 11%
Apical foramen position Central, 12%; lateral, 88%
Accessory canals 17.8–49.5% (coronal, 4.7%; middle, 10.3%; apical, 74%)
Apical ramification 20–35.5%
Canal curvature B: clinical view, 0–35°; proximal view, 0–32°
P: clinical view, 0–37°; proximal view, 0–68°
Canal diameter B: BL, 0.30 mm (0.23–0.33 mm); MD, 0.23 mm (0.20–0.27 mm)
P: BL, 0.23 mm (0.17–0.29 mm); MD, 0.17 mm (0.17–0.19 mm)
Anomalies Three canals [38]; furcation groove [39]; gemination/fusion [40]; dens evaginatus [41]
Clinical remarksd In cross section at the CEJ, the palatal orifice is wider buccolingually and kidney-shaped
because of the mesial concavity of the root; this concavity results in the danger of a
lateral perforation during instrumentation; the palatal canal usually is slightly larger than
the buccal canal; high incidence of furcation groove on the palatal aspect of the buccal
root; palatal canal is usually larger than the buccal canal; the roots are considerably
shorter and thinner than in the canines; during access cavity preparation, pulp horns may
be confused with the actual canal orifices
B buccal root, P palatal root, BL buccolingual direction, MD mesiodistal direction
Bramante et al. [6]
CBCT studies (Chap. 6)
Vertucci [9]
Clinical remarks [2, 20]

Table 7.5  Morphological aspects of the root and root canal anatomy of maxillary second premolars
Tooth notation (4 and 13), (5| and |5), or (15 and 25)
Overall length 21.2 mm (15.2–28.4 mm)
Root length 14.0 mm (8.0–20.6 mm)
Complete root 12.6–13.8 years (male-female)
Tooth axes angulation 7° (orthoradial) and 7–10° (proximal)
Number of roots 1 (90.3% single-rooted; 7.7% with apical bifurcation), 2 (2%)a
1 (86.2%), 2 (13.5%), 3 (0.3%)b
Apical root curvature Straight (37.4%), distal (29.5%), buccal (15.7%), S-shaped (13%), distal (4.4%)
Root grooves Shallow developmental groove on the mesial side
Number of canals 1 (53.7%), 2 (46.3%)c
2 (56.7%), 1 (42.7%), 3 (0.4%), others (0.3%)b
Canal configuration Types I (48%), II (22%), III (5%), IV (11%), V (6%), VI (5%), VII (2%), VIII (1%)c
Types I (42.7%), II (18.7%), IV (17.6%), V (9.6%), VI (6.3%), III (4%), VII (0.5%), VIII
(0.4%), others (0.3%)b
Canal cross section Coronal and middle, oval; apical, round
Canal taperd BL, 0.19 mm/mm; MD, 0.03 mm/mm
186 M. A. Versiani et al.

Table 7.5 (continued)
Transverse anastomosis 30.8% (coronal,18.8%; middle, 50%; apical, 31.2%)
Furcation canals 1.6%
Apical foramen position Central, 22.2%; lateral, 77.8%
Accessory canals 12.9–59.5% (coronal, 4%; middle, 16.2%; apical, 78.2%)
Apical ramification 22.2–32.2%
Canal curvature Clinical view, 0–53°; proximal view, 0–40°
Canal diameter BL: 0.37 mm (0.16–1.35 mm)
MD: 0.26 mm (0.14–0.37 mm)
Anomalies Three canals [38]; dens invaginatus [42]
Clinical remarkse It typically has a single root with a single canal. Less frequently, second premolars have
two roots, each with a separate root canal; the root canal system is wider buccolingually
than mesiodistally; apical curvature is common; the proximity of this tooth to the sinus
can lead to drainage of a periradicular abscess into the sinus; with age, the height of the
coronal pulp decreases in the area of the pulpal horns and the pulpal roof (secondary
dentin). The floor of the pulp chamber, however, remains at the level of the tooth cervix;
the roots of maxillary premolars may be curved in all possible directions and often exhibit
two bends
Bramante et al. [6]
CBCT studies (Chap. 6)
Vertucci [9]
Single-rooted teeth
Clinical remarks [2, 20]

Table 7.6  Morphological aspects of the root and root canal anatomy of maxillary first molars
Tooth notation (3 and 14), (6| and |6), or (16 and 26)
Overall length 20.1 mm (17.0–27.4 mm)
Root length MB, 12.9 mm (8.5–18.8 mm); DB, 12.2 mm (8.9–15.5 mm); P, 13.7 mm (10.6–17.5 mm)
Complete root 9.2–10.1 years (male-female)
Tooth axes angulation 0° (orthoradial) and 15° (proximal)
Number of roots 3 (2 buccal and 1 palatal; 100%)a
3 (97.7%), 2 (1.8%), 4 (0.3%), 1 (0.2%)b
Apical root curvature MB, distal (78%), straight (21%), S-shaped (1%); DB, straight (54%), mesial (19%), distal
(17%), S-shaped (10%); P, buccal (55%), straight (40.7%), mesial (3.2%), distal (1.1%)
Root grooves MB, mesial and distal depressions; P, slight longitudinal depression on the palatal side
Number of canals 3 (30–40%), 4 (60–70%)a
MB, 2 (60.4%), 1 (29.3%), 3 (0.1%), others (0.4%); DB, 1 (98.6%), 2 (1.4%); P, 1
(99.26%), 2 (0.7%), others (0.04%)b
Canal configuration MB, types I (45%), II (37%), IV (18%)a; types I (39.1%), II (29.3%), IV (26%), V (2%),
III (1.6%), VI (1.4%), VII (0.1%), VIII (0.1%), others (0.4%)b; DB, type I (100%)a; types I
(98.6%), II (0.4%), V (0.4%), III (0.3%), IV (0.2%), VI (0.1%)b; P, type I (100%)a; types I
(99.26%), II (0.3%), III (0.2%), IV (0.1%), V (0.1%), others (0.04%)b
Canal cross section MB: coronal and middle (oval of flat-oval); apical (round)
DB and P: oval or round
Canal taper MB1, BL 0.07 mm/mm, MD 0.05 mm/mm; MB2, 0.05 BL mm/mm, MD 0.0 mm/mm;
DB, BL 0.07 mm/mm, MD 0.04 mm/mm; P, BL 0.07 mm/mm, MD 0.10 mm/mm
Transverse anastomosis 52% (MB root only) (coronal, 10%; middle, 75%; apical, 15%)
Furcation canals 18%
Apical foramen position MB, central 24%, lateral 76%; DB, central, 19%, lateral 81%; P, central 18%, lateral 82%
7  Root Canal Anatomy of Maxillary and Mandibular Teeth 187

Table 7.6 (continued)
Accessory canals MB, 51% (coronal, 10.7%; middle, 13.1%; apical, 58.2%); DB, 36% (coronal, 10.1%;
middle, 12.3%; apical, 59.6%); P, 48% (coronal, 9.4%; middle, 11.3%; apical, 61.3%)
Apical ramification 32.3–86.3%
Canal curvature Clinical view MB1, 0–42°; MB2, 23–49°; DB, 0–48°; P, 0–47°
Proximal view MB1, 0–54°; MB2, 0–36°; DB, 0–41°; P, 0–38°
Canal diameter BL, MB1 0.19 mm (0.12–0.26 mm); MB2, 0.19 mm (0.14–0.23 mm); DB, 0.22 mm
(0.07–0.73 mm); P, 0.29 mm (0.09–0.45 mm)
MD, MB1, 0.13 mm (0.08–0.18 mm); MB2, 0.16 mm (0.15–0.16 mm); DB, 0.17 mm
(0.07–0.39 mm); P, 0.33 mm (0.11–0.72 mm)
C-shaped canalsb 0.83% (0.3–1.1%)
Root fusionb Types I (1.13%), III (7.1%), II (0.23%), IV (0.2%), V (0.2%), VI (0.1%)
Anomalies One canal [43]; five canals [44]; six canals [45]; seven canals [46]; eight canals [47];
C-shaped canals [48]; four-rooted [49]; hypertaurodontism [50]
Clinical remarksc There are two MB canals in majority of cases; location of the MB2 canal varies greatly,
but is mostly located palatal and mesial to the MB1; 16% of MB2 canals cannot be
effectively instrumented and sealed because it is often sharply curved, or highly calcified
compared with the MB1 canal, and is difficult to access, particularly in older patients; the
palatal root often curves buccally at the apical third; palatal and MB roots contain one,
two, or three root canals, while DB have one or two canals; a concavity exists on the distal
aspect of the MB root, which makes this wall thin; in older individuals, or in patients with
considerable tertiary dentin, the pulp chamber is reduced in size, which makes access
cavity preparation and detection of the individual canal orifices more difficult;
developmental depressions and discoloration of the pulpal floor should be used as clinical
MB mesiobuccal root/canal, DB distobuccal root/canal, P palatal root/canal, BL buccolingual direction, MD mesiodistal
Vertucci [9]
CBCT studies (Chap. 6)
Clinical remarks [2, 20]

Table 7.7  Morphological aspects of the root and root canal anatomy of maxillary second molars
Tooth notation (2 and 15), (7| and |7), or (17 and 27)
Overall length 20.0 mm (16.0–26.2 mm)
Root length MB, 12.9 mm (9.0–18.2 mm); DB, 12.1 mm (9.0–16.3 mm); P, 13.5 mm (9.8–18.8 mm)
Complete root 13.6–14.6 years (male-female)
Tooth axes angulation 0–5° (orthoradial) and 11° (proximal)
Number of roots 3 (2 buccal and 1 palatal; 53.7% independent; 19.5% fusion buccal roots; 8.5% fusion MB
and palatal roots; 5.8% fusion DB and palatal roots; 12.5% all roots fusion)a
3 (73.7%), 2 (14.9%), 1 (10.7%), 4 (0.7%)b
Apical root curvature MB, distal (54%), straight (22%), others (24%); DB, straight (54%), mesial (17%), others
(29%); P, straight (63%), buccal (37%)
Root grooves MB, mesial and distal depressions; P, slight longitudinal depression on the palatal side
Number of canals 3 (50–70%), 4 (30–50%)c
MB, 1 (66.1%), 2 (33.7%), 3 (0.05%), others (0.2%); DB, 1 (99.6%), 2 (0.4%); P, 1
(99.67%), 2 (0.35%), 3 (0.01%), others (0.01%)
Canal configuration MB, types I (71%), II (17%), IV (12%)c; types I (39.1%), II (29.3%), IV (26%), V (2%),
III (1.6%), VI (1.4%), VII (0.1%), VIII (0.1%), others (0.4%)b; DB, type I (100%); types I
(98.6%), II (0.4%), V (0.4%), III (0.3%), IV (0.2%), VI (0.1%)b; P, type I (100%)c; types I
(99.26%), II (0.3%), III (0.2%), IV (0.1%), V (0.1%), others (0.04%)b
Canal cross section MB, coronal and middle (oval of flat-oval); apical (round); DB and P, oval or round
188 M. A. Versiani et al.

Table 7.7 (continued)
Canal taper MB1, BL 0.07 mm/mm, MD 0.05 mm/mm; MB2, BL 0.05 mm/mm, MD 0.0 mm/mm; DB,
BL 0.07 mm/mm, MD 0.04 mm/mm; P, BL 0.07 mm/mm, MD 0.10 mm/mm
Transverse anastomosis 21% (MB root only) (coronal, 8%; middle, 72%; apical, 20%)
Furcation canals 10%
Apical foramen position MB, central 12%, lateral 88%; DB, central 17%, lateral 83%; P, central 19%, lateral 81%
Accessory canals MB, 50% (coronal, 10.1%; middle, 14.1%; apical, 65.8%); DB, 29% (coronal, 9.1%;
middle, 13.3%; apical, 67.6%); P, 42% (coronal, 8.7%; middle, 11.2%; apical, 70.1%)
Apical ramification 20–38.8%
Canal curvature Clinical view MB, 0–49°; DB, 0–64°; P, 0–41°
Proximal view MB, 0–33°; DB, 0–40°; P, 0–42°
Canal diameter BL, MB1 0.19 mm (0.12–0.26 mm); MB2, 0.19 mm (0.14–0.23 mm); DB, 0.22 mm
(0.07–0.73 mm); P, 0.29 mm (0.09–0.45 mm);
MD, MB1, 0.13 mm (0.08–0.18 mm); MB2, 0.16 mm (0.15–0.16 mm); DB, 0.17 mm
(0.07–0.39 mm); P, 0.33 mm (0.11–0.72 mm)
C-shaped canalsb 2.88% (0.5–3.8%)
Root fusionb Types I (6.3%), II (7.4%), VI (4.7%), V (4.3%), IV (3.2%), III (0.7%), others (3.5%)
Anomalies One or two canals [51]; five canals [52]; gemination/fusion [53]; four-­rooted [54];
hypertaurodontism [55]
Clinical remarksd This tooth is similar to the first molar, but is smaller and exhibits less divergence of the
roots; generally, the three roots are grouped closer together and are sometimes fused; the
second molar usually has one canal in each root; however, it may have two or three MB
canals, one or two DB canals, or three palatal canals; teeth with fused roots occasionally
have only two canals (buccal and palatal) of equal length and diameter; DB canal is
usually detected more mesially, compared with the first molar
MB mesiobuccal root/canal, DB distobuccal root/canal, P palatal root/canal, BL buccolingual direction, MD mesiodistal
Bramante et al. [6]
CBCT studies (Chap. 6)
Vertucci [9]
Clinical remarks [2, 20]

Table 7.8  Morphological aspects of the root and root canal anatomy of mandibular incisors
Tooth notation
C: (24 and 25), ( | 1 and 1| ), or (31 and 41)
L: (23 and 26), ( | 2 and 2|), or (32 and 42)
Overall length C, 20.8 mm (16.9–26.7 mm); L, 22.1 mm (18.5–26.6 mm)
Root length C, 12.6 mm (7.7–17.9 mm); L, 13.5 mm (9.4–18.1 mm)
Complete root C, 8.1–9.2 years (male-female); L, 8.8–9.9 years (male-female)
Tooth axes angulation C: 0° (orthoradial) and 15° (proximal)
L: 0° (orthoradial) and 10° (proximal)
Number of roots C: 1 (100%)a,b
L: 1 (100%)a; 1 (99.92%); 2 (0.08%)b
Apical root curvature C: straight (66.7%), buccal (18.8%), distal (12.5%), S-shaped (2%)
L: straight (54%), distal (33.3%), buccal (10.7%), S-shaped (2%)
Root grooves Longitudinal root depressions on both proximal sides
Number of canals C: 1 (73.4%), 2 (26.6%)a; 1 (86.5%), 2 (14.4%), others (0.1%)b
L: 1 (84.6%), 2 (15.4%)a; 1 (79.7%), 2 (20.2%), others (0.1%)b
Canal configuration C: types I (70%), II (5%), III (22%), IV (3%)a; types I (86.5%), III (8.1%), V (2.8%),
II (2%), IV (1.4%), VII (0.1%), others (0.1%)b
L: types I (75%), II (5%), III (18%), IV (2%)a; types I (79.7%), III (11.9%), V (3.8%),
II (2.6%), IV (1.8%), VII (0.1%), others (0.1%)b
Canal cross section Ovoid and considerable broader buccolingually than mesiodistally
Canal taper BL, 0.11 mm/mm; MD, 0.01 mm/mm
7  Root Canal Anatomy of Maxillary and Mandibular Teeth 189

Table 7.8 (continued)
Transverse anastomosis –
Furcation canals –
Apical foramen position C, central 25%, lateral 75%; L, central 20%, lateral 80%
Accessory canals C: 0–20% (coronal, 3%; middle, 12%; apical, 85%)
L: 0.9–18% (coronal, 2%; middle, 15%; apical, 83%)
Apical ramification 3.2–7.8%
Canal curvature C, clinical view, 0–17°; proximal view, 0–35°
L, clinical view, 0–31°; proximal view, 0–33°
Canal diameter BL, 0.37 mm (0.13–0.80 mm); MD, 0.25 mm (0.12–0.33 mm)
Anomalies Three canals [56]; gemination/fusion [57]; dens invaginatus [58]; two roots [59]
Clinical remarksc Most incisors have a single root; often a dentinal bridge is present in the pulp chamber
that divides the root into two canals; the two canals usually join and exit through a single
apical foramen; but, they may persist as two separate canals; if a second root canal exists,
it is positioned further lingually and is generally curved; therefore, removal of the lingual
shoulder is critical; canal cross section is oval-shaped, wider buccolingually than
C central incisor, L lateral incisor, BL buccolingual direction, MD mesiodistal direction
Vertucci [9]
CBCT studies (Chap. 6)
Clinical remarks [2, 20]

Table 7.9  Morphological aspects of the root and root canal anatomy of mandibular canines
Tooth notation
(22 and 27), ( | 3 and 3 |), or (33 and 43)
Overall length 25.9 mm (16.1–34.5 mm)
Root length 15.9 mm (9.5–22.2 mm)
Complete root 11.4–13.5 years (male-female)
Tooth axes angulation 3° (orthoradial) and 2° (proximal)
Number of roots 1 (94%), 2 (6%)a; 1 (98.57%), 2 (1.43%)b
Apical root curvature Straight (68.2%), distal (19.6%), buccal (6.8%), mesial (0.8%), S-shaped (1.5%), others
Root grooves Longitudinal root depressions are present on both sides
Number of canals 1 (88.2%), 2 (11.8%)a; 1 (92.4%), 2 (7.3%), others (0.3%)b
Canal configuration Types I (78%), II (14%), III (2%), IV (6%)a; Types I (92.4%), III (2.7%), II (1.9%), IV
(1.5%), V (1.2%), others (0.3%)b
Canal cross section Wide buccolingually in the coronal and middle thirds; round at the apical third
Canal taper BL, 0.07 mm/mm; MD, 0.05 mm/mm
Transverse anastomosis –
Furcation canals –
Apical foramen position Central, 30%; lateral, 70%
Accessory canals 4.5–30% (coronal, 4%; middle, 16%; apical, 80%)
Apical ramification 2.2–46.9%
Canal curvature Clinical view, 0–23°; proximal view, 0–37°
Canal diameter BL, 0.47 mm (0.18–0.75 mm); MD, 0.36 mm (0.18–0.72 mm)
Anomalies Two canals [60]; three canals [61]; two roots [60]
Clinical remarksc The root canal is narrow mesiodistally but usually very broad buccolingually; in
two-rooted canines, a lingual shoulder must be removed to gain access to the entrance of a
second canal; the lingual wall is almost slit-like compared with the larger buccal wall
BL buccolingual direction, MD mesiodistal direction
Vertucci [9]
CBCT studies (Chap. 6)
Clinical remarks [2, 20]
190 M. A. Versiani et al.

Table 7.10  Morphological aspects of the root and root canal anatomy of mandibular first premolars
Tooth notation
(21 and 28), ( | 4 and 4 |), or (34 and 44)
Overall length 22.4 mm (17.0–28.5 mm)
Root length 14.4 mm (9.7–20.2 mm)
Complete root 11.9–13.3 years (male-female)
Tooth axes angulation 5° (orthoradial) and 3° (proximal)
Number of roots 1 (86.6%; apical bifurcation 2.8%; middle or apical trifurcation 10.6%)a; 1 (97.5%), 2
Apical root curvature Straight (47.5%), distal (34.8%), lingual (7.1%), buccal (2.1%), S-shaped (6.4%), others
Root grooves Longitudinal depressions are often present on both sides, deeper on the distal. Sometimes
depressions may be quite deep and end in a buccolingual apical bifurcation
Number of canals 1 (66.6%), 2 (1 buccal and 1 lingual; 31.3%), 3 (2 buccal and 1 lingual; 2.1%)a; 1
(71.3%), 2 (27.9%), 3 (0.1%), others (0.7%)b
Canal configuration Types I (70%), V (24%), III (4%), IV (1.5%), VIII (0.5%)a; Types I (71.3%), V (18.7%),
IV (3.5%), III (2.8%), II (2.3%), VI (0.5%), VII (0.1%), VIII (0.1%), others (0.7%)b
Canal cross sectionc
Ovoid and is widest buccolingually in the coronal and middle thirds; round at the apical
Canal taperc BL, 0.10 mm/mm; MD, 0.05 mm/mm
Transverse anastomosis 32.1% (coronal, 20.6%; middle, 52.9%; apical, 26.5%)
Furcation canals 0.7%
Apical foramen position Central, 15%; lateral, 85%
Accessory canals 8.8–44.3% (coronal, 4.3%; middle, 16.1%; apical, 78.9%)
Apical ramification 21.7–44.7%
Canal curvature Clinical view, 0–30°; proximal view, 0–57°
Canal diameter BL, 0.35 mm (0.20–0.80 mm); MD, 0.28 mm (0.16–0.54 mm)
C-shaped canalsb 1.56% (0.7–4.1%)
Anomalies Three canals [62]; four canals [63]; radicular groove [64]; C-shaped [65]; dens evaginatus
[66]; dens invaginatus [67]; gemination/fusion [68]
Clinical remarksc The root canal system may present different configurations; when a single canal is
present, it is wider buccolingually than mesiodistally; at the cervical third is oval-shaped
and tends to become round at the middle and apical thirds; the lingual canal, when
present, tends to diverge from the main canal at a sharp angle; because of the lingual
inclination of mandibular teeth and the small lingual cusp of the premolars, access cavity
preparation should be carried out from the buccal aspect toward the central fissure
BL buccolingual direction, MD mesiodistal direction
Vertucci [9]
CBCT studies (Chap. 6)
Single-rooted with one root canal
Clinical remarks [2, 20]

Table 7.11  Morphological aspects of the root and root canal anatomy of mandibular second premolars
Tooth notation
(20 and 29), ( | 5 and 5 |), or (35 and 45)
Overall length 22.1 mm (16.8–28.1 mm)
Root length 14.7 mm (9.2–21.2 mm)
Complete root 12.8–14.0 years (male-female)
Tooth axes angulation 5° (orthoradial) and 9° (proximal)
Number of roots 1 (92%), 2 (8%)a; 1 (98.5%), 2 (1.5%)b
Apical root curvature Distal (39.8%), straight (38.5%), buccal (10.1%), lingual (3.4%), S-shaped (6.8%), others
7  Root Canal Anatomy of Maxillary and Mandibular Teeth 191

Table 7.11 (continued)
Root grooves Frequent at the middle third on the distal surface
Number of canals 1 (89.3%), 2 (10.7%)a; 1 (84.7%), 2 (15.05%), 3 (0.05%), others (0.2%)b
Canal configuration Types I (97.5%), V (2.5%)a; I (84.7%), V (13.44%), II (0.7%), III (0.5%), IV (0.3%), VI
(0.07%), VIII (0.05), VII (0.04%), others (0.2%)b
Canal cross sectionc
Ovoid buccolingually in the coronal and middle thirds; round at the apical third
Canal taperc BL: 0.10 mm/mm; MD: 0.05 mm/mm
Transverse anastomosis 30% (coronal, 0%; middle, 66.7%; apical, 33.3%)
Furcation canals 0.3%
Apical foramen position Central, 16.1%; lateral, 83.9%
Accessory canals 4–48.3% (coronal, 3.2%; middle, 16.4%; apical, 80.1%)
Apical ramification 14.8–80.4%
Canal curvature Clinical view, 0–29°; proximal view, 0–42°
Canal diameter BL, 0.35 mm (0.20–0.80 mm); MD, 0.28 mm (0.16–0.54 mm)
C-shaped canalsb 0.72% (0.6–1.5%)
Anomalies Three canals [69]; four canals [70]; five canals [71]; two roots [72]; C-shaped [73]; dens
evaginatus [74]; taurodontism [71]; gemination/fusion [75]
Clinical remarksd The root canal is more often oval than round; the lingual canal, when present, tends to
diverge from the main canal at a sharp angle; the canal morphology may present many
variations, but less often than first premolars; care must be taken to avoid the danger of
artificially straightening the canal or excessive widening of the delicate apical third of the
BL buccolingual direction, MD mesiodistal direction
Vertucci [9]
CBCT studies (Chap. 6)
Single-rooted with one root canal
Clinical remarks [2, 20]

Table 7.12  Morphological aspects of the root and root canal anatomy of mandibular first molars
Tooth notation
(19 and 30), ( | 6 and 6 |), or (36 and 46)
Overall lengtha 20.9 mm (17.0–27.7 mm)
Root length M, 14.0 mm (10.6–20.0 mm); D, 13.0 mm (8.1–17.7 mm)
Complete root 9.2–10.0 years (male-female)
Tooth axes angulation 10° (orthoradial) and 13° (proximal)
Number of roots 2 (92.2% independent; 5.3% fusion), 3 (2.5%)b; 2 (86.9%), 3 (12.5%), 1 (0.55%), 4
Apical root curvature M: distal (84%), straight (16%); D: straight (73.5%), distal (18%), mesial (8.5%)
Root grooves Mesial root commonly has prominent root depressions on the mesial and distal surfaces
Number of canals 2 (8%), 3 (56%), 4 (36%)b
M, 1 (single canal 12.8%; apical bifurcation 6.6%), 2 (independent 40.3%; confluent at
the apical third 30.2%)d; 1 (2.37%), 2 (96.59%), 3 (0.03%), others (1.01%)c; D, 1 (single
canal 73%; middle bifurcation 2%), 2 (independent 3.7%; confluent at the apical third
12.7%)d; 1 (70.3%), 2 (29.56%), others (0.14%)c
Canal configuration M: types I (12%), IV (43%), II (28%), VI (10%), V (8%) VIII (1%)b; types IV (71.3%), II
(19.9%), III (2.9%), I (2.37%), V (2.1%), VI (0.3%), VII (0.09%), VIII (0.03%), others
D: types I (70%), II (15%), IV (5%), V (8%), VI (2%)b; types I (70.3%), II (13%), IV
(10.1%), III (3.6%), V (2.7%), VI (0.08%), VII (0.08%), others (0.14%)c
Canal cross sectione M, oval or flat-oval at the coronal and middle thirds and round at the apical third; D, oval
buccolingually at the coronal and middle thirds and round at the apical third
Canal taper MB, BL 0.06 mm/mm, MD 0.03 mm/mm; ML, BL 0.06 mm/mm, MD 0.02 mm/mm; D,
BL 0.15 mm/mm, MD 0.06 mm/mm
192 M. A. Versiani et al.

Table 7.12 (continued)
Transverse anastomosis M: 63% (coronal, 12%; middle, 75%; apical, 13%)
D: 55% (coronal, 10%; middle, 72%; apical, 18%)
Furcation canals 23%
Apical foramen position M, central 22%; lateral 78%; D, central 20%; lateral 80%
Accessory canals M: 45% (coronal, 10.4%; middle, 12.2%; apical, 54.4%)
D: 30% (coronal, 8.7%; middle, 10.4%; apical, 57.9%)
Apical ramification 19.4–30.9%
Canal curvature Clinical view MB, 9–48°; ML, 0–44°; D, 0–75°
Proximal view MB, 0–59°; ML, 0–59°; D, 0–44°
Canal diameter BL, MB, 0.40 mm (0.20–0.52 mm); ML, 0.38 mm (0.32–0.67 mm); D, 0.46 mm (0.28–
1.69 mm); MD, MB, 0.21 mm (0.19–0.39 mm); ML, 0.28 mm (0.23–0.37 mm); D,
0.35 mm (0.18–0.69 mm)
C-shaped canalsc 0.53% (0.1–1.7%)
Radixc Paramolaris, 0.37% (0.11–1.21); entomolaris, 12.19% (0.5–29.7%)
Anomalies Five canals [76]; six canals [77]; seven canals [78]; radix [79]; taurodontism [80]; apical
curvature [12]; gemination/fusion [81]; isthmuses [82]; three roots [83]; C-shaped [84];
middle mesial canal [85]; middle distal canal [86]
Clinical remarksf It usually has two roots, but occasionally it has three, with two or three canals in the
mesial root and one, two, or three canals in the distal root; the distal surface of the mesial
root and the mesial surface of the distal root have a concavity, which makes the dentin
wall very thin; the presence of root canal isthmuses averages 55% in the mesial root and
20% in the distal root; multiple accessory foramina may be present in the furcation area;
the dentin overhang at the mesial orifice must be removed to lessen the danger of
BL buccolingual direction, MD mesiodistal direction, M mesial root, D distal root
Overall length from mesial root apex to tip of MB cusp; root length: from cervical line to root apex
Vertucci [9]
CBCT studies (Chap. 6)
Bramante et al. [6]
Two-rooted teeth with three independent root canals
Clinical remarks [2, 20]

Table 7.13  Morphological aspects of the root and root canal anatomy of mandibular second molars
Tooth notation
(18 and 31), ( | 7 and 7 |), or (37 and 47)
Overall lengtha 20.6 mm (15.5–25.5 mm)
Root length M, 13.9 mm (9.3–18.3 mm); D, 13.0 mm (8.5–18.3 mm)
Complete root 13.8–14.8 years (male-female)
Tooth axes angulation 15° (orthoradial) and 12° (proximal)
Number of roots 2 (independent 39.2%; bifurcation at the middle third 31.8%; fused roots 26.7%), 3
(2.3%)b; 2 (78.6%), 1 (19%), 3 (2.2%), 4 (0.2%)c
Apical root curvaturea M: distal (60.8%), straight (27.2%), buccal (4%), S-shaped (8%)
D: straight (57.6%), distal (18.4%), mesial (13.6%), buccal (4%), S-shaped (6.4%)
Root grooves Mesial root commonly has prominent root depressions on the mesial and distal surfaces
Number of canals 2 (16.2%), 3 (72.5%), 4 (11.3%)d; M, 2 (87.1%), 1 (12.5%); D, 1 (92.56%), 2 (7.44%)c
Canal configuration M, types II (38%), I (27%), IV (26%), V (9%)d; types IV (47.8%), II (32.8%), I (12.5%),
III (3.27%), V (3%), VI (0.2%), VII (0.1%), others (0.33%)c; D, types I (92%), II (3%), IV
(4%), V (1%)d; types I (92.56%), II (4.4%), IV (2%), III (0.5%), V (0.5%), VI (0.04%)c
Canal cross sectione M, oval or flat-oval at the coronal and middle thirds and round at the apical third; D, oval
buccolingually at the coronal and middle thirds and round at the apical third
Canal taper MB, BL 0.06 mm/mm, MD 0.03 mm/mm; ML, BL 0.06 mm/mm, MD 0.02 mm/mm; D,
BL 0.15 mm/mm, MD 0.06 mm/mm
7  Root Canal Anatomy of Maxillary and Mandibular Teeth 193

Table 7.13 (continued)
Transverse anastomosis M: 31% (coronal, 10%; middle, 77%; apical, 13%)
D: 16% (coronal, 11%; middle, 74%; apical, 15%)
Furcation canals 11%
Apical foramen position M: central 19%; lateral 81%; D: central 21%; lateral 79%
Accessory canals M: 49% (coronal, 10.1%; middle, 13.1%; apical, 65.8%)
D: 34% (coronal, 9.1%; middle, 11.6%; apical, 68.3%)
Apical ramification 17.5–35.7%
Canal curvature Clinical view MB, 0–50°; ML, 0–51°, D, 0–67°
Proximal view MB, 0–69°; ML, 0–50°; D, 0–35°
Canal diameter BL, MB 0.40 mm (0.20–0.52 mm), ML 0.38 mm (0.32–0.67 mm), D 0.46 mm (0.28–
1.69 mm); MD, MB 0.21 mm (0.19–0.39 mm), ML 0.28 mm (0.23–0.37 mm), D 0.35 mm
(0.18–0.69 mm)
C-shaped canalsc 16.33% (1.9–44%)
Radixc Paramolaris, 0.93% (0.11–1.61); entomolaris, 1.25% (0.4–3.5%)
Anomalies One canal [87]; two canals [88]; five canals [89]; apical curvature [12]; gemination/fusion
[90]; isthmuses [82]; C-shaped [91, 92]; middle mesial canal [93]
Clinical remarksf This tooth is very similar to the first molar; however, the roots are shorter, the canals are
more curved, and the range of variation is higher. It may have one to five canals, although
the most prevalent configurations are three and four canals; the two mesial orifices are
located closer together; a relatively common variation in root morphology is the presence
of C-shaped canal; clinical signs of the presence of C-shaped canals include continuous
pain and persistent bleeding from the root canal and confluent canals; mesial and distal
roots appear tapered or fused on the radiograph; the apices of this tooth often are closed to
the mandibular canal
BL buccolingual direction, MD mesiodistal direction, M mesial root, D distal root
Overall length from mesial root apex to tip of MB cusp; root length: from cervical line to root apex
Bramante et al. [6]
CBCT studies (Chap. 6)
Vertucci [9]
Two-rooted teeth with three independent root canals
Clinical remarks [2, 20]

Table 7.14  Combined data from CBCT studies on root and root canal morphology of maxillary permanent teeth
Number of roots (%) Vertucci’s classification (%)
Tooth group Number of teeth 1 2 3 4 I II III IV V VI VII VIII Other
Central incisor 3125 99.94 0.06 0 0 99.20 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.1 0 0 0 0
Lateral incisor 3068 99.94 0.06 0 0 98.50 0.8 0.2 0.1 0.4 0 0 0 0
Canine 3148 100 0 0 0 97.0 0.8 1.2 0.2 0.7 0 0 0 0.1
First premolar 2575 43.1 55.3 1.6 0 20.10 17.4 1.5 50.1 3.0 4.9 0.4 1.2 1.3
Second premolar 2345 86.2 13.5 0.3 0 42.70 18.7 4.0 17.6 9.6 6.3 0.5 0.4 0.3
First molar 8934 0.2 1.8 97.7 0.3
MB root 8934 39.10 29.3 1.6 26.0 2.0 1.4 0.1 0.1 0.4
DB root 7473 98.60 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.01 0 0 0
P root 8445 99.26 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0.04
Second molar 9570 10.7 14.9 73.7 0.7
MB root 9353 66.10 15.3 2.8 13.0 1.9 0.6 0.1 0.05 0.2
DB root 9570 99.60 0.2 0.07 0.1 0.03 0 0 0 0
P root 9570 99.67 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.05 0 0 0.01 0.01
In bold letters, the highest percentage frequency regarding the number of roots and canal configuration in each group of
teeth is highlighted. References: central and lateral incisors [94–99]; canine [94, 95, 97, 99–101]; first premolar [97,
102–105]; second premolar [97, 102–104, 106]; first molar (MB root) [97, 107–124]; first molar (DB root) [97, 107, 108,
111, 112, 114, 116–124]; first molar (palatal root) [97, 107–112, 114, 116–124]; second molar (DB and palatal roots) [97,
108–110, 112, 114, 117–123, 125, 126]; second molar (MB root) [97, 108, 110, 112–114, 117–123, 125, 126]
194 M. A. Versiani et al.

Table 7.15  Combined data from CBCT studies on root and root canal morphology of mandibular permanent teeth
Number of roots (%) Vertucci’s classification (%)
Tooth group Number of teeth 1 2 3 4 I II III IV V VI VII VIII Other
Central incisor 11,860 100 0 0 0 86.5 2.0 8.1 1.4 2.8 0 0.1 0 0.1
Lateral incisor 11,805 99.92 0.08 0 0 79.7 2.6 11.9 1.8 3.8 0 0.1 0 0.1
Canine 10,009 98.57 1.43 0 0 92.4 1.9 2.7 1.5 1.2 0 0 0 0.3
1st premolar 6043 97.5 2.5 0 0 71.3 2.3 2.8 3.5 18.7 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.7
2nd premolar 6350 98.5 1.5 0 0 84.7 0.7 0.5 0.3 13.4 0.07 0.04 0.05 0.2
1st molar 7388 0.55 86.9 12.5 0.05
Mesial root 7388 2.37 19.9 2.9 71.3 2.1 0.3 0.09 0.03 1.01
Distal root 6712 70.3 13.0 3.6 10.1 2.7 0.08 0.08 0 0.14
2nd molar 7439 19.0 78.6 2.2 0.2
Mesial root 6734 12.5 32.8 3.27 47.8 3.0 0.2 0.1 0 0.33
Distal root 7439 92.56 4.4 0.5 2.0 0.5 0.04 0 0 0
In bold letters, the highest percentage frequency regarding the number of roots and canal configuration in each group of
teeth is highlighted. References: central and lateral incisors [94, 97, 99, 127–134]; canine [94, 97, 99, 100, 127, 129,
133–135]; first premolar [97, 98, 103, 104, 136–142]; second premolar [96–98, 103, 104, 109, 137–140, 142–144]; first
molar (mesial root) [97, 118, 119, 145–154]; first molar (distal root) [97, 118, 119, 145–153, 155]; second molar (mesial
root) [97, 118, 119, 146, 147, 149, 151, 152, 156, 157]; second molar (distal root) [97, 109, 118, 119, 146, 147, 149,
151, 152, 155–158]

7.2 Maxillary Teeth Frontal View Lateral View

The term maxillary refers to the upper jaw, or


7.2.1 Maxillary Central Incisors

The maxillary central incisors are centered in the

maxilla, one on either side of the median line, with
the mesial surface of each in contact with the mesial
surface of the other. The pulp cavity follows the
general outline of the crown and root. In this way,
pulp chamber is very narrow in the incisal region
and wider in the mesiodistal dimension than in the
Transversal Cross-Sections
labiolingual dimension [3]. Morphological aspects
of the root and root canal anatomy of this tooth Coronal Third Middle Third Apical Third
group are detailed in Table 7.1, while Figs. 7.1, 7.2,
and 7.3 illustrate this tooth in various aspects.

7.2.2 Maxillary Lateral Incisors

The maxillary lateral incisor supplements the

central incisor in function, and the crowns bear a Fig. 7.1  Different views of the internal anatomy of a rep-
close resemblance; however, lateral incisor is resentative maxillary central incisor
7  Root Canal Anatomy of Maxillary and Mandibular Teeth 195

Fig. 7.2  3D models depicting the internal anatomy of maxillary central incisors
196 M. A. Versiani et al.

Fig. 7.3  3D models depicting the internal anatomy of maxillary central incisors
7  Root Canal Anatomy of Maxillary and Mandibular Teeth 197

Frontal View Lateral View size of the pulp chamber of this tooth may also
be the largest in the mouth [3]. Morphological
aspects of the root and root canal anatomy of
this tooth group are detailed in Table 7.3, while
Figs.  7.7, 7.8, and 7.9 illustrate this tooth in
various aspects.

7.2.4 Maxillary First Premolars

The premolars are so named because they are

anterior to the molars in the permanent dentition.
The maxillary first premolar has two cusps, a
buccal and a lingual, each being sharply defined.
The buccal cusp is usually about 1  mm longer
Transversal Cross-Sections than the lingual cusp, and, because of that, the
pulp horn usually extends further incisally under
Coronal Third Middle Third Apical Third the buccal cusp than the lingual cusp. The
maxillary first premolar may have two well-
developed roots, two root projections that are not
fully separated, or one broad root. The majority
of maxillary first premolars have two root canals,
but a small percentage of teeth may have three
roots that sometimes are undetectable radio-
graphically. The pulp chamber floor is below the
Fig. 7.4  Different views of the internal anatomy of a rep- cervical level of all the variations found in this
resentative maxillary lateral incisor tooth group [3]. Morphological aspects of the
root and root canal anatomy of this tooth group
smaller in all dimensions except root length. The are detailed in Table  7.4 and Fig.  7.10, while
pulp chamber is narrow in the incisal region and Figs. 7.11, 7.12, 7.13, and 7.14 illustrate maxil-
may become very wide at the cervical level of the lary premolars in various aspects.
tooth, while pulp horns are usually prominent
[3]. Morphological aspects of the root and root
canal anatomy of this tooth group are detailed in 7.2.5 Maxillary Second Premolars
Table 7.2, while Figs. 7.4, 7.5, and 7.6 illustrate
this tooth in various aspects. The maxillary second premolar supplements the
maxillary first premolar in function and closely
resembles maxillary first premolar. The maxil-
7.2.3 Maxillary Canines lary second premolar may have a crown that is
noticeably smaller cervico-occlusally and also
Maxillary canines are the longest teeth in the mesiodistally; however, it may also be larger in
mouth; the crowns are usually as long as those those dimensions. Usually the root of the sec-
of the maxillary central incisors, and the single ond premolar is as long as, if not a millimeter or
roots are longer than those of any of the other so longer than, that of the first premolar. Most
teeth. Therefore, maxillary canine has the larg- maxillary second premolars have only one root
est buccolingual root dimension of any tooth in and canal. Two roots are possible, although two
the mouth, and because the pulp cavity corre- canals within a single root may also be found.
sponds closely to the outline of the tooth, the The pulp cavity may demonstrate well-devel-
198 M. A. Versiani et al.

Fig. 7.5  3D models depicting the internal anatomy of maxillary lateral incisors
7  Root Canal Anatomy of Maxillary and Mandibular Teeth 199

Fig. 7.6  3D models depicting the internal anatomy of maxillary lateral incisors
200 M. A. Versiani et al.

Frontal View Lateral View The maxillary first molar is normally the largest
tooth in the maxillary arch. It has four well-
developed functioning cusps and one supple-
mental cusp of little practical use. The maxillary
first molar usually has three roots and four
canals. The palatal root usually has the largest
dimensions, followed by the mesiobuccal and
distobuccal roots, respectively. The mesiobuccal
root is often very wide buccolingually and usu-
ally possesses an accessory canal commonly
called MB2, which usually is the smallest of all
the canals in this tooth [3]. Maxillary molars
present the greatest clinical challenge for end-
odontic treatment. This is because the complex-
ity of the root canal system surpasses that of all
Transversal Cross-Sections
other teeth within the human dentition. More
Coronal Third Middle Third Apical Third extensive use of the clinical microscope has con-
tributed to the discovery that not only a fourth
canal but other additional canals also exist.
Morphological aspects of the root and root canal
anatomy of this tooth group are detailed in
Table 7.6 and Fig. 7.16, while Figs. 7.17, 7.18,
7.19, and 7.20 illustrate maxillary molar teeth in
various aspects.
Fig. 7.7  Different views of the internal anatomy of a rep-
resentative maxillary canine
7.2.7 Maxillary Second Molars

oped pulp horns; others may have blunted or The maxillary second molar supplements the first
nonexistent pulp horns. The pulp chamber and molar in function. The roots of this tooth are as
root canal are very broad in the buccolingual long as, if not somewhat longer than, those of the
aspect of teeth with single canals [3]. first molar. The tendency for root fusion is greater
Morphological aspects of the root and root canal in the second maxillary molar than in the first
anatomy of this tooth group are detailed in maxillary molar, but the palatal root is usually
Table 7.5 and Fig. 7.15, while Figs. 7.11, 7.12, separate. Most often maxillary second molars
7.13, and 7.14 illustrate maxillary premolars in possess three roots and three canals. The mesio-
various aspects. buccal root of the maxillary second molar is not
as complex as that formed in the maxillary first
molar. The tendency for a very wide mesiobuccal
7.2.6 Maxillary First Molars canal is not present in the maxillary second molar
[3]. Morphological aspects of the root and root
The maxillary molars are the largest and strongest canal anatomy of this tooth group are detailed in
maxillary teeth, by virtue both of their bulk and of Table  7.7 and Figs.  7.21 and 7.22, while
their anchorage in the jaws. The crown of this Figs. 7.17, 7.18, 7.19, and 7.20 illustrate maxil-
tooth is wider buccolingually than mesiodistally. lary molar teeth in various aspects.
7  Root Canal Anatomy of Maxillary and Mandibular Teeth 201

Fig. 7.8  3D models depicting the internal anatomy of maxillary canines

202 M. A. Versiani et al.

Fig. 7.9  3D models depicting the internal anatomy of maxillary canines

7  Root Canal Anatomy of Maxillary and Mandibular Teeth 203

Fig. 7.10 Different Frontal View Lateral View

views of the internal
anatomy of a
representative maxillary
first premolar

Transversal Cross-Sections

Coronal Third Middle Third Apical Third



7.3 Mandibular Teeth tal to the central incisors. The mandibular inci-
sors have smaller mesiodistal dimensions than
The term mandibular refers to the lower jaw, or any of the other teeth. The central incisor is
mandible. somewhat smaller than the lateral incisor, which
is the reverse of the situation in the maxilla.
These teeth are similar in form and have smooth
7.3.1 Mandibular Incisors crown surfaces that show few traces of develop-
mental lines. The mandibular central incisor is
The mandibular central incisors are centered in the smallest tooth in the mouth, but the bucco-
the mandible, one on either side of the median lingual dimension of its root is very large. This
line, with the mesial surface of each one in con- tooth usually has one canal; two canals may be
tact with the mesial surface of the other. The found, but not very frequently. The pulp horn is
right and left mandibular lateral incisors are dis- well developed in this tooth. The mandibular
204 M. A. Versiani et al.

