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MBA 2024
Challenge 1:
The scenarios selected tell from the simulation that batching as a strategy to increase profits
helps. Benihana has the option of grouping the people and then occupying maximum of the
tables. So, from this I learnt that profit is directly proportional to the number of customers
served which depends on the utilization of the capacity in the dining room.
Challenge 2:
In order to maximize profit, meet capacity with demand or increase the demand which would
fulfil the capacity. So, in my case I selected 15 tables and 47 bar seats, which means at one
time in case of batching there would be maximum of 150 people that can sit in dining room
and 47 people will be waiting in the waiting room.
Challenge 3:
From 7pm onward, I reduced the average dining time to 56 minutes, from 7 to 8 pm 55
minutes and from 8 to 10:30pm 70 minutes because in this time, people coming for dinner are
minimum so we can allow them to take more time then other timings, that would not result
into lost customers.
Challenge 4:
At opening hour: 5pm, this is the tea time where people do not order a lot (for example for
dinner), so offer the happy hour at 5 pm which would result into maximum profit.

Challenge 5:
At 7 to 8 pm people come with families and usually have around 8 people, after 10: 30pm
usually friends or individuals come after working hours, so I decided not to do batching.
Challenge 6:
Combining all the challenges, factors and drivers, I took the same results and selections as
taken in challenges from 1 to 5, I got the maximum nightly profit i-e; $535 based on the
strategy what I thought would maximize the profits.

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