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The philippines has long been affected by climate change.

lives were lost because of these typhoons that consecutively
entered the country and caused a lot of disaster philippines is the
4th most disaster-prone country in the world, according to a
research. The philippines is close proximity to the Pacific
Ocean's typhoon belt, the philippines also located within the
Pacific Ring of Fire which makes the country prone earthquakes
and volcanic eruptions. Compounding these issues, the impacts
of climate change, such as accelerated sea level rise, exacerbate
the state's high susceptibility to natural disasters like flooding
and landslides.
There are several different strategies when it comes to
dealing with climate change. Reducing greenhouse gases is a
direct way to help slow or stop climate change since excess
greenhouse gases are what causing the climate to warm. This
can mean switching to power source that didn’t emit greenhouse
gases and taking carbon dioxide out of the air by planting forests
and conserving ecosystems. New research on ways to pull
carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere could potentially provide
other solutions in the future. Researchers are also studying
whether we could safely limit the amount sunlight that gets to
Earth in the future while we are reducing emissions.

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