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N ari*na, *-
T;H,, i;rp;#;? Xf ffiH,$3Jff#lL* f#,'lf;
ff =
however rnany
pratected against the dis*ases ., )

gaats wer6 not ccmpr*:*i used vaceine of

alsc a constraint. T*e ET, fr$ and FFH- onry 35%farms
pr*plryraxin again*t FMD, There is need
farmers were using that *f ET, Ft$ and PPffi' respectively'
10 percerrt t*r** used eccnomic
FMD and zs, 1r and resulta*t tcsse$, not only {o'enhancing
af disea** in fo*ts of preventive
tc minimize incidence g*ad quarity meat' The implementation
errsuring production sf
returns but arsc {or would be cruciaifnr
pac*ag* rt practiees for gnat Braduction
improve* is need to irnprove the
goa*realth se hedure and rn that crder there
crue rto diseasesr
minimizing the rasses and informatlan disseminaticn
rthror,Eh variou* training *ro*r***es
and knawredge of tarryrers riticalinpute like vaccines
€nsuriniavailanility a{ e
throurgh mrdern eommunieatront*chnoragies.
agencies wculd be impartant'
thraugh private ot'publie

r*eratc,uls? *n'r **f*s*Essrn hre*dlng
ffi- ffi,ffects off, trurohitp'niot"nul ecoloEy and ohstetrics,
College af veterinary
Fen rodueti*n Gyna
n*p*trilJnt of
-"d o?lff;l';;il;; '
HAti Bik;n*r' Ralasthan-3s'4'001
effect af meratonin nn estrus induetion in
*fln* was tn *varuate the was dissolved in
abiective cf this study powcler isigma' usA)
(January]. M*ratanincrystalrine zCI'
E during the *ff-seasrn inieeted ta gcats i* twa dosage
regimens 20 rrrg {MLT
$arabhai, rn*i*iand onry 2 ml of
vitanrin A {votade*, Twenty dces **r* inieeted wfth
p=E*) and 40nrg (Mr._T4CI' n=20) af t*e dses were in estrus
witirln 20'0+?'0
graup ?0y*
vitamln A and kapt
a* contrcl, rn mr-r 20 within 1fr''+z''days and 100%
were in estrus
4il group gs% at ths daes cams
days whereas, in fiALT onty 1S% *f the does in the control sroup
an matlng with bucks;. was enhanced
and **ir" does sc:nceived dcs,, co,rceivecl, Thc hr*eciing season
the stuciy bi:t ncne nf breeding can be induced
iiltCI e$tru$ during that oi{-sea$CIn
was e cir*ruded
the treated daes. it
by 1 _1 .5 months;in
melatonin inlectian'
dces by a single SC


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