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Healing by Metaphor.

1 - Identify the problem

What's the emotional problem?

2 - Develop the problem metaphor

 Your consciousness will send you an object, with an aspect of the conflict you are facing. It
comes from your mind and goes down your shoulder, arm, until it reaches your left hand.

What does it have the shape, size, smell or sound of?

How would you describe the shape, texture and weight of this
object? What does this object do for you?
How useful is this conflict to contribute to your goal? What could be
the positive intention of this object?

 Your conscience will send you another object, only this time, it sends you an interesting resource. It
comes from her mind and goes down her shoulder, her arm, until it reaches her right hand.

What does it have the shape, size, smell or sound of?

How would you describe the shape, texture and weight of this
object? What does this object do for you?
What could be the positive intention of this object?

3 – Identify a time of joy

Can you remember a time when you felt very safe? Tell me about it?

4 – Search the resource

If an extra resource was sent to you from that time, how metaphorically would it come? How does it feel to
receive this powerful resource in your right hand?
What happens when it merges with the object in the right hand?

5 – Integration of the parts

Slowly join your hands and merge these elements. What's
going on with this integration?
(Explore the sensations).
Let this image do the healing work for you. What happens?

6 – Keep the metaphor

Where do you want to keep this metaphor, for whenever you need to - use it?
Guarded, what does she look like?
Touch that object lovingly and silently thank God for what you see, hear, or feel.

7 – Check the results

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