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The Kingmaker

2.1- 1-3 questions

The author defined the issue very clear to understand the main point of the film about the Marcos’s.
This issue is very important when we’re talking about politics and history presidencies and the way they
roll the Philippines in their hands during the times. The author provides and precise about the
background information about the Marcos’s family. The author gave us the sufficient information by
interviewing the wife of Ferdinand Marcos Sr., Imelda Marcos. Imelda Marcos Gave the author and the
film enough information. This issue is indeed arguable because it’s about the politics we need to argue a
lot in this issue due to corruption of the government and for the ill gotten wealth of the people or the
Senates in the Malakanyang of the Philippines.

2.2- 1-4 questions

The author established this issue because they know that this film will tell us more about the late or
former president Ferdinand Marcos Sr. . This issue about Marcos is important, and worthy of discussion
because of it gave change to the way people live their life when martial law started. The way martial law
ruins Peoples life, lost jobs and gave no freedom to there own country is a worthy and Important
discussion. For me the author does not want give support from the opposite part of the film, the author
just want us to be aware what’s life, love, place, ideas and future holdings to us in the Philippines by the
Marcos’s. There’s a lot of evidence both of opposite side the Marcos and those who hate the ruling of
Marcos presidencies. Base for what I watch I’m not sure if the wife Imelda Marcos is telling a fact or
just hiding the wrong doings and ill gotten wealth they have. Yes, the opposing position have fairly
presented their fact information their opinion about how Marcus role the Philippines late 1960s to
1980s With the martial law included and also the victims. The author really put unlock of recent to
oppose the other position but it's a win-win situation for the people who is contented into the people
who are the victims in Marcos presidencies. The film gave a fair thoughts and ideas about the tragedy
what Marcos have done and the good things what Imelda and former president Ferdinand Marcos
senior did late 1960s to 1980s.

2.3- 1 question

For me, not really because the way the film was made and the wife Imelda Marcos was telling about
their life and former president Ferdinand Marcos role the Philippines. Imelda Marcos is just the first,
first lady of the Philippines but I think that she did a lot about politics more than her husband the former
president. Imelda Marcos did not really focused about the people want or the people’s question to the
author all about the ill gotten wealth they have. Former president for dinner and Michael senior did his
end his wife to rule the Philippines in a dictator way but the Philippine is a free country people don’t
want to be controlled by the government. People just want a free country to live their life the way they
want not the military and Marcos wants. I understand why people just have too much hate towards
marcus’s family due to the way they implement martial law, too much people suffered, tortured and
died to the 8 years military service to control the PhilippinesPhilippines

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