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Dialogue (el tió de Nadal)

Marc: Hi Josh, I’m glad you are finally here? How has been your trip?

Josh: Hi Marc, thanks for pretake care of you for me, and answering your question, I’m fine
but at the same time I’m tired because of the trip.

Marc: How are you spending these days here in Santa Maria de Marlès?

Josh: I am taking advantage of these days by going to typical concerts of the season, doing
climbing activities and going to visit the places.

Marc: Do you plan to attend the festival that characterizes the town called “el vall i taller de

Josh: Some of the locals have invited me to go but I don't really know what it is. Can you
explain it to me?

Marc: Of course, basically el Tió de Nadal was originally a log that was burned in the
fireplace of the house and gave away heat, light and, symbolically, everything necessary for
the celebration (sweets). Nowadays, it is a Catalan Christmas tradition that symbolizes good
deeds, affection and reciprocity, between people. In many homes, every year, families take
care of their Tió de Nadal, mainly the children, so that at Christmas he offers gifts and
surprises when they sing to him and hit him with a cane. By patting it, loosen up the gifts
under your blanket. The reason for stoking the log is because many Catalan homes had a
fireplace, and to stoke the fire it is necessary to tap the logs. I know it sound weird but what
do you think?

Josh: I think it’s so interesting, I’m planning to go after this explanation, thanks.

Marc: It’s nothing, we keep in touch.

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