Fig. 7.11  3D models depicting the internal anatomy of maxillary premolars

7  Root Canal Anatomy of Maxillary and Mandibular Teeth 205

Fig. 7.12  3D models depicting the internal anatomy of maxillary premolars

206 M. A. Versiani et al.

Fig. 7.13  3D models depicting the internal anatomy of three-rooted maxillary premolars
7  Root Canal Anatomy of Maxillary and Mandibular Teeth 207

Fig. 7.14  3D models depicting the internal anatomy of three-rooted maxillary premolars
208 M. A. Versiani et al.

Fig. 7.15 Different Frontal View Lateral View

views of the internal
anatomy of a
representative maxillary
second premolar

Transversal Cross-Sections

Coronal Third Middle Third Apical Third



lateral incisor tends to be a little larger than the 7.3.2 Mandibular Canines
mandibular central incisor in all dimensions,
and the pulp chamber is also larger. The pulp The mandibular canine crown is narrower mesio-
canal may taper gently from the apex or narrow distally than that of the maxillary canine, although
abruptly in the last 3–4  mm of the canal [3]. it is just as long in most instances and, in many
Morphological aspects of the root and root canal instances, is longer by 0.5–1 mm. The root may
anatomy of this tooth group are detailed in be as long as that of the maxillary canine, but
Table 7.8, while Figs. 7.23, 7.24, and 7.25 illus- usually it is somewhat shorter. The pulp cavity of
trate this tooth in various aspects. the mandibular canine tends to be a little shorter
7  Root Canal Anatomy of Maxillary and Mandibular Teeth 209

Frontal View Lateral View

Transversal Cross-Sections

Coronal Third Middle Third Apical Third


MB 2

MB 1

Fig. 7.16  Different views of the internal anatomy of a representative maxillary first molar

to that of the maxillary canine. A not rare varia- Table 7.9, while Figs. 7.26, 7.27, and 7.28 illus-
tion in the form of the mandibular canine is bifur- trate this tooth in various aspects.
cated roots, and it is also not uncommon to find
two roots or at least two canals. Because the pres-
ence of two canals cannot be easily detected 7.3.3 Mandibular First Premolars
radiographically, their presence must be ruled out
clinically as well. Some mandibular canines The first premolar is always the smaller of the
demonstrate an abrupt narrowing of the pulp cav- two mandibular premolars, whereas the opposite
ity when passing from the region of the pulp is true, in many cases, of the maxillary premo-
chamber to the region of the pulp canal. Other lars. Most of these teeth have one canal, but two
mandibular canines demonstrate an abrupt nar- or three canals are possible. The pulp chamber is
rowing of the pulp canal in the apical region [3]. usually very large, and the pulp cavity may taper
Morphological aspects of the root and root canal gently toward the apex or abruptly as the root
anatomy of this tooth group are detailed in canal starts. The root of the first premolar usually
210 M. A. Versiani et al.

Fig. 7.17  3D models depicting the internal anatomy of maxillary molars

shows a deep developmental groove which has 7.3.4 Mandibular Second Premolars
been associated with complex anatomical fea-
tures including C-shaped and extra root canals The second premolar has three well-formed cusps
[3]. Morphological aspects of the root and root in most cases, one large buccal cusp and two
canal anatomy of this tooth group are detailed in smaller lingual cusps. It usually has one root and
Table 7.10 and Fig. 7.29, while Figs. 7.30, 7.31, canal that may be curved, but usually in the distal
and 7.32 illustrate mandibular premolar teeth in direction. The pulp horns are prominent, and the
various aspects. pulp chamber and root canal gently taper toward
7  Root Canal Anatomy of Maxillary and Mandibular Teeth 211

Fig. 7.18  3D models depicting the internal anatomy of maxillary molars

the apex. The single root of the second premolar is 7.3.5 Mandibular First Molars
larger and longer than that of the first premolar.
The root is seldom, if ever, bifurcated, although The mandibular first molar is usually the largest
some specimens show a deep developmental tooth in the mandibular arch. It has five well-­
groove buccally [3]. Morphological aspects of the developed cusps and two well-developed roots,
root and root canal anatomy of this tooth group one mesial and one distal, which are very broad
are detailed in Table  7.11 and Fig.  7.33, while buccolingually. These roots are widely separated
Figs.  7.30, 7.31, and 7.32 illustrate mandibular at the apices. The buccolingual cross section of
premolar teeth in various aspects. the mandibular first molar demonstrates a large
212 M. A. Versiani et al.

Fig. 7.19  3D models depicting the internal anatomy of maxillary molars

pulp chamber that may extend well down into the and 7.40 illustrate mandibular molar teeth in vari-
root formation. The mesial root usually has a ous aspects.
more complicated root canal system because of
the presence of two canals. The distal root usu-
ally has one large canal, but two canals are often 7.3.6 Mandibular Second Molars
present. Occasionally, a fourth canal is present
that has its own separate root [3]. Morphological Normally, the second molar has four well-­
aspects of the root and root canal anatomy of this developed cusps, two buccal and two lingual, of
tooth group are detailed in Table  7.12 and nearly equal development. The tooth has two well-
Fig. 7.34, while Figs. 7.35, 7.36, 7.37, 7.38, 7.39, developed roots, one mesial and one distal. These
7  Root Canal Anatomy of Maxillary and Mandibular Teeth 213

Fig. 7.20  3D models depicting the internal anatomy of maxillary molars with fusion or gemination

roots are broad buccolingually, but they are not as shown to be very useful in revealing the com-
broad as those of the first molar, nor are they as plexity of the root canal system and for classify-
widely separated. The buccolingual section of the ing anatomically several root canal configuration
mandibular second molar demonstrates a pulp types. Consequently, some results from studies
chamber and pulp canals that tend to be more vari- using this method were previously detailed in
able and complex than those found in the mandib- this chapter. However, diaphanization is a time-­
ular first molar [3]. Morphological aspects of the consuming procedure, and, because of its
root and root canal anatomy of this tooth group are destructive nature, irreversible changes and arti-
detailed in Table  7.13 and Fig.  7.41, while facts are produced in the specimens.
Figs. 7.35, 7.36, 7.37, 7.38, 7.39, and 7.40 illus- Consequently, past studies using this technique
trate mandibular molar teeth in various aspects. were restricted in terms of sample size and,
moreover, prone to methodological shortcom-
ings. To overcome some of these drawbacks,
7.4  oot Canal Configuration
R nondestructive imaging technologies, such as
in Epidemiological Studies micro-CT and CBCT, have been proposed for
the study of root and canal anatomy. The most
Dental diaphanization has been widely used in important advantage of using CBCT in this type
the study of anatomical features of the root and of study is the possibility of performing in vivo
root canal system. This technique has been analysis of large populations, addressing the
214 M. A. Versiani et al.

Frontal View Lateral View

Transversal Cross-Sections

Coronal Third Middle Third Apical Third


MB 2
MB 2
MB 1

MB 1

Fig. 7.21  Different views of the internal anatomy of a representative maxillary second molar

influence of several variables such as ethnicity, aiming to offer an overview of the percentage
aging, gender, etc. In Chap. 6, the main results frequency of different number of roots and root
obtained in the in vivo and ex vivo morphologi- canal configuration types in all groups of teeth
cal research studies of distinct groups of teeth (Tables 7.14 and 7.15). Despite most of the
using CBCT and micro-CT methods were highest percentage frequencies observed in
described. In this chapter, outcomes from epide- these studies were in accordance with results
miological studies using CBCT in large popula- obtained by conventional methods, newest
tions, in which both root and root canal anatomy information regarding root canal configuration
were evaluated, were selected and combined, are now available.
7  Root Canal Anatomy of Maxillary and Mandibular Teeth 215

Fig. 7.22  3D models depicting the internal anatomy of maxillary second molars with fused roots (Courtesy of Dr.
216 M. A. Versiani et al.

Fig. 7.23 Different Frontal View Lateral View

views of the internal
anatomy of a
mandibular incisor

Transversal Cross-Sections

Coronal Third Middle Third Apical Third

7  Root Canal Anatomy of Maxillary and Mandibular Teeth 217

Fig. 7.24  3D models depicting the internal anatomy of mandibular incisors

218 M. A. Versiani et al.

Fig. 7.25  3D models depicting the internal anatomy of mandibular incisors

7  Root Canal Anatomy of Maxillary and Mandibular Teeth 219

Fig. 7.26 Different Frontal View Lateral View

views of the internal
anatomy of a
mandibular canine

Transversal Cross-Sections

Coronal Third Middle Third Apical Third

220 M. A. Versiani et al.

Fig. 7.27  3D models depicting the internal anatomy of mandibular canines

7  Root Canal Anatomy of Maxillary and Mandibular Teeth 221

Fig. 7.28  3D models depicting the internal anatomy of double-rooted mandibular canines
222 M. A. Versiani et al.

Fig. 7.29 Different Frontal View Lateral View

views of the internal
anatomy of a
mandibular first

Transversal Cross-Sections

Coronal Third Middle Third Apical Third

7  Root Canal Anatomy of Maxillary and Mandibular Teeth 223

Fig. 7.30  3D models depicting the internal anatomy of mandibular premolars

224 M. A. Versiani et al.

Fig. 7.31  3D models depicting the internal anatomy of mandibular premolars

7  Root Canal Anatomy of Maxillary and Mandibular Teeth 225

Fig. 7.32  3D models depicting the internal anatomy of mandibular premolars

226 M. A. Versiani et al.

Fig. 7.33 Different Frontal View Lateral View

views of the internal
anatomy of a
mandibular second

Transversal Cross-Sections

Coronal Third Middle Third Apical Third

7  Root Canal Anatomy of Maxillary and Mandibular Teeth 227

Frontal View Lateral View

Transversal Cross-Sections

Coronal Third Middle Third Apical Third

Mesial Distal MV


Fig. 7.34  Different views of the internal anatomy of a representative mandibular first molar
228 M. A. Versiani et al.

Fig. 7.35  3D models depicting the internal anatomy of mandibular molars

7  Root Canal Anatomy of Maxillary and Mandibular Teeth 229

Fig. 7.36  3D models depicting the internal anatomy of mandibular molars

230 M. A. Versiani et al.

Fig. 7.37  3D models depicting the internal anatomy of mandibular molars

7  Root Canal Anatomy of Maxillary and Mandibular Teeth 231

Fig. 7.38  3D models depicting the internal anatomy of the mesial root of mandibular molars with middle mesial canals
232 M. A. Versiani et al.

Fig. 7.39  3D models depicting the internal anatomy of mandibular molars with C-shaped canal configuration
7  Root Canal Anatomy of Maxillary and Mandibular Teeth 233

Fig. 7.40  3D models depicting the internal anatomy of mandibular molars with radix
234 M. A. Versiani et al.

Fig. 7.41 Different Frontal View Lateral View

views of the internal
anatomy of a
mandibular second

Transversal Cross-Sections

Coronal Third Middle Third Apical Third

Mesial Distal

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mandibular first molars analyzed by cone-beam lar molars in Chinese individuals. Int Endod J.
computed tomography in a Korean population: vari- 2011;44:990–9.
The Complexity of the Apical
Domenico Ricucci, Elizeu A. Pascon,
and José F. Siqueira Jr.

Abstract 8.1 Introduction

The apical portion of the root canal system is
characterized by a very complex and variable There is general agreement that the root canal sys-
anatomy. The main canal displays a constric- tem anatomy in the apical region, with its physio-
tion located slightly short of the main apical logical and pathological variations, can rarely be
foramen, but ramifications are common. After fully anticipated on the basis of conventional peri-
pulp exposure by caries, necrosis and infec- apical radiographs or cone beam computed tomog-
tion progress slowly in an apical direction and raphy (CBCT). This includes ramifications and
give rise to apical periodontitis, even before lateral canals, frequently present in the apical third,
the pulp is completely necrotic and infected. the fine variations in the topography of their foram-
Bacteria infecting the apical portion of the ina, and also the sequelae of infection/inflamma-
root canal system are the main cause of post- tion, such as resorption and calcification.
treatment apical periodontitis. The ideal api- The complexity of the root canal anatomy in
cal limit of endodontic procedures is the the apical third and the preoperative histologic
apical constriction, but this structure is not and microbiologic conditions of the pulp tissue
always present. Pathologic changes, such as can be regarded as the two major factors affecting
resorption of the apical root structure and the success rate of the endodontic treatment [1,
canal calcification, may make it difficult to 2]. Inflammation—up to necrosis—of the pulp
establish an adequate working length for end- tissue consequent to caries, trauma, or periodon-
odontic procedures. In the light of the histo- tal disease may considerably alter the apical den-
logical and microbiological conditions of the tin and cementum, resulting in morphological
apical pulp tissue, the apical patency concept changes that may have an impact on root canal
seems justified in cases with pulp necrosis/ instrumentation and obturation procedures.

D. Ricucci, M.D., D.D.S. (*) 8.2 Anatomical Features

Private Practice, Cetraro, Italy of the Apical Root Canal
e-mail: System (in the Absence
E. A. Pascon, D.D.S., M.Sc., Ph.D. of Pathology)
Private Practice, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
J. F. Siqueira Jr., D.D.S., M.Sc., Ph.D. The root canal usually narrows toward the apex
Department of Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, and then expands to form the apical foramen.
Estácio de Sá University, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2019 241

M. A. Versiani et al. (eds.), The Root Canal Anatomy in Permanent Dentition,
242 D. Ricucci et al.

The narrowest part of the canal forms the apical The analysis of the mineralized tissue topog-
constriction, which is located just short of the raphy (dentin and cementum) forming the apical
apical foramen. Its distance to the apical fora- structure and their interrelationship deserves par-
men varies from 0.5 to 1 mm in teeth from indi- ticular attention. The cementum layering the
viduals with different ages [3–5]. The external apical surface folds into the foraminal
configuration of exclusively a single canal, with opening extending to varying distances in coro-
no ramifications, terminating at the geometrical nal direction. The area where the cementum ends
top of the root (Fig. 8.1) is relatively uncommon. in the apical canal is called cementum-dentin
In more than 60% of the teeth, the apical fora- junction (CDJ). In the past, it was believed that
men is not located at the root apex, and the dis- the CDJ coincided with the smaller diameter or
tance between the apical foramen and the “apical constriction” [8, 9]. Thus, it was recom-
radiographic apex ranges from 0 to 3 mm [3, 6]. mended that this point be the apical limit of root
Kuttler [3] observed that the mean apex-to-fora- canal instrumentation and obturation procedures
men distance was 0.48 mm for young individu- [10]. However, histologic observations show that
als and 0.6  mm for older ones, while Dummer the CDJ rarely coincides with the apical constric-
et al. [4] reported a mean apex-to-­foramen dis- tion. In longitudinal sections cut through the api-
tance in anterior teeth of 0.36 mm. The fact that cal canal, the CDJ is frequently observed to be
the main foramen frequently ends at a location several millimeters higher on one wall than on
short of the root apex (Fig.  8.2) represents a the opposite wall [1, 11, 12] (Fig. 8.3).
problem for the endodontist, because this condi- It is also salient to address the characteristics
tion can only be recognized in the radiographs of the soft tissue present in the apical canal.
when the foramen exits on the mesial or distal Odontoblasts are absent in the funnel-shaped
aspect of the root [7]. foraminal area. Therefore, in the very end of the

a b

Fig. 8.1  Examples of single root canals ending approximately at the geometrical top of the root. (a) Single-rooted
maxillary third molar. (b) Distal root of a mandibular first molar (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification ×16)
8  The Complexity of the Apical Anatomy 243

a b

Fig. 8.2 (a, b) Mesial roots of mandibular first molars. Sections show foramens ending at a location short of the radio-
graphic apices (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification ×16)

It has to be kept in mind, however, that the

discussion on the combination of tissues present
in the apical end of the canal may be purely aca-
demic, with little or no practical impact on the
clinic. In fact, it is a common occurrence that the
main canal in the apical third divides into two or
more branches, each ending on the external root
surface with a distinct foramen.
The anatomical complexity of the root canal
system, and particularly of the apical third, has
been discussed in the dental literature since the
beginning of the last century. Several studies
have been published describing the varying anas-
Fig. 8.3  Maxillary premolar with apical periodontitis.
The CDJ is located at different levels on opposite walls,
tomosing canal system [13, 14]. Kuttler [3]
and it does not coincide with the apical constriction ­provided a deep morphological analysis of the
(hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification ×16) apical root region.
In the past, the most commonly used methods
canal, the tissue should not be called pulp tissue, for studying the root canal anatomy and to ascer-
as it is indistinguishable from the adjacent peri- tain the presence of ramifications of the main
odontal ligament. In fact, it is constituted mainly canal, as well as localization and number of
by fibroblasts and collagen bundles, and it is foramina, were based on tooth clearing [15, 16].
crossed by numerous vessels and nerves entering Images were obtained showing that in some
the pulp space. instances the apical anatomy of all teeth were
244 D. Ricucci et al.

a b

Fig. 8.4 Cleared roots of teeth whose canals were Mesial root of a mandibular first molar showing a very
injected with a dye. (a) Maxillary canine. An apical delta complex apical anatomy (Courtesy of Dr. G.  Riitano.
with several branches is present in the apical root end. (b) From collection of Dr. F. Riitano)

very complex, with the main canal dividing into

two or more branches that give rise to an intricate
system (Fig. 8.4). These observations raised the
concern that, from a clinical point of view, there
could not be correspondence between the shape
of endodontic files and the apical canal morphol-
ogy [16] (Fig. 8.4).
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) has also
been widely used in the study of morphology,
location, and number of foraminal openings [17]
(Fig. 8.5). The limitation of this methodology is
that it allows exclusively for the observation of
the external surface of the structure under investi-
Fig. 8.5  Apex of the distal root of a mandibular first
gation. Therefore, only the external apical sur-
molar examined with SEM. Four foraminal openings are
face can be analyzed, together with the outer present (Courtesy of Dr. Pablo Ensinas)
morphology of foramina.
The advent of three-dimensional (3D) imag- of lateral canals and/or apical ramifications was
ing, specifically the micro-computed tomography approximately 75%. Ramifications were reported
(micro-CT), has overcome most limitations of to occur more commonly in the apical portion
previous investigation techniques. This technol- and in posterior teeth [15]. Vertucci [22] reported
ogy is nondestructive and has the great advantage that ramifications are found in the apical third of
that the internal anatomy of teeth can be recon- the root in 73.5% of the cases, while in the mid-
structed and observed from various angles dle third and in the coronal third, they are
[18–20]. observed in 11% and in 15%, respectively.
The frequency of ramifications deserves par- Using a micro-CT approach that involved
ticular attention. Ricucci and Siqueira [21] in a centerline-­fitting algorithm, Xu et  al. [23]
sample of 493 human teeth investigated with assessed the morphologic features of lateral
light microscopy found that the overall ­prevalence canals in the apical 3  mm of 204 permanent
8  The Complexity of the Apical Anatomy 245

teeth. They found lateral canals (total number The reported prevalence of apical deltas in
178) in 93 apical root segments. The number of human permanent teeth may vary considerably
lateral canals varied from 1 to 7 per root. and is likely dependent on the geographical areas
Interestingly the median diameter of the ramifi- where the studies were conducted, the tooth type,
cations was 67.0 μm (data ranging from 16.7 to and the analytical methods. In a Turkish popula-
238.4 μm). tion, the prevalence of apical deltas was found to
A distinction is made between lateral canals be as high as 23.5% in mandibular lateral inci-
and apical deltas. Lateral canals are those sors, while it was 9.8% in mandibular central
­branching from the main canal, which is still dis- incisors and 7.8% in mandibular canines [25].
tinguishable up to its exit. On the other hand, the
morphological pattern observed when a root
canal divides into three or more ramifications 8.3 Histopathologic Facts
near the root apex, with the main canal becoming Affecting the Apical Dentin-­
indistinguishable, is referred to as “apical delta” Pulp Complex
[24]. The apical delta can be defined as an intri-
cate system of spaces within the root canal that Establishment of pulp necrosis and bacterial col-
allows free passage of blood vessels and nerves onization in the root canal has a profound impact
from the periapical compartment to the pulp tis- on the condition of the apical canal system, which
sue [24]. may adversely affect the outcome of endodontic
Using a large sample from a native Chinese treatment procedures. The successive events tak-
population (1400 permanent teeth; 100 teeth for ing place in the progress of pulp degeneration are
each tooth type except for the third molar), Gao discussed next.
et al. [24] investigated the frequency and the mor- When the pulp is exposed by caries, acute
phologic features of apical deltas in human teeth inflammation usually takes place and conse-
with micro-CT and a centerline-fitting algorithm. quently leads to the establishment of necrotic
A total of 136 apical deltas were detected, and the areas in the coronal pulp. Bacteria from the caries
prevalence of the apical delta was 9.7% (6.3%, biofilm usually invade and colonize the necrotic
8.8%, and 15.8% in anterior, premolars, and compartments of tissue. The advance of inflam-
molars, respectively). Of the 136 apical deltas, mation, necrosis, and infection through the pulp
634 apical delta branches, ranging from 3 to 18, tissue in an apical direction is usually a slow pro-
were detected. Data concerning vertical exten- cess. In early stages, tissue areas involved by
sion of the apical deltas is especially relevant necrosis are minimal. Bacteria are observed in
from a clinical perspective. The median vertical the necrotic tissue, surrounded by a concentration
distance from the beginning of the first apical of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs). An
delta branch to the apex was 1.87 mm (ranging accumulation of chronic inflammatory cells sur-
from 0.62 to 5.08 mm), and 13% (18/136) were rounds the area with acute inflammation, while
more than 3 mm long. According to this numbers, the rest of the pulp can be vital and free from sig-
if 3 mm of the apical structure are resected during nificant pathological changes. With passage of
surgical procedures, in 87% of the cases, the api- time, successively larger areas of the coronal
cal deltas with infecting bacterial biofilms will be pulp become involved by necrosis and infection,
fully removed. However, the other 13% of the and the process trespasses the root canal orifices
apical deltas with longer vertical extensions to reach the radicular pulp tissue, gradually
would harbor exposed biofilm-infected ramifica- advancing toward the apical part of the root canal.
tions. Therefore, a valid practical recommenda- Contrary to a widely held opinion, it is not
tion is to meticulously observe the resected necessary that the entire pulp becomes necrotic
surface under surgical microscope with dyes for and the frontline of infection reaches the apical
remaining ramifications and eventually extend foramen for apical periodontitis to develop. Early
the resection length accordingly [24]. inflammatory changes can be observed in the
246 D. Ricucci et al.

a­ pical periodontal tissues even when necrosis is into ramifications with the intention “of filling
still confined to the pulp chamber. In many teeth, them.” In fact, this might create an unnecessary
widening of the periodontal ligament space can larger wound.
be radiographically discernible at this stage. In later stages, as necrosis and bacterial
From a clinical perspective, it is important to infection are progressing in an apical direction,
point out that most of the tissue present in lat- a distinct area of transition between necrotic
eral canals and apical ramifications is vital and and viable pulp tissue is often observed. This is
free from bacterial colonization [2, 12, 26–28] characterized by the following gradient of tis-
(Figs.  8.6 and 8.7). These ramifications are sue r­eactions: necrosis/infection–acute inflam-
unlikely to be debrided with contemporary mation–chronic inflammation–uninflamed
instrumentation devices and protocols. On the tissue.
contrary, maintaining the vitality of the tissue in Vital, although inflamed, tissue can be
these spaces is advantageous (Fig. 8.8). Thus, in observed in the apical canal also in a certain
all cases where vital tissue is observed in the ­number of cases where a frank periapical radio-
root canals, after working length is established lucency is observed (Fig. 8.9). In a histological
at or near the apical constriction with an elec- study based on serial sections of 50 apices with
tronic apex locator and confirmed with radio- apical periodontitis lesions, Ricucci et  al. [28]
graphs, it is advised that instrumentation be observed the presence of vital tissue with vary-
performed without the use of high concentra- ing degrees of inflammation in the apical por-
tions of sodium hypochlorite, and no attempts tion of the canal in 18 cases, which is in about
should be taken to force obturation materials one-third of the specimens. Explanation for this

a b

Fig. 8.6 (a, b) Apex of the mesial root of a mandibular a­ pical ramification (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnifi-
first molar with the clinical diagnosis of irreversible pulpi- cation ×25 and ×50)
tis. Vital tissue is present in the main canal and in the
8  The Complexity of the Apical Anatomy 247

a b

Fig. 8.7 (a) Maxillary second premolar with caries pen- ter of the main canal, displaying a large apical ramifica-
etrating the pulp chamber and the clinical diagnosis of tion. Vital pulp tissue can be observed. Note the thickened
irreversible pulpitis. The radiograph shows widening of periodontal tissue remaining attached to the root at extrac-
the PDL space around the apex. (b) Section cut at the cen- tion (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification ×16)

is simple in terms of inflammation and immu- helps explain the high rate of success in treat-
nology. As the frontline of infection advances in ment of teeth with apical periodontitis with
an apical direction, the inflamed tissue also instrumentation limited to 1  mm short of the
retreats. The extent of the inflamed tissue will apex [29].
vary from case to case, but it is not restricted to The explanation for the resistance of this
a small area adjacent to the frontline of infec- apical pulp tissue to necrosis likely resides in
tion. Bacterial virulence factors may diffuse the circulatory system present in the apical
through the tissues and cause inflammation in a region of the root canal system. The apical third
large area, not only restricted to the narrow area is the area where ramifications of the main
immediately in contact with the most advanced canal are abundant, and neurovascular bundles
bacteria. enter from the rich circulatory network of the
From a clinical viewpoint, the important fact periodontal ligament. This allows for the con-
is that the most advanced front of bacterial tinuous arrival of nutrients and oxygen, as well
infection is in many cases confined to a more as defense cells and molecules in that most api-
coronal position in the main canal lumen cal area that guarantee survival and oppose bac-
(Fig. 8.9b). Therefore, the inflamed connective terial advance.
tissue remaining in the most apical portion may However, if no treatment is provided, it is
not be colonized by bacteria, which is similar to highly likely that, with passage of time, the last
the periradicular inflammatory tissue. This con- portion of apical tissue, including the tissue in
dition is referred to as “partial necrosis” and ramifications, will be inevitably affected by
248 D. Ricucci et al.

necrosis and infection (Fig. 8.10). When infec-

tion reaches the entire extent of the root canal
system up to the apical foramen (and some-
times slightly beyond), possibly affecting api-
cal r­ amifications, complete disinfection
becomes a significant challenge for clinicians.
This is confirmed by histopathologic and histo-
bacteriologic analyses of tissue biopsies con-
sisting of apex and periapical pathologic
tissues, which were obtained by surgical proce-
dures. They displayed that biofilms residing in
apical intricacies of the canal system were not
affected by chemomechanical preparation fol-
lowed by long-term calcium hydroxide medica-
tion [30]. Persistent infection was also observed
even when different irrigants were used in the
same canals and each of them activated by
ultrasonics [31]. Histologic research also did
not lend credit to the common belief that “fill-
ing” the ramifications with obturation materials
would kill bacteria [21]. An in vivo study con-
Fig. 8.8 Buccal root of a maxillary first premolar that was ducted in human teeth demonstrated that obtu-
extracted because the tooth was non-restorable. The pulp was
ration materials squeezed into lateral canals
vital and the canals were instrumented with NiTi files before
extraction. Working length was established 1.5 mm short of and ramifications do not exert significant anti-
the radiographic apex. The section shows that short instrumen- bacterial effects, and bacterial biofilms were
tation respected the tissue present in the apical delta, which observed to remain undisturbed into those
appears vital and continuous with a widened periodontal liga-
spaces [32].
ment (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification ×25)

a b c

Fig. 8.9 Mandibular premolar with the diagnosis of The vital tissue in the apical canal is free from bacteria.
necrotic pulp, extracted with an apical periodontitis lesion Bacterial biofilms can be observed in the necrotic portion of
attached. (a) Section showing that the canal ends on the left the canal, located more coronally (arrow) (Taylor’s modified
side and a ramification is present on the opposite site. Vital Brown & Brenn, original magnification ×16). (c) Section
tissue is present in the apical canal (hematoxylin-­eosin, origi- taken approximately 50 sections away from those in (a, b),
nal magnification ×25). (b) Section proximal to that in (a). displaying a third foramen (original magnification ×16)
8  The Complexity of the Apical Anatomy 249

a b c

Fig. 8.10  Mandibular premolar with necrotic pulp. (a) are present in the irregularities of the canal walls.
Section cut at the center of the canal showing a delta. Concentrations of PMNs in the lumen, intermixed with
Necrotic tissue and bacterial aggregation can be observed scattered bacterial cells (original magnification ×400). (c)
in ramifications (Taylor’s modified Brown & Brenn, origi- Magnification of the area indicated by the upper arrow in
nal magnification ×16). (b) Magnification of the area of (a). Large biofilm surrounded by PMNs (original magnifi-
ramification indicated by the lower arrow in (a). Biofilms cation ×400)

8.4 Changes in the Apical In teeth with apical periodontitis, both cemen-

Structure as a Result tum and dentin may be resorbed to varying
of Pathologic Conditions extents, up to the point that resorption can be
appreciated on the radiograph. Histologic sec-
Two opposite phenomena may take place conse- tions show loss of hard tissue, enlargement of the
quent to inflammation/infection of the pulp tis- foraminal region (Fig. 8.11a), and shortening of
sue, namely, resorption and apposition of the apical structure with loss of the apical con-
mineralized tissue, i.e., calcification. striction (Fig. 8.11b).
Odontoclasts are the cells responsible for Dystrophic calcifications can also be observed in
tooth resorption. They are motile, multinucleated the apical canal third as pulp stones embedded in the
giant cells and are formed by the fusion of mono- apical canal walls or free in the canal lumen. In addi-
nuclear precursor cells of the monocyte-­ tion, cementum may sometimes show considerable
macrophage lineage. Their morphology is similar thickness, in a condition known as hypercementosis.
to that of osteoclasts. These cells are attracted to Both resorption and calcifications may interfere with
the site of injury by bacterial products or by the proper apical instrumentation, including difficulties
release of pro-inflammatory cytokines produced to establish an adequate working length and to
by host cells. Odontoclasts adhere to the root sur- debride/disinfect the apical canal segment.
face, dissolve the mineralized tissue, degrade the
organic matrix, and create resorption depressions
underneath them on the tooth surface, called 8.5 Apical Limit of Root Canal
Howship’s lacunae. Histologically, resorption Instrumentation
lacunae may be observed on the apical root canal and Obturation: Still
walls of teeth with partial pulp necrosis, when the a Controversial Issue
apical tissue is still vital. When necrosis reaches
the most apical canal, areas of previous resorp- Precise working length determination is an essen-
tion can be seen as irregularities of the walls, tial step in root canal treatment. The length of
often colonized by bacterial biofilms [2]. canal preparation and obturation is a significant
250 D. Ricucci et al.

a b

Fig. 8.11 (a) Maxillary second premolar with necrotic Mandibular second premolar with necrotic pulp and a
pulp and a large apical periodontitis lesion. Section cut large apical periodontitis lesion. Section cut through the
through the canal shows resorption of the foraminal walls. foramen. Resorption has removed mineralized tissue, to
Note the biofilms in the canal lumen (Taylor’s modified the point that the root end appears blunt (hematoxylin-
Brown & Brenn, original magnification ×16). (b) eosin, original magnification ×25)

predictor of successful outcome in endodontics The apical constriction is the narrowest part of
[29, 33, 34]. However, in the light of the dis- the root canal with the smallest diameter of blood
cussed variations in the normal anatomy in supply, and preparation to this point results in a
“healthy” teeth and the morphological changes small wound site and optimal healing conditions
occurring as a consequence of pulp inflamma- [11]. The apical constriction is advocated by many
tion/necrosis, the problem of the apical limit of authors as the ideal and practical point where the
endodontic procedures is far from reaching con- endodontic procedures should end [4, 6, 39]
sensus. Gluskin [35] stated that the only thing we regardless of the type of tissue present on opposite
can say “…is that the anatomy is unpredictable… walls [2, 11, 12] (Fig. 8.3). However, it has to be
and the positions we choose to fill out root canals taken into consideration that the apical constric-
are inconsistent.” tion may be absent in cases with pulp necrosis and
There seems to be general agreement that the apical periodontitis lesions, because root apical
original Schilder’s recommendation of using the resorption of varying severity may have taken
radiographic apex as the practical apical limit of place [27, 28, 40] (Fig. 8.11). Still, in such circum-
endodontic instrumentation and obturation [36, stances an effort must be made to confine end-
37] is in contrast to any biological concepts and odontic procedures within the root canal limits.
evidence. In fact, Schilder’s recommendation Locating the apical constriction or, in its
invariably results in instrumentation beyond the absence, the endpoint of the root canal space is
root canal limit, inside the adjacent periodontal not always an easy task using common clinical
ligament [11, 12]. The vast majority of endodon- means. To determine the length of each root
tic schools teach to restrict the operative proce- canal, a careful study of properly exposed radio-
dures within the root canal limits, which is short graphs, tactile sensation, and knowledge of api-
of the radiographic apex [38]. cal anatomy, supplemented with the use of an
Although inconsistent [11, 12] (Fig. 8.3), the electronic apex locator, will assist the clinician in
CDJ is still indicated by many as the ideal point establishing the correct working length. After the
for termination of the endodontic procedures first electronic apex locator (EAL) was intro-
[10]. Although it is admitted that the position and duced in 1962 [41], the first two generations of
anatomy of the CDJ may vary considerably from EALs were found to be unreliable when com-
tooth to tooth, from root to root, and from wall to pared with radiographs, with many of the read-
wall in each canal, it continues to be erroneously ings being significantly longer or shorter than the
believed that this point coincides with the apical accepted working length [10], and this was par-
constriction [39]. ticularly frequent in the presence of conductive
8  The Complexity of the Apical Anatomy 251

fluids in the canal. The main shortcoming of early On the other hand, no individual technique is
apex locators was overcome by the adoption of truly satisfactory in determining endodontic
multiple frequencies to determine the distance working length [10].
from the end of the canal and with the introduc- From a wound-healing perspective, very
tion of the “ratio method” [42]. good results are observed when root canal treat-
Most modern EALs are capable of recording ment procedures are restricted to the confines of
the point where the tissues of the periodontal the root canal system, i.e., at or near the apical
ligament begin outside the root canal [43]. constriction (Fig.  8.12a, b), and infection is
However, it must be kept in mind that, although effectively controlled. In most cases, the tissue
modern EALs are reported to have more than in the very apical segment of the canal and in
90% accuracy, they still have some limitations. contact with the filling material can remain vital

a b c d

e f

Fig. 8.12  Mandibular second premolar with vital pulp The foramen appears completely closed by mineralized
at the moment it was endodontically treated, 13  years tissue in this section, but the presence of vital tissue in
earlier. (a) The radiograph shows caries destruction of the foramen indicates that there must be an opening for
the crown and the coronal portion of the root. Periapical vessels in the neighboring section (hematoxylin-eosin,
conditions are normal. The tooth was extracted and pro- original magnification ×100). (d) Magnification of the
cessed for histologic evaluation. (b) Photograph of the area indicated by the arrow in (c). Uninflamed connec-
apical third at the end of the demineralization process, tive tissue in contact with the obturation material (origi-
while the specimen is immersed in the clearing agent. nal magnification ×400). (e) Section cut through the exit
The obturated apical canal can be seen, but apical rami- of the ramification running horizontally in (b) (original
fications, apparently not injected with obturation materi- magnification ×100). (f) High power view of the area
als, can also be distinguished. (c) Section cut indicated by the arrow in (e). Uninflamed connective tis-
approximately at the center of the canal, encompassing sue with fibroblasts and collagen fibers, adjacent to
the apical end of the filling (almost entirely removed by small masses of obturation materials (original magnifi-
histological processing). Soft tissue is present apically. cation ×400)
252 D. Ricucci et al.

and uninflamed (Fig.  8.12c, d). This tissue 8.6  he Complexity of the Apical
strand is continuous with the periodontal tissue, Anatomy and the Concept
and its origin can be either a tissue remaining in of Apical Patency
the apical end after instrumentation or a peri-
odontal tissue ingrowing into the apical canal. The apical patency concept is another reason of
The apical foramen may be narrowed by the controversy in endodontics. In its original defini-
deposition of concentric layers of cementum tion, “patency” means the use of “a small flexible
(Fig. 8.12c, d), but total closure is seldom if ever K-file, which will passively move through the
observed [44]. apical constricture without widening it” [45]. The
The fate of the tissue present in apical ramifi- intention is to keep the very apical portion of the
cations or deltas is relevant to the clinical out- canal free from debris accumulation and to allow
come. In cases with vital noninfected tissue in antibacterial irrigants to penetrate the full length
ramifications at the time of treatment (Figs. 8.6, of the canal. The concept gained popularity
8.7, and 8.9), if the pulp tissue is severed to a among clinicians and dental schools [38], to the
level that mechanical instrumentation does not point that it was included in the Glossary of
interfere with the tissue present in ramifications Endodontic Terms by the American Association
(Fig.  8.8), and no filling materials are pushed of Endodontists [46].
into these spaces, the vitality of the tissue will In general, the discussion on advantages and
be maintained by the vessels entering from the disadvantages of “apical patency” does not seem
rich circulatory network present in the peri- to consider the different histological and micro-
odontal ligament, the result being a healthy con- biological conditions of the apical pulp tissue. In
nective tissue with fibroblasts and collagen fact, in teeth with pulp necrosis, where the possi-
bundles (Fig.  8.12e, f) [21]. This picture is bility that the frontline of infection has reached
totally different from cases with long-standing the apical foraminal area, the use of a patency file
pulp necrosis, in which necrosis and bacterial may theoretically favor mechanical disruption of
colonization are established in the apical ramifi- the biofilms and help diffusion of irrigants in the
cations (Fig.  8.10). Instruments and irrigants most apical canal [47]. However, histobacterio-
cannot effectively reach and disinfect these logic analysis of failed cases showed that, despite
areas. Intracanal medication can sometimes fail the use of a patency file, all apical ramifications,
to significantly improve disinfection in these including those with a straight course, harbored a
regions. Therefore, infection spread to lateral or biofilm [31]. On the other hand, a patency file
apical ramifications can result in apical peri- might potentially cause extrusion of debris and
odontitis lesions that are recalcitrant to treat- irrigants into the periapical area leading to post-
ment in the short term, with occurrence of operative pain. From the analysis of the literature,
persistent symptoms [30], or in the long term, it is not clear whether the use of a patency file has
with lesions that become larger at follow-ups an influence on debris extrusion through the fora-
[31]. In such cases, histobacteriologic analysis men. Clinical studies showed that maintaining
of biopsies consisting of the apex with sur- apical patency did not increase the occurrence of
rounding pathologic tissue obtained during sur- postoperative pain and flare-up [48, 49]. In all
gical endodontic procedures demonstrated the cases with apical ramifications or deltas, the
presence of bacteria/bacterial biofilms, which important aspect to be considered is that a patency
were not affected by the root canal treatment file will follow just one of the branches (the one
procedures [30, 31]. On the other hand, the long with the straightest route), with no effects on the
heralded idea that filling lateral canals and api- remaining branches (Figs. 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 8.7, and
cal ramifications with thermally softened gutta- 8.10a). Needless to say, the clinician is not aware
percha and sealer would kill infecting bacteria of this occurrence, as ramifications and deltas are
has been proven untrue [32]. seldom visible in the periapical radiographs.
8  The Complexity of the Apical Anatomy 253

A study reported that the achievement of patency 16. Riitano F, Boschi F, Riitano G, Gullà R, Grippaudo
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C-Shaped Root Canal System
James L. Gutmann

Abstract 1778 [3], and Thomas Bell in 1831 [4]. Keith and
While the prevalence of C-shaped canals is low Knowles provided a description of the C-shaped
in many parts of the world, the incidence may canal anatomy in 1911 [5], with Keith providing
be high in specific countries and ethnic popula- greater clarity in 1913 in what was being character-
tions. One of the contributing factors that masks ized as a molar of the Brelade dentition [6] (Fig. 9.1).
more detailed information on this anatomical Further evidence for this anatomical occurrence can
variation is the difficulty in using periapical be seen in the publications of Hess in 1917 [7],
radiographs alone to determine its presence. Keller in 1928 [8], and Nespoulos in 1929 [9], with
While the literature is replete with studies that
indicate that mandibular second molar and first
premolar may exhibit this variation most often,
other teeth such as the maxillary molars may
also demonstrate this anatomical complexity.

9.1 Introduction

Historically, and as of this date, the C-shaped root/

canal configuration was identified in 12.5% from the
remains of a group of 17 individuals from the El
Mirador cave in the Sierra de Atapuerca (Spain) near
the city of Burgos [1]. The remains were dated to
4400 years ago (the Bronze Age) and represent one
of the first, if not the first, record of this anatomical
configuration in Europe. In recent centuries, there
were suggestions of C-shaped root/canal anatomies
in 1743 according to Malpighii [2], John Hunter in

J. L. Gutmann, D.D.S., Cert. Endo., Ph.D.

Texas A&M University College of Dentistry,
Dallas, TX, USA Fig. 9.1 (a) The labial aspect of a second lower molar of
e-mail: Brelade dentition; (a′) chewing surface; (a″) distal aspect;
(a‴) cross section of root. Reproduced from Keith [6]
© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2019 255
M. A. Versiani et al. (eds.), The Root Canal Anatomy in Permanent Dentition,
256 J. L. Gutmann

morphological reconstructions by Mayer in 1960 in their analysis of the C-shaped variant in 1941 [12]
[10] (Fig. 9.2a–c). Initially, Keith [6] described this referred to this anatomy as a “gutter-shaped root
anatomical variation as a form of taurodontism. canal,” while Tratman [13] in 1950 referred to the
According to Kato et al. [11], Nakayama and Toda morphology as “horseshoe reduction form.”

a b c

d e

f g h

Fig. 9.2 (a–c) Morphological reconstructions by Mayer of Endodonzia, 2010). (d, e) Current example of a reconstructed
two C-shaped molars and one premolar, respectively [10]. C-shape found in a mandibular second molar (Courtesy of
Reproduced by permission of Nicola Perrini (Storia anatom- Dr. Bing Fan, Wuhan China); (f–h) Examples of C-shaped
ica del sistema dei canali radicolari. Società Italiana di canals (Courtesy of Dr. Bing Fan, Wuhan China)
9  C-Shaped Root Canal System 257

Contemporarily, the clinical perspective on the While the majority of published studies address
C-shaped canal was highlighted and amplified by the presence of this anatomical anomaly in man-
Cooke and Cox in 1979 [14], although descrip- dibular second molars [20–55] (Fig.  9.3a–d),
tions were provided a few years earlier by Piñeda other teeth, such as maxillary molars (Fig. 9.3e,
and Kuttler [15] and Waikai [16]. Cumulatively, f), including third molars [56–70] and mandibu-
these papers set in motion a renewed interest lar premolars (Table 9.1) [71–82], have been the
in all phases of the clinical management of the focus of numerous recent studies [83, 84] and
C-shaped canal system (Fig. 9.2d–h). systematic reviews [85].

