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of the Eastern Alps (8 sheets) include the whole chain,

4b-8 we read thus: -``At the time when Yahweh-Elohim1

and formed a private society, the Collegium Curiosorum;

G. Frazer, The Golden Bough, ii. (2nd ed.), p. 113, and

purity of aesthetic pleasure must be added its refinement,

of ``Pompey's Pillar,'' where there is a good deal of open

fruit, sulphur dioxide (sulphurous acid) and some of the

1847. J. Nourisson has treated of his doctrine of fate (De

Anecdotes, ii. 603), and the tendency of modern criticism

railways. It owes its origin almost entirely to the cotton

gives the desired reproduction (examples are given in A.

those of the ash, and bearing numerous pairs of long pointed

yards. In so far as ships given out to contract are concerned

Rome, and to the Exarchate, and the Pentapolis. In his

If we glance at the modes of treating the subject up to a

no definite system of phllosophy. Even in the later schools

reconciliation was achieved in the second play, no scheme of

See Antiguedades y santos de la muy noble villa de Alcantara,

A, As seen in a bit of jejunum which

mars 1852, loi du 11 mars 1891) to deal with maritime

1775, in the Italian style, the East originally in 1834 in the

Genesis, ad loc.; S. A, Cook, Laws of Moses, p. 208.

wound, though he remained on the field and in command to the

Greek forms of the legend are found in the Acta Thaddaei

before the army on the charge of conspiring against the king's

constitution of the human mind which renders man a law to himself.

its main historical importance had formerly sprung from pagan

Glycerine . . . 192 21 10.9

an adept was one who was versed in magic, an alchemist,

rapidity as to cool the remainder below the temperature

AIYAR, SIR SHESHADRI (1845-1901), native statesman of Mysore,

perfect the system of numerals (see NUMERAL), arithmetic

the reign of Hezekiah (700 B.C.). The only other early

in motors and agricultural engines. The second category,

practice of plying possible purchasers with printed letters and

(Mfumbiro) . 14,6833 Mweru . . . . 3000

story of conjugal devotion forms the subject of the

1898 552,023,428 117,255,046

Isurium Brigantum of the Romans, originally perhaps a capital

Court of Scotland had a similar right (Brown, Civil Law of

Col de la Leisse (Tignes to Termignon), snow (W) . . . . . . . . . . . . .9,121

refused. War broke out in 1522, and in September Albany

really full development in the conditions of oppression of

of alabaster are converted by calcination into plaster of

October 1038, and his name appears in the lists of saints.

by the genius of Aeschylus into the early drama was religious

to meet death, and bear the harshest tortures for their

extent by the methods employed in order to ensure control in

been held by some scholars to be the last, of the trilogy.

also reviews the progress of liabilities and expenditure, and

years, after having been thrice imprisoned on that account

as pupils the king of the Franks, the members of his family

11 Apercu des idees de l'Empereur, Martens IV. part i. p. 269.

Hitchcock, and Audubon's collection of birds) are of exceptional

in retaining the friendship and confidence of his master the

masses of Bohemia, the Black Forest and the central plateau

Derbyshire, England, 14 m N. by E. of Derby, on the Midland

ALTING, JOHANN HEINRICH (1583--1644), German divine, was

up in the temple of Caesar. In the time of Nero, owing to

before finally determining. He did so, and decided for

by the following table from the Report on the Earnings of

to those of Albrecht Durer. The most important collection is

the procuration or attempted procuration of any virtuous

when the purpose is served. And there is one other noticeable

increased from $54.75 in 1880 to $74 in 1884, after which there

Mg(NH4)PO4; Na(NH4)HPO4.

Mahommed III., whom he succeeded in 1603, being the first

Torsion head; MM, Mercury cups; I, Index needle.

A. Kossel and by W. Kuhne and E. P. Pick; but in the present

banished him thence; and now, by his late printed Coronis,

contains few buildings of architectural interest, but is a

diplomatist, was born at Ghent, and about 1380 became prominent

medium. As, however, our terrestrial optical apparatus is

1867-1878. They are of four stories and contain the great

Twelve''--has proved itself by tokens of Divine approval,

disparate elements as characterize the Roman or the Turkish

as the Lagos colony) and protectorate of Southern Nigeria,

stamp of the mind; the entire community was by its means

often proceeded in conventional and time-honoured ways to tell

Marshall, Aesthetic Principles, ch. iii.; M. Baldwin,

Walram, count of Nassau. He appears to have received a good

a foot in length, in the pegmatite veins of the granite

substance in solution is injected into the sac containing the

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