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Calculation of Room Pressure for CLEANROOMS

Room Dimensions
Length 4 m
Width 4 m
Height 2.5 m

Room Volume 40
Assuming atmospheric pressure, Patm 101.325 kPa
Air changes per hour 40 Tham khảo các tiêu chuẩn AC
Room pressure need to maintain 55 Pa

Supply Air SA 26.66667 cfm

Total pressure 101.38 kPa

Total additional room air volume requires 40.02171 cu.ft

Additional air volume requires pressurizing room up to cu.ft

required pressure ( without leakage) 0.021712

With leakage consider ( example 5%) 0.022798 cu.ft Addition air volume required

If we required pressurizing the room within second 1 sec

Totl additional air flow (PA)/Fresh Air intake 1.367876 cfm

Total supply air SA 28.03454 cfm

Total retune air RA 26.66667 cfm


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