9.2 Present Literature 9.3 Classification of C-Shaped

Documentation Canal Morphologies

Today’s literature is replete with studies that have Due to the high incidence of C-shaped canal mor-
attempted to determine the incidence of C-shaped phologies found in the mandibular second molars,
canals in specific populations, many of which the features that they present are primarily used
were highlighted in recent systematic reviews for the classification purposes. The resultant ana-
[11, 17–19]. Most have identified this finding in tomical characteristics are due to incomplete root
Asian populations that may vary by country. separation that is speculated to be caused by the

a b c d

e f g

Fig. 9.3 (a) Mandibular second molar with a C-shaped a C-shaped canal configuration (Reproduced from
root and canal. Unique with this molar is that the “C” Siqueira Lopes et al. 2016); (f) Proximal view of maxil-
opens to the lingual. Most commonly this anatomy is seen lary molars that exhibit root fusion, primarily in the sec-
to open to the buccal or vestibular; (b–d) Three mandibu- ond molar. These teeth often will display a C-shaped root
lar second molars that give the appearance of having canal system; (g) Endodontic access opening exposing an
C-shaped roots/canals when viewed on two-dimensional eccentric ribbon-shaped canal space that characterizes the
radiographs; (e) CBCT of a maxillary molar that exhibits C-shaped canal
258 J. L. Gutmann

Table 9.1  Incidence of C-shaped canals in mandibular first premolars

Investigators Country Sample size No. C-shaped rootsR/canalsC Total (%) Method of evaluation
Baisden et al. [71] USA 106 15R 14 Sectioning
Sikri and Sikri [72] India 112 11C 10 Angled X-rays
Lu et al. [73] China 82 15C 18 Sectioning
Rahimi et al. [74] Iran 163 4C 2.4 Ink/clearing
Fan et al. [75] China 358 86R 24 Micro-CT
Velmurugan et al. [76] India 100 1C 1 Clearing
Sandhya et al. [77] India 100 2C 2 Spiral CT
Fan et al. [78] China 534 97C 18 Micro-CT
Yu et al. [79] China 178 2C 1.1 CBCT
Yang et al. [80] China 440 5C 1.14 CBCT
Gu et al. [81] China 148 29C 20 Micro-CT
Arsian et al. [82] Turkey 110 4C 2.5 CBCT

failure of Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath to fuse a m m m

on the lingual or buccal surface [17, 86]. This
results in a ribbon-shaped canal space that is often
eccentric to the lingual side of the C-shaped radic-
ular dentin [28, 32] (Fig. 9.3g). The concept of a
C-shaped morphology is based on the cross sec- d d d
tion of the root and the canal. The floor of the pulp b C1 C2
chamber in C-shaped root often displays a single,
ribbon-shaped orifice with an arc of 180° or more, b
which may begin at the mesial-lingual line angle
C3 C4
and move around the buccal to the end at the distal
aspect of the chamber (Fig.  9.3g). Similar to an
c d e
iceberg where 7/8 its anatomy and shape lies
below the surface of the water, the anatomy of the C5
C-shaped root canal can display a wide range of
variations over the length of the root that have f
been seen historically through sections and con- c a b c
temporarily through the use of the micro-CT.
In the last 10 years, there have been few trea-
tises that have provided a thorough assessment of
the C-shaped root canal configurations [11, 17–
19]. However, the initial attempt to classify this
d e f
unusual anatomical finding and its particular
irregularities was addressed by Melton in 1991
and was characterized as follows [87] (Fig. 9.4a):

• Category I: A continuous C-shaped canal

that flows from the pulp chamber to the apex Fig. 9.4 (a) Diagrammatic representation of Melton’s
delineates a C-shaped outline without any classification of C-shaped canal orifices; (b) Classification
of C-shaped canals according to Dr. Bing Fan (Reproduced
separation. by permission from Fan et al. [28]); (c) Examples of some
• Category II: A semicolon-shaped orifice in micro-CT images of a tooth with C-shaped canal system.
which dentin separates the main C-shaped a, canal orifice; b, coronal, third point; c, mid-­root; d, api-
canal from one distinct mesial canal. cal, third point; e, 2 mm above apex; f, 1 mm above apex
(Reproduced by permission from Fan et al. [28])
9  C-Shaped Root Canal System 259

• Category III: Those anatomies with two or the “C” outline; however, either angle created
more discrete and separate canals with a: (1) should be no less than 60°.
subdivision I, C-shaped orifice in the coro- • Category III: Two or three separate canals
nal third that divides into two or more dis- were present and both angles created were less
crete and separate canals joining apically; (2) than 60°.
­subdivision II, C-shaped orifice in the coronal • Category IV: Only one round or oval canal
third that divides into two or more discrete and was present in that cross section.
separate canals in the mid-root to the apex; • Category V: No canal lumen could be observed
and (3) subdivision III, C-shaped orifice that (usually seen near the apex only) in this
divides into two or more discrete and separate variant.
canals in the coronal third.
Fan and co-investigators felt that although
In Melton’s classification, only three arbitrary the C-type orifice may have looked like two or
section levels were chosen, therein abandoning three separate orifices, an isthmus linking them
all the information on how the anatomy of the was often discernible. The single, round, or oval
canals may change over their length from orifice canal that may be found near the apex should
to apex. Needless to say, the micro-CT was not be considered as a variation because other parts
available at this time to provide better clarifica- of the canal have shown the “C” configuration.
tion of the anatomical variances. Furthermore, they noted that “C” shape often
The next major classification system pre- varies along the root length so the clinical crown
sented took advantage of the newer technology morphology or the appearance of the orifice may
with the application of extensive micro-CT sec- not be good predictors of the actual canal anat-
tions. Accordingly, and bolstered with new ana- omy (Fig. 9.4c). In this classification, one of the
tomical information, Fan et  al. [28] modified canals in the C2 category would appear as an arc
Melton’s classification as follows (Fig. 9.4b): (i.e., the C2 canal would be more likely to extend
into the fused area of the root where the dentin
• Category I: The shape of the canal was an wall may be quite thin) [17].
interrupted “C” with no separation or division. To establish more clinical relevancy, Fan et al.
• Category II: The canal shape resembled a [29] classified the C-shaped root canals radio-
semicolon resulting from a discontinuation of graphically into three types as follows (Fig. 9.5):

a b c

Fig. 9.5  Radiographic types: (a) type I; (b) type II; (c) type III (Reproduced by permission from Fan et al. [29])
260 J. L. Gutmann

• Type I: conical or square root with a vague, before exiting at the apical foramen (foram-
radiolucent longitudinal line separating the ina) (Fig. 9.6a).
root into distal and mesial parts. There was a • Type II: conical or square root with a vague,
mesial and a distal canal that merged into one radiolucent longitudinal line separating the

a a b c

d e f

b a b c

d e f

c a b c

d e f

Fig. 9.6 (A) Radiograph and the corresponding micro- dle of canal; (e) apical-third point; (f) 0.5  mm from the
­CT cross sections of a type I tooth. (a) Canal orifice; (b) apex; (C) Radiograph and the corresponding micro-CT
1.5 mm below the orifice; (c) coronal-third point of canal; cross sections of a type III tooth. (a) Canal orifice; (b)
(d) middle of canal; (e) apical-third point; (f) 0.5 mm from 1.5 mm below the orifice; (c) coronal-third point; (d) mid-
the apex; (B) Radiograph and the corresponding micro- dle of canal; (e) apical-third point; (f) 0.5  mm from the
­CT cross sections of a type II tooth. (a) Canal orifice; (b) apex (Reproduced by permission from Fan et al. [29])
1.5 mm below the orifice; (c) coronal-third point; (d) mid-
9  C-Shaped Root Canal System 261

root into distal and mesial parts. There was a apical diameters. Furthermore, the analysis of
mesial and a distal canal, and the two canals the prevalence of the different cross-section
appeared to continue on their own pathway to configurations showed that these were predomi-
the apex (Fig. 9.6b). nantly of the C4 and C3 varieties (1  mm from
• Type III: conical or square root with a vague, the apex) and the C1 and C2 varieties in the cer-
radiolucent longitudinal line separating the vical third.
root into distal and mesial parts. There was a In an attempt to assess the three-dimensional
mesial and a distal canal, one canal curved to (3-D) morphology of the C-shaped root canal,
and superimposed on this radiolucent line Gao and associates [32] used micro-CT and 3-D
when running toward the apex, and the other reconstruction to classify the canals into three
canal appeared to continue on its own path- types (Figs. 9.11 and 9.12).
way to the apex (Fig. 9.6c).
• Type I (Merging): canals merged into one
While two-dimensional radiograph imaging major canal before exiting at the apical fora-
has given us a reasonable assessment of the pres- men; partial dentin fusion area may appear in
ence of a C-shaped canal system (Figs. 9.3b–d), the coronal and/or middle portion of the canal
bone image superimposition could significantly system.
decrease the accuracy of canal recognition [38]. • Type II (Symmetrical): separated mesial canal
Therefore, to enhance this recognition with and distal can be located at the mesial part and
depth anatomical details, Fan et  al. [34], distal part of the root, respectively. From the
using an intraradicular contrast medium and buccal-lingual view, symmetry of the mesial
micro-CT assessment (Figs.  9.7 and 9.8), pro- canal and distal canal was evident along the
vided a better delineation of this classification. longitudinal axis of the root.
Additionally, and more recently, Amoroso-Silva • Type III (Asymmetrical): separate mesial and
and colleagues [47] provided a greater analysis distal canals were evident. From a buccal-­
of the C1–C4 configurations (Figs. 9.9 and 9.10) lingual view, the distal canal may have a large
with the C1 configuration and the distal aspect isthmus across the furcation area, which com-
of the C2 configuration exhibiting the highest monly made the mesial and distal canal
area values, low roundness values, and large asymmetrical.

a b c

Fig. 9.7  Classification of radiographic images after contrast medium introduction. (a) Type I; (b) Type II; (c) Type III
(Reproduced by permission from Fan et al. [34])
262 J. L. Gutmann

a b c d e

f g h i j

k l m n o

Fig. 9.8  Canal variation and 3-D reconstructed canal third point; i, middle point; j, apical third point); (k–o)
configuration of three radiographic types. (a–e) Type I (a, Type III (k, radiograph; l, reconstructed canal image; m,
radiograph; b, reconstructed canal image; c, coronal third coronal third point; n, middle point; o, apical third point)
point; d, middle point; e, apical third point); (f–j) Type II (Reproduced by permission from Fan et al. [34])
(f, radiograph; g, reconstructed canal image; h, coronal

a b
3 mm
>D: 2.97 (1.89 - 3.88)
<D: 0.99 (0.31 - 1.53)
2 mm
2 mm
>D: 2.42 (1.78 - 5.48) >D: 1.35 (0.78 - 1.79)
<D: 0.88 (0.29 - 1.86) <D: 0.57 (0.47 - 0.75)

1 mm 1 mm
>D: 2.41 (0.95 - 2.86) >D: 0.59 (0.26 - 1.58)
<D: 0.63 (0.47 - 0.77) <D: 0.39 (0.21 - 0.82)

c Distal Mesial

3 mm 3 mm
>D: 1.57 (0.46 - 2.86) >D: 1.12 (0.25 - 4.19)
<D: 0.49 (0.16 - 0.86) <D: 0.43 (0.13 - 0.70)
2 mm 2 mm
>D: 1.69 (0.17 - 2.38)
>D: 0.94 (0.29 - 2.38)
<D: 0.49 (0.20 - 0.90)
<D: 0.31 (0.11 - 0.53)
1 mm 1 mm
>D: 1.78 (0.82 - 2.46) >D: 0.63 (0.20 - 1.79)
<D: 0.39 (0.31 - 0.74) <D: 0.20 (0.09 - 0.43)

Fig. 9.9  Medians and ranges of the major (>) and minor (<) diameters found at the apical third in the (a) C1, (b) C4,
and (c) C2 configurations (Reproduced by permission from Amoroso-Silva et al. [47])
9  C-Shaped Root Canal System 263

a Distal MB ML

3 mm 3 mm

>D: 1.10 (0.48 - 1.94) >D: 0.58 (0.24 - 1.50) 0.49 (0.22 - 0.87)
<D: 0.39 (0.25 - 0.78) <D: 0.22 (0.11 - 0.49) 0.16 (0.11 - 0.51)

2 mm 2 mm
>D: 0.78 (0.46 - 1.11) >D: 0.46 (0.29 - 0.62) 0.30 (0.08 - 0.61)
<D: 0.35 (0.21 - 0.78) <D: 0.19 (0.13 - 0.53) 0.11 (0.09 - 0.51)

1 mm 1 mm

>D: 0.52 (0.31 - 0.95) >D: 0.53 (0.22 - 0.81) 0.26 (0.15 - 0.54)
<D: 0.34 (0.10 - 0.72) <D: 0.21 (0.13 - 0.45) 0.17 (0.09 - 0.29)

Distal Mesial
3 mm 3 mm

>D: 1.27 (0.26 - 2.62)

>D: 0.99 (0.45 - 2.33)
<D: 0.31 (0.13 - 0.47)
<D: 0.41 (0.29 - 0.63)

2 mm 2 mm
>D: 0.75 (0.45 - 2.08)
>D: 0.85 (0.26 - 2.10) <D: 0.27 (0.09 - 0.41)
<D: 0.35 (0.27 - 0.57)

1 mm 1 mm
>D: 0.65 (0.28 - 1.45) >D: 0.47 (0.25 - 1.48)
<D: 0.40 (0.23 - 0.61) <D: 0.27 (0.09 - 0.35)

Fig. 9.10  Medians and ranges of the major (>) and minor and (b) one mesial root canal system (Reproduced by per-
(<) diameters of the different cross sections evaluated at mission from Amoroso-Silva et al. [47])
the apical third in the C3 configuration with (a) two mesial

a b c

Fig. 9.11  3-D classification of C-shaped canal configuration. (a) Merging type; (b) symmetrical type; (c) asymmetrical
type (Reproduced by permission from Gao et al. [32])
264 J. L. Gutmann

a1 a2 a3

b1 b2 b3

c1 c2 c3

Fig. 9.12  3-D reconstructed C-shaped canal configura- The distal canal had a big isthmus or fin area crossing the
tion. (a1–a3) Type I. Canals merged into one major canal fused area. The mesial canal and distal canal had openings
before exiting at the apical foramen; (b1–b3) Type II. The at the apex, respectively (Reproduced by permission from
mesial canal and distal canal were nearly equal in size and Gao et al. [32])
had openings at the apex, respectively; (c1–c3) Type III.
9  C-Shaped Root Canal System 265

9.4 Anatomical Characterization distal orifice. The MB distal orifice was

of C-Shaped Canals in Molars formed by the merging of the MB orifice and
the distal orifice.
9.4.1 Floor of the Chamber • Type IV: Non-C-shaped floors. One distal
canal orifice and one oval or two round M
Min et al. [31] provided a detailed description of canal orifices are present.
the morphology of the pulp chamber floor
approximately 3  mm above the orifices
(Fig. 9.13a). Scanned cross sections were recon- 9.4.2 Descending Canal
structed, and the images generated were assessed Morphology
and assigned to one of the following four types
(Fig. 9.14): To determine the canal morphology from orifice
to a point 3.0 mm from the root apex, Min et al.
• Type I: a peninsula-like floor with a continu- [31] made sections, 2 mm below the orifice (C1),
ous C-shaped orifice. one-third the distance between the orifice and the
• Type II: a buccal, strip-like dentin connection anatomical apex (C2), the midpoint from the ori-
that exists between the peninsula-like floor fice to the apex (C3a and C3b), and a point 3 mm
and the buccal wall of the pulp chamber that from the apex. Configurations were analyzed and
separates the C-shaped groove into mesial and classified as follows (Figs. 9.13b and 9.15):
distal orifices. Sometimes the mesial orifice
was separated into a mesiobuccal (MB) and a • C1: continuous C-shaped canal
mesiolingual (ML) orifice by another strip-­ • C2: MB distal and an ML canal
like dentin between the peninsula-like floor • C3a: mesial and distal canals
and the M wall of the pulp chamber. • C3b: MB, ML, and distal canals
• Type III: only one mesial strip-like dentin • C4: single round or oval canal
connection between the peninsula-like floor
and the mesial wall that separates the C-shaped Amoroso-Silva and colleagues [47] provided
groove in a small ML orifice and a large MB a further detailed delineation of the coursing of

a b
C1 C2

CEJ C3a C3b


Fig. 9.13 (a) Location of measurements for mandibular second molars with a C-shaped canal system; (b) Classification
of canal configurations according to Min et al. 2006 (Reproduced by permission from Min et al. [31])
266 J. L. Gutmann


Type I Type II Type III Type IV

Fig. 9.14  Types of the pulpal floor: M, mesial side; D, distal side (Reproduced by permission from Min et al. [31])


a1 a2 a3


b1 b2 b3


c1 c2 c3


d1 d2 d3

Fig. 9.15  3-D reconstructed pulpal floor (M, mesial side; all the teeth is placed up and down (Reproduced by per-
D, distal side). (a1–a3) Type I; (b1–b3) Type II; (c1–c3) mission from Min et al. [31])
Type III; (d1–d3) Type IV. The buccal-lingual direction of
9  C-Shaped Root Canal System 267

the C-shaped canal systems in mandibular sec- exit points well coronal to the apical termination
ond molars as seen in Figs. 9.9 and 9.10. Detailed of the root and have cementodentinal junctions
measurements, along with specific shapes, help that are placed deeply inside the root structure
to clarify the exact nature of this anatomy from (Fig. 9.16).
orifice to apex in the different classifications.

9.5 Anatomical Characterization

9.4.3 Apical Termination of C-Shaped Canals
in Premolars
The apical termination of C-shaped canals has
been characterized by many authors to a level 9.5.1 Radicular Groove
approximately 1.0 mm from the apex [28, 29, 32,
34, 47]. However, a view from the apex may The presence of C-shaped root canals in premo-
afford a different interpretation, as many canals lars has also received attention in multiple studies
break into deltas, multiple accessory canals, and (Table 9.1), with percentages ranging from 10.7%

a b

c d

Fig. 9.16 (a) View of root apex of C-shaped root. Note China); (d) Apex of a C-shaped root with three canal
the variety of apical terminations, their size, and locations. foramina visible. Root canal instruments in each canal
The actual cementodentinal junction is located deep that extend to the root surface; however, each is approxi-
inside the apical foramina; (b, c) Apical terminations of mately one to three beyond the cementodentinal junction.
C-shaped canal systems demonstrating significant ana- This creates major problems in the clinical management
tomic complexities (Courtesy of Dr. Bing Fan, Wuhan of the root canal procedures
268 J. L. Gutmann

to 24%, the highest percentages being reported in omy has also been identified in the form of mesi-
Mongoloid populations [75, 78, 81, 85, 88]. ally placed radicular grooves [73, 75] (Fig. 9.18)
Along with the internal canal anatomical varia- that extended from 3  mm below the cementoe-
tions, which vary significantly from the orifice to namel junction to the root apex (Fig. 9.19). While
apical terminus (Fig. 9.17), unique external anat- not always present, these grooves may pose sig-

C1 C1 C1

C2 C2 C2

C3 C3 C3

C4a C4b C4c

C5 C6 C6

Fig. 9.17 Examples of some

micro-CT images of premolars indi-
cate the classification of canal con-
figuration (Reproduced by
permission from Fan et al. [75])
9  C-Shaped Root Canal System 269

nificant clinical concerns [81]: (1) during root

canal enlarging and shaping procedures, due to
the thinness of the root wall adjacent to the
groove, (2) during tooth restoration if the place-
ment of a post is anticipated, and (3) as the groove
CEJ may predispose to the accumulation of dental
plaque and calculus, creating a periodontal prob-
lem. However, when the groove was not identi-
fied, there was no C-shaped canal system in the
tooth [78]. (Note: only the anatomy of the man-
dibular premolar is being addressed, as this tooth
MP presents with the most irregularities in its appear-
ance and is the specific focus of most studies.)

9.5.2 C
 anal Anatomy and Apical
Fig. 9.18  Planes for observation and measurement. CEJ
cementoenamel junction, CTP coronal top plane of the As seen in Fig.  9.20, there is a highly variable
groove, MP middle plane of the groove, ABP apical bot- course of the canal anatomy longitudinally in
tom plane of the groove, AP apical plane (Reproduced by
mandibular first premolars [75, 78], with the for-
permission from Fan et al. [75])
mation of the actual C-shape occurring at multi-
ple levels and not in all canals that may be
present. Fan et al. [78] classified these shapes as
(1) a continuous C-shape only, (2) semilunar
shape in the buccal canal only, (3) a combination
of continuous C-shape and buccal semilunar, and
(4) a C-shaped canal interrupted by a non-C-­
shaped canal.
Accessory canals that originated in furcation
areas of the semilunar buccal canal were also
noted in 57 of the 327 reconstructed canal system
models’ close furcation, which exited into mesial
groove (Fig. 9.21). This finding may further com-
plicate treatment procedures both endodontically
and periodontally.
Finally, Yang et  al. [80] addressed the canal
termination apically in these complex premolars
and found that most had a termination of 0–2 mm
from the root apex. However, within the popula-
tion studied (335 teeth), 72 teeth had a distance of
0–1  mm; 192 teeth, 2  mm; 61 teeth, 3  mm; 5
teeth, 4  mm; and 5 teeth, 5  mm. Furthermore,
these findings are supported by Fan et  al. [78]
Fig. 9.19  Two bilaterally matched mandibular premolars
that exhibit the mesial groove as described by Fan et al. when reviewing the apical anatomical variables
[75] as seen in Fig. 9.20.
270 J. L. Gutmann

Fig. 9.20  Root canal configurations

of mandibular first premolars. Green,
a b c d
non-C-shaped canal; red, continuous
C-shaped canal; yellow, semilunar buc-
cal canal. (a) Type Ia (1-1); (b) Type Ib
(1-1); (c, d) Type IIIb (1-2-1); (e, f)
Type Vb (1-2); (g) Type VIIb (1-2-1-
2); (h) unclassified canal (Reproduced
by permission from Fan et al. [78])

e f g h

a b c

d e f

Fig. 9.21  A complicated canal system in mandibular first cross section at 3.30, 6.29, 8.55, 10.58, 11.01, and
premolars. Green, non-C-shaped canal; red: continuous 12.42  mm from CEJ, respectively (Reproduced by per-
C-shaped canal; yellow, semilunar buccal canal. (a–f) The mission from Fan et al. [78])
9  C-Shaped Root Canal System 271

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Part III
Influence of Root Canal Anatomy
in Clinical Practice
Internal Tooth Anatomy and Root
Canal Instrumentation
José F. Siqueira Jr, Isabela N. Rôças,
and Domenico Ricucci

Abstract 10.1 O
 bjectives of Root Canal
Root canal preparation can be regarded as the Preparation
most important phase of the endodontic treat-
ment. Its main purposes are to clean, disinfect, Root canal preparation is intended to clean, disin-
and shape root canals. These objectives, how- fect, and shape the root canal. These objectives
ever, may be difficult to be attained in curved are distinct but are achieved simultaneously by
root canals or in teeth with complex internal means of the mechanical effects of instrumenta-
anatomy. Residual bacteria and debris may tion and the mechanical and chemical effects of
remain unaffected in unprepared canal walls, irrigation. Consequently, the instrumentation/
isthmuses, lateral canals, apical ramifications, irrigation phase is also commonly referred to as
dentinal tubules, and recesses from oval/flat- chemomechanical procedures.
tened canals and compromise the treatment There are basically three conditions that the
outcome. Some strategies have been devised clinician faces routinely for root canal treatment:
to improve the effects of chemomechanical teeth with vital and irreversibly inflamed pulps,
procedures in teeth with root curvatures and teeth with necrotic pulps with or without primary
complex anatomy. apical periodontitis, and retreatment cases
because of posttreatment apical periodontitis. In
teeth with irreversible pulpitis, infection is usu-
ally restricted to the coronal parts of the canal
and is easily controlled by abundant irrigation of
the pulp chamber with sodium hypochlorite
(NaOCl) after conclusion of the access cavity
preparation. Then, under strict aseptic condi-
tions, the clinician needs to clean the canal by
J. F. Siqueira Jr., D.D.S., M.Sc., Ph.D. (*)
Department of Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, removing the inflamed vital pulp tissue as much
Estácio de Sá University, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil as possible. This is because pulp remnants may
e-mail: interfere with the quality of obturation, may serve
I. N. Rôças, D.D.S., M.Sc., Ph.D. as substrate for a secondary infection and/or, may
Molecular Microbiology Laboratory, remain inflamed and cause postoperative pain.
Faculty of Dentistry, Estácio de Sá University, In necrotic untreated teeth and treated teeth
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
with indication for retreatment because of post-
D. Ricucci, M.D., D.S. treatment apical periodontitis, an infection is
Private Practice, Cetraro, Italy

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2019 277

M. A. Versiani et al. (eds.), The Root Canal Anatomy in Permanent Dentition,
278 J. F. Siqueira et al.

established in the root canal system: primary lead to excessive removal of dentin and predispose
infection in the necrotic teeth and persistent or the tooth to fracture.
secondary infection in the retreatment cases. In Anatomic variations, including lateral canals
these cases, in addition to cleaning the canal from and apical ramifications, isthmuses, curvatures,
the necrotic pulp tissue or the previous filling and oval-shaped or flattened canals, present a sig-
material, the clinician also needs to combat infec- nificant challenge for adequate cleaning and dis-
tion (disinfection). The successful treatment out- infection of the root canal system. To maximize
come will depend on how effective the clinician tissue removal and bacterial elimination in these
is in achieving these goals [1]. areas, the clinician relies on the chemical effects
Therefore, the chemomechanical preparation of irrigants and interappointment medications as
can be regarded as the most important phase of well as in strategies to take these chemicals to
the root canal treatment. This is because cleaning those difficult-to-reach areas. This issue will be
and infection control promote an environment discussed in detail in the next sections.
conducive to periradicular tissue healing. In addi- Another challenge relates to establishing and
tion, a continuously conical shape is sculpted to maintaining the working length throughout the
be receptive for placement of an adequate canal procedures. This is crucial to ensure opti-
obturation. mal cleaning and disinfection as well as to pre-
Numerous studies have shown that the main vent blockage of the apical canal or
factor associated with a poor endodontic treat- over-instrumentation. As discussed below in the
ment outcome (characterized by persistence or section on apical limit of instrumentation, the
appearance of apical periodontitis) is the inade- association of electronic apex locators and peri-
quate quality of the previous root canal treatment apical radiographs are required for a more accu-
[2–5]. This means that the clinician failed to pro- rate working length determination.
mote sufficient cleaning, shaping, and disinfec- Difficulties in  locating extra canals in multi-­
tion to promote or restore the periradicular health. rooted teeth may predispose to persistent symp-
In addition to the technical difficulties to perform toms and/or decreased treatment outcome. This is
endodontic treatment, which requires extensive more complicated in teeth with apical periodonti-
specific training, the very complex anatomy of tis, because the missed canal can be infected.
the root canal system of many teeth poses signifi- Knowledge of tooth and root canal anatomy is of
cant challenges for proper achievement of clean- utmost importance to avoid missing canals, and it
ing, disinfection, and shaping. This chapter deals is recommended that, at least in difficult cases,
with this issue. magnification and illumination be optimized by
using an operating microscope or a surgical loupe
with light source, increasing the chances for
10.2 C
 hallenges in Root Canal localizing all canals  during preparation and
Preparation inspection of the access cavity.

Many challenges are faced by clinicians when treat-

ing root canals. For instance, while infection control 10.3 T
 he Complex Anatomy
is paramount for optimal treatment outcome, no of the Root Canal System
available technique, instrument, or substance can
predictably eradicate all bacteria from the root canal Endodontic instruments are essentially designed
system. It remains unknown how much cleaning to prepare the main root canal, which is the prin-
and disinfection is sufficient to promote total heal- cipal and most voluminous area of the root canal
ing. Inadequate cleaning and disinfection may leave system. The main canal harbors the largest
residual bacteria in levels sufficient to cause persist- amounts of pulp tissue and, in infected cases,
ing symptoms and periradicular inflammation. On bacteria and their products. However, the canal
the other hand, overzealous canal enlargement may system also comprises other structures that repre-
10  Internal Tooth Anatomy and Root Canal Instrumentation 279

sent potential areas for spreading of bacterial Ramifications include furcation canals, lateral
infection. They include isthmuses (Fig. 10.1), lat- canals, and apical ramifications (Fig. 10.5). They
eral and apical ramifications, recesses, and den- can occur in any tooth and anywhere along the
tinal tubules (Fig. 10.2). length of the root but are more frequent in the
Bacteria colonizing the infected root canal apical portion and in posterior teeth [15, 24]. In
system associated with either primary or post- general, ramifications have been observed in
treatment apical periodontitis are usually orga- about 75% of the teeth [15]. Specifically by canal
nized in biofilm structures attached to the canal segments, the occurrence of ramifications has
walls [6–12]. In addition to the main root canal, been found in 73.5% of the apical, 11% of the
bacterial biofilms can occur in anatomical varia- middle, and 15% of the coronal thirds [25].
tions including lateral and apical ramifications Given the high frequency of ramifications, it is
(Fig.  10.3) and isthmuses (Fig.  10.4) [13–16]. intriguing why lateral periodontitis lesions are
Bacteria at the bottom of biofilm structures may not so commonly observed. This may be related
also invade and colonize the subjacent dentinal to the size and patency of the ramification as well
tubules [8, 17, 18]. as its microbiologic conditions. The larger the
Isthmuses are very common in some groups of ramification, the more room for bacterial coloni-
teeth, especially molars. For instance, the occur- zation and accumulation of bacterial virulence
rence of an isthmus in the mesial root of man- factors. The diameters of lateral foramina in
dibular molars can be regarded as a rule rather molars range from 10 to 200 μm [26]. The largest
than exception. Studies reported an incidence of diameter of lateral foramina is nearly two to three
isthmuses communicating the two mesial canals times smaller than the mean diameters reported
in 70–88% of the mandibular molars [13, 19]. In for the main apical foramen [27–29]. This helps
the apical 5  mm of the same group of teeth, explain why lesions of endodontic origin are
Mannocci et al. [20] found isthmuses in 17–50% much more common in the apical than in the lat-
of the specimens; the highest prevalence occurred eral aspect of the root.
at the 3-mm level. Other authors have reported an Bacterial invasion of dentinal tubules can
isthmus in the apical 3–5 mm of molar roots in up occur in about 70–80% of the canals of teeth with
to 80% of the cases [21–23]. apical periodontitis [17, 30]. Even though a shal-

Fig. 10.1 Mandibular
first molar from an adult
male patient with
necrotic pulp and apical
periodontitis. Crosscut
section from the middle
third of the mesial root
displays a thin long and
irregular isthmus
connecting the two main
canals (Taylor’s
modified Brown &
Brenn; original
magnification ×16)
280 J. F. Siqueira et al.

a b c

d e

Fig. 10.2 (a) Palatal root of a non-restorable maxillary resorption in a portion of the canal where atubular tertiary
first molar with necrotic pulp in a 32-year-old man. The dentin had been produced. The area is filled by necrotic
apical periodontitis lesion remained attached to the root debris and bacteria (original magnification ×400). (e)
tip at extraction. (b) Section cut approximately at the cen- High-power view of the area indicated by the lower arrow
ter of the main canal and foramen (Taylor’s modified in (c). An apparently atubular tertiary dentin was “tun-
Brown and Brenn; original magnification ×16). (c) Portion neled” by the resorptive process. An irregular resorption
of the middle third of the canal, coronal to that shown in area is present more coronally. These areas harbor bacte-
(b). The canal is apparently empty, with few debris (origi- ria. Note that bacteria colonized some dentinal tubules
nal magnification ×50). (d) High-power view of the area (original magnification ×400)
indicated by the upper arrow in (c). Area of previous
10  Internal Tooth Anatomy and Root Canal Instrumentation 281

Fig. 10.3  Distal root

apex of a mandibular
first molar from a
20-year-old man,
endodontically treated
4 years before. The
apical radiolucency
failed to heal, symptoms
were present, and
root-end resection was
indicated. Histologic
sections demonstrated
numerous apical
ramifications, some of
which were filled by
thick bacterial biofilms
(arrows) (Taylor’s
modified Brown &
Brenn; original
magnification ×16)

a b c

d e

Fig. 10.4  Mandibular first molar in a 42-year-old woman Brenn; original magnification ×16). (e) Middle magnifica-
with necrotic pulp and apical radiolucencies. (a) tion of the isthmus (original magnification ×100). The
Postoperatory radiograph. (b) 10-year follow-up radio- area indicated by the arrow is magnified in the inset. A
graph. The apical radiolucencies were unchanged, and biofilm can be observed adhering to the wall of the isth-
severe periodontal involvement is present. Extraction was mus (original magnification ×630). (f) Middle magnifica-
decided. (c) The mesial root was divided into three seg- tion of the area of the left canal indicated by the arrow in
ments. The photograph of the middle third shows that an (d) (original magnification ×100). (g) High-power view of
isthmus was present. (d) Crosscut section parallel to the the canal wall indicated by the arrow in (f). Bacterial bio-
plane in (c). The overview confirms the isthmus connect- films can be observed between the root canal filling mate-
ing the two mesial canals (Taylor’s modified Brown & rial and the canal wall (original magnification ×400)
282 J. F. Siqueira et al.

f g

Fig. 10.4 (Continued)

low penetration is more common in vivo, bacte-

rial cells can be observed reaching approximately
300  μm in some teeth [8]. Bacterial cells pene-
trating deep into tubules are unlikely to be
eliminated by chemomechanical prepara-
tion alone (Fig. 10.6).
Oval and flattened canals are a challenge for
proper instrumentation, especially using rotary
instruments. This is because rotary instrumenta-
tion sculpts a round preparation and leaves behind
recesses in the extremities of the largest canal
diameter that are usually left untouched
(Fig.  10.7). By definition, oval, long oval, and
flattened canals are those presenting a ratio
between the maximum and minimum cross-­
sectional diameter of <2:1, 2–4:1, and >4:1,
respectively [31] (Figs. 10.8 and 10.9). The over-
all prevalence of long oval root canals in the api-
cal third is about 25%, with mandibular incisors
and maxillary second premolars exhibiting an
increased prevalence of this configuration
(>50%) [32]. The distal canal of mandibular
molars is also usually oval or flattened.
Morphological studies have reported the fail-
ure of the endodontic treatment, characterized by
a posttreatment apical periodontitis, in teeth pre-
senting with persistent infections in isthmuses [6,
10, 11], lateral canals and apical ramifications [6,
10, 14, 33–35], recesses [10], and dentinal tubules
[6, 10, 18]. This emphasizes the need for proper
infection control not only in the main canal lumen
Fig. 10.5  3D reconstruction of micro-computed tomo-
graphic scans of a mandibular premolar showing apical but also in the entire root canal system.
ramifications (delta). Courtesy Profs. José C. Provenzano
and Marília Marceliano-Alves, Laboratory of Micro-CT,
Department of Endodontics, Estácio de Sá University
10  Internal Tooth Anatomy and Root Canal Instrumentation 283

a b c

d e

Fig. 10.6  Experimental case. Canals of the mesial root of immersed in the clearing agent. (c) Crosscut section taken
a non-restorable mandibular molar were instrumented approximately at the level of the line in a and b. The two
with NiTi rotary files. Irrigation was performed with 5% mesial canals are connected by a wide isthmus at this level
sodium hypochlorite. Care was taken during instrumenta- (Taylor’s modified Brown & Brenn; original magnifica-
tion to irrigate the canals for a period of 45 min. Obturation tion ×16). (d) Middle magnification of the area of the
was performed in the same visit with a warm gutta-percha canal wall indicated by the arrow in (c). Many tubules
technique and a sealer. The tooth was extracted 7 days appear colonized by bacteria to a considerable depth
later. (a) Radiograph of the mesial root taken in a mesio- (original magnification ×100). (e) High-power view of the
distal projection. (b) Photograph of the root taken at the area demarcated by the rectangle in (d) showing bacterial
end of the demineralization process, while the root was cells inside the tubules (original magnification ×400)

10.4 C
 urved Canals: Great make the final shape of the preparation irregular,
Challenge for Preparation predisposing to procedural errors, including
ledge, perforation, deviation (zip), foramen trans-
The root curvature is another anatomic factor that portation, and blockage with debris. As a matter
may influence the preparation outcome. While of fact, because of the complexity introduced by
usually uneventful in straight canals, carving a curvature, the concepts of instrumentation and
shape is usually challenging in curved canals. advances in instrument manufacturing have been
When passed along the curvature, the instrument based on strategies to deal with curved canals.
tends to straighten to return to its original shape. In the past, because of the physical limitations
This results in more pressure applied by the of stainless steel instruments, the common rec-
instrument cutting blades against the inner wall ommendation was that curved canals be enlarged
of the curvature as well as on the opposite wall in to small apical diameters. The reasons to reduce
the apical segment of the canal (Fig.  10.10). the apical preparation size in curved canals were
These effects are more pronounced with greater basically that (a) smaller preparations result in
curvatures and larger/stiffer instruments and less cutting of the canal walls with consequent
284 J. F. Siqueira et al.

Fig. 10.7  Maxillary first molar root canal-treated 7 years the unique long oval mesiobuccal canal. Note that, despite
before. Instrumentation was performed with NiTi rotary abundant irrigation, the untouched portion of the canal
files. Irrigation with 5% sodium hypochlorite. Obturation lumen is filled with necrotic tissue (Taylor’s modified
with warm gutta-percha technique. Despite the use of the Brown & Brenn; original magnification ×16). (b) Crosscut
operating microscope, only one canal orifice could be sections from the middle third of the distobuccal root.
located in the mesiobuccal root. The tooth was extracted Unlike the other root, the round original morphology of
because of nontreatable periodontal disease. (a) Crosscut this canal allowed instrumentation of the entire canal cir-
sections from the middle third of the mesiobuccal root. cumference (original magnification ×16)
The rotary file had instrumented only a minimal portion of

less uncontrolled cutting action and (b) small infecting efficacy of chemomechanical proce-
instruments are more flexible and therefore less dures as well as the quality of the root canal
likely to cause procedural errors [36]. However, filling.
the greatest problem with small preparation sizes To make root canal shaping more predictable
is that this may compromise the cleaning and dis- and safer in curved canals, advances in instru-
10  Internal Tooth Anatomy and Root Canal Instrumentation 285

Fig. 10.8  Example of

long oval canal.
Crosscut section from
the middle third of the
distal root of a
mandibular fist molar
with necrotic pulp. Note
that the canal lumen is
filled with necrotic
debris and bacterial
biofilm (Taylor’s
modified Brown &
Brenn; original
magnification ×16)

Fig. 10.9  Example of

flattened canal. Crosscut
section from the middle
third of the mesial root
of a mandibular first
molar with vital pulp
(hematoxylin and eosin;
original magnification

ment manufacturing and design as well as in tions of curved canals that are larger at the apical
instrumentation techniques have been introduced. part, more centered, and with reduced incidence
Manufacturing of endodontic instruments using a of errors when compared to stainless steel instru-
nickel-titanium (NiTi) alloy represents a major ments [37–40].
breakthrough in endodontics. NiTi alloy presents The properties of superelasticity and resis-
a lower modulus of elasticity than the previously tance to cyclic fatigue of the NiTi alloy permit
used stainless steel, providing instruments with that instruments be continuously rotated along a
increased elasticity and resistance to plastic curvature. Therefore, the large majority of NiTi
deformation. NiTi instruments allow for prepara- instruments currently available for root canal
286 J. F. Siqueira et al.

tions in the NiTi alloy included the M-wire alloy

[46, 47] and the R-phase (NiTi alloy in a different
phase of crystalline structure) [48]. Some manu-
facturers have subjected instruments with high
martensite content to a heat treatment, generating
instruments that are more flexible (and colored—
gold or blue—due to an oxide layer).
Moreover, instruments with different designs
and concepts have been devised to deal with
canals that are challenging to prepare because of
complex anatomy, including oval and flattened
canals. These specific instruments include the
Self-Adjusting File (SAF) system (ReDentNOVA,
Ra’anana, Israel), TRUShape (Dentsply Sirona,
Tulsa, OK, USA), and XP-endo Shaper (FKG, La
Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland).
Despite the numerous brands of instruments
available in the marketplace over the last decade,
studies evaluating the treatment outcome when
using them are scarce. Actually, many instru-
ments have been removed from the market even
before a single study assessing their clinical per-
formance is published.

10.5 Apical Limit of Preparation

The periradicular tissue response to root canal

Fig. 10.10  The curvature introduces complexity to root
canal preparation and forces the instrument to exert a treatment is influenced by the apical length of the
higher cutting action on certain walls (arrows) intracanal procedures. This has important conse-
quences on the development of postoperative
pain and the long-term treatment outcome.
preparation are engine-driven and can be used in As for postoperative pain, many studies have
either continuous or reciprocating rotation. shown that absence or occurrence of a mild dis-
Innovative designs of the helical shaft and tip, comfort is normal after root canal preparation short
different cross-sectional designs, and larger or of the apex and usually subsides in less than 1 week
variable tapers have also enhanced the instru- [49–51]. However, if the root canal procedures are
ments’ performance during preparation of curved intentionally or accidentally taken beyond the api-
root canals. Surface finishing by electropolishing cal foramen, such as in the event of over-instru-
has also been used to remove surface defects of mentation, severe discomfort may be expected,
the instrument, increasing its fatigue resistance especially in infected teeth. Studies reported that
[41–45]. intentional enlargement of the apical foramen dur-
Over the years, more changes to improve flex- ing root canal treatment increased the incidence
ibility and resistance to fatigue fracture of end- and intensity of postoperative pain [52, 53].
odontic instruments have been introduced, The apical limit of preparation has been
including different thermomechanical treatments widely discussed in terms of long-term treatment
and modified chemical composition of the NiTi outcome. A successful outcome is better charac-
alloy. In this context, two important modifica- terized when a root canal-treated tooth presents
10  Internal Tooth Anatomy and Root Canal Instrumentation 287

with no radiographically detectable apical films, rendering them more susceptible to the irri-
periodontitis lesion and absence of signs and gants and host defenses; (b) carry antibacterial
symptoms of infection, including pain, swelling, irrigants to the most apical part of the canal, pos-
or draining sinus tract [54–56]. sibly enhancing disinfection in this region; and
The treatment outcome of teeth with vital (c) maintain the apical foramen unblocked,
pulps does not appear to be significantly affected reducing the risks of procedural accidents and
by the apical limit of the root canal procedures, postoperative pain [63]. A study has reported bet-
provided aseptic conditions are maintained and ter treatment outcome for treatment and retreat-
bacteria are prevented from gaining entry into the ment when patency files were used [64].
root canal [57]. Obviously, gross over-­ How about the working length for apical prep-
instrumentation should be avoided as it can result aration in infected teeth? A study demonstrated
in postoperative pain. The commonly recom- that the optimum success rate for endodontic
mended working length for teeth with vital pulps treatment of infected teeth is observed when
is 1–2-mm short of the radiographic apex. treatment procedures finish at 0–2 mm from the
Because of infection, root canals containing radiographic apex [54]. In a study of over 1300
necrotic pulp tissue associated or not with apical canals treated by a single operator, Ricucci et al.
periodontitis as well as root canal-treated teeth [65] found the best outcome for teeth with
with posttreatment disease are a quite different necrotic pulps treated at 1–1.5-mm short of the
matter. In most of these cases, bacteria reach the apex.
apical part of the canal and can be located near or Because the root apex is usually visible radio-
at the apical foramen and apical ramifications, in graphically, it has been widely used as a reference
close contact with the periradicular tissues [6, 35, for determination of the working length. However,
58, 59]. establishment of apical limit on the basis of radio-
Because bacteria remaining in the apical por- graphs is just an estimate. Electronic length mea-
tion of the canal may put the treatment outcome surement devices have been used for determination
at risk, the length of the chemomechanical proce- of the root canal terminus with a satisfactory
dures should ideally not be shorter than the apical degree of accuracy and reliability [66–68].
level of infection. The problem is that the apical Commercially available electronic apex locators
level of infection may be anywhere from the mid- have been reported to be accurate to within
dle to the apical canal [60–62] and cannot be ±0.5 mm from the apical foramen in 90–100% of
accurately clinically determined. Thus, it is cases, irrespective of the pulpal diagnosis [68–
advisable to extend the apical limit of instrumen- 74]. A radiograph should always be taken to con-
tation as close as possible to the canal terminus. firm the electronic measurements.
Nevertheless, one must be aware that the risks of
instrumenting the canal to this point include the
possibility of over-instrumentation, which can 10.6 Apical Width of Preparation
force infected debris and previous filling materi-
als into the periradicular tissues and predispose In the clinical setting, sufficient root canal clean-
to postoperative pain and treatment failure. ing and disinfection cannot be reliably ascer-
To effectively clean and disinfect the most tained so as to establish the preparation end point.
apical part of infected root canals, the use of Several criteria have been proposed:
patency files has been proposed. By this concept,
a small file is taken up to 1 mm longer than the (a) Dentinal filings collected on instruments are
canal terminus before instrumentation and after clean after visual inspection.
each change of instrument size. This small file (b) The irrigating solution is clean when col-
should be passively moved through the apical lected in a gauze after rinsing the canal.
constriction without widening it. Patency files are (c) The clinician has a tactile feeling of glassy
expected to (a) disorganize apical bacterial bio- smooth walls.
288 J. F. Siqueira et al.

