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% HAPTER CONTENT AND CONTEXTUAL ANALYSIS OF SELECTED PRIMARY SOURCES OVERVIEW THE COMPLETE KNOWLEDGE of the past through credible and reliable sources is essential to the understanding, and learning of the students of their own history. History must be studied carefully; hence it necessitates the application of historical method. Historical method is the process of critically examining and analyzing the records and survivals of the past (Gottschalk, 1969). The intent of the application of historical methad is to make students competent in their interpretation of facts and critical analysis of historical narrative or account. For this ‘to be achieved, the students will be engaged in content and contextual analysis of the selected primary sources. ‘Content analysis is a systematic evaluation of the primary source be it a text, painting, caricature, and/or speech that in ‘the process students could develop and present an argument based on their own understanding of the evidences from their readings. The students will identify pertinent information from the text/document and explain its importance to their understanding of history in the Philippine setting. Contextual analysis on the other hand, considers specifically the time, place, and situation when the primary source was written. The analysis as well includes the author's background, authority ‘on the subject and intent perceptible, and its relevance and meaning to people and society today. ‘The approach is essential to the enhancement of student's analytical and critical thinking skills and their ability to articulate their own views on the specific primary source in this chapter. Moreover, for this to be realized, the selected primary READINGS IN PHILIPPINE HisTORY a7 LESSOMT | FIRST VOYAGE AROUND THE WORLD __J WHOEVER has the willpower to unde take a journey across oceans be,ets the o..e eutt, aes rea the de.elo,ment -f ro.tuguese mith. e...ire .pparent scent ric nite h.ologica a ance ..ent,, ean attra_tion to Asia's wealt “nd pices inaite.. pam to expend for .n expea tio. Subsequentl,, S,ain a.on_ witr othe. ..opean nations engaged in discoverin,, and taking possessions of lands beyond the continent. The period o. discovery and expansionism began in the 15% century, hence.orth from Europe came to the East h ige .essels loaded ..ith merchandize and men under a ‘cou.mand to discover and covet lands in the east. -his was an eventuality .-hich adjoined people and nations and such encounter had far-reaching conse.,uences'intil «3 century ‘The Philippine island in 1. 21 has been rediscovered by the Spanish commissioned authorit,, Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese naviyator whe gained con.idence and ‘support from the s..onarchy of Spain. his infor...ation on rediscovery «-hich the world is cognizant ot is attributable to an .talian chronicler, Antonio Pi,afetta. The details of ‘the world’s

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