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In Module 2, our first week kicked off with assimilate the topics about vital role of oxygen in the human body, the
breathing process and in the metabolism of living organisms, apperceiving the wide variety of contrivances available to provide
oxygen support and oxygen therapy administration, different diagnostic tests that associated of the respiratory system, review
ABG interpretation, we we’re assigned and presented our group drug study(Aropax/ Temazepam/ Tramadol) and answer our case
questions for our Cases Analysis(respiratory distress), we distributed our tasked for our Discussion board 1.4 Care of at Risk and
Sick Adult Clients with Alterations/ Quandaries in Oxygenation, We are presented by videos demonstration utilizing incentive
spirometer, Nebulizer, Metered dose inhaler, Chest Physiotherapy, and Intermittent Positive Pressure Breathing, videos exhibits
emergency management of upper airway obstruction and Care of patient with endotracheal and tracheostomy tube, verbalize
through procedure of suctioning in Oropharyngeal, Nasotracheal, and Endotracheal which we were demonstrated during our F2F
class, and perceived about the chest tube management, and we withal presented our case study regarding Chronic Obstructive
Pulmonary Disease(COPD).
In our second week, we were introduced to Responses to Altered Oxygenation: Cardiac Function. Then we reported our
assigned activity, which was pulmonary circulation, in which we explain the process which removes carbon dioxide and adds
oxygen to our blood. We also tackled different labaratory and diagnostic tests that correspond to the cardiovascular system. We are
also guided on how to read the basic ECG interpretation. We also identify what kind of heart rhythm irregularities are reflected in
the ECG tracing. We presented our case analysis, which is coronary artery disease. We also discussed the nursing care for patients
with pacemakers, which involves the monitoring and prevention of common complications; preventing dislodgement; educating
the patient on the proper use and maintenance of the pacemaker; and looking over different cardiac procedures. We presented our
drug studies (Nitroglycerin, Simvastatin, Symbicort Inhaler, and Azitromycin) and nursing care plan about oxygenation.

In our third week, we phased in the introduction to alteration of infectious, inflammatory and immunologic response.
Through video presentation, we demonstrated the diagnostic test for care of at-risk and sick adult clients with alterations/problems
in infectious, inflammatory, and immunologic response. We began to interact for question and answer activity. We got across
presentations related to infection control and prevention, standard & isolation precautions, nursing, infection control, contact,
droplet, airborne,PPE, recognize nursing Interventions in inflammatory processes, brief overview of monkeypox and omicron,
guiding principle of COVID-19 and vaccines, importance of blood tests to screen for and diagnose cancer, and identify the special
procedure that aids in cancer diagnosis.

In our last week, we discussed nursing care for clients with cellular aberration, tackled self-breast and testicular exam and
model, discovered the signs and symptoms of breast cancer, acquired skills for nursing management and patient education about
radiation oncology, prepared a guide for radiation and chemotherapy, and practiced our critical thinking skills in laerdal
simulation, in which our case scenario is a patient who has been diagnosed with pneumonia, and took our post test.

Every nursing career includes tough work in medical-surgical nursing. A few of the prerequisites are coordination,
multitasking, and highly developed critical thinking abilities. The most crucial daily skill for us medical-surgical nurses is a
passion for providing excellent patient care. Medical-surgical nursing is one of the first classes that us, nursing students take and
requires us to apply everything they have learned about pharmacology, pathophysiology, and health assessment together. This
course covers disease processes and how a nurse would treat a particular patient under those circumstances. Additionally,
critical-thinking questions in the NCLEX format are included in medical and surgical tests. Finally, medical-surgical nursing
demands that we nursing students comprehend the subject matter in its entirety.

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