(d) Preparation size is predetermined based on has been shown to be more significant at large
mean apical diameters for the different apical preparation sizes [83, 86]. The larger the
groups of teeth. apical preparation size, the cleaner the apical
(e) The canal is enlarged two to four file sizes canal [87, 88].
beyond the first file to bind. A randomized prospective study of treatment
outcome  evaluated the effects of apical prepara-
However, these indicators are far from being tion size in relation to the first apical binding file
accurate. Canals that fulfill virtually all these cri- [89]. The authors  found that the healing rate of
teria may still contain tissue remnants and resid- apical periodontitis gradually increased with
ual bacteria. Therefore, in the lack of an accurate increasing instrument size: 48% (two sizes larger),
method, chemomechanical procedures should be 71% (three sizes), 80% (four sizes), 85% (five
considered complete when the canal is enlarged sizes), and 92% (six sizes). Statistical analysis
to instrument sizes that are compatible with the however revealed that only two sizes larger showed
root anatomy and volume and sufficiently large significantly less improvement than the others. A
to be safe and effective in terms of bacterial systematic review concluded that the best current
reduction. available clinical evidence suggests that large api-
Several ready-to-go instrument kits are avail- cal preparations improve the treatment outcome of
able in the marketplace. This means that the api- teeth with apical periodontitis [90].
cal diameter of preparation is not decided on the The width of preparation must be large enough
basis of the individual root canal the clinician is in the apical segment to increase cleaning and
treating but on the instrument sizes available in disinfection and at the same time must be com-
the kit he or she is using. The anatomy of each patible with the root anatomy so as not to result in
individual root canal system is unique, with a overpreparation with consequent ledge formation
high subject-to-subject variability that makes any or perforation. Care must also be taken to avoid
standardization prone to error. One-size-fits-all overenlargement of the coronal segment of the
approach will certainly not serve to properly canal, which would promote unnecessary weak-
clean, shape, and disinfect all canals. ening of the root with consequent predisposition
Perhaps, the method for determining the final to fracture [91].
apical size of instrumentation that is closer to Instruments with large constant tapers have
considering each canal as an individual entity is the disadvantage that the deeper they are
the determination of the first file to bind (criterion ­introduced in the canal, the more unnecessary
“e”). Discounting the errors that are expected in coronal dentin is cut. Then, it is recommended
canals that are noncircular (oval, flattened) or that instruments of large tapers but decreased tip
with coronal calcifications, this is at least an sizes be used in the coronal aspects of the canal,
attempt to gauge the initial canal diameter and while instruments with large tips but small tapers
then use this measure as a parameter to determine are used in the apical segment [92]. To circum-
the final apical size. This could be three or four vent this problem, instruments with variable
instruments larger than the first one to bind but tapers have been introduced and are commonly
also taking into account the mean initial diame- available (Reciproc, WaveOne, ProTaper, etc.).
ters 1-mm short of the foramen as revealed in the Recently, the concept of minimally invasive
literature [32, 75–77] (criterion “d”). endodontics has been introduced. It claims for
The apical width of preparation is conceivably retaining as much dentin structure as feasible, to
as important as the apical limit with regard to the protect the tooth from future fracture. This con-
treatment of infected teeth. Studies have revealed cept involves conservative access preparations
that the larger the apical preparation size of and apical preparation sizes smaller than usual.
infected canals, the greater the intracanal bacte- The effects of minimally invasive approaches on
rial reduction [78–86]. Also, the disinfecting ben- root canal cleaning, shaping, and disinfection as
efit of sodium hypochlorite over saline irrigation well as the on healing of apical periodontitis and
10  Internal Tooth Anatomy and Root Canal Instrumentation 289

tooth survival have not been consistently evalu- Chlorhexidine (CHX) has been proposed as an
ated. Even so, as discussed above, it is advisable alternative to NaOCl, mostly because of the
to avoid excessive dentin removal during prepa- strong odor and tissue toxicity of the latter. CHX
ration, as, for instance, by using rotary instru- is a cationic bis-biguanide that has good antibac-
ments that have small coronal dimensions while terial efficacy against several oral species [98, 99,
maintaining large apical sizes to support infec- 103, 104]. It has substantivity in dentin [105,
tion control. 106] and displays acceptable tissue compatibility
[107, 108].
Several clinical studies have compared the
10.7 Irrigation: Improving intracanal antibacterial effectiveness of NaOCl
Cleaning and Disinfection and CHX when used as the main irrigant and
reported no significant difference between them
Irrigation is an essential step during root canal prep- [109–112]. Other properties should also be taken
aration. Its main objectives are as follows [63]: into account when the clinician is selecting a sub-
stance for root canal irrigation. CHX has lower
(a) Mechanical removal of bacteria and their toxicity than NaOCl [108, 113] and exhibits sub-
products as well as pulp and dentinal debris stantivity in dentin, which may prolong its anti-
by flushing microbial effects [105, 106]. On the other hand,
(b) Chemical disinfection CHX lacks the tissue-dissolving ability, which is
(c) Dissolution of soft tissue one of the greatest benefits of NaOCl [101, 114].
(d) Smear layer removal In order to exploit the advantages of both irrig-
(e) Lubrication of instruments during negotia- ants, some clinicians have used NaOCl as the
tion and cutting main irrigant during instrumentation and then
perform a final rinse with CHX as a supplemen-
The mechanical and chemical effects of irriga- tary step [115, 116]. This approach has shown
tion play a crucial role in root canal cleaning and promising results in terms of enhancing root
disinfection. Mechanical effects of irrigation are canal disinfection [115, 117, 118]. It is important
related to the flow of the irrigants in the root to point out that an irrigant like saline or distilled
canal, either under a positive or negative apical water must be used between the use of NaOCl
pressure. Any liquid irrigant (e.g., saline, sodium and CHX in order to prevent the chemical reac-
hypochlorite, NaOCl, chlorhexidine, CHX, etc.) tion between them with the resulting formation
exerts mechanical effects. Indeed, bacterial of an orange-brown pigmentation that contains
reduction is significantly achieved by the para-chloroaniline [119, 120].
mechanical effects of saline irrigation [78, 85, The cutting action of instruments on dentinal
86]. However, the chemical effects of irrigants walls during canal preparation leads to smear
that have antibacterial activity (NaOCl, CHX) layer formation, which is approximately 1–2 μm
significantly improve bacterial elimination from thick; smear plugs can also be packed into the
infected canals [83, 86, 93–97]. dentinal tubules to a depth of up to 40 μm [121].
Several substances have been proposed as the Smear layer removal has been recommended for
main irrigants during root canal preparation. enhanced disinfection and adaptation of the fill-
Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) is the most widely ing material [122–124]. The inorganic compo-
used irrigant solution and has stood the test of nent of the smear layer can be removed by
time. Solutions have been used in concentrations demineralizing substances or products, including
ranging from 0.5% to 6%. NaOCl has a strong ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) [125],
broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity and kills citric acid [126], and doxycycline-containing
most oral bacteria in short-time contact [98, 99]. products (BioPure MTAD, Dentsply, Tulsa, OK,
NaOCl has also tissue-dissolving ability, which USA and Tetraclean, Ogna Laboratori
may improve root canal cleaning [100–102]. Farmaceutici, Milano, Italy) [127, 128].
290 J. F. Siqueira et al.

10.8 Effects of Anatomy larger than the initial canal diameter have
on Shaping more chances to incorporate irregularities
and touch all the canal walls.
As previously  discussed, anatomic factors may (b) The canal is curved, and/or its morphology is
pose a significantly challenge to root canal shap- irregular, oval/flattened, or C-shaped in cross
ing. Curvatures, oval/flattened canals, and other section. In curved canals, the instruments are
pathologic or iatrogenic conditions may influ- directed to certain walls and may fail to touch
ence attainment of a proper continuous conical others. In canals with irregular cross section,
shape during instrumentation. the instrument may not reach all recesses.
The curvature introduces a great complexity to
instrumentation as the instrument’s cutting action Different preparation techniques leave from
is more directed to some walls than others. Studies 10% to 50% of the root canal surface area
using micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) untouched [132–135] (Fig.  10.11). The amount
[129–132] and histobacteriological [16] methods of unprepared walls is even higher in oval or flat-
have shown that surface areas of the main root tened canals. A histological study showed that
canal may remain unaffected by instruments, even only 40% of the apical wall area of oval canals
when using contemporary rotary NiTi instru- were contacted by rotary instruments [136].
ments. This occurs mostly because: Micro-CT studies have reported a range from 5%
to 80% of unprepared areas in oval canals after
(a) The size of preparation is smaller than the using different instrumentation techniques [132,
original canal diameter. Preparations that are 135, 137–142]. In oval canals,  less unprepared

a b c

Fig. 10.11  Representative 3D reconstructions of micro-­ in mesial canals from mandibular molars. Unprepared
computed tomographic scans taken before (green) and areas are in green. (a) Self-adjusting File; (b) Reciproc;
after (red) root canal preparation with different techniques (c) Twisted File (TF)
10  Internal Tooth Anatomy and Root Canal Instrumentation 291

walls have been observed after using the  SAF instruments/irrigants. While some microorgan-
system,  because this instrument was designed isms have been shown to be resistant to some
mostly for better adaptation in canals that are endodontic antimicrobial agents [158, 159],
irregular in cross section [132, 139–141, 143]. resistance to debridement and to NaOCl is highly
unlikely to occur. Bacteria usually survive to
treatment procedures not because they are more
10.9 Effects of Anatomy resistant but because they were not affected by
on Cleaning and Disinfection instruments and irrigants.
Bacteria remain unaffected because treatment
The main steps of root canal treatment involved was inadequately carried out (small instrumenta-
with infection control are chemomechanical tion, preparation too short of the apex, poor irri-
preparation and intracanal medication. The for- gation, etc.) or because bacteria were located in
mer is of utmost importance for cleaning and dis- difficult-to-reach areas. Actually, the latter is the
infection, since instruments and irrigants act main reason for bacterial persistence even after
primarily in the main canal, which is the area diligent endodontic treatment.
with the largest bulk of pulp tissue and bacterial Anatomic complexities represent physical
density. constraints that pose a serious challenge to ade-
Numerous studies have shown that instrumen- quate disinfection. The main root canal lumen
tation and irrigation are highly effective in sub- and minor anatomical irregularities are usually
stantially reducing the intracanal bacterial incorporated into preparation and affected by
populations [83, 84, 144–148]. Clinical [83, 86] NaOCl, but bacteria and organic tissue may
and in vitro studies [95, 96, 119] have clearly remain in areas not reached by instruments and
demonstrated that preparation using an antibacte- irrigants [10, 13, 16, 160, 161]. Unaffected areas
rial irrigating solution such as NaOCl signifi- include root canal walls untouched by instru-
cantly enhances disinfection when compared to ments, recesses, dentinal tubules, isthmuses, lat-
irrigation with saline. Most canals instrumented eral canals, and apical ramifications [13–16, 18,
and irrigated with 2.5% NaOCl have the number 129, 132, 137]. These areas are usually not
of bacteria reduced 102- to 105-fold and an overall affected because of the inherent physical limita-
reduction of bacterial counts of 95–99% [95, 97, tions of instruments and the short retention time
149, 150]. Regular exchange and the use of large of irrigants within the root canal. If bacterial bio-
volumes should maintain the optimum antibacte- films remain in untouched and unaffected canal
rial effectiveness of the NaOCl solution, areas, the treatment outcome is put at risk [1].
compensating for the effects of concentration
­ Canals that are flattened or oval-shaped are
[95]. It has been reported that the beneficial often suboptimally cleaned and disinfected by
effects of using NaOCl when compared to saline currently hand or rotary NiTi instrumentation
are only observed after significant apical enlarge- using reaming motions [136, 137, 162–166].
ment [83, 86]. Recesses are commonly left untouched at the
Despite the excellent antibacterial effects extremities of the canal largest diameter (usually
obtained by chemomechanical preparation using the buccolingual diameter) (Fig. 10.12). In addi-
either NaOCl or CHX as the irrigant, clinical tion to harboring remnants of pulp tissue or bac-
bacteriological studies have demonstrated that terial biofilms, such recesses may also be packed
30–60% of the previously infected root canals with dentin chips generated and pushed therein
still have detectable levels of bacteria after instru- by rotating instruments [167–169]. Packed
mentation [83, 84, 111, 112, 145, 150–157]. debris can interfere with the quality of obtura-
The main reasons for bacteria to persist after tion [170] and, in infected root canals, can har-
chemomechanical procedures are that they are bor bacteria to serve as a potential source of
resistant to treatment or they are unaffected by persistent infection [10].
292 J. F. Siqueira et al.

Fig. 10.12  Oval canal

after rotary
Recesses may be left
untouched at the
extremities of the canal
largest diameter (arrows)

10.10 T
 he Need to Enhance OSD strategies include instruments especially
Disinfection designed to adjust to the root canal anatomy, the
EndoVac system for negative pressure irrigation,
Bacterial populations in infected canals are sig- final canal rinse with CHX or MTAD (Dentsply
nificantly eliminated by instrumentation and irri- Sirona), sonic or ultrasonic activation of NaOCl,
gation, but residual bacteria may still be found in photodynamic therapy (PDT), photon-induced
many cases. This means that some canals are photoacoustic streaming (PIPS) using Er:YAG
filled in the presence of detectable bacteria. The laser energy at sub-ablative power levels (Fotona,
problem is that studies have demonstrated that Ljubljana, Slovenia), and the GentleWave multi-
residual infection projects a poor outcome [171– sonic wave system (Sonendo, Laguna Hills, CA,
174]. Therefore, in 30–60% of the cases, there is USA).
a need to supplement disinfection in order to cre- The new instruments devised to deal with
ate a biologically favorable environment condu- canals exhibiting irregular shapes include SAF,
cive to periradicular tissue healing. TRUShape, and XP-endo Shaper systems. While
Because bacteria surviving the effects of the latter two were recently launched and still
instruments and irrigants are usually located in need studies reporting on their cleaning and dis-
areas difficult or impossible to reach during infecting ability in oval or flattened canals, the
instrumentation, approaches have been proposed SAF system has been already extensively stud-
to improve disinfection after the instrumentation/ ied. This is a hollow and flexible instrument
irrigation phase [175]. Predictably enhanced designed to adapt itself to the root canal cross-­
results have been obtained mostly after place- sectional shape [176]. The surface of the instru-
ment of an interappointment antimicrobial medi- ment is lightly abrasive and acts like sandpaper to
cation, such as a calcium hydroxide paste [16, 83, scrape dentin and enlarge the canal. A great
84, 118, 157]. advantage of the SAF system is that the irrigant is
Some strategies have been developed to continuously delivered throughout instrument
improve single-visit disinfection and then obvi- operation. Studies have shown that SAF instru-
ate the need for interappointment medication and mentation presents superior cleaning, shaping,
consequently another visit to complete treatment. and disinfection in oval canals when compared to
Approaches for optimized single-visit disinfec- conventional instruments [139, 177–179].
tion (OSD) include new systems and substances However, in round or narrow canals, SAF shows
that either replace conventional chemomechani- no significant benefits over conventional rotary
cal procedures or supplement their effects [175]. NiTi instruments [132, 180].
10  Internal Tooth Anatomy and Root Canal Instrumentation 293

In addition to the use of special instruments, bioburden to levels significantly below that
strategies to deal with oval/flattened canals achieved by conventional instrumentation/irriga-
include (a) using hand files in circumferential fil- tion. Thus, even though research has been direct
ing motion for the entire preparation or comple- toward expediting disinfection, current evidence
menting rotary instrumentation; (b) when using indicates the need for an interappointment anti-
rotary instruments, preparing the flattened canal microbial medication to enhance disinfection of
as if it were two or three separate entities [137]; the root canal system in teeth with primary or
and/or (c) supplementing cleaning and disinfec- posttreatment apical periodontitis.
tion by using ultrasonic activation of NaOCl and
final rinse with CHX [117].
Ultrasonic activation of irrigants, especially 10.11 Correlative Evaluation
NaOCl, has been widely recommended for root of Instrumentation Using
canal disinfection and has been referred to as Micro-CT and Other
“passive ultrasonic irrigation” (PUI) [181, 182]. Analytical Methods
Ultrasonic antibacterial and cleaning effects are
usually related to the phenomena of acoustic Numerous methods have been used to investigate
streaming and cavitation [183–185]. Moreover, the cleaning, shaping, and disinfecting effects of
ultrasonics also warms and may move the irrigant chemomechanical procedures. One of the most
into areas of complex anatomy. In vitro studies recently used methodologies to assess root canal
evaluating the intracanal antibacterial effective- shaping is micro-CT.  The greatest advantage of
ness of PUI with NaOCl as the irrigant applied micro-CT is its nondestructive nature, permitting
after chemomechanical procedures have shown to compare the root canal morphology before and
inconclusive results [94, 117, 186, 187]. As for after preparation in extracted teeth.
clinical trials, molecular microbiology studies A parameter commonly evaluated in micro-­CT
revealed no significant antibacterial benefits of studies is the amount of unprepared root canal sur-
the PUI approach [180, 188]. A study using peri- faces. Several studies have revealed that a relatively
apical radiography and cone-beam computed large amount of surface area of the main canal
tomography to compare the outcome of endodon- remains uninstrumented, especially in curved or
tic treatment with and without additional ultra- oval/flattened canals, regardless of the instruments
sonic activation of the irrigant found no significant and techniques used [132–135]. Inferences have
difference between the two groups [189]. been made about the clinical implications of these
As for the other OSD approaches, clinical findings, with the possible retention of bacterial
studies have showed no significant improvement biofilm and pulp tissue remnants on walls that were
in disinfection when using the EndoVac irriga- not touched [132, 192]. On the other hand, one
tion system [190], sonic activation of irrigants might expect that NaOCl used for irrigation could
with EndoActivator [157], and final rinse with reach, clean, and disinfect these walls, given its
MTAD [191]. Final rinse with CHX has shown antimicrobial and tissue-­dissolving effects.
inconclusive results [115, 118, 156]. So far, there Therefore, it is important to evaluate the mor-
is no information from clinical studies about the phological conditions of the uninstrumented
antibacterial effectiveness of PDT, PIPS, and canal surfaces. This is only possible by combin-
GentleWave systems. ing findings from micro-CT with other analytical
Therefore, while some  OSD approaches methods. A study combined micro-CT and
may have shown a potential to improve cleaning microbiological methods in a correlative evalua-
and disinfection in a single visit, most of the tion of the effects of chemomechanical prepara-
results come from in vitro studies and as such tion using different instrument systems and found
represent low-level evidence. There is no consis- no correlation between the amount of unprepared
tent clinical evidence showing that these OSD surface areas and residual bacterial levels [132].
approaches can predictably reduce the bacterial However, the specific conditions of the uninstru-
294 J. F. Siqueira et al.

mented areas could not be assessed by the meth- nificant relationship between bacterial reduction
ods used. and the percentage of unprepared areas. None of
In another micro-CT/microbiology correlative the tested approaches could predictably disinfect
study, Alves et al. [193] evaluated the disinfect- the isthmus area as shown by the correlative
ing ability of two OSD approaches—PUI and approach using micro-CT, cryopulverization, and
XP-endo Finisher—in the mesial canals of man- molecular microbiology methods [193].
dibular molars. Teeth were anatomically matched A correlative study used micro-CT and micros-
between groups based on micro-CT, the canals copy (optical and scanning electron microscopy
were contaminated and instrumented using (SEM)) to describe the morphological conditions
NaOCl irrigation, and the OSD approach was of the uninstrumented canal walls of teeth with
applied. The amount of unprepared areas was vital or necrotic pulps [194]. Preparation was car-
revealed by micro-CT. Samples were taken from ried out with a reciprocating NiTi system and
the canal and from the isthmus area identified by NaOCl irrigation. The surfaces identified as
micro-CT and processed by cryopulverization. A unprepared by micro-CT analysis were micro-
quantitative molecular microbiology method scopically examined for the presence of pulp rem-
showed that the OSD approaches resulted in a nants, residual bacteria, and dentinal chips. Except
small additional bacterial reduction, which was for the coronal portion of canals with vital pulps,
significant only for XP-endo Finisher. Correlative most uninstrumented areas contained tissue rem-
analysis once again revealed no statistically sig- nants and/or bacteria (Fig. 10.13).

a b

Fig. 10.13 (a) Representative 3D reconstruction of and after (red) root canal preparation in a mandibular pre-
micro-computed tomographic scans taken before (green) molar. (b) Scanning electron micrograph of the area
marked in (a), showing debris on the unprepared wall
10  Internal Tooth Anatomy and Root Canal Instrumentation 295

10.12 Why Do We Succeed? However, if they cannot contact the periradic-

ular tissues, they have few chances to compro-
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Internal Tooth Anatomy and Root
Canal Irrigation
Christos Boutsioukis

Abstract 11.1 Introduction

Complex anatomy is undoubtedly one of the
main obstacles to cleaning and disinfection of The complex anatomy of the root canal system is
the root canal system by irrigants. The diame- undoubtedly one of the main limitations during
ter of the areas that need to be reached in com- treatment [1, 2]. Microorganisms residing in
bination with the viscosity of the irrigants areas difficult to reach by instruments and irrig-
seems to limit irrigant flow mostly within the ants are considered the primary cause of failure
wider areas irrespective of the method used; following both primary treatment and nonsurgi-
so, transport of molecules/ions to narrow areas cal retreatment [2, 3], so efforts to improve clean-
relies primarily on diffusion, a much slower ing and disinfection of the complete root canal
and inefficient process. Syringe irrigation per- system are highly justified. In order to achieve
forms similarly to other irrigation methods in these goals, mild modifications of the internal
the main root canal, provided that the needle is anatomy are necessary; an access cavity must be
inserted close to working length and the canal prepared and, in the majority of cases, the main
is adequately enlarged. However, additional root canal needs to be enlarged so that irrigants
delivery and activation methods are needed to can reach the apical anatomy [4]; omitting this
clean fins, uninstrumented oval extensions, critical step seems to hinder the action of the irri-
isthmuses, and accessory canals. Adding more gants considerably [5]. Nevertheless, even after
impediments to this challenging procedure by adequate root canal enlargement, a number of
reducing the size of the access cavity or that of further obstacles must be overcome by irrigants
the main root canal should be avoided. before cleaning, and disinfection of the complete
root canal system is possible.
This chapter discusses the performance of
currently available irrigation methods in the vari-
ous parts of the root canal system along with the
limitations imposed by the anatomy and attempts
to highlight critical parameters affecting irrigant
penetration in these areas based on the available
C. Boutsioukis, D.D.S., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Department of Endodontology, Academic Centre for evidence.
Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), University of
Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2019 303

M. A. Versiani et al. (eds.), The Root Canal Anatomy in Permanent Dentition,
304 C. Boutsioukis

11.2 T
 ransport of Irrigants Inside air bubble but not between the irrigant and tissue
the Root Canal System fluid or dentinal fluid because these fluids are
miscible. Root canal walls are hydrophilic and
Irrigants, and particularly their chemically active easily wetted by irrigants [14–16], so there is cur-
particles (molecules/ions), must ideally reach all rently no evidence to suggest that such an inter-
areas of the root canal system in sufficient face exists regularly inside the root canal system
amounts in order to disrupt the biofilm, kill and limits irrigant penetration in vivo.
microorganisms, dissolve pulp tissue remnants, Recent studies have confirmed that adding
and remove dentin debris [1, 4, 6]. The quickest wetting agents (surfactants) to common irrigants,
and most efficient mechanism for such transport in order to reduce their surface tension, does not
is the bulk fluid motion (irrigant flow) occurring improve sodium hypochlorite penetration into
during irrigant delivery or activation; this process dentinal tubules [17, 18]. Moreover, a lower sur-
is termed convection [7]. Besides facilitating the face tension doesn’t seem to enhance sodium
transport of particles, irrigant flow also contrib- hypochlorite’s antimicrobial effect against either
utes to the mechanical cleaning of the root canal planktonic bacteria [19] or bacteria inside den-
system in areas where the moving irrigant comes tinal tubules [17] or its tissue-dissolution capac-
in direct contact with the aforementioned targets. ity [20–22]. On the contrary, the addition of
Nevertheless, bulk irrigant flow is mostly limited surfactants appears to accelerate the loss of free
to the wider parts of the root canal system. available chlorine [23]. Removal of calcium from
In areas that cannot be reached by the flow, dentin and removal of the smear layer by com-
particles may still be transported by diffusion, the monly used chelators also seem to be unaffected
random particle movement in a fluid, but this by their surface tension [16, 24].
mechanism is markedly slower than convection, It is noteworthy that irrigant surface tension
and its rate is further affected by the size of the may indeed become an important factor during ex
particles, temperature, and concentration gradi- vivo or in vitro experiments if very dry specimens
ents [7]. Moreover, diffusion does not contribute or artificial canals made of hydrophobic materi-
to the mechanical cleaning. Given the anatomical als are used or if root canals are irrigated by non-­
complexity of the root canal system and the time aqueous liquids, for instance, certain oil-based
constraints of a typical treatment session, it is contrast agents. Nevertheless, such findings
strongly advisable to employ convection as a pri- should be disregarded as artifacts created due to
mary means of transport to deliver abundant irri- unrealistic experimental conditions. Furthermore,
gant at least to the full extent of the main root surfactants may exert some antibacterial effect
canal and only rely on diffusion in order to reach themselves independent of the surface tension
more remote areas where bulk flow is inherently reduction [25], so proper control experiments are
limited. required to exclude this possibility.
Although irrigant flow inside the root canal
system is not affected by surface tension, it is
11.3 Surface Tension always affected by the viscosity of the irrigants, a
and Viscosity of Irrigants property that describes their internal friction and
resistance to flow [12, 26, 27]; a lower-viscosity
It is frequently assumed that irrigant penetration liquid will flow more easily. The viscosity of
inside the root canal system, especially in narrow sodium hypochlorite is similar to that of distilled
spaces like accessory canals and dentinal tubules, water [28, 29] and seems to increase slightly with
may be improved by decreasing the surface ten- concentration and decrease with increasing tem-
sion of the irrigants [8–11]. However, surface perature [19]. Its effect on irrigant penetration
tension is important only at the interface between has been largely overlooked in the endodontic
two immiscible fluids [12, 13]; such an interface literature but there are some indications that a
exists, for instance, between the irrigant and an lower irrigant viscosity can indeed provide an
11  Internal Tooth Anatomy and Root Canal Irrigation 305

advantage [30]. Moreover, it has been reported requisites for the cleaning and disinfection of
that adding surfactants to sodium hypochlorite other areas that are more difficult to reach. Just
can actually increase the viscosity of the solution as the access cavity and pulp chamber act as a
to some extent [19], thus hindering instead of reservoir of irrigant during instrumentation, the
improving irrigant penetration inside the root main root canal also acts as a reservoir of irrigant
canal system. enabling diffusion of particles toward more
remote areas. Furthermore, the flow created in
the main canal during irrigant delivery or activa-
11.4 Pulp Chamber tion drives the flow in other areas when such a
flow is possible.
The pulp chamber is the first part of the root canal One important obstacle in the main root canal
system that is accessed during treatment. is that the irrigant cannot flow unobstructed
Cleaning and disinfection of the pulp chamber through the apical foramen, so, from a fluid
has been generally considered a straightforward dynamics point of view, the canal behaves as an
procedure due to the easy access by both instru- apically closed system [38–42]. Effective irrigant
ments and irrigants and the optimum visibility exchange and cleaning in such a system is far
provided by the dental operating microscope. more challenging compared to a system open at
However, preparation of conservative and espe- both ends [12, 43, 44], and clear guidelines have
cially ultraconservative “ninja” access cavities been published for ex vivo and in vitro irrigation
according to the principles of minimally invasive experiments to recreate these clinically realistic
endodontics [31–35] could compromise cleaning conditions [41, 42]. An interesting deviation
while providing only doubtful advantages in occurs when irrigant is extruded through the api-
terms of tooth resistance to fracture. cal foramen [45], but, in most cases, this repre-
sents only a very small amount compared to the
large amounts used to flush the main root canal
11.5 Main Root Canal [46–48], so the concept of an apically closed sys-
tem remains valid.
Along with the pulp chamber, the main root Delivering irrigants only in the pulp chamber
canal is perhaps the most accessible part of the or in the coronal third of the root canal using
root canal system that can be enlarged and, at syringes and large needles (21–23 G) (Table 11.1),
least, partially cleaned by instruments [36, 37]. a technique that was advocated in the past [30,
Optimum cleaning of the main canal and effec- 49], means that irrigants are only transported
tive irrigant penetration and exchange are pre- toward the apical third by the files or by diffu-

Table 11.1 Medical ISO 9626:1991/Amendment.1:2001 (medical needles)

needle specifications Int. diameter
according to ISO Gauge Metric Ext. diameter (mm) (mm) Corresponding
9626:1991/Amd.1:2001 size size (mm) Min Max Min instrument size*
[66] and corresponding
21 0.80 0.800 0.830 0.490 90
size of endodontic
instruments 23 0.60 0.600 0.673 0.317 70
25 0.50 0.500 0.530 0.232 55
26 0.45 0.440 0.470 0.232 50
27 0.40 0.400 0.420 0.184 45
28 0.36 0.349 0.370 0.133 40
29 0.33 0.324 0.351 0.133 35
30 0.30 0.298 0.320 0.133 35
31 0.25 0.254 0.267 0.114 30
32 0.23 0.229 0.241 0.089 25
*Non-existing instrument sizes were rounded up to the next available size.
306 C. Boutsioukis

sion. Nowadays, syringe irrigation by fine nee- 44, 53, 60–64]. Due to the very-low-intensity jet
dles is widely used [1, 50–55], but its effectiveness created and its partially lateral direction, irrigant
depends on root canal enlargement and insertion penetration is limited to 1 mm or less apically to
of the needles close to working length (WL) [52, the tip of a closed-ended needle even under ideal
53, 56–61]. conditions [62], and only a slight improvement
Under the same conditions, closed-ended nee- can be achieved by increasing the apical size, the
dles are always less effective than open-ended taper, or the irrigant flow rate (Figs.  11.1 and
needles regarding apical irrigant exchange [39, 11.2) [39, 44, 60, 61, 63, 65]. Therefore, root

25/.06 30/.06 35/.06 45/.06 55/.06




25/.06 30/.06 35/.06 45/.06 55/.06


Fig. 11.1  Triads of time-averaged irrigant velocity con- sizes according to computer simulations. Needles are col-
tours (left) and vectors (middle) and streamlines (right) ored in red. Irrigant penetration apically to the needle tip
depicting irrigant flow when a closed-ended (top) or an is improved as the apical size increases, and this effect is
open-ended needle (bottom) are placed at 3 mm short of more pronounced for the open-ended needles. Reprinted
WL in 0.06-tapered root canals having various apical and modified with permission [60, 61]
11  Internal Tooth Anatomy and Root Canal Irrigation 307

30/.02 30/.04 30/.06 F3 (30/.09)




30/.02 30/.04 30/.06 F3 (30/.09)


Fig. 11.2  Triads of time-averaged irrigant velocity case refers to the shape of the ProTaper Universal F3 file
contours (left) and vectors (middle) and streamlines (Dentsply Tulsa Dental, Tulsa, OK, USA). Needles are
(right) depicting irrigant flow when a closed-ended colored in red. An increase in the taper improves irrig-
(top) or an open-ended needle (bottom) are placed at ant penetration, and this effect is more pronounced for
3 mm short of WL in size 30 root canals having different the open-ended needles. Reprinted and modified with
tapers according to computer simulations. The fourth permission [61]
308 C. Boutsioukis

canals need to be prepared to an apical size that aforementioned studies. Interestingly, there are
allows insertion of this needle within 1 mm from also several studies that could not detect signifi-
WL while also providing enough space around cant differences between syringe irrigation and
the needle for the reverse irrigant flow toward the other methods even though it was not clear
root canal orifice; a minimum apical size 30–35 whether the requirements for apical enlargement
(depending on the taper) seems necessary to sat- and insertion close to WL were actually met [54,
isfy these requirements for the widely used 30 G 77–83]. On the contrary, studies showing that
needles (Table 11.1) [66, 67]. syringe irrigation resulted in inferior cleaning
Open-ended needles create a more intense jet and disinfection of the main root canal compared
of irrigant apically, which is a clear advantage in to other methods generally did not enlarge the
terms of irrigant penetration in the main root canals to an adequate size and/or inserted the
canal [62, 63, 65]. Nevertheless, jet penetration needles too far from WL [38, 52, 84–86], but
also depends on the apical size and taper of the there are a few exceptions [87, 88].
root canal and on the irrigant flow rate [44, 53, These apical size requirements are at variance
62, 63, 65]. The irrigant cannot reach farther than with the emerging trend of minimal root canal
1 mm apically to the needle tip in root canals hav- instrumentation aiming to preserve as much hard
ing an apical size less than 30 (Fig. 11.1) [59, 60], dental tissue as possible [31]. Even though there
and insertion of a 30  G open-ended needle at are no specific guidelines available, minimal
1 mm from WL in such root canals without bind- shaping frequently combines a smaller apical
ing is not feasible; binding of an open-ended size (≤25) with increased taper (≥6%). However,
needle very close to WL could lead to irrigant there is no evidence that increased taper can com-
extrusion through the apical foramen [47]. pensate for the reduction in the apical size regard-
Penetration is greatly improved in larger root ing irrigant penetration; to the contrary, the effect
canals, which allows for the placement of these of apical size seems to be more pronounced than
needles at 2–3 mm short of WL without compro- the effect of taper [60, 61].
mising irrigant exchange (Figs.  11.1, 11.2, and Root canal curvature per se doesn’t appear to
11.3) [44, 53, 60, 61, 63, 65] while reducing the limit irrigant penetration during syringe irriga-
risk of irrigant extrusion [47]. Therefore, simi- tion as long as the canal can be adequately
larly to the closed-ended needles, a minimum enlarged and the needle can be inserted close to
apical size 30–35 is also required for irrigation WL [51, 64]. However, extreme curvature can
with open-ended needles to reach the full extent limit apical enlargement. Finer and more flexible
of the main root canal [53, 60–62]. irrigation needles (31–32 G) may reach closer to
Several ex vivo studies could not detect sig- WL in such root canals, but there is very limited
nificant differences between syringe irrigation information about their ability to deliver the irrig-
and several other delivery or activation methods, ant, the resulting flow, and cleaning of root
including negative pressure irrigation, sonic, and canals. Moreover, these needles require three to
ultrasonic activation, regarding the removal of six times stronger force to be applied to the
soft-tissue remnants, hard-tissue debris, bacteria, syringe compared to a 30 G needle, to reach the
or biofilm from the main root canal [68–75] when same flow rate [89]. Other irrigation methods
it was adequately enlarged and the needle was such as apical negative pressure irrigation and
placed within the recommended distance from laser-activated irrigation that also require inser-
WL. The results of a randomized controlled clini- tion of cannulas or tips very close to WL are also
cal trial that evaluated healing of apical periodon- limited by the smaller apical size [90–92].
titis in teeth with a single root canal and relatively It is rather unlikely that any method based on
simple anatomy also showed no difference transverse oscillation of files/tips inside the root
between syringe irrigation and ultrasonic activa- canal (e.g. sonic or ultrasonic activation) can pro-
tion [76], which seems to be in line with the vide significant advantages in minimally shaped
11  Internal Tooth Anatomy and Root Canal Irrigation 309

1 mm 2 mm 3 mm 4 mm 5 mm




1 mm 2 mm 3 mm 4 mm 5 mm 9


Fig. 11.3 Triads of time-averaged irrigant velocity ended needle (bottom) are placed at 1–5 mm short of
contours (left) and vectors (middle) and streamlines WL according to computer simulations. Needles are
(right) depicting irrigant flow in a size 45/0.06 taper colored in red. Reprinted and modified with permis-
root canal when a closed-ended (top) or an open- sion [53]

or extremely curved root canals; such oscillating in straight and curved canals [87] that could be
files/tips make frequent wall contact even in ade- attributed to wall contact and dampening.
quately enlarged straight root canals, which However, another in vitro study could not detect
seems to dampen the oscillation [93, 94]; multi-­ any influence of curvature on the irrigant penetra-
point wall contact inside narrow and  curved tion apically to an ultrasonic file [96], but the arti-
canals will probably dampen the oscillation even ficial root canal was made of a very soft material
more [95]. A small ex vivo study observed differ- which, unlike dentin, may have been unable to
ences in the performance of ultrasonic activation provide strong dampening.
310 C. Boutsioukis

Despite the absence of obvious limitations to wall shear stress (Fig. 11.4) [60, 61]. Since high
its performance, Photon-Initiated Photo-acoustic wall shear stress only affects a limited area of the
Streaming (PIPS) also doesn’t seem to provide a main root canal near the needle tip during syringe
significant advantage against microbes in root irrigation [52, 53, 60–62], a possible way to
canals prepared to an apical size smaller than 30 improve mechanical cleaning in such cases would
[97]. Thus, based on the currently available evi- be to move the needle along the root canal during
dence, the main alternatives in narrow and curved delivery in order for the high shear stress to affect
canals are manual dynamic activation with a as much of the root canal wall as possible; this
well-fitting gutta-percha point [52] or a multi- longitudinal needle movement may also provide
sonic activation system [83]. an advantage even in smaller root canals.
Just as a very small root canal is difficult to Air bubbles may be entrapped in the apical
irrigate, limitations arise also in very large root part of the main root canal during irrigation and
canals. In such cases, the irrigant can easily pen- could  block irrigant penetration, a phenomenon
etrate to the full extent of the main canal [60, 61], termed “apical vapor lock” [42, 98–101]. Bubble
but its velocity decreases because more space is entrapment seems to be more frequent in narrow
available for the flow, causing a reduction in the root canals, but early studies probably overesti-
mechanical cleaning effect as indicated by the mated its frequency by inserting the needles too

25 35 45 55 25 35 45 55





Shear Stress

Fig. 11.4  Time-averaged distribution of shear stress on apical sizes according to computer simulations. Only half
the root canal wall during irrigation by a closed-ended of the root canal wall is shown to allow simultaneous
(left) or an open-ended needle (right) positioned at 3 mm evaluation of the needle position. Needles are colored in
short of WL in 0.06-tapered root canals having various red. Reprinted and modified with permission [60]
11  Internal Tooth Anatomy and Root Canal Irrigation 311

0.083 mL/s 0.260 mL/s 0.083 mL/s 0.260 mL/s

1 mm

3 mm

Fig. 11.5  Bubble entrapment (vapor lock) in the apical interface in the computer simulations. Only large bubbles
part of size 50/0.04 taper root canals according to com- occupying completely a part of the apical root canal create
puter simulations and in vitro experiments. The irrigant a vapor lock (stars). Smaller bubbles floating in the irrig-
was delivered at a flow rate of 0.083 or 0.260  mL/s ant (arrows) are of minor importance because they cannot
through a 30 G closed-ended needle inserted at 1 or 3 mm block irrigant penetration to any part of the root canal.
short of WL.  The blue surface depicts the air-irrigant Reprinted and modified with permission [101]

far away from WL, irrigating at a very low flow Therefore, its removal concerns only a part of the
rate (Fig.  11.5), or using artificial root canals main root canal and should be possible using
made of hydrophobic materials [101]. Contrary syringe irrigation, albeit a combination of irrig-
to widely held views [42, 98, 102], apical vapor ants is most likely needed [1]. Interestingly, the
lock doesn’t seem to be a major problem during use of ultrasonic files to activate chelators and
irrigation. The bubbles can be easily removed or improve smear layer removal seems to be even
their entrapment can be prevented by adequate counterproductive because the resulting increase
enlargement of the root canal to a minimum api- in the temperature can actually decrease their
cal size 35 and insertion of irrigation needles calcium-binding capacity [2].
very close to WL, even briefly, without the need Finally, it is noteworthy that ultrasonic irrigant
for any supplementary irrigation methods [101]. activation may be able to modify, to some extent,
The same applies to the removal of the smear the anatomy of the main root canal by removing
layer which is formed on the wall of the main small amounts of dentin and causing transporta-
root canal where metal instruments cut dentin tion, especially when ultrasonic K-files are used
[103, 104]. Remote areas and a considerable part (Fig. 11.6); this has been demonstrated ex vivo or
of the main root canal remain untouched by in vitro in both straight [105] and curved root
instruments [36], thus, also free of smear layer. canals [106, 107].
312 C. Boutsioukis

Fig. 11.6 Three-­ Endo Soft

dimensional Instrument
K-file Irrisafe Control
reconstructions of
tomography scans
depicting the root canal
wall after preparation
(yellow) and the amount
of dentin removed by
different ultrasonic files
(red) after 30 and 60 s of
activation. Reprinted
and modified with
permission [107]

