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Guide 3

Valentina Gonzalez

EAN University

English II

Cristian David Otalora

November 28th, 2022



Oral Production:

Link to the meeting recording:

Written Production:

Advertising has been a controversial topic for several years since brands only care about

marketing their product over ensuring the well-being and benefit of society. In addition to not

being interested in the benefit of their consumers, they often use in their advertising methods

incorrect or incomplete data, all for their own benefit.

An example of how advertising is unethical for our current society is the mass media promotion

of alcoholic beverages and tobacco. These products are commonly promoted on TV, radio,

billboards, and on the internet; unfortunately, channels that teenagers, from a very young age,

have access to. In other words, young people are consciously promoted to consume this type of

things since a very early age, with the certainty that it is okay, because it is accepted by society,

when the reality is that they are products that are harmful to the people's health, that the earlier

they start to eat, the more damage it does.


In addition, current advertising methods are not only unethical with society, but also with the

environment. The big brands have something in common: they promote consumerism, putting

pressure on consumers to buy unnecessary things so often. As a result of this, we have pollution

from materials that are not friendly to the environment, from manufacturing and from

unnecessary waste.

From my point of view, we urgently need advertising to be more aware of society and the

environment. Brands must create promotions and products more focused on the well-being of all,

on promoting a circular economy, really giving people the opportunity to improve their lifestyle

with their products, not giving them the opportunity to buy something that will be harmful to

their health or to the environment.

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