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My name is aneeq i look very ugly i look like a bunny but im not a cutie i try to

bully but im just a fonny my class get As and only As yeah

but i get Fs yeah The boyzs get the PS5 but for me she got no time treating me like
im a adopted im way to sad yuh im way down bad yuh

i get the leacture every time i dont know why mommy make cry i pray to god every
timee yeah give me some more hope huh hes on mommys side uh

papa mummy always fight yah no more tears to cry yah what to do feeling bad i am in
my room wish i could just call my boo but i got no fucking boo yuhh,

i took one chape on my face i started running made my mummy chase then she yelling
that i am a disgrace juming on my bed dodging chuple at my place uhh,

i live in a house but feels like a prison (no cap), eye droppss dropping on the
table, yuh

my freinds calling me. Oh but i forgot that i don't have any freinds (ohhhhhhh)

(Rohan on the beat) oye mathematics it is gon take my brain off it's my stress.
it's about tension, eat my badam, play attension

look at the clock look at my papers and cry 2 hours teachers said study 4 days, and
then for sure you will ace but he changed the teast and made me fail,

aneeq to u study bro???

intergration , mathematician Mohsin is the one who I call for the anwers. Me aksing
if mohsin giveing tuition, but this class has the hardest teachers

teachers ohhh yaar if i fail this test muje padegi mar from mumma and my papa with
new danda life is full of so much fandaaa!!

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