30 s 60 s 30 s 60 s 30 s 60 s 30 s 60 s

11.6 Uninstrumented Oval main root canal seems to have a significant effect
Extensions and Fins on the cleaning process of artificial grooves and
depressions when combined with a smaller api-
Most of the available instruments and techniques cal size (#20) [115]. Furthermore, the length,
are unable to completely prepare oval root canals width, and depth of these spaces are likely to
and fins extending laterally from the main root affect their cleaning.
canal [108–112]. Therefore, cleaning and disin- Several studies agree that supplementary irri-
fection of these uninstrumented areas needs to gation methods perform better than syringe irri-
be accomplished by irrigants entering through gation in the removal of dentin debris [29, 87, 90,
the main root canal. In addition to biofilm and 93, 114, 116–118] or soft-tissue remnants [119]
pulp tissue remnants, dentin debris may be from fins and uninstrumented oval extensions,
packed in these areas during instrumentation, but the relative effectiveness of each method is
which may hinder the access of irrigants [113]. unclear. Laser-activated irrigation appears to be
Current evidence is mostly limited to ex vivo or the most effective method followed by ultrasonic
in vitro studies on the removal of dentin debris activation [90], at least in straight root canals, but
from artificial grooves and depressions on the the performance of both methods is likely to
root canal wall, a process that is likely to depend depend on several operating parameters. For
primarily on the mechanical cleaning effect, instance, cleaning by ultrasonic activation is sig-
while there is very limited information about the nificantly improved when high power is used
removal of pulp tissue remnants and, more [120] and when the files/tips oscillate toward the
importantly, of biofilm. Increasing the apical area of interest [121], conditions that may not be
size from 30 to 40 or 50 doesn’t seem to affect met during clinical use. Intermittent ultrasonic
irrigation of these areas by various methods activation for short periods of time (≤20 s) com-
[114], but size 30 may already provide an ade- bined with irrigant refreshment between activa-
quate pathway for the irrigants. The taper of the tion periods seems to be a more effective method
11  Internal Tooth Anatomy and Root Canal Irrigation 313

than continuous activation for longer periods irrigants may also exist if the isthmus extends
(≤3 min) [122, 123] and repetitions of this pro- coronally till the pulp chamber.
cess seem to have a cumulative effect [29]. In Two studies could not detect significant differ-
fact, the number of repetitions appears to be more ences in the removal of dentin debris from the
important than the duration of the activation peri- isthmus between syringe irrigation and several
ods [29, 116], which may be related to the other supplementary methods, including inter-
unsteady oscillation and the resulting intense mittent ultrasonic activation, continuous irrigant
streaming created at the startup of each activation delivery, and ultrasonic activation by an oscillat-
period [123]. The cleaning effect of ultrasonic ing needle, sonic activation, and apical negative
files seems to extend up to 3 mm apically to their pressure irrigation [70, 71], but their findings
tip, at least in straight canals and when using high may have been affected by the low sensitivity of
power [96]. the two-dimensional evaluation method that was
Continuous irrigant delivery and ultrasonic used. Recent studies using micro-computed
activation through oscillating needles also appear tomography have shown that ultrasonic activa-
to be more effective than syringe irrigation and tion, apical negative pressure irrigation, and an
several other methods [118], but a direct com- additional finishing rotary NiTi instrument can
parison to the more widely used intermittent remove more dentin debris from the isthmus
ultrasonic activation is lacking. An automated compared to syringe irrigation [75, 113, 126].
positive-pressure pulsed-delivery system seems Similar results were obtained regarding the
to be less effective than ultrasonic activation, at removal of pulp tissue remnants by intermittent
least in straight root canals [87, 114], but there ultrasonic activation or continuous irrigant deliv-
are some indications that it may surpass ultra- ery and ultrasonic activation by an oscillating
sonic activation in curved canals [87]. Sonic acti- needle; both methods performed better than
vation applied by plastic tips or metal needles syringe irrigation [72, 77, 127, 128], even though
appears less effective than ultrasonic activation the use of large needles may have hindered inser-
but still better than syringe irrigation under cer- tion close to WL, a parameter that remains impor-
tain conditions [93, 117], and the same seems to tant also for the cleaning of the isthmus [55]. A
apply to manual dynamic activation with gutta-­ multisonic activation system was also found to be
percha points and apical negative pressure irriga- more effective than syringe irrigation in the
tion [118]. Nevertheless, these rankings are based removal of pulp tissue remnants from the middle
on a limited number of studies. and apical third of the isthmus [83], but there was
a large imbalance in the volume of irrigant used
by the two methods.
11.7 Isthmus No significant difference was found between
ultrasonic activation and an additional finishing
An isthmus is a narrow ribbon-shaped connec- rotary NiTi instrument concerning the removal of
tion between two adjacent root canals in the same bacteria from the main canal, isthmus, any acces-
root that may contain biofilm, pulp tissue rem- sory canals, and dentinal tubules evaluated in
nants, and dentin debris [124]. The cleaning of combination [129]. Nevertheless, other methods
the isthmus is far more challenging than cleaning seem to be somehow less effective; manual
of the main root canal [72–74, 125], and the limi- dynamic activation with a gutta-percha point left
tations resemble those of oval extensions and more pulp tissue remnants than apical negative
fins. However, the isthmus may be accessed by pressure irrigation [125], and sonic activation
irrigants from two sides, namely, from each of only showed an advantage over syringe irrigation
the main root canals that is connected to, and this in some areas coronally to the tip of the needle
could be an advantage. An additional access for regarding the removal of artificially placed col-
314 C. Boutsioukis

lagen [73]. Furthermore, a combined syringe nants from the entrance of accessory canals
delivery and evacuation device was equally or [134], which is also likely for dentinal tubules.
less effective in the removal of pulp tissue rem- Irrigant flow in accessory canals and dentinal
nants compared to syringe irrigation [74]. tubules is driven by the flow in the main canal
From a fluid dynamics point of view, a patent and appears to be limited to a depth approxi-
isthmus can provide a significant advantage for mately twice their diameter (Fig. 11.7), while dif-
irrigant penetration by eliminating the crucial fusion dominates irrigant transport beyond that
problem of the apically closed system [130]; irri- point [135]. Therefore, optimum irrigant refresh-
gants can follow a continuous path from one root ment in the main canal in order to maintain a
canal to the other through the isthmus without the favorable concentration gradient, any increase in
need to create a reverse flow within the same the temperature of the irrigants, and a longer
canal. The closer the connection is to the apex, application period could enhance particle trans-
the more effective the flushing of the main root port [135]. The importance of these three param-
canals should be. A recent study combined eters for sodium hypochlorite penetration and its
syringe delivery in one of the connected root antimicrobial effect inside dentinal tubules have
canals and apical negative pressure evacuation in been verified in ex vivo studies [136–138], but
the second canal in order to force the irrigant similar studies on accessory canals are lacking.
through the isthmus and demonstrated more Nevertheless, it is difficult to maintain the irrig-
effective removal of dentin debris compared to ant temperature above 35–37 °C inside the root
either syringe irrigation or apical negative pres- canal in vivo unless preheated irrigant is con-
sure irrigation alone, and also compared to ultra- stantly delivered [139] or the irrigant is heated in
sonic activation [131]. A similar advantage is situ [140, 141], so temperature-driven accelera-
likely to exist when two patent root canals merge tion of diffusion is usually short term. Evidently,
near the apex, even without a patent isthmus con- the smear layer seems to reduce the antimicrobial
necting them. effect of irrigants inside the dentinal tubules, but
it doesn’t create an impermeable barrier [142].
Regarding accessory canals, there seems to be
11.8 Accessory Canals a consensus that intermittent ultrasonic activation
and Dentinal Tubules and continuous irrigant delivery and ultrasonic
activation by an oscillating needle are the most
Accessory canals and dentinal tubules present effective methods for irrigant penetration and
similar challenges for root canal irrigation but at cleaning of accessory canals, while syringe irri-
different length scales. Accessory canals are per- gation, apical negative pressure irrigation, and
ceived to be smaller than the main canal but sonic activation seem less effective [141, 143–
larger than dentinal tubules; morphological 145]. These findings can be explained by the
investigations of accessory foramina have intense streaming created in the main root canal
reported diameters of 10–200 μm [132]. Dentinal during ultrasonic activation [146], which can also
tubules, on the other hand, have an approximate ensure an optimum concentration gradient, and
diameter of 0.5–3.2 μm [133]. During irrigation, by the temperature increase [140, 141]. The level
both accessory canals and dentinal tubules behave and angulation of the accessory canals doesn’t
as closed-ended cavities, similarly to the main seem to influence irrigant penetration and clean-
canal, so the same limitations apply. However, it ing, as long as the accessory canal entrance can
is usually impossible to enter the accessory be reached by the flow in the main canal [106,
canals, let alone dentinal tubules, with instru- 141, 143–145].
ments or irrigation systems. Chemo-mechanical Ultrasonic activation also seems to achieve
preparation can only partially remove tissue rem- deeper penetration inside dentinal tubules com-
11  Internal Tooth Anatomy and Root Canal Irrigation 315

a Main Main
root canal root canal


Dentinal tubule Dentinal tubules



2.5 mm 2.5 mm

b 10-12


Fig. 11.7  Flow pattern (left) and velocity magnitude (right, the wall) is indicated by the large blue arrows. Close to the
logarithmic scale) of the convection inside dentinal tubules as tubule orifices, the flow is always parallel to the wall. Irrigant
obtained from computer simulations. The direction of the velocity decreases rapidly inside the dentinal tubules.
flow in the main root canal (a, parallel to the wall; b, at 45° to Reprinted and modified with permission [135]

pared to sonic activation, manual dynamic activa- tion and laser-activated irrigation when the main
tion with a gutta-percha point, and syringe root canal and dentinal tubules were examined in
irrigation, with sonic activation being slightly combination [149].
more effective than the latter two methods [147]. Nevertheless, the importance of accessory
An automated positive-pressure pulsed-delivery canal and dentinal tubule cleaning for the success
system appears to be more effective than syringe of root canal treatment is debated [134, 150].
irrigation as well [148]. However, it should be Despite the limitations in the cleaning of acces-
noted that, in addition to sub-optimum enlarge- sory canals and the fact that their contents remain
ment of the main root canals and inadequate largely undisturbed by treatment procedures, api-
insertion depth of the needles, a dye was used as cal periodontitis doesn’t seem to persist around
a marker to quantify penetration in both studies, them in many cases [134]. Furthermore, dentinal
and it may behave differently than common irrig- sclerosis, a physiological process that begins
ants [142]. Interestingly, the dye penetrated up to around the third decade of life in the apical part
2.3  mm following syringe irrigation for 1  min of the root canal and progresses coronally, gradu-
[148], which was considerably deeper than the ally blocks many dentinal tubules [151], thus pre-
reported 300 μm maximum penetration of sodium venting the penetration of both bacteria and
hypochlorite after application for 2–20 min [136, irrigants. This is an important confounder very
138]. Another study could not detect any differ- frequently overlooked in studies on dentinal
ence in the antimicrobial effect of syringe irriga- tubule infection and disinfection [152].
316 C. Boutsioukis

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Internal Tooth Anatomy and Root
Canal Obturation
Arnaldo Castellucci

Abstract rated will guide in selecting the best filling

The ultimate objective of the root canal ther- materials and techniques.
apy is the three-dimensional obturation of the
endodontic space after it has been completely
cleaned, shaped, and disinfected. The purpose 12.1 Biological Considerations
of obturation is to seal all “portals of exit” to for Root Canal Obturation
impede any sort of communication or exchange
between the endodontium and periodontium. It In 1931, Rickert and Dixon [1] formulated the
must therefore completely and durably fill the “hollow tube” theory, according to which an empty
root canal space, in which no empty spaces space within a living organism tends to fill with
should remain at all. It has been repeatedly tissue fluids in a short period of time. This theory
demonstrated that most of endodontic failures was based on the observation of an inflammatory
are related to incomplete obturation of the reaction around the ends of hollow steel and plati-
endodontium. On the other hand, it is well num anesthetic needle fragments implanted in
known that the root canal system can be disin- experimental animals. This reaction did not occur
fected and not sterilized. For this reason, the if the implant was made of a solid, nonporous
canal obturation should be considered like the material [1]. Two years later, Coolidge [2] arrived
very last step of cleaning, because it represents at the conclusion that, just as within unfilled or
the only way to neutralize the bacteria left in underfilled root canals, fluids that accumulate
the root canal walls and in the dentinal tubules. within empty spaces are rapidly colonized by bac-
Understanding the biological reasons why a teria that reach these spaces by means of a phe-
cleaned, shaped root canal requires to be obtu- nomenon of “anachoresis.” In other words, bacteria
transported by the blood circulation (bacteremia)
colonized these areas, where they remained shel-
tered from phagocytosis by the organism’s
A. Castellucci, M.D., D.D.S.
Private Practice Limited to Endodontics,
defenses. In the tissue fluids that had been col-
Florence, Italy lected, bacteria found a nutritional source that
Endodontics, University of Cagliari Dental School,
could sustain them. The irritating substances
Cagliari, Italy derived from the breakdown of the organic mate-
Micro-Surgical Endodontics, Specialty of Oral
rial contained in the tissue fluid and from the prod-
Surgery, University Federico II of Naples, ucts of bacterial metabolism were supposedly the
Naples, Italy cause of the surrounding inflammatory reaction.

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2019 323

M. A. Versiani et al. (eds.), The Root Canal Anatomy in Permanent Dentition,
324 A. Castellucci

For years, this theory has influenced the con- pletely obliterated, not to prevent the bacterial
cept that root canals must be filled to the apex and colonization of the tissue fluids but rather to pre-
therefore that any empty spaces must be vent the survival and multiplication, inside the
­completely obliterated: unfilled portions of the fluids which inevitably accumulate there, of bac-
root canal must serve as a reservoir for the accu- teria remaining from even the most thorough
mulation of tissue fluids and inflammatory exu- sterilization procedures of the root canal.
date, as this would quickly be colonized by It is universally recognized that complete ster-
bacteria through anachoresis, which would pre- ilization and removal of all pulpal debris from an
vent or delay the healing of the periapical lesion. infected root canal is very difficult, if not impos-
More recent studies showed evidence refuting sible, to achieve [16–21] (Fig. 12.1c, d). What is
the “hollow tube” theory [3–7]. It has been demon- achieved, in most cases, is the disinfection of the
strated, in experimental animals, that it is possible root canal system. The microorganisms remain
to implant in fresh sockets sterile empty glass [3] or isolated inside the root canal system, possibly
polyethylene [4, 8] tubes or even empty root canals within dentinal tubules that have remained
[6], causing only mild inflammation or none around infected deeper than the level of the shaped den-
the open ends of the tubes. Other authors [7] dem- tinal wall [22]. They, therefore, are beyond the
onstrated in experimental animals that empty reach of the organism’s phagocytic defenses, and
spaces made inside plastic teeth implanted in fresh the presence of necrotic pulp remnants in associ-
sockets did not produce any inflammation around ation with the accumulating exudate can serve as
the open ends, while in many cases these spaces a source of nutrients and contribute to the main-
were subsequently filled up with fibrous tissue or tenance of their viabilities. If, however, the root
bone. The latter occurred more frequently with canal system is completely obturated in its three
larger size apical openings [6]. More recent studies, dimensions, any remaining microorganism will
therefore, strongly invalidate the previous “hollow be entrapped within the dentinal tubules between
tube” theory and make it possible to conclude that the cementum on one side and the canal filling
empty spaces within a living tissue are not neces- material on the other, with no possibility for pro-
sarily accompanied by inflammation or tissue liferation or survival [23–27] (Fig.  12.1e, f).
destruction; on the contrary, they can be associated Confirming Morse’s findings [28], Moawad [29]
with physiological repair (Fig. 12.1a, b). has demonstrated that such bacteria entrapped
In 1981, Delivanis et  al. [9] have denied the within a completely filled root canal are nonvia-
possibility of the existence of the anachoresis ble within 5 days after root canal filling.
within an empty tube filled only with tissue fluids Peters et al. [27] demonstrated that there is no
or within a root canal following pulpectomy, in evidence that special measures (calcium hydrox-
experimental animals. The selective localization ide or iodoformic paste) should be taken to kill
in areas of chronic inflammation of blood-borne the bacteria in the dentinal tubules. Those bacte-
bacteria (anachoresis) is a well-known phenom- ria either do not survive the treatment, are inacti-
enon, experimentally demonstrated [10–15]. For vated subsequently, or remain in insufficient
example, it explains the presence of bacteria in a numbers to sustain or cause pathology. This is, of
pulp that has not been exposed to the oral envi- course, supported by the notion that a high per-
ronment but has been compromised by a trauma. centage of “properly treated” cases are successful
In order for the anachoresis to occur, the presence [30–32]. This is clearly not because of the almost
of blood vessels is, however, necessary: bacteria unobtainable sterility of the treated dentin-pulp
can easily localize in a space where tissue is pres- complex but rather the reduced amount of
ent, even inflamed or on the way to necrosis, but remaining bacteria just before obturation. Other
still with blood circulation and not simply in a in  vitro studies demonstrated that most bacteria
space filled only with tissue fluids where blood in the dentinal tubules died within 24  h after
circulation doesn’t exist. Based on the aforemen- removal of the nutrient medium [33].
tioned arguments, it can be concluded that Sjøgren et  al. [34] studied the influence of the
cleaned and shaped root canals must also be com- presence of infection at the time of root canal
12  Internal Tooth Anatomy and Root Canal Obturation 325

a b

c d

e f

g h

Fig. 12.1 (a) Preoperative radiograph of a lower left first radiograph of the case of a; (f) 2-year recall radiograph; (g)
molar; (b) radiograph 2 months later. This period of time a radiolucency is present at the apex of both the first and
elapsed because of neglect on the part of the young the second lower premolars, which appear to be under-
patient. The four canals had been cleaned, shaped, and filled. The first premolar also shows a wider periodontal
medicated with cresatin. Note the progression of the heal- ligament space on the distal aspect, a screw post, an empty
ing process, which has proceeded although canals had not space between the dentin and the obturating material api-
yet been obturated and thus were completely empty; (c) cal to the screw post. Clinically, there is a deep and narrow
scanning electron microscopic (SEM) view of the apical probing defect: the tooth had a vertical root fracture and
third of a cleaned and shaped lower incisor. Note the pres- therefore had to be extracted; (h) the 3-year recall radio-
ence of a large calcification adhering to the wall a few graph shows the complete healing of the two lesions, both
millimeters from the foramen (×60); (d) detail of c. Note where a nonsurgical retreatment has been performed and
the presence of organic material in the area immediately where the tooth has been extracted. In both cases the same
apical to the calcification, where the instruments obvi- result was accomplished: the complete elimination of the
ously could not be worked (×4000); (e) postoperative infection from the root canal system
326 A. Castellucci

­ lling on the outcome of endodontic treatment in

fi The practice of endodontics based on chemo-
teeth with apical periodontitis. They theorized that therapy, antimicrobial agents, and mummifiers is
the success was obtained despite positive bacte- without a doubt outdated. It was based on the
rial cultures because the remaining bacteria were concept that the pharmacological properties of
“entombed” in the canal. Interestingly, among the ideal obturation material should assist nature
the bacteria present at the time of root filling in to seal the canals with calcific or connective tis-
cases that healed successfully, the authors found sues [22]. In deference to the ancestral fear of
Peptostreptococcus anaerobius, Actinomyces focal infection, the emphasis was placed on bac-
naeslundii, Fusobacterium nucleatum, and teriologic control to ensure that all microorgan-
Enterococcus faecalis, and all the cases worked isms had been completely eliminated from the
when the canals were filled to or beyond the ter- root canal before proceeding to obturation. It was
minus. In other words, it means that the only cases also motivated by the complexity and unpredict-
that failed were those obturated short, confirming ability of the anatomy of the root canal system.
that bacteria remaining in the disinfected root canal On account of these anatomical difficulties,
had space to survive, proliferate, and be responsible Sargenti [37] felt that dentists would never be
for the endodontic failure. Obturation, with gutta- able to clean and obturate this anatomy, so that it
percha and sealer after chemomechanical clean- was even pointless to try. At the root of chemico-­
ing and disinfection with sodium hypochlorite, pharmacological endodontics, there is also an
also deprives the remaining microorganisms from important historical reason which explains why
their nutrition supply thereby reducing their ability endodontics has developed as a stepchild of phar-
to cause or maintain disease. It has also been sug- macology. As Schilder has noted [38], many of
gested that gutta-­percha has a certain bacteriostatic the world’s leading endodontists had previously
activity, perhaps due of its zinc oxide content [35]. been professors of pharmacology or other mate-
However, gutta-percha and sealer alone should not ria medica.
be used without prior disinfection and shaping of Underlying the practice of chemical endodon-
the root canal system. tics is the desire to save time, with all the related
Klevant and Eggink [36] have hypothesized practical consequences, for both the patient and,
that, because of the deficient blood circulation in even more, for the dentist. Endodontic therapy
even a perfectly cleaned, shaped, but unobturated with unpredictable chemical therapeutic agents
root canal, the accumulated tissue fluids could has been replaced by biologically predictable
disintegrate and become themselves irritants of techniques. Enormous contributions to modern
the periapical tissues, even in the absence of bac- endodontics have been made by academics and
teria. In conclusion, the reason for a complete root researchers such as Prinz [39], Buckley [40],
canal obturation in its three dimensions is not only Cook [41], Rhein [42], and Callahan [43] since
to prevent apical leakage but also to prevent coro- the end of the nineteenth century. These early
nal leakage. Figure 12.1b shows healing in prog- authors developed the fundamental principles that
ress without any filling material in the root canals. the success of endodontic therapy and the elimi-
However, if the coronal seal was compromised, nation of periapical inflammation depend essen-
the entire root canal system would be reinfected, tially upon adequate root canal enlargement,
and a periapical lesion could develop again. cleaning, and filling. These three principles were
understood more than a century ago and represent
the basis of modern endodontic therapy.
12.2 Properties of the Filling In 1918, Price [44] wrote that “the human
Materials body can be considered a hermetically sealed
container, the alimentary tract being an infolded
In view of these biological motivations for canal tube and continuous with the exterior. Pulpless
obturation, the qualities required to ensure a suc- teeth are openings thru nature’s protective armor
cessful outcome in endodontic therapy will now and, as such, will be the port of entrance of infec-
be examined. tion into the body, unless they are hermetically
12  Internal Tooth Anatomy and Root Canal Obturation 327

sealed.” It has therefore been accepted for some sponds to the maximal apical constriction. The
time now in endodontics, as in the other branches pulp tissue terminates at this point, and the tis-
of dentistry, the secret of success, apart from sue of the periodontal ligament begins. The
cleaning of the endodontium, which is compara- walls are no longer made of dentin but cemen-
ble to the extirpation of all carious tissue in tum. In theory, this view is correct in that the
restorative dentistry, lies in the sealing properties apical constriction should ensure a good barrier
of the obturation, just as amalgam in restorative to the filling material, which must maximally
dentistry, the inlay and the crown in prosthetic respect the periodontium. By obturating to this
dentistry, and the marginal periodontium in peri- point, the root canal is obturated without invad-
odontics which must all have the property of ing the periapical tissues. In practice, however,
sealing. The use of medicated pastes to sterilize things go differently.
and seal the root canals must therefore now be As early as 1929, Coolidge [48] wrote that the
considered anachronistic. Such pastes should site of the cemento-dentinal junction is so vari-
represent a panacea for endodontics, but in actu- able that trying to use it as a landmark is of little
ality they conceal a lack of operative availability help to the endodontist. This junction often has
and an inexplicable fear, if not ignorance, of end- unclear limits and can be found at different levels
odontic anatomy. within the root canal (Fig. 12.2a). The cemento-­
Schilder [45] emphasizes that in endodontics, dentinal junction can even be found on the exter-
the elimination of irritants from the root canal sys- nal surface of the root [49]. Skillen [50] also
tem by means of cleaning and shaping, mechani- emphasized that it is histologically impossible to
cal disinfection, and total obturation of the define a clear line of demarcation between the
endodontium are important. “In the final analysis,” pulp on one side and the “periodontal membrane”
he states that “it is the sealing off of the complex on the other, so that it is also histologically
root canal system from the periodontal ligament impossible to find a point within the root canal
and bone that ensures the health of the attachment where the pulpal tissue ends and the periodontal
apparatus against breakdown of endodontic ori- tissue begins (Fig.  12.2b). In agreement with
gin” […] “The rationale of Endodontics should be Coolidge [48], Orban [51] states that from a prac-
designed to eliminate the root canal system as if tical point of view, it is not possible to use the
the tooth were extracted” [46] (Fig.  12.1g, h). cemento-dentinal junction as a boundary of the
Similarly, back in 1918, Price [44] already asserted endodontic obturation and that when it is identi-
that “root fillings are castings made within the fied, more often than not it is by chance. One
pulp chambers of teeth. They must conform so must also keep in mind that, also from a practical
exactly to the size and shape of that chamber that point of view, relying on tactile sensation to
neither microorganisms nor fluids, which may be localize the cemento-dentinal junction as the site
external to the tooth, can enter or find lodgment. of maximal apical constriction can often be mis-
The form of this chamber is complex, uncertain, leading. The maximal constriction of the canal
and indeterminate and may vary through a very lumen may be due to the presence of a narrowing
wide range, which fact makes it necessary that the of the canal (Fig. 12.2c) or to a calcification that
root filling material, or a sufficient part of it, be may vary in distance from the true end of the
inserted in a moldable and plastic state.” endodontium (Fig. 12.2d). In summary, for both
histological and clinical-practical reasons, it is
unfortunately not possible, however desirable, to
12.3 Apical Extent of Obturation exactly terminate the obturation each time at the
cemento-dentinal junction.
12.3.1 Cemento-Dentinal Junction According to Ricucci and Langeland [52], the
apical limit of canal instrumentation and obtura-
Many authors, in agreement with Grove [47], tion should not be the radiographic terminus of
maintain that the canal obturation must stop at the canal nor should it be the cemento-dentinal
the cemento-dentinal junction, which corre- junction or the distance of 1 mm from the radio-
328 A. Castellucci

a b c d e

Fig. 12.2 (a) The cemento-dentinal junction is difficult to distant from the cemento-dentinal junction, which is also
locate, even histologically; (b) the neurovascular bundle of difficult to identify; (e) in such a case, to terminate the
the pulp has the same characteristics both before and after instrumentation and obturation at the “constriction” means
having crossed the apical foramen; (c) the apical constric- to remain 7 or may be even more millimeters short, since
tion in this case is due to a narrowing of the canal lumen, the calcification (which is a “constriction”) is located coro-
not to the cemento-dentinal junction; (d) in this case, the nally and will impede a more apical position of the instru-
apical constriction is due to the presence of a calcification ments, to reach the “correct” working length

graphic apex, but rather the “apical constriction,” canal is in practice equivalent to having filled it
the anatomical location of which cannot be clini- completely. It is this that has led to the success of
cally determined with accuracy (since the dis- the therapy.
tance between the apical constriction and the In defining the apical region, it is now neces-
radiographic apex is “non-measurable” and sary to examine the terminology in order to clar-
“ever-changing”) but it has been demonstrated as ify the confusion existing in the literature.
far as 3.8  mm from the anatomic apex [53].
According to these authors, “the only way to • The anatomical apex is the geometric vertex
localize the apical constriction is to have ade- of the root.
quate radiographs, knowledge of anatomy and • The radiographic apex is the anatomic apex as
tactile sense, while apex locators are of no help.” seen on the radiograph.
In other words, according to these authors, “the • The radiographic terminus of the canal refers
instrumentation and the obturation should termi- to the point where the endodontic instrument
nate where the instruments stop” (Fig.  12.2e). within the root canal radiographically encoun-
And all this in respect of the apical pulp stump, ters the external profile of the root.
“which is always vital, even in presence of an • The endodontic or physiologic apex indi-
apical lesion, and if it becomes necrotic, it will be cates the cemento-dentinal junction, which
removed by the periodontal circulation and by a usually (but not necessarily) corresponds to
foreign body reaction.” On the other hand, many the maximal point of narrowing of the canal
authors like Blašković-Šubat et al. [54] and Olson lumen.
et  al. [55] say that the arbitrary rule that canal • The apical constriction is the narrowest point
preparation should terminate 1 mm short of the of the root canal, not necessarily the cemento-­
radiographic apex is becoming increasingly dentinal junction.
unacceptable in modern endodontic therapy. This • The apical foramen is the opening of the root
technique could result in instrumentation short of canal on the external surface of the root
the true canal terminus, possibly leaving necrotic (Fig. 12.3a).
and infected debris behind and leading to treat-
ment failure. It is now obvious that radiographically, in a
According to Schilder [56], having three-­ straight canal, the foramen is at the radiographic
dimensionally obturated a root canal as far as apex, while in a curved canal, the foramen has
0.5–1 mm from the radiographic terminus of the nothing to do with the radiographic apex
12  Internal Tooth Anatomy and Root Canal Obturation 329

(Fig. 12.2b); therefore, to use this as a reference should rely on the reading of the electronic apex
point of the working length, and then for the locator and not on the radiograph.
obturation, is nonsense. The electronic apex is Nowadays, reliable electronic apex locators
the reading of the electronic apex locator when are available, and we know that they indicate the
the endodontic instrument introduced in the root end of the canal (which is the foramen), and for
canal is touching the periodontal ligament and is sure they don’t indicate the location of the
exactly at the foramen. cemento-dentinal junction or the apical constric-
tion; we can assert that all of our endodontic
treatments are performed at the “electronic
12.3.2 Radiographic Terminus apex,” which about 50% of the times coincides
of the Canal with the radiographic apex because the root
canal is straight. The other 50% of the times, the
Some authors claim that it is preferable to extend root canal is not straight but is curved, and when
the obturation to the radiographic terminus of the it makes a curvature, about 40% of the times the
canal, since this gives the greatest assurance of curvature is to the mesial or to the distal (so that
having obturated the entire root canal system, we can still see the “radiographic terminus of the
even if this sometimes leads to overfilling of few canal”), and only about 10% of the times the
fractions of a millimeter beyond the apex. ­curvature is to the buccal or to the lingual. These
Obviously, we all agree with Schilder that some are the cases where we must rely on the elec-
very curved canals emerge in the roots at points tronic apex locators, and these are the cases that
that are not radiographically visible, several mil- appear to be “radiographically short” [57]. The
limeters away from the anatomic apex. In these successful outcome of cases obturated to the
cases, obturation to the radiographic terminus of radiographic terminus of the canal (Fig. 12.4a–
the canal is to be avoided, because this would c) is therefore due to the completeness and three-­
entail considerable excess. In such exceptional dimensionality of the obturation. The minimal
cases, filling the root canal 0.5–1  mm short is overfilling is irrelevant, just as minimal under-
also to be avoided, because the filling material filling is.
would be equally in the periapical tissues As mentioned, Sjøgren et al. [34] looked at root
(Fig. 12.3c, d). Nonetheless, these cases are the canals filled short and long, with positive and neg-
exception and not the rule, and they must be ative culturing results in each group. They showed
treated, like any other case, to the “electronic that high success rates were achieved regardless of
apex.” In other words, in these cases the operator long or short filling when the culture came back

a b c d

Fig. 12.3  Morphological aspects of the anatomic apex. (AA), the radiographic apex (AR), and the radiographic
(a) Illustration of the canal apex showing the anatomic terminus of the canal (RT); (c, d) the apical foramen of
apex (A), apical foramen (F), cemento-dentinal junction this mandibular premolar is not radiographically visible.
(D), and endodontic apex (E); (b) postoperative radiogra- Note the distance of the foramen from the vertex of the
phy of a mandibular molar showing the anatomic apex root in the buccal (c) and mesial (d) aspects
330 A. Castellucci

a b c

d e f

Fig. 12.4 (a) Postoperative radiograph of a right lower root canal system or if it has been pushed against anatomi-
central incisor requiring endodontic treatment for peri- cal structures, and the patient is symptomatic. In this case,
odontal and prosthetic reasons: the obturation has been the gutta-percha cone was pushed against the mental
performed to the radiographic terminus of the canal; (b) nerve, and the patient developed paresthesia; (e) radio-
the tooth was extracted for periodontal reasons 8 years graph taken immediately after the apical surgery.
later and was photographed under stereomicroscope. Note Ultrasonic tips (piezoelectric surgery) were used since
the gutta-percha which seals the apical foramen without high-speed burs could have further damaged the nerve
the least extrusion; (c) the same apex photographed from bundle. Two weeks after the surgery, the paresthesia dis-
another angle; (d) preoperative radiograph of a mandibu- appeared completely; (f) 8-year follow-up radiograph.
lar molar showing excess of obturation material which is The patient was asymptomatic, and paresthesia did not
an indication for surgical treatment if it does not seal the recur

negative, but when the culture came back positive, ous that it has nothing to do with the “radiographic
only the fully filled cases worked predictably. The apex”; therefore it makes no sense to advocate an
authors theorized that success was achieved instrumentation and then an obturation 0.05  mm
because the remaining bacteria were entombed in or more from the radiographic apex. On the other
the canal. Infected or not, all cases worked when hand, the mesial or distal opening of the foramen
the canals were filled to or beyond the terminus. can be radiographically appreciated as the “radio-
From this interesting study, we can conclude the graphic terminus of the canal.” The only situation
following: because no one can insure sterility in when it is impossible to radiographically see the
any given root canal space, the surest chance of terminus of the canal is when the foramen in on the
clinical success is gained when root canal systems, buccal or on the lingual aspect of the root. In such
in all of their complexities, are filled to their full cases, the instrumentation and obturation are per-
apical and lateral extents, even though that means formed at the “electronic apex,” and the final result
that there may be surplus material beyond the con- will appear to be “radiographically short,” but we
fines of the root canal space. This is in agreement know that actually it is exactly at the foramen.
with the findings of Peters et al. [27] who demon-
strated that the presence of a positive bacterial cul-
ture at the time of filling did not influence the 12.3.3 Overfilling and Overextension
outcome of treatment.
In conclusion, the difference between the At this point, it is necessary to make a distinction
“radiographic apex” and the “radiographic termi- between over- and underfilling and between over-
nus of the canal” must be well understood. If the and underextension. Over- and underextension
root canal is not straight and the foramen is on the refer only to the vertical component of the obtura-
distal, or on the mesial aspect of the root, it is obvi- tion beyond or short of the apical foramen.
12  Internal Tooth Anatomy and Root Canal Obturation 331

Underfilling refers to an obturation that has been of the overfilling with phagocytosis of the extra
performed inadequately in all dimensions (e.g., a mass (Fig. 12.5b–f). Schilder [45] claimed that he
short and narrow silver cone in a longer and wider has never found a case of failure secondary to
root canal or a short obturation full of voids). overfilling. Cases that are labeled failures because
Overfilling refers to an obturation that has been of the presence of material beyond the apex are
performed in three dimensions in which a small actually cases of underfilling with vertical overex-
portion of material extrudes beyond the foramen. tension of the obturation, and the failure depends
Therefore, the situation of a canal with a slight on the presence of bacteria left inside the root
overfilling is quite different from that of a canal canal system which has not been three-dimen-
with a vertical overextension and an underfilling. sionally obturated [60] most of the times because
In the former, the obturation fills the entire the foramen has been transported (teardrop fora-
endodontium in its three dimensions and an excess men). In the literature, it has been widely demon-
of material issues from the apical foramen. In the strated that the major factors associated with
latter case, the obturation material protrudes endodontic failures are inadequate root canal
beyond the apex without sealing the apical fora- debridement or incomplete root canal seal [61–
men and thus without three-dimensionally obtu- 63], while the apical extent of root canal fillings is
rating the root canal system. The cause of failure in not a determining factor [64–66].
these cases is not the tip of the silver cone or of the The excess material beyond the cemento-­
gutta-percha that “pricks” the periodontium, but dentinal junction plays no role in healing [34, 66]
the fact that it does not seal the apical foramen. and can be considered irrelevant. It should be
Surgery may be indicated, just to improve the api- avoided, because it is unnecessary and because it
cal seal of the root canal system (Fig. 12.4d–f). may bother the patient at the time of obturation
Ingle [58] affirmed that, in endodontics, one [49]. Exclusive clinical research on the influence
achieves a high success rate despite overfillings. of the excess material on the treatment failure can-
Weine [59] stated that fortunately, since gutta-­ not be taken into consideration, since they exclude
percha is so well tolerated by periapical tissue, too many variables regarding the cleaning and
only rarely is a posttreatment failure noted in con- shaping of these root canals and the true three-
junction with an overfilling. Most instances show dimensionality of the obturation. Histologic stud-
no abnormal radiographic evidence (Fig. 12.5a), ies on experimental animals by Deemer and
and in some cases, there is an actual amputation Tsaknis [66], Gutierrez et al. [67], and by Tavares

a b c d e f

Fig. 12.5 (a) Radiograph of the maxillary left central because the “tug-back” of the cone was halfway along its
incisor, reimplanted after traumatic avulsion 3  years length rather than at the tip; (d) 12 months later: the
before. The root has had a replacement resorption. The excess material appears to be sectioned at the apical fora-
gutta-percha radiographically appears to be in direct con- men; (e) 24 months postoperative, the tip of the cone lies
tact with the bone, and there is no radiographic evidence horizontally over the root apex; (f) the 34-year recall con-
of inflammation; (b) preoperative radiograph of an upper firms that an overfilling in a three-dimensionally obtu-
right lateral incisor; (c) postoperative radiograph: the tip rated root canal is not an indication for surgery neither is
of the cone has slid 2–3 mm beyond the apex, probably a cause of endodontic failure
332 A. Castellucci

et al. [68] have demonstrated that gutta-percha is pieces of dentin and cement found beyond the
perfectly tolerated by the surrounding tissues. apex in the granulation tissue, where they act like
Their results agree with those of Schilder [46] on a foreign body. In contrast, small pieces of amal-
human specimens. Gutierrez et al. [67] have also gam or other canal obturation materials were usu-
demonstrated in experimental animals that gutta-­ ally associated with a fibrous reaction and
percha in contact with the tissues and tissue fluids encapsulation, without active inflammation. This
disintegrates and is subsequently removed by is further confirmation of the tissue tolerance of
macrophages. This corresponds to the clinical phe- canal filling material. Thus, accidental overfilling
nomenon noted in the periapical region of human of a properly cleaned, shaped, and three-­
teeth. Similarly, Bergenholtz et al. [69] stated that, dimensionally filled canal is not an indication for
in the case of overfilling, the filling material per se surgical removal of the excess (Fig.  12.6a–e,
is not necessarily the immediate cause of failure. f–h). If this is true for the excess of gutta-percha,
Gutta-percha, both in vitro in cell cultures [70] and it is even more when the excess is made with
in in vivo implants in experimental animals [71, sealer which, for Pulp Canal Sealer, it has been
72], has been shown to be compatible with living demonstrated to have good biocompatibility.
tissues. Recent radiographic studies have demon- Pertot et al. [75] have demonstrated that 12 weeks
strated that given the time, the extruded canal fill- after the root canal sealer was implanted into the
ing materials would be removed from the mandibular bone of experimental animals, mac-
periradicular tissues [64, 73]. Consequently, the rophages, lymphocytes, and plasma cells were no
factors that impede healing in cases of overfilling longer present (Fig. 12.7a, b). In most cases, new
are to be investigated elsewhere. bone was observed in direct contact with the
Regarding the greatly feared foreign body sealer. The absence of an even moderate inflam-
reaction around the excess material, Yusuf [74] matory reaction at 12 weeks seemed to indicate
has demonstrated inflammation around the small that the reported in vitro toxicity of the freshly

a b c d

e f g h

Fig. 12.6 (a) Preoperative radiograph of a mandibular (f) Preoperative radiograph of another mandibular right
right first molar improperly endodontically treated: the first molar improperly endodontically treated: a radiolu-
distal canal is underfilled, and each of the mesial canals cency is evident at the apex of the mesial root, and some
have a gutta-percha cone overextending into the periapical filling material (sealer and/or gutta-percha) is present in
tissues; (b) intraoperative radiograph: the attempt to the lesion; (g) during retreatment two missed root canals
remove the gutta-percha from beyond the foramen failed; were found: the distolingual and the middle mesial canals,
(c) postoperative radiograph: the two cones are still pres- both with an independent foramen. Postoperative radio-
ent in the lesion; (d) 7-month recall; (e) 3-year recall: the graph; (h) 7-year recall: the lesion is completely healed,
lesion is completely healed and the two gutta-percha and the excess material disappeared. This confirms that it
cones completely disappeared. The radiolucency was was just a lesion of endodontic origin maintained by bac-
obviously a lesion of endodontic origin maintained by teria left in two missed root canals and NOT a foreign
bacteria left in the root canal system and not a foreign body reaction maintained by the material extruded during
body reaction, maintained by two pieces of gutta-percha! the first treatment!
12  Internal Tooth Anatomy and Root Canal Obturation 333

a b

c d

Fig. 12.7 (a, b) Osseous reaction to implanted Pulp marrow spaces with new bone ingrowths into the implant
Canal Sealer at 4 weeks; (a) normal bone marrow spaces (original magnification ×5; Masson’s trichrome); (d)
(original magnification ×5; Masson’s trichrome); (b) layer newly formed bone is in direct contact with Pulp Canal
of fibrous connective tissue between Pulp Canal Sealer Sealer without fibrous interposition or inflammatory cells
and the bone, without evidence of inflammatory cells. (original magnification ×10; Masson’s trichrome); (e)
Normal appearance of the bone with living osteocytes and normal appearance of newly formed bone with living
surrounded by a layer of osteoblasts (original magnifica- osteocytes and normal bone marrow (original magnifica-
tion ×25; Masson’s trichrome); (c, d) osseous reaction to tion ×50; Hematoxylin-eosin) (Courtesy of Dr. Wilhelm-­
implanted Pulp Canal Sealer at 12 weeks; (c) normal bone Joseph Pertot)
334 A. Castellucci

mixed sealers [70–72] decreases and disappears 12.4 Walter Hess Work
with time (Fig. 12.7c–e) [76–78]. and Postoperative
If we can accept the material that protrudes Radiographs
beyond the apical foramen by many millime-
ters in cases of endodontic implants, even more In 1925, Walter Hess and Ernst Zürcher [79] pub-
so can the fraction of a millimeter of obturating lished a famous textbook on root canal anatomy
material that may accidentally protrude beyond after injecting vulcanized rubber in the root
the apex in a three-dimensionally filled canal canals of 2.790 teeth and making these teeth
be accepted (Fig. 12.8a, b, e, f). In conclusion, transparent. The images showed how complex
the presence of protruded gutta-percha in a and bizarre is the root canal anatomy, so that
failing case must be interpreted not as respon- today we speak in terms of “root canal system.”
sible of the failure but as the consequence of a Of course, these images were very discouraging,
transportation of the apical foramen and there- since it was obvious the enormous difficulty to
fore as a consequence of a lack of apical seal take care of all the complexities. And looking at
(Fig. 12.8c, d). those images, two endodontists arrived through
the years to opposite conclusions.

a b c

d e f

Fig. 12.8 (a) Postoperative radiograph of an upper left Transportation of the apical foramen and extrusion of mate-
lateral incisor; (b) 7 months later: the excess sealer has dis- rial through the teardrop foramen had occurred. Following
appeared; (c) SEM micrograph of a transported root apex such a mishap, properly sealing the apical foramen is very
causing extrusion of the gutta-percha cone. The cone, challenging; (e) postoperative radiograph of an upper left
although surrounded by sealer, is not sealing the foramen; second molar showing extrusion of obturation material; (f)
(d) the root of this maxillary lateral incisor has been cleared. 8 months later: the excess material is no longer present
12  Internal Tooth Anatomy and Root Canal Obturation 335

Angelo Sargenti [37] developed a “magic” empty, we can fill the same space with a thermo-
sealer containing paraformaldehyde which was plasticized material vertically compacted. The soft-
supposed to “mummify” all the contents of the ened gutta-percha mass, which is being compacted
“crazy” anatomy: pulp tissue and bacteria, so that vertically into the conically shaped canal prepara-
the clinicians didn’t have to worry about cleaning, tion, automatically assumes a lateral component of
shaping, and obturating lateral canals, isthmuses, force. This follows routine laws of physics (law of
bifurcations, etc. Herbert Schilder [22], on the Pascal of hydrodynamics) and requires no lateral
other hand, has taught that with instruments, we direction of the instrument on the part of the opera-
can work and shape the canal that can be negoti- tor [80]. If this is true, in our postoperative radio-
ated, while with irrigating solutions like sodium graphs, we should be able to see the same “bizarre”
hypochlorite, we can digest and remove all the anatomy like the ones showed many years ago by
organic materials present in the remaining complex Hess [79]. And this is exactly what happens, if we
root canal anatomy. Once the space is completely follow a precise protocol (Fig. 12.9).

Fig. 12.9  Original images from Hess’s work showing the internal morphology of different teeth followed by postop-
erative radiographs showing similar anatomy
336 A. Castellucci

12.5 The Importance (Fig.  12.10a). Bacteria don’t make any differ-
of Obturating Lateral Canals ence if they are in the main canal or in a lateral
canal. They need to be eliminated, and the “lat-
If we believe in the existence of the “root canal eral opening” needs to be sealed exactly like the
system” and if we believe in the communications main apical foramen (Fig.  12.10b). Now the
between the endodontium and the periodontium question is how can we clean, shape, and obtu-
and in their role as “portals of exit” of pathology, rate the lateral canals? First of all, the introduc-
then we should agree that all the portals of exit tion of an endodontic instrument in a lateral
have the same importance and the same respon- canal most of the time happens by chance
sibility in determining the beginning and the (Fig. 12.11), and it is not intentional (Fig. 12.12a,
growth of lesions of endodontic origin b). Second, we don’t need to “shape” lateral

a b

Fig. 12.10 (a) Each portal of exit from the root canal sys- fied); (b) postoperative radiograph of a maxillary left first
tem, that is, each foramen, becomes the sites of entry for molar showing that the exit of the lateral canal appears to
bacterial toxins and tissue breakdown products into the be larger than the apical foramen
periodontal ligament (courtesy of Prof. Schilder; modi-

a b c d e

Fig. 12.11 (a) Preoperative radiograph of a maxillary in the same canal oriented toward the distal aspect and now
right first molar; (b) intraoperative radiograph. The file is is negotiating the main foramen; (d) postoperative radio-
negotiating a lateral foramen on the mesial aspect of the graph. The presence of the lateral canal obturated with
palatal root; (c) the file has been pre-curved and introduced warm gutta-percha and sealer is evident; (e) 2-year recall
12  Internal Tooth Anatomy and Root Canal Obturation 337

canals, especially considering that in necrotic ence of the lateral ramification. In conclusion, if
cases we may suspect the presence of a lateral on one side lateral canals are impossible to detect
canal because of the presence of a “lateral” and most of the time impossible to be negotiated,
lesion (Fig.  12.12c, d), while in vital cases, it on the other hand, they don’t require any particu-
will be impossible to know in advance the pres- lar effort or any particular instrument by the

a b c d

Fig. 12.12 (a) Intraoperative radiograph. One file is fistulous tract originating from the lateral lesion.
negotiating the main canal, and another one has been Obviously that lesion is maintained by a lateral canal;
introduced in the lateral foramen; (b) 2-year recall; (c) (d) 2-year recall. It is evident the obturation of the lat-
preoperative radiograph of a mandibular right first eral canal and the complete healing of both apical and
molar. A gutta-percha cone has been introduced in the lateral lesions

Fig. 12.13  SEM images showing few examples of apical ramifications and lateral canals free of pulp tissue and debris
338 A. Castellucci

endodontist: the irrigating solution if properly oxide-eugenol, will not cause any problem, and
used will digest their content (Fig.  12.13), and even though they are not biocompatible, they are
the softened obturating material vertically com- very well tolerated by the organisms and for sure
pacted will automatically seal them (Fig. 12.14a– they are not responsible of any failure. Besides,
c). Of course, since these accessory canals are new biocompatible bioceramic sealers are
not shaped, they don’t have any taper, and there- becoming more and more popular so that the
fore there is no way to control the “apical” extent little extrusion will not represent a problem any-
of the obturating material. Therefore, quite often more for anybody. The lack of seal of a lateral
we have a small extrusion of sealer (Fig. 12.14d, canal can often be responsible of a failure and
e). However, the use of nontoxic sealer, like the require a nonsurgical (Fig. 12.14f, g) or a surgi-
Grossman sealer and all the sealers based on zinc cal retreatment (Fig. 12.15).

a b c

d e f g

Fig. 12.14 (a, b) The clarified tooth shows a lateral canal plete healing of both apical and lateral lesions; (f) preop-
about 4 mm from the apical foramen entirely filled with erative radiograph of a maxillary right second premolar.
warm gutta-percha; (c) SEM photograph showing a lateral The large lesion is on the distal aspect of the root, which
canal filled with warm gutta-percha; (d) preoperative means it is maintained by a lateral canal present on the
radiograph of a maxillary right second premolar. There is distal aspect of the root canal; (g) 2-year recall showing
an apical lesion and a lateral lesion; (e) 2-year recall the obturation of the lateral canal and the complete heal-
showing the obturation of the lateral canal and the com- ing of the large lesion
12  Internal Tooth Anatomy and Root Canal Obturation 339

a b

c d

Fig. 12.15 (a) Preoperative radiograph of a maxillary the lesion was obturated with Super EBA; (c) postopera-
left second premolar. A lateral lesion is present; (b) after tive radiograph; (d) 2-year recall showing the obturation
a through a surgical flap, the lateral canal responsible for of the lateral canal and the complete healing of the lateral

7. Hodosh M, Povar M, Shklar G. Plastic tooth implants

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Managing Complex Root Canal
Antonis Chaniotis, Diogo Guerreiro, Jojo Kottoor,
Nuno Pinto, Sergiu Nicola, Oscar von Stetten,
Hugo Sousa, and Carlos Murgel

Abstract of the canal morphology and its variations and

The goal of endodontic therapy is the removal the comprehension regarding clinical skills
of all vital or necrotic tissues, microorgan- and armamentarium needed to manage these
isms, and microbial by-products from the root complexities are basic requirements for suc-
canal space. Amongst the treatment steps, cessful endodontic therapy. This chapter
chemomechanical procedures play a pivotal details various clinically relevant anatomical
role in eliminating or reducing bacterial popu- canal complexities and highlights diagnostic
lations from the main root canal, but the disin- approaches, treatment techniques, and manag-
fecting effects of instruments and irrigants ing strategies to successfully deal with these
may be somewhat hampered in cases of com- anomalies revealed by clinicians with high
plex anatomy. Thus, a thorough understanding expertise in the field of endodontics.

A. Chaniotis, D.D.S., M.Sc. (*) S. Nicola, D.D.S.

University of Athens, Athens, Greece Private Practice, Bucharest, Romania
University of Warwick, Warwick, UK O. von Stetten
Private Practice Limited to Endodontics, Private Practice, Stuttgart, Germany
Kalithea, Greece
e-mail: H. Sousa, D.D.S., M.Sc.
Clinical Residency, Foramen Dental Education,
D. Guerreiro, D.D.S., M.S. Porto, Portugal
Resident ASE Endodontics, School of Dentistry, Private Practice Limited to Endodontics,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA Porto, Portugal
J. Kottoor, B.D.S., M.D.S. C. Murgel, D.D.S., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Department of Conservative Dentistry and Private Practice Limited to Endodontics,
Endodontics, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Campinas, Brazil
Sciences, Ernakulam, India
N. Pinto, D.D.S., M.Sc.
Private Practice in the Mayo Clinic,
Lisbon, Portugal

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2019 343

M. A. Versiani et al. (eds.), The Root Canal Anatomy in Permanent Dentition,
344 A. Chaniotis et al.

13.1 Introduction tus, teeth restorability, among others. Once these

anatomical and clinical issues are considered, a
Outcomes of nonsurgical and surgical endodontic multitude of possible scenarios can be made and a
procedures are highly influenced by variations in proper treatment planned. The purpose of this
canal configuration and cross-sectional shapes as chapter is to provide readers with several tips
well as by the presence of canal irregularities and based upon the clinical experience of skillful clini-
curvatures. Moreover, the high frequency of fins cians aiming to diagnose and deal with different
and communications between canals within the anatomical canal complexities.
same root make it impossible for any mechanical
or chemical technique to completely disinfect the
root canal system. It is noteworthy to point out 13.2 Case Report 1
that some factors, such as physiologic aging,
pathology and occlusion, as well as the secondary 13.2.1 Patient Information
deposition of dentin, might hamper the anatomi-
cal complexity making shaping and cleaning the • Age: 18. Gender: male. Medical history:
root canals a real challenge. Hence, the purpose of noncontributory.
the treatment must be toward to reduce the level
of contamination as far as possible, entombing the
remaining microorganisms. Clinicians ought, 13.2.2 Tooth
therefore, to be aware of complex root canal struc-
tures, cross-sectional dimensions, and iatrogenic • Identification: mandibular left second premo-
alterations of canal anatomy. In this way, it is lar (tooth 35).
advisable careful diagnostic interpretation based • Dental history: recent root canal therapy
on angled radiographs or tomographic exams, started on the mandibular left side. Patient
proper access preparation, and a detailed inspec- referred with a separated instrument inside the
tion of the pulp chamber floor, ideally under mag- root canal.
nification with high intensity lighting, aiming to • Clinical examination findings: asymptomatic
improve the treatment outcome. tooth temporarily restored (Fig. 13.1a, h). No
Clinical management of complex canal anato- sinus tract, no swelling, no pain on buccal pal-
mies is a challenging procedure that depends on pation, soft tissue within normal limits.
individual proficiency to master specific tech- Probing depths within 3–4 mm and no sensi-
niques and technological devices. Sometimes, tivity to percussion.
multiple appointments and special armamentar- • Preoperative radiological assessment: previ-
ium are necessary. Therefore, once the anomaly ously initiated therapy with a separated instru-
has been identified preoperatively, another chal- ment in the root canal system (Fig.  13.1b).
lenging step must be made toward to properly Widening periodontal ligament, interrupted
negotiate the canal anatomy. Obviously, there are lamina dura, and apical radiolucency associ-
canal anatomies more challenging than others, ated with tooth 35.
such as of the mandibular premolars, mesiobuccal • Diagnosis: previously initiated therapy with
roots of maxillary molars, and mesial roots of asymptomatic apical periodontitis.
mandibular molars. In these cases, dealing with
such complex systems also increases the risk of
iatrogenic events. Therefore, these risks must be 13.2.3 Treatment Plan
accessed preoperatively and should include root
length and thickness, curvatures, calcification, Nonsurgical Endodontic Treatment
number of roots and canals, accessibility of the
tooth, patient cooperation, canal diameter, root • Preliminary procedures: local anesthesia;
concavities (grooves), isthmuses, periodontal sta- rubber dam isolation; removal of temporary
13  Managing Complex Root Canal Anatomies 345

a b c d e f

g h

i j k l

Fig. 13.1  Nonsurgical endodontic treatment of a mandibular left second premolar with complex apical anatomy by
Diogo Guerreiro

restoration; canal access. Dental operat- 30  s per canal followed by 17% EDTA and
ing microscope was used during all the 5.25% NaOCl.
procedures. • Obturation: gutta-percha and AH Plus sealer
• Canal preparation: separated instrument and (warm vertical compaction) (Fig. 13.1c–g).
three canal orifices (two buccal and one lin- • Additional information: intra-coronal seal
gual) were identified at the middle third, and with resin-modified glass ionomer followed
an initial negotiation was made with sizes 08 by ceramic onlay restoration (Fig. 13.1i–l).
and 10 K-files. Working length was estab-
lished with an apex locator. Preparation was
made with ProTaper Next X3. Lingual canal 13.2.4 Technical Aspects
merged with the mesiobuccal apically.
• Irrigation: syringe irrigation (30G needle) Due to a narrow canal system and abrupt curva-
with warm 5.25% NaOCl alternated with 17% tures at the orifice level of the trifurcation, clini-
EDTA. cian should be aware of this anatomical feature
• Final irrigation protocol: 5.25% NaOCl with before starting. Preoperative periapical radio-
ultrasonic activation (IrriSafe; Acteon) for graphs in different angulations or a tomography
346 A. Chaniotis et al.

is important for treatment plan. The use of mag- that lower jaw was “very sensitive to cold and
nification is imperative to identify canal orifices biting” (sic) after restoration of tooth 36.
at the middle third of the root canal system and • Clinical examination findings: slight discom-
avoid excessive removal of tooth structure. After fort upon percussion and palpation of the
enlargement of the main canal to the middle buccal mucosa. Lingering pain upon sensitiv-
third with an ultrasonic tip (Start-X #2, Maillefer ity test (cold). No sinus tract and soft tissue
Dentsply), direct vibration with an ultrasonic tip within normal limits. Probing depths within
ET40 (Satelec/Acteon) at low power and no irri- 3–4 mm.
gation was used to remove the separated instru- • Preoperative radiological assessment: proxim-
ment. Then, canals were negotiated with manual ity of the composite resin with the pulp and a
prebended files initially and enlarged with widened periodontal ligament. An additional
rotary files. distal root was identified (Fig. 13.2a, b).
• Diagnosis: irreversible pulpitis with symp-
tomatic apical periodontitis.
13.3 Case Report 2

13.3.1 Patient Information 13.3.3 Treatment Plan

• Age: 19. Gender: female. Medical history: Nonsurgical Endodontic Treatment

• Preliminary procedures: local anesthesia; rub-
ber dam isolation; access performed with a
13.3.2 Tooth tapered diamond bur and access cavity margins
were refined with an ultrasonic tip (Start-­X #2;
• Identification: mandibular left first molar Maillefer Dentsply). Dental operating micro-
(tooth 36). scope was used during all the procedures.
• Dental history: recent composite filling (tooth • Canal preparation: initial exploration and
36) and decay (tooth 37). Patient complained patency performed with sizes 08 and 10

a b c d

e f g

Fig. 13.2  Nonsurgical endodontic treatment of a mandibular left first molar with radix entomolaris by Diogo Guerreiro
13  Managing Complex Root Canal Anatomies 347

K-files. Working length established with apex • Dental history: endodontic treatment started a
locator. Canals were enlarged to ProTaper week prior and patient complaint of “constant
Next X2 (Maillefer Dentsply) (Fig. 13.2e). dull pain” (sic).
• Irrigation: syringe irrigation (30G needle) • Clinical examination findings: temporary res-
with warm 5.25% NaOCl alternated with 17% toration. Slight discomfort upon palpation of
EDTA (Fig. 13.2f). the buccal mucosa and pain on percussion. No
• Final irrigation protocol: 5.25% NaOCl with sinus tract and soft tissue within normal lim-
ultrasonic activation (IrriSafe; Acteon) for its. Probing depths within 3–4 mm.
30  s per canal followed by 17% EDTA and • Preoperative radiological assessment: previ-
5.25% NaOCl. ously initiated canal treatment and widened
• Obturation: gutta-percha and AH Plus sealer periodontal ligament (Fig. 13.3a).
(warm vertical compaction) (Fig. 13.2c, d, g). • Diagnosis: previously initiated canal treat-
ment associated with a symptomatic apical
13.3.4 Technical Aspects

The particularity of this case is the presence of an 13.4.3 Treatment Plan

additional root located distolingually referred as
radix entomolaris. An accurate diagnosis of these Nonsurgical Endodontic Treatment
supernumerary roots can avoid complications
during root canal treatment, being “missed anat- • Preliminary procedures: local anesthesia;
omy” the most common. It may be avoided with rubber dam isolation; removal of temporary
several angulated periapical radiographs or a restoration; access preparation. Dental oper-
tomography. Regarding the access cavity and ori- ating microscope was used during all the
fice location, note that the orifice of the extra root procedures.
is located disto- to mesiolingually from the main • Canal preparation: after preparation of the
canal of the distal root changing the classic trap- palatal canal, a C-shaped mesio- and dis-
ezoidal access cavity into a more rectangular out- tobuccal canal orifices were exposed using
line form (Fig. 13.2e, f). Besides, it is noteworthy an ultrasonic tip (Start-X #2; Maillefer
the severe root inclination or canal curvature in Dentsply). Patency was achieved with a size
the apical third of these roots. Therefore, clini- 10 K-file and working length established
cian must be aware of this anatomy to avoid com- with an apex locator (Fig. 13.3b). Glyde path
mon mishaps such as canal transportation, loss of and preflaring were achieved manually with a
working length, and instrument separation. size 20 K-file, and canals were enlarged to a
ProTaper Universal F2 (Maillefer Dentsply)
(Fig. 13.3f, g).
13.4 Case Report 3 • Irrigation: syringe irrigation (30G needle)
with warm 5.25% NaOCl alternated with 17%
13.4.1 Patient Information EDTA.
• Final irrigation protocol: 5.25% NaOCl with
• Age: 20. Gender: female. Medical history: ultrasonic activation (IrriSafe; Acteon) for
noncontributory. three times 30  s per canal followed by 17%
EDTA and 5.25% NaOCl.
• Obturation: gutta-percha and AH Plus sealer
13.4.2 Tooth (warm vertical compaction) with special
attention to the backfill injection of gutta-­
• Identification: maxillary left second molar percha in the C-shaped buccal system
(tooth 27). (Fig. 13.3c–e, h).
348 A. Chaniotis et al.

a b c d e

f g h

Fig. 13.3  Nonsurgical endodontic treatment of a maxillary left second molar with C-shaped canal configuration by
Diogo Guerreiro

13.4.4 Technical Aspects 13.5 Case Report 4

This anatomy is classified as a subtype B1 13.5.1 Patient Information

according to the position of the fused root canal
in the maxillary C-shaped molar (Fig. 13.3g). It • Age: 30. Gender: male. Medical history:
is presented as a fusion between the mesiobuccal noncontributory.
and distobuccal canals, forming a semilunar
canal system with its concavity turned to the pal-
atal canal. Although it is not a common occur- 13.5.2 Tooth
rence in maxillary molars, the clinician should be
aware of this type of challenging anatomy. • Identification: mandibular left second premo-
Several angulated periapical radiographs may be lar (tooth 35).
necessary to identify this anatomy and to trace • Dental history: tooth’s crown was broken, and
the periodontal ligament in order to identify the patient felt pain upon biting.
root fusion. Cleaning, shaping, and sealing such • Clinical examination findings: the tooth was
complexity can sometimes be tricky and lead to painful to percussion. Thermal and electrical
failure of the endodontic therapy. C-shaped con- vitality tests were negative.
figurations are also very difficult to clean by • Preoperative radiological assessment:
syringe irrigation alone. Therefore, ultrasonic unclear image of superimposed roots
activation and a large amount of irrigation solu- (Fig. 13.4a).
tion are important to clean the isthmus area • Diagnosis: pulp necrosis and symptomatic
between buccal canals. apical periodontitis.
13  Managing Complex Root Canal Anatomies 349

a b c d e

f g h i j

Fig. 13.4  Nonsurgical endodontic treatment of a three-rooted mandibular left second premolar by Antonis Chaniotis

13.5.3 Treatment Plan • Obturation: continuous wave of condensa-

tion technique. Three fine medium gutta-
• Preliminary procedures: local anesthesia; rubber percha cones were adjusted to fit the apical
dam placement; caries removed under micro- third of all canals, and the root canal sys-
scope (Fig.  13.4b); access cavity preparation tem was coated with a resin-based sealer
extended mesiobuccally in order to facilitate the (Fig. 13.4g–j).
negotiation of the mesio- and the distobuccal
canals (Fig.  13.4e). Radiographic working
length suggested that mesiobuccal canals joined 13.5.4 Technical Aspects
in a common portal of exit (Fig. 13.4c, d).
• Canal preparation: Hyflex Controlled Memory In mandibular premolars, unclear radiographic
rotary instruments were used in a single length image of superimposed root is often associated
protocol up to a 35/04 apical enlargement. with the existence of additional roots or canals.
• Irrigation: Syringe irrigation (27G slotted end Extended access cavity preparation under magni-
needle) of 6% NaOCl. fication can result in the uneventful detection and
• Final irrigation protocol: a capillary tip was management of the additional anatomy. The
fitted into the mesiobuccal canal, and large darker color of the pulp floor and the transitional
amounts of fresh 6% NaOCl were delivered lines from the pulp floor to the axial walls can also
through the interconnecting anatomy. For the guide operator to the detection of canal orifices.
lingual canal, negative pressure irrigation Modified negative pressure irrigation of intercon-
(EndoVac system) was used. Then, canals necting canal systems might be beneficial for a
were flooded with EDTA 17% (2  min) fol- safer and more effective disinfection of the canal
lowed by sterile water (Fig. 13.4f). system.
350 A. Chaniotis et al.

13.6 Case Report 5 • Dental history: pain even under amoxicillin

regimen of 2 g per day for over 5 days.
13.6.1 Patient Information • Clinical examination findings: no swelling
or sinus tracts; sensitive to percussion;
• Age: 40. Gender: male. Medical history: cold and electric vitality tests were
noncontributory. negative.
• Preoperative radiological assessment: inade-
quate root canal treatment (silver cones) and
13.6.2 Tooth periapical lesion (Fig.  13.5a). Radiography
suggested fused canals and a possible
• Identification: maxillary left second molar C-shaped configuration.
(tooth 27).

a b c

d e f

g h i

j k l

Fig. 13.5  Nonsurgical endodontic treatment of a maxillary left second molar with fused canals and C-shape configura-
tion by Antonis Chaniotis
13  Managing Complex Root Canal Anatomies 351

• Diagnosis: previously treated teeth and symp- chamber floor was then sandblasting with
tomatic apical periodontitis with periapical sodium bicarbonate and mesial C-shaped con-
radiolucency. figuration addressed (Fig. 13.5i). Postoperative
radiograph revealed the interconnecting canal
anatomy (Fig. 13.5j).
13.6.3 Treatment Plan

• Preliminary procedures: local anesthesia; 13.6.4 Technical Aspects

rubber dam placement; access preparation
through the composite restoration without Maxillary second molars with radiographic
water irrigation aiming to melt it until expo- image of a single root might suggest fused roots
sition of the silver cones (Fig.  13.5b); and/or C-shape configuration which require mod-
removal of composite remnants with ultra- ified access cavities to facilitate its detection.
sonic tips; retrieval of silver cones with Although fusion of the mesiobuccal root with the
Stieglitz forceps (Bontempi, International palatal root is not common, it can exist and com-
Inc.) and Hedströem files under microscope plicate the disinfection process. In such cases,
(Fig.  13.5c); pulp chamber floor troughed distobuccal root may be hidden in the radiogra-
using ultrasonic tips (B&L Biotech) phy or appear as a stand-alone in an off-angled
(Fig.  13.5d) and irrigation with 6% NaOCl projection. Magnification, illumination, and
and 17% EDTA to reveal a missed distobuc- enhanced disinfection protocols might be
cal canal (Fig. 13.5e) and the orifices of the required to address the fused anatomy.
mesiobuccal, mesiopalatal, and palatal canals
placed in a C-shaped configuration and inter-
connecting anatomy; working length radiog- 13.7 Case Report 6
raphy revealed a small fragment of silver
cone in the mesial canal system (Fig. 13.5f) 13.7.1 Patient Information
which was bypassed but not removed.
Calcium hydroxide (Ultracal, Ultradent) was • Age: 30. Gender: male. Medical history:
used as intracanal medicament (Fig.  13.5g– noncontributory.
h) and syringe placement verified the inter-
connecting canal anatomy.
• Canal preparation: Hyflex rotary system 13.7.2 Tooth
(Coltène), G Pathfinder files (Micro-Mega)
and Hyflex X hand files (Coltène) for apical • Identification: mandibular right second pre-
gauging and enlargement. molar (tooth 45).
• Irrigation: 6% NaOCl activated by passive • Dental history: pain upon biting previously
ultrasonic activation with a size 15  K ultra- managed by his referral dentist.
sonic file (3 × 20 s per canal). • Clinical examination findings: tooth was
• Final irrigation protocol: After 10 days, patient asymptomatic and temporarily restored. Cold
was asymptomatic. Calcium hydroxide was and electric vitality tests were negative.
removed (ultrasonic sterile water irrigation), • Preoperative radiological assessment: tooth
disinfection procedures were repeated, and with splitting divergent roots associated with
canals flooded with 17% EDTA for 5 min fol- periapical radiolucency between roots
lowed by sterile water syringe irrigation. (Fig. 13.6a).
• Obturation: gutta-­percha and AH Plus using • Diagnosis: previously initiated treatment with
warm vertical compaction technique. Pulp asymptomatic apical periodontitis.
352 A. Chaniotis et al.

a b c d e

f g h i

Fig. 13.6  Nonsurgical endodontic treatment of a mandibular right second premolar with splitting divergent roots at the
apical third by Antonis Chaniotis

13.7.3 Treatment Plan This single stroke tactile-controlled activa-

tion technique allowed to drive CM files to
• Preliminary procedures: pre-endodontic build- length safely even in cases where straight-line
up with composite resin (Fig.  13.6b); rubber access cannot be achieved.
dam placement followed by coronal access. An • Irrigation: positive syringe irrigation with 6%
ISO 25 file was inserted until the furcation NaOCl.
level and depth of the pulp floor was recorded. • Final irrigation protocol: 6% NaOCl with
A Munce bur was inserted to this level manual dynamic activation and final rinse
(Fig. 13.6c) and activated to enlarge the access with 17% EDTA and sterile water.
with a C-shaped trajectory with the concavity • Obturation: pre-curved gutta-percha cones
of the C shape toward the mesial plane. Under and resin-based sealer (Fig. 13.6g). System B
the operating microscope, three canal orifices heat source was used to cut the gutta-percha
were discovered (Fig.  13.6d) and pre-curved points at the level of the canal entrances
size 10 K-files inserted to the canal length (Fig. 13.6e). The middle and coronal third of
revealing the aberrant anatomy (Fig. 13.6f). the canal was filled with injectable thermo-
• Canal preparation: for each canal, sizes plasticized gutta-percha.
15/.04, 20/.04, and 25/.04 pre-curved CM • Additional information: the tooth was restored
rotary instruments were sequentially inserted with composite resin, and a postoperative
at the point of maximum frictional resistance radiograph was taken (Fig.  13.6h). One-year
and activated, driven to resistance and follow-up examination revealed uneventful
redrawn from the canal (TCA technique). healing (Fig. 13.6i).
13  Managing Complex Root Canal Anatomies 353

13.7.4 Technical Aspects ing modified with ultrasonic tip (RS 2;

SybronEndo). Dental operating microscope
The internal anatomy of mandibular premolars was used throughout the procedures.
might have complicated interconnecting, fused, • Canal preparation: filling materials were
or highly curved canals. Occasionally, the root removed using H-files and an ultrasonic tip
canal system can also be splitting in two or more (ET 20; Satelec action). Pulp chamber floor
canals/roots deep below the cemento-enamel was explored with size 10.04 Micro-Opener
junction. In such cases, pre-curving CM rotary for identification of mesiobuccal (MB), pal-
NiTi files activated in maximum engagement atal (P), and distobuccal (DB) canal orifices.
(TCA technique) might be beneficial for the safe Patency was achieved using size 10 K-file
and predictable enlargement of the apical splits to (Fig. 13.7c–f, i–l). Then, working length was
adequate preparation sizes. established electronically (Fig.  13.7g, m)
and glide path created until size 15 K-file.
Canal shaping was performed using ProTaper
13.8 Case Report 7 Universal system up to F3.
• Irrigation: positive syringe irrigation with 3%
13.8.1 Patient Information NaOCl.
• Final irrigation protocol: 3% NaOCl with
• Age: 56. Gender: female. Medical history: ultrasonic activation (5  ×  30  s per canal;
noncontributory. IrriSafe) and final rinse with 17% EDTA, 3%
NaOCl, normal saline followed by 2%
chlorhexidine for 1 min.
13.8.2 Tooth • Obturation: preselection of hand plungers
(Buchanan hand pluggers; SybronEndo) and
• Identification: maxillary right first (Fig. 13.7a– backfill unit needle B&L Beta (Biotech).
g) and second (Fig. 13.7h–o) molars (teeth 16 Calcium hydroxide-based sealer (Sealapex)
and 17). was used, and gutta-percha was squirted into
• Dental history: pain upon biting previously the canals (Fig. 13.7o).
managed by her referral dentist 1 year back.
• Clinical examination findings: teeth were tempo-
rarily restored and tender to vertical percussion.
Palpation, periodontal probing around the tooth, 13.8.4 Technical Aspects
and mobility were within physiological limits.
• Preoperative radiological assessment: inade- Careful examination of the preoperative radio-
quate endodontic treatment (Fig. 13.7a, b, h). graphs and knowledge on root canal anatomy is a
The root outline presented as single rooted, prerequisite for identifying developmental anom-
bulbous, and non-confirming, suggestive of alies. In a hypertaurodontic tooth, because of the
hypertaurodontism. apical positioning of pulpal floor, magnification,
• Diagnosis: previously endodontic treatment ultrasonic tips, and dynamic irrigation with
with symptomatic apical periodontitis. increased volume and time are key for successful
removal of gutta-percha and identification of
canals orifices. Tooth 27 had a C-shaped canal
13.8.3 Treatment Plan (Fig. 13.7n), which divided into three separated
canals at the apical third. Therefore, squiring
• Preliminary procedures: local anesthesia, rub- technique was used for a more predictable obtu-
ber dam placement followed by access open- ration procedure (Fig. 13.7o).
354 A. Chaniotis et al.

a b c

d e f

g h i

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m n o

Fig. 13.7  Nonsurgical endodontic treatment of maxillary right first and second molars with hypertaurodontism by Jojo
13  Managing Complex Root Canal Anatomies 355

13.9 Case Report 8 • Preoperative radiological assessment: a bul-

bous single-rooted tooth with an apically
13.9.1 Patient Information located pulpal floor suggestive of hypertaur-
odontism (Fig. 13.8a).
• Age: 49. Gender: male. Medical history: • Diagnosis: initiated endodontic treatment with
noncontributory. symptomatic apical periodontitis.

13.9.2 Tooth 13.9.3 Treatment Plan

• Identification: maxillary left second molar • Preliminary procedures: local anesthesia,

(tooth 27). disto-occlusal wall buildup with composite
• Dental history: endodontic treatment initiated resin, rubber dam placement followed by
by the general dentist who referred after modified access opening with ultrasonic tips
observing the unusual canal morphology (RS 2; SybronEndo) (Fig.  13.8b). Dental
(Fig. 13.8a). operating microscope was used throughout
• Clinical examination findings: tooth had a the procedures.
normal shaped crown and mesiodistally frac- • Canal preparation: pulp chamber was explored
tured temporary filling. It was mild tenderness with a size 10.04 Micro-Opener (Dentsply
to percussion. Periodontal probing and mobil- Maillefer) to identify mesiobuccal (MB1,
ity were within physiological limits, with no MB2), distobuccal (DB), and palatal (P) canal
evidence of swelling or a sinus tract. orifices (Fig.  13.8c–e). After working length

a b c

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Fig. 13.8  Nonsurgical endodontic treatment of a maxillary left second molar with hypertaurodontism by Jojo Kottoor
356 A. Chaniotis et al.

determination (Fig. 13.8f), a fourth canal ori- 13.10 Case Report 9

fice was found next to mesiobuccal canal.
ProGlider instrument was used to create the 13.10.1  Patient Information
glide path, while ProTaper Universal was used
up to F3 for shaping the buccal canals and F4 • Age: 60. Gender: male. Medical history:
for the palatal canal. noncontributory.
• Irrigation: positive syringe irrigation with 3%
• Final irrigation protocol: 3% NaOCl with 13.10.2  Tooth
ultrasonic activation (5  ×  30  s per canal;
IrriSafe) and final rinse with 17% EDTA, 3% • Identification: mandibular right second molar
NaOCl, normal saline followed by 2% (tooth 47).
chlorhexidine for 1 min. • Dental history: patient complains about
• Obturation: preselection of hand plungers esthetic.
(Buchanan Hand Pluggers; SybronEndo) and • Clinical examination findings: extensive
backfill unit needle B&L Beta (Biotech). amalgam restoration in an asymptomatic
Calcium hydroxide-based sealer (Sealapex) tooth.
was used, and gutta-percha was squirted into • Preoperative radiological assessment: incom-
the canals (Fig. 13.8g–i). plete endodontic treatment with poor shaping
and insufficient obturation. Fusion roots
suggesting a C-shaped canal configuration
13.9.4 Technical Aspects (Fig. 13.9a).
• Diagnosis: previously endodontic treatment
Excessive bleeding was noted upon initial reentry with asymptomatic apical periodontitis.
into the chamber suggesting perforation
(Fig. 13.8b); however, this is a very likely presen-
tation of inflamed pulp tissue in taurodontic teeth. 13.10.3  Treatment Plan
Each taurodontic tooth may have anomalous root
canals in terms of shape and number and needs to • Preliminary procedures: anesthesia; rubber
be approached cautiously. Inadvertent and non-­ dam isolation; microscope visualization; con-
specific exploration can lead to unwanted cutting ventional access to the cavity with a round bur.
of chamber wall. As the canals were originating • Canal preparation: removal of the obturation
from the apical third, changing the position/angu- material in the pulp chamber with ultrasonic
lation of mirror is allowed for adequate viewing tips and in the root canal with reciprocating
and exploration within the pulp chamber. instrument size 25.08 without hand files
Microscope enhanced the visualization of the (Fig. 13.9b, c). C-shaped canal configuration
pulpal floor by better illumination of the depths was confirmed (Fig.  13.9d), and the shaping
of the cavity, in combination with use of micro-­ of the 2/3 of all canals was performed with
openers and ultrasonics. Because of the complex- Reciproc R25 instrument. After electronic
ity of the root canal anatomy and the proximity of working length determination, shaping was
the buccal orifices, the root canal system was completed with a size 25.08 reciprocating
obturated by squirting heated gutta-percha. instrument in one session.
13  Managing Complex Root Canal Anatomies 357

a b c d

e f g h

Fig. 13.9  Nonsurgical endodontic treatment of a mandibular right second molar with C-shaped canal configuration by
Nuno Pinto

• Irrigation: 6% NaOCl (manual dynamic acti- 13.11 Case Report 10

vation); 10% citric acid (MDA); ultrasonic
activation 3 × 20 s. 13.11.1  Patient Information
• Final irrigation protocol: 10% citric acid
(ultrasonic activation for 60  s) followed by • Age: 14. Gender: male. Medical history:
saline solution and alcohol. noncontributory.
• Obturation: epoxy resin-based sealer (AH
Plus) and gutta-percha; warm vertical com-
13.11.2  Tooth
paction (Fig. 13.9e–h).
• Identification: maxillary right lateral incisor
(tooth 12).
13.10.4  Technical Aspects • Dental history: spontaneous pain.
• Clinical examination findings: slight discom-
The anatomy of a C-shaped canal with a type fort upon percussion and palpation of the buc-
III Vertucci’s configuration at the middle third cal mucosa. Presence of a sinus tract.
is challenging for shaping, cleaning, and obtu- • Preoperative radiological assessment: image
ration procedures. In this way, it is important to consistent with type II dens invaginatus mor-
combine magnification, ultrasonic activation of phology with periapical lesion (Fig. 13.10a).
the irrigant, and thermocompaction obturation • Diagnosis: pulpal necrosis and chronic apical
techniques. abscess.
358 A. Chaniotis et al.

a b c d

e f g

Fig. 13.10  Nonsurgical endodontic treatment of a maxillary right lateral incisor with type II dens invaginatus
­morphology by Nuno Pinto

13.11.3  Treatment Plan 13.11.4  Technical Aspects

Nonsurgical endodontic treatment This tooth had a type II dens invaginatus morphol-
ogy with communication and a totally open apex,
• Preliminary procedures: anesthesia; rubber which significantly increase its management dif-
dam isolation; microscope visualization; con- ficulty. In this type of anomaly, preoperative peri-
ventional access to the cavity with a round bur. apical radiographs in different angulations are
Cavity margins were refined with ultrasonic ­important for treatment planning. Magnification
tips (CPR 2 and 3; Obtura Spartan). and u­ ltrasonics are mandatory and ultrasonic tips.
• Canal preparation: localization of two canal Considering that the main canal was partially
orifices which were explored with sizes blocked with the invaginated root, an ultrasonic
10 and 15 K-files. After working length tip was also used to enlarge the apical foramen of
determination (Fig.  13.10b), canals were invagination aiming to completely seal the apex
enlarged using K3 rotary system with the with MTA. A week later the sinus tract had disap-
following sequence: 25.10; 25.08; 40.06; peared, and 1 year later the apical lesion was
and 35.06. healed (Fig. 13.10g).
• Irrigation: syringe irrigation (30G needle)
with 2% chlorhexidine (manual dynamic
irrigation). 13.12 Case Report 11
• Final irrigation protocol: 2% chlorhexidine.
• Obturation: apical plug (4  mm) of white 13.12.1  Patient Information
ProRoot MTA (Dentsply Maillefer) and back-
fill with warm gutta-percha and AH Plus • Age: 40. Gender: female. Medical history:
sealer (Fig. 13.10c–f). noncontributory.
13  Managing Complex Root Canal Anatomies 359

13.12.2  Tooth • Preoperative radiological assessment: previ-

ous canal treatment, radiolucency at the apex
• Identification: mandibular left first molar of mesial and distal roots, screw post in the
(tooth 36). distal root, mesial abutment in a porcelain
• Dental history: canal treatment performed fused to metal bridge (Fig. 13.11a).
6 years ago. • Diagnosis: previously endodontic treatment
• Clinical examination findings: swelling in the with symptomatic apical periodontitis.
buccal area, pain on biting, probing depths
within 2–3 mm.

a b c

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m n o

Fig. 13.11  Nonsurgical endodontic retreatment of a mandibular left first molar with independent middle mesial canal
by Sergiu Nicola
360 A. Chaniotis et al.

13.12.3  Treatment Plan A 1-year recall showed healing in progress

(Fig. 13.11m–o).
Nonsurgical endodontic retreatment through the
bridge and adhesive buildup.
13.13 Case Report 12
• Preliminary procedures: local anesthesia,
rubber dam isolation, access through the 13.13.1  Patient Information
crown with diamond bur for porcelain and
carbide bur for metal (Fig.  13.11b–d). • Age: 36. Gender: male. Medical history:
Composite core removed with thin ultrasonic noncontributory.
tips (U-file, Mani) then post unscrewed with
Startx #4 (Densply) (Fig.  13.11e–g). Dental
operating microscope used during all the 13.13.2  Tooth
• Canal preparation: S1 in reciprocating move- • Identification: mandibular left first molar
ment (90° CW 30° CCW; ATR Technika (tooth 36) (Fig. 13.12a).
motor). Reciproc R25 (VDW) was used alter- • Dental history: previous root canal treatment
natively until working length was reached performed 1 year ago.
(Fig. 13.11h). Working length was determined • Clinical examination findings: asymptomatic;
electronically during the treatment with a cus- probing depths within 2–3 mm.
tom apex locator connected to handpieces. • Preoperative radiological assessment: previ-
• Irrigation: 5.25% NaOCl (syringe irrigation ous canal treatment; radiolucency at the apex
with 27G open vent needle). of mesial root; fiber posts in both mesial and
• Final irrigation protocol: 5.25% NaOCl (ultra- distal roots.
sonic activation; IrriSafe, Acteon) for 60 s fol- • Diagnosis: previously root canal treatment;
lowed by 17% EDTA and 5.25% NaOCl. asymptomatic apical periodontitis.
• Obturation: warm vertical compaction of gutta-
percha and AH Plus sealer (Fig. 13.11i–l).
13.13.3  Treatment Plan

13.12.4  Technical Aspects Nonsurgical retreatment and adhesive buildup

Patient choice was to maintain the old bridge, so • Preliminary procedures: local anesthesia;
retreatment was performed through the crown, rubber dam isolation; access through the
including the removal of the retained screw post, ­composite core with diamond bur (Fig. 13.12b).
which was done using sharpened tips with fine Composite core removed with thin ultrasonic
diamond burs up to a thickness less than 0.1 mm. tips (U-file, Mani); fiber posts were carefully
This procedure was performed several times dug with thinned U-files (Fig. 13.12c–g). After
since the tip was constantly blunting. During the fiber post removal, canal retreatment started
retreatment, when cleaning the mesial isthmus, with U-file tips which revealed four mesial
a middle mesial canal with a separate portal of and three distal canal orifices (Fig. 13.12h–k).
exit was revealed (Fig.  13.11h). The postopera- Dental operating microscope was used during
tive radiography showed a very complex anat- the procedures.
omy: three separate mesial canals and two distal • Canal preparation: S1 in reciprocating move-
canals joining in the apical third (Fig.  13.11l). ment (90° CW 30° CCW; ATR Technika
13  Managing Complex Root Canal Anatomies 361

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r s t u

Fig. 13.12  Nonsurgical endodontic retreatment of a mandibular left first molar with seven root canals by Sergiu Nicola

motor) followed by Reciproc R25 (VDW) • Obturation: warm vertical compaction of

used until working length, which was deter- gutta-percha and AH Plus sealer (Fig. 13.12n–
mined electronically with a custom apex loca- u). The core was rebuilt using dual-cure
tor connected to handpieces. A very complex resin.
anatomy was revealed during the retreatment.
• Irrigation: 5.25% NaOCl (syringe irrigation
with 27G open vent needle) at room 13.13.4  Technical Aspects
• Final irrigation protocol: 5.25% NaOCl (ultra- Fiber posts had to be removed in a conservative
sonic activation; IrriSafe, Acteon) for 60 s fol- manner trying not to touch the sound dentin. This
lowed by 17% EDTA and 5.25% NaOCl goal was achieved using thinned U-files that are
(Fig. 13.12l, m). very sharp and precise in digging.
362 A. Chaniotis et al.

13.14 Case Report 13 identified (Fig. 13.13h), palatal vital pulp tis-

sue was removed (Fig.  13.13i), and orifice
13.14.1  Patient Information enlargement was performed with ProTaper SX
to a depth of 2 mm (Fig. 13.13j–l).
• Age: 48. Gender: male. Medical history: • Canal preparation: because of the narrow
noncontributory. canal anatomy and small bending in the canal
route, the V-Taper H2 file system (SS White)
was used for preparation. Master apical files
13.14.2  Tooth were 30/04 (palatal canal), 25/06 (MB1
and distobuccal canals), and 20/06 (MB2 to
• Identification: maxillary right second molar the confluence with MB1) (Fig.  13.13m).
(tooth 17). K-file size 15 was used between instru-
• Dental history: tooth 16 was treated in 2012 ments to ensure patency and to prevent debris
and had a marginal fistula on the palatal side accumulation.
(Fig.  13.13a) and a large radiolucent area • Irrigation: 5.25% NaOCl (passive ultrasonic
between roots (Fig. 13.13b–d), suggesting the irrigation).
occurrence of vertical fracture. Tooth 17 was • Final irrigation protocol: 50% citric acid for
tender to percussion, vitality testing with Endo 60 s; final flush with 5.25% NaOCl (PUI).
Ice was negative, and electrical pulp testing • Obturation: epoxy resin-based sealer (AH
showed a reaction in the highest setting. After Plus) and gutta-percha; warm vertical com-
extraction of the fractured 16, the testing on paction (Fig. 13.13n–p). In the present case,
17 was repeated with the same results and no distobuccal canal was confluent with MB1
change in clinical symptoms. (Fig.  13.13q), and the former was obturated
• Clinical examination findings: no tenderness first. After this, gutta-percha point for MB1
to palpation, pain on biting no longer than was inserted; both points were cut off at ori-
3–4 min, no extended probing depth; old, not fice level and gently compacted apically to
satisfactory ceramic inlay restoration with avoid dislocation. Then, warm gutta-percha
susceptible secondary decay under the mesial was injected into the MB2 to ensure maxi-
ridge (Fig. 13.13e). mum hydraulics for the warm vertical com-
• Preoperative radiological assessment: lower paction obturation of the other canal
radiopacity was observed under the mesial systems.
ridge near to the mesial pulp horn. Apical area
could not be inspected on the CBCT exam as
all relevant features were covered by the 13.14.4  Technical Aspects
hypertrophic sinus mucosa radiating from the
periodontal area of tooth 16 (Fig. 13.13f). When there is a confluence of root canals at a
• Diagnosis: partial pulp necrosis; asymptom- deep level, attention must be given not to block
atic apical periodontitis. one of the splitting branches. In this way, it is
preferred to obturate one canal first with the best
fitting gutta-percha point without cutting off the
13.14.3  Treatment Plan gutta-percha at orifice level. In this case, CBCT
helped to plan the procedure and to identify the
• Preliminary procedures: local anesthesia, rub- morphology of the buccal canal systems.
ber dam isolation, and placement of gingival Besides, image-guided access helped to avoid
barrier. After image-guided access cavity extending the access cavity too far at the pericer-
preparation (Fig. 13.13g), canal orifices were vical dentin level.
13  Managing Complex Root Canal Anatomies 363

a b c d

e f g h

j k l m

n o p q

Fig. 13.13  Nonsurgical endodontic treatment of a maxillary right second molar with a confluence of the distobuccal
and mesiobuccal canals by Oscar von Stetten

13.15.2  Tooth
13.15 Case Report 14
• Identification: maxillary right first molar
13.15.1  Patient Information (tooth 16).
• Dental history: tooth 16 was treated in 2012
• Age: 44. Gender: male. Medical history: (Fig. 13.14a) and started to get tender to per-
noncontributory. cussion and biting.
364 A. Chaniotis et al.

a b c d

e f

g i j

h k

Fig. 13.14  Nonsurgical endodontic retreatment of a maxillary right first molar with a missed MB2 canal by Oscar von

• Clinical examination findings: no tenderness • Preoperative radiological assessment: apical

to palpation, sensitive to percussion, no prob- translucency around the mesial root suggest-
ing depth, pain on biting no longer than ing missed anatomy.
3–4  min; old composite restoration with • Diagnosis: previously initiated therapy with
remaining decay (Fig. 13.14b). symptomatic apical periodontitis.
13  Managing Complex Root Canal Anatomies 365

13.15.3  Treatment Plan 13.16 Case Report 15

• Preliminary procedures: local anesthesia, rub- 13.16.1  Patient Information

ber dam isolation, and placement of gingival
barrier. After access, canal orifices were • Age: 52. Gender: female. Medical history:
located, and coronal gutta-percha was noncontributory.
removed (Fig.  13.14c). After gutta-percha
removal, orifice of MB2 canal was found
(Fig. 13.14d). 13.16.2  Tooth
• Canal preparation: after orifice enlargement,
rotary Profile 20.04 was used for removal of the • Identification: maxillary left third molar
remaining canal filling under constant irriga- (tooth 28).
tion. After working length measurement, Profile • Dental history: recently started non-concluded
25.04 instrument was used to prepare the canals. root canal therapy.
Then, Self-adjusting File (SAF) of 2.0 mm was • Clinical examination findings: temporarily
used for 3  min in each canal. To remove the restored tooth showing no sinus tract, no
gutta-percha remnants, a Micro-­ Opener and swelling, sensitive to percussion, soft tissue
Micro-Debrider (Dentsply) were used under within normal limits, without mobility, and
optical control (Fig.  13.14e). Finally, XP fin- periodontal probing within physiological
isher R (FKG) was used under constant irriga- limits.
tion. Final apical preparation was done with a • Preoperative radiological assessment: sepa-
Mtwo size 30.04 instrument in all canals. rated instrument and apical radiolucency in
• Irrigation: 5.25% NaOCl; passive ultrasonic mesiobuccal root (Fig. 13.15a).
irrigation. • Diagnosis: previously initiated therapy with
• Final irrigation protocol: 50% citric acid for symptomatic apical periodontitis.
60 s, final flush of 5.25% NaOCl with PUI.
• Obturation: epoxy resin-based sealer (AH
Plus) and gutta-percha; warm vertical com- 13.16.3  Treatment Plan
paction (Fig. 13.14f–k).
• Preliminary procedures: local anesthesia, rub-
ber dam isolation, and removal of temporary
13.15.4  Technical Aspects restoration (Fig.  13.15b). Modified GG3
(Terauchi File Retrieval Kit) was used for
In retreatment procedures there are important exposing the coronal part of separated instru-
technical aspects to consider avoiding flare up ment (Fig. 13.15c), and then separated instru-
and additional iatrogenic problems. It includes ment was removed (Fig. 13.15d) according to
patience and not using solvents (99% of the the illustration. Dental operating microscope
cases). Avoid rushing to the apex, working from was used during the procedures.
floor to floor of the root canal. Vigorous use of • Canal preparation: initial negotiation and
the microscope and suited instruments to remove scouting of the root canals were carried out
the gutta-­percha mechanically is the best way to with a pre-curved D-Finder instrument size 8.
handle this kind of cases. Meanwhile, some file After electronic working length determination
manufacturers introduced a new class of instru- (Fig. 13.15e), manual glide path was obtained
ments on the market to help us in mechanical using sizes 08, 10, 12, and 15 D-Finder (Mani
removal of the gutta-percha in hidden areas. Inc.). After achieving the working length,
366 A. Chaniotis et al.

a b c d

e f g h i

j k l

Fig. 13.15  Nonsurgical endodontic treatment of a maxillary left third molar with a separated instrument in the mesio-
buccal canal by Hugo Sousa

each file was coupled to M4 Safety handpiece Elements Motor) up to instrument 25.06
(Kerr Endodontics) and used in an up-and-­ (SM2) in mesiobuccal and distobuccal canals
down movement (1  mm) until it is loosed in and up to 35.06 (ML2) in palatal canal.
the canal. Cleaning and shaping were per- • Irrigation: syringe irrigation (30G needle)
formed using TF Adaptive (Kerr Endodontics; with warm 5.25% NaOCl.
13  Managing Complex Root Canal Anatomies 367

• Final irrigation protocol: 17% EDTA (syringe • Dental history: tooth was previously treated
irrigation) for 1  min followed by 5.25% and patient complaint of pain from last month
NaOCl with manual dynamic activation tech- when “biting” [sic].
nique for 60 s each root canal. • Clinical examination findings: leaking resto-
• Obturation: continuous wave of condensation ration with decayed margins; slight discom-
technique with Elements Obturation Unit with fort upon percussion and palpation of the
epoxy resin-based sealer (AH Plus) and gutta-­ buccal mucosa; no sinus tract and soft tissue
percha (Fig. 13.15f–h). within normal limits. Periodontal probing
• Additional information: pulp chamber was within physiological limits.
sealed (Ionoseal), a temporary restoration was • Preoperative radiological assessment:
done, and patient was referred for coronal res- S-shaped anatomy and periapical radiolu-
toration. At 1-month follow-up, tooth was cency (Fig. 13.16b).
asymptomatic (Fig.  13.15i). A postoperative • Diagnosis: previously treated tooth; symp-
CBCT scan showed a challenging anatomy, tomatic apical periodontitis.
demonstrating the importance of irrigation to
achieve biological objectives (Fig. 13.15j–l)
13.17.3  Treatment Plan

13.16.4  Technical Aspects • Preliminary procedures: local anesthesia; rub-

ber dam isolation; removal of restauration and
The option to remove the separated instrument is decayed tissue followed by access prepara-
related to its position in the root canal and the tion. After identification of canal orifices,
need to disinfect the complex anatomical system. access cavity was extended toward buccal
In this case, separated instrument was at the ini- with an ultrasonic tip, and a third canal orifice
tial canal curvature. To avoid more mishaps, it is was found. Dental operating microscope was
important (1) to use small pre-curved files with- used during procedures.
out apical pressure to scout the root canal. When • Canal preparation: obturation material in
an impediment to apical progress is met, the file mesiolingual and distal canals were removed
needs to be removed and smoothly bent at the last with Reciproc R25 instrument (VDW), 1 mm
2 mm, (2) to obtain a straight-line access, (3) to shorter than the obturation extent. Scouting of
reduce the area of the file in contact with dentinal root canals was carried out with hand K-file
walls, (4) to create a manual glide path up to a sizes 08 and 10 until the first curvature
size 15, and (5) to use visual aids such as a dental (Fig. 13.16c) of the mesiobuccal canal. In the
microscope. other canals, coronal flaring was performed
using TF Adaptive ML1 in continuous rotary
motion, 1  mm shorter of the first curvature.
13.17 Case Report 16 Ledges found in the mesiolingual and distal
canals were bypassed with pre-curved
13.17.1  Patient Information D-Finder file sizes 08 and 10. In the mesio-
buccal canal, a sequence of hand files (from 8
• Age: 28. Gender: female. Medical history: to 15 K-files) was used until reach the second
noncontributory. curvature with M4 handpiece. Then, K-file
size 08 advanced until achieving patency.
After electronic and radiographic working
13.17.2  Tooth length determination (Fig. 13.16d, e), manual
glide path was obtained with K-files sizes 08
• Identification: mandibular right second molar to15 using M4 handpiece. Cleaning and shap-
(tooth 47) (Fig. 13.16a) ing were accomplished using TF and TF
368 A. Chaniotis et al.

b c d e

f g h i

Fig. 13.16  Nonsurgical endodontic retreatment of a mandibular right second molar with S-shaped curvature by Hugo
13  Managing Complex Root Canal Anatomies 369

Adaptive up to 25.04  in mesial canals and 13.18.2  Tooth

25.06 in the distal canal. Canal blocking was
prevented by using multiple recapitulations • Identification: maxillary left first molar (tooth
with a pre-curved 10 K-file. 26).
• Irrigation: syringe irrigation (30G needle) • Dental history: patient complained about pain
with warm 5.25% NaOCl. with thermal stimulus.
• Final irrigation protocol: 17% EDTA (syringe • Clinical examination findings: no caries
irrigation) for 1  min followed by 5.25% lesion; no sinus tract; probing depth within
NaOCl with manual dynamic activation tech- physiological limits; no sensitive to percus-
nique for 60 s in each root canal. sion; exacerbated response to thermal tests.
• Obturation: continuous wave of condensation • Preoperative radiological assessment: calci-
technique with Elements Obturation Unit with fied pulp chamber and roots canals
epoxy resin-based sealer (AH Plus) and gutta-­ (Fig. 13.17a).
percha (Fig. 13.16f–i). • Diagnosis: irreversible pulpitis; with normal
periradicular tissues.

13.17.4  Technical Aspects

13.18.3  Treatment Plan
S-shaped anatomy is ideally managed using a
“three-staged shaping technique” with constant • Preliminary procedures: root canal treatment
irrigation and recapitulation: (1) Stage 1, shape was performed with cleaning and shaping of
the canals to the first point of curvature, i.e., four canals (Fig. 13.17b). At the 2-year recall
1  mm shorter than the maximum engagement (Fig.  13.17c), patient complained when per-
zone of 10 K-file); (2) Stage 2, a pre-curved forming the horizontal and vertical percussion
hand file is placed to passively negotiate up to test (Fig. 13.17d). Additional CBCT examina-
the next resistance point, increase the root canal tion demonstrated the presence of an untreated
size up to this point; and (3) Stage 3, pre-curved second buccal canal at the distal root
hand files advance to achieve patency after (Fig.  13.17e, f). After local anesthesia and
which the shaping of this area starts. In case of rubber dam isolation, a selective access cavity
ledge, curve the tip of the instrument (nearly preparation was done.
45°). After bypassing it, left the file in place and • Canal preparation: with the CBCT informa-
connect it to the M4 handpiece. Smaller size tion and magnification, a selective access to
files must be super loose in the canal before the distal canal was performed using ultra-
using large files to negotiate the canal without sound to remove dentin at the entrance to have
any apical pressure. Then, it is important to a clear access to the missed canal
enlarge the canal with i­nstruments 20–25 with (Fig. 13.17g–i).
small taper files (4–6%) to avoid additional iat- • Irrigation: 5.25% NaOCl (passive ultrasonic
rogenic events. irrigation).
• Final irrigation protocol: 17% EDTA for
1 min followed by 5.25% NaOCl.
13.18 Case Report 17 • Obturation: single cone technique (Fig. 13.17j).
After 2  years, patient was asymptomatic.
13.18.1  Patient Information Radiographic (Fig.  13.17k) and CBCT
(Fig.  13.17l) examinations showed all canals
• Age: 44. Gender: female. Medical history: obturated with a minor widening of the periodon-
noncontributory. tal ligament at the apical region of distal root.
370 A. Chaniotis et al.

a b c

d e f

g h i

j k l

Fig. 13.17  Nonsurgical endodontic retreatment of a maxillary left first molar with five root canals by Carlos Murgel
13  Managing Complex Root Canal Anatomies 371

13.18.4  Technical Aspects despite tooth 46 was asymptomatic, radio-

graphic examination showed an apical lesion
This case illustrates the limitations of conventional at the mesial root suggesting the occurrence of
radiography for diagnosing and treatment planning a chronic periapical process (Fig.  13.18c).
of a tooth with persistent symptom after root canal CBCT examination showed an untreated lin-
treatment. This is especially important when treat- gual apical canal at the mesial root
ing maxillary molars because the superimposition (Fig.  13.18d–f). After local anesthesia and
of anatomical structures. Information from CBCT rubber dam isolation, a selective access cavity
examination allowed a proper diagnosis and treat- preparation was done.
ment plan, while helps in execute minimally inva- • Canal preparation: with the CBCT infor-
sive treatment to solve patient’s chief complain. mation and magnification, access to the
apical bifurcation of the mesial canal
was performed using thin ultrasound tips
13.19 Case Report 18 (Fig. 13.18g).
• Irrigation: 5.25% NaOCl (passive ultrasonic
13.19.1  Patient Information irrigation).
• Final irrigation protocol: 17% EDTA for
• Age: 54. Gender: female. Medical history: 1 min followed by 5.25% NaOCl.
noncontributory. • Obturation: single cone technique (Fig. 13.18h).
After sealed the access with composite resin
13.19.2  Tooth (Fig. 13.18i), immediate post-­op radiograph and
CBCT (Fig. 13.18j, k) clearly show both canals
• Identification: mandibular right first molar at the mesial root. At 1-year recall, patient was
(tooth 46). asymptomatic, and mesial root showed apical
• Dental history: pain on tooth 46, especially healing (Fig. 13.18l).
with thermal stimulus.
• Clinical examination findings: temporary resto-
ration; no tooth discoloration, caries, or enamel 13.19.4  Technical Aspects
fracture; no periodontal probing; horizontal
and vertical percussion test within ­normal lim- This case illustrates the limitations of conven-
its; severe response to thermal stimulus. tional radiography for diagnosing and treatment
• Preoperative radiological assessment: reduced planning of a tooth with persistent symptom
pulp chamber; normal bone structure after root canal treatment. This is especially
(Fig. 13.18a). important when treating mandibular first molars
• Diagnosis: irreversible pulpits with normal because of the enormous variation of anatomi-
periradicular tissues. cal structures on their roots. Information from
CBCT examination allowed a proper diagnosis
and treatment plan, while helps in execute mini-
13.19.3  Treatment Plan mally invasive treatment to solve patient’s chief
• Preliminary procedures: root canal treatment
was performed (Fig. 13.18b), but after 2 years,
372 A. Chaniotis et al.

a b c

d e f

g h i

j k l

Fig. 13.18  Nonsurgical endodontic treatment of a mandibular right first molar with a deep bifurcation in the mesial
root by Carlos Murgel
Part IV
Contemporary Strategies
for Teaching Internal Anatomy
of Teeth

Bettina Basrani and Marco A. Versiani

Abstract represent an important stage of learning in dental

The importance of preclinical training in end- schools since they enable students to acquire
odontics has been well established in the lit- knowledge for further developing of manual
erature for endodontic education. Its primary skills, essential to clinical practice [2, 3].
purpose is to introduce students to cognitive Therefore,  the purpose of education must be
and psychomotor skills related to the mor- firstly to provide a basic understanding and, sec-
phology and spatial and functional relation- ondly, to develop an ability to acquire further
ships of human dentition. The aim of this knowledge [4]. This is especially true in end-
chapter is to describe different models to teach odontics where a clear comprehension of the
the internal anatomy of the teeth in distinct complexity of the root canal system and its spa-
levels of the education curriculum in tial relationship with surrounding tissues
endodontics. is extremely important in clinics.
Students of the internal anatomy of teeth must
know that the clinical outcome is largely depen-
dent on their ability to treat root canal systems to
14.1 Introduction their full apical and lateral extents and how to
choose proper armamentarium to match the canal
Sound knowledge of anatomy has been consid- dimensions [5]. Thus, a thorough understanding
ered cornerstone of dental education. As a foun- of the anatomy of the human teeth is an important
dational course in the preclinical curriculum in constituent of dentistry, particularly regarding
dentistry, dental anatomy introduces students to teaching purposes [6, 7]. Concerning the educa-
the anatomical and morphological characteristics tional environment, it is generally accepted that
of human permanent and primary dentitions [1]. learning progress is strongly oriented toward the
Preclinical disciplines such as dental anatomy understanding of theoretical backgrounds. If the
students are familiar with the various aspects of
root canal anatomy, they also know much better
B. Basrani, D.D.S., M.Sc., Ph.D. (*)
Endodontic Program, Faculty of Dentistry, University how to proceed in clinical practice. Within the
of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada understanding of the basic idea  regarding this
e-mail: subject, students would be able to better internal-
M. A. Versiani, D.D.S., M.Sc., Ph.D. ize all the treatment-related processes [8].
Department of Restorative Dentistry, Dental School However, the field of endodontics is unique when
of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo, compared with other areas of dentistry in that,
São Paulo, Brazil

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2019 375

M. A. Versiani et al. (eds.), The Root Canal Anatomy in Permanent Dentition,
376 B. Basrani and M. A. Versiani

unlike performing a restoration, the student per- may foster superficial understanding if students
forming endodontic therapy in clinics cannot see are not provided with an opportunity to actively
the object he is working on, the internal anatomy discuss what they are learning [1, 13, 14].
of teeth [9]. To address this problem, numerous Therefore, active preparation for class sessions
techniques have been devised for use in the study (using a variety of digital resources and a review
of the root canal system. sheet with study questions) and small-group dis-
cussions in class has been suggested as a way to
encourage every student to participate and
14.2 Cognitive and Psychomotor assume some accountability to others through
Aspects in Dental Education self- and peer evaluation, improving the quality
of learning [1, 15].
A meaningful foundation in dental anatomy Clinical competence relies on the develop-
includes cognitive and psychomotor aspects. The ment of the widely recognized psychomotor
cognitive aspect is comprised of descriptive and aspect. Inextricably coupled with these psycho-
conceptual knowledge, including a substantial motor skills is the ability to self-evaluate the pro-
body of terminology, while the psychomotor cess of correction and the product itself compared
aspect is divided into visual and motor skills. It is to the desired outcome. Visual perception has
important to point out that the latter is beyond the been suggested as a prerequisite skill for deter-
scope of this chapter. Thus, dental anatomy mod- mining the appropriate goals and strategy for a
ule must improve learning in both aspects by correction [1]. Visual skill is required to observe
making them more relevant to clinical practice normal 3D tooth morphology in detail, to differ-
and incorporating more opportunities for stu- entiate normal tooth morphology from its devia-
dents to actively engage in the learning tions, and to envision correction of the deficient
process [1]. tooth morphology into a product that replicates
The traditional method of learning dental normal tooth morphology; further, motor skill is
anatomy terminology (cognitive aspect) employs also required to execute clinically relevant dental
lectures, textbooks, course manuals, and interac- procedures [1]. In the development of psychomo-
tive tests that allow the students to answer indi- tor skills, the student must teach his hands to do
vidual questions and preserve tooth specimens that which his mind dictates as correct. Models
[10]. In addition, pulpal anatomy has tradition- that simulate teeth in which root canals can be
ally been taught using ground cross sections of visualized would serve as valuable teaching aids
teeth, radiographs, and three-dimensional models in offering direct visual information on the effects
produced by injecting colored resin or dyes into of instrumentation during endodontic proce-
the pulp spaces of decalcified and transparent dures. The visual experiences afforded by these
teeth [1]. In the literature, it is also possible to models would provide mental images which can
find other several teaching aids to develop cogni- be transferred to the performance of endodontic
tive and psychomotor skills such as artificial procedures on the actual teeth [9].
teeth placed in static manikin jaws or phantom The traditional way to learn psychomotor
heads, simulated root canals made in clear resin skills in the root canal anatomy curriculum are
blocks [2, 3, 11], among others [8]. Some of “bench-type” exercises, including creating two-­
these techniques are complicated and time-­ dimensional line drawings by examining extracted
consuming  to be developed, and many difficul- teeth and their cross sections. In the case of dental
ties can be encountered during the manufacturing morphology, visual discrimination demands a
process, including the  introduction of  artifacts, thorough knowledge of normal tooth morphology.
distortion of the original anatomy, and the unfea- To succeed in visual discrimination tasks, stu-
sibility to observe the external and internal anat- dents need to observe and analyze several exam-
omy of teeth in three dimensions simultaneously ples of both ideal tooth morphology and its
[12].  The  unavoidable pitfalls of these methods possible deviations. The additional use of magni-
14  Contemporary Strategies for Teaching Internal Anatomy of Teeth 377

fication (microscope or loupes) in this laboratory oversized wax blocks [1]. As a result, neither
activity may have a positive effect, enhancing knowledge nor psychomotor skills are learned in
visual acuity and fine motor skills of the students. the context of clinical practice, thus potentially
Figure 14.1 shows some examples where students hindering the student’s ability to later recall and
can learn how to identify distinct colors of the apply learning to actual patient care. These short-
dentin and its relationship with different condi- comings of the traditional curriculum have been
tions of teeth, such as caries, abrasion, restoration, previously identified [1].
etc. Besides, the visual skill can be also improved Considering that participatory students’ activ-
on recognizing the internal anatomy of the tooth ities have been proven to enhance the student
by comparison with radiographic images. The learning environment [10], it is important that
students can be asked to take a radiograph from an students review content resources related to the
extracted tooth in two different angulations (buc- topic prior to class, and then, after laboratory
cal-lingual and mesial-­distal) and then to section exercises, in-class presentations based on small-­
teeth either in their longitudinal or transversal group discussions must be performed. In the
aspects. After that, students can draw the assorted small groups, students can ask questions and dis-
colors observed on dentin and its relationship cuss the particular laboratory procedures [1]. At
with the enamel and root canal space (Figs. 14.2 this point, teacher must act as a facilitator, ana-
and 14.3). Nowadays, most dental schools con- lyzing the radiographic images and comparing
tinue to present foundational knowledge in lec- them to the real anatomy and encouraging par-
tures and to develop students’ psychomotor skills ticipation by all students. Finally, the students
through a combination of two-dimensional draw- can analyze their own interpretation of the images
ing projects and exercises to carve teeth from by showing their own drawings, and this helps to

a b

Fig. 14.1  Examples of forms completed by the students (a-b) with radiographs, cross section, or longitudinal section
of different types of teeth, ad drawings with their own interpretation and remarks
378 B. Basrani and M. A. Versiani

a b

c d

Fig. 14.2  Examples of drawings performed by the students on sectioned teeth (a-d)  showing the assorted colors
observed on dentin and its relationship with the enamel and root canal space with some remarks

discriminate “ideal” from clinically important grand-round style discussions rather than for
deviations from normal. The interesting aspect of mere content presentation [1]. Despite the clear
laboratory activities conducted on a peer teaching advantage of being easy, fast and not depending
basis is that each student is bringing a complete on technology, sometimes the objective to
different specimen and it promotes discussion develop visual skills based on two-dimensional
amongst the students, with the teacher as a facili- images, such as line drawing exercises, is ham-
tator. In using facilitated learning process, stu- pered because the method fails to provide stu-
dents are encouraged to take more control of their dents with a variety of specimens, thus hindering
learning process, and the trainer’s role becomes the development of their ability to discriminate
that of a facilitator and organizer, providing the normal from unusual tooth morphology. But
resources and support to learners. These initial the most significant deficiency of this method is
discussions may be complemented by a forma- the challenge of portraying 3D relationships of
tive assessment activity in a format of interactive tooth morphology [1, 16].
question-and-answer activities. These modifica- For decades, endodontic teaching has relied
tions allow class time to be used for higher-level almost exclusively on the use of natural human
14  Contemporary Strategies for Teaching Internal Anatomy of Teeth 379

a b c

d e

Fig. 14.3  Examples of drawings performed by the students based on longitudinal sections of several types of teeth
(a-d) showing the assorted colors observed on dentin and root canal space

teeth. Practice on extracted teeth has been a uni- because of the deposition of reparative dentin; or
versal method of teaching preclinical endodon- (7) present variations of internal anatomy which
tics and giving students the opportunity of make the evaluation difficult for students and
gaining expertise before moving to patients [3]. teachers [11]. Consequently, several authors have
Cross-infection control, originated by the manip- been proposed the replacement of the natural
ulation of extracted teeth, along with ethical fac- teeth by artificial tooth models in resin [3].
tors is threatening such practice in some teaching Transparent tooth model offers a convenient
institutions. These drawbacks have stimulated and useful method that can be used for studying
the development of alternative simulation meth- and teaching about the morphology of teeth as it
ods for endodontic teaching [2]. provides a three-dimensional view of root canal
system. Besides, they are standardized, easy to
obtain in quantity, do not pose any risk of infec-
14.3 A
 pplications of 3D Anatomy tion, and can be a valuable aid for self-­
of Teeth in Dental Education assessments. However, the resin hardness and the
complex internal and external dental anatomy of
Despite endodontic teaching being based mostly most of transparent tooth models do not accu-
on the use of natural extracted human teeth [3], it rately reproduce natural teeth (Fig.  14.4).
may have certain limitations for use in preclinical Moreover, sometimes their characteristics of
teaching as they may (1) be difficult to obtain; (2) transparency and lack of radiopacity did not
become brittle and fracture easily; (3) be third allow the development of some technical skills
molars that are not usually treated endodonti- related to radiographic interpretation, making
cally; (4) be extremely varied in internal anat- their use limited in some phases of learning [2].
omy; (5) break down because of caries or have Actually, a study showed that the perception of
large restorations, obliterating external anatomi- specialists about these types of artificial teeth was
cal landmarks; (6) have smaller pulp chambers unsatisfactory and did not support the replace-
380 B. Basrani and M. A. Versiani

Fig. 14.4  Different conventional transparent tooth models showing that internal and external anatomies do not accu-
rately reproduce natural teeth (images available at
14  Contemporary Strategies for Teaching Internal Anatomy of Teeth 381

ment of natural teeth [2]. As a result, other impact has been the Internet. The Internet has
researchers started to seek ways to reproduce the increasingly been utilized as an educational tool
anatomical and physical characteristics of dental due to its ability to provide a large volume of edu-
tissues in artificial teeth. cational material in a single, readily accessible
Recently, CT-based training replicas produced location as well as permit flexibility in the mate-
using three-dimensional printing technology rial format. Images, text, interactive quizzes, and
have improved the use of artificial teeth for teach- videos can be integrated seamlessly into a com-
ing purposes. Now, rather than every student hav- prehensive educational resource [18]. This is sup-
ing a different anatomical challenge hidden in his ported by studies comparing visual recognition
or her extracted teeth, all of them can work in the skills acquired by traditional and computer-based
same clear anatomical form at the same activity curricula in dental morphology which have found
class [5]. Despite some inherent limitations that the latter can be a valuable tool to prepare
regarding the development of motor skills using students for the next learning objective and the
these resin replicas related to the tactile percep- acquisition of motor skills [1, 16]. Visualization
tion during access preparation and canal instru- technology has the potential to improve on tradi-
mentation/obturation, these printing prototypes tional techniques for teaching visual discrimina-
can be extremely valuable for anatomical teach- tion and should provide students with the
ing purposes as (1) they allow for complete stan- following: (1) an extensive resource to learn den-
dardization of grading, (2) educators can lead a tal terms related to tooth morphology, (2) interac-
whole class through each of the classic endodon- tive 3D tools to visualize and learn normal
tic challenges instead of teaching a single student external tooth and pulp cavity morphologies, (3)
at time, (3) students can practice a given chal- an extensive library of 3D images of tooth and
lenge as many times as they need to achieve com- pulp morphologies that deviate from normal, and
petence in that root form, and after which (4) they (4) progressive evaluation of knowledge in the
can be tested in a nontransparent replica having form of quizzes that provide immediate feed-
the same anatomy [5] (Fig. 14.5). Besides, repli- back. However, in a previous experience using
cas with different root canal complexities can be 3D interactive software at the University of
printed as oversized models in a rapid prototyp- Illinois (Chicago), many students have reported
ing 3D printer, allowing the students to held them problems with navigation and use of the library
in hand to observe details of the internal anatomy interface because the program was slow and
in different views. Additional applications of cumbersome to use on their home computers.
printed models in dental education also include These frustrating delays reduced the students’
the possibility to (1) scale the teeth for didactic motivation to continue using this educational
purposes, (2) build a collection of 3D tooth mod- resource type [1].
els showing atypical or only regionally prevalent The field of endodontic education can also
anatomies, (3) produce a large number of teeth profit in several ways by the application of tech-
for destructive analysis, (4) present the teeth in niques and approaches that are already estab-
the form of individual substructures that need to lished in other scientific disciplines such as (1)
be assembled correctly by the students, and (5) the interactive exploration of tooth anatomy
build an extensive collection of 3D models of online, (2) expanded morphometric and volumet-
healthy and diseased teeth using raw data made ric analyses of internal tooth structures, and (3)
available online by researchers and dentists from large-scale correlations of external and internal
all over the world [17]. tooth morphology using 3D virtual models [7].
As imaging has been adopted in the modern This was only possible due to the recent advances
dental education, it has benefited from the con- in noninvasive imaging technologies, named
current development of technologies that have cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) and
allowed the material to be presented electroni- micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) scans,
cally. One of the technologies with the greatest which have opened a new world of diagnosis,
382 B. Basrani and M. A. Versiani

Fig. 14.5 (a–d) Replicas of various teeth manufactured True Tooth® images available at https://dentalengineering-
from corresponding real-tooth micro-computed tomogra-; d shows RepliDens® images available
phy scans using three-dimensional printing technology in at
assorted sizes for didactic or teaching purposes (a–c show
14  Contemporary Strategies for Teaching Internal Anatomy of Teeth 383

assessment and evaluation for the endodontists, mostly for patient care, while micro-CT scans are
and dental profession at large, as well as in end- limited to ex vivo applications [12]. However,
odontic research and teaching [17]. within a laboratory setting, CBCT scans can also
The principles of computerized tomographic be used for educational purposes on root canal
imaging are the same for both CBCT and micro- anatomy. In this condition, students can interact
­CT systems. They use the spatial distribution of with this 3D diagnostic tool and virtually explore,
X-ray attenuation to create cross sections of a with a dedicated software, different views of the
physical object that can be used to recreate a vir- internal anatomy of all groups of teeth using
tual model (3D model) with high accuracy, with- datasets from real patients (Fig. 14.6). Therefore,
out destroying the original object (see Chap. 6 for besides the opportunity to learn different aspects
more details). Although CBCT has been in use of root canal anatomy, this approach may aid stu-
for almost two decades, only recently affordable dents to expand their visual perspective, usually
systems with better spatial resolution have based on two-dimensional radiography, by using
become commercially available. This technology three-dimensional multiplanar reconstructed
provides an imaging modality capable of achiev- CBCT images.
ing a 3D representation of the maxillofacial Different from CBCT, micro-CT technology
region with minimal distortion, being suitable is a more sophisticated system of assessment

Fig. 14.6  Dedicated software interface (Kodak Dental Within a laboratory setting, students can virtually explore
Imaging software; Carestream Health Inc., Rochester, NY, different views of the internal anatomy of all groups of
USA) showing CBCT multiplanar reconstructed images to teeth and learn various aspects of root canal anatomy,
be used for educational purposes on root canal anatomy. expanding their visual perspective in three dimensions
384 B. Basrani and M. A. Versiani

since it uses high-energy X-rays, which are more series of preset views either by directly accessing
effective at penetrating dense materials, longer a view in the dropdown menu of the main viewer
exposure times, smaller X-ray focal spots, and window or by opening the “model tree” icon and
finer and more densely packed detectors than switching from one view to the next. According
conventional tomography. As a result, a signifi- to the authors, embedded 3D models of teeth in
cant amount of information can be gleaned from document format (PDF) files would constitute a
the scans, and slices can be recreated in any valuable tool for dental students.
plane; internal and external anatomy can be dem-
onstrated simultaneously or separately, while
data can be presented in 2D or 3D images or 14.4 Strategic Improvements
high-resolution videos (Fig. 14.7); i.e., micro-CT for Web-Based Teaching
is a powerful tool for research and preclinical of Root Canal Anatomy
education in fundamental procedures of end-
odontic treatments, as well as for clinicians and Because data from micro-CT devices are digital,
researchers who desire to study dental anatomy they can be used to generate anatomical tooth
in great detail [12]. Recently, Kato and colleagues data on a large scale and made publicly accessi-
[7] made available freely accessible portable ble through the Internet, thus circumventing the
PDF-embedded 3D models of teeth based on problems of individual researchers regarding
micro-CT data in which the reader could freely access to high-cost scanning devices [7, 19]. This
manipulate the embedded model and activate a was the main motto for the creation of a web-­

a b c

Fig. 14.7  Using micro-CT technology for educational plane; (a) external and (b) internal anatomy can be dem-
purposes, a significant amount of information can be onstrated simultaneously or separately, while data can be
gleaned from the scans, and slices can be recreated in any presented in (c) 2D or (a, b) 3D images
14  Contemporary Strategies for Teaching Internal Anatomy of Teeth 385

based study guide by Dr. Versiani, Dr. S­ ousa-Neto and clinicians since proper attribution and cita-
and Dr. Pécoraat Ribeirão Preto Dental School in tion are included. Considering that nowadays stu-
the University of São Paulo, Brazil, the so-called dents are “digital natives” accustomed to using
Root Canal Anatomy Project (RCAP) (http:// web resources, this digital and interactive 3D This website resource that can be assessed in any place may
has received extensive use since its development. increase motivation of the students to learn the
In its first year (2011–2012), there were 66,500 internal anatomy of teeth. Menu on the left side
total hits. In its second year, the total number of allows users to select among several types of per-
hits increased to 221,000. In the third year, there manent and primary teeth including rare anatom-
were 370,000 hits. In June of 2018, the blog had ical variations. Besides, users can assess recent
been visited by people from 192 different coun- scientific publications on the topic (including
tries with more than 1,100,000 page views, the images) and download editable presentations (in
videos were watched more than 150,000 times, PowerPoint format) with images and videos of
and the available material was downloaded more the most common anatomies in each group of
than 15,000 times (Fig.  14.8). Considering that teeth (Fig. 14.9).
root canal anatomy is a very specific subject in Videos from the RCAP were also developed
the endodontic field, the website seems to be based on 3D models obtained from micro-CT
achieving its goals. scans, i.e., from real teeth. In the videos, the com-
The high-resolution images and videos avail- plexities of the root canal anatomy are high-
able for download at the RCAP website can be lighted through a transparent dentin, while each
freely used for attributed noncommercial educa- tooth rotates around its own axes. Video-assisted
tional purposes by educators, scholars, students, instruction in dentistry has been defined as an

Fig. 14.8  RCAP website statistics: visual representation of the flags from visitors of all 192 countries (available from
Flag Counter at
386 B. Basrani and M. A. Versiani

Fig. 14.9  RCAP website: menu on the left side in which topic, editable presentations (in PowerPoint format) of the
visitors can download images and videos of several types most common anatomies in each group of teeth, and VXM
of permanent and primary teeth including rare anatomical files, among others
variations, as well as recent scientific publications on the
14  Contemporary Strategies for Teaching Internal Anatomy of Teeth 387

educational tool that uses video images to com- transfer function control to adjust colors and
plement dental education in order to enhance the transparency. In other words, using a cell phone
technical skills and knowledge acquisition of or tablet, it is possible to rotate, cut, color, create
dental students [20]. This teaching modality is movies, enlighten, shadow, and magnify areas of
student centered and improves students’ critical interest and more, in real time, from real 3D data-
self-appraisal. Its superiority over traditional sets of different groups of teeth acquired by
teaching has been reported in several studies [20, micro-CT technology (Fig. 14.10).
21] and was attributed to the improved visualiza- In summary, this user-friendly free digital online
tion and more attention to details because of database of 3D tooth models named RCAP is highly
­better observation. Some authors have suggested desirable for both research and teaching purposes
it as a supplement to conventional demonstration around the world and can be used to a better under-
[20, 22] and mentioned its positive role in standing of the variation in tooth morphology and
enhancement of the clinical procedures [18, 20]. anatomy from different groups of teeth. Additionally,
However, one of the most interesting resources it may be said that other disciplines in the life sci-
available to download at the RCAP includes ences, in particular zoology and paleontology, have
VXM files of all groups of teeth (Fig.  14.9). A begun building repositories primarily for noninva-
VXM file contains both the volume data and an sively gathered 3D datasets [19, 23]. Although some
associated transfer function. This format can be of these repositories are restricted to the presenta-
used in the free volume rendering app called tion of derived image data such as videos or interac-
CTVox (Bruker microCT) that runs on either iOS tive 3D models, as in the RCAP, several of them
or Android systems. CTVox displays a set of permit deposition of 3D imaging datasets amount-
reconstructed slices as a realistic interactive 3D ing to hundreds of gigabytes or even dozens of
object with intuitive navigation and manipulation ­terabytes of raw data [7]. Given the constant prog-
of both object and camera, a flexible clipping tool ress in data storage and archiving technology, it is
to produce cutaway views, background selection just a matter of time until even larger datasets of
including custom scenery, and an interactive human teeth become also available online.

a b c d e f

g h i j k l

Fig. 14.10 (a) Icon of CTVox free software for cell 3D model and expose the root canal system at the coronal
phone and tablet; (b) initial screen; (c) lateral view of the level; (j) lateral view of the volume data without the clip-
VXM file of a mandibular incisor; (d, e) changing color, ping box; (k) apex view of the mandibular incisor; (l) clip-
enlightening, and texture of the volume data by means of ping box was used to cut the 3D model and expose the
transfer function; (g, h) lateral and upper view of the vol- root canal system at the apical level
ume data (3D model); (i) clipping box was used to cut the
388 B. Basrani and M. A. Versiani

14.5 Concluding Remarks Table 14.1  Summary of curriculum guidelines for root
canal anatomy

The intent of this chapter was to describe differ- Core

curriculum Cognitive
ent models to teach the internal anatomy of the outline skills Psychomotor skills
teeth in the distinct levels of the education cur- Dental Use Reproduce accurate
riculum in endodontics by incorporating clini- terminology appropriate morphological
cally applicable cognitive and psychomotor skills dental characteristics of
terminology permanent dentition
related to human tooth morphology (Tables 14.1
Detailed Describe the Reproduce accurate
and 14.2). Even though increasingly less time is morphology of detailed morphological
devoted to teaching the internal anatomy of teeth permanent morphology of characteristics of
in conventional curricula compared to the devel- dentition permanent inter-arch and
opment of technical skills, nowadays students dentition intra-arch tooth
relationships using
and clinicians may benefit with the sophistication appropriately
of the digital imaging technology. Innovative articulated casts
technologies have enabled significant changes to Detailed Describe the
curriculum delivery. As a result, students can morphology of detailed
primary morphology of
expand their scope of inquiry and have more con-
dentition primary
trol over pacing. Using digital resources to pro- dentition
vide didactic information not only provides Detailed study Describe the
students with unlimited access to instructional of pulp pulp
materials but also changes the role of the instruc- morphology of morphology of
each primary each primary
tor. Instead of lecturing, faculty members fulfill and permanent and permanent
the role of content expert by selecting learning tooth tooth
resources and guiding students during discus- Description of Describe the
sions and laboratory exercises. In addition, as frequent tooth common tooth
anomalies anomalies
facilitators of small-group discussions, instruc-
Adapted from Okeson and Buckman [24]
tors maintain a high level of contact with stu-

Table 14.2  Key components for the study of root canal anatomy
Pre-class preparation In-class activities
Independent study Focused review Small-group discussion Laboratory exercise
•  Course manual • Brief overview of • Facilitated discussion of •  Assessment of completed
•  3D resources key points of lesson background and clinical review sheet
•  Assigned reading by module director rationale for the laboratory • Self-assessment and
•  Slide presentation •  Short quiz procedure to follow completion of evaluation
• Completion of review • Interactive question-and-­ sheet for previous
sheet with study questions answer activities exercise
Resources • Individual presentation of the • 2D line drawings of
•  PowerPoint presentations laboratory practice sectioned extracted teeth
•  Reference literature and radiographs
• 3D image resources • Analysis of 3D prototype
(transparent teeth; videos transparent replicas
and images from the
•  Course manual
• Review sheet with study
Adapted from Obrez et al. [1]
14  Contemporary Strategies for Teaching Internal Anatomy of Teeth 389

dents, which allows them to monitor student 9. LaTurno SA, Corcoran JF, Ellison RL.  An evalu-
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well as faculty provides a significant stimulus for Sanita. 2012;48:26–34.
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assessment of an innovative module. J Dent Educ. 17. Gutmann JL, Rigsby S. Meeting age old challenges in
2011;75:797–804. root canal procedures with contemporary technologi-
2. Luz DS, de SOF SRK, Vier-Pelisser FV, Morgental cal assessments. ENDO (Lond Engl). 2015;9:107–10.
RD, Waltrick SB, et  al. Preparation time and per- 18. Marker DR, Juluru K, Long C, Magid D.  Strategic
ceptions of Brazilian specialists and dental students improvements for gross anatomy web-based teaching.
regarding simulated root canals for endodontic teach- Anat Res Int. 2012;2012:146262.
ing: a preliminary study. J Dent Educ. 2015;79: 19. Kato A, Ohno N.  Construction of three-dimensional
56–63. tooth model by micro-computed tomography and appli-
3. Nassri MR, Carlik J, da Silva CR, Okagawa RE, Lin cation for data sharing. Clin Oral Investig. 2009;13:43–6.
S.  Critical analysis of artificial teeth for endodontic 20. Naseri M, Shantiaee Y, Rasekhi J, Zadsirjan S,

teaching. J Appl Oral Sci. 2008;16:43–9. Mojtahed Bidabadi M, Khayat A. Efficacy of video-­
4. Hines D. The application of anatomy and other basic assisted instruction on knowledge and performance
medical sciences in general practice. Br J Med Educ. of dental students in access cavity preparation. Iran
1970;4:145–8. Endod J. 2016;11:329–31.
5. Buchanan LS. Everything’s changed except the anat- 21. Rystedt H, Reit C, Johansson E, Lindwall O. Seeing
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6. Eaton KA, Reynolds PA, Grayden SK, Wilson NH. A onstrations in preclinical dental training. J Dent Educ.
vision of dental education in the third millennium. Br 2013;77:1629–38.
Dent J. 2008;205:261–71. 22. Ramlogan S, Raman V, Sweet J. A comparison of two
7. Kato A, Ziegler A, Utsumi M, Ohno K, Takeichi forms of teaching instruction: video vs. live lecture
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3D Visual Glossary of Terminology
in Root and Root Canal Anatomy
Marco A. Versiani, Jorge N. R. Martins,
and Bettina Basrani

Abstract 15.1 Introduction

The study of dental anatomy, physiology, and
occlusion provides one of the basic compo- The use of names and terms that identify some-
nents of the skills needed to practice all phases thing to be mentioned is so ancient as the origin
of dentistry. The first step in understanding of human race. The need for communication
dental anatomy is to learn the nomenclature made our ancestors to create names to categorize
and terminology used to describe or classify animals, plants, objects, or parts of them. After
the material included in this subject. While centuries of evolution, several populations were
terminology is an established basis for com- born, and others disappeared entirely; conse-
munication, anatomical terminology serves as quently, different idioms were developed, and
a base for the description of the human body, new names adopted. At a certain point, language
not only for educational and forensic purposes was so complex that became mandatory to create
but, above all, for diagnostic and therapeutic a “collection of words” in one or more specific
procedures. Therefore, definitions and expla- languages, often arranged alphabetically, that
nations of terms used in descriptive root and provides a core glossary of the simplest meanings
root canal anatomy are the foundation for of the simplest concepts.
understanding the subject matter presented in In any human activity, it is required the adop-
the other chapters of this book. The purpose of tion of specific vocabularies to address knowl-
this chapter is to use 3D high-resolution edges, techniques, instruments, and materials. In
images to illustrate and define several termi- science, simple, stable, and internationally
nologies associated with root canal anatomy. accepted systems for naming objects are manda-
tory, and to overcome the variations over time in
languages’ phonology, morphology, semantic,
M. A. Versiani, D.D.S., M.Sc., Ph.D. (*) syntactic, and other features, a system of names
Department of Restorative Dentistry, Dental School or terms, or the rules for forming these terms,
of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo,
were adopted in Latin language, a death idiom,
São Paulo, Brazil
which is usually referred as nomenclatura or
J. N. R. Martins, D.D.S., M.Sc.
nomenclature codes. Anatomy is a branch of nat-
Dental School of Lisbon, University of Lisbon,
Lisbon, Portugal ural science dealing with the structural organiza-
tion of living things, and considering that some
B. Basrani, D.D.S., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Endodontic Program, Faculty of Dentistry, recommendations that regulate the use of terms
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada in other science branches may not be applicable,

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2019 391

M. A. Versiani et al. (eds.), The Root Canal Anatomy in Permanent Dentition,
392 M. A. Versiani et al.

the word “terminology” has been also used. From Association of Endodontists has regularly
the systematic point of view, anatomy uses a spe- updated its Glossary of Endodontic Terms [2].
cial vocabulary, but unlike many others, the ana- Considering that literature lacks from a specific
tomical terminology and nomenclature are glossary of anatomical terms on root and root
distinguished very strictly. Terminology is under- canal anatomy, the purpose of this chapter is to
stood as a system of terms used in a given scien- use 3D high-resolution images to illustrate and
tific field, whereas nomenclature, covering the define several terminologies associated with this
terms created within the scope of terminology, is topic.
a normalized system of exactly defined terms
arranged according to certain classification prin-
ciples, which is official in the Latin version 15.2 Terminology in Root
only [1]. and Root Canal Anatomy
Endodontics has adopted names for root and
root canal anatomy following the nomenclature 1. Accessory Canal—Accessory canals are
concept, such as radix paramolaris or dens evag- any branch of the main pulp canal that com-
inatus, but mostly, specific terminologies includ- municates with the external surface of the
ing apex, accessory canal, pulp chamber, and so root [2]. Accessory canals include lateral
on. Some terms might even fit in both concepts. canals and apical ramifications [6]
Consequently, one of the greatest problems on (Figs. 15.1, 15.2, and 15.3).
this field is indeed the multiplicity of names 2. Accessory Foramen (Auxiliary
given to the same anatomy. Dens invaginatus, for Foramen)—Refers to an orifice on the sur-
example, has been defined as a developmental face of a root communicating with a lateral
defect resulting from infolding of the crown or accessory canal [2] or with an apical delta
before calcification has occurred [2]. In the litera- [7] (Figs. 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, and 15.4).
ture, however, it has been termed as dens in dente, 3. Alveolar Bone—Bone structure that sup-
dilated composite odontome, dilated odontome, ports the teeth. It consists of the buccal and
gestant anomaly, invaginated odontome, dilated oral cortical bone, the alveolar wall, and
gestant odontome, tooth inclusion, dentoid in septa that comprises the tooth socket into
dente, and dens Saltersi [3, 4]. which the roots of the tooth fit and is sup-
Anatomical terminology serves as a base for ported by the trabecular bone interposed
the description of the human body, not only for between alveolar wall and cortical plates [8]
educational and forensic purposes but above all (Figs. 15.5 and 15.6).
for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. As 4. Anatomic Apex (Apex)—Refers to the tip
clinical anatomy is the up-to-date field of meet- or end of the root as determined morphologi-
ing between anatomists and clinicians, the same cally [2] (Figs. 15.2, 15.3, 15.4, and 15.7).
language is strongly required for permitting cur- 5. Apical Constriction (Physiological
rent exchanges, common works, and studies. Foramen, Minor Apical Diameter, Minor
Although its recognized importance, the stan- Diameter)—The apical portion of the root
dardization of endodontic terminology remains a canal having the narrowest diameter. It is
difficult task because of the high volume of pub- generally located 0.5–1.5 mm from the cen-
lications in specialized and general dental jour- ter of the apical foramen [2] and has been
nals in different languages. Trying to organize recommended as the ideal apical limit for
many terms used daily by dentists and their staff root canal preparation and filling [9]. Its
in the course of delivering care to patients, the shape in longitudinal sections has four pos-
American Dental Association has developed an sible configurations: single (48%), tapered,
online Glossary of Dental Clinical and multi-constricted, or parallel [10] (Fig. 15.2).
Administrative Terms [5]. More specifically 6. Apical Foramen (Foramen, Major Apical
related to the endodontic field, the American Foramen, Main Foramen, pl. Foramina)—
15  3D Visual Glossary of Terminology in Root and Root Canal Anatomy 393

Fig. 15.1 Anatomical
landmarks of root and
root canals

1. Apical ramification
2. Root canal
3. Accessory foramen
4. Accessory canal
5. Apical foramen
6. Furcation canal
7. Bifurcation
8. Pulp chamber
9. Pulp chamber roof
10. Pulp chamber floor
11. Pulp horn
12. Crown

Represents the main apical opening of the can vary according to age or tooth type,
root canal, the main exit of the root canal ranging from 0.2 to 3.0 mm [10, 13]. Major
onto the external root surface [5, 7]. A natu- apical foramen mismatched the root apex in
ral opening or passage, especially into or 41.6% and 49.4% [14]. It may be round, oval
through a bone, also describes openings in or elliptical, and semilunar in shape. Location
the root structure that communicate with the and shape of the fully formed foramen vary
dental pulp and generally contain neural, in each tooth and in the same tooth at differ-
vascular, and connective elements [2, 11]. ent periods of life [13] (Figs. 15.1 and 15.3).
Although the major apical foramen and the 7. Apical Ramification (Apical Delta, Delta
anatomic root apex are anatomically close, System)—Refers to the branching of the
they rarely coincide [12], and their distance main canal into multiple accessory canals at
394 M. A. Versiani et al.

Fig. 15.2 Anatomical 1. Anatomic apex

landmarks of root and 2. Apical constriction
3. Major apical foramen
root canals at the apical 4. Dental pulp
region (Courtesy of Dr. 5. Cementum
Francisco Balandrano) 6. Cementodentinal junction
7. Dentin
8. Accessory foramen
9. Accessory canal

Fig. 15.3 Anatomical 1. Anatomic apex

2. Apical ramification
landmarks of root and 3. Root canal system
root canals in a 4. Root canal
5. Pulp chamber floor
maxillary first molar 6. Pulp chamber
(Courtesy of Dr. Holm 7. Pulp chamber roof
Reuver) 8. Pulp horn
9. Root
10. Crown
11. Accessory canal
12. Acessory foramen
13. Apical foramen
15  3D Visual Glossary of Terminology in Root and Root Canal Anatomy 395

1. Enamel pearl (in white)

2. Root canal system (in red)
3. Dentin
4. Enamel projection
5. Root
6. Enamel / crown
7. Accessory foramen
8. Anatomical apex
9. Trifurcation


5 5

Fig. 15.4  Anatomical landmarks of teeth with enamel pearls

or near the apex [2]. Complex root canal sys- culty in obtaining an apical seal and existing
tem in the apical third characterized by an thin radicular walls which are susceptible to
intricate network of ramifications [15]. A fracture [17] (Fig. 15.8).
complex ramification of branches of the pulp 9. Canal Shape—Refers to the horizontal
canal located near the anatomical apex with dimension (original width, cross-sectional
a main canal not being discernible [7]. Apical canal configuration) of the root canal in both
end of root showing one main canal and an mesiodistal and buccolingual directions, i.e.,
adjacent delta system [16] (Figs.  15.1 and the ratio between the minimal and maximal
15.3). horizontal dimensions of the root canal.
8. Blunderbuss Canal—Old terminology Canal shape has been classified as round,
denoting an incompletely formed root in oval, long oval, flattened, or irregular [18].
which the apical diameter of the pulp canal is Traditionally, canal shape has been acquired
greater than the coronal diameter [2]. A tooth from radiographic images or sectioned roots;
with blunderbuss canal and open apex can be using micro-CT, the cross-sectional appear-
an endodontic challenge because of diffi- ance, round- or more ribbon-shaped, may be
396 M. A. Versiani et al.

Maxillary teeth
(From human cadavers)
1. Enamel
2. Dentin
3. Dentinoenamel junction
4. Pericervical dentin
5. Periodontal ligament (space)
6. Calcification
7. Alveolar bone (cortical)
8. Alveolar bone (trabecular)
9. Lamina dura
10. Cementum
11. Cementoenamel junction

Fig. 15.5  Micro-CT images of bone blocks acquired from human cadavers showing anatomical landmarks of bone,
root, and root canals of maxillary premolars and molars (Courtesy of Dr. Gustavo De-Deus)

expressed as “roundness” and “form factor” ness ranges from 0 to 1, with 1 signifying a
parameters  [19], based on the major and circle. The form factor is calculated by the
minor diameters of the root canal. The major equation (4 × π × A)/P2, where “A” and “P”
diameter is defined as the distance between are object area and perimeter, respectively.
the two most distant pixels in that object, Elongation of individual objects results in
while the minor diameter is the longest chord smaller values of form factor [19] (Figs. 15.9
through the object that can be drawn in the and 15.10).
direction orthogonal to that of the major (a) C-Shaped Canal—The main anatomical
diameter. Roundness of a discreet two-­ feature of C-shaped canals is the presence
dimensional object is defined as 4A/ of a fin or web connecting the individual
(π × [dmax]2), where “A” is the area and “dmax” root canals. The orifice may appear as a
is the major diameter. The value of round- single ribbon-shaped opening with a 180°
15  3D Visual Glossary of Terminology in Root and Root Canal Anatomy 397

Fig. 15.6 Micro-CT Maxillary molar teeth

images of 2 bone blocks (From a human cadaver)
acquired from a human 1. Mesiobuccal canal 1
cadavers showing 2. Mesiobuccal canal 2 (MB2)
anatomical landmarks of 3. Distobuccal canal
bone, root, and root 4. Palatal canal
canals of maxillary 5. Periodontal ligament (space)
molars (Courtesy of 6. Alveolar bone (cortical)
Dr. Gustavo De-Deus) 7. Alveolar bone (trabecular)
8. Lamina dura
9. Maxillary sinus
10. Maxillary second molar
11. Maxillary first molar

Fig. 15.7 Anatomical 1
landmarks of root and 1
root canal of a two-­
rooted canine (left) and 1
a maxillary first molar 11
(right) 1. Anatomic apex
10 2. Root canal
3. MB2 canal
13 10 4. MB1 canal
5. Lateral canal
6. Furcation canal
7. Pulp chamber floor
8. Pulp chamber
9. Pulp horn
10. Root
2 6 11. Crown
5 2 12. Bifurcation
13. Trifurcation

398 M. A. Versiani et al.

Fig. 15.8 Morphological 1. Buccal and palatal grooves

aspects of maxillary lateral 2. Blunderbuss canals
incisors with radicular


2 2 2

arc linking the two main canals [20]. tion may occur in mandibular first molars,
Typically, this canal configuration is maxillary molars, mandibular first pre-
found in teeth with fusion of roots either molars, and even in maxillary lateral inci-
on its buccal or lingual aspect [20, 21]. In sors, but it is most commonly found in
such teeth, the floor of the pulp chamber mandibular second molars [22]. The
is usually located deeply and may assume prevalence of C-shaped anatomy varies
an unusual anatomical appearance [20]. according to the population [23]
Melton et al. [21] divided this morphol- (Figs. 15.9 and 15.11).
ogy into three categories: I (the continu- (b) Flattened Canal (Flattened, Flat,
ous C-shaped canal), any C canal outline Ribbon, Flat-Oval)—Refers to the hori-
without any separation; II (the “semico- zontal dimensions of the root canal,
lon” canal shape), canal configuration in when its maximum cross-sectional diam-
which dentin separated one distinct canal eter is four or more times greater than its
from a buccal or lingual C-shaped canal minimum diameter [18, 24] (Fig. 15.10).
in the same section; and III, two or more (c) Irregular-Shaped Canal—Refers to
discrete and separate canals. This varia- the horizontal dimensions of the root
15  3D Visual Glossary of Terminology in Root and Root Canal Anatomy 399

1 1 1

1. Radicular grooves
2. C-shaped canal
3. Root cross-sections
4. Dentin
5. Crown (enamel)
6. Root
7. Root canal system
8. Furcation foramen
1 1 1 1

Fig. 15.9  Anatomical landmarks of root and root canals of mandibular premolars with radicular grooves

canal, when its cross-sectional shape is (f) Round-Shaped Canal—Refers to the

not possible to be classified as round-, horizontal dimensions of the root canal,
oval-, long oval-, or flat-shaped [18] when its maximum cross-sectional
(Fig. 15.10). diameter is equal to its minimum diam-
(d) Long Oval-Shaped Canal—Refers to eter [18] (Fig. 15.10).
the horizontal dimensions of the root (g) S-Shaped Canal—Double-curved root
canal, when its maximum cross-­sectional canal [25, 26] (Fig. 15.10).
diameter is two to four times greater 1 0. Calcification—Accumulation of calcium
than its minimum diameter [18, 24] salts in a body tissue. Calcification of pulp
(Fig. 15.10). tissue is a very common occurrence, but its
(e) Oval-Shaped Canal—Refers to the hor- cause is largely unknown. Although esti-
izontal dimensions of the root canal, mates of the incidence of this phenomenon
when its maximum cross-sectional diam- vary widely, it is safe to say that one or more
eter is up to two times greater than its pulp calcifications are present in at least 50%
minimum diameter [18, 24] (Fig. 15.10). of all teeth. There is no unambiguous
400 M. A. Versiani et al.

Root canal shape

(Conventional method)
1. Flattened canal
2. Irregular-shaped canal
3. Long oval-shaped canal
4. Oval-shaped canal
5. Round-shaped canal
6. S-shaped canal

Root canal shape

(Micro-ct method)
Roundness parameter values in different
levels of the root canal of a mandibular
incisor calculated throughout
the root and plot in a graphic

Fig. 15.10  Root canal shape of different teeth classified by the conventional and micro-CT methods

evidence whether pulp calcification is a sections [2]. Calcific metamorphosis is a

pathologic process related to various forms commonly observed phenomenon fol-
of injury or a natural phenomenon. The clini- lowing traumatic injuries like concus-
cal significance of pulp calcification is that it sion, subluxation, and luxation.
may hinder root canal treatment [27] Depending on the severity of the injury
(Fig. 15.5). and the developmental stage of the tooth,
(a) Metamorphosis (Pulp Canal there can be either complete or partial
Obliteration, Dystrophic Calcification, obliteration of root canals. However, his-
Diffuse Calcification, Calcific tologically, there is always persistence
Degeneration)—A pulpal response to of fine residual filaments of pulp tissue
trauma characterized by rapid deposition or tracts of organic material without the
of hard tissue within the canal space; presence of any inflammatory compo-
entire space may appear obliterated nent [28]. It can induce a yellow discol-
radiographically due to extensive depo- oration of tooth’s crown [29].
sition, even though some portion of the ( b) Dystrophic Calcification—Diffuse foci
pulp space remains in histological of calcification frequently found in the
15  3D Visual Glossary of Terminology in Root and Root Canal Anatomy 401

Fig. 15.11 Mandibular
second molars with
C-shaped canals
402 M. A. Versiani et al.

aging pulp; usually described as being Cementoenamel junction represents the ana-
perivascular or perineural [2]. Dystrophic tomic limit between the crown and root
calcification is a response of the dental surface [36]. The region at which the enamel
pulp to traumatic injury wherein the pulp and cementum meet in the cervical region of
produces reparative dentin which can the tooth; cementum may overlap the enamel,
eventually obliterate the entire pulp cementum and enamel may meet abruptly,
chamber and root canal. Affected teeth or  a gap may exist [2]. During tooth
often have an opaque, non-translucent ­development, the enamel deposition does not
appearance to the crown [30]. cease simultaneously along the entire tooth
(c) Pulp Stone (Denticle)—A calcified circumference, which gives rise to an irregu-
mass occurring within the pulp or lar contour and varying interrelationships
attached to pulp space walls; classified among the tissues that compose the cemen-
as true or false denticles, according to toenamel junction. Consequently, the rela-
composition and morphology, and free, tionship between cementum and enamel
adherent, or interstitial denticles, accord- varies [36] (Fig. 15.5).
ing to their location in relation to the 13. Cementum  — Cementum covers the ana-
pulp space walls [2]. Pulp stones might tomic roots of teeth from the cementoenamel
be present in the dental pulp of healthy, junction continuing to the apex [34]. A min-
diseased, or unerupted teeth [31, 32]. eralized tissue covering the roots of teeth
Stones may exist freely within the pulp that provides a medium for the attachment of
or attached to the dentin [33]. Pulp the periodontal fibers that connect the tooth
stones range in size from small micro- to the alveolar bone and gingival tissues; it is
scopic particles to large masses that composed of approximately 45–50% inor-
almost obliterate the pulp chamber space ganic substances and 50–55% organic mate-
[31, 32]. They are reported to occur rial and water [2]. On the basis of the absence
more often in the coronal region but are or presence of cells in the mineralized
also found in the root canal space [31, cementum matrix, two types of cementum
32]. are recognized: acellular (covering the coro-
11. Cementodentinal Junction (CDJ, nal two-third of the root) and cellular (cover-
Dentinocemental Junction)—The region at ing the apical third) [34] (Figs.  15.2 and
which the dentin and cementum are united; 15.5).
commonly used to denote the point at which 14. Cracked Tooth—A thin surface disruption
the cemental surface terminates at or near the of enamel and dentin, and possibly cemen-
apex of a tooth; position can range from 0.5 tum, of unknown depth or extension [2].
to 3.0 mm from the anatomic apex [2]. The Cracks may initiate from coronal tooth struc-
terminal apical area of the cementum where ture or from within the root and affect healthy
it joins the internal root-canal dentin. From or root-treated teeth [37]. Many morphologic,
this point to the anatomic apex, the tissue in physical, and iatrogenic factors, such as deep
the canal is periodontal. The point of union grooves, pronounced intraoral ­ temperature
between cementum and dentin is variable on fluctuation, poor cavity preparation design,
different canal walls in different regions of and wrong selection of restorative materials,
the apex [34]. It is a histological landmark, may predispose teeth to fracture [38].
and its location is generally not the same Clinically, cracked teeth have been classified
area as the apical constriction and estimate into five categories: craze line, fractured
place it approximately 1 mm from the apical cusp, cracked tooth, split tooth, and vertical
foramen [35] (Fig. 15.2). root fracture [39] (Fig. 15.12).
1 2. Cementoenamel Junction (CEJ, Cervical 1 5. Crown—Refers to the anatomical portion of
Line, Amelocemental Junction)— the tooth that is covered by enamel and
15  3D Visual Glossary of Terminology in Root and Root Canal Anatomy 403

Fig. 15.12  Cracked mandibular molar

becomes visible in the mouth after the tooth terized as a pyramidal, conical, or teat-like
eruption. The tissues that constitute the enamel tubercle extending from the affected
crown are the enamel, dentin, and pulp [11] surface of the involved tooth. In premolars
(Figs. 15.1, 15.3, 15.7, 15.9). and molars, it extends from the occlusal sur-
16. Dens Evaginatus (Evaginated Odontome, face, in canines and incisors; it usually arises
Tuberculated Cusps)—An anomalous out- from the cingulum area of the lingual or
growth of tooth structure resulting from the palatal surface. Histologic studies indicate
folding of the inner enamel epithelium into that the dens evaginatus has a dentinal core
the stellate reticulum with the projection of covered by enamel and a slender pulp horn
structure exhibiting enamel, dentin, and that may extend into the tubercle [40, 41]
pulp tissue [2]. Dens evaginatus is charac- (Fig. 15.13).
404 M. A. Versiani et al.

Fig. 15.13  Clinical view and radiographic image of a mandibular second premolar with dens evaginatus (arrow)
(Courtesy of Dr. Daniela Bololoi)

17. Dens Invaginatus (Dens In Dente, Dilated second apical foramen [43]. Developmental
Composite Odontome, Dilated Odontome, anomaly resulting in a deepening or invagi-
Gestant Anomaly, Invaginated Odontome, nation of the enamel organ into the dental
Dilated Gestantodontome, Tooth papilla prior to calcification of the dental tis-
Inclusion, Dentoid In Dente, Dens sues [4]. The permanent maxillary lateral
Saltersi)—A developmental defect resulting incisor appears to be the most frequently
from infolding of the crown before calcifica- affected tooth [4]. The most commonly used
tion has occurred; may appear clinically as classification was proposed by Oehlers [42]
an accentuation of the lingual pit in anterior into three types: Type I, an enamel-lined
teeth; in its more severe form, gives a radio- minor form occurring within the confines of
graphic appearance of a tooth within a tooth, the crown not extending beyond the amelo-
hence the term dens in dente [2]. cemental junction; Type II, an enamel-lined
Developmental malformation resulting from form which invades the root but remains
an invagination of enamel organ into the den- confined as a blind sac. It may or may not
tal papilla, beginning at the crown and some- communicate with the dental pulp; Type III,
times extending into the root before a form which penetrates through the root
calcification occurs [42]. Deep folding of the perforating at the apical area showing a “sec-
foramen coecum during tooth development ond foramen” in the apical or in the peri-
which in some cases even may result in a odontal area. There is no immediate
15  3D Visual Glossary of Terminology in Root and Root Canal Anatomy 405

communication with the pulp. The invagina- s­ urrounds coronal and radicular pulp, form-
tion may be completely lined by enamel, but ing the walls of the pulp chamber and root
frequently cementum can be found lining the canals, and it is composed of approximately
invagination (Figs. 15.14, 15.15, and 15.16). 67 percent inorganic, 20 percent organic, and
18. Dental Pulp (Pulp, Pulp Tissue)—A richly 13 percent water. The inorganic material is
vascularized and innervated specialized con- formed by hydroxyapatite crystals, while the
nective tissue of ectomesenchymal origin organic matrix consists mainly of collagen
with specialized cells, the odontoblasts, [45]. Dentin may be divided in three types:
arranged peripherally in direct contact with primary, secondary, and tertiary (reparative
dentin matrix. The close relationship or reactionary) dentin [45] (Figs. 15.2, 15.4,
between odontoblasts and dentin, sometimes 15.5, 15.9, and 15.17).
referred to as the dentin-pulp complex, is one 20. Dentinoenamel Junction (DEJ)—The
of several reasons dentin and pulp should be dentinoenamel junction area is represented
considered as a functional entity made up of by a region 2  μm thick, into which dentin
histologically distinct elements [27]; it is and enamel fibrils penetrate, forming a
contained in the central space of a tooth, sur- mixed area. When calcification begins, inti-
rounded by the dentin, with inductive, for- mate contact of enamel and dentin crystals
mative, nutritive, sensory, and protective occurs in this area resulting in a strong bond
functions [2, 44] (Fig. 15.2). between these two layers [46]. The interface
1 9. Dentin—A mineralized tissue that forms the between the enamel and dentin is composed
bulk of the crown and root of the tooth, of closely arranged dome-shaped excava-
giving the root its characteristic form. It
­ tions. Therefore, in the sectioned surface,

Lingual view Buccal view



2 3 4
Occlusal view

5 6 7

Fig. 15.14  Morphological aspects of a dens invaginatus mandibular molar

406 M. A. Versiani et al.


c d

e f

g i

Fig. 15.15  Clinical view, CBCT (axial, coronal, and sagittal), and radiographic images of dens invaginatus Types III
(a–f) and II (g–i) in maxillary lateral incisors (yellow arrows), depicting the presence of foramen coecum (black arrows)
15  3D Visual Glossary of Terminology in Root and Root Canal Anatomy 407

Fig. 15.16  Clinical view and CBCT (axial, coronal, and sagittal) images of a dens invaginatus Type III in a maxillary
canine highlighting the presence of the foramen coecum (black arrows) (Courtesy of Dr. Oscar von Stetten)

the dentinoenamel junction complex shows its normal alignment with the crown; may be
a scalloped appearance with convexities a consequence of injury during tooth devel-
directed toward the dentin and concavities opment. Common usage has extended the
directed toward the enamel. The irregular term to include sharply angular or deformed
interface is c­ onsidered to play an important roots [2]. Dilaceration is the result of a devel-
role in interlocking the two tissues [47] opmental anomaly in which there is an
(Fig. 15.5). abrupt change in the axial inclination
21. Developmental Root Fusion Lines—Refers between the crown and the root of the tooth
to a pulp chamber darker zone, constituted [50, 51]. According to some authors [50, 52],
by subpulpal grooves or developmental a tooth is considered to have a dilaceration
grooves on the pulpal floor, surrounds the toward the mesial or distal direction if there
entrances of the root canals, and once identi- is a 90° angle or greater along the axis of the
fied can be used clinically as an indication of tooth or root with a small radius, whereas
where to locate canal orifices [48, 49] others [50, 53] define dilaceration as a devia-
(Fig. 15.17). tion of 20° or more of the apical part of the
2 2. Dilaceration—A deformity characterized root from the long axis of the tooth
by displacement of the root of a tooth from (Fig. 15.18).
408 M. A. Versiani et al.

1. Developmental root fusion lines

2. Floor-wall junction
3. Orifice
4 Pulp chamber floor
5. Dentin

Fig. 15.17  Anatomical landmarks of the pulp chamber of maxillary and mandibular molars

23. Enamel—A mineralized tissue that forms a tooth root. It varies in size and ranges
protective covering of variable thickness between 0.3  mm and 4.0  mm in diameter
over the entire surface of the crown of the [55]. Structurally, the enamel pearl is not
tooth. It develops from the enamel organ always composed of enamel only. Three
(ectoderm) and is a product of a specialized types have been described: (1) the true
type of epithelial cell called ameloblasts enamel pearl, which consists entirely of
[54]. Enamel is the hardest tissue in the enamel; (2) the composite enamel pearl
human body and provides a resistant cover- (enamel-dentin pearl), which contains a core
ing suitable for mastication. Its composition of tubular dentin; and (3) the enamel-dentin-­
is approximately 96% inorganic and 4% pulp pearl, which contains a pulp horn [56]
organic substance and water [2] (Figs. 15.4 (Figs. 15.4 and 15.19).
and 15.5). 25. Enamel Projection—An apical extension of
24. Enamel Pearl—A focal mass of enamel enamel usually toward a molar furcation [2]
located apical to the cementoenamel junc- (Fig. 15.4).
tion [2]. The enamel pearl is an ectopic glob- 2 6. Floor-Wall Junction—Refers to the contig-
ule of enamel that is firmly adherent to the uous union between the pulp chamber floor
15  3D Visual Glossary of Terminology in Root and Root Canal Anatomy 409

Fig. 15.18  Teeth with dilacerated roots

and pulp chamber walls. This union is not a located between separate root structures [57]
defined line or edge and is closer to a rounded (Figs. 15.1, 15.4, and 15.7).
angle [49] (Fig. 15.17). (a) Bifurcation—The anatomic area where
27. Foramen Coecum—Natural coronal open- the roots of a two-rooted tooth divide [2]
ing from the invaginated tissues lumen to the (Figs. 15.1 and 15.7).
oral environment in a dens invaginatus tooth. (b) Trifurcation—The area where a tooth
The foramen coecum is the location where divides into three distinct roots [2]
the dens invaginatus deep folds, during tooth (Figs. 15.4 and 15.7).
development, which in some cases even may 29. Furcation Canal—An accessory canal located
result in a second apical foramen [4, 43] in the furcation [2]. Furcation canals are formed
(Figs. 15.15 and 15.16). during tooth development as a result of entrap-
2 8. Furcation (Furca)—The anatomic area of a ment of periodontal vessels during the fusion of
multi-rooted tooth where the roots diverge the diaphragm which becomes the floor of the
[2]. The part of the root complex that is pulp chamber [58] (Figs. 15.1, 15.7, and 15.9).
410 M. A. Versiani et al.

Fig. 15.19  3D (above) and cross-sectional (below) morphological aspects of four-rooted maxillary molars. MB mesio-
buccal root, DB distobuccal root, RDL radix distolingualis, RML radix mesiolingualis
15  3D Visual Glossary of Terminology in Root and Root Canal Anatomy 411

Fig. 15.20  Different views of a fusion affecting two maxillary molars

30. Fusion—A “double” tooth resulting from pulp chamber and root canal. This condition
the union of two adjacent tooth germs [2]. affected mostly the permanent maxillary
Fusion is commonly identified as the union incisors [59] (Fig. 15.21).
of two distinct dental sprouts which occurs 32. Hypercementosis (Cementum
in any stage of the dental organ  develop- Hyperplasia)—Refers to an excessive depo-
ment. They are joined by the dentine; pulp sition of non-neoplastic cementum over nor-
chambers and canals may be linked or sepa- mal root cementum, which alters root
rated depending on the developmental stage morphology macroscopically appearance [2,
when the union occurs. This process involves 62, 63]. This cementum may be either hypo-
epithelial and mesenchymal germ layers cellular or cellular in nature. The pathogen-
resulting in irregular tooth morphology [59]. esis of hypercementosis is ambiguous.
Involvement of permanent dentition is very Although most of the cases are idiopathic,
rare, with the majority of cases seen in ante- several local and ­systemic factors are also
rior teeth [59, 60] (Figs. 15.20 and 15.21). linked to this condition, such as Paget’s dis-
31. Gemination—A disturbance during odonto- ease, acromegaly, or vitamin A deficiency [2,
genesis in which partial cleavage of the tooth 63] (Fig. 15.22).
germ occurs and results in a tooth that has a 3 3. Isthmus (Anastomosis, Transverse
double or “twin” crown, usually not com- Anastomosis)—A thin communication
pletely separated, and sharing a common between two or more canals in the same root
root and pulp space [2]. It may be defined as or between vascular elements in tissues [2].
the formation of two crowns from a single An isthmus is a narrow, ribbon-shaped, com-
tooth [61], and results from a developmental munication between two root canals that
anomaly of the ectoderm and the mesoderm. contains pulp or pulpal-derived tissue. It is
The teeth germ divides giving origin to a also known as a corridor, a lateral intercon-
“two teeth,” with two crowns or one large nection, or a transverse anastomosis. Any
partially separated crown that can share a root that contains two root canals has the
412 M. A. Versiani et al.

a c

d e

f g

Fig. 15.21 (a–e) Gemination of maxillary incisors; (f–g) gemination and fusion in maxillary incisors (Courtesy of Dr.
Antonis Chaniotis)
15  3D Visual Glossary of Terminology in Root and Root Canal Anatomy 413

potential to contain an isthmus [64, 65].

Studies in posterior teeth have shown the
presence of necrotic pulp tissue and biofilms
after shaping and cleaning procedures indi-
cating that conventional disinfection meth-
ods have limited results in these areas [66,
67]. Isthmuses may present different config-
urations, and its prevalence is dependent on
the type of teeth, the root level, and the
patient’s age. Hsu and Kim [68] classified
isthmuses configuration into five types: Type
I, two canals with no notable communica-
tion; Type II, a hair-thin connection between
the two main canals; Type III, differs from
type II because of the presence of three
canals instead of two; Type IV, an isthmus
with extended canals into the connection;
and Type V, there is a true connection or
wide corridor of tissue between two main
canals. On the other hand, Fan et  al. [69]
using micro-CT technology, described its
configuration into four categories: Type I
(sheet connection), narrow sheet and com-
plete connection existing between two canals
from the top to bottom of the isthmus.
Sometimes, one or more small dentin fusions
were discerned in the isthmus area; Type II
(separate), narrow but incomplete connec-
tion existing between two canals from the
top to bottom of the isthmus; Type III
(mixed), incomplete isthmus existing above
and/or below a complete isthmus; and Type
IV (cannular connection), narrow cannular
communication between two canals
(Fig. 15.23).
34. Lamina Dura (Alveolar Bony Socket,
Cribriform Plate of the Alveolar Process,
Alveolar Bone Proper, True Alveolar
Bone)—It is the much thinner, compact bony
layer that lines the wall of each tooth socket
(or alveolus). The only space between the
outer layer of tooth root (which is covered by
cementum), and this alveolar bone is occu-
pied by a periodontal ligament (between 0.12
and 0.33 mm thick) that suspends each tooth
within its alveolus by attaching the circum-
Fig. 15.22  Coronal, sagittal, and transaxial CBCT images
from a distal root of a mandibular first molar presenting ference of each tooth root to the surrounding
hypercementosis (arrow) (Courtesy of Dr. Oscar von Stetten) lamina dura [54] (Figs. 15.5 and 15.6).
414 M. A. Versiani et al.






1 2 3





1 2 3






1 2 3

Fig. 15.23  Morphological aspects of mandibular molars with isthmus (white arrows) in the mesial root

35. Lateral Canals—Accessory canals located 36. Major Apical Diameter—The area of the api-
in the coronal or middle third of the root, cal foramen where the walls are farthest apart;
usually extending horizontally from the main usually located in the cementum [2] (Fig. 15.2).
canal [2]. A branch diverging at almost right 37. MB2—It is a second canal in the mesiobuc-
angle from a main canal [7] (Fig. 15.7). cal root of maxillary molars. Its occurrence
15  3D Visual Glossary of Terminology in Root and Root Canal Anatomy 415

in maxillary first molars has been reported to teeth. Such grooves usually start near the
range from 25% to 96%, and a pooled data of cingulum of the incisor and run apically
21 studies gave an overall prevalence of 60% down the cementoenamel junction, terminat-
[70]. However, considering only well-­ ing at various depths along the root [73]. The
designed histological and micro-CT studies, incidence of the palatal groove ranges from
a prevalence of more than 90% MB2 canals 2.8% to 18%, depending of the studied popu-
in the first and more than 55% MB2 canals in lation [74] (Fig. 15.8).
the second maxillary molars were found 41. Pericervical Dentin—The dentin near the
(Figs. 15.6 and 15.7). alveolar crest, roughly 4 mm coronal to the
38. Middle Mesial Canal (Intermediate crestal bone and extending 4  mm apical to
Canal, Mesio-central Canal, Third Mesial the crestal bone. It has been quoted that the
Canal, Accessory Mesial Canal)—It is an resistance to fracture is closely related to the
additional canal positioned between the amount of residual tooth structure at this
mesiobuccal and the mesiolingual canals in level [75] (Fig. 15.5).
the mesial root of mandibular molars. In the 42. Periodontal Ligament—The periodontal
literature, this anatomical variation has been ligament consists of a dense and unmineral-
found in a percentage frequency ranging ized connective tissue located between the
from 0.26% to 46.15%, depending on the cementum and the alveolar bone. It is char-
population [71]. It has been classified into acterized primarily by a large number of col-
three types: independent, three independent lagen fibers that traverse obliquely from the
canals extend from the pulp chamber to the cementum to the alveolar bone [76]
apex; fin, in the coronal third, orifice of mid- (Figs. 15.5 and 15.6).
dle mesial canal is connect to the mesiobuc- 43. Pulp Chamber—The portion of the pulp
cal and/or mesiolingual canal orifice(s) by a space within the anatomic crown of the tooth
groove, but the mesial canals leave the root [2]. It is a cavity situated in the center of the
in three separate foramina; or confluent, crown and, under no pathological conditions,
middle mesial canal leaves the pulp cham- resembles the shape of the crown surface. In
ber, separately or not to the other mesial anterior teeth, pulp chamber and root canal
canals, and joins the mesiobuccal and/or are continuous, while in posterior teeth, pulp
mesiolingual by transverse anastomosis, chamber floor separates these two compo-
intercanal connections, or isthmus during its nents. In premolars and molars, pulp chamber
trajectory to the apical foramen [72] usually presents a square-shape with six sides:
(Fig. 15.24). the floor, the roof, and four axial walls identi-
3 9. Orifice (Root Canal Orifice, Root Canal fied as mesial, distal, buccal, or lingual
Opening)—The opening leading from the (palatal). The pulp chamber roof usually pres-
pulp chamber into a root canal, especially in ents projections or prominences associated
a tooth with multiple canals [2] (Fig. 15.17). with the cusps, mamelons or incisal edges,
4 0. Palatal Groove (Palatogingival Groove, denominated pulp horns [54] (Figs.  15.1,
Palatal Radicular Groove, Radicular 15.3, and 15.7).
Lingual Groove, Developmental Radicular (a) Pulp Chamber Floor—Refers to the
Anomaly, Cinguloradicular Distolingual most apical internal surface of the pulp
Groove, Vertical Developmental chamber. In anterior teeth, pulp chamber
Groove)—A developmental groove in a root and root canal are continuous, while in
that, when present, is usually found on the posterior teeth, pulp chamber floor sepa-
palatal aspect of maxillary incisor teeth [2]. rates these two components and repre-
It is defined as an anatomic malformation of sents the pulp chamber inter-radicular
developmental origin usually found on the dentin. It can vary in size and shape
lingual aspect of the root of maxillary incisor depending on the tooth and disposition
416 M. A. Versiani et al.

Fig. 15.24  Morphological aspects of middle mesial canals (MMC) in mesial roots of mandibular molars
15  3D Visual Glossary of Terminology in Root and Root Canal Anatomy 417

of the canal orifices [77] (Figs.  15.1, 46. Radix—It is a Latin word for “root”
15.3, 15.7, and 15.17). (Figs. 15.19, 15.25, and 15.26).
(b) Pulp Chamber Roof—Refers to the (a) Radix Distolingualis—The palatal part
most coronal internal surface of the pulp of the root complex of the maxillary
chamber. In the teeth with occlusal sur- molar is made up of two macrostruc-
face, the roof presents a convexity turned tures, which are in principle cone-shaped
toward the center of the chamber, while and located mesially and distally. The
in the anterior teeth, where the occlusal structures are either separate or non-­
surface is replaced by an incisal line, the separate in relation to each other. The
pulp chamber roof is also converted to a distal of the two palatal root structures
line equivalent to the incisal line. Pulp has direct affinity to the distopalatal part
chamber roof usually presents projec- of the crown, which is very pronounced.
tions or prominences associated with the Under these conditions, the distal root
cusps, mamelons or incisal edges, structure is identified as radix distolin-
denominated pulp horns [77] (Figs. 15.1 gualis, while the mesial structure is
and 15.3). identical with the palatal root compo-
(c) Pulp Horn—Extension of pulp tissue nent [57] (Fig. 15.19).
into occlusal or incisal projections fol- (b) Radix Entomolaris—A supernumerary
lowing the cusp tips or developmental root on a mandibular molar, located dis-
lobes [2]. In the cuspid teeth, usually the tolingually [2]. The radix entomolaris is
number of horns is equal to the number located distolingually and with its coro-
of cusps [77] (Figs. 15.1, 15.3, and 15.7). nal third is completely or partially fixed
44. Radicular Groove (Developmental to the distal root. The dimensions can
Groove, Root Groove)—A developmental vary from a short conical extension to a
groove is a shallow groove or line between “mature” root with normal length and
the primary parts of the crown or root. The root canal. In most cases the pulpal
presence of developmental depressions in extension is radiographically visible. In
the proximal aspects of the root surface, also general, the radix entomolaris is smaller
referred as radicular grooves [78], has been than the distobuccal and mesial roots
demonstrated in different epidemiological and can be separated from, or partially
studies. Overall, radicular groove is wide- fused with, the other roots. In the apical
spread in Africans and native Australians and two thirds, a moderate to severe mesially
relatively rare in Western Eurasians [79–81]. or distally orientated inclination can be
The radicular groove is relevant in clinics as present [88]. The presence of a separate
its depth may act as a reservoir for dental radix entomolaris in the first mandibular
plaque and calculus, increasing the difficulty molar is associated with certain ethnic
for the management of periodontal disease groups. It is rare in Caucasians (3.4–
[82–84]. In mandibular premolar teeth, its 4.2%), but in populations with
presence has been associated with anatomi- Mongoloid traits (such as the Chinese,
cal complexities of the root canal system, Eskimo, and American Indians), reports
such as canal bifurcation and C-shaped canal have noted that it occurs with a fre-
configuration [79, 82–87] (Figs.  15.8 and quency that ranges from 5% to more
15.9). than 30% [88] (Fig. 15.25).
4 5. Radiographic Apex—Refers to the tip or (c) Radix Mesiolingualis—The palatal part
end of the root as determined radiographi- of the root complex of the maxillary
cally; its location can vary from the anatomic molar is made up of two macrostruc-
apex due to root morphology and distortion tures, which are in principle cone-shaped
of the radiographic image [2]. and located mesially and distally. The
418 M. A. Versiani et al.

Frontal view

Lateral view

Frontal view

Lateral view

Fig. 15.25  Morphological aspects in different views of mandibular second molars with radix entomolaris (arrows)
15  3D Visual Glossary of Terminology in Root and Root Canal Anatomy 419

Fig. 15.26  Radiographic and CBCT images of a mandibular second molar with radix paramolaris (yellow arrows)
(Courtesy of Dr. Nuno Pinto)

structures are either separate or non-­ conical extension. This additional root
separate in relation to each other. The can be separated or not from the distal
mesial of the two palatal root structures root [88]. It seems to be rare in European
has direct affinity to the mesiolingual as well as in Mongolian populations [89]
part of the crown, which is very pro- (Fig. 15.26).
nounced. Under these conditions, the 4 7. Ramification—Refers to a small gap result-
mesial root structure is identified as ing from a localized fragmentation of the
radix mesiolingualis, while the distal epithelial root sheath that includes furcation
structure is identical with the palatal root canals, lateral canals, and apical accessory
component [57] (Fig. 15.19). canals or to an unusual or inconsistent intra-
(d) Radix Paramolaris—A supernumerary canal anatomy [2] (Figs.  15.1, 15.3, 15.4,
root on a mandibular molar, located and 15.7).
mesiobuccally [2, 89].The dimensions 48. Root—Refers to the anatomical portion of
of the radix paramolaris vary from a the tooth that is surrounded by the alveolar
“mature” root with a root canal to a short bone and is covered by cementum and stays
420 M. A. Versiani et al.

hidden in the mouth, even after the tooth

eruption, under the gingiva. The tissues that
constitute the root are the cementum, dentin,
and pulp (Figs. 15.3, 15.4, and 15.9).
49. Root Canal System (Pulp Space, Pulp
Canal, Pulp Canal Space, Root Canal)—
The space containing the dental pulp inside
the crown and root of a tooth. The cavity
within the tooth that houses the dental pulp
system. A passage or channel in the root of
the tooth extending from the pulp chamber to
the apical foramen may be narrow, have lat-
eral branches, and/or exhibit irregular mor-
phology [2]. Fischer demonstrated the
challenging nature of the apical root anatomy
for the first time in 1907 by filling approxi-
mately 700 teeth with a collodion solution.
He demonstrated that the root canal space is
often complex, with canals that divide and
rejoin, isthmuses, fins, anastomosis, acces-
sory canals, and apical deltas. The complex-
ity and unpredictability of the root canal
morphology led him to coin the widely used
terminology kanalsystem, which was trans-
lated to English as “root canal system” [90]
(Figs.  15.1, 15.3, 15.4, 15.7, 15.9, and
5 0. Root (Fusion)—Refers to two or more roots
that joined together [91, 92]. The prevalence
of fused roots in maxillary second molars is
four times higher when compared to maxil-
lary first molars [91]. Fused roots may form
by either age-related deposits that can
cement root structures together or as a result
of the failure of Hertwig’s epithelial sheath
to develop or fuse in the furcation area [93].
The presence of fused roots increased the Fig. 15.27  Complexity of the root canal system in man-
possibility that two or more root canals dibular and maxillary molars
merge with the presence of isthmuses or
additional canals, but also assuming a chambers and apically positioned furcations
C-shaped configuration [94]. Fused roots can [2]. Taurodontism can be defined as a change
be a challenge not only from a cleaning and in tooth shape caused by the failure of
shaping perspective but also from a surgical Hertwig’s epithelial sheath diaphragm to
point of view (Fig. 15.28). invaginate at the proper horizontal level. An
5 1. Taurodontism—A dental morphologic vari- enlarged pulp chamber, apical displacement
ation in which the body of the tooth is of the pulpal floor, and no constriction at the
enlarged, and the roots are reduced in size; level of the cementoenamel junction are the
results in a “taurodont” teeth with large pulp characteristic features. Although permanent
15  3D Visual Glossary of Terminology in Root and Root Canal Anatomy 421

Fig. 15.28  Morphological aspects of

the root canal system in maxillary
second molars with fused roots
(Courtesy of Dr. Ordinola-Zapata)
422 M. A. Versiani et al.

Fig. 15.29  Taurodontism in a mandibular premolar (left) and a maxillary molar (right)

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